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Showing posts with label Pluto-Chiron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pluto-Chiron. Show all posts

Jun 5, 2024

Columbia: Dec 1819 Horoscope

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

In case the astrology chart of Columbia should be needed at some point, below is a version from Nicholas Camption's The Book of World Horoscopes (#063; #ad) for Columbia December 17, 1819.

The theme of the country's 1 South Solar Eclipse is penned in the center of the horoscope along with a few other basic notes of interest sprinkled around the chart:

"SP" = Secondary Progressions: a day for a year

And if we progress the 1819 noon horoscope to our era, we find that Columbia will soon reach a New Moon phase on August 8, 2025 @17Can52 with its Progressed Pluto-Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy and exploitation conjunct the Aries Point of Global Events. This indicates that the country has been experiencing a Balsamic dark of the moon phase since October 28, 2021 with SP Moon @29Tau16, a critical-crisis degree, and SP Sun @14Can16.

So as always, my heart is with the good people of Columbia and with the populations of other South American countries, and not with the people who exploit them and plunder their reosurces.

May 29, 2024

Libertarians Pick Chase Oliver

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As most US voters may agree, third party presidential candidates tend to skew election results so now that 38-year-old Libertarian Chase Oliver has been selected as the party's 2024 nominee after 7 rounds of voting on Sunday (5/26/24), I suppose it could behoove us if the Trump-heckling Libertarian Party candidate receives a quick glance at his noon natal planets and the New Moon which perfected on the day of his birth.

However, if my luck holds, this may be the only mention of Mr. Oliver here on Stars Over Washington but we'll have to see as the November 2024 Elections approach like an oncoming train.

Chase Oliver August 16, 1985 Nashville, TN; hour unknown

So below you see a dual image of Oliver's speculative noon chart (lower left) and his New Moon horoscope (@23Leo28 at 5:05:32 am CDT August 16, 1985 Nashville, TN; upper right); his Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series ('PE") is the 5 North and its visionary themes are penned on; also listed is the last 5 North which occurred @20Gemini on June 10, 2021:

Besides the New Moon in Leo, notable in the realm of politics is a Mercury-Mars Conjunction also in Leo, indicating a tendency toward holding strong political opinions which may be expressed (although his Mercury is Rx so perhaps he restrains himself), energized thinking, and perhaps an ability to put ideas into action.

As for the New Moon (if born after its perfection, then it's his Syzygy Moon), we might consider it to have similar influences as a Solar Eclipse and if so, the Saturn square to the New Moon suggests a late bloomer for whom a lack of discipline impedes progress unless and until he learns to take on responsibilities - and perhaps he has. Then a trine from Neptune hints that there are spiritual assets available to Chase Oliver, along with hints of his having metaphysical interests.

Meanwhile, Jupiter Rx in Aquarius and Pluto, strong in delving Scorpio, are Angular in both speculatively timed horoscopes in rigid Fixed signs and I suspect that this powerful duo will be worth keeping an eye as November nears - especially because of the fact that the New Moon @24Leo conjuncts the Pluto-Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy which may have some influence upon his apparent rise to some measure of power in 2024.

Oct 11, 2023

Hamas' Founding Eclipse repeats Oct 14, 2023

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and peace

The terrorist organization known as Hamas (the Islamic Resistance Movement) was founded in December 1987 under the influence of a 7 South Solar Eclipse. For background information see PBS Newshour's: Hamas: Its Origins, Leaders, and Funding. Hamas has poked the tiger, as you know, by attacking Israel so that barbaric animalism and sadism blights the people and land. As we've previously discussed, the 7 South Series of solar eclipses is a Mars-Square-Pluto affair of power, anger, and revenge.

You may wish to check out the 2023 Israel-Hamas war page on Wikipedia for more information, but note that as a current event, details may change quickly including the title of the entry to "2023 Gaza war."

Now obviously, the 7 South Eclipse occurring in 3 days falls within the 2-week window in which eclipse themes may influence events prior to the day of the eclipse. And that's saying a lot since the 7 North Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Aries was labeled here on SO'W as "Herr Adolf's birthday eclipse" and contained elements of (blood) lust and deeply hidden passion bursting forth (B. Brady). Obviously, authoritarian take-over energies are suggested.

Then as you know, 29Aries is the position of warrior planet Mars during Trump's maga mob coup attempt on January 6, 2021 ('J6'). Yes, conditions and events link together, they're all related and lead one to another. After all--

Historical events are cyclical as are eclipses.

So here's the 7 South Horoscope set for Gaza Strip under which Hamas was founded; penned around the outside and highlighted in blue are the planetary positions for the attack and invasion of October 7, 2023, early morning hours; I shall use 4:53:34 am EEDT symbolically because aggressive 1987 Mars @19Vir57 rises over Gaza at that moment:

Pluto: Planet of Primal Violence, Death, and Control

As you see, many of my (scribbly) study notes are penned on the chart, plus, consulting the Sabian Symbols would be well worth the effort if you're curious. Significantly, 2023 Pluto Rx @27Cap53 (America's 1776 Pluto position) inconjuncts 1987 Chiron (old grievances), while squaring 1987 Jupiter Rx (expansion squelched by a higher power).

Meanwhile, President Biden has called the Hamas attack "bloodthirsty" in keeping with the still-in-force 7 North Eclipse theme of "blood" lust (themes combine with 7 South themes, both eclipses are influential at the moment). Years ago on SO'W, I embedded a video clip of Senator Joe Biden asserting that he is a "Zionist" but at some point later on the clip was deleted. I suppose he still is for he stands with Israel today.

Now in closing, I am compelled to add that as a Protestant Christian, I've always been admonished to Pray for the Peace of Israel - perhaps you have been, too. Now that war and primal violence have come to the Holy Land, may God help us all.

Oct 9, 2023

RFK Jr now running as an Independent

Independent? How Totally Unsurprising

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Dual Images: 8 North Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024; natal chart of Robert F. Kennedy Jr set for a suggested birth hour of 5:32 pm:

Recently we considered the natal horoscope of 2024 candidate RFK Jr and the 8 North Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024, another Total solar eclipse that will be visible across the US as was the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series - in fact, their paths will cross in the center of the country in an X marks the spot pattern.

You remember how the 1 North in 2017 landed directly upon Herr Trump's natal Ascendant (@29Leo conjunct Regulus) with Mars rising. As things have turned out, this cosmic synchronicity is what a total eclipse in centuries past was considered to be: a bad omen.

As for the presidential bid of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, transit Pluto (wealth, stealth, power, control, manipulation, transformation) is retrograde today @27Cap53 where Mr. Underworld continues aiding and/or abetting Mr. Kennedy's natal Sun and Mercury (27-30Cap), and of course 27Cap+ is the position in Capricorn of America's 1776 Pluto so Mr. Kennedy has that connection of power that is at least partially related to the assassinations of his father and uncle as they served America. Notably, one of Pluto's many roles is the assassin.

Now I don't know about you, but it seems amazing to me that Robert Jr would dare enter US politics at the highest level - unless he has the 'highest level' of protection or is promised such, and I don't mean US Secret Service agents.

And so the current transit of Pluto marks a time of Sun-Pluto and Mercury-Pluto energies for RFK Jr, energies with potentials for power-craving, convincing oration, fraudulent representation, exhibitionism, demagoguery, and/or zealotry (R. Ebertin). Any, all, or none may apply.

Then with his natal Chiron and Venus-North-Node conjunction in Capricorn already visited by Pluto (22-25Cap), it's proving to be an extended period of Plutonian influences for him. In fact, major ego expansion may be one result, with identity change a possibility. A secret handshake with Plutocracy (Pluto-Chiron) could have occurred as well which to me suggests major campaign funding from the transnational crowd of societal meddlers.

Yet despite it all, we know that transit Pluto soon creeps out of Capricorn and lumbers into Aquarius for a years-long stay, so its powerful influences on Capricorn planets, permanent as they are, will begin to wane.

So, dear reader, if you haven't yet, you may wish to check out details concerning the 8 North of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 (conjunct centaur Chiron, the wounded healer, says Astrology) here including the fact that the largest US city entirely within 8 North's path in April 2024 will be Dallas, Texas. Is your city or region on the list?

A Related Post: Transit Pluto in Election Year 2024.

