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Jul 18, 2017

Ceres bids farewell to the February 2017 Eclipses

July 18, 2017: From now until two weeks prior to The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 we remain under (fading) auspices of the February 10th Lunar and February 26 Solar Eclipses of 2017. You recall that the Lunar Eclipse fell @22Leo (the 'worst foot forward' degree, or sometimes, the 'open mouth insert foot' significator). For one such as myself (underwhelmed so far by the indiscreet Mr. Trump's amateurish White House behavior) this description may easily apply to his performance playing the role of US POTUS (and it widely conjoins his natal Mars Rising @26Leo).

And of course, the Solar Eclipse series now of influence is the 19 South which manifested with the February 26 New Moon @8Pis12, a sensitized degree (ex: Solar Eclipse Feb 26, 1998 @8Pisces 18 South: endings, partings, separations). And did we discuss how 8 Pisces is the degree of America's natal Ceres and Pluto-Chiron midpoint? Plutocrats manipulate our food supply, security, grains, milk production, homeland and family--so many nourishing things are under the watchful eye of maternal Ceres--and with secret society shenanigans tossed in with the soggy Wheaties!

Yet in 2017 even archetypal Ceres, promoter-exploiter of growth and harvest cycles, must bid fond farewell to the 19 South once again as its influences give way to the next cosmic phenomenon, the Total 1 North Solar Eclipse soon approaching ocean and land and ready to race across America from Oregon to South Carolina (horoscopes shown).

For more on the interesting dwarf planet Ceres the video The Ceres Lights, a 13-m-44-s presentation concerning the Dawn probe's fly-by visit to Ceres, the mysterious lights that have been spotted there, and the pyramid and other geometrical shapes allegedly rising from its surface--unless the shapes are only the human brain's inherent patterning ability kicking in. Like the Man in the Moon, who was a big star in 1902 (see below).


As for August's critical-degreed (29Leo) Solar Eclipse hitting the natal Ascendant (29Leo) of Donald J. Trump and his super-sensitive, bombastic Mars Rising in dramatic Leo with royal Regulus, there's no telling just what might happen. But as it turns out, the unpredictable Mr. Uranus-in-Gemini is happiest when he's creating chaos here and around the world and calling other despots and sociopaths on the phone for informal chatty chats.

What's one of the key things to remember in August? Wear your eclipse safety glasses!

Now here's the first known science fiction film, Georges and Gaston Milies's Le Voyage Dans la Lun (A Trip to the Moon; run time 12m 52s with the silent film's 'lost ending' restored). Watch for the comet that streams across the's hilarious! And here's the video link in case of removal:

Le Voyage Dans la Lun by the Milies brothers 1902.

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