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Apr 23, 2024

On The Eclipse of David Pecker

Brief Astro-Notes re: Mr. D. J. Pecker

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

From the Wikipedia page of David Jay Pecker, whose testimony this week in the Trump Election Interference Trial is invaluable, was born in the Bronx, NY, on September 24, 1951 with a misty, ethereal Air-Water Sun Libra-Moon Cancer personality blend of a people pleaser (The Harveys). A mixture of intellectualism, communication, sociability, and sentimentality are indicated.

So without a known birth time, here you see a dual image of Mr. Pecker's noon natal horoscope (upper right) along with a Horoscope of his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE'; lower left) which manifested on September 1, 1951 @8Vir16 in the 7 South Saros Series; angry 7 South themes are penned on the chart, as is the fact that a 7 South Eclipse last occurred on October 14 2023 @21Libra and was operative until the Total 8 North Great American Eclipse arrived on April 8, 2024:

As you see, other study notes are messily penned on for the curious including the fact that David Pecker's Syzygy Moon (lunation prior to birth) was the Lunar Eclipse of September 15, 1951 @21Pis51. Born under the influences of two eclipses makes Pecker something of an "eclipse baby" along the cosmic lines of D. Trump, and this indicates an eventful life, most likely in a public spotlight. Obviously, Pecker's career in publishing and its contact with the public at large are denoted.

The Grand Schemes of Jupiter-Neptune

Also notated on the image is an interesting alignment existing @18Libra between the natal Jupiter Stationary of D. Trump (boundary-and-taboo-breaker), Pecker's natal Neptune (planet of mass media, the masses, subterfuge, cover-ups, deception, fraud and lies) and the natal Saturn of Vladimir Putin (born October 7, 1952).

Now I don't know about you, dear reader, but this triple planetary linkage make me wonder if Mr. Pecker has thrown a veil (Neptune) over, not just Trump's caddish playboy behavior with women, but at some point, has perhaps masked something about the relationship between Don and Vlad by using his paper's "catch and kill" scheme with Mr. Pecker, then-publisher of The National Enquirer rag, operating as, "the eyes and ears of the Trump campaign" (2016) - under Putin's control (Saturn).

But not to fret, for it's only a thought, a mere wonderment of ethereal mist!

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