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Showing posts with label 7 South. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7 South. Show all posts

Sep 20, 2024

Autumn Equinox 2024: a Venus-Pluto Affair

The Autumn Equinox 2024 Horoscope Contains Election 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

As you may remember, Aries Ingress 2024, aka, Spring Equinox 2024 began this year with intense Moon-Pluto influences of emotionalism and anger which are affecting the entire year, a pivotal one due to Election 2024. Then a seasonal shift of energies arrives on Sunday September 22, 2024 with Autumn Equinox 2024, another cosmic milestone for the year, aka, Libra Ingress 2024.

This Fall season will carry an intense Venus-Pluto signature with chart-ruler (set for DC) Venus rising at a critical 29th degree of its own sign and squaring power-player Pluto, also at a critical degree of Capricorn in the foundational 4th house. And since Aries Ingresses are operative for an entire year, 2024 has Moon-Pluto vibrations overlaid by Venus-Pluto vibes that hint at concerns over hidden wealth and elements of organized crime.

Now obviously, transformative, manipulative, control freak Pluto is the common denominator here but with a difference: in futuristic Aquarius in the Spring, then back in Saturn-ruled Capricorn for a while - the first position indicating a strong communal sense, while the second is "The Dictator" placement (R. Ebertin) of the old man. However, Venus in Libra values relationships and marriage and can take the limelight gracefully to much public acclaim. Does this sound like anyone you know?

Venus: Happy in Libra

Well, Venus in Libra, in the sign of The Scales of Justice, appears to be a cosmic significator for VP Kamala Harris in this Autumnal chart but will enter Scorpio at 10:38 pm ET. Yet we know that Venus and Pluto contacts tend to constellate around issues of materialism, bankruptcy, sexual affairs, strains in the love life, and/or obsessive romantic involvements, many of which may have an element of fate or karma attached; plus, squares always suggest some measure of blockage, obstacle, or delay to the proceedings yet this may only symbolize the intensity of political competitions in 2024 - or, the purposeful last-minute changes to election rules in states like Georgia. And if election results can be delayed long enough, Republicans will trigger a constitutional crisis as part of their ongoing effort to shoehorn an unfit candidate into the White House.

So! Below you see the pivotally important Autumn Equinox 2024 Horoscope set for Washington DC. You'll notice that chart-ruler Venus also applies to a complex sesqui-square with legal eagle planet Saturn Rx in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Children, and Romance, and as a minor aspect (135 degrees), may have health connotations along with entangled legal situations. Mention should be made that Saturn Rx @14Pis56 conjuncts the 1854 position of the Republican Party's Neptune, the "grim face of reality" transit.

Yet still one's mind wanders to issues of divorce and other break-ups and separations especially with the 8 South Eclipse @10Libra perfecting on October 2nd with themes of loss, partings, and separation (B. Brady). These separative themes are operative at least until the first Solar Eclipse of 2025: the 9 New North of March 29, 2025 @9Aries. (More on this in a future post.)

Meanwhile, let's add to the Autumnal energies the excitable Moon-Uranus conjunction in the 8th house of sex, the occult, debt and credit, insurance, Shared Resources, and Corporatism - all across the possessive Taurus-$corpio axis:

Now as you see, there are other important placements such as banker-donor-politician-corporatist-broadcaster-guru-minister planet Jupiter in mutable, chatty Gemini as apex planet of a midpoint picture with interesting potentials: Moon-Mars = Jupiter: principles; justified actions; love of truth; honesty; openness; a successful woman (N. Tyl; R. Ebertin). And this with transit Jupiter about to conjunct the natal Ascendant of VP Kamala Harris, a transit of harmony and enthusiasm!

Sun/South Node: Selfish Past Actions Bring Karmic Limitations

Meanwhile, the Autumnal Sun @00Libra00:00, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, is in the Behind-the-Scenes 12th house of Karma and Large Institutions, opposed by contagious Neptune Rx and North Node in the 6th house of Health, Employment - and Pets. And considering that we're using the lens of Astrology to peek "under the hood" of Politics, this 6/12 (Victim-Savior) axis suggests a cosmic spotlight searching out the back room actions and antics of our political class - in Congress and within the US Justice System - folks that We the People have a right to expect a work ethic dedicated to serving us by adhering to the principles found in America's freedom documents - the Enlightenment ideals that rank far far above the depravity and degradation of death cult Maga-ite saboteurs and gullible seditionists.

Other Considerations include: Rising @21Libra is the 7 South Eclipse of October 14, 2023 which shows that crisis-laden 7 South themes remain issues in US society which have not passed for they have yet to be dealt with sufficiently. And for an overview of all four seasonal energy shifts see Year 2024 in a Cosmic Nutshell. If you made it this far, Thanks a bunch for reading! jc

Jun 1, 2024

"The Storm" Eclipse of 2019

Capricorn: Sign of Government, Law, Business, and Authority Figures

by Jude Cowell, partisan for our democratic Republic

As agent orange lurked in the people's White House playing POTUS, year 2019 opened with a significant Solar Eclipse in the 2 South Saros Series @15Cap25:02, and if we use the First Vote for Independence Horoscope of July 1, 1776, aka, the Powell Horoscope of America, the Eclipse landed upon - "eclipsed" - the Powell Moon, symbol of We the People - as independence and freedom from oppression were demanded.

Actually, this cosmic synchronicity (Sun-Moon conjunct Moon) gave many Americans the intuitive ability to realize on a deep level what authoritarians were up to and to understand what must be done, while others compounded our nation's karmic debt by repeating mistakes of the past - or by trying to (ex: the Naz*s desire for world domination via brutality and theft). A "unified Reich," as Trump has subversively promoted.

So recognizing that some folks have referred to the J6 coup attempt as "the storm" or "a storming, below you see an unmarked version of the 2 South Eclipse of January 5, 2019, aka, "The Storm" Eclipse based on its future direction North Node's rounded-up Sabian Symbol, "A Storm in a Canyon"; negative potential = "fatuous enjoyment of turmoil" (M. E. Jones). Perhaps we can agree that turmoil, chaos, and disruption are precisely the tactics that Uranian Trump likes to create and use against us for like Naz*s in the olden days, such conditions create the best period of time for reforms to be more easily implemented - distasteful, dystopian, undemocratic, and anti-American as his so obviously are:

Planetary aspects to 2 South provide a fuller picture of conditions and trends:

Saturn conjunct Ecl: those with responsibilities related to 2 South themes and who are well-equipped to correctly handle the issues (Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn);

Pluto conjunct Ecl: Plutonians unite; a network of Syndicates; negative potentials include gang wars and rapes, and other criminal offenses (Pluto in Capricorn: the dictator - R. Ebertin). Note that the harsh, compressive Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 was yet to come and would conjoin Trump's natal Vertex @23Capricorn, a point of fateful encounters and with a potential for "wish fulfillment."