Aug 5, 2022

Are Co-Ops Really an Alternative To Capitalism? - Richard Wolff (plus, Astrology)

August 5, 2022

Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces: Impressionability; Pathological Inclinations; Financial Schemes and Fraud

With Midterms 2022 quickly approaching, it's typical that the US economy and household budgets are on most Americans' minds, thanks in large part to inflationary price-gouging by corporations (many of which funded death-cult leader and seditionist) Trump's January 6th coup attempt, ongoing.

Such financial schemes are partially described as a Jupiter-Neptune affair of grand schemes and speculation, with their new and current cycle beginning on April 12, 2022 @23Pis59.

Then notably, when wealth-hoarding power-player Pluto Stations on October 8, 2022 @26Cap06 (in process of completing America's first-ever Pluto Return), transit Neptune will still be spreading its wide-girthed gaseousness all over the dreamy 23Pisces+ position in its April 12, 2022 conjunction horoscope. Illusion, delusion, and fanaticism are indicated along with a search for truth. And from these cosmic influences, society may experience a continuation of unreasonable plans, or perhaps a transformation - or collapse - of them.

Meanwhile, here's a related discussion concerning financial issues from yesterday's Live broadcast of the Thom Hartmann Show:

And so, my friends, if you share my common good leanings at all, you're mighty fed up with Predatory Capitalism exploiting the American people into penury, ruining our children's futures, and undermining our country in every way it can devise. One way that such concerns may be studied is via the Pluto-Chiron cycle of Plutocracy, exploitation, racism, Capitalism, Socialism, Fascism (other -isms), and the primal violence and cruelty now on the rise in society. Their current cycle began anew on December 30, 1999 @11Sag22, conjunct what some astrologers continue to use as America's founding Ascendant (late afternoon of July 4, 1776). See Pluto and Chiron Conjunct: a New Cycle.

Yet whether we place the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction of December 1999 upon our US 1776 Ascendant or not - their 60-year cycle relating to Collective consciousness and a mass need - the troubling conditions are expressing loudly in this, the not-so New Millennium, a new cycle announced by the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction and in other ways, so that we now find unfettered Plutocracy of the economic royalist class and its enablers shoving America and the US government into a downward spiral of tyranny and misery.

Now as you know, multiple foreign actors are 'in on' the big picture with the expected objective of removing the US from global leadership on behalf of Russia and China (countries that are unable to reach such elevated positions by their merits so they have to cheat to gain advantages - like Trump). And yes, this is a topic fussed about multiple times here on SO'W so I won't repeat such fusses in this, my Friday post of the week, except to mention that atomic and nuclear concerns are also within the realms of Pluto-Chiron.

Suffice to say in closing, it is imperative that every American Vote in the Midterms Elections of November 2022, and again in the November 2024 elections, despite any and all obstacles.

Because as Thom Hartmann and multiple others are saying, democracy is on the ballot in November 2022 and in 2024.

Therefore, when it comes to rational pro-constitutional citizens, the crushing of our democratic Republic under the boot of brutal authoritarian fascist dictators with neo-Nazism on their evil minds is simply not an option.

Dec 9, 2021

When Pluto-Chiron conjunct: a New Cycle of Plutocracy

by Jude Cowell

December 9, 2021

Today, as Stars Over Washington meanders toward a total of 6,000 published posts since 2005, I confess to having no idea whether or not the DC Horoscope of the December 30, 1999 Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron, the Plutocracy duo, has turned up here before. With a near-60-year orbit, the mighty duo's rendezvous at the close of 1999 pointed toward the New Millennium and marked an important beginning of a significant new cycle in the realms of mass consciousness, aka, the Collective Unconscious. Subversive forces were stirring, rather like the waking of a fearsome dragon.

However, slight mention of the powerful duo was made in a previous SO'W post so here's a brief excerpt with mild edits for clarity:

Pluto conjunt Chiron: well, you know how I feel about this conjunction of corporatism, nationalism, fascism, nazism, communism, socialism, and other ~isms including racism. {Barbara Hand} Clow says this conjunction is very strong and is an evolutionary vortex, and that the house position defines the nature of the transmutive force.

Naturally, exploitation and primal violence also shelter under the Pluto-Chiron umbrella and in the last few years - the second decade of the New Millennium - we've seen a 'blossoming" of the negative potentials of Pluto-Chiron when their energies express together, sometimes violently, as wealthy 'elites' opportunistically take advantage of other people in order to protect their earthly thrones, increase their fortunes, and selfishly promote their objectives of power, control, and manipulation (over those of us who manage to stay alive to be further exploited!). Sad to say, the collapse of civilization itself is a longterm goal of these destructive social tinkerers - psychopaths, all, with evil on their minds and a success-at-any-cost attitude.

Oh all right, I'll quit fussing for now because, after all, you know who they are and what they do. You know their crimes and their guilt although often they perpetrate anti-societal crimes and outrages in the plutonian shadows - as you see, the duo is posited within the hidden, unconscious 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions such as Congress, and Back Room Deals. And of course, the 12th house is the favored domicile of watery Neptune, karmic planet of fraud, deception, speculation, fantasy, and loss - just a plutocrat's cup of tea!

So if you wish, check out (and compare with other charts) the DC Horoscope of the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction of December 30, 1999 for details about Plutocracy, plutocrats, and more of the negative societal conditions their greed and hatred creates while appreciating how the 5 South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 (themes: 'benefits' and 'good news') 'hit' the 1999 Conjunction (spotlighting its qualities and activities).

Plus, you may wish to consider the mixed bag of exposure and criminality that's now in progress of being spilled and leaked in Washington DC as the duo's 10th house Moon's Sabian Symbol becomes more visible to the entire world: "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding":

A Related Post: The New Millennium Horoscope and its Progressed New Moon of 2024.

Nov 18, 2021

Violence in America and a School Massacre 1999

by Jude Cowell

Thursday November 18, 2021

Now I don't know if you've ever read Slate Magazine's April 20, 2004 article by Dave Cullen At Last We Know Why the Columbine Killers Did It which gives fascinating insights into the horrific Columbine High School Massacre and failed bombing of April 20, 1999, the year that the primal violence pairing of Pluto and Chiron met in Great Conjunction, but if increasing gun violence in America concerns you, details concerning the worst such event at that time may be of interest.

Apparently the two perpetrators considered themselves to be neo-nazis and they committed their acts of violence on the 110th anniversary of the birth of Herr Hitler (April 20, 1889). As you know, the degree of Herr H's natal Sun @00Tau28 became known as a 'degree of violence' (00--1Taurus) because when certain planets activated it during his life (ex: Saturn), he tended to commit violence - and such was that horrific morning in 1999 in a Colorado High School with the Sun @00Tau11. Details in the above article reveal that a wish to outdo the violent acts of famous murderers in history was one of the pair's primary goals. But due to the incorrect wiring of the bombs they planted, the horrific event wasn't as spectacular as they'd planned - and they'd been secretly planning "apocalyptic" mass murder for a year.

Horoscope: Columbine Massacre April 20, 1999 11:19 am MDT Columbine, Colorado; ASC 20Can46 (a critical-crisis degree) with fixed star Castor rising with potentials for: 'mental illness, crippling of limbs, sudden loss or fame, murder' (A. Louis). See bottom left for the Moon's applying aspects which include Moon inconjunct Neptune: 'illusion confuses reality; escapist tendencies'. The chart's Goal Point ('MC' @3Ari22) holds Mercury there, planet of students and young people. In the 5th house of Children lurks the Pluto-Chiron conjunction of primal violence.

Meanwhile, 'shooter' Mars Rx @5Sco34 unloads as he/they lead a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets; antagonist Mars opposes loss-leader Saturn @5Tau53 (authority) and their midpoint (the death axis' - R. Ebertin) @5Leo44 opposes Neptune (@4AQ17) while Neptune is at apex of the dynamic T-Square that the frustrated Mars-Saturn opposition forms (Saturn acts as caboose, Mars the engine). This reveals potentials for: 'grievous and grave loss; illness; dishonesty; weak vitality; self-torment' (R. Ebertin); 'pretense' and 'a weakening of plans' (M. Munkasey). As noted, their bombs didn't go boom as they'd planned. (Yet oddly enough, the Moon @3Can30 reveals the day as a Lunar Return day for head shooter Eric Harris.)

