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Showing posts with label IMPEACH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IMPEACH. Show all posts

Sep 6, 2010

Newt Gingrich then and now: (im) peaches and tea

Newt Gingrich last won political office so long ago the chads have whiskers.

And though he's up to something GOP-ish with the big corporation Koch Brothers funded Tea Party movement, this article comparing him in his political heyday (think 'impeach Clinton') to his current machinations leaves me sputteringly speechless. Almost.

As I like to remind people whenever necessary: Mr. Gingrich is not from Georgia. I am from Georgia. He is not. And yes, there be many home-grown jackasses from Georgia and I may very well be one of them.

But Gingrich is from elsewhere.

So if you must, here's Newt back in 2009 accusing President Obama of 'coddling terrorists' while visions of Joseph McCarthy danced in his head.

You know, if it weren't so tragic for the entire world, I'd say, Crazy Washington! You impeached the duly elected president the American people liked while ignoring our calls to impeach the usurper, the One Who Should Have Been Impeached along with his side-winding sidekick who speaks out of the side of his mouth.

Mar 5, 2008

Congress needs Stop-Loss applied

Can you believe the craven insensitivity of our 'representatives'? They've scheduled their lovely Spring Vacation during the 5th anniversary of the Iraq War they illegally jingoed us into.

The following is a Heads-Up from

Resist in March

March 19 marks the 5th Anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Peace and justice organizations will hold actions around the country and in Washington, DC to demand an end to the funding of the occupation, along with the impeachment of the president and vice president who launched it.

For the full range of activities, see Resist in March

The timing of these efforts could not be better, with Congress considering another $105 billion for the occupation of Iraq, with Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz putting the true costs of the occupation over $3trillion, and with awareness growing that Congress can simply stop voting on additional funds.

Here's what we want our Representatives to do


MARCH 10-12 in Washington DC: Stop-Loss Congress

While Congress plans a vacation from March 15th to 30th, Bush's stop-loss policy requires soldiers to involuntarily extend their tours and prolong the occupation. It is time to Stop-Loss Congress!

On Monday March 10 and Tuesday March 11, we will deliver "official" stop-loss notices to all members of Congress to notify them that all of their LEAVES, VACATIONS and HOME VISITS HAVE BEEN CANCELLED until every soldier and mercenary is home from Iraq. On Wednesday March 12, we will take nonviolent action on Capitol Hill.

Stop-Loss Congress


MARCH 13-16, 2008 (Thursday-Sunday): Winter Soldier

Members of Iraq Veterans Against the War will testify in Silver Spring, Maryland to crimes witnessed and committed in Iraq. Audio and video of panels will be available live online, on satelite TV, and on Pacifica radio.

Winter Soldier

Local events supporting Winter Soldier, and other events for peace, justice, and impeachment:

5 Years Too Many


MARCH 16 to 18, 2008 (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday) in Washington, D.C.: Training, Lobbying, Restoring the Constitution

March 17th and 18th All day trainings & workshop at the Warehouse Theatre in preparation for March 19th

March 18th, Tuesday: CODEPINK Action Day to Take Back the Constitution: Code Pink Alert

Events are also planned around the country on March 17-18, including events in support of impeachment and demanding an end to funding the occupation. See: Resist in March

Impeachment advocates are using this opportunity to advance a new strategy modeled on what achieved the resignation of Richard Nixon: After Downing Street


A reborn Students for a Democratic Society has planned campus events on March 17 to 21.

MARCH 19, 2008 (Wednesday) Nonviolent Civil Resistance in All 435 Congressional Districts and in the Nation's Capital on the Fifth Anniversary of the Occupation of Iraq

Locations in each congressional district, to be determined locally, will include congressional offices (Congress Members and Senators will be in their districts on this day), federal buildings, military recruiters, weapons makers, war profiteers, or corporate media outlets.

In Washington, with Congress out of town, the focus will be on war profiteers in the military industrial disaster-capitalism complex. Events will include roles for people not wanting to risk arrest.

5 Years Too Many

LOCAL EVENTS: Post Yours! Update it.



