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Showing posts with label immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immigration. Show all posts

Feb 14, 2023

Spring EQ 2023: Secrets, Delusion, Power

Here's the Spring Equinox 2023 (Aries Ingress) Horoscope set for Washington DC, our representative for America herself; March 20, 2023 5:24:48 pm edt; chart and midheaven ruler Mercury @3Ari24 conjuncts 8th cusp and makes no applying Ptolemaic aspect; with Mercury in Mars-ruled Aries at this Hour of Mars in chatty Gemini, we may expect the typical abundance of discussions, debates, quarrels, and boasts to continue, and with Pluto @29Cap57 leading a BOWL shape of planets (advocacy of a cause or leading a mission: see 30Capricorn, upper right) from 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking, there's an inconjunct (adjustments needed) between manipulative Pluto and activist Mars, out-of-bounds @28Gemini (Bankruptcy) and acting aggressively, even rashly, in the visible 10th house.

See the note in the center of the chart and please enlarge the image to read my study notes, if you wish:

Now with moneybags-banker-corporatist-guru planet Jupiter in the corporate 8th hou$e, and wealthy Pluto manipulating with his usual secrecy ("30Cap"), there are multiple indications of financial waste, potential theft, and budgetary difficulties (ex: debt ceiling issues simmering), along with America's usual obsession with power, politics, and domination.

However, expansive Jupiter conjuncts Astraea, asteroid of Justice! So is it possible that the thieves and crooks who bedevil us will finally get what should be comin' to 'em?

Well, running in the background of Spring Season 2023 are influences from the 6 South Solar Eclipse (@2Scorpio) with its forcefully taking power theme (ex: 118th House of rude, crude MAGA Republicans) - at least operating for about a month until the next solar eclipse in April. But we know that good faith actors can use the eclipse energies, too, to positive effect such as we saw during President Biden's SOTU 2023 Address when he "owned" the MAGA hooligans. This was a well-deserved comeuppance, in my book.

And with the solar eclipse in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, death and debt concerns, and spying, you know the related events and topics that dominate the news cycle these days, both here and abroad. In politics and business, it seems that betrayal, faithlessness, and corruption surround us along with disguises and deceit. For these are some of the tactics the 'haves' use to exploit the 'have-nots' at every opportunity!

Then sad to say, mass immigration remains atop America's menu with multiple adminstrations doing little if anything to solve what may be an unsolvable problem as long as Central and South America are under siege by violence and corruption.

It astounds me how most DC politicians act as if they're unaware of the real cause of our border conditions: people seeking refuge and safety. But if our immigration problem were solved, Republicans would lose it as a wedge issue against Democrats - and it isn't as if GOP candidates have popular policies to run on!

Meanwhile, the Spring Equinox Sun @00Ari00:00 joins Neptune and the Moon (25Pis18/18Pis38; the mass delusion pair) in the 7th house of Partnerships, with Jupiter and Chiron remaining in 8th house while asteroid MIDA$, the gold hoarder, sparkles in 10th house. Perhaps evaluation and/or currency issues will be on display once again.

Then as you see, a few midpoint pictures are notated for the curious - three involving Neptune, planet of deception, delusion, illusion, gaslighting, grand schemes, oil and gas, toxins, negative escapism, mass media, and fraud.

Well, that's all I have for now although more details may become necessary as we inch toward Spring Equinox 2023, so stay tuned!

Jun 7, 2021

VP Harris to Guatemala with Mars-Pluto opposition visiting the nation's Mars-Pluto Square

Image: Guatemala City; Rudy Cano, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Three Horoscopes for Guatemala but One Chart Stands Out

by Jude Cowell

Monday June 7, 2021: As you know, this week Vice President Kamala Harris, President Biden's point-person on immigration, is visiting Guatemala and Mexico concerning the whys and wherefores of US-Mexican border immigration. So far, reports are that she's telling leaders they must "restore hope" their people. (Actually, the entire world needs hope restored where it's lost but that's a fuss for another post.)