Conditions of Violence in the US and Warrior Planet Mars

Now as you know, one cosmic event in particular is US Mars turning retrograde ('Rx') by progression as of 2006 and this changed condition isn't helping matters at all with its aggression-turned-inward effects which actually began a few years prior to 2006 in that strong stationing kind of way, symbolic as progressions are. However, progressions do act as a timing device for real-time events and transits and in the real world, one might even think that America's decades of overseas aggression against other countries and peoples has finally led to violence at home, or has made violent acts seem somehow okay or justified in a mentally disturbed individual's mind. Even the current 'incel' movement of stay-at-home men might be attributed to our Mars Rx.

And we must rememeber that 'the ruling class' has had to lie the American public into war with untold numbers of falsehoods and half-truths that follow in order to keep the ruse going, the profits pouring in, the resources plundered, and the bombings resulting in "collateral damage" from as much public scrutiny and criticism as possible. Plus, wealthy CEOs and political donors and their bought-off politicians don't seem very concerned about wounded warriors returning home from war (signified by SP Mars Rx), do they? And so weakened, compromised, misdirected US military and related forces and entities have become major problems for our country.

Besides: to me, America as 'world cop' has been a sorry use of what once was a direct Mars in Gemini in 1776 (ready for action; resourceful; aggressive; loves debate) since 2006 turned into a progressed Mars in Libra (direct action limited by a need for cooperation; when afflicted may have conflicts of will and/or of interest). And as cosmic synchronicity would have it, the degree of our Mars Rx occurred conjunct the materialistic, strongly stationed natal Jupiter in Libra of Herr Trump, so concerned with 'fairness' as he is - as long as it's in his direction. How's that for national misfortune? Mars-Jupiter = a planetary pair signifying propaganda and hasty decisions based on erroneous judgment, among other things. Meanwhile, Tr*mp's Mercury-Neptune square inspires his misperceptions, erroneous theories, fantasy-spinning, lies including the Big One, lack of discrimination, and faulty hearing or tone deafness.

Now of course a post concerning mass murder and gun violence cannot be complete without mention of the NRA organization founded in 1871 ('noon' horoscope shown).

(Please note that these topics may be revisited in future SO'W posts.)

So if you have on-topic observations with your name attached, you're invited to add them to this post as a Comment, if courteous. And yes, this is a difficult topic, I agree, but any Shares would be greatly appreciated to spread the info, and so that the Google ranking of SO'W can improve and yours truly will be encouraged to continue this time-consuming work. Thanks! jc

Now here are links to the shooters' ('shootists') natal horoscopes:

Eric Harris (RR: AA) and Dylan Klebold (RR: C for accuracy in question).

Nov 5, 2021

Horoscope of the NRA: Pan and the Trouble-Shooter

The Sun Scorpio-Moon Aquarius Blend of The Trouble-Shooter

by Jude Cowell

Friday November 5, 2021

No matter what hour an 1871 Horoscope of the NRA is set for, one stand-out factor is the 'death axis' pair, Mars and Saturn, their conjunction @7Cap04/46 conjunct the goatish pagan god Pan. Also conjoined upon that degree is the group's Venus-Chiron midpoint with the Venus-Chiron opposition denoting mentorship (R. Nolle). Maybe it's the NRA's association with large amounts of gun violence across "arsenal of democracy" America such as school shootings, street violence, murders of the unarmed, self-appointed (illegal) vigilantism, and other anti-societal activities such as NRA lobbyists buying off politicians to do the organization's bidding, but this disturbing cosmic picture makes sense to me via the potential that the NRA and the death cult attached to it are followers of paganism of the most primal and violent kind with roots in satanism. Also implicated: US militarism on steroids and its weaponry of aggression, invasion, and occupation of foreign lands, as directed by our 'death star' entity, the Pentagon (1942 horoscope shown). Of course, it was FDR who led the Freemasonic dedication ceremony for the construction of the Pentagon in a location that he himself chose.

Meanwhile, a cosmic curiosity relating to our weaponry topic is that the December 2016 New Moon @7Capricorn conjoined the Syzygy New Moon of FDR's Arsenal of Democracy speech of December 1940 a cosmic time link that joins US weaponry and its build-up for war with violence-promoter Trump and his thugs. Plus, the synchronicity links to the New Moon of December 2016, just prior to Trump's 'carnage in America' inaugural address of January 20, 2017. Well, carnage is certainly a promise he kept in more ways than one, isn't it? And '7Cap' is the NRA's Mars-Saturn Conjunction and therefore the location of the group's 'death axis' (R. Ebertin).

So! Below is a slightly different Horoscope of the NRA than shown on SO'W before for it's set for 1:33 pm LMT as suggested by expert astrologer Gary Lorentzen. And here is a link to the previously published NRA Horoscope set for the general time of noon (November 17, 1871 Albany, NY; note that Gary locates the chart for New York, New York) including astro-notes. As you see, Trump's natal planets are all over this chart and are highlighted in pink. And please be advised that previous notes on the NRA and today's remarks are my own and no one else's:

Its Splay shape of planets = the rugged individualism of the macho 'cowboy ethic' that many Americans so closely identify with.

Now a second NRA Horoscope of 1871 isn't posted today so that I will re-type my astro-notes all over again (follow the above link if you're curious) but there are a few factors worth emphasizing which may not have been mentioned in my previous post, or may now include additional info, such as:

2021 Saturn conjuncts 1871 Hades

Oops! As you've heard, the latest legal news about the NRA involves campaign finance trouble via such Republicans as Trump and Josh Hawley.

Simultaneously, transit Saturn (karma, loss, restriction, limitation, accountablity, obstruction, the law and lawmakers, the past, old men) @7AQ+ is hitting the NRA's Hades, a difficult asteroid indicating heavy emotional issues (such as running out of funds, lack of donations, loss of members, lawsuits) plus, decay, destruction, sorrow, grief, and - the constant go-to for the NRA and its political handmaidens of the GOP - regression. Meanwhile, President Biden's 'Build Back Better' Plan is built to fight against such regression and its ongoing efforts to force American society and laws back to the 1850s (slavery) and/or 1950s (pre-Civil-Rights - it's an Aryan thing, a past vision of white power and control, now threatening democracy in the US and across the globe). Yet their efforts are challenged by President Biden's progressive legislation which will greatly benefit the American people, even those of the Republican persuasion, and this resonates with the Solar Eclipse themes of: 'benefits' and 'good news' of the 5 South eclipse which will manifest on on December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 as Bernadette Brady details in her Predictive Astrology book #ad). In addition, 2021 Saturn conjuncts the NRA's Sun-Neptune midpoint indicating potentials for bereavements, bad blood, frustration, and/or emotional struggles and difficulties.

Along similar lines, note that the NRA's Pluto-Chiron midpoint in 1871, the pair of Plutocracy, exploitation, primal violence, racism and other -isms, opposes the group's CUPIDO (@26Lib27 conjunct the 8th cusp of Corporatism, Shared Resources, the Occult, and Death) with Cupido revealing the thuggish group's associations with Corporatism, 'The Family' (religious; mafia), The Syndicate (criminality; the mafia/the global Underworld Crime Syndicate; transnational banking) so a stark cosmic picture is reflected upon the NRA across the Taurus-Scorpio axi$ especially for those who speak astrologese (which I attempt to translate into English for any SO'W readers who might appreciate it!).

The Panic and Pandemic of Pan? Run For Your Lives

As you see, a major signal involving guns and violence, as already noted above, is the organization's Mars-Saturn Conjunction @7Capricorn+ ('the death axis' - R. Ebertin) which conjoins Pan (panic, pandemonium, pandemic, fear, anxiety). As you see, the Venus-Chiron pair at midpoint joins the 'party' @7Capricorn (sign of The Goat, a stand-in for the devil) and suggests mentorship - by pagan god Pan? This indicates to me group members being mentored via a pagan 'god' and the mentoring of others (but not necessarily intended for the group's rank and file members). However, we should add that with pipe-player Pan, sexuality is included.