Join in acts of creative non-violent civil resistance: Resist in March

Student Involvement and Leadership:


March 20 SDS Campus Protests

Students for a Democratic Society Campus Events


March 22 Teach In at American University in Washington DC

March 20-23 Split This Rock Poetry Festival


Jan 27, 2008

Last SOTU: Send Bush to Brattleboro

Alert from

"If Hitler were still alive and walked through Brattleboro, I think the local police would arrest him for war crimes."

Brattleboro to vote on arresting Bush, Cheney 26 Jan 2008:

Brattleboro residents will vote at town meeting on whether President [sic] George Bush and Vice President [sic] Dick Cheney should be indicted and arrested for war crimes, perjury or obstruction of justice if they ever step foot in Vermont.

The Brattleboro Select Board voted 3-2 Friday to put the controversial item on the Town Meeting Day warning. According to Town Clerk Annette Cappy said residents will get to vote on the matter by paper balloting March 4. [Good! Hopefully, their treason trials will get started shortly thereafter, with all possible penalties for treason on the plate.]#


One more SOTU from Bush the war president...Monday night will be the last chance Bush gets to have such a large audience with an albeit spotty attention span--unless he has a little sumpin sumpin planned for later in the year to pull a Putin...

I will be posting on the SOTU address and updating in real time Monday evening so stay, as they say, tuned!

The animated real clock feature of my astrology software, Solar Fire, is extremely applicable during speeches for observing what planets are crossing which angles at the moment of which lie (or momentous issue mentioned.)

Will Bush whack some moles of Iraq war dissent? Will his natal Ascendant's Sabian Symbol ("8Leo": "A bolshevik propagandist") shout from the bully pulpit even more shrilly than before? Even if he endorsed a successor would anyone care?

McCain is spouting on Meet the Press at this moment and he said again that the Rs lost in 2006 because they didn't restrain spending. He's tone deaf on the Iraq occupation as is Bush--what else can he say?

In 2004, McCain was against making the rich class tax cut permanent--now the economy is different so he's FOR making them permanent, seeing no connection between the current state of the economy and the Bush-Cheney tax cuts! Did corporations invest the billions Congress handed them on a golden platter--in American jobs or American infrastructure?

No, and they won't be doing so. The 'action' is somewhere else and the average US worker is out of the loop. John Edwards tells it but the media ignores his inconvenient message...inconvenient for corporate media's neocon brethren and the agenda.

Will duh moments never cease? Not if America is herded (or hacked) into voting for a Republican warhawk again. A vote for McCain is like a vote for his pal Trent Lott.

War Enabled by Politics--the "S" word:

Surrender doesn't have to be the argument's "frame" anyway. There is nothing dishonorable about regrouping forces to plan (and fight) anew.

If the I Ching has known this for centuries, why can't Washington accept and benefit by the concept? Because war profiteers find it a successful tactic to use as a political wedge against the American people whose children are needed as cannon fodder for decades to come.

Yes, "patriotism" is a useful political ploy to persuade and manipulate your tools who serve your own best interests while sacrificing their own interests and the very lives of their children and grandchilren. (Over the top war costs prevent social improvements...duh.)

So while young, not-so-young, and yet-to-be parents of America consider self-promoting Bush's SOTU conclusions Monday night (and the rest of the week if Bush can stay in the news long enough for busy parents to notice and with this raging campaign heating up...btw: congrats to Senator Obama!)...they'll eventually get a chance in Nov 2008 to voice their disfavor with makin' neocon cannon fodder babies for generations to come.

The subject of Bush's last SOTU to be cont'd...

Jan 6, 2008

McGovern weighs in on Bush administration

"People who think of government as the institution to entrust with enough power to right all the world's wrongs seem to never consider that they must thereby give it enough power to do wrong to all the world's rights. In fact, they seem NEVER to consider what the founders always thought was obvious: that the 'good guys' will NOT always be in charge!" --Bert Rand

Read this newsletter online at

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq: 1,163,944

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 3,910:

The War in Iraq Costs: $483,439,870,165

See the cost in your community:

Why I Believe Bush Must Go

Nixon Was Bad. These Guys Are Worse

By George McGovern

As we enter the eighth year of the Bush-Cheney administration, I have belatedly and painfully concluded that the only honorable course for me is to urge the impeachment of the president and the vice president.