Now The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion (#ad) contains three horoscopes for Guatemala. The third chart (#142; March 21, 1847 "noon" Guatemala, GUAT; ASC 4Can41; Sun 00Ari31; Moon 6Gem26 conjunct Jupiter 10Gem22; Mars square Pluto 24Ari50 and Venus 23Ari23; Saturn 6Pis35 conjunct Neptune 29AQ02) stands out to me due to its Mars @27Cap55 for as you know, on Friday June 5th, by transit Mars and Pluto opposed one another with Pluto well within orb of America's natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33.

Besides the destructive opposition signifying the well publicized stand-offs in Congress, in a previous post I've related the Mars-Pluto opposition of 2021 to the G-7 Summit in early June 2021 in Cornwall, UK, and particularly to the Biden-Putin rendezvous said to be happening on June 16th. Of course, Mars-Pluto as a pair of energies resonates with major force and power such as the two leaders and VP Harris represent. But that post was written before I'd seen the 1847 horoscope of Guatemala and noted VP Harris' timely visit with the leaders of Mexico and Guatemala this week!

So if you set up the 1847 horoscope for Guatemala (my real-world schedule is overfull today or I'd display it here!) you'll see that the country's 1847 Mars-Pluto square's potentials for violence and for wiping away established conditions is now triggered by the transiting Mars-Pluto opposition, plus, there are other violent indicators in the 1847 horoscope (exs: Pluto-SN conjunction = war; people relocate due to violent conditions, etc; Mars-Uranus = Saturn: violence; heavy injuries; separation - Ebertin). These factors relate to social conditions in the country in 1847, of course, but they remain influential in 2021.

In closing, we should note that the Mars-Pluto opposition of 2021 signifies the culmination, fulfillment, and/or awareness phase of their current cycle which began with the Mars-Pluto Conjunction of March 23, 2020 @24Cap43 conjunct Jupiter @23Cap13 - with Saturn @00AQ04 conjunct US Inaugural Sun which at that time represented dictator-wanna-be Don*ld Tr*mp who likes to pretend that America's immigration predicament was somehow better under his and racist Stephen Miller's slipshod tutelage.

As for VP Harris' current visit South of the border under the Mars-Pluto influence, the planetary combination contains some positive potentials as well such as 'extraordinary force and vigor', 'great self-confidence', 'great ambition', and 'attainment of success through excessive effort' (R. Ebertin).

Then may such potentials of strength and vigor restore hope for us all!

May 31, 2019

When Jupiter Returns to his Spring EQ 2019 position

A view of the Spring Equinox 2019 Horoscope shows Jupiter in 4th house (IC @12Sag10 conjunct US 1776 Ascendant in late afternoon charts). As you know, astrological Jupiter is strong in its own sign of Sagittarius (23:40) and can play many roles on various levels within mundane horoscopes: politician, banker, financier, donor, corporatist, lawyer, judge, entertainer, religious figure (exs: hermit, guru, priest, pastor), military general, explorer, professor, lecturer, mentor, thespian, broadcaster, and propagandist. And you, dear reader, can probably think of more. I can think of Trump as a Jupiterian figure--he broadcasts, propagandizes, plays the POTUS role on TV, and worships money and power--and his natal Jupiter in Libra (muddied by the presence of his Libran Neptune and blind spot Chiron) is known for his "that's not fair!' stance whenever negative events or rhetoric relate to or impact him. (Note that Trump is also Mercurial and Uranian--a changeable wheeler dealer and lover of chaos and disruption. See Donald Trump in the Realms of Jupiter.)

Then there are Jupiter's potentials when traveling through Sagittarius to keep in mind. To quote Reinhold Ebertin, this position signifies: "noble character, love of justice, striving for inner development (especially when Rx), religious and moral aspirations, far-reaching plans, interest in foreign countries, wastefulness, speculation." And Trump has a 'speculation' streak in spades with his bubbly Jupiter-Neptune pair in natal 2nd house of Money, Possessions, and Values.

So can a Jupiter Return to the Spring Equinox 2019 chart hold significance? My suspicion is that it can since any Spring EQ horoscope is 'good for' an entire year until the next Spring EQ for the Sun's ingress to 00Ari00:00, the Aries Point, outweighs the other three Cardinal Ingresses of any 12-month period.

