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Showing posts with label Saturn Return. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn Return. Show all posts

Jun 23, 2023

Congress' Saturn Return 2024 and Election 2024

US Congress' 3-fer Saturn Return of Accountability

by Jude Cowell

This post is a reminder that in the pivotal year of 2024, the US Congress (first session March 4, 1789) will receive a three-fer Saturn Return to the legislative branch's 1789 position of Saturn @13Pis38:11. The dates are: 1. April 1, 2024; 2. October 12, 2024; 3. December 18, 2024. The rounded-up Sabian Symbol degree (14 Pisces) is "A Lady in Fox Fur," which we've seen before via gaslighting Neptune in the 1854 Republican Party Horoscope. The negative side of the foxy word picture is "immoral opportunism." Now as you see, Election 2024 occurs between the second and third Saturn Returns with election results which may or may not be determined by or before December 18th. Of course, Saturnian authenticity is involved as well, or it should be! And I don't refer to the old 'politicians kissing babies' ploy.

Then of course, karmic Saturn's persistent demand for accountability is already in motion in 2023 and will naturally continue to be a major part of Campaign 2024 as the November 2024 Elections near, with authoritative lawmaker Saturn also known as the 'legal eagle' planet. Along with the presidency, congressional races are squarely in Saturn's 2024 spotlight of scrutiny, we might say, as timed by Congress' Saturn Return occurring during an election year.

Note that triple returns of planets tend to occur when lessons have yet to be learned and applied correctly with Saturn, or, with a planet like Mercury, ideas, plans, and/or reforms require a period during which they can be accepted and utilized (using the denial-acceptance-resolution model of retrogradation). If they will be, that is. After all, some people never learn, and I'm guessing that we both know someone like that.

Government, Law, Responsibility, Accountability

Significantly for the US Congress, all 435 seats in the House and 34 of 100 seats in the Senate will be up for grabs along with the Presidential and Vice Presidential offices in the 2024 Elections. Taking on the responsibilities of office and accepting commitments as presented are always on the menu during all elections whether candidates recognize this or not--and for America, Election 2024 will determine our country's future of democracy or barbarism, and will either hold up our tradition of Rule of Law, or not.

Note that these past Republican antics of non-governing occurred under the US Congress's Saturn Return of March 1, 1993, and future bouts of government shutdowns cannot not be ruled out with debt ceiling refusal again part of the GOP's bag of tricks.

We the People: Neglected Saturnian Demands

When the Republicans "masterminded" their anti-responsibility 1995 and 1996 government shutdowns for a total of 26 days, Bill Clinton was president and radical reformer Newt Gingrich (who shares the Sun Gem-Moon Sag personality blend as the orange albatross) was leading the Contract With America scam, or, 'Contract On America', as it's unfondly known around here. Unfondly known because Republican policies and reforms tend to be pro-corporate-and-wealthy classes and anti the rest of us. So for this particular Child of the Revolution at this time in history, "economic royalists," no matter their political party, belong elsewhere than in a democratic Republic.

Note that the Republicans' 1995-1996 antics of non-governing occurred under the US Congress's Saturn Return of February 22, 1995, and that future bouts of government shutdowns cannot not be ruled out with debt ceiling refusal again part of the GOP's bag of tricks. Of course, no one needs Astrology to tell them of this power-grabbing threat with Saturn one of the planets of control (as you know, Pluto is the other planet of manipulation and control, but with a more distant influence such as a puppetmaster, blackmailer, or thug enforcer).

Then There's Another Saturn Return Affecting the US

More recently came a third of three Saturn Returns, this time for the US Constitution with #3 on January 10, 2023; also shown in the post is the freedom document's previous Saturn Return of March 1, 1993, the year of the three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune, the planetary pair of what today's Republicans scoff at as wokeness but back in the day, they were planets of The Enlightenment, aka, The Age of Reason with Uranus signifying Reason and Science (and thus, critical thinking and logic), and Neptune representing Faith, Mysticism, and Superstition.

So when the two generational planets with their 171-year cycle joined together in 1993 at or about the 18th degree of Saturn-ruled Capricorn (a degree of POLITICAL POWER and "smug or strong-armed paternalism"--Jones), the centuries-old debate between reality vs fantasy was geared up for the ideological battle now being waged by maga seditionist types.

Then for political purposes, energies of the 1993 Conjunction were catapulted into higher gear in 2017 when transit Pluto reached the Uranus-Neptune conjunction and a midpoint picture formed of Uranus-Neptune = tr Pluto: 'The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise' (Solar Arcs, N. Tyl #ad). And you know who 2017 Pluto symbolizes, of course, with his deadly 12th house midpoint picture of natal Pluto = Mars-Saturn conjunct the 'death axis'. And this barbaric animalism is what zealous authoritarian soldiers are aiming for now as they act on behalf of a Christo-Fascist empire while under the zombie-like influence of mass delusion promoted by a certain cult leader convincing them that they act for a purged and improved America. Willing self-deception abounds, and his vision of "American carn*ge" arrived with Pluto 2017. Because violence is part of 'the big picture' for the "leaders" who have the stomach for it.