Meanwhile, mention should be made of the NRA's Neptune-Pluto pair of occultism, and the Criminal Underworld (see notes on chart: Neptune-Pluto @5Tau17 in 2nd house of Values). For as you know, transit Uranus has recently hit this degree and now lurches between them and for the NRA this suggests potentials for 'impersonal attitudes about destructive or anti-societal activities; possibly aberrant behavior; disruption to gain recognition; making waves to get to shore' (N. Tyl; Munkasey; R. Ebertin). Additionally, transit Uranus will conjunct the NRA Pluto (@18Tau46 Rx) in early August 2022 and again in September 2022, prior to Midterms 2022, identifying a dangerous period when hidden fears may not be willingly confronted (and may be exploited and promoted to sway the Midterms, no doubt) and abrupt changes to the familiar are disturbing and must be navigated.

Side Note: the Neptune-North-Node sextile gives the group the ability to 'ride the waves' of public opinion, and a talent for using subtle evasion as a tactic.

Midpoint pictures that are Angular in the 1:33 pm chart:

Saturn-Pluto = ASC: 'silent power; working with those of power and influence'; Moon-Neptune = ASC: 'instability; delusions; seeing through others (psychism); scandals': Mercury-Mars = MC (the goal point): 'fighters ready for action; bravura; a champion salesperson'; Mercury-Saturn = MC: 'wrapped up in one's own ideas; philosophizing; mind over matter; winning through planning' (R. Ebertin; M. Munkasey; N. Tyl).

In closing, I'll add two factors not penned upon the chart:

1. The group's 4th house Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE"), in the 18 North Saros Series which perfected on June 18, 1871 @26Gem22 with themes of: 'high stress level; a taxing of strength; worry and obsession; illness, accidents, or physical concern' (B. Brady). The last occurrence of an 18 North eclipse was on September 13, 2015 @20Virgo (under President Obama but also the year Trump announced his escalator prez bid in June 2015 but he did so under the direct influence of the 17 South Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse conjunct the star of misfortune, Scheat). And misfortune for America is another promise he kept. 2. NRA's gold-worshiping Mida$ Rx @24Ari48 in the first house of this horocope conjunct NRA Neptune Rx @21Ari48 which to me suggests veiled or hidden wealth and the fraud, scams, theft, and deception it takes to collect it.

A Related Post: America: the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy.

(Note: For more details concerning the Sun Scorpio-Moon Aquarius blend of conscious and unconscious energies, see the Harvey's book Sun Sign-Moon Sign #ad).

Oct 18, 2021

Tyranny, Violence, Exploitation: the Pluto-Chiron duo

Monday October 18, 29021: Please note that today came the news that Colin Powell has died from Covid. He is mentioned in the post below, written years ago and here re-printed for its Pluto-Chiron and eclipse content. And note that 2021 Saturn in early Aquarius is a return to its 1639 degree mentioned in this post. jc

On the Tyranny of Plutocrats and Eagles That Crow

A reprint by Jude Cowell, with a few edits for clarity

One of the astrological signatures I think of first when it comes to tyranny, plutocracy, and governments is the Pluto-Chiron duo of oppression, primal violence, exploitation, corporatism, (predatory) capitalism, fascism, communism, zionism, Marxism, and other anti-societal -isms the world constantly faces via dark forces.

The cycle of Pluto and Chiron is approximately 60 years in duration and they last conjoined by degree (as seen from planet Earth) on December 30, 1999 and acted as one of the heralds of the New Millennium along with the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse, the 'Mother of All Eclipses' in the 1 North Saros series as what some call the 'King of Terror' Eclipse prognosticated by seer and astrologer Nostradamus.

Conjoining at '12 Sagittarius', Pluto-Chiron's Sabian Symbol is descriptive:

"A Flag Turns Into an Eagle That Crows"; "Keyword = ADJUSTMENT; positive expression: successful establishment through genuine self-expression; negative (shadow side/unconscious--jc) expression: idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.) Few can disagree that the bogus lead-up to the Bush-Cheney invasion of Iraq (and really, Afghanistan, too) was predicated on "unsubstantiated claims" and fakery. Even Colin Powell acted his part in the game of persuasion which he performed at the complicit UN.

The 1 North series originated on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48 if you'd care to take a look at the societal conditions and historical events of that year for deeper insight into 1N eclipse themes which include: 'unexpected events add pressure to personal or group relationships; making hasty decisions is cautioned against because information is distorted and possibly false. There is also an essence of health concerns attached' to the 1N series' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Here's an early post I wrote about 'The King of Alarm Eclipse' Horoscope with a few details; please note that no edits have improved the following post.

Three Prominent Eclipse Factors:

1. The initial eclipse in a series permanently imprints upon each future manifestation of all eclipses in the series; for 1 North, this adds a Saturn-ruled Capricorn vibration to its Solar Leonine influences.

2. Eclipses are often called the 'wild cards' of the Universe due to their Uranian ability to reflect unexpected events and to reveal secrets and hidden causes. Changes of direction often occur.

3. New and Full Moons can act in similar Uranian fashion to Solar (New Moon) and Lunar (Full Moon) eclipses especially when they fall upon sensitive degrees, particular planets, nodes, and/or angles. Disruption and revelations may occur as with eclipses, the 'wild cards of the Universe'. Plus, New and Full lunations retain their 'seeding of a new cycle' and 'culmination phase' timings.

So as you see, the initial eclipse degree of 13 Capricorn opposes US natal Sun (leadership) which links its potentials to the US government, plus, another factor from 1N's manifestation in 1639 is that restrictive, depressive Saturn @6AQ22 conjoins America's natal South Node (of 1776) which adds potentials for limitation, isolation, separation, and ambitions that are out of harmony with prevailing societal attitudes and practices You know--like a vision of Global Domination aided by a false flag operation to emotionally manipulate the American people into waging preemptive war, the one we'll never on this Earth be able to wash off our collective conscience thanks to warmongering 'rulers'.

Ancient as the Hills: East vs West

Now if we consider the attacks of 9/11/01 as issuing from the 'King of Terror' (or, 'Alarm') Eclipse of August 11, 1999 @18Leo and thus as another of the heralding events of the New Millennium, we note that on 9/11/01, transit Neptune, signature planet of Islam, conjoined US natal South Node (6AQ) which adds elements of intrigue and misfortune that are out of control of its victims. A sense of fate or karma was prominent on 9/11/01 as Islam (Neptune) conjoined America's SN (fate; inheritance) with the American public reaping what had been sown (karma) for Washington's past (SN) hastily performed actions and betrayals. We might even say that certain past actors (SN) participated in the deceptive ruse (Neptune).

Then unsurprisingly, the attacks of 9/11 were used to justify the already planned implementation of tyrannical laws (ex: the US 'Patriot' Act) which undermine the very nature and principles of America--against what the American people thought we were--as our country was labeled by Osama bin Laden the 'great satan' -- but to me that was a perfect example of the devil calling the devil 'devil'!

As we look ahead, please note that a Solar Eclipse in the 1 North Saros Series repeats on August 21, 2017 @29Leo as the second of three Great American Eclipses. 'Information is distorted and possibly false' indeed.

Sep 22, 2021

2021--2022 Biden Agenda Blocked by Saturnian forces

Saturn in Aquarius: Austerity, Ambitious Plans, and Selfish Politicians

by Jude Cowell

September 22, 2021

On April 12, 2021 we discussed how Karmic Planets Block President Biden's Plans into 2022 and perhaps most readers recognize how this turns out to be the case now that Biden's first term is well underway and non-governing Republicans are doing their 'thing' including threatening a government shutdown (again) over the debt ceiling (and because the GOP can cause a global financial meltdown if they're a-wantin' to). Follow the link for a list of primary planetary culprits now affecting Joe Biden's natal planets. Naturally, positive transits are also in effect for the president but the negative ones seem to be holding sway at the moment.

Yet it isn't only Mitch McConnell and his Republican comrades blocking the Biden agenda (financial and otherwise), it's certain members of President Biden's own Democratic Party via what some pundits call a "party split".

