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Showing posts with label Jupiter-Neptune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter-Neptune. Show all posts

Jul 26, 2024

Gov. JB Pritzker was asked if Harris has contacted him to be VP nominee - clip

In this interview, JB Pritzker, Governor of Illinois since January 19, 2019, releases some basic truth about JD Vance, Trump's "Mini-Me" VP pick who, thanks to Vance's awkward rhetoric and harsh anti-abortion views, now seems to be considered a buyer's remorse selection - whose selection was insisted upon by financier Peter Thiel.

From the Wikipedia bio page of JB Pritzker we find that baby JB was born in Palo Alto, California on January 19, 1965, and that his family owns the Hyatt Hotel chain. As we see, 1965 was during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto, an inventive, tech-savvy, restless, even rebellious, combination.

The earliest that JB Pritzker's Sun and Moon positions clock in on his birthday (12:00 am PST) are Sun @29Cap02 where transit Pluto, planet of power, wealth, and regeneration, hangs about these days, and Moon @23Leo53. Their latest positions (11:59 pm PST) are Sun @00AQ03 conjunct US Inaugural Sun, and Moon @8Vir33. Within financial realms, Gov. Pritzker was born during a Jupiter-Neptune opposition phase across the financial Taurus-Scorpio axis which naturally resonates with his family's lucrative business empire.

Meanwhile, on a personal level, folks with a Jupiter-Neptune opposition in their natal charts and psyches often engage in social work of some kind (ex: politics) and can be rather absentminded. For best results handling the opposition, Gov. Pritzker may need to guard against a loss of objectivity.

Gov. Pritzker's Prenatal Solar Eclipse

Born into the 2 South Saros Series with its theme of joining an unusual group and gaining a great deal, a 2 South Eclipse repeated on January 5, 2019 @15Capricorn - a mere 9 days prior to his assuming the office of Illinois Governor on January 14th!

For more Eclipse details, see Brady's Predictive Astrology. #ad

Jun 24, 2024

Astrology of Trump Sentencing July 11, 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

On July 11, 2024, the degree of Chart-and-Sentence ruler Mercury @14Leo11 rounded-up to "15Leo" = "A Street Pageant" and there are other indications of protests, fanaticism, and potentials for violent actions in the horoscope shown, below.

For one thing (and I didn't list its potentials on the image), the incendiary pair of Mars and Uranus are snugged around the natal Midheaven ('MC'; The Goal) of convicted felon Trump. This forms a potential midpoint picture that suggests: acts of violence; putting a pistol to someone's head; execution of drastic measures; an inflexible character; desire for independence; injury; accident; surgery (paraphrasing R. Ebertin). May all who participate in the sentencing hearing stay safe!

Additionally, there's a Grand Trine, a closed circuit of energies, between the Virgo Moon, radical Uranus (conjunct enraged Algol), and wealthy manipulator Pluto (conjunct Altair the eagle: the Vatican?) and if we stretch to include Neptune 29Pis54 Rx, the Trine becomes a high-flying Kite pattern with the Moon as the tail and Neptune as the rudder. Hopefully, the protective nature of Grand Trines will apply.

Yet if we discount the Kite, it's the Moon-Neptune opposition which identifies the deceptive environment and efforts of fantasist Trump and the mass deception under which he, his wealthy enablers, and his gullible cult members have been operating under - much to the peril of America.

Meanwhile, Trump's first natal planet to rise in the sentencing chart is his 2nd house Neptune (5Lib50 Rx) which necessarily brings along the entire trio: his Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter at Station and this spotlights his grand schemes, speculative activities, hypocrisy as a tool, and his well-known tendency toward scandalous behavior:

Now for those who would appreciate an unmarked version of the July 11th sentencing chart, check out the version I've published to a new mirror blog recently set up called Stars Over Washington Reporting. It's still in its infancy stage! jc

Apr 23, 2024

On The Eclipse of David Pecker

Brief Astro-Notes re: Mr. D. J. Pecker

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

From the Wikipedia page of David Jay Pecker, whose testimony this week in the Trump Election Interference Trial is invaluable, was born in the Bronx, NY, on September 24, 1951 with a misty, ethereal Air-Water Sun Libra-Moon Cancer personality blend of a people pleaser (The Harveys). A mixture of intellectualism, communication, sociability, and sentimentality are indicated.

So without a known birth time, here you see a dual image of Mr. Pecker's noon natal horoscope (upper right) along with a Horoscope of his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE'; lower left) which manifested on September 1, 1951 @8Vir16 in the 7 South Saros Series; angry 7 South themes are penned on the chart, as is the fact that a 7 South Eclipse last occurred on October 14 2023 @21Libra and was operative until the Total 8 North Great American Eclipse arrived on April 8, 2024:

As you see, other study notes are messily penned on for the curious including the fact that David Pecker's Syzygy Moon (lunation prior to birth) was the Lunar Eclipse of September 15, 1951 @21Pis51. Born under the influences of two eclipses makes Pecker something of an "eclipse baby" along the cosmic lines of D. Trump, and this indicates an eventful life, most likely in a public spotlight. Obviously, Pecker's career in publishing and its contact with the public at large are denoted.

The Grand Schemes of Jupiter-Neptune

Also notated on the image is an interesting alignment existing @18Libra between the natal Jupiter Stationary of D. Trump (boundary-and-taboo-breaker), Pecker's natal Neptune (planet of mass media, the masses, subterfuge, cover-ups, deception, fraud and lies) and the natal Saturn of Vladimir Putin (born October 7, 1952).

Now I don't know about you, dear reader, but this triple planetary linkage make me wonder if Mr. Pecker has thrown a veil (Neptune) over, not just Trump's caddish playboy behavior with women, but at some point, has perhaps masked something about the relationship between Don and Vlad by using his paper's "catch and kill" scheme with Mr. Pecker, then-publisher of The National Enquirer rag, operating as, "the eyes and ears of the Trump campaign" (2016) - under Putin's control (Saturn).

But not to fret, for it's only a thought, a mere wonderment of ethereal mist!

Jan 17, 2024

Stormy Daniels at the Hush Money Trial

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Now Donald Trump won't like this news at all, but Stormy Daniels says she's set to testify in Trump's Hush Money Trial currently set for March 25, 2024. Note that on March 25, 2024 comes a Lunar Eclipse @5Lib07 - conjunct Trump's natal Neptune so obviously, information concerning scandals, financial payments, secrets, and/or fraud will be revealed, plus, there may even be a mention of cults with urge-to-merge Neptune involved.

Because as you know, Stormy (aka, Stephanie Clifford) was one of the recipients of thousands of dollars in October 2016 intended to keep her quiet about Trump's extramarital activities with her because the November 2016 Election was upcoming and a sex scandal could look bad for candidate Trump. Not that his adulterous behavior was bad, but the scandal would have been a bad look for the aging orange playboy just days before the 2016 election.

From Reuters: Timeline of Trump's Alleged Hush Money Payments and Criminal Charges; and from CBS News: Trump's scheduled trial dates and where they fall in the presidential primary calendar.

Shown below is The Natal Chart of Stormy Daniels with Sappho Rising and Trump natal planets penned around the outside; as you see, a major connection is her Pluto conjunct his Jupiter; plus, transit Pluto @29Capricorn has been opposing her natal Jupiter Rx @29Can07 and her 8th cusp so the trial is a big-time Jupiter-Pluto situation about sex, money, and power:

Follow the above link for astro-notes concerning this chart. And here's Stormy Daniels' unmarked natal horoscope for you:

Like Oil and Water, Politics and Religion Do Not Mix

So thanks to Stormy Daniels, the best information I've found explaining Trump's Cult of Personality and his profane mix of politics and religion is the podcast episode of Stormy's interview with Dr. Steven Hassan, well known cult deprogrammer and author of the 2020 book, The Cult of Trump (#ad).

