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Showing posts with label Lunar Ecl conjunct Pluto June 26 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lunar Ecl conjunct Pluto June 26 2010. Show all posts

Jul 14, 2010

Horoscope of the Saturn-Uranus opposition 7.26.10

Just as I was preparing this chart-with-details of the next opposition between Saturn and Uranus (this time on the 00Ari/Lib axis), John and Susan Townley's AstroCocktail Newsletter arrived concerning the ongoing Cardinal Cross of 7 seven planets whose energies peak on August 6 - 7, 2010.

John is predicting much sexiness so you may wish to check out his article and make plans for where you'll be canoodling on the evening of August 6, 2010! I guarantee his post will be much more fun than what you're about to read here if you don't stop reading Now...

Saturn Opposite Uranus July 26, 2010

Firs we should consider the indications of the combination of Saturn and Uranus in the political and business realms according to Michael Munkasey (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets) involves: Legislative processes that temper traditional needs toward new ideas; legislative and executive bodies interact; conservatives vs progressives; counter-revolutionary rule; restrictions on personal contacts in political situations which are beyond an enterprise's jurisdiction; control of access to political dissidents; sudden indifference by people to traditional mores or laws.

(That's 'more-rays' for my younger friends, not 'mores'! ;p)

The above are some of the potentials of Saturnian and Uranian energies when acting together, or in this case, opposing one another, a condition which can mean 'stand-off', 'stalemate', or simply indicate awareness of their relationship. In tandem, their cycle relates to the Middle East, especially to Israel and Palestine.

As you know, the US Presidential Election 2008 was a time of a stand-off between status quo Saturn and progressive Uranus across the 18-20 Vir/Pis axis but now, the two rivals have moved on to opposition across the World Point axis of Prominence, Fame, and Recognition. After all, Uranian ideals and brilliant ideas need Saturnian form in order to come into existence.

Now as you see (click chart to enlarge and hopefully you can read my scribbled notes) their opposition becomes exact in Washington DC at 1:07 pm edt, with direct Saturn, significator of the Democratic Party, just barely moved into 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes, and Wishes, and Uranus Rx at AP in 5th house of Gambling, Speculations, Creative Pursuits, Romance, and Children.

Jupiter signifies the Republican Party which is feelin' lucky these days about the 2010 midterm elections in November with Jupiter conjunct Uranus.

Upper right, some of the Relationship indicators in this chart are listed, such as the July 25 Full Moon (3AQ00 which conjoins US Inauguration 2009's Jupiter in 10th house @ 9:37 pm edt), Mercury opposing Neptune and Chiron, and the Saturn-Uranus opposition itself.

The many midpoint pictures of the Cardinal T-Square/s are listed but not detailed since I've done so a few times already - all point to apex Pluto 3Cap22 Rx (here in 3rd house) as his secret hand continues to transit opposite US natal Venus (also a 'relationship' indicator, but a difficult one.) And apex Pluto has no intention of giving up control or of compromising either - why should he when he holds all the cards, credit and otherwise?

Chart-ruler Venus (in her Fall in Virgo) is the planet of relationships, love, and values, and makes only one applying aspect in the Sat-Uran chart: a semisquare with the Sun 3Leo37 @ Mc, an aspect which happens all the time due to their close proximity in our solar system. So basically, Venus as chart-ruler has significance through her house position, sign, and degree: 17Vir54 in 11th house.

'17Vir' = "A Volcano in Eruption"...which relates both to relationship blow-ups and/or natural disasters; the BP-Gulf Oil blowout comes to mind yet we see that its main significator, the Neptune/Chiron conjunction, has moved back into Aquarius from oceanic Pisces though Chiron is Rx at a 29th crisis degree. Perhaps the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse's flavor ('things at first seem worse but then clear with successful outcomes') will have aided matters by the end of July though I understand that BP has announced snags (at midnight this morning) in their current capping activities due to governmental 'questions' over safety. Nice that they 'care' so much now.

So here is the chart of the Saturn-Uranus opposition of July 26, 2010. See what you think with US Inaugural Sun and Mercury Rx of Jan 20, 2009 (the President) at the Foundation of the chart along with transiting Neptune/Pluto 00AQ39 (oil barons, big media, banksters, etc) and tr Pluto/Chiron 1AQ33 (plutocrats; oppression; primal violence; war; corporatism, statism, racism, etc) again 'sitting upon' America's Presidential Sun and Mercury (as they did on Inauguration Day 2009.)