Note: there's another previous SO'W post from December 2020 that relates to this topic: Horoscopes: Power Couple Biden and McConnell showing the natal charts of both men although McConnell's chart has no accurate birth hour so noon is used. Even so, you'll see Mitch's Mercury-Venus conjunction (11AQ48--5AQ39) both Rx, opposing his Pluto-Chiron conjunction - both Rx and Pluto conjunct melancholy Orpheus of this self-styled "grim reaper". Plus, as you know, the Pluto-Chiron duo is a favorite of plutocrats the world over and both men are children of their pairing of exploitation, racism, various other isms, and primal violence. A major difference is that President Biden uses these powerful energies more positively for society while others born under Pluto-Chiron influences (of approximately 80 years ago in proud, vain Leo) prefer using its darker side to satisfy their selfish interests and to gain dominance over others (exs: "owning the libs" and the 'success at any cost' attitude.) McConnell's Mercury-Venus = transit Saturn: 'thouroughness; a serious attitude' (R. Ebertin); Mercury-Venus in Politics: 'a business sector at odds with society; speeches emphasizing economic facts; debates on added costs; news about the status of wealth' (M. Munkasey).

(Plus, we might note that another Pluto-Chiron Conjunction @11Sag+ occurred around the time of the much-touted 'New Millennium' and the plutocratic pair has an opportunity to receive benefits from the 5 South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 @12Sag22.)

Why So Bossy and Austere?

So! The reason I'm fussing about all this tonight is that tiresomely, transit Saturn Rx in early Aquarius has been stomping on Inauguration 2021's Jupiter (@7AQ22, 10th house) so that conditions of economic restriction, limitation, and blockage clearly are part of the ongoing bedevilment against the Biden White House and agenda as prosperity is slowed (and will be the world over if the GOP don't raise the debt ceiling so that Ameria can pay bills already incurred - including those racked up by Republicans).

Now as you know, transit Saturn turned retrograde on May 23, 2021 @13AQ31:01 and has been opposing the natal Plutos in Leo of many of us - or soon will (for myself in February 2022). This transit has already occurred for McConnell but is in progress now for Joe Biden. Transit Saturn conjunct Inauguration 2021 Jupiter only adds to Mr. Biden's and our limitations and the serious baggage such karma brings.

Saturn to Inauguration 2021 Jupiter exact 3 times in 2021: February 18, September 16 (just passed!), and finally: November 4, 2021. (Using Inauguration 2021 Biden Oath Taken at 11:47 am est.)

However, karmic Saturn turns Direct on October 10, 2021 @6AQ52:43 (conjunct US natal South Node, a Saturnian point - just to make things more karmic and separative in America! Then perhaps on one level, Saturn-SN symbolizes the GOP and the authority-craving party's separative sentiments against the federal government, its mockery of US laws (and subpoenas), and its general lack of cooperation with traditional values and ethics. Of course, South Node suggests past behavior no longer useful, and regressive Republican ideas issue from the 1850s and 1950s which is part of why they act neurotically and expect to shove America backward to settle for social and political conditions of the past.)

And looking ahead at devilish Saturn's path, the old man won't reach and surpass his Shadow Degree (13AQ31) until mid-January 2022 so limitations and some forms of restriction should lighten up by then if they haven't previously.

On the other side of the political equation, this release from his Shadow phase could inspire some Saturnian folk to add even harher austerity measures to their dystopian authoritarian agenda intended for the rest of us. Not for them, of course, but for the masses of people they choose to prey upon and exploit.

Now here's a republish of the December 2021 Solar Eclipse (inner) surrounded by the natal horoscope of President Joseph R. Biden (outer):

And here's President Biden's Mars Return 2021 Horoscope of November 17th.

Apr 27, 2021

Two Solar Eclipses and Nixon's War On Drugs

April 27 2021: By now most Americans are aware that Richard Nixon and his enablers invented America's War On Drugs, which he announced in 1971, and was intended to incarcerate his 'enemies', those unruly African Americans demanding their Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam-War protesters, made up mostly of my idealistic Flower Power Generation of peaceniks.

So becoming curious to see if the 9 Old South Solar Eclipse of Summer 1971, which ended with that particular manifestation, affected its own initial eclipse in the series (June 23, 0727 @4Can17, inner chart, its genesis or birth), I set up a bi-wheel of the two eclipses, as you can see, below. Also note that Nixon's taking the US off the gold standard in 1971 was also an issue of the final 9 Old South Eclipse (endings) and we can see that, yes, a few financial factors are involved along with the drug war and subsequent incarcerations. Exs: 1971 Pluto-Chiron midpoint (Plutocracy; exploitation; primal violence; racism) @5Can51 conjuncts US natal Jupiter @5Can55 of 1776 ('6 Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"), and the 1971 Jupiter-Neptune duo (speculators, visionaries, hypocrites, wastrels, and political conflicts conjuncts Midheaven in 1971 and rises in 0727). As you know, it's primarily the hypocrisy of and speculation by wealthy entrepreneurs taking over the cannabis industry that's in the news these days so that profits can be made after 40 years of oppression and imprisonment of young people and non-violent offenders. This seems a classic example of 'do as I say, not as I do'.

Yet as noted, political conflict is the basic reason that Nixon declared the 'war' in the first place - to remove his enemies from the playing field. Making a windfall must have seemed a bonus for wealth-hoarder Pluto @27Leo50 which was actually eclipsed in 1971 so, listed on the chart are potentials for: 1971 Sun-Moon = 0727 Pluto: 'changed circumstances lead to critical stages of development; power; gang wars; criminality; rape' (R. Ebertin).

And as we now find, drug arrests and long sentences have long fueled America's massive prison system, a lucrative, cruel, and malicious scheme for profit for certain politicians, judges, lawyers, police departments, and others, thanks to Tricky Dick and his co-conspirators in 1971.

Then for the passage of legislation, you see that 1971 Saturn, planet of restriction and law, opposes 0727 Uranus, planet of freedom and rebellion. This transit identifies the "passage of restrictive legislation" that Nixon finagled in order to make his oppressive actions seem legal! Meanwhile, we might also note that the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse will 'eclipse' 1971 Saturn, a Sun-to-Saturn transit suggesting serious circumstances and legal issues that involve authority concerns.

So below you see a bi-wheel of both the initial and the final 9 Old South Eclipse with themes of: 'idealism' and 'great energy via a forceful, controlling, manipulative Mars-Pluto influence' (Brady). Naturally, there are other chart factors which may be of interest to you so feel free to mention them in an on-topic comment if you wish:

Dec 23, 2020

Two Horoscopes: Another Starving Time for America?

December 23, 2020: Jamestown Colony Conditions vs America 2020/2021

Since millions more Americans have 'slid' into poverty this year through no fault of their own, I wonder if you've run across the 28-minute video Starved: Our Food Insecurity Crisis, a necessarily disturbing report by WQED Pittsbugh. And maybe you've noticed that America is in the midst of a three-fer Ceres Return with asteroid Ceres in Mundane Astrology representing food supplies, grains, corn, milk, infant formula, care and protection, families and mothers, and other nurturing concerns. (Plus, Ceres on SO'W also signifies democracy for obvious reasons).

And note that on July 4, 1776, Ceres @8Pis41 was joined by the plutocratic midpoint of exploitation, Pluto-Chiron. (See US Ceres Return Horoscope #3 of 3 which perfected on December 20, 2020.) Plutocrats in control! Which to me means that food and production shortages and supply chain interruptions are under their control as well along with the toxic additives lacing our foods and ruining the health of the American people for years: shown in part by 1776 Neptune in the health-related sign of Virgo. And as you see in the charts, below, 2020 Neptune Rx in contagious Pisces is lining up in opposition to 1609 Neptune and Mercury suggesting potentials for racial and religious persecution; fanaticism, deception, error, loss - conditions already in effect.

Now it's beyond the scope of this post, but the 1930s era of the Great Depression can be included on a list of 'starving times' in the US (soup kitchens then, food banks now) as well as other periods you may know of. Why, some folk might say America has never Not had times of starvation in our country with children going to bed hungry on many a tragic night through the generations. Sadly I must agree with that opinion. And I'm looking toward Pluto-Chiron plutocrats.

And so the following Autumn Equinox horoscopes are for examining the Starving Time in Jamestown Colony (Winter 1609 - 1610) and for our current crisis conditions at Autumn Equinox 2020 - and with a possible worsening on the way (see the chart's YOD pattern of crisis, turning points, special tasks, and karmic opportunity). So this post of a chart comparison is kind of a 'Starvation in America then and now' affair.

