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Jul 1, 2022

History Of GOP Slide To Fascism: From Eisenhower To DeSantis - Thom Hartmann

July 1, 2022

Here's an important segment from a recent Thom Hartmann broadcast:

You know, on Aril 20, 2023 the 7 North Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse cycle repeats, and since eclipse cycles and historical cycles resonate one with the other (an eclipse often bringing around similar events - this, from 1933 to 2023) the disruptive Uranian 'cosmic blink' event repeating in our day is a major heads-up in the forewarned-is-forearmed department for those who prefer democracy.

So here's a view of the April 2023 Eclipse Horoscope at a critical 29th degree: 7 North and the Chained Woman. And I suspect we might all agree that with the Supreme Court's recent Handmaidish ruling, the chaining of the feminine half of the population has already begun.

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