Neptune sextile Ecl: inspires the loftier side of Neptune's spiritual gifts, plus, psychic and intuitive powers increase bringing hope to the downtrodden masses.

2 South Themes: Unusual groups; finding a particular group to join where a great deal can be gained (paraphrasing B. Brady). Initial 2 South occurred on April 17, 991 (OS) @1Tau47, Venus conjunct Aries Point, and Pluto-NN = Jupiter (@12Aries): "Desire to obtain position and power by force through the help of other people" (ex: Putin); and "attainment of great gains through others " (R. Ebertin). Michael Munkasey adds: "potential success through an ability to use people" and "An enhanced ability to read the political motives of the people you meet and assess their needs for power".

Other prominent features of 2019's 2 South Eclipse include: Saturn-Pluto conjunct Sun/Moon: sparing no pains in one's work; over-exertion; cold feelings; a tragic destiny for women (R. Ebertin); Munkasey adds: important denials of extremes; controlling emotions as you push toward goals; dominating others through a strong will; strong control over other people's habits (and over women's healthcare, as it turned out--jc).

And here's a bi-wheel of our Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 (inner) with the 2 South Eclipse 2019 Horoscope (outer) as a transit chart:

Events of 2019

Multiple events in 2019 relate to issues of freedom and independence. One such involves the INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) which was signed by Reagan and Gorbachev on December 8, 1987 at the White House under the influence of a 7 South Eclipse with themes of Mars-Pluto power issues. The INF was set to expire on August 2, 2019 but earlier on February 1, 2019, now-felony-convicted Trump confirmed that the US had withdrawn from the INF citing Russian non-compliance. Next day, Russia withdrew from the Treaty as well, and considering Trump's close tie with authoritarian Putin, one might reaonably expect that their withdrawals were coordinated.

Obviously, this freed Putin and Trump on the nuclear level to act as they wish by failing to renew the 1987 aggreement and by not signing a new version. Of course, in 2022 Putin invaded Ukraine and is destroying the country as best his massive ego can.

So! Follow the 2019 link, above, to check for additional events influenced by the group-joining 2 South Eclipse until the 3 North of July 2, 2019 @11Cancer over South America with themes of "news that transforms a situation" and "obessive worry" (B. Brady).

In closing: if you're concerned for America's future with foreign and domestic enemies continuing to target the US, you may wish to see a previous post Is History on Russia's Side?

Recommended for more eclipse info: Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady, and Your Prenatal Eclipse, Rose Lineman (AFA) #ad.

Apr 23, 2024

On The Eclipse of David Pecker

Brief Astro-Notes re: Mr. D. J. Pecker

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

From the Wikipedia page of David Jay Pecker, whose testimony this week in the Trump Election Interference Trial is invaluable, was born in the Bronx, NY, on September 24, 1951 with a misty, ethereal Air-Water Sun Libra-Moon Cancer personality blend of a people pleaser (The Harveys). A mixture of intellectualism, communication, sociability, and sentimentality are indicated.

So without a known birth time, here you see a dual image of Mr. Pecker's noon natal horoscope (upper right) along with a Horoscope of his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE'; lower left) which manifested on September 1, 1951 @8Vir16 in the 7 South Saros Series; angry 7 South themes are penned on the chart, as is the fact that a 7 South Eclipse last occurred on October 14 2023 @21Libra and was operative until the Total 8 North Great American Eclipse arrived on April 8, 2024:

As you see, other study notes are messily penned on for the curious including the fact that David Pecker's Syzygy Moon (lunation prior to birth) was the Lunar Eclipse of September 15, 1951 @21Pis51. Born under the influences of two eclipses makes Pecker something of an "eclipse baby" along the cosmic lines of D. Trump, and this indicates an eventful life, most likely in a public spotlight. Obviously, Pecker's career in publishing and its contact with the public at large are denoted.

The Grand Schemes of Jupiter-Neptune

Also notated on the image is an interesting alignment existing @18Libra between the natal Jupiter Stationary of D. Trump (boundary-and-taboo-breaker), Pecker's natal Neptune (planet of mass media, the masses, subterfuge, cover-ups, deception, fraud and lies) and the natal Saturn of Vladimir Putin (born October 7, 1952).

Now I don't know about you, dear reader, but this triple planetary linkage make me wonder if Mr. Pecker has thrown a veil (Neptune) over, not just Trump's caddish playboy behavior with women, but at some point, has perhaps masked something about the relationship between Don and Vlad by using his paper's "catch and kill" scheme with Mr. Pecker, then-publisher of The National Enquirer rag, operating as, "the eyes and ears of the Trump campaign" (2016) - under Putin's control (Saturn).

But not to fret, for it's only a thought, a mere wonderment of ethereal mist!

Mar 12, 2024

Spring Equinox 2024: Moon-Pluto

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

This post is a second look at the Spring Equinox 2024 Horoscope, again set for Washington DC. Unlisted is the Vertex ('VX') of fated encounters which falls at a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation: 00Can11 in the 8th house of the chart which qualifies as a cosmic time link with the 4 North Solar Eclipse @00Can21 on June 21, 2020 with themes of "restriction; restraint; illusion; separation; misjudging strength or the situation' (B. Brady).

Obviously, year 2020 is prominent for America in particular because it ended with the 4 South Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sagittarius (near Trump's natal Moon/SN) with its "strong emotions over finances and/or relationships; sudden urge to end unions; blocked emotions; sense of fatedness; events beyond control; avoid rash action" (paraphrasing B.Brady). And as we know, these frustrated energies gave rise to "The Big Lie."

So as you see for year 2024, there's a prominent, emotional Moon-Pluto opposition (astro-notes penned on the chart, upper center) with Pluto @1AQ39 in 3rd house leading a BOWL shape (advocating for a cause along with Altair, the eagle star of empire) while combative Mars @27AQ46 conjuncts the IC of Domestic Scene and suggesting the quarrels, anger, and a potential for violent acts which Campaign 2024 could bring - but no one needs Astrology to tell them these possibilities:

Now for astrologers who use a late afternoon horoscope for America (July 4, 1776), Mars @26AQ46 conjuncts US Moon in late Aquarius which adds another level of belligerence and aggression to the Spring 2024 Moon-Pluto picture. Plus, as you know, a Spring Equinox Horoscope may be utilized for an entire year but also for a quarter of a year with the Summer Solstice 2024 Horoscope "taking over" in June. Yet obviously, an overview of both charts, plus, Autumn EQ and Winter Solstice will provide the broadest picture of an entire year into the next.

As an example, society has continued to operate under the auspices of the Winter Solstice 2023 Horoscope since last December and will continue to do so until the above March 19th horoscope "takes over" the reins, so to speak. Well, planetary positions do morph into one another don't they, as round and round they go, cycles within cycles.

