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Jun 18, 2018

How to Respond to Lies Republicans Tell on Immigration - Thom Hartmann

June 15, 2018: a timely segment from Thom Hartmann:


An astrological reminder discussed here multiple times is that Donald Trump was born with one of the most negative midpoint pictures ever--Mars-Saturn = Pluto: cruelty, brutality, rage or fury of destruction, intervening of a higher power, bodily injury or harm, (murder, death of many people) (Ebertin). I want to add to this picture one of Trump's current expressions of his draconian midpoint picture--'separating screaming children from their parents at the border'. One day he will reap what he sows.

Excerpt from a related post, "...separation is also a feature of the Sun-Saturn duo and of any opposition" - see Late June 2018: Sun-Saturn opposition and a Full Moon in Capricorn, sign of the father. What will be revealed by the light of the June Full Moon?

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