Well, if Trump is in any way "the chosen one" as he's been told and promoted by evangelicals, then they're being tested and these misguided cult followers have failed America and the world miserably. According to the Bible I've read since childhood, Herr T is a false prophet, more like. For as you know, the Bible predicts false prophets arising in Earth's latter days. You know - like one year ago in the desert at Trump's first campaign stop, a rally at Waco, Texas where the tragic Siege at Waco took place in 1993. We should note that skewed cult leader 'David Koresh' considered himself a prophet, too. The Trump rally 'celebrated' the anniversary of the carnage of 1993.

Podcast: Beyond the Norm with Stormy Daniels

Now Dr. Hassan says that leaders of cults such as the Christian Nationalists, Moonies, The Family, the 7 Mountain Dominionists (like Maga Mike Johnson), Opus Dei, and others have instructed their members to gather beneath the gloriousness that is Trump on his path to ultimate political power where religionists think they can 'reform' the United States of America into a paternalistic theocracy, handmaids in the kitchen. And perhaps their advice to flock to Trump is so that their shared dream of ending our world can come true sooner rather than later, they think - as if Almighty God needs their puny help with timing issues! Paradoxically, a gold-worshiping man like Trump lays up his treasure on the Earth, therefore, ending this world cannot possibly be his goal. Oil and water do not mix!

Magical Thinking Fits His "Power of Positive Thinking"

Now as you know, Trump's accepted natal horoscope shows a 2nd house Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction in Venus-ruled Libra which just happens to have Wounded Chiron in the center of the magical thinking duo. This suggests that some kind of wounding occurred to his grand schemes/grand spirit/speculation/bubbly pair of Jupiter (stationary and boundary-breaking) and Neptune, so often a planet of fraud and deception. This means that every Jupiter Return for him and every transiting or progressed aspect between the two planets (their last conjunction April 12, 2022 @23Pis59--still in effect until their next conjunction March 24, 2035 @21Ari21) may ping his 2nd house trio into taking action such as overblown rhetorical flourishes and/or the promotion of financial schemes.

Meanwhile, back in 2022, when we discussed the Magical Thinking of Jupiter-Neptune and the duo's connection to overblown rhetoric, unfulfilled promises, grand schemes (religious, financial, and otherwise), and "unfounded or foolish legal situations" (M. Munkasey) I had no inkling that in 2024 the news would surface that the Cult of Trump, a death cult similar to the Nazi Death Cult of the 1930s and 40s, would so intimately involve magical thinking with multiple cult leaders having instructed their members to gather under the tent of the Trump Cult of Personality. For some folks, Chiron symbolizes the priesthood, too, and so certain groups have banded together behind Trump, the so-called "chosen one," to forcefully fulfill their shared goal, but they are being utilized as a tool by the political class who have their own power-grabbing purposes - and they have wealthy backers to please.

All the cultishness and more is detailed in the podcast episode linked below, in a discussion between host Stormy Daniels and, as noted, her guest Dr. Steven Hassan, a former Moonie cult member, who now deprograms cult members and, as previousy noted, authors books such as The Cult of Trump. Check out their informative interview:

Stormy Talks with MAGA Cult Deprogrammer Dr. Steven Hassan. It's well worth a listen!

And in case you've yet to see it, here's a link to the latest ad by The Lincoln Project So God made a dictator. Absolutely brilliant. But I suspect that Trump won't like this either.

Previously on SO'W: The Nazi Regime and US Election 2024.

Jul 10, 2023

DC Horoscopes: Autumn Equinox 2023 and Winter Solstice 2023

Just a fairly simple publish of two dual chart images. They're the same dual images except that the first charts are unmarked and may be suitable for printing, the second charts have been messily marked up by yours truly with my study notes for the curious reader.

Both horoscopes are set for Washington DC:

Autumn Equinox 2023 (lower left) with 9Leo52 rising - and the lustful 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Ari50 conjunct Autumn EQ Midheaven (Goal Point: Jan 6th Mars in the spotlight), and Winter Solstice 2023 (upper right) with 10Vir02 rising and a revealing 8th house midpoint picture of Jupiter-Neptune = Chiron, a cosmic echo of Trump's 2nd house Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of speculation, fraud, scandal, political conflicts - and his wounded belief system. In fact, Chiron @15Aries (truth seeking) opposes Trump's natal Chiron @15Libra (which values competition--M. Pottenger).

That Autumn EQ Mars conjuncts Trump's boundary-breaking stationary Jupiter suggests the exaggerated role he has and will play in society into next year, plus, upcoming legal decisions for or against him along with possible financial and/or political settlements reached.

Then at Winter Solstice 2023, transit Mars conjuncts the December 12, 2023 New Moon @20Sag02 (and conjuncts Trump's natal South Node, then his natal Moon: anger; separation; more belly-aching and a new cycle of activity) suggesting that rash actions and violence are potentials - in other words, he'll be hot under the collar, with possible health consequences such as thyroid or other glandular issues (R. Ebertin) or even stomach ulcers (M. Munkasey):

For more 2023 eclipse information see 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse of 1933 repeats in 2023 (the current 7 North eclipse as I type); and the forceful, crisis-prone 7 South Eclipse of October 14, 2023 @21Lib06 which will ruffle Trump's Progressed Moon - symbolic, yes, but can be useful as a timing device.

May 19, 2023

Karmic Saturn in Karmic Pisces until 2026

Image: Saturn in Pisces; paper collage; Jude Cowell 2023; Saturn image via Pixabay

Before the Collective reaches the February 2026 Saturn-Neptune Conjunction at Aries Point, a major energy shift for both planets, we face a few years ahead in which we must deal with Saturn's transit through Pisces, the murky sign of The Two Fishes which I consider to be ruled by Jupiter and co-ruled from a higher plane by Neptune.

For as you know, in the symbolism of Pisces, the 12th sign of the Zodiac, one fish swims up, the other down so obviously, a lot rides on how conditions and circumstances are handled as karmic Saturn hands out his lessons and makes his demands for accountability while The Timekeeper wades through the waters and the mud of confusing, often secretive Pisces. Even so, no one needs Astrology to realize that our society is facing multiple positive vs negative issues, and either-or conditions.

Meanwhile, my hopes for America are focused on the fish swimming upwards, how about yours?

Now a couple of months ago here on SO'W, we discussed how transit Saturn entering Pisces on March 12, 2023 had come upon America's 12 South Solar Eclipse of February 1776 at "1 Pisces," the "Public Market" degree of COMMERCE. And as I type, we're hoping that Congress will resolve the "debt ceiling" crisis before June 1st, and obviously a credit default would be the ruination of the US economy, markets, commerce, household budgets--and would put America's credit rating in jeopardy along with the global economy. It's a major gamble set up by the Republican Party and I, for one, am not amused.

So! Here's an excerpt from that particular Saturn-to-12-South post linked, above, concerning the planet of austerity, karma, and loss taking down names while traversing the secretive sign of the two fishes, a transit that promises to be a reality meets fantasy affair!

Saturn in Pisces indicates a period of time when ambition, consolidation, reserve, restraint, restriction, limits, and legal conditions are prominent, and there are potentials for realism brought to flights of fancy, or, in similar fashion to a Saturn-to-Neptune transit, the grim face of reality is visited upon those who neglect Saturn's demands for concentration and upright behavior. Past mistakes are on the table and corrections must be made.

Additionally, sustained hard work is necessary during this period along with struggles with opponents (2024 campaign, etc) as sober Saturn travels through tipsy Pisces; our social safety net programs continue to be a point of contention along with the debt ceiling limit and possible default by the US government, crisis situations made worse by political trickery (which Saturn will not abide).

Oh, and the negative expression for "1 Pisces" may just apply to the debt limit tug-of-war between Ds and Rs: see what you think:

"Complete insensibility to any over-all welfare" (M. E. Jones).

And Dane Rudhyar adds a hopeful Keynote: "The process of commingling and interchange which at all levels demonstrates the health of a community."

The health of a community! Imagine that! Well, pardon me, but one political party is all about such things while the other--well, you know who they are and which social safety net programs they're finagling to destroy. So I'll simply close with, Vote Blue in 2024 as if our democratic Republic depends on it. Because it really does.

