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Showing posts with label Moon-Neptune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moon-Neptune. Show all posts

Dec 10, 2024

Plutocrats Grab White House

Here Come Malignant Plutocrats: Billionaires, Foreign Agents, Zealots

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

For the purposes of this post, you'll find that the Sabian Symbols in the Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius are instructive particularly within the 10-11-12-13-degree area of the tropical Zodiac because the current Pluto-Chiron Cycle, which began on December 30, 1999 @11Sag22, contains the rounded-up "12Sag" Symbol of "A Flag That Turns Into An Eagle That Crows; Keyword = ADJUSTMENT: positive expression = successful self-establishment through genuine self expression; negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M. E. Jones #ad).

Unsubstantiated claims feature within the mass delusion that Americans now writhe under, thanks to about a third of our discontented population. For the right-wing's vast, subversive, gaslighting efforts against the truth, I tend to use the Moon-Neptune pair for obvious reasons to represent the gullible citizens who voted to put Mr T back into power as of Inauguration 2025 - a man that Thom Hartmann referred to today during his Live broadcast as "a pseudo-Nazi fascist."

Yet gullible US voters on November 5, 2024 joined domestic and foreign societal meddlers like Put*n and returned the keys to the most reckless driver of America's helm that we've ever known, with "Plutocrats" and Plutocracy coming along for the "wild" ride to the White House from where they plan to finish looting and collapsing our country and embezzling from our social safety net programs.

Now as you know, the Pluto-Chiron Cycle takes aproximately 60 years to complete and, as noted, the current cycle began on December 30, 1999, so we're about 25 years into it.

Then as a pair, Pluto-Chiron suggests potentials for exploitation, primal violence, oppression, racism, terrorism, and other -isms such as Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Nazism, and so forth. But the pair has deeper implications as we find in Richard Nolle's book, Chiron #ad. (See below).

Here you see the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction that opened the year 2000 - however, it's worth noting that the New Millennium didn't officially begin until January 1, 2001:

And here's the marked-up version:

Meanwhile, as Richard Nolle informs us, Pluto Conjunct Chiron "signals the upswelling of an initially unconscious impetus seeking expression as a historically necessary transmutation." The pair's hard aspects coincide with critical phases during the cycle and denote potentials for resistance, tension, and possibly "fierce conflict" against transmutative efforts. "Mass currents of consciousness" within the Collective Unconscious on the "racial, cellular, molecular, atomic, and subatomic levels of reality" are involved with, and/or are described by, the Pluto-Chiron Cycle.

So you see, above, an unmarked Horoscope showing their 1999 Conjunction, then the same horoscope marked by my study notes. A ruthless Locomotive pattern is shown and led by the Moon @18Lib18 in 10th house which spotlights Luna's conjunction with the stationary Jupiter of taboo-breaker Mr. T in his 2nd hou$e of Money, Earning Ability, Possessions, and Values. So let's close this post with the Sabian Symbol for the Moon-Jupiter duo @19libra: "A Gang of Robbers In Hiding."

And the combined energies of Moon-Jupiter? "Success, material advantages, happiness, foreign contacts" on the positive level. But negatively? We may expect, and have already experienced, "legal and/or religious conflicts, marital differences, disadvantages through squandering or wastefulness" (R. Ebertin).

Well, that's all I have for you today, dear reader. Please note that if you think posts like this occur easily or in a flash like magic, you're quite mistaken. Truth is, I study much more than I type and publish, so if you'd care to encourage the appearance of more posts such as this, please consider Buying Me a Cup of Coffee! jc


Jun 24, 2024

Astrology of Trump Sentencing July 11, 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

On July 11, 2024, the degree of Chart-and-Sentence ruler Mercury @14Leo11 rounded-up to "15Leo" = "A Street Pageant" and there are other indications of protests, fanaticism, and potentials for violent actions in the horoscope shown, below.

For one thing (and I didn't list its potentials on the image), the incendiary pair of Mars and Uranus are snugged around the natal Midheaven ('MC'; The Goal) of convicted felon Trump. This forms a potential midpoint picture that suggests: acts of violence; putting a pistol to someone's head; execution of drastic measures; an inflexible character; desire for independence; injury; accident; surgery (paraphrasing R. Ebertin). May all who participate in the sentencing hearing stay safe!

Additionally, there's a Grand Trine, a closed circuit of energies, between the Virgo Moon, radical Uranus (conjunct enraged Algol), and wealthy manipulator Pluto (conjunct Altair the eagle: the Vatican?) and if we stretch to include Neptune 29Pis54 Rx, the Trine becomes a high-flying Kite pattern with the Moon as the tail and Neptune as the rudder. Hopefully, the protective nature of Grand Trines will apply.

Yet if we discount the Kite, it's the Moon-Neptune opposition which identifies the deceptive environment and efforts of fantasist Trump and the mass deception under which he, his wealthy enablers, and his gullible cult members have been operating under - much to the peril of America.

Meanwhile, Trump's first natal planet to rise in the sentencing chart is his 2nd house Neptune (5Lib50 Rx) which necessarily brings along the entire trio: his Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter at Station and this spotlights his grand schemes, speculative activities, hypocrisy as a tool, and his well-known tendency toward scandalous behavior:

Now for those who would appreciate an unmarked version of the July 11th sentencing chart, check out the version I've published to a new mirror blog recently set up called Stars Over Washington Reporting. It's still in its infancy stage! jc

Sep 24, 2023

Dreamer Donald hearts Dreamer Adolf!

Agendas Built on Dreams Fail Once Saturn Steps In

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Saturn, Karmic Planet of Reality, Legality, Limits

That the world is once again under sway and under threat by a psychotic fantasist is a tragic condition which must be overcome by reality. The primary historical example, of course, is the Austrian Adolf Hitler, past dictator of Germany and a fantasist on steroids. Word is, Adolf refused to look at the horrors of destruction his "vision" had caused such as his own wounded soldiers. He blocked out the unpleasant which is what in our day Herr Trump must do in order to keep his world domination fantasy intact and spinning in his own head, his 'Big Lie' fantasy supported financially by donations from his gullible cult members and his fellow enemies of America.

And some sources say that Hitler's drug use exacerbated a bi-polar condition. Wonder how Trump's use of Adderall exacerbates his mental condition? But wait! Donald's years-long drug use is probably only unsubstantiated gossip! If false, it means that his perceptions skewed by an inability to face reality are entirely his own little red wagon, no excuses.

Now anyone paying attention realizes that another coup of the White House in 2024 is Trump's only hope for his vengeful version of totalitarian success, and for the pardoning of his scofflaw crimes including espionage, despite the concentrated efforts of legal eagle Saturn, planet of law and order. Yes, Trump hopes to sidestep Saturn's demand for accountability, as do his complicit comrades.

Even Trump's 'Big Lie' and its utilization is based on advice from Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels (AA-rated horoscope shown). Check out his fantasy-prone planetary aspects such as a spin-worthy Mercury-Neptune trine, and a T-Square made up of a Moon-Neptune-opposition square his broadcasting Jupiter @00Libra, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation and fame. Goebbels' Venus-Pluto trine added intense passion to his financial irregularities and relationship difficulties.

As for 'big dreamer' Trump, we've previously discussed Moon-Neptune as a cosmic signature of the mass delusion (Moon: the public; Neptune: delusion; the masses; mass media) that some of the world's population remains mesmerized by, most significantly in the US thanks to the approximately 30% of us under the influence of the Trump cult that exists inside, and revels within, Donald's fantasy world. This anti-reality tragedy is supported by independent news sources and by a corporate media hungry for profit as they work to fulfill the Hitlerian take-over dream of the past. And who can forget That Time a GOP Gaggle Spent July 4th (2018) in Moscow? Wonder if Herr Trump had given them secret documents to deliver to their bosses?

For more on Adolf's big dream, see Hitler's vision: 'Germania' (video) (included:his and Eva's death data for April 30, 1945; note that she may be the only person in the bunker who died that day).

To close, here's a related post Saturn and the Trump Trial: March 4, 2024 if that should remain the trial date, no guarantees.