Even so, you may or may not see very many contacts between 1609 and 2020 planets although I'm curious to know what you do discover if you wish to leave an on-topic comment. A few of my study notes are penned on the charts such as: 1609 Saturn Rx @5AQ49 conjuncts what came to be America's natal South Node, a double Saturnian indication of loss and separation, and as you see, a karmic Saturn Return approaches the 1609 position on February 1, 2021 and this will repeat or reiterate the Saturn-SN potentials - if the 1609 horoscope holds any sway over current conditions at all. But there's yet another indicator: 1609 Saturn conjuncts Autumn SQ 2020's IC in Washington DC, and IC = the Basis of the Matter. Significant? You decide! Certainly astrological Saturn, planet of karma, Time, and old age is closely associated with restriction, loss, endings, separation, isolation, lack, concentration, and consolidation.

And so as you see, there's more 2020/2021 planetary action approaching 1609 Saturn from transit Jupiter (easing of burdens - for Trump?) and transit Pluto (the past becomes important to current events, seeking more political power, intolerance and fanaticism possible). Astrological Jupiter increases and expands while Pluto deepens and transforms. Your thoughts?

Wonder how the Horoscopes for the 1609 and 2020 Winter Solstices compare or contrast? For more of such information, one of us will want to set up the charts.

Now here's a forward-looking Horoscope of what will hopefully be better times: DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2021, a chart that's 'good-for' an entire year!

Dec 4, 2020

Either Radical Change Or Democracy Ends! (w/Richard Wolff); plus US Pluto

From December 3, 2020: Thom Hartmann interviews economics professor Dr. Richard Wolff:


Astrologically, two signifiers come quickly to mind: Pluto-Chiron, Plutocracy's plutocratic, exploitative combo representing Capitalism fanatics and predatory vulture capitalists, and Uranus-NN (North Node) denoting radical politics, or, as Reinhold Ebertin phrases it in his The Combination of Stellar Influences, "a political association advocating reforms." (#ad)

And of course wealthy, stealthy Pluto itself plays along as America's first-ever Pluto Return/s approach with its de-structuring effects already being experienced.

Please note that, as always, the views expressed within this content are not necessarily shared by yours truly although in this case, they mainly are. On SO'W, content is, and has always been, shared in a spirit of allowing you, dear reader, to consider and decide for yourself! Jude

For the curious, here's something I wrote in a 2011 post concerning America's 2022 Pluto Return/s, and includes the 2022 Solar Eclipses with themes (by Brady) that will run in the background of society; the following details on our Pluto Return/s to 27Cap33:57 are based on a 5:09 pm LMT 'Sibley' American Horoscope (a chart I'm not as enthused about these days thanks to the excellent work of astrologer Gary Lorentzen who champions America's Powell Chart):

"Pluto's current traverse of Capricorn, sign of law, government, business, and investment is taking its toll on us with restrictive, karmic Saturn's background influence as ruler of Capricorn.

1. February 20, 2022: Pluto in 8th house of the Return chart along with a Venus/Mars conjunction @20Cap (a critical degree); plutocracy's Pluto/Chiron midpoint = communism/socialism/capitalism, etc, in early Pisces and 2 degrees from invisible government's Saturn/Neptune midpoint; the return falls within the 5 New South Solar Eclipse Series: benefits and peak experiences; eclipse @12Sag22 conjoins US natal ASC of the US Sibly chart...something's brewing and will be in view; in the US Sibly natal chart, Pluto is Rx @27Cap33 and in 2nd house of Earnings and Self-Worth.

In modern times, 5 New South occurred in the years 1913, 1931, 1949, 1967, 1985, and 2003.

2. July 11, 2022: Pluto Rx in return's 1st H and re-creating its former sextile with transiting Neptune in late Pisces; Sun @20Cap (a crisis degree); activist Mars @5Taurus is in 5th H and unaspected, or working on his own; this return falls within the 6 North Solar Eclipse Series which involves issues of 'relationships to father/authority figures, the need to take responsibility and control, and acceptance of commitments due to the unreliability of others'; eclipse @10Tau29.

6N manifested in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004.

3. December 28, 2022: Pluto in return's 1st H with a Mercury/Venus conjunction in Capricorn; Jupiter returns to Aries Point, a World Point of Manifestation, for the first time since 2010; this return falls within the 6 South Solar Eclipse Series which conjoins the return chart's MC (The Goal; Aspirations) with issues of a manic nature such as being 'forceful and taking power, great strength in relationships, sudden events, and huge efforts exerted in group endeavors'; eclipse @2Scor01.

6S occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004 (same years as 6N).

(Years correspond to WWI, WWII and the rise of Fascism, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Challenger explosion, US bombs Tripoli, Iran-Contra details come out, and the Bush-Cheney wars in the Middle East escalated by Barack Obama.)

Since our nation has never experienced a Pluto Return before, no one can predict precisely what it will mean yet the historical events of those years listed give hints of similar issues which will again be on the world's menu as the 5 New South, 6 North, and 6 South eclipses repeat during the watershed year 2022 of America's Pluto Return.

For as 'they' like to say, history rhymes though it may not repeat."

And speaking of eclipses affecting America, Can a Past Eclipse Spotlight Current Conditions?.

Oct 9, 2020

DC Horoscope: US Ceres Return December 2020

October 9, 2020: Below is the DC Horoscope of America's Ceres Return of December 20, 2020. As you know, in Astrology asteroid-archetype Ceres is associated with food supplies, grains, milk, nurturing, The Mother (including Earth), and, as I often use it here, democracy. December 20, 2020 is actually the third of three exact returns to natal degree (8Pis41--see chart, upper, for the dates) of US Ceres which also happened (on July 4, 1776) to have been conjunct the transiting midoint of Plutocracy, Pluto-Chiron (8Pis20). Visions of control and exploitation come to mind, and as you see in the center of the horoscope, the forceful often brutal Mars-Pluto midpoint conjuncts our Ceres on December 20th suggesting toxins in our food supply. In the realms of biology and health, Mars-Pluto relates to potentials for organ replacement, toxemia, high fevers, an overactive pituitary gland, cell regeneration, and/or tumors (Ebertin). And to me it seems that food additives continue to be in the spotlight and democracy is under seige (Mars-Pluto = Ceres) as we already know that it is.

Ceres in 11th house suggests humanitarianism so food shortages and supply chain difficulties may continue to be in the news and cause trouble within the sphere of our country's social safety net. Childen go hungry in America yet as you know, Pisces is the sign of compassion but can also suggest shady goings-on and/or disapppointment.

To close, I'll paraphrase from Emma Belle Donath's book Asteroids in the Birth Chart (revised) concerning Chiron in Pisces and end with a quote:

Philosophical and religious issues are narrowed to the core of their meaning and applied to everyday lives. The essence of information is distilled, intuition is used in a practical way, and all experiences are analyzed impersonally. "This may esoterically be called the sorrow before the spring."

Image: US Ceres Return #3 of 3; December 20, 2020 @2:44:24 pm est Washington DC; Hour of an out-of-bounds Mercury at a critical 29th degree conjunct the Sun; Venus leads the tilt of a BOWL shape from 7th house and as chart-ruler (ASC: Taurus) makes only (irritating) minor applying aspects (health; money; relationships); Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: 'difficulties caused by illness; religious and social fanaticism' (Ebertin):

Jun 16, 2020

Democracy For Who? Do The Poor Have A Say? - Thom Hartmann (plus Ceres!)

Here's a June 16, 2020 clip from Thom Hartmann concerning a timely societal topic which contains within it many thorny and related issues:


In Mundane Astrology I tend to use asteroid Ceres as a marker for democracy, aka, Democracy. However, these days, America's fabled streak of Plutocracy has grown wider than ever and we find that on July 4, 1776 our Ceres Rx @8Pisces41 conjoined the 1776 natal Pluto-Chiron midpoint with the midpoint's plutocracy, exploitation, primal violence, and racism implications now coming to fruition across the land. And where is Ceres in transit as I type? At 11Pis38 which suggests that in 2020, America is actually in the midst of a three-fer Ceres Return due to the asteroid's retrogradation.

Exact dates of America's current Ceres Return/s are: May 28 (passed obviously); August 14; and December 20, 2020, the last a significant date for other reasons. Hopefully by December, solutions may be found, presented, or even implemented to address at least some of our nation's thorny issues within the realms of Ceres.