Then last but not least, the above foundational position of warrior planet Mars diametrically opposes the natal Mars @26Leo46 and rising of Mr. Trump and reveals a year of hitting his head against a brick wall (due to irrational/unreasonable desires, as echoed above in my the Moon-Pluto opposition notes), with his ideas, plans, and aggressive actions meeting the equally determined forces arrayed against him.

And all under the influence of the 7 South Solar Eclipse which manifested on October 14, 2023 @21Lib07 with themes of "crisis," or, "a huge obstacle suddenly clears" with everything seeming to "move at great speed" (B. Brady) - and in Libra, the sign of the Scales of Justice.

Feb 29, 2024

Senator Chuck Grassley and A Virgo Sun

Astro-Notes Concerning Senator Chuck Grassley

by Jude Cowell

You see before you the official 2007 portrait of Senator Chuck Grassley. A US senator on Capitol Hill since 1981, here are a few astro-notes concerning the natal planets of this long-serving 90-year-old Republican politician born in New Hartford, Iowa on September 17, 1933, a man who currently carries the water of fascist 2024 candidate, D. Trump. Seemingly, Senator Grassley is a fan of the dystopian Project 2025 agenda of brutality. Is he giddy with expectation of the suffering its implementation would cause?

Now it's notable that the current Solar Eclipse in the 7 South Saros Series happens to be the series into which Baby Grassley was born with its themes of 'crisis' or 'a huge obstacle suddenly clears' (B. Brady). His 7 South manifested on August 21, 1933 @27Leo42 during Herr Adolf's glory days. The repetition of Grassley's Prenatal Eclipse this year means that 7 South themes are currently personalized for the senator from Iowa, although its effects may or may not be in public view.

Two Possible Personality Blends for Chuck

Because the Moon changed signs on September 17, 1933, Mr. Grassley's natal Moon is either in Sun-ruled Leo or in Mercury-ruled Virgo with Luna ranging from 23Leo30 to 6Vir19, and the Moon at noon clocking in @29Leo52 conjunct royal Regulus.

Earth-Fire Sun Virgo-Moon Leo suggests the personality of a hardworking elitist snob who, on his worst days, becomes a finicky know-it-all and fault-finder with a superiority complex. This is the servant vs monarch combination of conscious-unconscious energies which can be timid but with a fiery inner nature; self-pitying vanity can be self-defeating with this blend. Sun Virgo-Moon Leo is shared natally by actor Stephen Fry who said, "I'm always cast as someone in authority...I enjoy it's an expiation of that part of myself that wants to be grand."

Double Earth Sun Virgo-Moon Virgo suggests a Mercurial perfectionist and workaholic blend with a preference for systems and schedules. An excellent analyst of detailed data, practical use is made of available resources, and dedication to work and service is strong; yet a tendency to become "old-maidish" may be noticed. A worrywort, this personality blend identifies an industrious, efficient individual who shares this Sun-Moon combination of energies with President Lyndon B. Johnson who said, "I strive for the best and do the possible."

Well, there are Chuck's possible personality blends. Which do you think sounds more like the long-serving Senator from Iowa?

Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey. #ad

Feb 12, 2024

Is AG Merrick Garland "spineless"?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Previously, we discussed the personality blend of AG Merrick Garland (Sun Scorpio-Moon Libra) but now that he's under attack more than ever for his handling of "the Trump trials," his appointment of over-stepper Robert Hur, and other legal matters, so a look at two particular Solar Eclipses would be informative regarding the cosmic energies affecting AG Garland's natal planets now and in 2024, and, by extension, affecting legal matters, Election 2024, and the Department of Justice in the US.

Above is a dual image of the two "Garland-adjacent" eclipses: one is the 7 South Eclipse of October 14, 2023 (lower left) with themes of 'crisis', or, 'a huge obstacle suddenly clears'--B. Brady) in effect as I type and operative until the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024--along with an Eclipse repeating in Garland's personal 8 South Solar Eclipse Series on October 2, 2024 @10Libra (upper right); 8S themes: 'loss, separation, sad partings; overstrain, possible physical injury' (B. Brady), and acting as the PE influencing Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025.

Yet without an accurate birth time for Merrick Garland, we can't be certain where 10Libra falls in his natal chart, but the point is, 8 South is his personal eclipse series so its themes are coming up for review in his life and gives him the opportunity to deal more successfully with events brought along by the eclipse. Of interest is that his Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') prior to his birth occurred @27Leo31 - conjunct royal Regulus back on August 20, 1952. Previously, an 8 South Eclipse manifested on August 21, 1933 @28Leo--conjunct Regulus. And this creates a cosmic time link from Garland's 1952 Eclipse through October 2, 2024, then back to the Nazi era - all three are 8 South Eclipses.

So last but not least, let's assess solar eclipse potentials when they manifest in the Venus-ruled Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice:

Positive expression includes issues of 'fair play, cooperation, impartiality, karmic relationships, and the promotion of world justice'. Negative expression includes: 'spinelessness; injustice, insincerity, and self-indulgence'. (paraphrasing R. Lineman, Eclipses).

So it's sad to say for democracy, but when it comes to having the courage to stop Fascism from taking over America, perhaps AG Garland's critics are spot-on.

Jan 30, 2024

Horoscope: Jordan May 25, 1946

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and World Peace

With the humanitarian tragedy in the Middle East worsening since the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, Palestinian refugees have few options for reaching safety for their families. However, Jordan is acccepting Palestinians into their country so perhaps the May 25, 1946 horoscope of Jordan may be informative for those who wish to see the planetary influences operative during this dangerous time.

Adding to the complexities in the region, three American deaths by drone have occurred in the country and tension is high, yet President Biden now says he's decided how to respond to the attack in Jordan.

So below you see Jordan's noon horoscope, number 174 in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad). You'll notice that a few of Jordan's positions are close to the natal positions of D. Trump since he was born in New York USA approximately three weeks later; a few astro-notes are penned on the chart which may or may not be useful:

A previous post: Hamas' Founding Eclipse which repeated in 2023.

And this bi-wheel from 2021: Israel with the May 2021 Lunar Eclipse and a Nemesis Return!

Jan 5, 2024

Are Judges Scared Trump Mob Will Come After Them? - Thom Hartmann clip

Here's Thom with a question that the Mainstream Media should be discussing but seldom if ever does:

Of course judges and SCOTUS justices are wary if not scared of the Trump Mob! Wouldn't you be if agent orange used his rhetoric to send thugs against you and your family?

Astrologically, challenging planetary transits are in force right now in relation to the SCOTUS Horoscope of 1790 (1st session) and the Judiciary Act of 1789 Horoscope. If you check out the charts, note Nemesis in both charts, the positions of brilliant Minerva, asteroid of accomplishment, plus, the fact that the 1789 Act was signed during a 7 South Saros Series time period - the one we're in right now with its forceful Mars-Pluto-square energies - and that the 1st session of the Court in 1790 was held under the auspices of an 8 North Eclipse. And as you know, an 8 North Eclipse repeats on April 8, 2024 @19Ari54 (conjunct Chiron @19Ari54) as the third of three total Great American Eclipses with vibes of "visions and prophetic dreams" (B. Brady).