Thanks for reading about these dreadful topics, well done! Jude

Mar 31, 2023

Trump Agenda's Neptune to meet Saturn

Earlier today we looked at a Manhattan NY horoscope of yesterday's Trump Indictment with fact-based Virgo rising and Gemini at Midheaven, both signs ruled by communicating Mercury. Note that the chart should be set for 5:29 pm edt (CNN timestamp) but '5:32 pm' was the data I had at the time. Despite this, nothing written in yesterday's post would differ with a three-minute change.

So here is a quick posting of a transit that will hit Trump's 2017 Inauguration Horoscope (inner chart) shown in bi-wheel form: transit Saturn, planet of realism, accountability, and law, conjunct the 2017 Trump Agenda's ideological Neptune @10Pis16 in the inaugural 11th house of Hopes, Wishes, and Groups. The Sabian Symbol for "11 Pisces" is highlighted in orange in the center of the chart:

Now this particular Saturnian transit may have little or no effect whatsoever on this or future Trump indictments. But the reason I admire its energy is because it's known as "the grim face of reality" transit. And for a major pathological fantasist like Donald Trump, who entered the White House with a mission to fulfill (see 2017 Jupiter leading a BOWL pattern and a cause, conjoined by the 7 South Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023 with its Mars-Pluto vibes of power and anger- add expansive Jupiter to the eclipse and you get immorality issues), it could be significant in other areas of Trump's life besides legal affairs. Religion and Politics come to mind.

Now today it's being reported that in Manhattan Trump will show up at court on Tuesday April 4, 2023 and that the Indictment will be unsealed at 2:15 pm edt. If Tuesday is the day, events will transpire under the auspsices of a Moon-Neptune opposition suggesting dreamy and/or deceptive influences but my suspicion is that the opposition is a cosmic picture of Trumpers who remain ensnared within the forces of a mass delusion surrounding the cult leader of their dreams and which adversely affects the entire country.

Mar 13, 2023

Jefferson's Inauguration 1801 Horoscope

A Patriotic Stroll Back to America 1801

by Jude Cowell

Since in March 2023 America continues to be throttled and assaulted by Republicans of the brutal Nazi persuasion in every way they can scheme to finagle their longed-for take-over of our democratic Republic, I'm reverting Stars Over Washington via Monday's post back to the fabled era when Founding Father Thomas Jefferson was first inaugurated as President of the United States in 1801 after a very acrimonious election.

So as you can see in the horoscope, below, early Cancer rises which brings up America's 1776 trio of Venus-Jupiter-Sun, suggesting that intense emotions were in evidence via a Moon-Pluto trine. No, they must not have been aware of power planet Pluto in 1801, but we are - to our advantage. Notably, the trine is the only applying aspect that chart-ruler Moon makes in the horoscope. Apparently, Jefferson's fight for survival (Scorpio Moon) was beneficially aided by a sense of Universalism (Pisces Pluto), and naturally, fate was in attendance with karmic Pluto involved.

Meanwhile, an important consideration is Mr. Jefferson's first natal planet to rise at 12 o'clock but it's complex: his Chiron-Neptune Conjunction @10Cancer (high idealism, a quest for enlightenment - Pottenger; see Midheaven/The Goal: "Men Seeking Illumination"). Soon Jefferson's natal Cancer Moon (19-24 Cancer) arose which to me denotes his Moon-Neptune duo suggesting his refined feelings, love of solitude, and peculiar disposition. These are traits he is known to have expressed during his lifetime, and I know of no biographer who would disagree.

Additionally, Moon-ruled Cancer is the sign of patriotism, tribalism, domesticity, protection, psychism, emotions, impressionability and receptivity, and resonates with the intense emotions of the day for Thomas Jefferson personally, and for various participants who were either for or against his approaching presidency.

As for the event itself, the Inauguration of Thomas Jefferson on March 4, 1801 saw mild weather, and a simply dressed president first to walk to the inaugural ceremony held at the US Capitol Building. Lodging nearby, Mr. Jefferson started his brief stroll at around noon on that day with companions in tow, and delivered his speech, a copy of which had been provided to the National Intelligencer for immediate publication, inside the US Senate Chamber.

Here is the permalink of Jefferson's 1801 speech if you'd care to read the text, and as the newspaper noted, his address was delivered "at 12 o'clock." Therefore, the following Inauguration 1801 Horoscope is set for that hour although his Oath of Office, administered by Chief Justice John Marshall, was taken after his speech so adjust the horoscope's timing as and if you wish:

You may also wish to check out The Solar Eclipse of Thomas Jefferson in the 15 South Saros Series. Also related: a comparison of the Personality Blends of Franklin, Washington, Paine, and Jefferson.

Aug 10, 2022

FBI search brings Far-Right calls for War

August 8, 2022 Planets to the 1861 Civil War Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

Born in Georgia and a descendant of CSA soldiers, the following view of the planets of the FBI search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago headquarters on the morning of August 8, 2022 in relation to the 1861 Civil War Horoscope is intended for your consideration. No, I am not a seditionist and have always said that my only nag in the race is America. By which I mean a sovereign America, free of fascists and nazis like those my uncles fought in World War II.

And with the specter of another "civil war" being fomented by far-right Trumpsters and media opportunists every chance they get, keeping an eye on transits to the Civil War planets of April 12, 1861 seems a good idea to me. And now the August 8th FBI search has ramped up their outrage, even blo*d lust for some.

Well, perhaps we can agree that there is no bottom to which Trump and his acolytes will not stoop in their attempt to coup the US government and re-install the Mango Mussolini back into power, even a potential for sacrificing Trump's Vice President to a noose.

And so the following bi-wheel of horoscopes show the Civil War April 12, 1861 with the deceptive Mercury-Neptune duo rising (inner) and the August 8, 2022 "around 10:00 am edt" horoscope of the FBI search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago property (outer) with 27Vir20 rising, Moon conjunct 1861 Midheaven ('MC': publicity), and 2022 Neptune @25Pisces Rx rising in the 1861 chart. Of course, astrological Neptune infuses into many realms of life so let's not repeat them all here, but considering current conditions of misinformation, sabotage, and sedition, it seems significant that the Civil War of 1861 will be having its first-ever Neptune Return, a three-fer actually, exact on March 25, 2025, October 24, 2025, and January 24, 2026.

And closer to our current time frame is a Mars Return to the Civil War Horoscope which occurs approximately every two years. This one is prominent due to current events and the seditionists in our midst, and becomes exact on August 30, 2022 at 8:50:30 pm edt (Charleston, SC) with separation inclinations (ASC = Saturn-NN) and a 'fateful struggle ordained by destiny' midpoint picture (Saturn-MC = Pluto). Of course, fomenters of this warmongering who feel, or pretend to feel, such a violent destiny are led by opportunists who are using the rank and file as their dupes. Willing dupes, it seems. Similar to the warmongers and their dupes in April 1861 (ASC = Mercury-Neptune).

As for the bi-wheel you see below, the ongoing transit of Neptune in secretive Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo is front and center with the opposition's persecution vibes and generational clash of ideals and ideologies on display. By now you've heard cries of persecution and the tale of the sad sad martyrdom of Donald Trump filling the air waves to gaslight those of the orange authoritarian persuasion. Why, far-right propagandists are just getting started attempting to rehabilitate the public image of the orange blighter!

Meanwhile, we're so far left to wonder if the FBI search on August 8th involved nuclear secrets tucked away at Mar-a-Lago for this would be extremely lucrative merchandise to put on the black market for a transactional grifter like Trump who is never troubled by any feelings of loyalty to America.

Mars-Uranus Pow!, Moon-Neptune Delusion, Venu$-Pluto Power, Sun-Jupiter Ego Expansion and Publicity

It's all there and more. So if you're curious, please enlarge the image for several astro-notes are penned upon the horoscopes just for you:

Note: attribution for "Mango Mussolini" goes to one of my favorite progressive broadcasters Randi Rhodes, a veritable force of nature.

Jun 27, 2022

DC Horoscope: Pluto Stations Oct 8, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Here's a quick posting of a DC Horoscope showing Pluto's Station @26Cap06 the moment that wealthy Mr. Subversive, the puppet master, pauses (as viewed from Earth) and begins moving forward. Zodiacally, transit Pluto has been creeping through old territory since turning retrograde in late April 2022 @28Cap35; as you see, many study notes are penned upon the chart including Pluto's rounded-up Sabian Symbol spotlighted by his Station: "A Mountain Pilgrimage" with its negative expressions of "superficial allegiances" and "false virtue."

