In From The Cold: Trump to Meet Putin in Helsinki July 16, 2018
by Jude Cowell
For starters, you may want to Shine with Facts about Finland. Next, how about a peek at the natal horoscope of the Republic of Finland as detailed in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #104?
Above: Republic of Finland 6 December 1917 3:00 pm -1:39:52 Helsinki; conquered by Russia in 1809; independence gained during the Russian Revolution; in October (OS)--November (NS) the Bolsheviks seized power; proposal for Finnish independence accepted "at around 3:00 pm on 6 December 1917"; Campion chart #104 set for 3:00 pm although 'some Finnish astrologers use a slightly earlier time'.
"The Finnish claim to independence was accepted by the Sovnarkom (Soviet Committee for Nationalities) on 31 December 1917, and became fully legal when the All Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets confirmed Sovnarkom's acceptance on 4 January 1918. The constitution was then adopted on 17 July 1919." (The Book of World Horoscopes, N. Campion).
Please enlarge both images for most of my notes are messily penned upon the charts.
Here I should add a few details concerning the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Finland (@25Can51 in 3rd house conjunct IC in the 9 New South Saros Series perfected on July 19, 1917 (its initial manifestation) with themes of: bringing to the surface long-term worries about loved ones, family (in Cancer), health, or paperwork and communications issues; a worrying piece of news may arrive and responsibilities involving paperwork 'could come home to roost' (Brady). Note that its position of 25Can51 falls between the natal Venus and Saturn of Mr. Trump--and conjoins US natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776).
As you see in the above horoscope, Finland's natal Mercury (7th house, in Nodal Degree = karmic) is chart-ruler and makes only one applying Ptolemaic aspect--an opposition to Pluto Rx (3A39) which was transiting rather closely with the Tail of the Dragon, the Moon's South Node (Pluto-SN = upheavals, war, violence, criminal elements afoot). See bottom left corner for details. Another curious chart factor is the elevated Venus @00AQ58 which would be conjoined by US POTUS Sun (the leader) once FDR changed our inauguration ceremonies from early March to January 20 in 1937. Finland's Venus (values, perspectives, attraction, relationships, diplomacy, art) conjoins fixed star Altair, the Eagle (bold and determined).
And so America's natal Mercury also flails around in there between Trump's Venus-Saturn conjunction and suggests potentials for narrow-mindedness and visions of stark reality (Ebertin) which is almost amusing until you think of Trump's tragically loose relationship with the truth egged on by his problematic, fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square. Yet 'stark reality' does hint at Trump's dreary dystopian inaugural address of January 20, 2017, as written by 'political scientist' Stephen Miller who lurks about casting shadows in the White House. "America First," Trump promised, just as Pat Buchanan had. See Jeff Greenfield's Trump Is Pat Buchanan with Better Timing in Politico Magazine.
Another 1917 Solar Eclipse
Yes, those were karmic days, as our ours, and we must note that another 'cosmic blink' or 'wild card of the Universe' manifested within two weeks of Finland's founding for a second Solar Eclipse perfected on December 14, 1917 @22Sagittarius in the 10 North Saros Series. 10 North's themes also shine a spotlight on communications along with frustrating or inhibiting events via news received, paperwork, or young people; those affected may feel tired or drained of energy but progress can be made by working through issues one at a time (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady). Perhaps I needn't mention that the 10N eclipse @22Sag conjoins the SN-Moon conjunction in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump--and his conjunction ensnares within its net starry Ras Alhague the Blue Star of Hopi Prophecy.
Finally, if the schedule holds, Trump and Putin are set to meet in Helsinki, Finland on July 16, 2018 and since no exact hour is known by yours truly, here's a horoscope for that date and location set for 11:44 am EEDT -3:00 which puts the Cardinal World Points of manifestation on the chart's angles:
Hour of the Sun, chart-ruler Venus @6Vir57 conjoins fixed star Thuban (to protect or make a treasure; relates to hoarders and misers); Venus makes no applying aspects which further emphasizes her sign and house position; in Virgo, Venus is in her fall since she's exalted in Pisces and as diplomat may not be particularly successful. Virgo, sign of The Critic--will there be criticism for Mr. Trump from Putin--or vice versa? Venus likes partnership and these two players act as if they're already some sort of team--yet someone involved holds very high standards. Frustration may result from this 'diplomatic' meeting if indeed it can be described as such.