Actually, due to his current retrograde period (Rx April 10, 2019 @24Sag21--Direct August 11, 2019 @14Sag30), Jupiter returned to his Spring EQ position of 23Sag40 on May 1, 2019; his second and final return occurs on November 2, 2019 with Jupiter in the 12th house of Politics, Self-Undoing, Karma, Hidden Enemies, Large Institutions, and/or Behind-the-Scenes activities which include making backroom deals of Jupiterian proportions (Washington DC).

So in the November 2, 2019 Return Horoscope, Jupiter rules the 12th house (cusp 22Sag46) and is unaspected; he would rule the 2nd house too except for the condition that his 'other sign' Pisces is intercepted there which suggests karma that must be dealt with including Neptune Rx in 2nd house (of the National Treasury) @16Pis05. As you know, fraud, deception, illusion, and disguises tend to follow in Neptune's wake especially when we're talking DC Politics with its tedious Political Theater implications as always. Plus, when unaspected, Jupiter cannot add his wisdom and ability for balanced, moderated judgment to the activities and concerns of the other planets and he is unmotivated to seek situations or circumstances in which he can play the moderating role yet much enthusiasm, however off-and-on, may be shown in the house where he is found. Perhaps this Jupiter so near 12th cusp will make his way soon into the 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes where he can be much more sociable--plus, there will probably be a microphone and camera awaiting him for his broadcasting purposes!

Saturn in Capricorn Activates a Recent Solar Eclipse

November 2, 2019 12:44:05 pm edt: ASC 14Cap45 makes Saturn, strong in Capricorn, the chart ruler; Saturn @15Cap32 rises and activates the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse degree (15:25) so that the 116th Congress, congressional matters, and court cases are suggested by Saturn the lawmaker and 'legal eagle'. There are two applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects of chart-ruler Saturn: sextile Neptune (0A32; ideas made real) and conjunct Pluto (5A18; situations too large to handle, power and control issues, lack of resources--points toward the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020). And with Saturn the traditional ruler of Aquarius, the Lesson-Bringer has something to say about finances with the 2nd cusp @26AQ26, a Zodiacal position which most astrologers use for US natal Moon (We The People).

Now in the November 2, 2019 chart, the Moon's South Node, a separative Saturnian point rather than a planet, has risen @10Cap37 with North Node @10Can37 opposite in 6th house and precisely pointing toward the 3 North Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019 (America's 'birthday gift eclipse' with eclipse Jupiter the engine of a Locomotive shape of planets = a high-powered executive demanding success). This eclipse has been discussed here more than once so I'll not repeat except to say again that 10Can37 falls between US Jupiter and Sun and 3 North's initial manifestation occurred October 991 @22Libra. Perhaps Trump's newly announced tariffs on Mexico (starting June 10th) will have crashed or depressed global markets by or before the July 2nd eclipse for as you know, the 'King of Debt' likes to play around with risky finances as long as he can use other people's money. Plus, 'wild card' eclipse influences on events can begin as early as two weeks prior to its date of perfection--and June 10th is quite near that range and gives time for the effects of tariffs on Mexico to be felt (yet as with China, US consumers will 'pay the price', not Mexico; who's he trying to punish?). And whether Trump's tariff plan will improve America's immigration situation (also a province of Jupiter!) remains to be seen.

But as with all his antics and ill-conceived notions, we can only hope for the best as Uranian Trump careens his chaotic way through our lives and fortunes, collateral damage be da*ned. Selfishly, he believes it tends to 'benefit' him when others have to pay. Wonder if he's ever heard of karma?!

Moon Greets Pluto: Intense Rage, Morbid Thoughts, a Hidden Child, or...?

Next let's consider another prominent cosmic condition in the Jupiter Return November 2, 2019 chart: that Moon and Pluto rise together just after karmic Saturn and are closely conjoined upon the critical degree of 20 Capricorn. In Politics and Business, the Moon-Pluto pair suggests potentials for: the role of women in controlling self-destructive impulses; popular promises concerning an end to war, waste, etc; the public's opinions on crime, war, and/or internal secrecy; people who are doubtful about how to exert proper controls on criminal or terrorist elements (ex: impeachment); crime and violence are encouraged; obsessions which bring misuse of available resources for country and/or business purposes (paraphrasing Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey).