Then as you see in Washington DC, Pluto Stations in 11th house, a position suggesting 'powerful political groups and organizations' but can also hint at the loss of a group member; also note that star of misfortune, Scheat, rises with two midpoints: fantasy-prone Moon-Neptune of mass delusion, and the grand-spirit, speculative, bubbly pair of Jupiter-Neptune, a duo that often can include religious ideals (fake or genuine). Then as you see, the Sabian Symbol in The Goal position (MC) of the chart is, "The Pope Blessing the Faithful". And note that these planets form a Seesaw pattern of pros vs cons (progressives vs conservatives) suggesting that tiresome political quarrels continue while the needs of the populace languish:

Worth a mention is the Mars-Pluto inconjunction indicating potentials for obsessive agendas and scorched earth competition, aka, cutthroat competition (Pluto, the assassin?). This inconjunction (quincunx) echoes America's 1776 Mars-Pluto relationship from Gemini to Capricorn along with a second cosmic echo: a foggy Mars-Neptune square of misdirected energy and misguided actions (see bottom right corner). Now not everyone will suffer under or use such difficult energies against humanity but we're talking Politics here so you know the ones who probably will.

Then for society in general, there's another highly significant factor - that rising Neptune Rx @23Pis26 continues to oppose US 1776 Neptune in the more fact-based sign of Virgo which describes major ideological clashes, some of a generational nature, plus, persecutions in the realms of civil and human rights, rascism included. And as you know, astrological Pluto (the dragon and The Pope) never minds benefiting from a heaping load of exploitation, you know. Money laundering, theft, and protecting his hidden wealth are his jams.

That this Neptunian transit of opposition proceeds in 2022, the year of America's first-ever Pluto Return, only adds to the complexities of conditions now operative in US society and makes clear that larger forces erode many of our institutions, systems, laws and traditions. Karmic in nature, these planetary transits show that the time has come for America to alter what needs altering but most of us hope for improvements, not dissolution! And we could have made such alterations without interference from bad faith meddlers, but this wasn't their plan.

And so these active Neptunian and Plutonian energies describe what I continue to assert are being purposefully taken advantage of by foreign and domestic saboteurs, working as agents of a global criminal network of mobsters and thugs, many of whom are, or are aligned with, international financiers and corporatists (a lucrative business arrangement for conscience-free opportunists, no doubt). In fact, the Neptune-Pluto duo of organized crime and misogynist paternalism is having its underhanded way just now, and America has congressional Democrats to deal with this global authoritarian movement raising its brutal head once again from the 1930s. To me this means that criticizing Democrats, well meaning as it may be, tends to undermine their efforts on our behalf and gives energy and support to America's enemies - my personal view but naturally you have yours.

October 9th a Full Moon @16Ari33, then a Solar Eclipse

Additionally, a major cosmic event arrives a mere 17 days after Pluto's Station, the October 25, 2022 Solar Eclipse @2Scorpio in the difficult 6 South Saros Series which I've labeled, A House Raising mainly due to its political implications, plus, it is the Prenatal Eclipse of Midterms 2022 (the very day of a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct radical Uranus, planet of chaos). And to me it seems that the 6 South Solar Eclipse occurs close enough to Pluto's Station to have some measure of disruptive 'wild card' influence in relation to the horoscope you see, above (in 7th house).

So unless you, dear reader, are an out-and-out fascist with neo-nazi leanings (or vice versa), remember to Vote Blue in 2022 - and in 2024.

Because our democracy, our freedoms, and our lives literally depend upon it.

Blog Note: As of this Wednesday (6/29), this may be my last or next to the last post of the week due to an upcoming dental procedure. Thanks for reading and sharing! jc

Jun 15, 2022

Notes on tour-leader Barry Loudermilk

U.S. House Office of Photography, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons: Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia

Undermining Democracy: Tour Leader Barry Loudermilk

by Jude Cowell

With the information being revealed this June during the current public J6 Select Committee Hearings, you've probably heard that on January 5, 2021, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA; pictured above; link to the video released by the J6 Committee) led a tour of the Capitol Building the day before the Trump coup attempt of January 6, 2021. Of course, Republicans want the public to believe that there is no link between the two events. Puh!

Seemingly related to the threats of violence is that Loudermilk's tour involved Capitol Building tunnels where insurrectionists the next day were determined to gas to death the lawmakers who were in hiding there for protection from Trump's yelping mob.

So for the astrologer within you, here's a previous post displaying a bi-wheel of two horoscopes: Coup Attempt 2021 and the J6 Public Hearing of June 9, 2022. Notably on the topic of gassing people hiding in tunnels, we find that the death duo of Mars-Saturn at the first public hearing of June 9, 2022 was @18Pisces conjunct the 2021 coup attempt's position of gaseous Neptune, karmic planet of gaslighting, fumes, toxins, poisons, death, loss, and the urge to merge.

Helpfully, Reinhold Ebertin provides revealing potentials concerning the midpoint picture that the three planets create (all, any, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions):

"Waning powers and weakening efforts; insufficient power to tackle obstacles; undermining of vitality through poison, gas, or an epidemic; mysterious death; grievous and grave loss (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R.E. #ad). Michael Munkasey adds, "weakening of plans" and "cover-ups." Noel Tyl suggests, "feeling threatened."

So as you know, the primary threat came from the Executive Branch of government residing free of charge in the White House assaulting the Legislative Branch on Capitol Hill by using militia-style thugs, gangsters, and ruffians, along with a stirred up mob of gullible, discontented, lied-to Americans told to "fight like he*l" and "stop the steal." And it seems to me that any, all, or none of the January 6th participants could have acted or intended to act as assassins - and as you know, people did die that day, and some died soon after.

So perhaps, dear reader, we can agree that instigator Trump's natal midpoint picture of death, murder, and rage is involved with his revenge and underlies it all - from his unconscious 12th house: Mars-Saturn = Pluto. And we know that, desperate to stay in power, what could've stopped the orange menace from using such drastic measures to have his way? Logical advice and the fact of his election loss made no difference to him. Herr T preferred what a drunken Rudy was telling him - what he wanted to hear.

Meanwhile, when it comes to Rep. Barry Loudermilk, his bio states that he was born in Riverdale, Georgia on December 22, 1963 but with no known birth time, a general look at the planets on that day (basically Winter Solstice 1963) can provide us with some amount of information concerning the smiling tour-leader pictured above.

December 22, 1963 Planets:

The earliest positions of Sun: 29Sag37 and Moon: 9Pis31; latest positions of Sun: 00Cap38 and Moon: 22Pis49 (12:00 am to 11:59 pm). Therefore, we know that his Sun-Moon personality blend is either a Sun Sagittarius-Moon Pisces combo or a Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces with Luna remaining in Pisces. The first pair is a steamy Fire-Water blend while the second is a more practical Earth-Water combination. Obviously, chances are better through the 24-hour period of his birth date that Rep. Loudermilk is a Sun Sag-Moon Pisces personality blend so those are the notes I'll type for you based on Charles and Suzi Harvey's Sun Sign-Moon Sign details (#ad).

Mr. Loudermilk's general potentials include:

Fervent; restless; emotional; humanitarian (!); visionary; a moralistic mystic with deep convictions; philosophical; generous; an irrational logician (my italics); humorous; an advice-giver who sees the folly of everyone's ways; an impractical wastrel; suspicious; divine discontent; may fall hopelesly in love; can be emotionally gushy; is able to sort out the real from the unreal (so he knows better but tends toward Piscean gullibility which is easy for grifters to exploit).

Note that in the realm of relationships, there are multiple indications in Loudermilk's natal horoscope of secret romantic involvements or liaisons but without knowing his natal Ascendant and Midheaven positions, the cosmic picture of him is somewhat out-of-focus so I'll say no more about secretive behavior which he may not express at all.

Plus, it's beyond the scope of this post, but of further interest is that Rep. Loudermilk's Mercury, Mars, and Venus are in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investments. Besides lawmaking, this hints that Barry may be familiar with insider trading since so many politicians are. Feathering their nests, you know. Is Barry a game bird, too? Well, at the least, a career in Politics does make sense for him. Meanwhile, this Republican tour-leader doesn't want to talk to the Committee again, or so I've heard. He denies, but his January 5th actions are clearly visible on the video tape linked above!