Now this Saturn-Neptune infused post can't end without mentioning that transit Saturn in Pisces will oppose US 1776 Neptune (22Vir25), but only once on March 14, 2025 and realistic Saturn will simultaneously square US 1776 Mars. In other words, America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of fogginess will be activated with "misdirected energy" implications. Hidden agendas will continue to paralyze activities wherever possible during this transit, and attempts to uncover facts will remain high on our investigative to-do list; paranoia and fear remain negative conditions for some as what we hope will be a new presidency is just getting starting. Or trying to.

Add to these Neptunian potentials the Saturn square US Mars energies so we may expect delays and cancellations which anger or enrage people along with resentment from, or because of, tiresome malcontents who don't know or have forgotten how to play with others.

Sep 25, 2022

The Magical Thinking of Jupiter-Neptune

September 25, 2022

Please Note: The following post concerns the flaws of one Donald J. Trump, a person this particular American considers to be the worst president the US has ever endured. If you disagree, please move on and troll elsewhere because this post is not for you. jc

Trump A Snake But Not Symbolized By The Caduceus

by Jude Cowell

On Friday just past, former aide to VP Pence, Marc Short, called Trump's claim of declassifying government intelligence documents just by thinking about it "absurd", something that folks tethered to reality already knew.

Mercury-Neptune Square: Delusion and Deception

Seldom if ever can one planet, planetary pair, or aspect undergird an expression of planetary energies that fully explain an individual's behavior so although Trump's Mercury (thinking-planning-communicating) square Neptune (unreality-confusion-instability) says much about his misperception, lack of discrimination, and odd notions, there's more deception to be found.

Why, one's sign of natal Uranus reveals much about behavior and with Trump's chaotic Uranus in mutable Gemini we see the duplicity, multiplicity, communicating ability (including passing on and making news), the 'voices in his head' effect, plus, the commercial and deal-making interests of the orange fellow. Of course, we know that motivation is everything yet Gemini is also the sign of a mind flitting about from one thought to another, and Trump's imagined "magical thinking" also relates to Mercury's magic wand in the form of the Caduceus.

Bizarrely, his supporters think he's a healer of America even in the midst of his anti-American fascist and nazi leanings! So expectably, Herr T's Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio complicitly plays along with his fantasy world for the sake of financial and political power, and suggests that his joy in fooling people into following him over a cliff is like some medieval pied piper - a childish man-baby Peter Pan, one of the never-grow-up Geminian archetypes. It is my belief that children are not safe around him - perhaps they're too honest and see through whatever facade he's sporting that day.

Potent POTUS Magic? You Must Be Joking!

So on yet another astrological level, let's ascribe a major part of such visionary 'declassification' nonsense from Herr Trump (a monarch in his own mind) to his airy Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Libra posited in his natal 2nd house (of possessions!), a planetary pair which happens to have wounded-wounding centaur Chiron of blindspot fame, snuggly within its bubbly midst. Of course, 2nd house is also the realm of money and earning ability, a major interest of transactional Herr Trump who has, or intended to, sell the purloined documents he squirreled away at Mar-a-Lago to the highest bidder (my belief), foreign and/or domestic, as a lucrative moneymaking opportunity - also good for blackmailing purposes. In fact, many cats may already be out of their secret bags. If only investigators could follow the money.

So What's Barack Obama Got To Do With It?

Now if you're reading Stars Over Washington at this moment, then you probably remember that 2022 is a year of a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune which perfected in the mystical sign of Pisces in April 2022. Here's a post from May just passed showing the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of April 12, 2022 along with the third of three such conjunctions of December 2009 in the planets' approximately 13-year cycle. Of significance in 2009, Jupiter-Neptune landed upon America's Aquarian Moon (in US charts set for July 4, 1776) and the potentials contained within the midpoint picture thus created certainly rang true for the time:

"Little sense of reality; desire to dream; tendency to lose oneself in plan; speculation, instability, wastefulness" (R. Ebertin). Political conflicts are also part of the bubbly pair's realm, as are scandals, religious interference, hyposcrisy as policy, ethics based on payoffs and favors ("do me a favor though"), foolish or unfounded legal situations, and/or degradation in systems of justice (M. Munkasey).

You may also remember that those were the "dreamy Obama-rock star" days with President Obama's natal Mars (motivation, energy, action) @22Vir34 completely veiled and glamorized by US 1776 Neptune. And of course, 8 years of an Obama White House activated militia groups already aggravated by the perceived "browning of America," a racist-based concept well used by the GOP in their campaign to divide the American people against one another - a self-interested tactic meant to undermine our nation and politically weaken We the People. As if we're not a nation of immigrants who stole this land from its native inhabitants!

Jupiter-Neptune Has a Lot to Answer For

In addition, we may also wish to add such 'dreamy' potentials to the mass delusion that a third of our population now suffers from at least since 2009 for it falls within the time frame for the formation of Tea Party and militia groups. Fast forward to 2022, and the entire country suffers under their (and Trump's) delusions of grandeur inspired by Jupiter-Neptune the "grand spirit" or "grand scheme" duo that includes misguided religious and ideological beliefs that evangelicals, theocrats, and 'Christian Nationalists' can grab onto and propagandize in order to insert their beliefs into Politics (of all things) and the legal system.

So with the 2022 Midterms soon upon us, here again is the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope of Midterm Elections Day 2022 - in Taurus, conjunct disruptive Uranus - where we find that the frothy, illusionary Jupiter-Neptune pair are separating yet remain within a 5-degree orb. The planetary pair's waning power of influence suggests the falling away of some Trump supporters from his 'big lie' delusion, his foreign agent status made clearer, and his other various subterfuges and absurdities such as his claim of "magical thinking" ability:

Recently Appearing on SO'W: Midterms 2022 a Mars-Pluto Affair.

Plus, there's America's ongoing Neptune problem with transit Neptune in Pisces opposing: US 1776 Neptune in factual Virgo.

Also see: America's initial Mercury-Neptune Cycle. (Certainly, Trump can't be the only American ever to use "magical thinking" to make something happen. But he is the most deceptive.)

In addition, America's current Jupiter Return occurred way back in July 2013! View the horoscope here before the 12-year cycle begins over again with our next Jupiter Return in 2025.

Aug 23, 2022

Aug-Sept 2022 New and Full Moons with Mars in Gemini

Late Summer Lunations 2022: Cosmic Spotlight on the Virgo-Pisces/Victim-Savior Axis - and Mars Acts Up

by Jude Cowell

DC Horoscopes: A seed-planting phase of new plans begins with the New Moon @4Vir03 August 27, 2022 (lower left) culminating with the Full Moon @17Pis41 September 10, 2022 (upper right) spotlighting relationships and bringing fuller awareness and perhaps a measure of fulfillment. So this times a season when practical, methodical, critical Virgo leads society toward receptive, impressionable, secretive Pisces, with the polarity's Mercury-Jupiter and Mercury-Neptune vibrations.

Are These Lunations 'Wild Cards of the Universe'?

Notable is that New Moons can affect earthly events much as Solar Eclipses, disrupting and revealing such as erratic planet Uranus tends to do, while Full Moons can mimic the effects of Lunar Eclipses on health (mind and body), drug reactions, family matters, relationship dynamics, and criminality such as the throttle-hold on US Politics by a global network of organized crime now working in league with white nationalism, a global neo-nazi/fascist movement, and funded by freakish, wealthy ideologues and theocrats, many with bizarre religious views (exs: Opus Dei; The Family, promoter of annual 'National Prayer Breakfasts'):

Please enlarge or print the image for easier viewing. A few Sabian Symbols are notated on the chart along with basic chart details.

Prominent indications in the lunation charts include finances (Jupiter Rx until November 23, 2022), women's issues (exs: abortion; sex-trafficking), political power and struggles for control (Pluto in Capricorn in the lead again in September as America's first-ever Pluto Return proceeds with its destructuring-transforming activities of systems and institutions), "rapidly disseminated news" (Mars @"5Gemini" = "A Radical Magazine--"), the Full Moon's "famous revivalist" symbol: perhaps an orator such as Tr*mp, and rebellion and resentment (T-Square: Venus-Saturn = Uranus in the New Moon chart) ongoing by domestic seditionists and saboteurs of democracy many of whom are encouraged and funded by foreign governments (ex: foreign asset Tr*mp with the August New Moon's Vertex - 'VX' - of fated encounters @21Sag30 conjunct his natal Moon-SN with its revelatory Sabian Symbol: "A Chinese Laundry," an obvious reference to his decades of illicit money-laundering on behalf of various countries and oligarchs).