Previously appearing on SO'W: The Very First Great American Eclipse in 1878, a year of President Rutherford B. Hayes, yellow fever outbreaks, the Lincoln County War in New Mexico, the Posse Comitatus Act signed into law to protect the American people from the military, the final Salem Witch Trial held in America, and other events of significance. Obviously, a related current event issuing from the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 is wanna-be dictator Trump's sinister urge to use the US military to go after his opponents. See The Eclipse of PROJECT 2025.

So! it's 1. Great American Eclipse 1878: Rutherford B. Hayes and his controversial election;

2. Great American Eclipse 2017: Donald Trump with his controversial election and the help he received from abroad and from wealthy anti-democracy donors determined to destroy the US Constitution;

3. Great American Eclipse 2024: Joseph R. Biden in the White House, sore loser Trump's Big Lie ongoing to disguise his loss in November 2020 - and with democracy on the line for Election 2024 while enemies of America, both foreign and domestic, work to cheat their fascist way into authoritarian control of our country by use of disputed presidential elections, for one thing.

Vote Blue in November 2024 to Save Democracy and say NO! to a dystopian society of primal violence.

Nov 16, 2023

Spring Equinox 2024 with a Thales Planet

An Intense DC Horoscope for Spring Equinox 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As you know, all Spring Equinox Horoscopes are "good for" the entire year its planets describe with the Sun conjunct the Aries Point. Therefore, the Spring Equinox 2023 Horoscope remains in force until the Spring Equinox 2024 Horoscope with Scorpio rising takes effect (chart shown below). As noted in the previous post, the March 2023 Horoscope reveals planetary potentials for simmering debt ceiling issues, illusions, deceptions, misunderstandings, undermining of associations, plus, a Mars-Pluto inconjunct of anger, persistence, and diehard competitors who refuse to accept defeat. If these potentials don't describe current actors and events in America (and elsewhere), I don't know what does.

Then if the March 4, 2024 J6 Trial of Mr. Trump holds on to its date via Judge Chutkan--the day prior to Primary Day 2024--the trial also will be 'covered' by the Spring Equinox 2023 Horoscope but proceedings may easily last long enough to 'stray' into 2024 territory. One consideration is that the J6 Trial falls within the 7 South Eclipse Series which contains energies of a Mars-Pluto square from 7 South's initial eclipse (June 22, 1248 @8Can03--conjunct Herr T's natal Mercury).

For more details see Horoscopes: Judge Chutkan and Trump particularly in Gemini's 22-degree range.

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox March 19, 2024 11:06:22 pm edt Washington DC; ASC @16Sco10 ruled by Mars with co-ruler Pluto; MC @25Leo26 (sporting Trump's natal Mars) with transit Mars @27AQ46 conjunct the foundational IC of Endings. And with Mars opposing his natal Mars, he may experience a period of fruitless head banging as others challenge his actions with an equal or more intense use of force, a possibility which sounds promising for the rule of law:

2024: Thales Planet a Saving Grace For Heated Emotions

For a namesake, you may wish to see Thales of Miletus, an ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher credited with the famous saying, "Know Thyself." Of course, current-day politicians who complain against Americans being "woke" don't care at all for ancient Thales, or for his teachings! And many Republicans show an embarrassing lack of self awareness.

Yet as you see, a ruffled-up Moon-Pluto opposition falls across the self-will axis of Leo-AQ, so aggressive quarrels will continue--and we don't need Astrology to realize this! In fact, this aspect is termed The Devastator by Alan Oken and symbolizes people determined to gain complete control of others. But the good news? There's a Thales Planet that, if utilized, can ease the negative potentials of the manipulative Moon-Pluto opposition. The Thales Planet in the chart is Neptune in its own sign of compassionate Pisces, with the placement a marker for peace:

Neptune trines Luna, a positive and creative aspect, and sextiles Pluto, a transiting aspect in effect for quite a while now and denotes those who are responsive to the uplifting vibrations of the planetary pair in the higher realms as the consciousness of the masses continues to awaken and then sees things more clearly. The sextile-trine condition suggests that diplomacy may be in the offing, in Washington DC, and in foreign conflicts.

As for the Sun-Pluto sextile, those who control information and are adept at winning arguments through this control are indicated. Since ultimate power is involved via Pluto along with leadership (Sun), this may be a picture of powerful legal experts and court officials attempting to hold scofflaw Trump accountable to the rule of law, and/or to the wealthy folk who are on the side of democracy rather than cheering and financing brutal animalism against the American people and the entire world population.

Now here's a previous post which may be of interest, The Thales Eclipse and the Peacock of Venus.

Well, this is my initial assessment of Spring Equinox 2024 conditions although more consideration may be necessary as the Vernal Equinox of Election Year 2024 approaches and further events occur.

Now in closing, as a tribute to the Spring Season, here's one of my favorite pencil drawings, Hidden Garden:

Thanks a bunch for reading! Jude

Oct 27, 2023

Democratic and Republican Primaries 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Check out the Democratic and Republican Primary Schedule 2024, dates subject to change, of course. So far, the first Democratic Primary of 2024 is scheduled for February 3, 2024 which apparently may include a challenger to President Biden by the name of Dean Phillips. Or perhaps not.

Meanwhile, the 2024 Republican Primary in South Carolina is set for February 24, 2024. Here are both primaries' noon horoscopes as the dates stand now. One factor that doesn't change is that both primaries occur under the auspices of the 7 South Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023 @21Lib07 so its themes, listed below, will influence both primaries for Democrats and Republicans:

The following excerpt detailing 7 South themes appeared in a previous SO'W post:

7 South Themes: "Immense power, anger, and force" of the initial 7 South's "Mars square Pluto is channeled into this family of eclipses" (via the Mars-Pluto square of June 22, 1248). {}"Huge obstacles will suddenly and easily clear, or, on the negative side, a pending potential crisis will suddenly manifest and move through very rapidly; either way, things will seem to move at great speed" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Notably, the recent Republican Speaker of the House theatrics (which may not be over if evangelical 'maga' politician Mike Johnson can't manage to hang on to the gavel of power; for instance, his paternalistic 'women are breeders' stance will not go over well with any American woman I know, plus, he's one of Tr*mp's lying election deniers), and his election as Speaker occurred under the influence of 7 South themes so it may be that 'a huge obstacle suddenly cleared' but crises remain on the Republican agenda.

Oct 11, 2023

Hamas' Founding Eclipse repeats Oct 14, 2023

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and peace

The terrorist organization known as Hamas (the Islamic Resistance Movement) was founded in December 1987 under the influence of a 7 South Solar Eclipse. For background information see PBS Newshour's: Hamas: Its Origins, Leaders, and Funding. Hamas has poked the tiger, as you know, by attacking Israel so that barbaric animalism and sadism blights the people and land. As we've previously discussed, the 7 South Series of solar eclipses is a Mars-Square-Pluto affair of power, anger, and revenge.