Meanwhile, my belief in our era of history is that the centuries-old battle of "Enlightenment" knowledge and awareness vs darkness and ignorance is what Republicans such as Florida's Ron DeSantis are working to reignite as a regressive style of codified religion tries to take over the US government, and critical thinking and Science are considered to be erroneous. Book banning is a good example of their anti-societal efforts, while the ongoing Republican attack against Science, scientists, and education continues to cause turmoil and disruption in society, medically (ex: repeal of Roe v Wade), and otherwise.

Okay, here's the end of my final fuss for the week of June 19, 2023. But fret not for I entertain no expectation that this post will be shared, for I doubt that any reader ever does. But at least--perhaps--my sincere hope is that you're planning to Vote Blue in 2024! If so, my work is done, and I Thank You for reading this post.

Now in closing, here's a recommended presentation by Professor Ryan M. Reeves concerning The Enlightenment (Part One). If you have the time, it's worth a listen.

May 23, 2023

Tim Scott (R-SC): his Saturn Return 2024

Announcing his 2024 prez bid yesterday, details concerning freshly minted 2024 candidate Tim Scott (R-SC) reveal his birth date to be September 19, 1965. His Moon is in Cancer for the 24-hour period, and is out-of-bounds suggesting a measure of estrangement from Mother, or an emotional loss of some kind.

Here's a current interview with Tim Scott who says God is involved with his political decision to run in 2024, see What God Told Tim Scott Before He Announced Presidential Run. Is he genuine? Well, Senator Scott says he's confident that God isn't finished with our country yet, and this Protestant can't disagree.

So in case the 2024 presidential campaign of Tim Scott becomes a thing instead of fading out to nothing (his current poll numbers are very low), here's a natal horoscope for Tim Scott, unmarked and suitable for saving and/or printing. A few notes are added, below.

Horoscope: Tim Scott September 19, 1965 "12:00 pm" EST North Charleston, SC

Focusing on Saturn @12Pis50 Rx with Senator Scott's next Saturn Return (3x) perfecting all through 2024. Will Saturn bring him new responsibilities or more lessons? Of course, without a timed natal chart we can't consider houses in his return chart/s but using the 12:00 pm timing, the three dates that transit Saturn returns to 12Pis50 are:

1. March 26, 2024 (Trump's criminal trial date now set for March 25, 2024, NYC);

2. November 2, 2024 Rx: 3 days prior to Election 2024, and with a helpful Sun-Saturn trine;

3. November 28, 2024.

Now as you know, karmic Saturn is an important planet for everyone but also for those who hold responsible positions in society, plus, Scott's Saturn is prominent as the handle of a Bucket pattern. Notably, he was born in 1965 as the 3 Great Conjunction/s of Uranus-Pluto were getting underway. Also significant is that Scott's natal Saturn (conjunct Chiron in Pisces: a mentor, likely a religious figure) opposes his Virgo trio of Uranus-Pluto-Mercury, with his Sun @26Vir31. A restless and resourceful individual is indicated, even a revolutionary (Uranus-Pluto). Meanwhile, Saturn in Pisces denotes one who "struggles with oppponents" (R. Ebertin).

Then there are historical associations with the Uranus-Pluto cycle including the slave trade, black rights, and oppression. Well, perhaps you remember in his 2021 SOTU rebuttal, Tim Scott's controversial declaration that "America is not a racist country"!

As for Saturn Returns, they relate to professional security and provide individuals with a 28-to-30-year horoscope to keep an eye on. Of course, when any planet returns to its natal Zodiacal position, it repeats natal aspects, if any. In Tim Scott's case, those are: Saturn trine Moon-Venus-Neptune, and opposing Uranus and Pluto while squaring his Nodal Axis. Any personal idiosyncracies may turn up in 2024, and a zealous side may be noticed. Plus, the closest applying aspect to his natal Sun (ego; goal) is a square from expansive Jupiter (29Gem51) so we may expect that his financial capabilities should be considered or perhaps scrutinized.

Tim Scott's Personality Blend: Sun Virgo-Moon Cancer

His Earth (Virgo)/Water (Cancer) blend suggests pragmatism and viewpoints which may be somewhat limited. There are leanings toward anxiety and worry, and an oversensitivity that can lead to huffiness and misunderstandings. There is concern for social welfare, along with adaptability, and loyalty to family and friends. Prone to complaining, the Senator may like to rationalize away his idiosyncracies, can remain stuck in old habits, and may exhibit a suspicious attitude at times. Yet he's a very optimistic and conservative guy, which is a Jupiter-Saturn combination suggesting balanced energies.

Now there's one "Image for Integration" (conscious plus unconscious energies) which may apply to Tim Scott considering today's political climate of foreign interference in US elections, dark money financiers, and politicians with foreign bank accounts: "Two old Chinese women gossip about family problems as they work rhythmically in the rice paddies" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, The Harveys) #ad).

This personality blend is shared by author Upton Sinclair so here's that famous quote of his:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?

Yes, it's a Utopian dream that leads to the fallacy that no laws are needed. Chaos would result and this is what the current crop of Republicans want. However, 2024 candidate Tim Scott seems rather a mild Republican so far, but it's early days yet. And another factor should be noted: his Mars-Neptune conjunction indicates one who may be confused over his real goals, be indecisive and/or inconsistent with his efforts, and sports an interesting label provided by Alan Oken: "Here, there, everywhere, and nowhere". Perhaps the vacillating energies of this aspect will be noticed as his campaign goes on, or, it may play a part in his dropping out at some point. Then with the conjunction in secretive Scorpio, perhaps some sort of surreptious activities have or will occur. Of course, senators have secretive dealings and work with hidden facts all the time so maybe that's how his Scorpionic energies express. Nothing sinister, I hope!