Loudermilk's Solar Eclipse Cycle a Prominent One

Meanwhile, let's add the fact that even without having an accurate birth time for tour-leader Barry Loudermilk, we know that he was born into the 1 North Saros Series which manifested for him on July 20, 1963 @27Cancer (precisely opposite US 1776 Pluto that is now in process of performing America's first-ever Pluto Return, and the opposition to the eclipse implies either higher spiritual vibrations or a turn toward animalism). Does this remind you of the Trump mob's primal violence exhibited on January 6, 2021? Me, too.

Then as you may remember, the last manifestation of a 1 North Solar Eclipse is known as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus with themes that include 'distorted, possibly false information' added to the caution of Regulus: 'success if revenge is avoided, otherwise all that's been gained will be taken away'. And this, conjunct Herr T's natal Ascendant which personalized the eclipse for him (and for America since he was our representative, ill-suited as he was).

Additionally, the 1 North series is also known as The Mother of All Eclipses and is the one that Nostradamus warned about for its 'King of Alarm' or 'King of Terror' implications as the New Millennium was beginning.

Well, with current conditions of violence and the threat of more violence issuing from nazi-style saboteurs and henchmen, we're really in the thick of it now. So please stay safe, everyone, and I'll try to do the same.

Mar 11, 2022

April 2022 Solar Eclipse is one to watch

March 11, 2022

by Jude Cowell

For my Friday post, this is a rather simple one: an image plus astro-notes of the 6 North Solar Eclipse which perfects on Saturday April 30, 2022 @10Tau28, a degree area of the Zodiac recently catalyzed by transiting Uranus, electrical planet of radical reforms, anarchy, disruption, zealotry, Utopianism, chaos, progress and futurism. Of interest is that the 6 North eclipse opposes what is generally considered to be the natal Venus in Scorpio of Vladimir Putin and suggests a measure of 'karmic responsibility' in the areas of materialism and spiritual demands (R. Lineman).

Additionally, we know that all eclipses are Uranian due to their tendency to cause changes of direction with possibilities of upsets, protests, riots, turmoil, even weather and earth events, and as such, labels such as 'cosmic blinks' and 'wild cards of the Universe' apply with results dependent upon multiple planetary factors, both positive and negative. Plus, the triggering of sensitive or critical degrees and/or fixed star positions can add strength to the influences of a given eclipse.

And as always on Planet Earth, motivation is everything!

Now you'll note that the 6 North Eclipse Horoscope of 2022, shown below, is set for Washington DC, and carries themes of 'relationships with authority/father figures, a need to take responsibility and control, accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (B. Brady).


Of significance due to current events and the rhyming function of history in tandem with recurring eclipse cycles, a 6 North Eclipse also manifested on March 7, 1932 @17Pisces and this lunation (suggesting similarity of historical events echoing from 1932) may turn out to qualify as a cosmic time link with the culminating Full Moon of September 10, 2022 - also @17Pisces:

General Notes: Solar Eclipses in Taurus and in Pisces

Keywords for Eclipses in Venus-ruled Taurus include patience, persistence, stability, endurance, practicality, reliability (countering 6 North's theme of unreliability). Efforts must be well-directed toward the correct needs for best results since not every method adequately solves every problem. For karmic progress, negative Taurean traits should be avoided such as bullheadedness, rigidity, crass materialism, greed, wastefulness, and over extravagance.

Keywords for Eclipses in Jupiter-ruled Pisces (with elusive, eroding Neptune as higher octave influencer) include recognition of the deeper or hidden karmic implications of societal problems, individuals' spiritual preparation for higher consciousness, empathy and compassion. Negatively, avoiding being blinded by illusions and delusions goes a long way toward karmic progress, while carefully rejecting futile efforts is necessary to keep conditions from worsening within the Collective.

Then typical with the shady sign of Pisces (and with eclipses in general), secrecy and subversion are often revealed or leaked, and a correctly motivated search for spiritual awareness is essential (note that Sat*nism does not qualify!) so basically, underhanded actions, malicious schemes, and criminal activities are major no-nos.

Well, there it is. My study notes are squooshed upon the April 2022 Eclipse chart for the curious to read if they wish, and do leave your on-topic, name-tagged observations in a comment with this post, as you wish. Your insights are always welcomed around here! jc

Related Posts include: Moon-Neptune and the Tragedy of Mass Delusion and April-May 2022: Cosmic Shifts and Blinks.

Feb 17, 2022

US Solar Return 2022: Veils and Fantasies

America 2022+ Must Use Our Saturn-Uranus Trine!

by Jude Cowell

Regretfully, I must report to you that a Moon-Neptune opposition in America's Solar Return 2022 Horoscope reveals that, for at least another year or so, our mass delusions and fantasy-world desires and schemes will continue to bedevil our reality, and will probably continue to be promoted by mass media outlets as long as it makes them money

Below is an excerpt from a December 2021 post discussing such disturbing mental and emotional conditions and subconscious images occurring within a percentage of our populace who labor under the spell of propaganda, mass hypnosis, mass psychosis, and with a willingness to be deceived by lies that support and promote deeply held emotional biases while not straining their thought processes overly much.

A Moon-Neptune Veil Within and Surrounding America

"Greater than all physical dangers are the tremendous effects of delusional ideas which are yet denied all reality by our world-blinded consciousness. Our much vaunted reason and boundlessly overestimated will are sometimes utterly powerless in the face of 'unreal' thoughts."

- Dr. Carl Jung, speaking about America which he identified as prone to societal breakdown "due to mass delusion" and this is where we find ourselves today - with enemies who take advantage of our weakened condition, purposefully made worse by saboteurs and propagandists who assault our "much vaunted" reasoning ability. You know the tale of America: founded upon ideas and reason. Plato's Ideal of a perfect society. Can men govern themselves without monarchs? It's being made unusually difficult with Moon-Neptune influences mucking things up at every turn and spreading conspiracy theories, fantasies, and confusion across the land. And curiously, certain politicians, what FDR called "economic royalists," prefer monarchy in the form of an authoritarian dictatorship in America. Personally, I very much doubt that if they got their way, such a dystopian government would be all they expect it to be.

Image: America's Solar Return July 5, 2022 4:23:29 am EDT Washington DC

Hour of Saturn (limits; consolidation); Chart-ruler Mercury makes no applying aspects but is prominent @00Cancer and rising in 1st house so Mercurial concerns will be in focus around the country and globally; transit Mercury turns Rx @8Lib55 in September in Return 5th house; meanwhile, the Ascendant @23Gem03 brings US Mars to the fore while the Midheaven ('MC") @00Pis04 sports our nation's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 12 South Saros Series (00Pis33) with themes of 'successful outcomes to longterm worries or illness; draining issues seem worse, then clear' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Could this suggest more improvement in the pandemic department of life? Hopefully, yes! And perhaps improvement in military realms, too. And who can't appreciate the Moon-Pluto trine's ability to lift people onto a plane of higher consciousness?

Yet we see that the Moon-Neptune opposition is Angular and thus significant across the 4/10 axis of Domestic Scene-Public Status in the signs of Virgo-Pisces, the victim-savior polarity. Furthermore, the Moon-Neptune opposition squares US Mars(irritability; sensitivity; weakening conditions) while the Moon @22Vir36 in her own 4th house reflects US natal Neptune which emphasizes America's Mars-Neptune square of 1776 while adding lunar vibes (We the People) to the ongoing 'clash of ideals' Neptune in Pisces opposition to US Neptune in the more fact-based sign of Virgo with its persecution implications (racial and civil). Plus, health indicators are present here, and elsewhere in the chart, yet let's hope that America's 12 South Eclipse at MC can spread a lot of positive influences around and thus provide a lift to societal conditions.

Now as you see, with US Sun (13Can19) in Solar Return 1st house, 2022 until our next Return in July 2023 will mark a significant year for development with US leadership in the spotlight and Cancerian business capacity on the rise, especially with Moon-ruled Cancer on the SR 2nd cu$p - as long as those frothy Moon-Neptune delusions, held by unstable and bad faith actors, are kept reasonably under control around financial deals and investments, and physically. Basically, we'll need to keep eagle eyes on our collective cookie jar!