Then there's the Sun @9Sco57 conjunct MC 8Sco01--trining Neptune (6A08) and North Node (0A20 and thus trining the July 2nd Cancer eclipse), and recently opposing Uranus Rx (4Tau23 in 3rd house). To me these aspects suggest that all is not negative in the November 2nd chart for inspiration is available, covert activities (Scorpio!) can prosper, mysteries attract attention, public contacts and publicity are favorable, and yet recent fund-raising and group endeavors did not transpire or turn out as expected. And we know that Uranus in Taurus suggests speculation and/or looking for unusual or untapped sources of finance.

In closing, let's have a brief peek at the pragmatic Water-Earth Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn cosmic weather of the very day that transit Jupiter returns to his position in the Spring Equinox 2019 Horoscope:

This particular Water-Earth blend is committed, tough, courageous, and enigmatic with a dark, brooding intensity and the purposeful demeanor of a natural leader. An exacting personal integrity may be noticed while a deep urge to play detective, then act as judge, upon the 'wrongs' of others may hold sway. This combination of energies often leads to legal and/or political work and of course, lawyers often enter politics, as we know, for material security and power-grabbing are often important goals of this blend.

Now here are three famous natives who were born under the influence of Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn so perhaps famous quotes from them will inform us concerning our topic. If any of this sounds like Trump we're on the same page--except for the 'exacting personal integrity' part although his fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square probably tells him he's simply full of integrity and he does seem to favor the purging aspect of Puritanism--as long as it's for other people:

"He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow." - George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans).

"Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash." - General George Patton.

"Puritanism...helps us enjoy our misery while we are inflicting it on others." - Marcel Ophuls.

(For more Sun-Moon blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Previous yet Related: Recognizing the Primitive Uranian.

Jan 21, 2019

Horoscopes: Trump Shutdown w Feb 1, 2019 Planets

January 21, 2019: below you see a bi-wheel of DC Horoscopes with the Trump Shutdown chart (December 22, 2018 12:00 am est) in center surrounded by the transits of February 1, 2019. My reason for using February 1, 2019 is that this times the exact opposition of transit Jupiter (Mr. Money Bags) to the natal 10th house Uranus of chaos-creator Donald Trump, a significant transit when financing and business matters may come to a screeching halt, a lack of solidarity is problematic, and everyone wanders off in various directions which makes coordination of group efforts impossible for the moment. Plus, opposing views and opinions abound and there's too much political conflict within Trump's personal network to get things done. All the energy of this transit is focused on one day only: February 1, 2019, so hopefully things will improve as February plods on toward the February 19th Full Moon @00Vir42 which conjoins and spotlights royal Regulus and the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump. (Please note that my February Full Moon post was written when the Trump Shutdown was only a gleam in its papa's eye!)

For as you know, Full Moons mark phases of completion, culmination, and fulfillment begun at the previous New Moon so will the February Full Moon time an end to the Trump Shutdown? Possibly! Yet we can't be certain of prognostications when dealing with the unpredictable Uranian Mr. Trump, plus, transit Uranus is involved, planet of unpredictability, with catalyzing action that disrupts or shocks so that things seldom turn out as any normal person would expect. Actually, the only thing we can expect is change.

Now as you know, Trump's natal Uranus @17Gem53:34 is last to rise before his natal Gemini Sun and is therefore his oriental planet--his 'guiding planet' of gut intuition--with all that disruptive anarchist Uranus implies. Transit Jupiter @17Sag53:34 on February 1, 2019, acting as leader of a BOWL shape in the chart (advocate of a cause), makes one exact opposition from the 3rd house of the Trump Shutdown chart to Trump's quirky Uranus. Then on February 4, 2019 comes a New Moon @15AQ45 (horoscope shown) and the seeding of new plans. Also note that the Trump Shutdown Moon @22Gem59 conjoined his natal Sun (22Gem conjunct NN) while opposing his natal Moon (21Sag conjunct SN) so he probably felt ego (Sun) satisfaction as he called for his shutdown although he's currently not so thrilled with the mess he created and the fact that he continues to be held accountable for it (Shutdown Moon opposite natal Moon = emotional tantrums?).

Trick or no trick in the form of a Senate vote this week, his and McConnell's attempt to switch the blame to Democrats and onto Speaker Nancy Pelosi is not favored although typically the gullible may comply and swallow it whole. I believe that on one level, the Trump Shutdown is Trump's way of retaliating against the American people for voting a Democratic House into power! And it's also his pathetic attempt to usurp power and the spotlight away from Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats which is, of course, against the will of a majority of November 2018 voters.