You may wish to check out the 2023 Israel-Hamas war page on Wikipedia for more information, but note that as a current event, details may change quickly including the title of the entry to "2023 Gaza war."

Now obviously, the 7 South Eclipse occurring in 3 days falls within the 2-week window in which eclipse themes may influence events prior to the day of the eclipse. And that's saying a lot since the 7 North Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Aries was labeled here on SO'W as "Herr Adolf's birthday eclipse" and contained elements of (blood) lust and deeply hidden passion bursting forth (B. Brady). Obviously, authoritarian take-over energies are suggested.

Then as you know, 29Aries is the position of warrior planet Mars during Trump's maga mob coup attempt on January 6, 2021 ('J6'). Yes, conditions and events link together, they're all related and lead one to another. After all--

Historical events are cyclical as are eclipses.

So here's the 7 South Horoscope set for Gaza Strip under which Hamas was founded; penned around the outside and highlighted in blue are the planetary positions for the attack and invasion of October 7, 2023, early morning hours; I shall use 4:53:34 am EEDT symbolically because aggressive 1987 Mars @19Vir57 rises over Gaza at that moment:

Pluto: Planet of Primal Violence, Death, and Control

As you see, many of my (scribbly) study notes are penned on the chart, plus, consulting the Sabian Symbols would be well worth the effort if you're curious. Significantly, 2023 Pluto Rx @27Cap53 (America's 1776 Pluto position) inconjuncts 1987 Chiron (old grievances), while squaring 1987 Jupiter Rx (expansion squelched by a higher power).

Meanwhile, President Biden has called the Hamas attack "bloodthirsty" in keeping with the still-in-force 7 North Eclipse theme of "blood" lust (themes combine with 7 South themes, both eclipses are influential at the moment). Years ago on SO'W, I embedded a video clip of Senator Joe Biden asserting that he is a "Zionist" but at some point later on the clip was deleted. I suppose he still is for he stands with Israel today.

Now in closing, I am compelled to add that as a Protestant Christian, I've always been admonished to Pray for the Peace of Israel - perhaps you have been, too. Now that war and primal violence have come to the Holy Land, may God help us all.

Oct 5, 2023

An Angry Eclipse of Power Oct 14, 2023

Mars SQ Pluto: Violent Tempers; Crisis, or a Clearing

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

On October 8, 2023, a Mars-Pluto square forms from 27Libra (conjunct South Node) to 27Capricorn (our US 1776 Pluto position) so it's basically a Mars Square Pluto transit of anger, jealousy, and revenge. Today's ousting of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House is a good example of these angry, vengeful energies as are Trump's ugly remarks against those seeking to hold him accountable - including NY Judge Arthur Engoron who's "deciding the fate of Trump's business empire" while Trump keeps grousing and prevaricating outside the courtroom!

Must Be the Eclipse Season of The Witch Hunt

Then six days after the exact square, a 7 South Solar Eclipse arrives. This post concerns these forceful, angry energies of jealousy and revenge, and spotlights a cosmic time link or two:

The 'ring of fire' Solar Eclipse which manifests on October 14, 2023 @21Libra falls within the 7 South Saros Series, and when we want more details about any solar eclipse we can consider the initial eclipse that opened the Series (family) which, in this case, occurred on June 22, 1248 at 2:04:12 pm LMT @8Cancer. Shown below is the 1248 eclipse horoscope set for then-nonexistent Washington DC because the federal city's location upon the Earth was in existence, and because the chart has to be set for somewhere.

For historical context see 1248, a year of Emperors, Kings, Popes, Cathedrals, Knights Templar, and the Seventh Crusade (1248--1254). Meanwhile in 2023, the US is encumbered with a Catholic-infused Supreme Court behaving like kings, taking away rights, and forcing an extreme agenda on the American people. And some of them are supremely bribe-able!

Cyclical Eclipses Are Reliable 'Cosmic Time Links'

An advantage to the method of gaining more details is that the current eclipse in Venus-ruled Libra may be scrutinized through the lens of the sign its ruler of its initial eclipse, and for 7 South, that's Moon-ruled Cancer. Now if you're reading this post, I doubt that Libran and Cancerian traits need listing in this post, so let's skip to the dual horoscopes shown, below:

DC Horoscopes, above: 7 South October 14, 2023 @21Libra (upper right); 7 South initial June 22, 1248 @8Cancer (lower left).

As you see, 7 South Themes are penned on the image along with several other of my study notes including planetary aspects to both eclipses. So it's the Mars-Pluto square from the initial eclipse that gives the 2023 eclipse its 'power, anger, force' vibes and as the Cosmos would have it, a real time Mars-Pluto square influences the 7 South Eclipse Horoscope of October 14, 2023. It's as if the Universe is trying to tell us something by way of a wild card "cosmic blink" eclipse. This is not unusual if only humanity would listen. Obviously, karma is involved in the realm of "reaping what was sown" for repetition of eclipses in their series give humaity opportunities to deal with issues in more positive ways that lead to better outcomes.

Aries-Libra Axis: Conflict vs Cooperation

Now for more historical context, here's a view of the 7 South Solar Eclipse of August 21, 1933 a watershed year in the US (FDR) and in Europe (Herr Adolf who tried his brutality here but was rebuffed). I believe that the fact that a 7 South eclipse manifested in a Nazi-infested year is a major part of the "something" the Universe is trying to tell us - to warn us about, and you've noticed that "August 21st" is the same date of our Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 conjunct royal star Regulus.

This creates a cosmic time link between the themes from the 2017 solar eclipse in the 1 North Saros Series, and adds 1 North influences to the themes of 7 South; both are in Leo so Leonine traits of leadership are spotlighted such as pride, vanity, grandstanding, and pomposity, difficult traits the US continues to deal with as we ride the Trump Train. 2017 to 2021, then 2022, 2023, and so on::

And you know we recently discussed the same forceful energies in relation to the to a Mars-Pluto opposition! See 2022 Midterms Eclipse a Mars-Pluto Affair. Yes, hotheads, sore losers, and racists have been acting out their destructive discontent with democracy in America ever since Herr Trump gave them 'permission' beginning in June 2015 with his 'prez bid'. And it seems to me that their sourness is nothing relocation couldn't cure - to another country where their totalitarian plans might be appreciated - plans that were tried and implemented in the past and found very seriously wanting.

For astro-notes concerning upcoming eclipses see Eclipses: January 2024 through December 2026.