Read McGovern's article at Information Clearing House#

Glad Mr. McGovern is weighing in at last, but I doubt the neocons and plutocrats are listening. But I am, are you?

George McGovern, born July 19, 1922, 3:00 am CST, Avon, SD) has recently completed his Uranus Return which happens to those who reach the 84-year milestone. It's a time of possible spiritual awakening if the spiritual has been ignored before--a renewal if already part of the life--and, it seems, of truth-telling. And it's when childhood issues (and perhaps memories) no longer hold sway as they once did. In effect: a letting go.

At 13Pis14 Rx, Mr. McGovern's triple Uranus Return dates are: April 17, 2006; Aug 23, 2006 (Rx); and Feb 7, 2007...Uranus is in 10th house natally.

The ongoing Mars Rx we are experiencing is upon his natal ASC as I type: 27Gem22. And since there are indications in his natal chart of pulmonary concerns, having tr Mars crossing and recrossing his natal ASC (physical body) may be difficult for him.

His Sun/MC midpoint (The Goal = 13Tau35) is conj US Inaugural ASC (noon, DC, Jan 20)...his goal in life was to be inaugurated president.

Yet Sun/Mars = (restrictive) Saturn: defeat in a contest; difficulties or obstacles in the profession.

Well, yes. And Saturn there may indicate his own party blocking his goals--the dastardly Ds! Of course, planetary archetypes must exist inwardly before they express outwardly, so perhaps McGovern had reservations any sane person who thinks of taking the job should. Run FROM the White House would be the better advice.

Here are a few details on McGovern's Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus personality blend:

practical idealism; shrewd perceptions; belief in the worth of every individual; capacity for listening to others' needs; dependable; tenacious; artistic; fussy.

Images for Integration:

A family photo album...A painter captures the taste and smell of a landscape...A flourishing family business. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Sun in Cancer, sign of the family. Tonight I tip my hat toward Mr. McGovern who knows even more political secrets than he's now--finally--letting on, and I hope he enlightens America by spilling Washington's beans.

Dec 26, 2007

my year of blogging dangerously

Blogging in 2007 has brought everything from electronic tagging to frisky hackers to a few of my favorite posts. Not favorites because of my writing or lack thereof, but because of the subjects themselves blended with Astrology's ability to look under the hood.

In no particular order, here's my Top Seven List ranging from Political Astrology to a snarlyrhyme about a certain politician whose deeds bring cries for Impeachment upon his bald pate:

Spotlight on Mercury: John Edwards (has link to Spotlight on Mercury: Barack Obama--hope to add candidates to this Mercury series in the next week or so, schedule willing.)

Sept 11 2007 Solar Eclipse chart with details--special for its date and Sun's degree from 9/11.

Eugene Debs still speaks convincingly (Debs' life and times remind me of the old film on TV yesterday, Meet John Doe (1941) where Gary Cooper's character begins as the pawn of the Hearst-esque robber baron media and ends by giving them what-for. Yay. Now where's my 2007 John Doe Club?)

America's Winter Solstice 2007 (this post-with-chart is good until Dec 2008--a year's shelf life--and has the Winter Solstice 2006 chart along with a link to Dec 11's Great Conjunction of Jupiter conjunct Pluto post.)

America's 2007 Solar Return (details and comments with link to chart's image published on one of my Gather Pages.)

Using the Moon in Electional Astrology (published at Jude's Threshold--not about political elections but about choosing propitious times to begin things.)

And then-n-n? a few snarlyrhymes were written this year and my fave might have to be Ode to Cheney for its impeachy flavor.

News, whatever that means: my favorite info sources in 2007--again in no particular order--continue to be:

NPR, The August Review, and Huffington Post, with fave political blog: George Washington's Blog for quite obvious reasons (contains much 9/11 info.)

So as 2007 closes up its tattered suitcase, my hope for 2008 is that people like Mike Gravel, with his refreshing honesty, will find themselves ruling the roost in Washington. I know...fat chance, as the pocket lining of Capitol Hill's fatcats continues apace, America's commerical and residential real estate goes to the highest foreign bidder, and the imperialist empire's military industrial complex bankrupts America down to her last penny.