We should also keep in mind that the Sabian Symbol for Tr*mp's 10th house Uranus @18Gemini = "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd" - and disruptive Uranus leads the rest of his natal planets.

A Big Wad of Stinky Old Gum Stuck to America's Shoe

Besides a variety of positive and negative transits to Tr*mp's natal chart during this time frame, of interest here is the fact that the September 10th Full Moon highlights the second of three oppositions by transit Jupiter Rx @5Ari49 to Tr*mp's natal 2nd house Neptune which denotes current conditions surrounding the orange document-thief with vibes of deception, illusion, delusion, unrealistic expectations, and clouded judgment.

This period began for him (and thus for America) with the first opposition by transit Jupiter-to-his-Neptune on June 15, 2022; (September 10); then the third opposition to his Neptune peaks on January 30, 2023. And of course, all of his speculation-prone, 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio in Libra of grand schemes, bubbles, and fantastical expectations (with wounded Chiron in the middle, a blindspot!) will be affected by the Jupiter opposition as well - opposing his natal Jupiter, no one will be impressed with his overblown efforts, plus, finances may suffer or donations stop piling in; this transit's effects will hit his Jupiter once on March 24, 2023 when "greener pastures" may call his name (flight risk!).

Yet ten days prior, transit Jupiter opposes his Chiron which suggests a more intense period of radical activities such as anarchy and zealotry - and the opposition perfects only once, with concentrated energies on March 14, 2023. I say, Indict Already!

Restless Critic Mars @ Perigee: Bigger-Brighter-Closer!

Now the primary planet to watch during the late August to September 2022 period and into 2023 via the motivational planet's long sojourn in Mercury-ruled Gemini is energetic Mars, moving direct in both lunation charts, as you see, then turning retrograde ('Rx') @25Gem36:50 on October 30, 2022 (at 9:25:39 am edt). Plus, the above Virgo New Moon on August 27, 2022 is squared by testy Mars (see lower left corner: The Cosmic Itch!) and perfects upon the very day that the 2022 Mars Max period begins; the period extends until March 16, 2023 with Mars @25Gem32 ('26Gemini' = "Winter Frost in the Woods").

For details concerning Mars Max periods when heated conflicts, confrontations, fires, danger, anger, unrest, turmoil, upheaval, and potentials for violent acts can more easily occur or be stirred up, see expert astrologer Richard Nolle on the topic.

Unfortunately, More Tr*mp Is Involved

Those familiar with the natal chart of Donald Tr*mp see that transit Mars in Gemini, during the turbulent Max period of perigee, will steam through the orange blighter's 10th house of Career and hit his chaos-creating Uranus (17Gem58 - his oriental "guiding planet") with its typical explosive, incendiary, overboard possibilities of the Mars-Uranus pairing - unstable and volatile especially in Mutable signs such as Gemini. Plus, Tr*mp's natal North Node and Sun in 10th house will also be hit by Mars in Gemini suggesting a period of energy, activism, and his usual duplicitous rhetoric issuing from the Geminian voices in his head.

So, my friends, forewarned is forearmed! Yet these are only some of the cosmic influences in late August into September 2022 which society must navigate prior to Autumn Equinox 2022 which begins on September 22nd when the Sun enters Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice - and transit Mars @17Gem04 directly ruffles the natal Uranus of Herr you-know-who.

Related Posts include: Trump Regime Identified by Mars-Uranus since 2017; and, America's initial Mars-Uranus Cycle @7Gem51 - soon to be hit by transit Mars during the 2022 Mars Max period.

Aug 5, 2022

Are Co-Ops Really an Alternative To Capitalism? - Richard Wolff (plus, Astrology)

August 5, 2022

Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces: Impressionability; Pathological Inclinations; Financial Schemes and Fraud

With Midterms 2022 quickly approaching, it's typical that the US economy and household budgets are on most Americans' minds, thanks in large part to inflationary price-gouging by corporations (many of which funded death-cult leader and seditionist) Trump's January 6th coup attempt, ongoing.

Such financial schemes are partially described as a Jupiter-Neptune affair of grand schemes and speculation, with their new and current cycle beginning on April 12, 2022 @23Pis59.

Then notably, when wealth-hoarding power-player Pluto Stations on October 8, 2022 @26Cap06 (in process of completing America's first-ever Pluto Return), transit Neptune will still be spreading its wide-girthed gaseousness all over the dreamy 23Pisces+ position in its April 12, 2022 conjunction horoscope. Illusion, delusion, and fanaticism are indicated along with a search for truth. And from these cosmic influences, society may experience a continuation of unreasonable plans, or perhaps a transformation - or collapse - of them.

Meanwhile, here's a related discussion concerning financial issues from yesterday's Live broadcast of the Thom Hartmann Show:

And so, my friends, if you share my common good leanings at all, you're mighty fed up with Predatory Capitalism exploiting the American people into penury, ruining our children's futures, and undermining our country in every way it can devise. One way that such concerns may be studied is via the Pluto-Chiron cycle of Plutocracy, exploitation, racism, Capitalism, Socialism, Fascism (other -isms), and the primal violence and cruelty now on the rise in society. Their current cycle began anew on December 30, 1999 @11Sag22, conjunct what some astrologers continue to use as America's founding Ascendant (late afternoon of July 4, 1776). See Pluto and Chiron Conjunct: a New Cycle.

Yet whether we place the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction of December 1999 upon our US 1776 Ascendant or not - their 60-year cycle relating to Collective consciousness and a mass need - the troubling conditions are expressing loudly in this, the not-so New Millennium, a new cycle announced by the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction and in other ways, so that we now find unfettered Plutocracy of the economic royalist class and its enablers shoving America and the US government into a downward spiral of tyranny and misery.

Now as you know, multiple foreign actors are 'in on' the big picture with the expected objective of removing the US from global leadership on behalf of Russia and China (countries that are unable to reach such elevated positions by their merits so they have to cheat to gain advantages - like Trump). And yes, this is a topic fussed about multiple times here on SO'W so I won't repeat such fusses in this, my Friday post of the week, except to mention that atomic and nuclear concerns are also within the realms of Pluto-Chiron.

Suffice to say in closing, it is imperative that every American Vote in the Midterms Elections of November 2022, and again in the November 2024 elections, despite any and all obstacles.

Because as Thom Hartmann and multiple others are saying, democracy is on the ballot in November 2022 and in 2024.

Therefore, when it comes to rational pro-constitutional citizens, the crushing of our democratic Republic under the boot of brutal authoritarian fascist dictators with neo-Nazism on their evil minds is simply not an option.

Jun 27, 2022

DC Horoscope: Pluto Stations Oct 8, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Here's a quick posting of a DC Horoscope showing Pluto's Station @26Cap06 the moment that wealthy Mr. Subversive, the puppet master, pauses (as viewed from Earth) and begins moving forward. Zodiacally, transit Pluto has been creeping through old territory since turning retrograde in late April 2022 @28Cap35; as you see, many study notes are penned upon the chart including Pluto's rounded-up Sabian Symbol spotlighted by his Station: "A Mountain Pilgrimage" with its negative expressions of "superficial allegiances" and "false virtue."

Then as you see in Washington DC, Pluto Stations in 11th house, a position suggesting 'powerful political groups and organizations' but can also hint at the loss of a group member; also note that star of misfortune, Scheat, rises with two midpoints: fantasy-prone Moon-Neptune of mass delusion, and the grand-spirit, speculative, bubbly pair of Jupiter-Neptune, a duo that often can include religious ideals (fake or genuine). Then as you see, the Sabian Symbol in The Goal position (MC) of the chart is, "The Pope Blessing the Faithful". And note that these planets form a Seesaw pattern of pros vs cons (progressives vs conservatives) suggesting that tiresome political quarrels continue while the needs of the populace languish:

Worth a mention is the Mars-Pluto inconjunction indicating potentials for obsessive agendas and scorched earth competition, aka, cutthroat competition (Pluto, the assassin?). This inconjunction (quincunx) echoes America's 1776 Mars-Pluto relationship from Gemini to Capricorn along with a second cosmic echo: a foggy Mars-Neptune square of misdirected energy and misguided actions (see bottom right corner). Now not everyone will suffer under or use such difficult energies against humanity but we're talking Politics here so you know the ones who probably will.