Additional Considerations for America 2022 into 2023

So with all the recent talk of war and revolution within America's public discourse, thanks to saboteurs, global mobsters, craven political operatives, and manic insurrectionists, it seems significant to me that very near our country's July 4th Independence Day 2022, a symbolic new cycle begins which issues from the American Revolution Horoscope because a Secondary Progressed ('SP') New Moon perfects @00Cap41 on July 8, 2022. With a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, this SP New Moon lands upon one of the four Cardinal Points of World Manifestation, which, when stimulated, tends to time global events of major significance. Will this symbolic lunation do the trick on a global scale? If other indicators chime in by transit, arc, and/or progression, it certainly can act as a timing device (as progressed Moons tend to do), especially at what is considered a critical, highly senstized zero degree. For the most probability of actual events, Carter's Rule of Three will naturally apply.

Thing is, we've been wandering about in the dark for the last few years during the SP Balsamic Phase (prior to the perfection of a SP New Moon) in relation to the meaning of America, and the true significance of events and it will take a few years for the solar-lunar light to grow bright enough to fairly navigate by. Yes, it's true that difficult events lie ahead for the US, and for the world. But as is so often said, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Meanwhile, Americans must recognize and directly face our problems in the stark light of reality for it's the only way to conquer them so that we as a people can plough on through with the reasoning ability intact that our nation's Founders, inspired by the brilliant Saturn-Uranus trine of their day, bequeathed to We the People as our birth right. So that if enough of us use the beneficial energies, they may act as a bridge between the past and the present, providing inventiveness and common sense that can only be suppressed if we allow it to be!

So there's merely a quick look at US SR 2022 Horoscope potentials and, of course, there are more planetary factors to find, some mitigating negatives, some interfering with positives.

Now in closing, look beyond 2022 into 2023, for here's a much recommended article by master astrologer Robert Wilkinson who provides the reader with a vast, expanded view of the Cosmos and The Ages as humanity stands poised for the transformation to come in, The Sun Now Vitalizes 30 Aquarius Where the Age of Aquarius Will Begin After 2050. This is Part 2 so you'll want to check out Part 1.

And Please Be Advised: There's another significant Return Horoscope for America - our nation's Chiron Return in April 2024 in bold, pioneering Aries.

Jan 1, 2022

US Pluto Return Feb 2022 with a Moon Return to 1/6/21

by Jude Cowell

January 1, 2022

Below is a DC Horoscope of America's first-ever Pluto Return (number one of three) all occurring in 2022 with their subsequent dates listed on the chart, top center. Also marked as you see, and highlighted in orange, is the 4th house Pluto Return Moon @21Lib56 which happens to time a Moon (Lunar) Return to the Mob Attack Moon position of January 6, 2021 (2:05:54 pm) The 1/6 Moon Return perfects a mere 37 seconds after the Pluto Return (2:05:17 pm est). To me this indicates that the same or nearly the same mob of malcontented insurrectionists and violence-minded Tr*mp acolytes are somehow involved with the indications of the US Pluto Return and these plutonian influences will activate them (the unjailed of them!) throughout 2022 into 2023. In fact, transit Pluto has been within a 5-degree orb of 27Cap33 since February 2019.

Now naturally, a consideration of US Pluto's cosmic condition on July 4, 1776 can be instructive since whatever contacts the planet of stealth, wealth, and power made back then are being repeated or reinforced by transit Pluto returning to his former position of 27Cap33:06 in the US Scorpio Rising Horoscope (ASC 8Sco47 at 2:22 pm LMT with Scorpio's Mars-Pluto influences - but of course use whatever version of the US Horoscope you prefer).

Natal Planetary Aspects of 1776 Pluto Are Echoing Loudly Into Our Era

In America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope there are two aspects to or from Pluto: Pluto opposite Mercury Rx @24Can15 (3S18 - separating, therefore unconscious especially since in 1776, Pluto was as yet undiscovered but I use outer planets in historical horoscopes anyway, not that you must - I just like the hidden quality of them along with their generational cycles).

Now you know that US Mercury's rounded-up Sabian Symbol for '25Cancer' is intriguing: "A Man Wrapped In An Invisible Mantle of Power" - and there's invisible Pluto (the powerful puppet master) interacting with the speedy planet of communications and commerce. Their opposition has always suggested to me control and manipulation from abroad but that topic would require a post all its own for another time. Meanwhile, their opposition denotes potentials for surveillance, mind control, secret activities such as spying and committing crimes, propaganda, suggestive oration, and/or complete control and manipulation of information (knowledge is power). Complete control and surveillance such as we have now. And perhaps you agree that withholding information has morphed into an art in US Politics.

Here we should add the Sabian Symbol for US Pluto: "28Capricorn": "A Large Aviary." Even more disturbing is that Pluto in Capricorn is known as 'the dictator' according to Reinhold Ebertin. Thing is, this concept must also be seen through 1776 eyes - which relates somewhat to the manipulation-from-abroad theme at America's founding. Or does it? Perhaps it's the mysterious voice from the balcony loudly asserting that, "God has given America to be free!" (But not if neo-fas*ists have their way.)

Now the second aspect to US Pluto of 1776 is a trine from Neptune in Virgo (5A08; from 7th to 9th house) indicating social institutions providing comfort and sustenance which easily conform to societal ideals - then, if not so much now. However, the trine is recurring via the Pluto Return chart of February 20, 2022 so within current society, positive responses to the spiritual, psychic, and/or mystical realms may be felt along with the awakening of the masses to those higher realms which may become more and more prevalent in society. My advice: studiously ignore the misuse of "awake" and "awakening" being propagandized by the far right for this is something they want to avoid - for it will reveal to more and more people in stark relief the GOP's hideous scars, warts, and devil horns. The Republican Party is much more of a hazy, cloudy Moon-Neptune endeavor which requires a lack of discernment, vagueness, and misguided perceptions in order to exist within our populace at all. Naturally, the GOP's continual use of 'gaslighting' the public comes to mind, and don't get me started on their financial scams, schemes, and hucksterism.

DC Horoscope: February 20, 2022 2:05:17 pm est Washington DC:

So! Above you see the first-ever Pluto Return Horoscope of America contains quite a few chart factors penned upon it such as chart-ruler Moon (at her February 2022 Lunar Return to her 'Mob Attack' position, you'll remember - and prominently leading a ruthless Locomotive shape of February planets, determined on success at any cost). In addition, Luna makes two applying aspects in the 2022 chart (how things will proceed):

1. An inconjunct with 9th house Neptune in mystical, secretive, contagious Pisces which suggests people who have trouble separating fantasy and illusion from reality and facts, those who tend to express the emotions of others (ex: grudge-holding Herr Tr*mp's hatred and venom toward those who stand in his way - so he schemes and plots his revenge), and folks for whom the acceptance of any obligation feels like an emotional trap because they're pressured into things by people with ulterior motives. And those manipulators drop them when they're no longer of any use. Major emotional adjustments are needed but how are the thoroughly confused and possibly drug-infused to manage?

2. Moon square Pluto (5A36). This aspect of internal blockage describes people (Moon) who express the baser emotions of humanity - envy, jealousy, hatred, vengeance, a zeal for violence, a propensity toward offended vanity - and who feel a desperate need to gain complete control of their environment. Of course, this obviously describes the Orange Herr from Mar-A-Lago as well as his followers and "shock troops" expressing - acting out - his negative emotions, as already noted. We saw them 'following his orders' on January 6th and can expect to see them at it again, for as many pundits admit, the Tr*mp 'coup' is ongoing. This we know and must prepare for.

Side Note: Unfortunately, priestly Chiron, the wounded healer, is unaspected in this chart so apparently can make no improvements or contacts with the other planets (actors), no grace, forgiveness, positive input, or repentance at all coming from his direction. However, on another level Chiron is at "11Aries" with the Sabian Symbol, "The President of the Country." And since Tr*mp is 'the POTUS' (in his own mind!) feeling deeply wounded, his ego and vanity scalded by rejection, Chiron here may represent him, simmering in his isolation and trying hard not to seem irrelevant. Yet his is a well-deserved exile in my book. Otherwise, if not the orange menace, Chiron could represent President Biden whose agenda intended to better the lot of the American people is being viciously blocked by underhanded Republicans determined to re-grasp power.