Well, thanks for moseying down memory lane with me, Lone Reader, and wishing a Happy New Year to waylaid America and to the rest of the disappointed World

This blog written, as always, in honor of and hope for:

Oct 10, 2007

Impeach for Wiretapping Americans

This in from

Bush's Wiretaps: Impeachment not Immunity

Two years ago, the NY Times revealed George Bush has been illegally wiretapping our phones and emails for years. Bush publicly admitted signing the authorizations for illegal wiretaps over 30 times.

Bush's warrantless wiretaps are a flagrant violation of the Fourth Amendment. And under the 1978 FISA law, the penalty for each of Bush's illegal wiretaps is up to $10,000 and 5 years in prison. Bush may have wiretapped millions of Americans, so he should not only be impeached, but he should spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Incredibly, "Bush Dog" Democrats led by House Majority Steny Hoyer not only refuse to impeach Bush - they want to immunize Bush and his co-conspirators, the telephone giants, so they never pay a penny or spend a day behind bars for their crimes.

Congress needs to hear from all of us today. Email your Representatives to demand impeachment, not immunity:

People's Mail Network

Jul 16, 2007

so many reasons to Impeach


Cheney pushes Bush to act on Iran --Military solution back in favour as Rice loses out --President 'not prepared to leave conflict unresolved'

16 Jul 2007: The balance in the internal White House debate over Iran has shifted back in favour of military action before President [sic] George Bush leaves office in 18 months, the Guardian has learned... A well-placed source in Washington said: "Bush is not going to leave office with Iran still in limbo."

Bush must be in sixes and nines trying to figure out if bombing Iran will hurt him or help him and his (woeful) legacy. They still use straightjackets, don't they?

Jul 9, 2007

Reopen 911?

Reopen 911 is a member of the 911 Truth movement and you'll find that Christine Boutin said last year that Bush is behind 911.

But since it takes at least two to tango, it's my belief that Cheney was the...shall we say, ramrod, of the plot.

Then there's the Sabian Symbol, a word picture which can be surprisingly descriptive of a person or event...the word picture for the Rising degree (the WHAT? of the chart, the horizon, what's coming up) at 8:46 am edt, NYC, 9/11/01 is:

"15Libra" = "Circular paths."

And who do we know who flew in lazy circular paths after leaving Sarasota on that black day?

Perhaps you've read my post on Cheney and 911 from April 2006. Above you see Cheney's secondary chart (the physical plane) progressed to Sept 11, 2001 with Cheney's oh-so-obvious Pluto/Chiron midpoint perfectly astride the most Public Point of any chart--the Midheaven ('MC' = Aspirations; Career; Public Status.)

(I had removed this chart from the 2006 post due to legal considerations which turned out to be no problemo and I've meant to republish it, so with the current heated-up calls for Cheney's Impeachment (and Bush's) it seems like a good Monday to do just that, so here ya go, if you haven't had a gander at the chart before. Even so, you do remember 9/11.)

Sometimes a chart can look chilling...this one's frozen and petrified all at the same time, isn't it?

So as you know, the blending of Pluto/Chiron energies results in oppression, racism, kicking the disenfranchised when they're down, class warfare, predatory lending, and in a word, plutocracy. Vulturing Vulcans, descended from or friends of the robber baron classes, or as they prefer to be called, the elite.

Once again I mention the date of the Great Pluto/Chiron conjunction: Dec 30, 1999 which ushered in the much-hyped New Millenium for the plutocrats to go hog wild and have at it. And the two heavy weights, Pluto and Chiron, were parallel (similar to a strong conjunction and invaluable for timing purposes) for Two Days in Mid-August of 2004.

Don't get me started.....

Apr 20, 2007

Vermont Senate says Impeach!

Today the Vermont Senate voted 16-9 (some stayed away from the chamber) to impeach Bush and Cheney.

Citing "serious questions about constitutionality, statutory legality, and abuse of the public trust" the measure was passed without debate.

Personally I'm fatigued with such debate and ask what many have asked before me--what does a criminal have to do to get impeached around here?

April 28th cometh...for all the fat lot o'good it will do, for even if impeached, this administration's lying, undermining snoots will still turn up regularly on my tv and computer screens and they will continue the dissolving of America.

Still, I'm more than ready for April 28th, are you?

Vermont Senate: Impeach the President