Mercury, Planet of Messages and Meetings
Perhaps the planet of meetings, communications, reporting, negotiations, gossip, and such has more to tell us--Mercury @19Leo43 in the 11th house of Groups and Associations seems promising yet the little fella is unaspected and thus quite uninformed except on certain limited topics! Unaspected, that is, unless we count Mercury's inconjunct to Neptune @16Pis17 Rx which conjoins Achernar, a star of crisis and rapid endings. In the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service, Neptune continues its campaign of contagious propaganda with streaks of paranoia, delusion, and fraud which may be all the public gets out of this 'conference' between Trump and Putin. But Astrology provides clues because the inconjunct between Mercury and Neptune suggests that priorities need establishing, promises have been made and perhaps not kept, someone has taken on too many tasks, overreactions have occurred or will occur, worries concern problems that may be only imaginary, uncomfortable misunderstandings are possible, and someone feels disappointed to find that he's been used.
July 16, 2018: Now I suspect you've already noticed that the Sun @23Cancer47 shines upon the natal Saturn of Donald Trump (and with his natal Venus nearby). Sun to natal Saturn is a time of serious situations when one is called upon to be more reliable and trustworthy (ruh-roh!) and issues of authority and maturity are under consideration. Has Trump made the grade with mentor Putin?Well, on a side note, Finland's natal Nemesis (the unbeatable foe) here conjoins Trump's natal Midheaven (@25Taurus with enraged Algol there) along with the country's natal Hidalgo, the social climber asteroid which also relates to foreigners. That's quite a cosmic duo of archetypes at Trump's Point of Aspiration!
As for Vladimir Putin himself, the Sun on July 16, 2018 has just squared his natal Neptune (21Lib27), a time when reality is elusive (or he is), and now squares natal Mercury (23Lib10) denoting that others seek his advice or opinion and it will be best for him to avoid those who boast, over-promise, and/or mislead. Well, I guess we both know who that sounds like. Still, listening closely to the words of others yields interesting tidbits of information and as a former KGB spy, Putin does this automatically--and who better to leak and share, consciously and unconsciously, than the indiscreet Mercury-Neptune-square fellow named Donald Trump?
Besides, I suspect that Putin's natal Mercury-Neptune conjunction resonates extremely well with Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square, don't you? Guess they're kind of 'birds of a feather' sympatico. For the conjunction 'merges real with unreal' similar to the way a Mercury-Neptune square has trouble separating fact from fiction. And according to master astrologer Alan Oken, the conjunction is "The Illusionist" while the square describes "The Sneaky Mind."
Now here are a few Related Posts: July 7, 2017: Trump-Putin Face Off at G20; Horoscope: Russia - Flag Raised; Trump-Putin Alliance Threatens Current World Order (a reference to the Bretton Woods Accord after WWII); and The Natal Planets of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump showing the partile conjunction (17:27) between Putin's natal Saturn and Trump's natal Jupiter which is Stationary in his 2nd house of Money and Values. Does Putin control and/or restrict (Saturn) Trump's funds and/or development (Jupiter)?
So if we round up for the Sabian Symbol representing Putin's Saturn and Trump's Jupiter both @18Libra we find, "Two Men Placed Under Arrest" which speaks of sanctions and societal order protecting itself by their use. "Keynote: A breakdown in the constructive relationship between the individual and society, and the expectable result." {} Excluded are "exiles, the alien, the unassimilable; if (society) cannot send them to outer space, it must isolate them in a special type of inner space, a prison. The individual whose actions introduce unacceptable principles into the established order runs the risk of being 'punished' or re-formed according to this order." (Rudhyar).
Whew! This sounds like so much going on right now--Trump's vicious separation of children from their parents at the border, refugees, America's overcrowded prisons, who-knows-what criminality by Putin--and the fact that the world's 'top dogs' are usually the ones who most deserve to be locked up. How curious that various billionaires are into blasting rockets into outer space these days--even Trump has blabbed about it and has gone so far as to call for the establishment of a sixth US military branch, a pie-in-the-sky Space Force which would probably be against International Law (a fact he may not know) so his announcement was intended to divert public attention from his self-created border crisis and change the subject from the Mueller investigation closing in around his ears.
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