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Showing posts with label Cheney and 911. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheney and 911. Show all posts

Jul 9, 2007

Reopen 911?

Reopen 911 is a member of the 911 Truth movement and you'll find that Christine Boutin said last year that Bush is behind 911.

But since it takes at least two to tango, it's my belief that Cheney was the...shall we say, ramrod, of the plot.

Then there's the Sabian Symbol, a word picture which can be surprisingly descriptive of a person or event...the word picture for the Rising degree (the WHAT? of the chart, the horizon, what's coming up) at 8:46 am edt, NYC, 9/11/01 is:

"15Libra" = "Circular paths."

And who do we know who flew in lazy circular paths after leaving Sarasota on that black day?

Perhaps you've read my post on Cheney and 911 from April 2006. Above you see Cheney's secondary chart (the physical plane) progressed to Sept 11, 2001 with Cheney's oh-so-obvious Pluto/Chiron midpoint perfectly astride the most Public Point of any chart--the Midheaven ('MC' = Aspirations; Career; Public Status.)

(I had removed this chart from the 2006 post due to legal considerations which turned out to be no problemo and I've meant to republish it, so with the current heated-up calls for Cheney's Impeachment (and Bush's) it seems like a good Monday to do just that, so here ya go, if you haven't had a gander at the chart before. Even so, you do remember 9/11.)

Sometimes a chart can look chilling...this one's frozen and petrified all at the same time, isn't it?

So as you know, the blending of Pluto/Chiron energies results in oppression, racism, kicking the disenfranchised when they're down, class warfare, predatory lending, and in a word, plutocracy. Vulturing Vulcans, descended from or friends of the robber baron classes, or as they prefer to be called, the elite.

Once again I mention the date of the Great Pluto/Chiron conjunction: Dec 30, 1999 which ushered in the much-hyped New Millenium for the plutocrats to go hog wild and have at it. And the two heavy weights, Pluto and Chiron, were parallel (similar to a strong conjunction and invaluable for timing purposes) for Two Days in Mid-August of 2004.

Don't get me started.....