Then for society in general, there's another highly significant factor - that rising Neptune Rx @23Pis26 continues to oppose US 1776 Neptune in the more fact-based sign of Virgo which describes major ideological clashes, some of a generational nature, plus, persecutions in the realms of civil and human rights, rascism included. And as you know, astrological Pluto (the dragon and The Pope) never minds benefiting from a heaping load of exploitation, you know. Money laundering, theft, and protecting his hidden wealth are his jams.

That this Neptunian transit of opposition proceeds in 2022, the year of America's first-ever Pluto Return, only adds to the complexities of conditions now operative in US society and makes clear that larger forces erode many of our institutions, systems, laws and traditions. Karmic in nature, these planetary transits show that the time has come for America to alter what needs altering but most of us hope for improvements, not dissolution! And we could have made such alterations without interference from bad faith meddlers, but this wasn't their plan.

And so these active Neptunian and Plutonian energies describe what I continue to assert are being purposefully taken advantage of by foreign and domestic saboteurs, working as agents of a global criminal network of mobsters and thugs, many of whom are, or are aligned with, international financiers and corporatists (a lucrative business arrangement for conscience-free opportunists, no doubt). In fact, the Neptune-Pluto duo of organized crime and misogynist paternalism is having its underhanded way just now, and America has congressional Democrats to deal with this global authoritarian movement raising its brutal head once again from the 1930s. To me this means that criticizing Democrats, well meaning as it may be, tends to undermine their efforts on our behalf and gives energy and support to America's enemies - my personal view but naturally you have yours.

October 9th a Full Moon @16Ari33, then a Solar Eclipse

Additionally, a major cosmic event arrives a mere 17 days after Pluto's Station, the October 25, 2022 Solar Eclipse @2Scorpio in the difficult 6 South Saros Series which I've labeled, A House Raising mainly due to its political implications, plus, it is the Prenatal Eclipse of Midterms 2022 (the very day of a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct radical Uranus, planet of chaos). And to me it seems that the 6 South Solar Eclipse occurs close enough to Pluto's Station to have some measure of disruptive 'wild card' influence in relation to the horoscope you see, above (in 7th house).

So unless you, dear reader, are an out-and-out fascist with neo-nazi leanings (or vice versa), remember to Vote Blue in 2022 - and in 2024.

Because our democracy, our freedoms, and our lives literally depend upon it.

Blog Note: As of this Wednesday (6/29), this may be my last or next to the last post of the week due to an upcoming dental procedure. Thanks for reading and sharing! jc

Jun 3, 2022

Horoscope of the 1st Public J6 Hearing: "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding"

UPDATE June 4, 2022: It has come to my attention that the exact location of the June 9th J6 public hearing will be the Cannon Office Building, south of the Capitol. Calculating the horoscope for this location (38N53:13 77W00:25) makes no difference whatsoever to cusps, houses, or planets. Basically it gives the same horoscope as you see, below, for any differences there may be are negligible.

Therefore, my original post begins here, sans edits:

June 3, 2022

Uranus-Neptune Septile: Fated Events That Concern Catastrophe

by Jude Cowell

Below is a belated posting of the First Public J6 Hearing on June 9, 2022 8:00 pm edt Capitol Building Washington DC; study notes are penned on the chart such as fixed stars and certain Eclipses that are being pointed toward for our past and future considerations (unnotated on the chart in 5th house is the current 6 North Solar Eclipse @10Tau28 with its descriptive themes of 'relationship to authority figures' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' - B. Brady).

Chart-ruler (and hearing-ruler) Jupiter @5Ari04 (in Aries: the truth seeker) is highlighted in green and makes no applying aspects in the chart so its house and sign are prominent with 4th house denoting domestic and security issues. This position of Jupiter indicates a Jupiter-opposite-Neptune transit for Tr*mp, a period when someone is deceiving him (or he them, of course), and illusion, delusion, and confusion abound. He will not be dealing with events in a realistic way but what else is new, right? This is an unpredictable transit, but those who offer him fantastical schemes should be avoided for best results.

Yet we know that he's usually the one inventing fantastical schemes thought up from within his world of fantasy as he listens to the malicious, grudge-holding voices in his head. We can expect that confidential matters will be exposed especially concerning finances with his Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune trio in his 2nd house of Money and Possessions. And maybe his and his comrades playing fast and loose with America's National Treasury could be addressed although the J6 hearings may not be the proper venue for revealing such matters.

Now 8:00 pm edt on June 9th is a Mercury Hour (suitable for hearings, messages, questions, testimony, reporting) and Mercury @27Tau44 is in 6th house and rises with Menkar ('saying what must be said') conjunct US Inaugural Ascendant (Oath of Office), plus, de-structuring, transformative Pluto, planet of subversion and hidden wealth, is in process of performing America's first-ever Pluto Return. On June 9th, Pluto rises with the star of extreme misfortune, Scheat. Obviously, issues of America as a Plutocracy have been on everyone's minds for some time which brings in our national Mercury-Pluto opposition of total surveillance, and knowledge is power concerns.

So expectably, some secrets will be withheld during the hearings which is typical due to the fact that they're being held in public and this is often Washington's justification for neglecting to divulge all the facts due to 'national security', as you know, so we'll see how things proceed by the final hearing on June 23rd (8:00 pm edt) with the public Moon @6Tau13 conjunct Inauguration Day 2021's incendiary Mars-Uranus Conjunction (6Tau44) indicating potentials for aggression from those who support the overthrow of the US government.

Meanwhile, Ceres will have moved on to 16Can51 - conjunct and reflecting Tr*mp's natal Nemesis (16Can40) and while he seems to feel that democracy is his enemy, I do believe it's the other way around for the wide-girthed foreign agent orange.

To read more notes, please enlarge or print the image for other chart factors are listed on the chart:

Now as you see, the above chart Angles conjunct those of America's late afternoon horoscope of July 4, 1776 and I mention this synchronicity even though it may ruffle the feathers of a few of my favorite astrologers (who know who they are). Oh well - maybe they'll never read this post.

Then there's the speculative Jupiter-Neptune pair at the bottom of the chart, and although in disassociate signs, suggests the political conflicts and scandals at the base of the matter. This may also indicate that fortune seekers, wastrels, and evangelicals are involved but we don't need Astrology to tell us this!

Democracy vs Predatory Authoritarianism

Then when it comes to Democracy, both lower and upper case, in the horoscope there's nurturing Ceres, asteroid signifying democracy, @10Can47 in 7th house - and descriptively we find that hellish Hades conjoins Ceres - also @10Can47. As you know, Uranian planet Hades contains Scorpio-Virgo qualities indicating potentials for analysis and investigation, breaking down into parts, dealing with hidden and unpleasant things, and has a close association with Pluto as god of The Underworld. Therefore, mobsterism (infesting our democracy) is denoted since those are the types of criminals the J6 public hearings must deal with.

And note that, besides the suggestion of karma or fate found via the septile (52 degr 26 mins) between transpersonal planets Uranus and Neptune, the nwo pair of The Enlightenment, the Vertex ('VX') @27Can13 falls in the 8th house (VX not marked on the chart) which places the anti-Vertex conjunct Pluto (and US 1776 Pluto). So with Pluto being one of the planets of karma, America's fate as a democracy is definitely on the line through the outcomes of the J6 hearings and by how the DOJ will respond to the hearings' conclusions.

