Spotlighting Our US Progressed Pluto/ASC Inconjunctby Jude Cowell
Just some notes on the formed-by-secondary-progression inconjunct (150 degrees, aka, 'quincunx', an aspect of
adjustment having potential health consequences) now formed in America's Secondary Progressions (SP.)
US Pluto 29Cap10 quincunxed US Sec ASC 28Leo10 for the first time (within a one-degree orb according to my Solar Fire software and using the 'Sibly' natal chart for the US: 5:10 pm LMT July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA; some variety in dates/times may be noted if using a different natal horoscope) on
August 23, 2009 at 1:53 am edt, Philadelphia (natal location.)
Mars 28Gem25 was rising in DC at that moment (8.23.09) along with US natal Venus 3Can+. 'Twas an Hour of Venus @ 25Can56 conjoining US n Mercury Rx. A Sun/Mars sextile points to an 8th house NN in a
YOD configuration which reveals our Pluto/ASC topic as a crisis-timer and supports the Node's critical 29th degree importance. 8th H involvement points to Big Business, Corporate Resources, Debt, Credit, and Transformations.
Also transiting at that time and place, we see that tr NN at 29Cap54 (in 8th H) is in process of conjoining US Sec Pluto and has recently met our natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx.
Pluto/NN links are associated with 'meeting the powerful', 'karmic or fated encounters', and/or 'the common destiny of a large mass of people' (Ebertin.)
Now on one level, our nation's
Sec Pluto/ASC inconjunct is notable for its critical-crisis 29th degree which is also the position of US Sec 6th cusp 29Cap+. This (Sec 6th H) implicates police, firefighting, and military services, plus, other martian occupations (transport, etc) and the health matters connected to them. US soldiers returning home come first to mind along with their medical conditions which may overwhelm the US health care system.
Oct 24, 2011: Today US Sec ASC is @ 29Leo55 (the orb will be out of range of the inconj with Pluto soon) which allows a Royal Fixed Star of Persia--
Regulus--to rise by progression. Regulus' Keywords:
success if revenge is avoided (Brady.) If revenge is
not avoided, all the success gained may be taken away or negated in some manner. It's safe to say that, no matter who or what you believe is a root cause of the attacks of 9/11/01, America did not 'avoid revenge' and now has lost more than the American people are being honestly told, with more to lose.
And of course, Pluto often wears his Cape of Invisibility when lurking about the Halls of Power (I speak primarily of Washington DC halls) and favors pulling strings of control from his lair full of the world's riches that he's been laying aside for a brimstoned day. The criminal global syndicate is Pluto's favorite Underground playing field, unlevel and dangerous as the 99% of us find it to be.
Washington DC, Capitol Hill, and a Supernal Super-nessSec Pluto's Sabian Symbol if we round up to '30Cap' =
"Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference" and I suppose you've heard by now that on October 19, 2011, the
Gang of Six met in secret conference with the
Gang of Twelve, aka, the 'Super' Congress, or 'Super Committee' whose report on draconian deficit reductions is due by November 23, 2011 just in time for the
Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37--a 'wild card' of the Universe as are all eclipses--and obviously affected by the Sag lunation which will bring an influx of energy (it's an eclipse near the North Node, the Jupiterian, joining end of The Cosmic Dragon.)
Guess they had to coordinate plans. Or something.
Speaking of the Cosmic Dragon (the Moon's Nodal Axis), our nation's Sec Pluto is near Sec South Node (Saturnian, separative) end of the Axis, with the NN @ 26Can47 Rx--conjunct US natal Mercury Rx. This emphasizes our nation's natal Mercury/Pluto opposition of surveillance, propaganda, persuasive oration, and nuclear dealings.
US natal Mercury '25Cancer' = "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power"--why, yes, I believe 'he' was in 1776. And still is.
But what of
Pluto inconj ASC? Thought you'd never ask!
With ASC the WHAT? Point of any chart, let's consider US Sec ASC to be
what as a nation the US has evolved into. The inconjunct from Pluto in Capricorn is the only planet aspecting our Sec ASC right now, just so ya know.
Pluto inconj ASC indicates conditions where others (plutonians, bankers, popes, priests, monarchists, shareholders, and mad men?) have some sort of
hold over the US (ASC) and with the ASC in Leo ruled by the Sun, our leadership potential and 'shiny' traditional role in the world is being seriously circumvented, as you've noticed by recent events.
Employment conditions are an integral part of this picture and I have typed aloud previously that Republican-leaning corporate and other CEOs are purposefully not hiring in the US in order to help the GOP undermine the presidency of Barack Obama. This tallies with recent mentions in the news of such behavior along with the implications being floated (in the 2012 campaign already) that putting Republicans back in the White House will open the floodgates to jobs galore for US workers.
Bosh! So what explains US employment conditions during the power-elite-powered Bush-Cheney regime--why not then?
Anyway, whether you believe that fairytale or not,
Pluto inconj ASC speaks of continuing threats to pensions and retirement funds, and of ideas which may be sound but lose legitimacy and attractiveness due to being
forced upon others. And when our weaknesses are exposed, we smolder in bitterness (Pluto)--and perhaps allow more plutonian-style revenge to be perpetrated in our name (ASC.)
The US government's
lock-out of WikiLeaks from donation processing (PayPal, Visa, MC, etc) springs to mind. Julian Assange said in London today that the organization must now focus on raising money or shut down by the end of 2011--they're looking for donations, if you're interested in supporting this independent if controversial news source.
Now here's a facet of our national
Pluto/ASC inconj that I must personally admit to as a dissenting American--Pluto inconj ASC gives a tendency to hold strong opinions, and to unkind or stark expressions against those in authority who are unqualified--possibly through a lack of moral character--and who must have acquired their power in a dishonest way.
Hmm. This condition reminds me of the
cagey GOP's 2011-2012 drive to disenfranchise US voters who may tend to vote Democratic--to the point of criminalizing voter registration in the United States of America--the bullies!
caging (voter suppression), and
Rolling Stone's
The GOP War on Voting. Republicans, who'd rather crash Obama than improve the US economy--can only 'win' elections when most of the American people stay home from their voting booths.
Please don't stay home. Vote with your feet by showing up--even if all we're presented with is seems the lesser of two evils.
Events of August 23, 2009 and 2011See Wikipedia's
August 23 page and scroll down to 2011 where you'll see that it was a day of the Mineral, VA earthquake (from fracking?), and the day that Libyan dictator, Muomar Qaddafi, was overthrown, the ending drama of which we've recently seen with his death.
As for August 23, 2009, you may wish to try CNN's popular stories for that date when wildfires surrounded Athens, Greece--a city still in the news for its seemingly inevitable debt default. Two years later the question seems to be: will Greece's default be orderly or chaotic? And will its consequences spread like
wildfire around the globe?
Astro-Note: for this reluctant astrologer, both 'SP' and 'Sec' = Secondary Progressions using the year-for-a-day method. Since I use Minor and Tertiary Progressions, too, I often use 'Sec' to distinguish between the three methods: Minors = mental-causal plane, Terts = intuitional-spiritual-emotional plane, and Secs = physical-evolutionary plane. Their interplay relates to the mind-body connection and the 1:13:27 ratio of consciousness. Strength and importance are lent to progressed configurations when a corresponding transit or transits are also involved in timely fashion such as with tr NN conj US Sec Pluto, as mentioned above. jc