Sep 25, 2023

Oct 23, 2023: Chesebro-Powell J6 Trial

For your consideration!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Two images today, a total of three horoscopes, sans my study notes. The first image displays dual horoscopes of the 7 South Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023 @21Lib07 - upper right set for Washington DC, lower left set for Atlanta, Georgia where the J6 trial of two conspirators, Kenneth Chesebro and Sydney "Kraken" Powell will commence with first-day jury selection:

Then below is a 10:00 am edt (speculative hour) horoscope of the Chesebro-Powell J6 Trial set for Atlanta, Georgia; if you set up the horoscope, adjust the timing of your chart according to the trial's opening hour as it's known. And for comparison, note that if the October 23rd Trial Horoscope is set for Washington DC, the Midheaven (Goal Point) becomes 13Vir23 conjunct Venus @13Vir29 with Venus in Virgo relating to morality and ethics, and the sign of Mercury-ruled Virgo preferring the facts; perhaps Venus in Virgo represents prosecuting DA Fani Willis:

Plus, 29Sco43 rises ("30Sco": "A Halloween Jester"), then there's a potential for (activist) Mars @7Sco45 in 12th house in the J6 Trial Chart and decision-making Mercury @2Sco09 conjunct the Trial's 10:00 am 12th cusp to signify the forcing of a hung jury for one or both defendants due to one or more bribed jurors (Jupiter Rx in Tauru$ opposing Mars). Of course, ideological and/or political motivations (Merury-Mars conjunct = political opinions) will also be involved no matter how this, or any other J6 trial, proceeds:

For a view of a notated 7 South Eclipse DC Horoscope with 7 South themes penned on, mosey over to a previous SO'W post.

Sep 14, 2023

Trump's Degrees and the Oct 2023 Eclipse

7 South Eclipse Spotlights Trump's Biological Degrees

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

When the October 14, 2023 Solar Eclipse in the 7 South Saros Series manifests @21Lib07, it lands directly upon the 3rd cusp (21Lib09) of Donald Trump's natal chart with the 3rd house relating to health issues as does the 6th. Of course, an individual's age is an important consideration in health matters and everyone knows he's approaching the advanced age of 80 in June 2026.

And if you're anything like me, you consider the initial eclipse of any Saros Series by its historical events, but also because an eclipse's sign may be used as a lens through which subsequent eclipses in that Series can be viewed. In the case of the Libra eclipse in October 2023, the initial 7 South Eclipse of June 22, 1248 (OS) occurred @8Can03, landing directly upon the as-yet-unborn Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51). Therefore, in October 2023, and into 2024, we consider Venus-ruled Libra through a Lunar Cancerian lens which reveals Moon-Venus influences.

"Moon = bodily fluids, lymph (cerebellum), blood serum, fertility," and "Venus = glandular products (veins, kidneys)" (R. Ebertin).

More specifically, if we consult Reinhold Ebertin's Biological Correspondence list we find that the Moon-Venus pairing relates to "glandular secretions (hormones, ferments in the stage of generation)."

Then, since the initial 7 South Eclipse occurred in Cancer, his natal Mercury's rounded-up degree of "9Cancer" (with Mercury's link to 3rd house matters and to the mind-body connection) we can consult our SolarFire software to find that his Mercury links to the pylorus, which connects the stomach to the duodenum.

Then Mr. Trump's rising Mars in Leo reveals an interesting medical correlation for "27Leo": chordiae tendinae, aka, the heart strings! And his prominent, stationary Jupiter @18Libra? "Fatty capsule of the kidneys." What about his 12th house Pluto @11Leo which conjuncts his Mars-Saturn midpoint, the "death axis"? The subclavian vein.

Now admittedly, I have gone through all the planetary degrees, angles, and cusps in Trump's natal horoscope for their Biological Correspondences, however, with a copy of Ebertin's book (or other sources), you can do this, too. For Trump they include more renal implications, plus, brain, liver, back, Achilles tendon of the left foot, right linguinal lymph nodes, and the "head of the humerus" (shoulder).

Then his Saturn, planet of blockages and obstructions, is of interest @24Cancer due to its link with blood vessels of the digestive organs. Well, he is of a hefty weight so the pressure within must be significant.

Then in closing, there's one degree and Biological Correspondence which must be included and it's his "22Libra" 3rd cusp degree for that is where the 7 South October 14, 2023 Solar Eclipse lands with its Themes of "immense power, anger, and force" and "sudden crisis, or, a huge obstacle suddenly clears" (B. Brady).

And biologically? That would be, the October 2023 Eclipse spotlight @22Libra: "renal veins." As for his 6th house cusp with transit Pluto knocking at its door (!), that's "2Aquarius": left tibial nerve in the sciatic region.

Now any, all, or none of these Biological Correspondences may apply, now or never, but I thought since Trump's health continues to be fodder for public discourse, and because he wants to play POTUS again and complete the damage he started, this would be a good time to venture a peek at the fellow's natal degrees in the realm of medical potentials.

For more biological information see, The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin #ad.

Sep 3, 2023

Sept 2023 and the Belligerence of Mars

Caricature of a mouthy Trump; source unknown

With a very active Mars (the warrior), a favorite planet of Mars rising Mr. Trump, it's worth noting that the current legal battles going on now fall within the time frame of the Summer Solstice 2023 Horoscope until the Autumn Equinox 2023 Horoscope 'takes over' on September 23rd. A shift of energies within the Collective will be noticeable, and significantly, Venus-ruled Libra is the sign of the Scales of Justice.

Meanwhile, here's a link to a recent post displaying both the Autumn Equinox 2023 Horoscope and the Winter Solstice 2023 Horoscope, its frosty Saturnian energies taking us into 2024 until March and Spring Equinox 2024 (a chart not yet published but coming soon to SO'W).

Significant to Trump's current legal challenges is his natal Pluto rising in the Autumn EQ chart, and this necessarily brings along Trump's Mars-Saturn midpoint (the death axis - R. Ebertin) with its destructive energies and 'intervention of a higher power' vibes. Set for Washington DC, the chart's Midheaven ('MC': The Goal) @29Aries+ is the position of belligerent Mars during Trump's January 6, 2021 coup attempt (failed, but ongoing). In addition, this happens to be the position of the Sun in the "first shot" Horoscope of the American Revolution, as you can see if you wish.

And everyone who's paying attention has heard the maga/reich-wing shout-outs attempting to link their Trumpian sore loser sedition efforts with the 1775 Revolution while calling for another civil war like the loose cannon troublemakers and zealots they are. For my part, they behave much more like the Confederates of the 1860s than the patriots of the Revolution whose battles and victories ultimately led to the estabishment of our democratic Republic, a form of government that the current crop of reich-wing zealots now work against.

Eclipse Cycles Bring Similar Conditions 'Round Again

So as I type this post, we operate under the auspices of April 2023's 7 North Solar Eclipse at its critical 29th degree, until the 7 South Solar Eclipse @21Libra 'takes over'. And perhaps you've noticed that the Eclipse in the 7 North Saros Series has previously been termed, Hitl*r's Birthday Eclipse by yours truly. Well, Herr Adolf does have his modern-day followers who imagine that they need to complete the little Austrian's mission of world domination - as if theirs is a worthy goal when all they offer society is evil and suffering.

