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Jun 27, 2022

DC Horoscope: Pluto Stations Oct 8, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Here's a quick posting of a DC Horoscope showing Pluto's Station @26Cap06 the moment that wealthy Mr. Subversive, the puppet master, pauses (as viewed from Earth) and begins moving forward. Zodiacally, transit Pluto has been creeping through old territory since turning retrograde in late April 2022 @28Cap35; as you see, many study notes are penned upon the chart including Pluto's rounded-up Sabian Symbol spotlighted by his Station: "A Mountain Pilgrimage" with its negative expressions of "superficial allegiances" and "false virtue."

Then as you see in Washington DC, Pluto Stations in 11th house, a position suggesting 'powerful political groups and organizations' but can also hint at the loss of a group member; also note that star of misfortune, Scheat, rises with two midpoints: fantasy-prone Moon-Neptune of mass delusion, and the grand-spirit, speculative, bubbly pair of Jupiter-Neptune, a duo that often can include religious ideals (fake or genuine). Then as you see, the Sabian Symbol in The Goal position (MC) of the chart is, "The Pope Blessing the Faithful". And note that these planets form a Seesaw pattern of pros vs cons (progressives vs conservatives) suggesting that tiresome political quarrels continue while the needs of the populace languish:

Worth a mention is the Mars-Pluto inconjunction indicating potentials for obsessive agendas and scorched earth competition, aka, cutthroat competition (Pluto, the assassin?). This inconjunction (quincunx) echoes America's 1776 Mars-Pluto relationship from Gemini to Capricorn along with a second cosmic echo: a foggy Mars-Neptune square of misdirected energy and misguided actions (see bottom right corner). Now not everyone will suffer under or use such difficult energies against humanity but we're talking Politics here so you know the ones who probably will.

Then for society in general, there's another highly significant factor - that rising Neptune Rx @23Pis26 continues to oppose US 1776 Neptune in the more fact-based sign of Virgo which describes major ideological clashes, some of a generational nature, plus, persecutions in the realms of civil and human rights, rascism included. And as you know, astrological Pluto (the dragon and The Pope) never minds benefiting from a heaping load of exploitation, you know. Money laundering, theft, and protecting his hidden wealth are his jams.

That this Neptunian transit of opposition proceeds in 2022, the year of America's first-ever Pluto Return, only adds to the complexities of conditions now operative in US society and makes clear that larger forces erode many of our institutions, systems, laws and traditions. Karmic in nature, these planetary transits show that the time has come for America to alter what needs altering but most of us hope for improvements, not dissolution! And we could have made such alterations without interference from bad faith meddlers, but this wasn't their plan.

And so these active Neptunian and Plutonian energies describe what I continue to assert are being purposefully taken advantage of by foreign and domestic saboteurs, working as agents of a global criminal network of mobsters and thugs, many of whom are, or are aligned with, international financiers and corporatists (a lucrative business arrangement for conscience-free opportunists, no doubt). In fact, the Neptune-Pluto duo of organized crime and misogynist paternalism is having its underhanded way just now, and America has congressional Democrats to deal with this global authoritarian movement raising its brutal head once again from the 1930s. To me this means that criticizing Democrats, well meaning as it may be, tends to undermine their efforts on our behalf and gives energy and support to America's enemies - my personal view but naturally you have yours.

October 9th a Full Moon @16Ari33, then a Solar Eclipse

Additionally, a major cosmic event arrives a mere 17 days after Pluto's Station, the October 25, 2022 Solar Eclipse @2Scorpio in the difficult 6 South Saros Series which I've labeled, A House Raising mainly due to its political implications, plus, it is the Prenatal Eclipse of Midterms 2022 (the very day of a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct radical Uranus, planet of chaos). And to me it seems that the 6 South Solar Eclipse occurs close enough to Pluto's Station to have some measure of disruptive 'wild card' influence in relation to the horoscope you see, above (in 7th house).

So unless you, dear reader, are an out-and-out fascist with neo-nazi leanings (or vice versa), remember to Vote Blue in 2022 - and in 2024.

Because our democracy, our freedoms, and our lives literally depend upon it.

Blog Note: As of this Wednesday (6/29), this may be my last or next to the last post of the week due to an upcoming dental procedure. Thanks for reading and sharing! jc

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