Meanwhile, the primary point of focus is the handle of a Bucket shape - the 10th house Moon @18Lib06 - conjunct the natal stationary Jupiter of D. Tr*mp with an interesting Sabian Symbol ('19Libra') that to me seems very much to apply: "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding." Well hopefully, they'll no longer be in hiding via the J6 hearings with the June 9th Moon in the very visible 10th house reflecting the orange Jupiterian's expansive activities, financial, foreign, and political in particular. Perhaps the orange instigator's obvious happiness (Moon-Jupiter) during his violent coup attempt of January 6, 2021 will be mentioned during the hearings, as it well should be. His reckless behavior on January 6th is evidence of his complicity.

And yet considering that the public J6 hearings will open during the ongoing transiting midpoint picture of Pluto-NN = Neptune, it's possible that revealing the 'gaining advantages through the use of fraud and lies' tendencies of Herr T and his comrades may or may not result in successful DOJ indictments and prosecutions for, after all, suggested are longterm systemic problems affecting everyone in society.

And this means that if you're not a perpetrator of Trumpian crimes, dear reader, you might just be a victim.

So to close, a quick look at the June 23rd horoscope shows a practical Water-Earth Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus blend of conscious and unconscious energies which are shared natally by Jazz era legend Miss Josephine Baker, inventor of the riske banana dance. And in my estimation, a famous quote from her relates to the infamous condition of 'emperor' Tr*mp whose robe of authority and fitness for office has always been questioned,

"I wasn't really naked, I simply didn't have any clothes on."

Well, if they're not aborted or sabotaged in some way, the J6 hearings could conclude with 'emperor' Tr*mp even naked-er than before, if that's even possible.

Related: Can the Public J6 Hearings purify our social and governmental systems of any of the political and ideological toxins and hatreds now infesting America? Any of them? Follow the link for a discussion by progressive author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann.

Jan 20, 2022

April-May 2022 Cosmic Shifts and Blinks

April-May 2022: As Above, So Below

by Jude Cowell

Thursday January 20, 2022

With springlike April coming soon and flowery May just behind, here's a round-up of SO'W posts, plus, info concerning prominent cosmic events coming in April and May 2022 that promise societal shifts on multiple levels. The emphasis here is on the US but naturally other regions of the world will also be under these cosmic influences:

April 1, 2022: New Moon @12Pis07 culminating with the Full Moon @26Lib46 on April 16, 2022 (no DC Horoscopes of these lunations have been published, not yet anyway).

April 12, 2022: a new cycle begins of the speculator pair of bubbles, inflation, and political conflicts: Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction @23Pis59 opposing US 1776 Neptune in Virgo (Jupiter-Neptune with more Neptune: promotion of strange theories; misplaced altruism).

April 30, 2022: A disruptive, course-changing 6 North Solar Eclipse in Venus-ruled Taurus (@10Tau28--where transit Uranus is as I type). Check out the themes of this 'cosmic blink' eclipse because an authority figure may become unreliable and have to be replaced. Good news is that this is a partial solar eclipse so its energies are not as influential as a Total eclipse would be.

May 16, 2022: Total Lunar Eclipse @25Scor18 near the natal Sun and Venus of President Biden (no DC Horoscope published yet). Which inconvenient secrets of a Scorpionic nature will be revealed or leaked? Will this eclipse relate to an authority figure becoming unreliable? (If so, may it be a secessionist.)

May 24, 2022: Transit Jupiter and Mars Reach Aries Point by leaving shady Pisces behind. Mars in his own sign of Aries desires change, while Jupiter in Aries suggests vigorous leadership and honesty but negatively can bring premature action, over-expansion, and/or moodiness.

May 30, 2022: the merry month of May ends with a New Moon @9Gem03 conjunct US 1776 Uranus (@8:55), America's totem planet of revolt and revolution, and a cosmic marker for changes, shifts, reforms, progress, disruption, and/or radical politics.

So this is the list of cosmic events I have for you today, however, there are almost certainly more April and May 2022 posts coming so do stay tuned!

Above image: 'Cosmic Blinks' paper collage by Jude Cowell

Jan 3, 2022

America 2022: Violence vs Democracy

by Jude Cowell

Monday January 3, 2022

These days, it seems that there are two basic types of people in the world: those who value human life, and those zealous few who don't mind stealing life from other people especially if it advances their selfish cause.

Last January we saw them in action on Capitol Hill when they followed Herr Tr*mp's orders and marched to the Capitol Building where the mob breached the Masonic temple and viciously assaulted US Congress members, their staff, government workers, and those whose job it was to protect them - and that with the complicity of maliciously scheming Republican congress members and their enablers behind the scenes such as financial donors and corporate types. The 1/6 'MAGA" insurrection was Herr T's revenge against those who were certifying votes and tossing him from the Oval Office. But as you know, both the certification and The Toss were accomplished.

However, as many people agree, the orange menace is not yet done plaguing our country (his Mars rising in vain Leo opposes US natal Moon of We The People) so here's today's editorial by Alex Henderson, Fears of a 'civil war' are growing as MAGA chooses 'violence' over democracy.

Meanwhile, I still cheer for royal Regulus which rises with warrior Mars in Herr T's natal chart (assuming his birth time of 10:54 am is accurate on the morning of June 14, 1946 Jamaica, NY). You remember the 'caution' of Regulus, right? Yet we know that Tr*mp was born with expansive Jupiter at Station so he never acknowledges a boundary, limit, rule, tradition, or taboo!

Above is a dual image of the deception-addled, 'Mercury-Neptune' influenced Civil War horoscope, the insurrection that MAGA folk love to compare their 'coup' of Jan 6th to when they're not claiming the American Revolution for themselves. So as you see, this is the horoscope of the deception-addled 'Mercury-Neptune' influenced Civil War of April 12, 1861 4:30 am Charleston, SC (inner) with the Civil War's Progressed ('SP') Full Moon which perfected @26Pis05 near where the reality-challenged, speculating pair of Jupiter and Neptune will meet on April 12, 2022 @23Pis59. And amazingly, the Civil War's SP Full Moon symbolically perfected on a significant date in US political history and the day of a difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse: December 14, 2020, which was also the day of the Electoral College Vote that favored President Joe Biden and led to sore loser Tr*mp's determination to take his revenge and 'stop the steal' (or commit it, more like).

Now I wonder if Herr T knows of the caution of starry Regulus, the fulfillment for which I cheer because he so deserves it: "Success if revenge is avoided; otherwise, all that's been gained will be taken away." As you've noticed, some of his gains have already been taken away.

And perhaps you'll agree that his 1/6 'coup' attempt was nothing if not his revenge.

In case you missed it: Trump Determined to Occupy the Capitol on Jan 6th (US and 1/6 horoscopes shown).

Dec 2, 2021

In May 2022 Mars and Jupiter reach Aries Point!

by Jude Cowell

Thursday December 2, 2021

This is one of my occasional "for future reference" posts and it displays a dual image of the first moments in May 2022 when transit Jupiter conjuncts the Aries Point (May 10th; lower left), then two weeks later, transit Mars conjuncts the Aries Point (May 24th; 'AP' = Aries Point, the numero uno Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, Recognition, Fame, Prominence, and Global Events; Good Fortune may also be involved).

As you see, several basic chart factors, plus, my study notes are squooshed upon the image for those who care to enlarge and read them. Note that, as always, your on-topic, name-tagged comments are invited. Plus, regretfully, mention must be made that the 'Marseillais Trio' of violence from the days of the French Revolution (Mars-Neptune-Jupiter) is loosely formed in both charts as notated upon the image but whether or not such tumultuous energies will express in a similarly violent fashion remains to be seen.

That transit Jupiter moves forward into Aries after a bubbly conjunction with gaseous Neptune in shady Pisces (exact April 12, 2022 with Mars still in late Aquarius) will hopefully provide a lessening of the Trio's more difficult energies (Related: Solar Eclipse April 2022 and the Marseillaise Trio).

The Cosmic Shift from Pisces to Aries Must Cross Difficult Star Scheat

Now when transit Jupiter reaches the AP on May 10, 2022 a major shift occurs from creative, watery Pisces where societal planet Jupiter tends potentially toward altruism, kindness, contentment in modest circumstances, a preference for solitude, impressionability, and/or the urge to enjoy negative escapism. Given Jupiter's 12-year cycle, the last time Jupiter reached Aries Point was in early June 2010 where the planet of expansion and growth remained until retrograding back into Pisces in September 2010. After turning Direct, the Great Benefic reached the Aries Point a second time during the third week of January 2011 and remained in Aries until early June 2011. You'll note that this time frame included the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision which opened the floodgate to corporate ownership of American politicians.