This may be possible since a Ceres Return spotlights our national Ceres concerns (in compassionate Pisces!) such as nurturing, home and family, parenting, food supplies (food chains), agricultural concerns and practices, protective instincts, and democracy with a cosmic laser beam to be dealt with in 2020 and, hopefully, to result in improvements for the population of our country which, whether Republicans and other selfish Ayn-Randers like it or not, includes the poor, elderly, ill, and weak among us. Even our Voting Rights are involved since office holders determine how We The People are treated or mistreated, how funds are allocated for the care of our people in need - and to 'promote the general welfare'. And yet as we see since 1776, the nation was set up from the start with the plutocrats in charge.

To close, here's one of my drawings of a protective mother and child:

Image: 'Ceres and Persephone'; pencil on paper by Jude Cowell.

Nov 29, 2019

"Battle in Seattle" vs the WTO November 30, 1999

Seattle Washington; Rattlhed at English Wikipedia [Public domain]

November 29, 2019: In remembrance of tomorrow's 20th Anniversary of the "Battle in Seattle" protest against the World Trade Organization, the following is a re-publish of a SO'W post I wrote a few years ago, sans edits but for a typo or two and a few minor updates for clarification:

The "Battle in Seattle," as the protests were dubbed by the media:

World Trade Organization (WTO), ministerial meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, the universe; Nov 30, 1999; Pluto-Chiron midpoint = Sun 7Sag59/ASC = sunrise 7:40:54 am pst; Mc 2Lib08; Moon @16Vir13 in 9th house (criticism by The People); in 8th house is North Node @5Leo38 (so USA was in process of a Nodal Return when associations are formed; US has a Nodal Half-Return coming up in April 2009. Wish The Dragon would gobble itself all up and leave innocent people alone.)

A Great Conjunction occurred one month later on Dec 30, 1999:

Heralding the New Millennium were several cosmic happenings including a Pluto and Chiron Conjunction, with the pair's blended energies signifying plutocracy, oppression, primal violence, corporatism, colonialism, racism, fascism, totalitarianism, communism, Marxism, commercialism, statism, and other -isms that most folks would prefer to stay away from. Their conjunction perfected at 12 Sagittarius, the natal Ascendant in our nation's 5:09/10 pm LMT chart of July 4, 1776). In other words, American Plutocracy. (Note that in 2019 the 1999 conjunction of the Plutocracy pair remains in force.)

And naturally, we were and are reminded of Stalin's equation: corporatism + statism = fascism. Yeah. The world is having occasion to recognize the devouring monster once again.

Plus, the 4 to 9 degree area of the Gem-Sag polarity is no picnic for they are 'nuclear degrees' with '5Sag' being a degree of flight (Devore). President Bill Clinton flew in to the city (in the middle of the night of Nov 30 - Dec 1) after being assured that his precious caboose would be kept safe from all harm.

During the Nov - Dec 1999 protests in Seattle, the midpoint of Saturn-Pluto (hardship; cruelty; loss; violence) was sitting astride US natal Moon (the people; the public; publicity) so:

Saturn-Pluto = Moon: cold feelings; abstemiousness; giving up giving; renunciation; melancholy; the tragic destiny of a woman (Tyl; Ebertin). Add, strong control over people's habits (Munkasey). That day, Sun and Pluto were also conjunct suggesting a craving for rulership, striving for power, and the power of attainment (Ebertin).

And for harsh Saturn-Pluto I would add: control (Saturn) by police state (Pluto) crushes the people (protesters and others caught up in the crowds) and the exploitation of Third World people and countries which continues today as resource plunderers and vultures with the aid of their handmaiden politicians take their profits and ignore the needs of their people.

Now perhaps you know that Stuart Townsend wrote and directed the film, 'Battle in Seattle' and though I'm no movie critic, I believe the film is worth watching especially if you're like me and want to know more of Seattle and the worldwide protests (as something like 30 cities around the globe protested in solidarity!) while 600+ of our guys and gals sat in jail nursing their police-state injuries. From 2008, here's a very interesting interview with Stuart Townsend concerning the event and his film documenting it.

Well, it would be no surprise to me to find out one day that the group that smashed windows and turned the protests violent (thus giving Seattle's major an excuse for ordering police tactics such as tear gas, head-bashing, and arrests) were plants to make sure things did go violent - as a way of diffusing criticism against the WTO policies, and to push through their plans for a fancy conference about which one of the characters in the film said, "The conference is doomed to success."

Did a real person say that? I don't know, but it did remind me of the keywords for asteroid Atlantis: abuse of power; a sense of doom. And note that on November 30, 1999, transiting Atlantis was Rx @26Can13--opposing US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap32) and hanging around with our natal Mercury Rx @25Cancer--Mercury the trader and negotiator, powerful Pluto the spy and hidden hand, so basically Atlantis activated America's bossy, surveillance-prone Mercury-Pluto opposition across the security axis of Cancer-Capricorn.

Seems to me there was a sense of doom (for the disenfranchised, and for the 'new world order' which we watch forming now with the current economic 'meltdown' was always in their 'cards' at our expense, never theirs); and abuses of power ran rampant in 1999 over anyone who stood in the way both inside the Paramount Theater and out on the streets for Internet connections created a group of protesters numbering the tens of thousands--and got them coordinated into the streets of Seattle.

So it's about time I re-watched the film and returned to studying Nov 30 - Dec 4, 1999's charts for those five days that rocked the world, and I hope nothing's been said here that would dissuade you from viewing this socially important film if you're yet to do so.

Real footage was intertwined with movie scenes and remember a catch phrase of the day that,

The Whole World Is Watching.

The Whole World Is Watching.

The Whole World Is Watching.

May 29, 2019

Marxism vs Communism (w/ Richard Wolff) - interview

Here's an informative discussion between host Thom Hartmann and his guest economics Professor Richard Wolff:


A related SO'W post: The Powell Memo: Genesis of Corporatism in Control. And as you know, in astrological terms all -isms used to label, aggravate, deceive, and divide populations issue from the Pluto-Chiron stable of exploitation, manipulation, and primal violence--including Socialism, Capitalism, conservatism, and progressivism.

Mar 21, 2019

Deutsche Bank founding horoscope

A favorite piggy bank of Donald Trump, Germany's Deutsche Bank, was founded on March 10, 1870 (exact hour unknown) and began operating one month later with Sun conjunct Neptune (hidden truths; secret identities) in Aries. Below is the bank's founding horoscope set for Berlin, Germany, March 10, 1870 at 9:00 am LMT, a speculative hour:

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes. 'DB' = Deutsche Bank. And please pardon my misspelling of its name on the horoscope which should read, Deutsche Bank. Mah bad.

Now accurate timing is not necessary in order to appreciate the bank's YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; crossroads; special task) with a Venus-Saturn sextile at its base and which was in effect the entire day and beyond. Marked on the chart are midpoint pictures within the YOD including US natal Pluto Rx (27Capricorn) as apex planet of the sextile (US Pluto conjunct DB's South Node); midpoint potentials (by Ebertin) are listed on the chart along with a note about the bank's Venus-Saturn sextile so capable of exploitation if it so chooses. Gold loving MIDAS @24Aries conjoins the Pluto-Chiron midpoint (24Aries) of plutocracy, plutocrats, and exploitation.

A few of Trump's natal positions are listed around the chart such as his 10th house Uranus @17Gemini conjoining the 9:00 am LMT Moon position in 1st house. As you know, the Sabian Symbol for Trump's natal Uranus ('Mr. Chaos'; chaos is 'his thing') is "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd," a telling reference for Trump and for DB if this is its Lunar degree or otherwise linked to its chart. Also penned on is Trump's grand-scheme-fraud-inflationary trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter (5--18 Libra) which opposes DB's natal Neptune 18Aries. Neptune opposing Jupiter suggests potentials for unfulfilled promises, weak follow-through, suspicious motives, deception, illusions, fraud, conniving and scheming, lack of perspective, inflation, and--wait for it--collusion (Pelletier).

Actually, today Newsweek reports that Trump may have committed bank fraud and I assert that the bank's horoscope agrees with such a distinct possibility. But never fear for Congress plans to investigate.

