Tuesday October 13: CNN Sponsors the 2016 Democratic Primary Debate
by Jude Cowell
To save you the mild angst of clicking or tapping in the SO'W sidebar, here is a handy link to the Campaign 2016 Democratic Debate page with a list of the Democratic Primary Debates Schedule such as it is known for now. Only the first of the six debates includes the names of the invited candidates and they are: Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley, Webb, and Chafee. It has been announced that VP Joe Biden will not participate in the first debate. No promises on the remaining debates for the gaffe-prone CFR-Bilderberg vice president and self-avowed Zionist.
Edit Oct 15: recommended for coverage of issues is The District Sentinel.
Now if you're familiar with astrological principles (as I suspect you are), it is a maxim that how things begin is how they will end so we may wish to consider the astrological conditions in effect at (9:00 pm ET; 8:00 pm CT) 6:00 pm PT on October 13, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada to discover the blend of the earthly and cosmic atmospheres during this political event. As above, So below therefore we'll consider how things will proceed based on the chart-ruler's applying aspects, if any. Planets are the actors and in this case, politicians are the main actors on the world stage as they each attempt to impress the public and convince their supporters and the DNC that theirs is the winning presidential bid to vie successfully against whichever Republican candidate makes a run for the White House in November 2016. Who can sway the public most effectively? Well first, let's consider the ringmaster of the evening.
Astro-Notes: Moderator Anderson Cooper
Debate moderator Anderson Cooper has an interesting natal chart if you care to take a look and its Rodden Rating is B (source: bio/autobiography.) With his Mars @15Lib25 and Ascendant @19Lib04 precisely setting on the Descendant of the 6:00 pm PT debate chart (19Lib07) a close angular contact seems quite pertinent. Cooper's natal Moon @23Ari26 rises in the debate chart, good for publicity and favor, and his natal chart has recently experienced eclipse contacts of note which bode well for important events and conditions and indicate a busy year for him: the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse @29Pis27 precisely conjoined his natal Chiron @29Pis27 (conjunct the Aries Point of Fame, Fortune, Prominence, and Recognition), and the current Solar Eclipse @20Vir10 (September 13, 2015 with its themes of a high stress level and an overtaxing of strength) now sits upon his natal Uranus (20Vir17)--this is new or novel (Uranus) work (Virgo) for him. And we know that having natal Uranus in Mercury-ruled Virgo gives him good intellect and reformist tendencies but can also supply tactless frankness and misplaced criticism! (Ebertin.)
And so with October 13's transit Uranus @18Ari25 Rx rising at 6:00 pm PT in Las Vegas, we may expect Mr. Cooper to cope well with the debaters and with any unexpected occurrences that may crop up (Uranus rising) especially considering the disruptive tendencies of quirky Uranus on hand. However, his own Uranus degree and the current eclipse degree 20Vir10/17 are near a difficult star Denebola (to go against society, or, going against the mainstream) so it will be interesting to see if Anderson Cooper partakes of or receives this energy in some way especially since Denebola's "mainstream" reminds us of the "mainstream media" in which he plays a role. Will the proceedings be done differently?
As for the 1st Debate chart itself, the tiresomely ongoing Cardinal Square between Uranus and Pluto is angular because not only is Uranus rising, but power manipulator Pluto (13Cap03) conjoins the chart's and debate's Midheaven (MC), the WHY? Point of Aspirations and Goals. One of Pluto's roles when in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (sign of government, law, and business) is the dictator but I shall allow you to decide what the candidates desire as they make a bid for the Democratic nomination and the coveted Oval Office. If either of us make it through the evening's debate perhaps we'll hear a pitch for or against a foreign dictator, or from Bernie, a riff against wealthy plutocrats who gain by exploiting the masses. Plus, some of psychological Pluto's prime propaganda may be a goal of the night's agenda compliments of publishing moguls or corporate titans.
Now it's true that no planet in Cancer opposes debate Pluto except for US natal Sun (POTUS), however, the hidden IC's Sabian Symbol is "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" (12Cancer) which I've always considered an important symbol in US Politics--and also in US Finances. As you know, the IC is the Foundation or Basis of the Matter and denotes The Drain which suggests currency manipulation, trade deficits, and other thorny monetary issues.