Jupiter in Mars-ruled Aries denotes a period of expanded organization, vigorous actions, an increase of frankness (hope so!), widened corporate enterprises or interests, shows of generosity, and adventurous leadership. However, a lack of balance may also be shown along with tendencies toward moodiness, promoting plans that are premature, redecorating environments, and/or rearranging the deck chairs. Jupiter conjunct Scheat may expand the star's potentials, positively or negatively, and may rhyme with Jupiterian events and decisions from 12 years before. Ex: Citizens United decision January 21, 2010.

Then on May 24th feverish activist Mars leaves the sign of Pisces with its unreliable qualities, contagiousness, possible compassion, and the placement's 'struggle for recognition' tendencies and enters its own sign of Aries, one of Mars' stronger positions. Given the warrior planet's two-year cycle, transit Mars last entered Aries at the very end of June 2020 and remained in the sign until early January 2021. No, Mars conjunct Scheat is not comforting since both are considered malevolent yet we know that this meet-up happens approximately every two years and may pass us by without any notice at all.

Mars in Aries tends toward impatience, ambition, and perhaps the destructive urge (which may include arson so beware). This is a pioneering placement full of courage yet it can also involve a rash fools rush in quality.

So besides the Mars-Jupiter duo's relationship biologically to potentials for major surgery (hip or liver surgery in particular), hypoadrenalism, the heart muscle, a baby's first cry, aggravation of acute ailments, and/or the strengthening of limbs and improved muscle tone, perhaps we should close this post with a paraphrasing of the Hegelian Dialect information with potentials as provided by Michael Munkasey in the realms of Politics and Business. Add these potentials to Reinhold Ebertin's Mars-Jupiter = 'fortunate decisions' and 'conflict settlements':

Thesis: Too much legal activity or opinions; action taken in response to legal judgments; advice that angers or inflames others; legislative actions that concern competitive sports; religious activities or festivals.

Antithesis: legal opinions or judicial cases which affect military or metal industries; judgment of enemies who seek to do battle; misuse of forces when engaging others; an expansion in military hardware (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey #ad).

Additionally, we may simply consult Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs book (#ad) for the Mars-Jupiter combination of energies: a fortunate course of action, clearing the air, and/or making waves effectively!

Oct 22, 2021

When US Neptune Turned Rx by Progression

by Jude Cowell

On January 20, 1953, East Portico, Capitol Building, Washington DC Dwight David Eisenhower was first inaugurated as President of the United States (page links to audio of his 1953 inaugural address). His was America's 42nd Presidential Inauguration.

A review of significant events during the year 1953 provides the curious with a snapshot of the era but one symbolic astrological event of interest to me is that America's natal Neptune (22Vir25) from July 4, 1776 turned retrograde ('Rx') by Secondary Progression ('SP') on June 10, 1953 @27Vir06:27.

In the day-for-a-year SP method the position of progressed Neptune corresponds to the real-time position of transiting Neptune on December 29, 1776. So as you can tell from the date, the American Revolution was in full swing and December 29th was the day that General George Washington and his troops re-crossed the Delaware River back into New Jersey after their victory at the Battle of Trenton. The dates and events fall within what is known as The Ten Crucial Days for America.

Now the house that our national Neptune resided in on July 4, 1776 depends upon the timing of the horoscope, and to make matters more complex, other dates are often used by various astrologers. One such is known as America's Powell Horoscope set for July 1, 1776 (7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia ASC 6Cap07; MC 29Lib56) with an 8th house Neptune @22Vir22. But no matter which 1776 chart is progressed, the sign and degrees remain the same (though perhaps with slightly different dates? I haven't progressed them all), and rounded-up, Neptune's Sabian Symbol for '23 Virgo' = "A Lion Tamer Rushes Fearlessly into the Circus Arena" which sounds appropriately embattled for the era and reminds me, if not you, of a belligerent America's continued focus through the centuries on opponents and foes, creating them where they previously didn't exist. Of course, betrayal is a common word where saboteur Neptune is concerned and the newer term "blowback" comes windily to mind thanks to the neo-con wars the American people were lied into.

And when we look at the phenomenon of retrogression of planets and their relationship to the Sun there are differences between natal and mundane planets, yes, but this post is meant only in a general sense. Not being an astronomer I shall leave it to you, dear reader, to investigate the cosmic mechanics of the matter if needed; therefore, what I type here is in relation to societal and political shifts in our country, its ideology and leadership due to our 1776 Direct Neptune's symbolic change into retrograde motion (1953) and how the planet's altered condition influences America's Neptunian functions in such realms as idealism, honesty vs dishonesty, media, and the longing for the unseen, among other things (amorphous, etheric Neptune, difficult to pin down!).

Meanwhile, quite a transformation can be observed via the Sabian Symbol for our SP Neptune in 1953 from 'taming lions' to: '28 Virgo' = "A Bald-headed Man Who Has Seized Power" (Is that you, Ike?). Dane Rudhyar gives this word picture a Keynote: "The sheer power of personality in times that call for decision." And adds that, "Everything bows to THE POWER OF THE WILL--divine, executively human, or Satanic" (An Astrological Mandala, DR; #ad).

And we should note that in our era, US natal Sun, once in Moon-ruled, patriotic Cancer, has progressed well into Pisces, often a shady, secretive sign with Jupiter-Neptune vibrations and this in part accounts for the prevalence of deception, veils, scandals, fraud, theft, and corruption now operative in US society and leadership much to the enjoyment of domestic and global criminal entities and networks of the anti-societal Neptune-Pluto persuasion. Thanks to these low-character jokers, knaves, and thieves, Neptune's undermining and sabotaging functions are starkly in evidence as we now are forced to see. However, since the 2020 Election and his Inauguration, President Joe Biden now expresses the compassionate side of Pisces, a vast improvement on behalf of the American people, imho!

So let's hone in on The Gaseous Giant with quoted text from expert astrologer Erin Sullivan's masterful book Retrograde Planets (#ad) concerning the topic of Neptune stationing by progression (slightly edited for clarity and noting that the Sun in a Political Astrology horoscope represents the leader, leadership, goal, ego:

When Neptune stations by progression in the chart, it means the Sun has progressed to such a point that its relationship with Neptune has undergone a subtle readjustment. It has been virtually stationary for years, anyway; the station is rarely marked by an event. {} Also, it might precipitate an unrealistic search {} for a teacher, whether that be a lover, guru, master or leader. {} relationships which fall short of the ideal can dissolve and disappear, leaving one in a state of suspension for some time while new evaluations of {} religious expression and spiritual resources are in progress.

The stationary-direct year will mark a time of 'surfacing', of changing one's perceptions of reality. The reality shift can be sudden, as the scales fall from one's eyes, or gradual, over a period of three or four years, while transits or other more sharply defined progressions bring the Neptune station into clearer focus. The progressed Sun's position in relation to natal planets will help define the situation, by indicating what issues the ego is grappling with."

(Imagine: the massive grappling egos of Washington DC! jc)

This may be a time when "an avenue for expressing 'newly discovered' psychological patterns" never before understood or expressed entered society through US leadership.

Erin adds that "reference points begin to blur at the edges, resulting in a soft-focus reality" and here yours truly suggests that, besides the obvious religious reference mentioned above, America's symbolic Neptunian shift to Rx motion has made it easy for success-at-any-cost politicians, religious figures, and the elite and corporate classes they serve to gaslight the American people by deceit, propaganda, and disinformation, as they work to confuse and diffuse every issue that calls for facing reality in order to find practical solutions - and this sorriness actually began way back in the 1950s!

A related post is the Discovery of Neptune Horoscope in September 1846. And curiously, our American Revolution planets will reach the Progressed New Moon phase conjunct a certain Cardinal World Point of Manifestation on July 8, 2022 which means that our nation is mired within the 'Dark of the Moon' phase now where shadowy Neptune can do its worst - and, with divine inspiration and intervention, its best.

