Bush is gets 'mounting reports of Iraq woes' and this reluctant astrologer progresses the woeful Iraq War chart (Mar 20, 2003, 6:35 am BAT, Baghdad) to today at noon using the Solar Arc method--everything moved forward: 1 degree = 1 year.
(NPR is reporting that the Joints Chief of Staff have never been enamoured of the "surge." Well, that's good to know now--esp if you have a loved one as part of this political move/spawn of the devil.) Bush's meeting at the Pentagon today marks the beginning of a two-week "marathon" of reports and meetings on Iraq. They yap while thousands of people die.
Yep, the chickenhawks have broken our military and something's going to have to be done soon--US Mars Rx by progression--for the next 80 years. This is serious, folks. And the GOPers are joining in the chorus to bring troops home--in time for the 2008 election, natch.
Of course, it's always theater with politicians, so who knows if they're serious? Talk is cheap, except in Washington where it may be the most expensive of all.
Reading the chart: Solar Arc = SA, tr = transit (current position), n = natal (birth), "to" = conjunction, as in "SA MC to n Mars" which is in process of happening now.
Click to enlarge: inner chart is the war chart, outer chart--and highlighted in yellow--are the Solar Arc Directions. In blue are a few current transits such as the 10th house plutocratic Pluto/Chiron (class warfare; oppression; exploitation; racism) mixing it up with Sacred Warrior, Mars/Chiron. Describes the conflict well, imho.
First let's see what we get for our bucks with SA MC to Mars: responsibility grows; change of status.
SA MC degree's Sabian Symbol: "10Cap"..."An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor." Ya think? Wonder who's the albatross? There are so many of them it'd be difficult to choose one--unless it's Maliki. And the contractors and weapons dealers who've disappeared millions of US taxpayers' money while arming our enemies. If that's not treason, guess I don't know what is.
The whole place seems to be a big pile of crooks and murderers with innocents caught in the middle--and I can't forget that the war began with Jupiter the General Retrograde--a bottomless pit in the money department, I typed to no one in particular. Has it proved to be otherwise? 2003's Jupiter is conjunct Bush's n ASC (his nibs himself), and is also conj his and the Republican Party's n Mercury (which is also Gonzales' n Mercury. Guess they all think alike.)
On the 2003 chart, I've taken the liberty of drawing a kite pattern with Saturn in Gemini as the tail ruddering the plot along. 2007's SA Saturn now at "28Gem", the degree of "Bankruptcy." Nice, Cheney, Thanks (she typed contemptuously.)
2007's North Node (NN), the path or destiny, is at "6Gem": "Drilling for oil"...no surprise there. NN was heading that way all along. Cheney thought it would be easier.
SA Moon 27Lib31 is now being affected by tr Saturn/Pluto midpoint...
Saturn/Pluto = Moon: renunciation; giving up giving.
And that may be all we can do, m'peops. Or all we should do.
The tactic of regrouping forces is no shame--the jihadists do it all the time with much success. But irrationally hitting your head (esp when it's someone else's, George) against a brick wall is more than an shame. It's a tragedy...brought to you by Washington politicians of all persuasions.
And I blame them all.
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