And yes, America has been in such an evil Saturn-Pluto pickle before - and democracy survived. An example of a watershed moment? The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of 1939 NYC (horoscope shown) in which a gaggle of 'em brashly latched on to the reputation of George Washington who walked away from power as the archetypal example for all future US presidents to follow - all but malignant narcissist Donald Trump, that is.

And so there's an example from 1945 that I hope for America's sake will be followed now via the "Trump Trials": that the sadistic brutes of the 1930s and 1940s FAFO!

Aug 15, 2023

Trump-Organized Crime under RICO indictment in Georgia

Aug 14th: Our 13th Colony Steps Up for Law and Order

by Jude Cowell

Saturn, 'Legal Eagle' Planet in Political Astrology; NASA image

After last night's announcement in Georgia of a fourth indictment of Donald Trump and his co-conspirators acting within their self-created criminal organization, I considered writing a fresh post on the subject using astrological principles which could cast a cosmic light upon the circumstances and perhaps make some sense of it all. A cosmic glance under the hood of earthly events, we might say.

That is, I considered it until I realiized that such a post had already been written and published as, America's Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy featuring the organized crime duo's Great Conjunctions of 1891/1892 which landed upon America's 1776 Uranus, planet of revolution, war, anarchy, zealotry, radical/reactionary politics, chaos, upheaval, shocks, assaults, and disruption. Criminal enterprises have resulted, and criminal influences upon society have grown. Trump as criminal figurehead is their 'flowering'. Remember that initially, Trump was purported to helm the US from the White House as a corporate businessman. This he did with profit always his transactional motivation, and corruption no problem. No problem at all.

Plus, in mundane horoscopes there's Cupido, an archetype indicating The Syndicate, Corporatism, The Family, the Mafia, and criminal networks such as Trump and comrades put together thinking they could overthrow our country and negate our votes on behalf of a fascist dictator-wanna-be - and attempted for the benefit of certain global geopolitical take-over endeavors. You know the ones. Yet undoubtedly, the melee that useful tool Trump is causing the US Justice System pleases his handlers, for it keeps the DOJ busy, diverted, and under a potential for future collapse under the weight of Trump's hefty bulk.

You also know that Trump's foreign backers, enemies of America, of democracy, and of the US Constitution, are a major if surreptitious, factor in it all, as are certain other state government officials scooped up in Fani Willis' wide-ranging RICO prosecution announced late last night. Of course, easily recognized is the 1891/1892 era as that of the Robber Barons, the corporatists of their day - now we deal with their spawn, both biological and ideological. For example: Trump's J6 coup attempt was and is supported by many US corporations and CEOs--make that, transnational corporations who hold no allegiance to the United States of America despite the wealth they generated here using America's infrastructure, and the US consumers they profit by. Cash-cow-r-us!

Underneath it all, we're mired within our US Pluto Return with its collapse-rebuild vibrations that were heralded and supported by 2018's The Tower Eclipse, with themes activated in April 2019 by transit Uranus returning to its eclipse degree in early Taurus!

Meanwhile on the astrological level, if you check out the post linked, above, please scroll beneath the horoscope image to Michael Munkasey's Thesis-Antithesis description of the Neptune-Pluto duo if you don't check out anything else!

And for further reading, remember that this October, Trump greets the 7 South Eclipse conjunct his progressed Moon. Will this bring an 'October Surprise' for the amoral orange blighter? Or more like an October Shock?

Aug 1, 2023

August 2023 Horoscope: Uranus turns Rx

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

On display in today's post are two DC Horoscopes:

First, the August 28, 2023 Uranus Station @23Tau04, then a view of the 7 South Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023 @21Lib07 with its angry, powerful 'Mars-Pluto square' influences issuing from 7 South's initial manifestation of June 22, 1248 @8Can03. This is the position of Trump's natal Mercury (spotlighting his irrationality), and you'll notice that 8Can01 also happens to be the position of Astraea ('justice') in the 6th house of the October 2023 Eclipse Horoscope.

So by this and other chart factors we know that the planets in both horoscopes, set for Washington DC, relate to current events in the US, events and conditions that include disruptive Uranus and its association with fanatics, anarchists, rebels, and radical politicians, along with the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus conjunct Uranus with its 'swords vs torches' symbolism which points toward the maga politicians who just barely managed to take over the House of Representatives. Also implicated by rebellious Uranus are the GOP's racist followers, seditionists, and comrades-in-arms.

Then prominent in the Eclipse chart, you'll see the implications of Pluto square the Eclipse (which is also US 1776 Pluto squaring the lunation), and Uranus inconjunct the Eclipse with its radical vibes of disruption, assault, and shock ability.

Please note that all my study notes are penned onto both charts for the curious reader who may find additional factors as well; select any of the labels at the end of this post to discover entries that relate to these topics (see one example linked, below):

August 28, 2023 10:38:49 pm EDT Washington DC

7 South Eclipse October 14, 2023 1:55:07 pm EDT Washington DC

A Related Post: In 2023 Trump Greets the 7 South Eclipse.

Jul 10, 2023

DC Horoscopes: Autumn Equinox 2023 and Winter Solstice 2023

Just a fairly simple publish of two dual chart images. They're the same dual images except that the first charts are unmarked and may be suitable for printing, the second charts have been messily marked up by yours truly with my study notes for the curious reader.

Both horoscopes are set for Washington DC:

Autumn Equinox 2023 (lower left) with 9Leo52 rising - and the lustful 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Ari50 conjunct Autumn EQ Midheaven (Goal Point: Jan 6th Mars in the spotlight), and Winter Solstice 2023 (upper right) with 10Vir02 rising and a revealing 8th house midpoint picture of Jupiter-Neptune = Chiron, a cosmic echo of Trump's 2nd house Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of speculation, fraud, scandal, political conflicts - and his wounded belief system. In fact, Chiron @15Aries (truth seeking) opposes Trump's natal Chiron @15Libra (which values competition--M. Pottenger).

That Autumn EQ Mars conjuncts Trump's boundary-breaking stationary Jupiter suggests the exaggerated role he has and will play in society into next year, plus, upcoming legal decisions for or against him along with possible financial and/or political settlements reached.

Then at Winter Solstice 2023, transit Mars conjuncts the December 12, 2023 New Moon @20Sag02 (and conjuncts Trump's natal South Node, then his natal Moon: anger; separation; more belly-aching and a new cycle of activity) suggesting that rash actions and violence are potentials - in other words, he'll be hot under the collar, with possible health consequences such as thyroid or other glandular issues (R. Ebertin) or even stomach ulcers (M. Munkasey):

For more 2023 eclipse information see 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse of 1933 repeats in 2023 (the current 7 North eclipse as I type); and the forceful, crisis-prone 7 South Eclipse of October 14, 2023 @21Lib06 which will ruffle Trump's Progressed Moon - symbolic, yes, but can be useful as a timing device.