Now on March 10, 1870, the Moon ranged from 12Gem34 to 24Gem55 (conjunct Trump's 2015 POTUS bid announcement New Moon @25Gemini and near his natal Sun @23Gemini); the Sun ranged from 19Pis12 to 20Pis12--conjunct Mars in shady, secretive Pisces. Therefore, let's consider a few notes on the bank's insubstantial Water-Air Sun-Moon blend of conscious and unconscious energies:

Sun Pisces-Moon Gemini suggests a bank founded on hopes, plans, and schemes with not a lot of confidence but an abundance of talking. It can be fickle, vacillating, lacking in stability, self-doubting, and uncommitted in relationships. However, there are potentials for diplomacy and quick thinking yet a tendency toward an ever-changing morality may be in evidence--sympatico with the morally deficient Mr. Trump. Quite a frothy team aren't they?

See Sun Sign Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey for more details.

Well, that's all I'm going to type for now about Deutsche Bank. This horoscope is published here for future reference, if needed. See what you can do with it, as you wish!

Related: the Deutsche Bank logo: the slash in the square with the square symbolizing stability. (Is it stable like "stable genius" Trump?)

Oct 23, 2018

Trickle Down Racism: The Not So New Platform of The Republican Party

From October 19, 2018, here's a disturbing topic recently addressed by Thom Hartmann:


Astrologically all the -isms are children of the Pluto-Chiron combination of energies and include racism, exploitation, oppression, abuse of the weak, primal violence, criminality, and plutocracy. The pair by transit last conjoined on December 30, 1999 @11Sag22. Rounded up we have '12Sag': "A Flag That Turns Into an Eagle That Crows" which spotlights the natal Ascendant of America (for those who use a late afternoon chart for our nation's founding on July 4, 1776) and with the American Empire's totem animal the American Eagle, as everyone knows.

This personalizes the Pluto-Chiron conjunction to our nation (Ascendant) as the New Millennium was about to begin and considering the Republicans' use of the 9/11 attacks (Patriot Act, power grabs, erosion of our constitutional rights, HoSec and total surveillance, etc, etc), I'm suggesting that the Pluto-Chiron pair tragically describes what certain US politicians were and are--now acting under the tutelage of Putin-compromised Donald Trump, an asset who 'does just what Putin would do', who owes much to and conspires with Saudi Arabia, China, and North Korea--and who idolizes dictators past and present and longs for their kind of extreme power.

A handmaiden to this topic is the ongoing Republican Party's Neptune Return with Neptune in Pisces bringing a boatload of paranoia, fear, lies, fraud, conspiracy theories, and propaganda. And of course, infiltrating saboteur Neptune enables identity change or the masking of it via the party's current label as the Trump Party (Republicans are 'hiding behind Trump', some pundits have said). The fifth and final exact return of transit Neptune to the party's 1854 position of Neptune (14Pis01) occurs on December 29, 2018 and floats America into 2019 with fascism as one of Mr. Trump's 'secret' -isms and an anti-democratic authoritarian agenda.

As in, authoritarianism.

May 22, 2018

The Powell Memo: a Genesis of Corporatism in Control

Astro-Notes: The Powell Memo and Corporations as 'People' Like Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

The significance of the Powell Memo (or, Manifesto) cannot be overemphasized when pondering the ongoing assault on American institutions by corporate interests, transnational and domestic. It is not the first or only assault but one of many by wealthy elitists of the anti-Constitutional kind, those opposed to democracy and who plunder resources and wage wars across the globe and at home for their own profit.

Naturally, the term 'manifesto' must conjure for us the Communist Manifesto and the anti-worker doctrine of Marxism which has been shown to have been invented in order to destroy the Middle Class--invented though plagiarized by Karl Marx who was financed by the wealthy class of his day including his wife's family, the von Westphalens of the Prussian aristocracy.

So with no precise hour known, I'm finally getting around to publishing a 'noon' horoscope for The Powell Memo:

As you see, the Memorandum occurred within a 9 New South Saros Series with its Solar Eclipse ('PE') @27Leo15 which was activated on August 21, 2017 by The Great American Eclipse whose path of visibility split our nation in half. You'll remember that this is the Total eclipse that Donald Trump looked at 6 times without safety glasses--and its degree conjoined his natal Ascendant (29Leo) and by extension, his rising Mars (26Leo). Themes of the 1971 Solar Eclipse are messily penned upon the above chart along with the themes of the August 2017 Eclipse in the 1 North series, the 'Mother of All Eclipses' of Nostradamus fame (August 11, 1999 @18Leo).

So far, the Trump regime has fulfilled 1 North's themes extremely well: 'unexpected events' and 'information is distorted and possibly false'. Plus, we should note that the August 1999 eclipse will be activated by another Solar Eclipse this very year on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 in the 2 New North series, the eclipse I have unhappily labeled The Tower Eclipse for its 'collapsing tower' and 'rebuilding' themes (Brady). This eclipse happens to be the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms.

Now as you know, history is often said to rhyme (if not repeat precisely) and it seems to me that the study of eclipses, solar and lunar, is one way of revealing 'time links' between years and the historical events that were influenced by the applicable eclipse themes. This does not discount whether or not a particular eclipse is visible in a certain location where an event takes place yet the significance and symbolism of eclipse degrees are my primary focus along with the themes of the series in which an eclipse falls. Of course, visible eclipses would have stronger influence upon events as would Total eclipses but degrees are sensitized by eclipses, stars, and other factors and remain so through centuries.

As for the Powell Memo horoscope itself, its lack of timing prevents a full consideration here although there are a few chart factors I wish to point out:

First, that Neptune, planet of fraud, corruption, propaganda, disguises, get-rich-quick-schemes (with nearby Jupiter), the (corporate-controlled) media and the masses, is @1Sag, a degree with a Sabian Symbol (penned on) well known for its link to the US military--in America's case, to the military industrial complex that's bleeding America's National Treasury dry at the expense of We The People.

Then @11Leo01 there's Cupido conjunct Midheaven (at noon) with keywords: Corporations, Organizations, and The Family which includes crime families, Chambers of Commerce, political parties, and religious cults.

Pluto-Chiron at Work

Another factor is the midpoint of Pluto-Chiron, the Plutocracy pair of oppression, exploitation, primal violence, racism, and other -isms such as Capitalism, Communism, Marxism, Bolshevikism, Fascism, Socialism, and Zionism, which conjoins US natal Jupiter (5Cancer56) with its enlightening Sabian Symbol for '6 Cancer': "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests." In the Powell Memo chart this would refer to Mr. Powell and his Chamber of Commerce co-conspirators and others of the corporate persuasion--and to America's Founding (plutocratic) Fathers of 1776 and our modern-day financial fanatics who exploit others at every opportunity and have pulled a major scam with their ridiculous assertion that "corporations are people, too" (codified by Citizens United 2010). In the same vein, SCOTUS Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote an opinion about two days ago siding with employers and corporations over US workers, so there, America. Scr*w you, say corporate elitists.

And for those of us who use a late afternoon founding chart for America (July 4, 1776), its Ascendant in the range of 11-13Sag was the spot in the Zodiac where Pluto and Chiron last met in conjunction December 1999--and helped usher in the dawning of the New Millennium under the auspices of the 'Mother of All Eclipses', the 1 North @18Leo which will soon be triggered in August 2018.

Donald Trump in the White House: the Corporate Tradition Carried On

And finally, let's close by noting that in 1971 the asteroid of ethics and strategy, Pallas @27Tau27 opposes 1971 Jupiter in corporate Scorpio while conjoining 1971 MIDAS (26:49) -- and greedy MIDAS happily sits upon the natal Midheaven (The Goal) of gold-lover Donald Trump (age 25 in 1971). And that's Trump's very visible MC where the nasty, malevolent star of violence, rage, and viciousness is found: Algol of Medusa's Head fame.

Now in case either of you need it, here's what some say is an apt description of the Trump regime by Dr. Lawrence Britt; this controversial definition is also known as The Britt List.

Plus, every chance he gets Trump Is Using 'The Big Lie' Tactic Invented by Goebbels, a post which includes some Astrology and an interesting video.

A Possibly Related Post: 4 Virgo and the Midpoint Pictures of Trump and Hitler...some weird cosmic synchronicity is going on.