In the hidden 12th house are two midpoints conjoining US Secondary Progressed Mars Rx in Libra, a sign ruled by Venus, as is the 8th cusp (Taurus) of this chart...

Pluto/Mc = Sec Mars: the need to push ahead and keep driving toward goals at all costs (wars and more war, with Mars equating to our military and police forces; banking legislation and obscene profits for Big Banks); increased willingness to battle for your objectives; a great striving for attainment of power; the urge to dominate others (ya think?); career crises; forced into an uncongenial occupation; explosive quarrels.

Sun/Pluto = Sec Mars: over-exertion or over-taxing one's power (as I and others have been saying); a desire to perform record achievements; working to the point of physical breakdown; deep inner needs to succeed at any cost; a drive to turn things around; a combative nature going to any lengths to conquer and solve problems.

(Midpoints: Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

You know, I said it in the 60s and 70s: Get Out of Vietnam. Sadly for America, it must be said again: Get Out of Afghanistan and Iraq. And definitely Leave Iran and North Korea Alone. And scr*w secret hand Pluto with his imperialistic, draconian NWO plans.


Blog Note: in light of today's Fresh Air feature concerning The Secret World of WikiLeaks and the leaked video of what a US war is really like for its hapless victims, the site's link has been returned to this blog's sidebar under 'Get Out the Truth' because it seems to be up and running again.

Also, a few readers have expressed disappointment that I have not blogged on the recent arrest of 10 Russian spies and the US-Russian exhange of them for 4 of our guys.

Well, the most applicable chart I can think of concerning the FBI's years-long surveillance and quick arrest of them was published before I heard of the case - the
Lunar Eclipse conjunct Pluto horoscope which occurred on June 26, 2010 - the day spy Anna Chapman was arrested and the spy ring was taken into custody before they could scurry away like rats in all directions.

Quelle precision, mais oui?

You may be assured that no edits have been made to the Lunar Eclipse post yet you will find mentions of spying, surveillance, and 'clandestine projects are revealed' with Full Moon in 6th house (Work, Service, and Daily Rounds) conjunct spying Pluto of Invisible Helmet fame (as Chapman went about her daily business in NYC; Moon = a woman.) In summing up the Moon Eclipse-conjunct-Pluto in controlling Capricorn, I state that, "Actually, research on secret projects may be what comes to light" though I do not suggest here that the '10 Russian spies" case is all which may soon be revealed.

Besides: they say that more WikiLeaks videos may soon be revealed for public view...


A neglected mention on the Saturn-Uranus opposition is its possible significance for the November 2010 midterm elections. Tonight the Dems and the President will meet behind closed doors for a 'key strategy session' concerning the seats in play and Press Secretary Robert Gibb's controversial admission on Meet the Press last Sunday has caused quite a political feather-ruffling for the Dems.

Yet I may as well divulge that a cursory study of the horoscopes for November 2, 2010show Saturn (Ds) approaching Midheaven at 7:00 am edt (Capitol Building) yet by 7:00 pm edt, GOP Jupiter is closer to the top of the chart. My reading is that Ds may lead in number of won seats early on but Rs may take the lead in the final tally.

Now I don't care overmuch for the Dems myself, but voting for more of the Republican hard-heartedness whose drunken-sailor-spending and warmongering drove us into the financial ditch by 2008 seems more than a little self-destructive and quite literally insane.

Maybe a re-study of the November election charts (and lunations) will give me a different picture of the outcome. I sincerely hope so for the sake of our nation. Yet no matter who wins or loses, what are the chances that Pluto's secret manipulations and interference will ever be honestly dealt with while we can still call our country 'America'?

Jun 24, 2010

G20 Summit opens w/ Lunar Eclipse: YOD in Toronto

Update June 25: the 'disagreements' mentioned in my post below are being noted in the CNN Political Ticker today and the G20 jawboning has yet to officially begin!

Original post begins here:

"To deal with the global economy," is the reason for this weekend's global summit, says Canada's PM Harper, and all week long I've been antsy (due to busy-ness) to find confirmation that the G20 Summit in Toronto will begin on Friday, June 26, 2010 in tandem with the June 26 Lunar Eclipse 4Cap46 conjunct Pluto 4Cap06 Rx @ 7:30 am edt in Washington, DC, with US natal Mercury Rx rising opposite US natal Pluto conjunct Descendant (7th house of Partnerships.)

Well, here it is.