Now across the bottom of the chart/s below you see three major transits upcoming in relation to the Trump Shutdown including tr Jupiter opposing Shutdown Moon (3x beginning March 11, 2019), tr Jupiter square Shutdown Mars (3x beginning March 16, 2019), and tr Saturn conjunct Shutdown Pluto (at critical degree 20Cap16--3x beginning April 12, 2019) which denote a heavy mixture of political conflict--and dramatic changes for Trump, along with a sense of urgency, and unstable conditions in the realms of power and finances.

As for the Trump Shutdown chart itself is a difficult trio which forms a midpoint picture of power-craving Sun-Pluto conjunct Saturn with potentials for: loss in relationships due to power struggles (Trump natal Jupiter vs Pelosi natal Jupiter); ruthlessness; separation). Then as you see, on or by February 1, 2019 the trio morphs into Moon-Pluto conjunct Saturn with potentials for: grave inhibitions, depression, and mental and emotional suffering (Ebertin)--Trump's Christmas gift to the American people. Noel Tyl adds: feelings of loss, constraint, and the pressure to regroup forces and plan anew. Well, there's a good idea.

So here's the bi-wheel of the two horoscopes in which you will find many more chart factors of interest:

To close, here's a photo of his nibs himself in happier times when he could freely romp and swing a golf club upon greener pastures instead of taking responsibility for the people's suffering he's selfishly caused and the mess he's made which, if not ended soon, will ruin the US economy--just like Putin would do!

Jan 19, 2019

US Progressions w/ the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse

America in January 2019, a Lunar Eclipse, POTUS, Pelosi, and Immigration

by Jude Cowell

January 19, 2019: at 4:00 pm est today, Mr. Trump seems determined to speak on an immigration compromise allegedly intended to jump start negotiations over the Trump Shutdown now in its 29th day. So far Democrats are said to be unimpressed and he has yet to open his mouth. In a chart set up for today at 4:00 pm est White House, there's a problematic Thor's Hammer pattern of Uranus-North-Node (reformers; radical politicians/politics; upsets; restless work conditions) = Venus (diplomacy; values; money--a lady like Speaker Pelosi) which denotes a softening of policies, or the introducing of novel ideas. We'll soon see about that.

Below is a bi-wheel of my intended post today concerning America's current secondary progressions ('SP') with the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @00Leo51 which will directly affect America's natal POTUS Sun (the leader; Jan 20, 2017 @00AQ49 = Trump). As you see, transit Neptune @14Pis35 continues veiling, hiding, obfuscating America's POTUS in deceptive Pisces (with a cosmic peep-eye! to FOX News pundits), and as usual, both charts are over-stuffed with details.

But hopefully those who are interested can enlarge the image, possibly print it, and manage to read the many notes penned on (you will be rewarded!). No apology for my messiness this time, dear reader, because I was amazed at how instructive this bi-wheel turned out to good luck reading it!

Jun 18, 2018

How to Respond to Lies Republicans Tell on Immigration - Thom Hartmann

June 15, 2018: a timely segment from Thom Hartmann:


An astrological reminder discussed here multiple times is that Donald Trump was born with one of the most negative midpoint pictures ever--Mars-Saturn = Pluto: cruelty, brutality, rage or fury of destruction, intervening of a higher power, bodily injury or harm, (murder, death of many people) (Ebertin). I want to add to this picture one of Trump's current expressions of his draconian midpoint picture--'separating screaming children from their parents at the border'. One day he will reap what he sows.

Excerpt from a related post, "...separation is also a feature of the Sun-Saturn duo and of any opposition" - see Late June 2018: Sun-Saturn opposition and a Full Moon in Capricorn, sign of the father. What will be revealed by the light of the June Full Moon?

Feb 15, 2018

A Saturnian Senator Sanders Schools Donald Trump

Trump's Proposed Deportation of The Masses

February 14, 2018: On the floor of the US Senate watch Senator Bernie Sanders speak on the subjects of DACA and immigration. Perhaps the senator represents not just his constituents but also astrological Saturn (the senex/the old man, the authority with more seniority) as he provides the amateurish yet venal Mr. Trump with a few lessons in decency. Hopefully this can help stop Trump's daft deportation plan that is certain to carry even more than a high emotional price tag since it would require massive amounts of funding to pay for the jailing and deporting of hundreds of thousands of people...'the masses'.