Then it's tragic with a Moon-Pluto square involved, how human beings tend to hold on to such base emotions and grudges until they are in the greatest need of purification, and particularly so in this case if any karmic progress is to be made at all in or by the US as a united country. Accepting input from our 1776 Neptune-Pluto trine would supply a path toward purification for all those who realize their need for it but unfortunately, the otherworldly planetary pair is more than ever being used for criminal acts by unscrupulous crooks and global mobsters who through decades have infiltrated our nation and our government (federal, state, and local). Even so, Tr*mp and his vicious thugs and malcontents of a neo-n*zi persuasion must be held accountable for their crimes yet this Child of the Revolution could be reasonably happy if they decided to permanently leave the continent and find themselves a new home where they can be just as fasc*st as they wanna be - while leaving decent folk alone.

Dear Readers: If things go well around here, a second Pluto Return post with astro-notes will be published concerning the July 11, 2022 Pluto Return (#2 of 3) which falls quite near the US Solar Return 2022 event when America will turn 246 years old. Sign up in the sidebar for email alerts if you wish and remember that your kind Shares and on-topic, name-tagged Comments and Insights are always much appreciated! jc

PS: please note that all comments are moderated so ads for services or websites are never ever published so don't bother wasting your time - and attempts to disguise them as comments doesn't work.

Dec 18, 2021

Astro-Notes: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion

by Jude Cowell

Saturday December 18, 2021

With a chunk of the US population suffering from the negative effects of what Dr. Carl Jung termed, "delusional ideas," a look at certain astrological implications might reveal what lurks beneath and within the veil. For this I'm using a US Horoscope, a July 4, 1776 version, which I may never have published here before but there's a reason: the Moon falls @23AQ12 which moves the mundane Moon (We The People) closer than in most other July 4th charts to an inconjunct with nebulous Neptune (@22Vir24). Plus, Neptune is rising at 10:36 am LMT, (as you see, below) which places US Mars @21Gem11 conjunct Midheaven ('MC' = The Goal, our warrior selves), making our national Mars-Neptune square Angular, thus prominent and active.

Now as you remember, America's natal Mars-Neptune square is well known for causing problems domestically and abroad, not the least of which involve the Neptunian realms of The Unconscious which tend toward inspiration on a good day - the Divine Source - but may often bring delusion, deception, confusion, corruption, misunderstanding, weakness, erosion, loss, and/or disappointment. Plus, misguided actions, misdirected energy, self-destructive motivation, and 'the fog of war' can so easily result from the mishandling of a Mars-Neptune square. And has. After all, refusing to deal with reality makes eventual self-destruction almost a certainty - unless we pull out of it. So let's look at --

A Moon-Neptune Veil Within and Surrounding America

"Greater than all physical dangers are the tremendous effects of delusional ideas which are yet denied all reality by our world-blinded consciousness. Our much vaunted reason and boundlessly overestimated will are sometimes utterly powerless in the face of 'unreal' thoughts." - Dr. Carl Jung, speaking about America which he identified as prone to societal breakdown "due to mass delusion" and this is where we find ourselves today - with enemies who take advantage of our weakened condition, purposefully made worse by saboteurs.

But We The People do not have to accept this even though the erosion began years ago, much of it with the 1981 Inauguration of Reagan. But it's only now that a greater number of citizens recognize the significance of our psychological/emotional problems and the practical issues that illusion and delusion impact in 'the real world' - delusions such as 'Neoliberalism', financial scam that it is. For as you know, facing our monsters realistically in the light of day is the only way to vanquish them, otherwise they grow and multiply. Which means that we have approximately 2/3 of the US population able and willing (?!) to engage!

Now you've probably read articles about this topic such as Salon's December 14, 2021 piece by Nicole Karlis tentatively entitled, Is America experiencing mass psychosis? to which I must answer, Yes - too many of us are, about one third. And transit Neptune - floating through its own sign of shady Pisces since 2012 - and within orb of opposing US Neptune in Virgo since 2019 - has not helped psychological conditions or the health of the Neptunian Collective Unconscious at all. And of course, contagious Neptune in Pisces is a cosmic signature attributed to the Republican Party of 1854.

In addition, astrological Neptune is known as the planet of the masses and of mass media whose members so often promote the deceptive propaganda and the gaslighting that corrupt politicians and their enablers depend upon for waging political campaigns, staying in office, and lining their pockets, perhaps by fraudulent schemes. You know how they do.

So for this particular study of mass delusion, aka, mass psychosis or "delusional ideas" of folks living in fantasyland, let's consider the duo of Moon (the people, the public, public mood, public trends) and Neptune (the masses, delusion, deception, creativity, inspiration, spirituality, the urge to merge). Of course, the Moon-Pluto pair ('public; psychology/ manipulation') is also involved but for brevity's sake, let's focus this post on Moon-Neptune which also relates to the current state in the US of Evangelicals and other religious types longing for Theocracy in America, but that's a Neptunian topic quite beyond the scope of this post.

Horoscope: America (via Zip Dobyns) set for July 4, 1776 10:36 am LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:

Highlighted in green is a YOD pattern ('Finger of God': a special task, turning point, crisis, karmic opportunity, and/or health issues); the YOD/s are penned, upper right, and notated with a few midpoint picture potentials within the YOD/s which involve 'deception of the people, misguided imaginations, and/or erroneous judgments based on feelings'. Naturally, taking action based on 'gut feelings' is implied while logic and reason are bypassed. Such tendencies in the American character have been taken advantage of for decades (or centuries!) but the current crop of politicians and political operatives in the US have taken such exploitation to a higher (lower) level, a 'professional' level for those who take Moon-Neptune conditions as having anything to reveal about mass delusion, fantasy worlds, and erroneous judgments based on incorrect perceptions and assumptions.

Plus, when the Moon is apex planet in a YOD pattern, faulty assimilation of impressions is a major issue and out-of-tune reactions are typical. But with the Moon's traditional role as a timing device (as is a YOD), we can hope that Luna's fluctuating nature helps lead to a destined change at just the right moment so that freedom from the negative images of the past can occur and the basic needs of the populace allows nurturing so that the interests of the weaker among us are uplifted. I believe the Moon's positive course is what our Democratic president represents because with 'the old guy', we'd still be stuck at the crossroads of the YOD, unsure which path to take while fearing that destructive 'solutions' and events were America's only possibilities. We can leave the orange menace behind - unless a well-deserved mugshot turns up!

Now as you see, the horoscope's ruler is the 10th house Mercury Rx (Rx because Mercury, planet of signing, documents, negotiations, oration, and planning) signifies that the Founders actually completed signing the Declaration of Independence on August 2, 1776 with Mercury direct, a better cosmic condition than a retrograde Mercury. Therefore, the August 2nd signing was in a sense a "do-over" (Rx).

So it's the sextile between Mercury and Neptune that forms the base of the YOD pattern/s (Mercury also sextiles the Virgo Ascendant which is not technically a YOD but the midpoint picture of 'Mercury-ASC = Moon' still applies). See lower left, for brief notes on the Mercury-Neptune sextile involving tendencies toward obfuscation, fantasy-infused thinking vs practicality or pragmatism, and denotes those with a 'talent for hypnosis'. You'll remember the troubles We The People have - are having - with fantasy-prone, truth-challenged Herr Tr*mp's natal Mercury-Neptune square making things even worse than they have to be. Of course, he's known for his controversial rhetoric filled with lies, misperceptions, and the ability to instigate angry people into taking action. That's people who have soaked up his negative emotions - with little if any thought for the consequences.

Then if we progress this chart to Election Day 2024, we find a Moon-Neptune opposition which suggests veils of illusion, clouds of delusion, misguided perception, foggy thinking, falsehoods, and gullible folk who accept whatever tall tales they're told.

Because basically, Moon-Neptune denotes potentials for subconscious phenomena, refined, feelings, over-sensitivity, faulty assimilation, strange notions, fanciful imaginings, exploitation, disturbed awareness or consciousness, vivid dream experiences, but also sympathy (R. Ebertin). Yet separating real from unreal is a difficulty for those heavily influenced by this planetary pair, and self-confidence tends to be either lacking or may express in an off-and-on manner.