Jun 19, 2023

October 2023 Solar Eclipse sweeps from Oregon to Texas

Handily, the Great American Eclipse website has all the astronomical information you might want concerning the annular Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023 with its path of annularity sweeping from Oregon beginning at 9:13 am pdt and ending in Texas at 12:03 pm cdt - near the US-Mexico border. Central and South America will then be visited as well. Follow the link for a visual of the 2023 Eclipse path crossing with the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024, which, as you know, is the third of three Great American Eclipses.

On the astrological and political sides, mentions of the October 14, 2023 Solar Eclipse in the 7 South Saros Series may be found for the curious. One way to find such topics is to scroll down a bit and type "7 South" into the SO'W sidebar Search field for a sampling of posts to select from.

Meanwhile, here's a previously published set of horoscopes of the October 14, 2023 7 South Eclipse set for Washington DC along with the horoscope of a certain despot's Secondary Progressed New Moon (SP Moon makes an excellent timing device) for the real time event and the symbolic event will meet in October at the same degree in Libra, sign of The Scales of Justice:

Additionally, below is an excerpt from an October 2022 post in which we looked ahead to the 7 South manifestation of October 14, 2023 while noting that the creation of Stars Over Washington occurred on October 16, 2005 under the auspices of the 7 South Eclipse of October 3, 2005.

{And yes} the October 2005 manifestation of a 7 South Solar Eclipse is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse that inspired Stars Over Washington, meaning that under its themes, yours truly felt compelled to create the 'personal weblog' you're reading right now - because of my anger against "what politicians were doing to the place," aka, America (exs: preemptive war; "Homeland" Security; The "Patriot" Act). And so I can tell you, dear reader, that 7 South themes contain a deeper meaning for me now than in 2005. How could they not?

7 South Themes: "Immense power, anger, and force" of the intial 7 South's "Mars square Pluto is channeled into this family of eclipses" (via the Mars-Pluto square of June 22, 1248). {}"Huge obstacles will suddenly and easily clear or, on the negative side, a pending potential crisis will suddenly manifest and move through very rapidly; either way, things will seem to move at great speed" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Now as you may or may not know, Mars-Pluto square energies are formidable and on a mundane (political) level suggest power struggles, jealousy, destructive anger, and the urge to take revenge. Well, we know who in the political realm this sounds like so his name shall not be mentioned in this post, not this time.

So in closing, mention should be made of the next manifestation of a 7 South Solar Eclipse for it is soon-coming and occurs @21Lib07:33 on October 14, 2023. It isn't a Total eclipse, only Annular so its potency will be somewhat muted, thankfully, since all 7 South eclipses carry the forcefulness of a Mars-Pluto square within them. However, the eclipse in October 2023 will fall between the planetary pair of strong political opinions, Mercury and Mars - and Jupiter @13Taurus during the eclipse conjuncts the North Node of destiny in the SR 2022 Horoscope...which suggests religious groups interfering in legal processes, and closed legal societies (M. Munkasey).

So perhaps we can agree that these potentials are already underway with America's tradition of separation of church and state underfire by bossy theocrats, ideologues, and mafia-esque criminal types determined to take total control of our country. Therefore, we must out-determine them and use the Mars-Pluto energies ourselves toward positive outcomes!

Eclipses: 'Wild Cards' of the Universe and Cosmic Blinks From Above

Well, there it is for your consideration, folks, two significant solar eclipses coming soon to a Cosmos near us all, and full of unpredictable possibilities for disruptive changes of course. We should add that the Mars-Pluto duo also relates to war and to people disabled in war (R. Ebertin) which suggests the US military and possible events involving the ongoing war in Ukraine, but hopefully to no other conflagrations.

Jun 13, 2023

Rachel Maddow's Deja News podcast

A 7 South Eclipse Repeats October 14, 2023 @21Lib07

by Jude Cowell

By now you've heard that yesterday the intrepid Rachel Maddow and her longtime producer Isaac-Davy Aronson debuted a new podcast Deja News which asks, "Has anything like this ever happened before?"

Deja News Episode 1: Riot at the Gates (Again)

Now if you've ever read many posts here on SO'W you know that Rachel's new podcast is right up the alley of my eclipse and 'cosmic time link' posts published here since historical cycles and eclipse cycles tend to resonate with similar, aka, rhyming, events and conditions.

Episode 1 opens with the fascist plot against FDR proposed to General Smedley Butler in 1933, and Deja News goes on to compare it with the coup attempt by sore loser Donald Trump and his maga acolytes and henchmen on January 6, 2021 when anarchists breached the US Capitol Building as a peaceful transfer of power was taking place in Congress. Rachel's opening point: that the J6 plotters had seen such a coup happen before - successfully against the Parliament in Paris, France, as a peaceful transfer of power was in progress on February 6, 1934.

And similar to the way we use "Jan6" as shorthand for Trump's failed coup, in France the assault by a violent mob in 1934 is shorthanded as "Feb6" and is 'honored' each year by authoritarians. Now by 1934, fascist dictator Mussolini had been in power for a few years and authoritarianism was on the rise in Europe where certain people promoted the idea that liberal democracy "had run its course." Sounds tres familiar, oui? For we have anti-democracy saboteurs at work in the US.

Okay, so here's the point in this post where I hush about historical events that Rachel Maddow's Deja News will inform you about much better than I can, so the question in this post becomes, Is there a cosmic time link that resonates between our time and the coup of 1934? Why, yes!

That would be the Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which the Croix de Feu (Crosses of Iron) coup occurred, the 7 South of August 21, 1933 @27Leo42 (shown, below). And yes, that's the degree of Trump's natal Mars rising with royal star Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided' - but he doesn't, so 'all that's been gained will be taken away' which is the effort now in progress). You'll note that the 7 South Eclipse affecting the Croix de Feu coup of 1934 conjuncts Regulus and manifested in August 1933:

Dual Horoscopes above: 7 South Prenatal Eclipse of the Croix de Feu coup (lower left) and a noon Horoscope of the Croix de Feu Coup of February 6, 1934. Study notes are penned on including 7 South themes of "power, anger, force" (via the initial 7 South Eclipse's Mars-Pluto Square); "huge obstacles clear," or--"sudden crisis" (paraphrasing B. Brady). Plus, as you know, signs of eclipses should be read through the signs of their initial eclipses, and here that would be Cancer, sign of nationalism and tribalism.

Further cosmic time links exist and include the initial 7 South @8Can03 conjunct Trump's natal Mercury (8Can01), and conjunct the Syzygy Moon of his failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021.

For further reading, here's a seriously related post: In 2023 Trump greets the 7 South Eclipse.

Final Note: The second episode of Deja News next Monday will concern events in Florida so Ron DeSantis may want to have himself a listen!