Who will be targeted next? Will Americans stir from their apathy before it's too late?

After all, transit Saturn is strong in its own sign of serious Capricorn and is in process of bringing karmic Saturnian limitations to Mr. Trump's very problematic Mercury-Neptune square spun with fantasies, misconceptions, falsehoods, sneakiness, faulty judgment, and deceptive propaganda ('fake' Neptune/'news' Mercury). Check out a list of the exact dates through 2018 that transit Saturn, planet of truth, realism, authenticity, and facts, rains on Donald Trump's illusory parade. And yes his idea of a military parade through the streets of Washington DC is yet another daft, misguided, fantastical, overreaching notion whereby in his mind, he reaps the benefits and accolades while other people always pick up the tab.

In addition to Senator Sanders, if anything can work out well in America anymore, Special Counsel Robert Mueller heading the investigation into Trump's dealings with Russia and other matters will act toward Mr. Trump as a critical, sobering Saturnian figure who holds him to account for any misdeeds, betrayals, or crimes he may have perpetrated--in spite of Trump's natal Saturn in self-protective Cancer and his Neptune-infected natal Mercury, also in the sign of Cancer the Crab which always scuttles sideways in order to avoid dealing directly and having to pay the price--behavior that suits trickster Mercury, the juggler and thespian, just fine.

Jun 2, 2017

Noah Webster invented the word "immigration" (23 Sag)

Described as "an ardent American nationalist" in this informative article, dictionary titan Noah Webster invented the word 'immigration' to define those who remove to a country.

On the thorny Trump-touted topic of immigration, it's only natural that many astrologers refer to the Sabian Symbol for '23 Sagittarius':

"A Group of Immigrants As They Fulfill the Requirements of Entrance Into the New Country"..."Keynote: Consciously accepting the ways of a new stage of experience, in readiness for the opportunities it will present...TRANSITION" (Rudhyar).

To this Marc Edmund Jones adds, "Keyword: ENTRANCE...positive expression = courage in crossing new frontiers and skill in repeating or improving on prior achievement; negative expression = a surrender of the real in a pursuit of the false."

Curiously, self-identified American nationalist Donald Trump was born with his natal Moon-South-Node conjunction in Sagittarius (opposing his Sun-North-Node in Gemini) verynear this degree of "immigration"...and not forgetting that, in the Zodiac, degrees that oppose one another are Illumination Points full of unconscious material.

So given Mr. Trump's political use of America's immigration issue, let's check Jones for the Illumination Point of '23Sag' which is '23 Gemini': "Three Fledglings in a Nest High in a Tree"...ELEVATION: "positive expression: an unconditional creativity exalted to the point of complete freedom from any immediate involvement; negative expression: psychological witlessness and a false sense of release from responsibility."

Pursuing the false, witlessness, elevation of fledglings, lack of responsibility?

The first names that come to mind in 2017 are Donald Trump, daughter-in-chief Ivanka and her hubby Jared Kushner...elevated to the White House (top of the 'tree') although I'm not certain they're witless as much as agents for the destabilization of the US government for the sake and elevation of a foreign government or governments.

House of Rothschild coat of arms:

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.

May 24, 2016

A Discordant Message from Chief Nativist Donald Trump

In American Politics, Nativism is a pro-Anglo-Saxon, anti-immigration ideology in which the wages of 'less well paid natives' are believed to be lowered by immigrants who take jobs of our citizens by willingly working for much less pay. Jettison the inherent bigotry and resultant hatred of 'new comers' and such a point of view seems logical, right? It is, after all, a large part of what Globalism is all about.

Where I can't seem to find a shred of logic is in the nativism of 2016 candidate Donald Trump who bounces merrily along on a Republican bigotry ticket of nativism while espousing such rhetoric as American "wages are too high"! If you tout how immigrants lower the wages of American workers, why promise to lower working class wages if elected? Whaa-a-a?