Then on another level, Scott's Mars-Neptune midpoint has his Uranus at apex so that "reaching for pie-in-the-sky" is indicated, according to Noel Tyl. Curiously, planet Uranus is known as, 'the sky god', and Tim Scott says that his rise in life is an example of the American dream. Therefore, for Tim it sounds like it's apple pie in the sky, and perhaps a leaning toward the Great Beyond in the spiritual sense.

So let's close with the Solar Eclipse Saros Series into which Tim Scott was born: the 3 North which manifested on May 30, 1965 @9Gemini, which in the Mercurial sign indicates a focus on logic and fluency. 3 North themes include obsessive energies, "news that transforms a situation" and "large plans are wanted but don't get carried away" (B. Brady). Is mounting a 2024 campaign for the presidency getting carried away?

Then in 2001, 3 North is the Saros Series in which the WTC attacks of 9/11 occurred. But the last occurrence of a 3 North Eclipse happened under Tr*mp on July 2, 2019 @10Can37 among America's 1776 Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio, and possibly landed at or near Tim Scott's natal Moon which ranged from 5-to-20 Cancer on September 19, 1965; the Eclipse in 2019 may have increased his (lunar) intuitive ability with his Moon strong in her own sign of Cancer.

Feb 6, 2022

Nazi Book Burning May 10, 1933 and Joseph Goebbels

Not February 6th but August 25, 2022: An Update

by Jude Cowell

Although the first Nazi Book Burning occurred earlier in May 1933, below is an updated Horoscope of the more famous event that occurred on the night of May 10, 1933 in front of the State Opera House, Bebelplatz, Berlin, Germany. Approximately 30,000 books were set alight including those of Freud, Marx, Hemingway, plus, books on Science, Philosophy, and more. Head Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels spoke at midnight, then bonfires were set in Berlin by members of the German Student Union as well as in multiple university towns across Germany - a campaign of censorship against ideas which were 'contrary' to Nazi ideology.

Highlighted in green, you'll see that natal placements of Joseph Goebbels are all over the event chart! Rising is his natal Scorpio Sun along with his other Scorpio planets, his natal Ascendant @1Leo42 has just crossed Midheaven ('MC' = The Goal: he and his ego are on full display), and the North Node of public contact @4Pis34 points toward his hellish Hades. If you wish, check out Goebbels' AA-rated natal horoscope here.

Please note that this post is being edited on Thursday August 25, 2022 and the above May 10, 1933 Horoscope is now set more accurately for 11:59:59 pm CET Berlin - and, for the purposes of this post - the 1933 Book Burning Horoscope is no longer surrounded by the event's Saturn Return Horoscope (Feb 2, 2022) @16AQ09 as in the original version of this post, but the event's Saturn Return is listed at the top of the horoscope.

A few factors not penned on the chart include: Jupiter at Station Direct (turned Direct 12H 39 M prior @13Vir17:24), the Moon is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane ('OOBs'), the infamous 'Marseillaise Trio' of violence (Mars-Neptune-Jupiter) is there in 10th house, and the dynamic T-Square of Mars-NN = Moon also contains another midpoint picture of significance:

Neptune-NN = Moon: 'lack of community spirit; cessation of an inner understanding between people' (R. Ebertin), an anti-societal tactic which we may agree describes a splitting or division of society and which Nazi ideology must have in order to successfully force itself upon a population. And please note that the event's 7 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse @5Pis28 (4th house) is what I've previously labeled the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' - and a 7 North eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 @30Aries.

Aug 19, 2021

Antony Blinken's Saturn Return Teaches Lessons on Afghanistan

Joe Biden, Antony Blinken; Lawrence Jackson, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Karmic Saturn: Planet of Government, Law, Status Quo, Accountability, Loss

Bio details concerning America's current Secretary of State Antony Blinken reveal his birth date to be April 16, 1962, in Yonkers, New York. With his birth hour unknown, a 'noon' horoscope set for this date and location shows Secretary Blinken's natal Saturn @10AQ24 square natal Neptune Rx @12Sco33 (2A09), an aspect that Alan Oken has termed, "The Self-Defeatist."

Of interest is the fact that Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in the midst of a Saturn Return (no matter his birth time) which, using a 'noon' natal chart, actually occurs three times: March 20, 2021; July 30, 2021; December 17, 2021 - all in 2021, the year of the Afghanistan Withdrawal fiasco and the Saturnian fingers of blame pointing toward several prime suspects including four presidents (and I must add, Dick Cheney).

Therefore, each time transit Saturn returns to his natal degree in Antony Blinken's natal chart and psyche, the taskmaster planet squares his natal Neptune, a transit indicating that he should beware of people who make false claims or promises. You know, like members of the Afghan army who capitulated to the Taliban instead of standing up to them as promised or implied - an outcome that President Biden and Secretary Blinken erroneously depended upon. Besides, trying to impose Saturnian reality, structure, and/or limitations upon incompatible, unstable, or deceptive situations results in negative outcomes for all involved. And in the case of Afghanistan and the overly long US occupation, chaos has resulted. However, orderly Saturn does not approve of chaos yet we know that loosey goosey Neptune isn't nearly as picky.