Then a glance at the planets on Election Day 2024 (Nov 5th, 8:00 am est; notated lower right) and - what are the chances? - a transiting Moon-Neptune square turns up (28Sag/27Pisces) as voting begins (at 8:00 am in most locations) which suggests potentials for: 'hallucinations, misinformation-disinformation' (campaign propaganda and promises), 'misplaced blame, misunderstandings, falsehoods, mistakes, peculiar dreams, cloudy perception, deception toward society, and confused emotions'. Yes, media disinformation is suggested as well with the square, broadcasts that we all may hear but don't have to act upon, and there's a potential for large numbers of voters not turning up - or, for a large (Neptune) blue wave (Moon) to block (square) Republicans' 'success-at-any-cost' tactics and dirty tricks (the party's Neptune in Pisces).

As for the 1776 inconjunct (or, quincunx) it's possible that activist Mars @21Gemini conjunct MC aids the Moon-Neptune inconjunct by trining the Moon. This can indicate that not every American is prone or gullible to such mass delusion (ex: crazy conspiracy theories), a very good thing you'll agree. Or at least, reason and logic still can have a chance with them! Meanwhile, 'imaginary patriotism' may shelter underneath the Moon-Neptune umbrella as well and we've certainly seen evidence of it expressed plentifully by our fantasy-led crowd of insurgents and the pretenders of the political class who gaslight them - and gaslight all of us if we allow it.

So in closing, it would be remiss not to add for you the Moon-Neptune duo in Politics and Business as listed by master astrologer Michael Munkasey in Hegelian Dialectic form in his book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad). You'll note that Luna's traditional connection with food, nutrition, and sustenance plays a part:

"Thesis: Production of chemicals, oil, food, or manufactured goods; dreams about agricultural produce, production, or policy; a leadership which heeds the opinions and emotional climate of its constituents" (in order to manipulate them or better serve them? - jc).

"Antithesis: Delusion about the popular support for current policies; an inability to utilize information about the moods of the people when setting the courses of actions; scandals involving production or other quotas."

So do check out the Moon-Neptune combo of energies in any version of the US chart you prefer. For one, the 'Powell Horoscope" of July 1, 1776 7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA shows no YOD but does show a Moon-Neptune trine (7A05) from Moon @15Cap16 in 1st house to 8th house Neptune Rx @20Vir22 (ASC 6Cap07) suggesting the possibility of feminine influences upon the proceedings, and positive benefits from the spiritual realms for those receptive to such higher vibrations, and these are cosmically supported by America's Neptune-Pluto trine of 1776.

Aug 5, 2021

Horoscopes: January 6th Rally plus Mo Brooks

by Jude Cowell

Thursday August 5, 2021: Having intended for some time to post a bi-wheel of the January 6, 2021 "Stop the Steal" Rally of Tr*mp that began at 9:00 am est along with the natal horoscope of Rep. Mo (Morris) Brooks (R-AL) who began the rally with a rousing speech at 9:00 am, you see below a quick posting of the charts in bi-wheel form.

Circled and listed on the image are contacts between Mo's speculative 9:00 am natal chart (with no accurate birth time for Mo, I'm using that hour to "sync" his psyche with the prominent event in which he participated on January 6, 2021, obligatory as it may have been - see North Node square Moon, lower left), we find that a major influence created a double Moon-Neptune affair ('delusion about the popular support of current policies' - Munksey; 'strange influences' - Ebertin). And we see that the rally's Sun @16Cap28 spotlights Rep. Brook' natal North Node of public contact while opposing his natal Uranus-South-Node conjunction (war, revolution).

And do check out the midpoint picture notated in the center of the bi-wheel and a note penned in the upper right corner highlighted in blue for deceptive Neptune-MC and subversive, deathly Pluto implications that include Utopian-adventurous enterprises-criminal offences:

Several other contacts are circled and certainly an astro-sleuth will find more. Note that the rally of January 6, 2021 falls within the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse season which manifested @23Sag08 on December 14, 2020, the day of the Electoral College Vote as previously discussed, which is, as you know, the anti-Tr*mp vote which forms the basis for his illusory "stop the steal" rally and subsequent terrorist attack on the US Congress intended to salvage his fragile ego by disrupting America's traditionally peaceful transfer of power in order to re-install the former guy to the White House while tossing out the votes of millions of Americans in a most undemocratic, criminal way.

And if you need a refresher of his madness, here's what Tr*mp told his audience at his "Stop the Steal" Rally (ABC News).

Jul 27, 2021

Uranus-Pluto: Can Biden's American Rescue Plan end the Reagan Revolution?

Uranus-Pluto: A Pair of Revolutionary Planets and Their Midpoint then and now

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday July 27, 2021: Since the first hearing of the House Select Committee on 1/6 has ended at 1:00 pm edt with intense Mercury-Pluto conjunct Ascendant @26Lib59, and chart-ruler Venus in fact-based Virgo making no applying aspects but squares the Nodal Axis: inappropriate social reactions (by some such as secessionist Republican Taylor Greene - and detailed today by four testifying police officers), I'm adding a link to some of Thom Hartmann's commentary concerning the Biden administration's economic efforts on behalf of our country and people about which, Thom asks, Does the American Rescue Plan Signal the End of the Reagan Revolution?

As he has before, Thom cites Peter Turchin's piece in Nature (published 10 years ago) in which he notes that we would see "massive political upheaval in 2020 because politics tends to go in cycles of around between 40 and 60 years, most often 50 years." And since cycles are the stock in trade for all astrologers, it's only natural that our curiosity should perk up concerning Turchin's prediction, yes? As Above, So Below. Or as some of us think of the concept, "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."

Mr. Turchin had then predicted that "we'd see people in the streets" (last year, 2020) "like we hadn't seen since the late 1960s -" and most astrologers easily recognize the riotous influences of the Great Conjunctions of zealous anarchist Uranus, the Utopian rebel, and powerful planet of transformation and death, Pluto, the hidden hand, in the mid-1960s, in mid-Virgo, across the victim-savior axis.

And as I've noted here and elsewhere months ago, the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces had for some time been precisely opposing the degrees of the Uranus-Pluto Conjunction of the 1960s, a cosmic circumstance I tend to ascribe to a triggering of such rebellious energies of upheaval and social protest against the lack or loss of rights, and, via the Black Lives Matter movement - in 2020 demanding that 'slave patrol' style police officers stop killing people of color which, of course, was triggered primarily by the cruel execution of George Floyd. Add the current transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo and we have racial, social, and religious persecution, in addition to the violent reactions and rebellion against authority made timely by the Saturn-Uranus square in rigid, stubborn Fixed signs as old and new ideas and methods clash.

Then notably today at 1:00 pm edt, we find that the transiting midpoint of Uranus-Pluto has moved on to 19Pis59 - conjunct the 1:00 pm Moon suggesting potentials for 'daring; ambition; determination; intuition; restlessness; bringing about changes by force' (R. Ebertin). Perhaps Luna is Rep. Liz Cheney! Of course, you know that transiting Neptune Rx @22Pis58 is nearby as well and with transit Uranus-Pluto within orb, society's current conditions of 'insecurity, uncertainty', and, for some mentally or emotionaly unbalanced folk, 'neuroses' are unfortunately activated (R. Ebertin).

Bad Policies and Financial Scams Always Make Social Conditions Worse

Then for economic considerations such as financial transformation in the US sometimes called the Reagan Revolution, Thom adds the fact that, "-- 50 years ago, in 1971, the modern conservative era was kicked off with the Powell Memo "(see link, below), "which started building a massive conservative infrastructure and led to the election of Reagan. Like old Confederate statues," Thom continues, "the shine on St. Ronny seems to have turned rather green." Thus the speculation that the 'Reagan Revolution' may finally be ending with Biden initiatives - and taking 40 years of social and economic harm, including the discredited "trickle down" scam against the American people, with it.

If so, it's a case of good riddance and huzzah.