Saturn Square Neptune: the Ill, the Elderly, the Weak, and the Poor
We may expect the Saturn-Neptune square to receive notice as working classes, social programs and possibly their funding, a living wage, and other societal ills are brought up for whatever discussion is allowed. Another monetary hint is restrictive Saturn @2Sag12 in the 8th house of Credit, Debt, Insurance, Legacies, Shared Resources, and Corporatism and I suspect we all know that America was long ago sold out to the highest bidder/s such as creditor China. And in Mundane Astrology, karmicSaturn can represent those with seniority and authority but also lawmakers, judges, lawyers, managers, and in Sagittarius may also denote emigrants, philosophers, and/or religiously motivated individuals. Actually, there are reasons this 8th house Saturn may on one level signify VP Biden but I won't go into the details just now.
Instead, let's discuss the chart-ruler's applying aspect and with Aries rising (at the Exaltation of the Sun degree, 19), Mars rules the chart and the debate and also rules the 8th house via its 24Sco26 cusp (okay--along with wealthy Pluto at MC.) Mars makes two closely applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects in the October 13 debate chart. First he (and I'm calling Mars for Bernie Sanders!) trines Pluto (1A16) indicating that actor Mars will be able to exercise all the control he needs as long as he uses this power subtly and with incisive accuracy. Intense energy surrounds Mars in this debate and if the trine energy is used wisely, a high level of success may be his. Other factors and actors may interfere, of course, but a Mars-Pluto trine is a very beneficial aspect between these two dynamic planets.However, America's perpetual warmongering (Mars-Pluto) is a potential debate topic (as it should be) but the debate should turn out quite well for Mars posited in studious, detail-oriented Virgo and ruled by Mercury in Libra which is in mutual reception with Venus @4Vir31, ruler of fair minded Libra, sign of diplomacy and justice.
The other applying aspect of Mars is a conjunction (1A39) with Jupiter, planet of the politician, banker, guru, priest, and the General. Mars conjoining Jupiter describes one who has an exaggerated or expanded part to play in the proceedings so we may expect a male (Mars) to come forward during the debate (whether that's Senator Sanders or not) and meet with good fortune (Jupiter).
As for the house of Politics, Karma (reaping what was sown), Self-Undoing, and Secret Enemies (the 12th h) we have the rising Uranus (apex of a Fist of God or Thor's Hammer pattern with the restrictive square between Venus and Saturn (money issues concerning law enforcement?) at its base. This trio denotes someone using their charm but there are also potentials for rebellion, resentment, and separation. We also have deceptive Neptune Rx in its own shady sign of oceanic Pisces--curiously, a sign of war--and priestly Chiron at a critical degree (17 Pisces) and retrograde. 12th house is where backroom deals are made and Neptune is traveling in tandem with asteroid Circe (where we seek rescue).
A second planetary pattern is a T-Square between a Venus-Neptune opposition (visionaries and dreamers) pointing toward that restrictive 8th house Saturn and we find that someone is coming down to earth, exhibiting frigidity, and/or using an effective delusion. The trio brings in an interesting picture according to Michael Munkasey in his midpoint book...see what you think:
Venus-Neptune = Saturn: creating circumstances that appear to mirror reality which for me describes closely the false reality or matrix We the People (and the populations of the world) are ensnared within as *Max Igan has so often alerted us to! And of course, it also relates to the falsity of television and the appearance that American voters actually have a choice of candidates to choose from.
Because to paraphrase Josef Stalin concerning all elections including ours in November 2016, It's not the vote that counts, it's who counts the votes. How very sad but oh so true.
Yet in spite of it all, Venus may take all the chips in the game for what do you know! There's lady Venus @4Vir31 just entered the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Creative Pursuits--and she's taking over the whole shebang as the lead planet of a Locomotive planetary pattern! This leading Venus must signify Hillary Clinton and her lead in the polls, don't you agree? For as leading engine of the Democrats' debate choo choo train, she's in a high powered executive position and is determined to solve a problem and/or complete an important task.
So as a Child of the Revolution (30 Cancer), I can only hope and pray for the sake of America's future generations that she isn't focused like a laser on one of those lousy 'new world order' tasks that suck so mightily.
*The Max Igan link leads you to one of his Surviving the Matrix video series in 4 parts: Finding Your Path Through the False Reality which comes highly recommended if you haven't watched it. Also check out The Crowhouse website for more broadcasts and interviews when you can. jc
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