Sep 3, 2021

September 18, 2021: A Far-Right Rally in DC - or not?

September 2021: Jupiter (seen above), Neptune, and Pluto

by Jude Cowell

September 3, 2021: Well, it seems the report that a far-right rally (by 'Proud Boys' and/or 'Oath-Keepers', etc) is planned for September 18, 2021 is disputed by various far-right saboteurs. See Proud Boys Deny Reports of September 18 Capitol Rally: 'Sounds like Bait'. If not held then, perhaps a rescheduling of the rally has occurred, a strategic withdrawal in order to regroup, plan anew, and thereby hope to add a surprise factor no longer possible on September 18th.

So because their September 18th rally is iffy, who wants to waste precious time setting up a horoscope for what may not happen at all? Closer to the date? Perhaps. Besides, it's Friday and the Moon entered shiny Leo at 11:58 am edt this morning and will languish in the sign of entertainment, drama, and pride (!) until Sunday evening (7:06 pm edt) so that time-wastrel won't be yours truly!

Still, there is a prominent midpoint picture which concerns criminality in effect all that day with Jupiter Rx as apex planet. Actually, the picture is in effect for the second half of September and involves the planetary pair of underworld and/or organized crime, fantasy, people with strange ideas, obsessions, manias, drugs, occultists, the supernatural, 'equating decay with progress', confusion, loss, grief - and, more to the point: 'subversion within security agencies' and 'controls over centers of political power' (which you know is the far-right's desire): see America's Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy.

Yes, there are positive potentials in the religious and creative realms within the karmic Neptune-Pluto pairing but considering that the elephant in the room is the potential for far-right violence and extremism at their "rallies" below are negative potentials which can possibly manifest when Neptune-Pluto = Jupiter influences social and political issues and events:

Sectarians (R. Ebertin); social or political pressures; an expanded desire to enjoy a better future; the desire to use drugs (Munkasey); feeling at one with the way things should be (Tyl).

Finally, let's close with Noel Tyl's general (positive and negative) details concerning the Neptune-Pluto duo in his book on Solar Arcs (#ad), any of which may or may not be expanded or increased by boundary-breaker Jupiter while at the titanic midpoint's apex:

"The supernatural; other realms seem to be involved with life occurrences; unusual problems; peculiar experiences; possible concerns about death matters; creative enterprise; enormous intensification of sensory sensitivity; possible loss of the frame of reality; subterfuge; possible introduction of drugs or alchohol dysfunctionally." (Note: alcohol is a drug -jc.)

More Jupiter info can be found in the horoscope of the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction on April 12, 2022.

Jun 28, 2021

George Packer and the Recuperation of America

by Jude Cowell

"Equality and Self-Government are interconnected here," - George Packer

Monday June 28, 2021: As you might expect, my morning began with an informative interview posted to Al Franken's podcast of June 27th, George Packer on How It Got So Bad in America and How It Could Get Slightly Better which, in case you missed it, is a must-listen for those who care about our country and the direction the US is headed if we don't beneficially reform our ways. Suggestions for America's betterment are included.

In their wide-ranging interview, topics such as 'Newt Gingrich' ("It's Newt Gingrich," says George Packer: "There was nothing conservative about {him}, "He was a radical") which resonates perfectly with the subsequent radical reactionary Republican Party of our era, aka, the Tr*mp Party. As you know, in Political Astrology such terms describe chaotic planet Uranus, the Utopian zealot, anarchist, and radical reformer. And Tr*mp's 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his 'guiding planet' (last planet to rise before his Sun; fyi mine is 4th house Jupiter in Capricorn).

George Packer's latest book Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal is now available via Kindle and the audio version. #ad

Plus, another astrological point worth mentioning is a certain cosmic link: that Newt and Donald share the same personality blend of 'Peter Pan' and 'The Pied Piper' as noted in a previous post about Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius, the zodiacal polarity of truth vs falsehood-- integrity vs immorality--fact vs fiction axis through which Tr*mp brought us "fake news" and "alternative facts," among other bizarre, misguided things. Obviously, this polarity's communication-propaganda-'religious' vibes have played a large part in the success and eventual disgrace of both men, and Mr. Packer asserts that Gingrich was "consumed by the fire he lit," and that at some point Tr*mp will also be consumed (by his own conflagration).

Now for a cosmic look ahead you may wish to try Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of 2009 and 2022 (both horoscopes shown). Note that as I type in June 2021 and until their next Great Conjunction of April 12, 2022 @23Pis59, society remains under the 'dreamy' influences of the third of their three conjunctions in 2009. Follow the link to view the 'current' 2009 (until April 12, 2022) Jupiter-Neptune horoscope with its scandals, hypocrisy, fraudulent schemes, inflationary bubbles, dreams, visions, and political conflicts galore. Why, you may even wish to credit Jupiter-Neptune influence with the abundance of "UFO" sightings which now seem to be worthy of notice by some sectors participating in the public discourse such as the US military, mainstream media, and Politics. Is an "alien landing" of manipulation and fear being planned by the elite class? What do you think? jc

Jan 25, 2021

The Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of 2009 and 2022

Tricky Legalisms, Political Conflicts, Grand Schemes, and Bubbles

by Jude Cowell

January 25, 2021: Here's a lightly edited (for clarity) excerpt written in 2016 which concerns the frothy planetary pair of Jupiter and Neptune and their Great Conjunction/s of 2009:

"Now those readers who were reading Stars Over Washington in 2009 and before know that I have typed a large amount of words concerning Jupiter and Neptune as a pair of energies that represent potentials for 'the grand spirit, visions, big promises, flowery religious sentiments, subversion, surveillance, get-rich-quick schemes, fraud, waste, speculation, hypocrisy (Ebertin)--and irresponsible, abusive, or reckless financial mismanagement. Political conflicts are also within the realms of Jupiter-Neptune (ex: Republicans vowing failure for President Obama since Day One). Such readers may be familiar with astrological principles and if so, they have not missed the significant synchronicity of the three 2009 conjunctions of Jupiter and Neptune perfecting upon the US Moon in late Aquarius as seen on July 4, 1776: mundane US Moon = We the People.

The blend of this grand influence of the societal planet of expansion (Jupiter) and urge-to-merge Neptune (often a leader in fraud, falsehood, deception, smoke screens, masks, veils, loss, failure, theft, dissolution, contagion, mysticism, crime, and planet of The Masses, The Media, and propaganda) induced us in 2009+ to be exploited by our dreaminess, by falling into a swoon, having little sense of reality, becoming involved in speculation and fraud, losing ourselves in plans which brought waste, loss, and instability for a majority of the public (ex: the housing crisis). That America's natal Neptune @22Virgo conjunct fixed star Denebola (to go against society) obscures Barack Obama's natal Mars @22Virgo allowed the effective use of Jupiter-Neptune = natal Moon; meanwhile, those who were aware of the significance of such cosmic occurrences noticed that they timed and chimed with our newly elected "rock star" president (Mars-Neptune). This also relates to McConnell casting Neptunian shade over President Obama's natal Mars (motive, energy, action) to undermine him as every opportunity."

And with nebulous Neptune, as with Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, the seductive, deceptive influences were karmic or fated for the American people (US Moon). And actually, those same influences have been operative through the hypnotic appeal of Donald Trump - for those who have been susceptible to his "charms." He's a real pied piper, y'know? However, the fumes of 2009's Jupiter-Neptune = Moon energies will dissipate by the next Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of April 12, 2022 yet some effects may linger in the breeze since the 2022 conjunction perfects in mystical, shady, secretive, and perhaps compassionate Pisces, ruled, and some would say, co-ruled, by Neptune.

So below you see a dual chart of the third of three conjunctions of 2009 (lower left) along with the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction @23Pis58 (upper right) which occurs under the Biden-Harris administration. Study notes are squished upon both charts if you care to enlarge the image and make them out; Solar Eclipses are penned on as well: 11 South (2009) and 5 New South (2022):

Any thoughts?