Now another current transit to his chart is Sun-to-natal-Uranus Rx (26Leo31) which suggests a brief period of organizational difficulties, plus, a lack of loyalty on someone's part along with a closer degree of media scrutiny due to his position. And of course, various pundits and others are wondering aloud and in print if Secretary Blinken should keep his State Department job. Whether he keeps his position or not, the Sun (media spotlight) has starkly revealed the chaos (Uranus) in the situation - mistakes (Neptune) were made as the Biden administration trusted (Saturn) unreliable people (Neptune, planet of the Middle East) and are reaping the "benefits" of what Tr*mp had sown with his previously touted "peace deal" with the Taliban. Now there's a lack of loyalty.

On the Personality of Antony Blinken

So on April 16, 1962, the Moon remained in Virgo for the 24 hours with the Sun in late Aries (conjunct his Mercury). This gives Mr. Blinken a bull-dozing, volcanic Fire/Earth Sun Aries-Moon Virgo personality blend, quite the bossy combination suggesting one gifted with administrative skills who's an expert in his field. Selfish yet dutiful, Blinken can alternate between being outspoken and direct or shy and reticent and, unless other factors intervene, can be insensitive to the feelings of others.

And on a final note: this is also the Sun-Moon blend of financier J.P. Morgan Sr!

For more details, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Nov 4, 2018

Horoscope of the NRA Nov 17, 1871

Astrology of the National Rifle Association

by Jude Cowell

In December 2012, yours truly published a post concerning the Astrology of the NRA, no horoscope shown. Then in August 2018, I did it again, this time a post titled NRA Founded under Mars-Saturn-Pluto Vibes, again with no horoscope shown.

Sometimes I neglect posting a horoscope here when no birth or founding hour is known which is the case with this November 17, 1871 hot mess of an organization but tonight I've posted below the 'noon' horoscope for the one or two readers who may be curious to see the chart and because the group is in the news currently in part due to the 2018 Midterms this week. Enlarge the image if you wish, for I've added its Prenatal Eclipse ('PE'; in 5th house at noon) @16Can57 in the obsessive 18 North Saros Series of high stress, accidents, and physical concern.

And of course we can't miss the harsh Mars-Saturn conjunction in Saturn-ruled Capricorn conjoining one of the 'victim' stars, Facies with Mars-Saturn the pair that make up the 'death axis' according to Reinhold Ebertin. And you may wish to marvel at the Sun @24Scorpio which shines upon the natal IC of Donald Trump, and NRA's North Node pointing toward America's natal Mars with its tragic 'fog of war' square to our national Neptune in Virgo. Also check out the upper right scribbles of "NRA + GOP Potentials" between two brutal NRA midpoints and the GOP's natal Neptune @14Pis01 (now having its Neptune Return) - in fact, reports say that NRA funds are less than usual, spending on the 2018 Midterms is down, and its control on US Politics may be weakening just as the midpoint pictures say and this has given gun control groups more leeway:

Not listed on the chart are the three dates of the 2018 Saturn Return/s of the NRA which are:

1. February 25; June 10 Rx; and next--November 23, 2018. Now as you know, Saturn is a karmic planet (reaping what's been sown) so during a Saturn Return, it's Accountability Time when taking responsibility for past actions is demanded by the Cosmos. Can this be part of the Saturnian restriction and the limitations the NRA is experiencing in their coffers and political influence?

Jul 13, 2017

2017 Saturn Returns to the 'Black Tuesday' 1929 Horoscope

In various posts here and there a horoscope of the 'Black Tuesday' Crash of 1929 may be found--mine is set for Sun to Midheaven/MC, the Goal Point of any chart. However, when I recalculated the chart with fresher Solar Fire Gold v9 software, results were slightly changed and Sun to MC occurred (NYC) at 11:51:55 am with karmic Saturn @26Sag48 in the 12th house of Karma, Politics, and Back Room Deals. Knowing that transit Saturn still stomps through Sagittarius, I checked to see when the old man would return to his natal degree in the 'Black Tuesday' horoscope. Of course, black is one of Saturn's best colors. Slimming, y'know.

So here are the three dates of the current trail of transit Saturn as Mr. Accountability revisits his 1929 'Black Tuesday' position (26Sag48) with two conjunctions already past and one yet to come in the resolution phase:

1. March 2, 2017: with Saturn rising and a veiling Sun-Neptune conjunction @11Pisces+;

2. May 11, 2017: Saturn Rx in Return 2nd house of the National Treasury;

3. November 22, 2017: banker Jupiter @9Scorpio rises with asteroid Hopi (ambush; prejudice) and there is a YOD pattern (turning point; crossroads; special task; crisis; illness; karmic opportunity) with a wobbly Moon-Neptune sextile at its base, pointing toward MC (12Leo+) for a few flickering moments.

Together, shady, confused, psychic Moon-Neptune = instability, weakness, exploitation, and/or a sense of dread (Ebertin).

