Capricorn: Sign of Government, Law, Business, and Authority Figures
by Jude Cowell, partisan for our democratic Republic
As agent orange lurked in the people's White House playing POTUS, year 2019 opened with a significant Solar Eclipse in the 2 South Saros Series @15Cap25:02, and if we use the First Vote for Independence Horoscope of July 1, 1776, aka, the Powell Horoscope of America, the Eclipse landed upon - "eclipsed" - the Powell Moon, symbol of We the People - as independence and freedom from oppression were demanded.
Actually, this cosmic synchronicity (Sun-Moon conjunct Moon) gave many Americans the intuitive ability to realize on a deep level what authoritarians were up to and to understand what must be done, while others compounded our nation's karmic debt by repeating mistakes of the past - or by trying to (ex: the Naz*s desire for world domination via brutality and theft). A "unified Reich," as Trump has subversively promoted.
So recognizing that some folks have referred to the J6 coup attempt as "the storm" or "a storming, below you see an unmarked version of the 2 South Eclipse of January 5, 2019, aka, "The Storm" Eclipse based on its future direction North Node's rounded-up Sabian Symbol, "A Storm in a Canyon"; negative potential = "fatuous enjoyment of turmoil" (M. E. Jones). Perhaps we can agree that turmoil, chaos, and disruption are precisely the tactics that Uranian Trump likes to create and use against us for like Naz*s in the olden days, such conditions create the best period of time for reforms to be more easily implemented - distasteful, dystopian, undemocratic, and anti-American as his so obviously are:
Planetary aspects to 2 South provide a fuller picture of conditions and trends:
Saturn conjunct Ecl: those with responsibilities related to 2 South themes and who are well-equipped to correctly handle the issues (Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn);
Pluto conjunct Ecl: Plutonians unite; a network of Syndicates; negative potentials include gang wars and rapes, and other criminal offenses (Pluto in Capricorn: the dictator - R. Ebertin). Note that the harsh, compressive Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 was yet to come and would conjoin Trump's natal Vertex @23Capricorn, a point of fateful encounters and with a potential for "wish fulfillment."
Neptune sextile Ecl: inspires the loftier side of Neptune's spiritual gifts, plus, psychic and intuitive powers increase bringing hope to the downtrodden masses.
2 South Themes: Unusual groups; finding a particular group to join where a great deal can be gained (paraphrasing B. Brady). Initial 2 South occurred on April 17, 991 (OS) @1Tau47, Venus conjunct Aries Point, and Pluto-NN = Jupiter (@12Aries): "Desire to obtain position and power by force through the help of other people" (ex: Putin); and "attainment of great gains through others " (R. Ebertin). Michael Munkasey adds: "potential success through an ability to use people" and "An enhanced ability to read the political motives of the people you meet and assess their needs for power".
Other prominent features of 2019's 2 South Eclipse include: Saturn-Pluto conjunct Sun/Moon: sparing no pains in one's work; over-exertion; cold feelings; a tragic destiny for women (R. Ebertin); Munkasey adds: important denials of extremes; controlling emotions as you push toward goals; dominating others through a strong will; strong control over other people's habits (and over women's healthcare, as it turned out--jc).
And here's a bi-wheel of our Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 (inner) with the 2 South Eclipse 2019 Horoscope (outer) as a transit chart:
Multiple events in 2019 relate to issues of freedom and independence. One such involves the INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) which was signed by Reagan and Gorbachev on December 8, 1987 at the White House under the influence of a 7 South Eclipse with themes of Mars-Pluto power issues. The INF was set to expire on August 2, 2019 but earlier on February 1, 2019, now-felony-convicted Trump confirmed that the US had withdrawn from the INF citing Russian non-compliance. Next day, Russia withdrew from the Treaty as well, and considering Trump's close tie with authoritarian Putin, one might reaonably expect that their withdrawals were coordinated.
Obviously, this freed Putin and Trump on the nuclear level to act as they wish by failing to renew the 1987 aggreement and by not signing a new version. Of course, in 2022 Putin invaded Ukraine and is destroying the country as best his massive ego can.
So! Follow the 2019 link, above, to check for additional events influenced by the group-joining 2 South Eclipse until the 3 North of July 2, 2019 @11Cancer over South America with themes of "news that transforms a situation" and "obessive worry" (B. Brady).
In closing: if you're concerned for America's future with foreign and domestic enemies continuing to target the US, you may wish to see a previous post Is History on Russia's Side?
Recommended for more eclipse info: Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady, and Your Prenatal Eclipse, Rose Lineman (AFA) #ad.