June 2015: Germany, France, Italy, the UK, Japan, the US, Canada, and the European Commission Hunker Down
Details concerning the June 7 & 8, 2015 G7 Summit in Germany are available for the curious. Included are this year's motto ("Think Ahead. Act Together"), key topics, and what this year's symbols stand for though obviously symbols can represent a variety of levels of reality, all tucked neatly beneath their outer meanings. Let's consider this year's crop of 3 symbols mentioned on the website, above:
1. A mountain. Said to be chosen because of the G7 2015 venue in the Alpine location of Schloss Elmau, Germany in Upper Bavaria. (Note that Adam Weishaupt set up the May 1, 1776 Illuminati society--in Bavaria.)
A mountain symbolizes a pyramid and it's no stretch with these 'power elites' to assume that that would be a pyramid of power. The concept of a mountain pilgrimage also comes to mind and what a centuries-long pilgrimage it's been for generations of bossy power grabbers determined to march the world toward Global Government. Simultaneously they manage to squish all the fun out of life for those who get in their way with more mayhem in store if that's what the establishment of a new order takes "...by consent or by conquest," a new world order freak once threatened.
2. Seven lines. On the face of it, these allegedly symbolize for the 2015 Summit (another mountain reference!) the '7 routes that lead toward a common goal'--the pinnacle, one presumes. Note the emphasis on the number '7' as in, "The Light of the Sixth Race Transmuted to the Seventh" in the Sabian Symbols. Many people recognize that it's late days for their global agenda and the ideas of a change and a turning point have been felt by you and me but have also continually promoted by the media and others as the New Millennium has careened along with higher (lower!) levels of primal violence, depopulation, and greed used a tactics against decent people. "Hope and Change" was a mighty handy if tiresomely deceptive campaign slogan, wasn't it?
Noting also that the 2015 begins on the 7th, perhaps you know that 7 is the number of the Universe as well as being found in the Bible (seven times seven), in Hebrew and Greek cultures, and in other places and systems such as references to the Japanese concept of the Seven Lucky Gods. Perhaps the summit attendees from Japan can share how lucky the seven of them feel to be 'in charge' while busily climbing the pyramid of power which also has the distinction of being a symbol for the original satanic corporation, the Tower of Babel.
Plus, who can forget the 7 days of the week, the 7 known planets prior to the discovery of Uranus, or the 7 weeping sisters of the Pleiades constellation with its difficult stars such as Alcyone? (You may remember that Alcyone was eclipsed in May 2012.)
3. Colors. The colors of the 2015 summit are said to 'reflect the countryside of the Wetterstein mountain range and the architecture of Schloss Elmau'. Since color symbolism depends on particular cultures and since I know little of German culture or know what colors Angela Merkel prefers, I'll let you figure out what the G7 2015 colors portend.
Thing is, since Germany plays the role of G7 president this year, Merkel fronts for their stated (and hidden) goals which include "the upcoming UN conferences on international climate protection and the post-2015 agenda" and naturally the global economy is said to be a target, too.
Astrology Notes: Sun in Traveling Gemini and Moon in Two Signs
Now astrologically there are many hints and clues to be found nestled within the horoscopes of June 7 - 8, 2015 in Scloss Elmau, Germany. What I tend to do with summits and other group endeavors is to set up at least two horoscopes for the beginning and ending dates--the first for 12:00 am local time, the second for 11:59 pm even though the events probably wind up earlier and begin later in the day or the morning. This covers the Sun (conscious) and Moon (unconscious) degree positions and naturally provides the signs and any sign changes which may occur. Midpoint pictures, aspects, planetary significators, rulers, and other factors of course apply but I prefer not to type it all out in a blog due to my theory that no reader has patience or the interest in reading what would amount to a small book.