Related: Are We on An Eclipse Path to another Great Depression?.

Feb 16, 2017

Solar Eclipse Notes on Trump's Current Saturn Return

Astro-Notes on the Natal Saturn of Donald Trump with Related Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

As you know, Saturn, planet of authority, responsibility, control, conservatism, authoritarianism, and karma, maintains an orbital period of approximately 29 years. Therefore, a 'Saturn Return' cycle occurs for all living individuals around that schedule based on the birth position of the planet. This also applies to Mr. Donald "Authoritarian" Trump, whose natal Saturn (June 14, 1946) @23Cancer48 is in his 11th house of Alliances, Groups, Wishes, and Hopes. His having older friends or those with authority and/or experience is typical of an 11th house Saturn though Saturn in Cancer is in the sign of its detriment and thus may not express as effectively as he would like.

Saturn: Is Trump's Rise to Power Somehow Involved?

Mr. Trump's natal Venus @25Can44 conjoins natal Saturn (1S56) suggesting that he really does value loyalty, a sense of justice and fair play (aided by his 2nd house stationary direct Jupiter in Venus-ruled Libra--"it's not fair!"), but can also denote discontent, disappointment, and separation in relationships. Astrological Saturn also represents distrust, eccentricity (aided by his oriental planet, radical Uranus in Gemini). Loss of confidence in self or others, and a suspicious and skeptical nature may also be described by a Venus-Saturn conjunction in emotional, tribal Cancer along with his internal issues of self-confidence and self-esteem which seems quite shaky considering all the wild boasting he feels he must constantly do (to convince himself?)

So given Saturn's 29-year cycle, a Saturn Return horoscope is 'good for' nearly three decades and with transit Saturn now in Sagittarius, it's been since 2004 and 2005 that Mr. Trump's Saturn returned to its natal position of 1946. Actually, his last and current Saturn Return is a three-fer and became exact on: September 4, 2004, January 14, 2005, and May 24, 2005 which suggests that perhaps the lessons of Saturn (maturity, patience, perseverance, responsibility, etc) needed to be hammered into that noggin of his more than once. Be that as it may, We the People are now dealing with such issues expressing (or not) within the White House administration of Donald J. Trump, authoritarian-in-chief, and man-child with a super sensitive ego.

On a more positive note, his natal Saturn is direct, not retrograde, so Dad must have been there for him in important ways. Perhaps Mom provided more of his emotional issues since his Moon conjoins the separative South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius (some weakening of the mother-son bond?) and his Mutable Full Moon (Sun Gem-Moon Sag) denotes some type of opposition, dissension, or a stand-off between parents which may have resulted in a splitting of Trump's internal male-female principles (animus-anima). Certainly he has demonstrated rather odd issues with women many times over and makes it known that he values beauty most highly (to the point of goddess worship?) and there is his Saturn (father), in detriment in Moon-ruled Cancer--and natal Moon inconjuncts Saturn (2A36) which hints of his underlying feelings of inferiority and an unconscious susceptibility to flattery (which I believe Mr. Putin and others easily exploit).

So perhaps it's obvious that older (wiser?), more mature, experienced, established people aided this fellow in taking on the responsibility of running the country (to the extent that a 'president' ever does anymore) and yet to post here on all three Saturn Return horoscopes would soon turn this meager post into a book--for some of us, a book of Saturnian sorrows. So let's merely consider the three Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which each of the dates of Mr. Trump's three returns fell into for a general guide to the background influences and themes concerning his planet of the authority he now exercises. Note that at his advanced age, this may be his last Saturn Return unless he lives to be almost 90 years old--but I wouldn't bet against it!

1. Saturn Return September 4, 2004: influenced by the Solar Eclipse of April 19, 2004 @29Ari49, a critical 29th degree, in the 6 North Saros Series; themes concern one's relationship to authority and father figures, and a need to take control; commitments are presented.

2. Saturn Return January 14, 2005: influenced by the eclipse of October 14, 2004 @21Lib05 (on and near where transit Jupiter now visits) in the 6 South series with themes of being forceful and taking power, manic energy, great force within relationships, sudden events, and exerting a huge effort in a group activity.

3. Saturn Return May 24, 2005: influenced by the eclipse of April 8, 2005 @19Ari05 in the 7 North Saros Series with themes of a long hidden and deep passion or lust that suddenly surfaces and takes people by surprise. Note that all three eclipses are in the Aries-Libra war-diplomacy and relationship polarity.

Sounds 'rise to power/take control' enough for me. And of course there is much more that could be written or said about such a Saturnian topic and I have faith that you, dear reader, can say it, if you wish. But for the sake of brevity, let's only add two factors: that 2004 and 2005 fell under the sway of neocon president George Bush (and the Vulcan warmongers are baaack under Trump) who, with his father, helped implement a 'new world order' as did Hitler; and: the third eclipse in the 7 North series is the very same Prenatal Eclipse series of Hitler's Reichstag Fire (horoscope shown of the false flag op that led to his 'rise to power') which reveals a cosmic time link between the eclipse themes influencing 1933, 2005, and a certain vain man's 'rise to power' in 2016/2017 with his 'patriotism' and 'nationalism' slogans blazing (natal Mercury in Cancer) and the bigoted alt-right movement by his side.

