Astro-Notes on the Natal Saturn of Donald Trump with Related Eclipses
by Jude Cowell
As you know, Saturn, planet of authority, responsibility, control, conservatism, authoritarianism, and karma, maintains an orbital period of approximately 29 years. Therefore, a 'Saturn Return' cycle occurs for all living individuals around that schedule based on the birth position of the planet. This also applies to Mr. Donald "Authoritarian" Trump, whose natal Saturn (June 14, 1946) @23Cancer48 is in his 11th house of Alliances, Groups, Wishes, and Hopes. His having older friends or those with authority and/or experience is typical of an 11th house Saturn though Saturn in Cancer is in the sign of its detriment and thus may not express as effectively as he would like.
Saturn: Is Trump's Rise to Power Somehow Involved?
Mr. Trump's natal Venus @25Can44 conjoins natal Saturn (1S56) suggesting that he really does value loyalty, a sense of justice and fair play (aided by his 2nd house stationary direct Jupiter in Venus-ruled Libra--"it's not fair!"), but can also denote discontent, disappointment, and separation in relationships. Astrological Saturn also represents distrust, eccentricity (aided by his oriental planet, radical Uranus in Gemini). Loss of confidence in self or others, and a suspicious and skeptical nature may also be described by a Venus-Saturn conjunction in emotional, tribal Cancer along with his internal issues of self-confidence and self-esteem which seems quite shaky considering all the wild boasting he feels he must constantly do (to convince himself?)
So given Saturn's 29-year cycle, a Saturn Return horoscope is 'good for' nearly three decades and with transit Saturn now in Sagittarius, it's been since 2004 and 2005 that Mr. Trump's Saturn returned to its natal position of 1946. Actually, his last and current Saturn Return is a three-fer and became exact on: September 4, 2004, January 14, 2005, and May 24, 2005 which suggests that perhaps the lessons of Saturn (maturity, patience, perseverance, responsibility, etc) needed to be hammered into that noggin of his more than once. Be that as it may, We the People are now dealing with such issues expressing (or not) within the White House administration of Donald J. Trump, authoritarian-in-chief, and man-child with a super sensitive ego.
On a more positive note, his natal Saturn is direct, not retrograde, so Dad must have been there for him in important ways. Perhaps Mom provided more of his emotional issues since his Moon conjoins the separative South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius (some weakening of the mother-son bond?) and his Mutable Full Moon (Sun Gem-Moon Sag) denotes some type of opposition, dissension, or a stand-off between parents which may have resulted in a splitting of Trump's internal male-female principles (animus-anima). Certainly he has demonstrated rather odd issues with women many times over and makes it known that he values beauty most highly (to the point of goddess worship?) and there is his Saturn (father), in detriment in Moon-ruled Cancer--and natal Moon inconjuncts Saturn (2A36) which hints of his underlying feelings of inferiority and an unconscious susceptibility to flattery (which I believe Mr. Putin and others easily exploit).
So perhaps it's obvious that older (wiser?), more mature, experienced, established people aided this fellow in taking on the responsibility of running the country (to the extent that a 'president' ever does anymore) and yet to post here on all three Saturn Return horoscopes would soon turn this meager post into a book--for some of us, a book of Saturnian sorrows. So let's merely consider the three Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which each of the dates of Mr. Trump's three returns fell into for a general guide to the background influences and themes concerning his planet of the authority he now exercises. Note that at his advanced age, this may be his last Saturn Return unless he lives to be almost 90 years old--but I wouldn't bet against it!
1. Saturn Return September 4, 2004: influenced by the Solar Eclipse of April 19, 2004 @29Ari49, a critical 29th degree, in the 6 North Saros Series; themes concern one's relationship to authority and father figures, and a need to take control; commitments are presented.2. Saturn Return January 14, 2005: influenced by the eclipse of October 14, 2004 @21Lib05 (on and near where transit Jupiter now visits) in the 6 South series with themes of being forceful and taking power, manic energy, great force within relationships, sudden events, and exerting a huge effort in a group activity.
3. Saturn Return May 24, 2005: influenced by the eclipse of April 8, 2005 @19Ari05 in the 7 North Saros Series with themes of a long hidden and deep passion or lust that suddenly surfaces and takes people by surprise. Note that all three eclipses are in the Aries-Libra war-diplomacy and relationship polarity.
Sounds 'rise to power/take control' enough for me. And of course there is much more that could be written or said about such a Saturnian topic and I have faith that you, dear reader, can say it, if you wish. But for the sake of brevity, let's only add two factors: that 2004 and 2005 fell under the sway of neocon president George Bush (and the Vulcan warmongers are baaack under Trump) who, with his father, helped implement a 'new world order' as did Hitler; and: the third eclipse in the 7 North series is the very same Prenatal Eclipse series of Hitler's Reichstag Fire (horoscope shown of the false flag op that led to his 'rise to power') which reveals a cosmic time link between the eclipse themes influencing 1933, 2005, and a certain vain man's 'rise to power' in 2016/2017 with his 'patriotism' and 'nationalism' slogans blazing (natal Mercury in Cancer) and the bigoted alt-right movement by his side.
The Klan is in the White House. How stupid are we?
Coming Soon to a Cosmos Near You: the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pis12 (chart set for DC).
Related: The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump.
Themes of eclipses from Brady's Predictive Astrology.
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