There's Venus Again
Yet for this summit I shall mention a few general chart factors such as the secretive meeting's beginning lunar phase of Dissemination (+234:01; spreading information) and the fact that 12:00 am on June 7 is an Hour of Mars @17Gem59. Instigator Mars is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and thus isolated from the rest of the actors (planets.) This degree conjures images of the June 2004 G-20 Summit on Sea Island, Georgia USA which was brazenly held precisely during the last (current) Transit of Venus (17Gemini), then the second Transit in 2012. Now many folks hoped the Transits would herald an increase of feminine leaders in top positions (such as Hillary for US president 2012) but with my usual Capricorn-tinted lenses, I had to lean toward an increase of paternalism (militarism, aggression, police state on the rise, GOP 'war on women', etc.) Of course, Angela Merkel leads the G-7 this year and as noted, Hillary still wants to be #POTUS -- both are females, yes, but rather Martian ones, imho. Neocons in skirts are not really an improvement toward the common good though you may disagree.
So the G7 Summit 2015 begins with Sun in Gemini, Moon in Aquarius. This is a Double Air combo of The Thinker who handles people with great insight and skill while weaving clever arguments. Detached and observant, such actors are under the faulty impression that complete objectivity is possible (the arch-objectivist Ayn Rand comes to mind with her frosty survival of the fittest selfishness, and the world certainly seems to be bedeviled by such depopulating speculators, brigands, and cheats who pretend to govern while breaching the public trust at every turn. Guess this summit is a meeting of the cream of the crop.
As for America, transit Pluto in mid-Capricorn remains within orb of its ongoing opposition to US natal Sun (POTUS), challenging the power of his office. Plus, US Sun happens to conjoin goddess star, Sirius, which implicates ancient secret societies and hints of the paternal-maternal blending of energies ('war on women' or worship of women as Madonna-esque child-bearers vs whorish sex symbols), and now in 2015 we see on a major magazine cover another sex-related issue of transgenderism more clearly than we could guess in 2004. After all, polarities must become one eventually--and no genders will be necessary in heaven.
Moral Deformity Behind Closed Doors?
Now the June 7th Sun @16Gemini has a Sabian Symbol of note: "A Woman Agitator Makes an Impassioned Plea to a Crowd"...Angela? Is that you? Curiously, the latest possible degree and symbol within our time frame is 18Gemini: "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese," a symbol relating to those having "specialized objectives" and a sense of exclusiveness (Jones.) And yes, a need for more isolation turns up in the two horoscopes along with "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" (Saturn @1Sag), Corporatism and The Syndicate (Cupido conjunct Venus in early Leo conjunct President Obama's natal Mercury), "dreams about agricultural policies" (Agenda 21? engineered famines? chemical and GMO contamination of food supplies? the latest Moon position reaches US natal Ceres which conjoins our nation's Pluto-Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy, oppression, and exploitation), fortunate decisions, manipulation viafalse flag ops, feverish haste toward realizing goals, the use of religion as a tactic or diversion, vacillation and quick tempers, the illusion that they are free of all traditions and societal conventions, and "delusions about popular support for current policies" once the Moon nears deceptive Neptune in Pisces and the luxurious spa empties of its pampered patrons.
With the Moon leaving Aquarius and floating into Pisces during the summit, we note that a Sun Aquarius-Moon Pisces blend is a more emotional Air-Water mix of energies which gives the attendees a sea-change toward communication, dreaminess, and cunning. Journalism is spotlighted as summit intentions and goings-on are touted as being quite different than they actually are--and much of the world mistrusts these jokers. This is a chameleon blend that 'blows with the wind' and may be truth-challenged as shown in a famous quote by an English writer who was born under the Sun AQ-Moon Pisces combination, Arnold Bennett, so let's close with a few of his words of wisdom spoken from experience which perfectly describe conditions in 2015:
"Journalists say a thing that they know is not true, in the hope that if they keep on saying it long enough it will be true."
Agreed, in most cases. So if you hear of any results or policies issuing out of G-7 Summit 2015, get ready for flights of fancy, well-worn propaganda, and facile assurances of the good intentions of 'world leaders' who must meet in secret far away from the public's prying eyes in order to speak freely and make their draconian plans.
Recommended for more details: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.
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