The Klan is in the White House. How stupid are we?

Coming Soon to a Cosmos Near You: the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pis12 (chart set for DC).

Related: The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump.

Themes of eclipses from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Dec 12, 2016

Venezuela in Crisis: two foundation charts for Venezuela

Ongoing for some time, perhaps you've heard that there is Crisis in Venezuela with runaway inflation, corruption, decreased oil prices, and a suffering population. Sadly, US involvement in the country's dire conditions comes as no surprise. 'It's what we do,' as the popular saying goes.

Checking Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, it turns out that Venezuela has two natal horoscopes, one dated 1811 and one for 1830:

Venezuela Chart #385 is set for July 5, 1811 (NS) 12:00 pm LMT Caracas since no precise time is known; this chart is marks when "true independence was proclaimed" and has a critical-crisis degree rising, 12Lib51. As you see by the July 5th date, the Sun (leadership) at the critical-crisis degree of 12Can40 conjoins US natal Sun and goddess star Sirius (the scorcher); Midheaven (MC) = 11Can45 which puts transit Pluto now in mid-Capricorn, the transformer and saboteur, at IC, the Foundation/Basis of the Matter, also The Drain. Natal Moon (The People) at noon @4Cap08 is in 3rd house with natal Saturn @21Sag56 Rx--Saturn conjoins the natal Moon/South-Node conjunction of Donald Trump. Plus, in this natal chart for Venezuela, the country will begin a three-fer Saturn Return/s on or about January 6, 2017, the second hit in July 2017, and culminating with the third conjunction to 21Sag56 in September 2017, a time for accountability and integrity.

Considering Venezuela's current financial bungling and corruption, of interest may be a planetary trio in 9th house, two of which are 'money planets': Venus 16Gem40, Jupiter 20Gem45, and deal-maker Mercury 23Gem51. Mr. Trump's natal Uranus, North Node, and Sun are amongst these degrees, yes, but what may be revealing is the Gemini Full Moon of December 13, 2016 @22Gemini which will spotlight Venezuela's trio and also the Gemini trio of Mr. Trump. Naturally, US natal Mars @22Gemini will also be in the cosmic spotlight of tomorrow's Full Moon which can reveal secrets and inconvenient facts much like an eclipse can do.

The second chart (#386) is set for September 22, 1830 noon LMT Caracas with 26Sag43 rising and chart-ruler Jupiter @8Cap28 rising in 1st house with nebulous Neptune @20Cap02 Rx, yet another critical-crisis degree. At MC is 1Lib07 conjunct a critical-crisis 29th degree Sun (29Vir08); the Moon @00Sag15 conjoins 12th cusp of Karma, Self-Undoing, and Politics, while the IC @1Ari07 is bracketed by a 3rd house Mars (25Pis20) and 4th house Pluto (8Ari46) Rx. Natal Saturn @26Leo25 conjoins the natal Ascendant and Mars of Donald Trump in Venezuela's corporate 8th house of Big Business.

Well, apparently our braggart-elect will take the Oath of Office (or will he skip it like the daily security briefings he thinks he's too smart to need?) in January 2017 and it will be interesting (and hopefully not excruciating) to watch how or if Mr. Trump makes deals concerning the Crisis in Venezuela. My fingers are crossed for the good people of Venezuela...and for the good people of America.

Here's a brief video report on Food Shortages in Venezuela.

Sep 24, 2015

World War III - Who Will Be Blamed? 17-min video--plus, Saturn

For your consideration:

Related: the natal horoscope of Zbigniew Brzezinski born in 1928 so his Uranus Return has occurred around the age of 84 and when transit Saturn now at the beginning of Sagittarius reaches 19Sag08, yet another Saturn Return will occur for this 80-something and who knows what old man Saturn will bring to such a powerful global chess player for what surely must be Saturn's last 28-year go-round since the time keeper's original position in Baby Brzezinski's 1928 natal chart.

Also of interest is E. Alan Meece's Looking Past the Point of No Return: 2012 - 2020.

Jul 12, 2012

Neptune in Pisces floats up mysterious drownings as Romney is booed in all the right places

Speaking of mystical Neptune now traversing its own oceanic sign of Pisces, on July 9, History Today published an article by *Christopher Winn on concerning Mysterious Drownings which spotlights the 190th anniversary of the drowning off the coast of Italy (July 8, 1822) of romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Shelley, born August 4, 1792 @10:00 pm in Horsham, England, died age 29 which to astrologers denotes his leaving the earthly plane at his Saturn Return. Some have thought he may have committed suicide or that his boat was a victim of a pirate attack yet it seems certain that a squall at sea did hit and upturned the boat. In any case, he'd left (temporarily) wife Mary after yet another loss of child which smacks of running away from responsibilities, something which taskmaster Saturn does not appreciate. Honestly addressing one's responsibilities is a basic theme during times when Saturn returns to 'his' natal position.

Interestingly, Shelley's Saturn Return of May 9, 1822 shows sea-ruler Neptune Rx @ 5Cap00..."Indians Rowing a Canoe and Dancing a War Dance." (Jones.) Were the "Indians" Shelley and friend rowing what would soon be a capsized boat, or pirates on the attack? Who can say yet it's a tantalyzing picture to consider. Plus, in his Return chart, Neptune conjoined the planet of sudden events, Uranus Rx @7Cap05. '8Cap' = "Birds in the House Singing Happily" which may indicate the rebel was in a good mood before Neptunian tragedy struck by whatever means. And Shelley's death (Pluto) was ultimately a World Event with Pluto @00Ari28 (Aries Point) and rising in his 1822 Saturn Return chart.