For more details on such riotous topics, eclipses, and more, see a previous SO'W post from 2020: Summer 2020: Uranus-Pluto and Crisis Across America. Perhaps the title of the post and my commentary within seemed overblown or hyperbolic to some SO'W readers in 2020 but after the Trump Mob Coup Attempt of January 6th, this may no longer be the case especially for those who recognize the benefits of facing reality no matter how harsh so that our side's Uranus-Pluto energies and other resources can be harnessed to fight back against radical reactionaries of the fascist/neo-nazi persuasion.

The Capitol police officers fought such forces on 1/6, as they testified today to defending Democracy against the violent mob sent there, as one officer, Mr. Dunn, stated, sent by "a hitman."

So if you, dear reader, have any qualms about the true identity of said "hitman," I must wonder why in the world you would be wasting your precious time reading Stars Over Washington!

Also related: 1971: Nixon, Gold, Jupiter-Neptune, and a Solar Eclipse Series ends; The Powell Memo: a Genesis of Corporatism in Control ('noon' horoscope shown); Astrology of Reagan's First Inauguration 1981 (chart shown, links to his Inaugural address); and Reaganomics Eclipse 1981 a Turning Point for America (horoscope shown).

Above image: a vintage depiction of the US Capitol Building.

Jul 20, 2021

Republican McCarthy Announces his Select Committee Picks

Tuesday July 20, 2021: Yesterday House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's picks for the Select Committee hearing detailed as Republicans Jim Banks (IN), Jim "You f-- did this" Jordan (OH), former local sheriff Troy Nehls (TX), Kelly Armstrong (ND), and Rodney Davis (IL). Of these, only Reps Armstrong and Davis voted to certify the Electoral College votes on January 6th as was their duty. (Which doesn't necessarily mean that they weren't all onboard or complicit with the former guy's 1/6 coup attempt.)

As previously noted here on Stars Over Washington, the first hearing of the Select Committee (one of those 'Jim Jordan clown shows'? Banks hopes to deflect as much blame as possible onto the Democrats!) is scheduled for Tuesday July 27th 9:30 am edt. Here's a bi-wheel of the 9:30 am edt hearing for those readers with cosmic concerns. The July 27th chart is snugged around a horoscope of the 1/6 'Trump Mob Attack'.

And with the hearing's Pisces Moon conjunct 1/6's Neptune (a planetary combo I've noticed turning up in various charts relating to the Republican Party in recent years), the hearing may spotlight the difficulty in 'separating fiction from reality' which is a common theme today, as you know, that's often exploited by bad faith politicians and their enablers. 'Delusions about the level of popular support for policies' is another potential of Moon-Neptune and although I personally would ascribe this tendency to the fascist-leaning Republicans and their learless feader, a Moon-Neptune influence is more general than specific and lends an unconscious quality of illusion and delusion to the proceedings, so perhaps some information will rise up from The Collective Unconscious. Yet the duo also can indicate "leadership which heeds the opinions and emotional climate of its constituents" (M. Munkasey) so it will be interesting to see if its dreamy influence shows up on July 27th to vanquish or at least muddy every spotlight on fact and truth that may be cast upon regressive Republican radicals and secessionsists.

Here's one of many Related Posts: January 6, 2021 US Congress: Strong Emotions.

May 12, 2021

June 24, 2021 Cap Full Moon reacts to the June Eclipse

May 12, 2021: The June 24th Full Moon, seen below, suggests public reaction to the June 10, 2021 5 North Solar Eclipse (19Gem47) themes of "prophetic dreams, visions, insights from the Unconscious" (Brady). However, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is about consolidation, facts, business, investment, law, and government so what dreams and insights should be brought into reality? What insights can be realistically used to benefit our social and political conditions?

Notably, transit Mercury the Messenger and negotiator, here @16Gem15, will speed on to conjunct and possibly activate 5 North eclipse themes on or about July 2, 2021. Many people's dreams around that time, if not before, should be quite fascinating and perhaps contain helpful solutions for what ails us. Of course, eclipse influences last for approximately 6 months until the next solar eclipse draws near with its themes, and overlapping has been known to occur.

Now here's a famous quote from a Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn writer-dramatist:

"Every man thinks God is on his side. The rich and powerful know He is." - Jean Anouilh (1910--1987; born in Bordeaux, France with Sun @00Cancer and Moon @2Can54 - and this is a post about a Full Moon spotlighting his words!)

DC Horoscope: June 24, 2021 Full Moon @3Cap27 oppo Sun @3Can27, across the 3/9 axis when the chart is set for Washington DC (a phase of culmination, fulfillment, full awareness, relationships); Hour of Jupiter Rx (in green). ASC 20Lib55 sports a few midpoint pictures (detailed on the chart) with Venus @27Can04 in blue as chart-ruler, however, Venus makes no applying aspects so her sign, degree, and house position are emphasized. Then as you see, angular Venus conjuncts Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal and Career Point of the chart, while opposing Pluto (26Cap05) at 'IC', the Foundation of the chart (and within orb of the US Pluto Return/s, exact in 2022). Potentials of this opposition are penned on the chart (upper right in blue) including cut-throat competition, underhanded manipulation, and lack of trust undermines relationships.

Plus, we should be aware that an opposition between venal Venu$ vs powerful Pluto ($$) has been known to attract violence, and the pair suggests private wealth hidden in secret places. It also contains bankruptcy potential and can denote a breakdown in the social fabric which anti-democratic forces are attempting to hoist upon us now under cover of the pandemic and its resulting economic difficulties which President Biden is in process of easing - without any cooperation from congressional Republicans, the party of obstruction whenever it comes to the needs of the American people.

(Despite McConnell and the other sore losers, Joe Biden's vaccine roll-out has been the most successful project Washington politicians have aced, maybe ever!)

Significantly, the Full Moon in ambitious Capricorn leads a Locomotive shape of the planets which suggests people or high-powered executives who are ruthlessly determined on success. And with the Moon out-of-bounds, these may be socially detached folks, even those secluded within ivory towers, those who are emotionally estranged from society who only care about business endeavors, politics, and taking or retaining control.

So as you see, there are dynamic energies in the chart via a Mars-Saturn opposition (4A32; obstacles; delays; resentment or resistance of authority) and the squares to rebellious Uranus that are involved: Mars square Uranus (5A23; difficulties, delays, frustration, threats) and of course the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square (0S50; past vs future; generational clash between seniors and young folk; old order uncomfortably replaced by the new; violent people).

Obviously, contentiousness, obstacles, delays, and political stalemates continue, however, the Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend of conscious and unconscious energies can be very perceptive, dutiful, and professional yet family-oriented.

Well, it seems to me as if pessimism is what 'they' want from us and I refuse to comply! (Moon-Neptune = Saturn). Plus, as you know, the Moon-Neptune duo suggests potentials for sympathy, receptiveness, strange influences, exploitation, and/or an intensely vivid dream life and the activity of the subconscious (with the last two resonating with 5 North eclipse themes). Solutions may be found in dreams!

So What About Protective Jupiter?

Significantly, with expansive, optimistic Jupiter recently entered into his retrograde phase (until mid-October 2021), there's a revealing midpoint picture with the Great Benefic at apex. Saturn-Neptune = Jupiter suggests potentials for 'religion conceals deceptive practices; a sense that reality is just a vision (which resonates with 5 North themes, incorrect as it is); fortunate answers, as noted on the chart; and optimistically, yours truly would add, funding (Jupiter) for social safety net programs (Saturn-Neptune, social programs and the illness axis; of course, other indications for this planetary trio are possible but I'll leave them to your imagination).

Now we should also mention that US natal Mercury Rx conjuncts the MC opposite US natal Pluto at IC and suggests that government surveillance, intelligence gathering, and propaganda are on this Full Moon's menu along with 'vulnerable roadways' (infrastructure), 'disruptive political talk', 'news of orbital weapons or space exploration', 'secrets concerning transportation' or 'satellites', and/or 'self-destructive impulses in business' (paraphrasing M. Munkasey).

Well, the Sun's "A Cat Arguing With a Mouse" and the Moon's "A Party Entering a Large Canoe" are revealed by the rays of the June 24, 2021 Full Moon as We the People react in Saturnine fashion to the energies and ideas reflected by the dreamy June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse so we may find ourselves or others 'interminably quarreling with the nature of things' (4Cancer) and demonstrating an 'inability to get along with anybody' (4Capricorn; Jones).

But if this doesn't describe you, dear reader, I'm glad!