And apparently it's going to take a small army of security forces to protect their hallowed brows and expanded brains and ideologies from anti-G20 protesters who are not impressed with their style of meddling in people's lives.

If you click the Eclipse link above you'll see the horoscope set for the White House which is almost identical to one set for Toronto - both @ 7:30:18 am edt. And both charts have '27 Cancer' rising, an apt degree considering current events because the Sabian Symbol for '27Can' = "A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon."

Therefore, America's natal Mercury/Pluto opposition remains on the ASC/DESC axis for Toronto on June 26, 2010. Yet Mc/Ic axis differs, for at the White House, Mc '11Ari' = "The President of the Country," and as you know, ASC = the WHAT? Point of any chart. In our current case, that would be President Obama.

But in Toronto, Mc = '9Ari' = "A Crystal Gazer" which makes me wonder if it's a "McCrystal" gazer at the top of the summit's agenda. We do know that fury and rage lurk just outside the summit's hotel doors, don't we?

Besides the fact that evaluating Venus in 1st house in Toronto (in 2nd house in DC), another difference between the two locations has to do with 2/8 axis issues such as money, shared resources, and transformation (a la PM Harper's justification noted above.)

Interestingly, in Toronto (not in DC), the ASC degree is just late enough to clock into a *YOD pattern, a Finger of God configuration indicating a special task, crisis, or a turning point - a critical situation which must be attended to by current actors and which was left incomplete by past actors (or generations.)

There is also a potential for health conditions or illness to interfere with proceedings, or to appear within the collective due to a YOD's 1st/6th/8th house connotations.

The YOD in Toronto involves...

Saturn/ASC = Neptune (in 8th house, both charts): depressing and introverted life situations; arguments about strange dimensions or obscure things; over making a point; a depressing environment; disagreements cause separations; dreaming of what the world should be like as opposed to what it is.

(Midpoint picture: Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply, yet I suspect that these days, they all do.)

With General McCrystal and President Obama, the separation has already occurred though more may be at hand, and with transiting South Node hanging about US natal Sun (the leader) since April.

Now if we can just get the Pentagon and White House to admit that the Afghanistan jig is up. Our now-retrograde US Secondary Progressed Mars (military forces) is showing and withdrawal must be accepted! Paying Taliban warlords doesn't fit into anyone's budget that I know of, how about you?

Talk about neurotic, South Node behavior!

Meanwhile, the good people or public (Moon) will be 'eclipsed' as the summit begins on Friday with overpowering Pluto's extreme wealth, surveillance, and manipulation standing by in 6th house of Police and Military Forces. (Protesters are already being arrested, and it's being reported that the hotel's workers have gone on strike today. And here's a btw reminder - another title Pluto carries is: the pope.)

So given America's natal Pluto on DESC, plutonian strength girds the power elite and their minions-in-attendance as they make high handed plans for - or, I should say, against - the world's future.


*A YOD, which resembles a squished triangle, is formed by a base of two or more planets sextile (60 degr) one another which 'point' to a third planet (or more) known as the apex planet/s; both the sextiled planets are quincunx, or inconjunct, the apex planet/s (165 degr.) In a YOD, apex Neptune signifies those who prefer their comfortable ivory towers to harsh, mundane realities - this way their high idealism can be successfully sustained against all common sense and dealing with the ultimate consequences of their actions doesn't interfere with their lives.

Greater structure and definition are needed by nebulous, often deceptive Neptune and this need may be supplying a basis for the 2010 summit's agenda. Neptune is a very creative apex planet in a YOD pattern, for the desired 'universal unity' (in their case, one-world-government) makes a potent, entrancing inspiration point for their totalitarian dreams and visions of Utopia which first requires chaos in order to rebuild a 'better' world.

Now some astrologers would not consider the above pattern as a YOD because one of the points is, well...a point (rather than a third planet.) Yet the midpoint picture detailed here is still of influence in Toronto symbolically, at least, since the ASC degree changes within minutes causing the YOD to dissipate. My point is that the precise timing which creates the YOD in Toronto is gleaned from the perfection of the June 26 Lunar Eclipse, Sun precisely opposing Moon...and world conditions are depressing and introverted indeed.

For as author, journalist, and social activist Upton Sinclair so fairly asked not so very long ago:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?"


Altogether, it is too much to ask. Pluto does not share.

Well, I'll be keeping an eye on Toronto this weekend...June 26 and's growing late in the game so I hope you will, too. jc