As you know, Mary Shelley authored Frankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus, as Uranian a title and story arc as you'll ever find in literature--'sky god' Uranus is often referred to as, The Awakener, perfect for the cobbled-together Monster and the catalyst for life, electricity, all provinces of Uranus.

Both Mary and Percy were born with Sun-Uranus conjunctions, his in dramatic Leo, hers in book-writing Virgo which relates to their unorthodox alliance which broke societal boundaries by an elopement against her father's wishes (yet William Godwin continued to borrow money from Percy!) And with their Jupiters (how one relates) placed in opposite signs--his in Libra, hers in Aries across the Relationship axis--theirs was a romance 'written in the stars' as they say. Perhaps with his Sun-Uranus conjunction near his natal Venus in Leo added to her natal Mars in bookish Virgo near her Sun-Uranus, their willfulness in love (Mars-Venus) simply would not be denied.

Now here are Mary's birth details in case you don't have her natal horoscope in your files: August 30, 1797 @11:20 pm London, England; Sun 7Vir58, Moon 27Sag57. I am happily indebted to Scottish astrologer Anne Whitaker, author of Jupiter Meets Uranus for sharing her excellent research on Mary and Percy Shelley and the dream (Neptune!) which inspired the writing and publishing of the classic Uranian novel, Frankenstein.


*Christopher Winn, not to be confused with Jonathan Winn, author of Martuk...the Holy!


Desperate Republicans and Wasteful Votes

Regular readers may note that up until now, this post contained no mention of Politics, arrogant politicians, or of the time and money wasting efforts yesterday of the Republican Party as they voted in the House of Representatives to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010 which was upheld as constitutional by SCOTUS on June 28, 2012. The GOP's 31st performance of Capitol Hill Political Theater shows our tax dollars not at work on behalf of the American people and I refuse to type much more about their sham for the moment as the jackassian politicians of Washington--including turncoat Democrats--continue undermining our national government (and state governments, for that matter) while making idiotic fools of themselves for the sake of the dumbleheaded, anti-social, anti-American ideology by which they hope to re-take the White House.

Yes, I must agree that current GOP ploys defy all reason and the only plan they seem to me to have is to cheat in November 2012 and play dirty tricks (such as Mitt Romney speaking to the NAACP yesterday so he could be booed to impress his 'base'--how simplistic and transparent!) All very Neptunian of them with the Party's natal Neptune @15Pis53 Rx in n 3rd house of Communications, and Neptune sextiles Uranus in stubborn Taurus (15:48) which forms a YOD (crisis pattern) with US natal Saturn 14Lib48...Uranus-Neptune = Saturn has potentials for: a clash among ambitions and projects; need for recognition; changes of direction; staying put causes depression and loss of confidence (Tyl.)

Additionally, the Republican Party's current progressed Ascendant @29Gem50, a critical-crisis 29th degree, shows a sense of desperation, and the Party's progressed Mercury @29Sco39 (voting; ideas; plans) is @29Sco39..."30Sco" = "The Halloween Jester" which may indicate an October Surprise on the GOP menu which is meant to sway the American people away from President Obama and toward the GOP's daft austerity measures. After all, Inauguration 2009's Moon (The People; the masses) remains at @29Sco45 until Inauguration 2013 rolls around when The People's Inaugural Moon will be posited in the much lighter sign of Gemini at noon--almost four hours from Mr. Obama's Lunar Return (back to the White House?) which occurs at 3:54 pm est on Monday, January 21, 2013.

The natal chart I use for the Republican Party: July 6, 1854 @5:00 pm LMT Jackson, MI, which shows natal Sun conjunct US natal Sun; plus, the Democratic Party's Moon in Aquarius conjoins US natal Moon....our Papa and Momma? Arghh! No wonder the two parties can't get along and are able to constantly and easily divide and conquer the American people's loyalties with the strain between Sun inconjunct Moon which is an echo from America's natal chart and psyche of July 4, 1776!

Sep 17, 2007

Sep 17: US Constitution's Saturn Return 2007

The post just written by your reluctant astrologer for Jude's Threshold has a sprinking of Astrology, karma, progressed charts, and neurosis, but is primarily about the US Constitution's Saturn Return today and which handily coincided with Bush's Rose Garden announcement of Judge Mukasey as his nominee for Attorney General.

Seems the few remaining DOJ employees are simply rattling around in that big old building and could use a pile o' perking up with some clear direction and a show of honest character. (If you've read this blog before you'll know I'm clutching at straws with the honest character part, more's the pity.)

So we have a nominee announced, and we have a Saturn Return--and Saturn rules Capricorn, sign of politics, business, and law. Saturn signifies lawyers, in fact, and lower court judges.

Coincidence? Synchronicity? Or electional goings-on by Sacred Geometry types? In this case the word electional refers to timing an event by looking at horoscopes for the most propitious time (and not to our near-sham elections of political types.)

