, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

May 12, 2015

US Tax Payers Subsidizing Fossil Fuel Companies!

#Oil #Gas #FuelIndustry #subsidies #UStaxpayers are #chumps #BobbyJindal #payola #ThomHartmann #TheGuardian

Shhhh! Neptune at Work

The financial exploitation of US taxpayers by the power elite that Thom spotlights from The Guardian reminds me that oily, gaseous Neptune is having a sneaky, slippery old time wafting its way through its own sign of Pisces and I suppose the current Spring Equinox Solar Eclipse from March 20, 2015 @29Pisces is stirring up the silt at the bottom of the pond with news reports of weasely fraud and graft (more words from Neptune's realm of deception.)

Plus, as you know, eclipses have a wild card of the Universe reputation for Uranian disruption and unpredictable surprises including the uncovering or leaking of dirty secrets or other details that certain fraudsters, crooks, and bad actors would prefer to keep concealed. Yes, this includes enabling politicians such as Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Now this is where I type, peep-eye!

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