Anway you might be interested in following the above link where you'll find Saturnian things...but also one of my revolving Cosmic Art Cubes waiting for your little mouse to point and spin it all about while you listen to a sweet Diana Krall tune!

Jan 19, 2007

Congress' Saturn Return

Just a Shout-Out on my recent post concerning the ongoing Saturn Return of Congress which now has been updated from Jan 17.

One quick addititon: the Sabian Symbol for the Return Moon "21Sco" may be instructive:

"A soldier derelict in his duty."

Well of course, one first thinks of George Bush's past AWOL status, but I believe it refers to the current stand-off on Bush's war escalation, don't you? Not that our troops are derelict--the valiant majority of them have been anything but--so it may refer to withdrawal--which is underscored by the US Mars (military) now Rx since July '06.

And the Saturn-Neptune T-square pointing to this Moon may describe the grievous and untenable situation our troops have been placed in by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfled, Perle, and the rest of the warhawks.

Please read the Saturn Return notes below, if you wish...

Jan 17, 2007

Congress' ongoing Saturn Return

Congress' Saturn Return Rx #2 of 3, Jan 13, 2006 with #1 having occurred Oct 28, 2006, and #3 upcoming July 13, 2007.
Here's the article from Wednesday on the Senate's theatrical snit which now postpones their doing anything about ethics and lobbying reform...9 votes short...big surprise, isn't it?
Partisan Dispute Derails Ethics Reform because the Judd Gregg (R-NH) amendment would've given the President (if we had one) the chance to stick his nose into the legislation and pull out a plum.
Dave Letterman just debuted a new segment: "George W. Bush: Inappropriate Smiles" with a bit from his interview with Jim Lehrer--and there's Bush smiling like a psychopath about Iraq's recent "botched" executions and Iraqi comments against his handling of the war....and on that happy note it's time to get my fuzzy slippers and my sleeping cap on...back when circumstances allow...stay snug, all!
2.19.07 Friday UPDATE: As you know, the Saturn Return is a time of confronting past failures and learning what you can from them. When dutious Saturn returns to his spot in a chart there is a serious attempt made to change or terminate current relationships, plans, and situations that do not allow for future growth or for envisioned plans.
Whatever is satisfactory is affirmed and the rest should be jettisoned. The November Elections took care of much of this responsibility, didn't it?
Now in the Rx phase of the Return (until the next conj July 13 which is also the date of Congress' Mars Return, a new 2-year cycle of activity) they are on track to review, reconsider, and 'return' to their traditions--also a Saturnian keyword. Congress is at least giving lip service to the idea of their own Oversight Function originally envisioned for them.
Here's a recent excerpt from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's blog with Saturnian keywords italicized:
Bettering the nation we love in ways both big and small are (is) becoming reality. Democrats promised a New Direction for America, and in these first 100 hours we are all discovering that turning (Rx) our promises into reality is much more than an obligation, it is our duty. Thanks to all of you for helping to make it happen.
Commitment reaffirmation is part of a Saturn Return also and the current Rx phase is working well for that--we hope it isn't all rhetoric for the Democrat's stated long-range goals.
With Saturn in 12th house of Behind-the-Scenes much has been done in private with Saturn and the Capricorn Sun in mutual reception--aiding one another--the clunker is the Scorpio Moon near Ic--the Foundation of the chart--and being squared by Saturn. Squares are blockages and obstacles and a Scorpio Moon indicates changes--also a function of Saturn which more usually changes by way of loss.
Still we must appreciate the sky-high pile of messes the 110th needs to clear up so naturally it won't be easy. Scorpio can be a sign of betrayals so I want to keep a squinty eye on this chart until July when the new and final Saturn Return chart becomes active and the Moon will be in Cancer and just past conj with the US (and Geo Bush's) natal Sun.
It goes without saying that deals have been made behind the door (12th house)--haven't they always been? My concern is that the glowing promises we've been hearing will entail more blockages to the American people (Moon) than we know of currently and will be disillusioning when the other shoe drops, for drop it will.
With the forming Saturn-Neptune opposition, a T-square is patterned and pointing to the Moon...
Sat-Nep = Moon: emotional drain; feeling inhibited; a low character.
Ebertin gives the Saturn-Neptune combination as suffering, renunciation, ascetism. The Nov Elections renounced many culprits on Capitol Hill, but that was described by the 1st return of Saturn, Oct 28, '06. That this difficult T-square is in the current chart gives some cause for concern which I hope the 100th Congress will handle responsibly as they say they will.
This is a Fixed T-square so things are entrenched and rigid--yet an apex Moon in T-square suggests emotional stability on the positive side. But there's a 'stuck in the past' quality to it, and there may be an emotion-venting explosion that interfers with security, a concern of the Moon and of the Ic. (Perhaps Speaker Pelosi has already expressed that for us!)
The Capitol Hill Theater is under notice and the box office receipts are in danger of being blocked by opponents who care more for their political careers than for anything you or I have need of (Moon at Ic.)
And it remains to be seen whether the passage of the lobbying reform bill by the Senate
will make any real difference to their pocket-lining, influence-peddling pasttimes.
Even the proposed 5-day work week is Saturnian! So taxpayers may get more work for their money--and hopefully we'll like the work that we get.