Is Mr. Trump's unconscious,unfiltered Mercury-Neptune square once again blurting indiscreetly? Or did he simply mean that wages are already "too high" for a minimum wage increase so it's status quo (or lower) for wages during a Trump administration?

Either way, the bully candidate's nativism ploy is championed by power elites to persuade voters to vote Republican on November 8, 2016 - and that's millions of US voters who usually sit out elections for several reasons, not the least of which is the long-growing feeling (knowledge, actually) that our votes 'don't count' (assuming that at some earlier point in US history they did). US presidents are selected by elite committee, I've complained here for over a decade, and elsewhere online. And we can call them super delegates, the electoral college, what-evs...that lesser of two evils feeling never leaves us.

Did you notice when 2008 candidate Hillary Clinton was directed to be patient and stand down in favor of Barack Obama when the two candidates secretly attended the Chantilly, Virginia meeting in June 2008 of the Bilderberg Club? Is that why Bilderberg member VP Joe Biden has stated that Hillary will be elected in 2016--to fulfill a promise that 2016 is her turn to be president? If so, will this symbolize the reversal of America's Great Seal to the obverse side with the 'pyramid of power'?

Will women voters be the deciding factor in November 2016 as many political pundits are predicting?

For more on the Bilderberg Group, here's a link to The Guardian's 2001 interview with an original Bilderberger, Lord Healey.

Related: Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed (it's a feminine thing).

Nov 20, 2014

11.20.14: POTUS explains his solo move on Immigration

At 8:00 pm est, MSNBC will broadcast President Obama's remarks concerning his immigration plans to improve family conditions and separations via a presidential Executive Order. Naturally much Republican rage is being expressed over the president's "power grab" as such actions are usually characterized by the opposing party.

With the 5th house Sun @28Sco37, Mr. Obama's natal Midheaven is spotlighted with its apt Sabian Symbol: "29Scorpio" = "An Indian Woman Pleading to the Chief for the Lives of Her Children"...EFFECTIVENESS (MEJ), and in fact, there are Moon-Mercury concerns uppermost in this chart indicating family, maternal, and children's issues such as being separated by America's overbearing and often illogical immigration policies which on another level, lack of action threatens our agricultural effectiveness. Tonight President Obama will use logic concerning agricultural, financial (*Jupiter @22Leo07 in 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values), and social conditions and needs in an attempt to at least temporarily redirect such policies in order to rejoin mothers and fathers with their children. 'Bout time in my book.

However, Republicans and their wealthy backers and bigoted supporters will use emotions as usual to rile up as many of the white populace as possible (Mars and Pluto in Capricorn setting and thus opposing tonight's Ascendant, the remarks and plan itself.) Activist and fire-starter Mars remains out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and is up to who-knows-what. But whatever he's up to may be considered anti-societal.

(This week's closely related post concerns the November 18th Sun-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio, a picture of an isolated (Saturn) leader (Sun) acting alone: Sun-Saturn in Politics. See below for my take on certain political calculations involving tonight's plan.)

The horoscope for tonight at 8:00 pm est in Washington DC shows the family and business oriented sign of Cancer (tribal, protective, and shrewd) rising at 16Can03 which makes the Moon (The People in a mundane chart) the chart and speech ruler. Luna falls at 10Sco28 in 5th house of Children but this is also the house of Risk-Taking ('11Sco' = "A Drowning Man Rescued.") For hints of how things may proceed from the president's remarks about his plan, we look to the chart ruler's major applying aspects, if any.

In tonight's horoscope, these are: Moon sextile Pluto (1A22), an aspect of opportunity if one chooses to take it. Yet Moon-Pluto sextiles tend to become stuck in the past, in part a description of recessive, secessionist Republicans who pine for pre-Civil War days, perhaps, but the planetary pair also denotes a lunar-psychological-propaganda connection with public relations and Politics (Pluto = manipulation and control, Moon = The Public) so we know that the GOP and those driving them will not be letting go of their feelings of prejudice and intolerance concerning immigration issues and a black president's daring to inhabit the White House--and to sign an Executive Order rather than accept continued Republican inaction on the matter.

The expressed concern seems to be the fear (Pluto) that Barack Obama and immigration reform adds to the changing of the American complexion from white to brown and black which to me seems a natural process that's been ongoing for decades if not from the foundation of our country. My own fear is that immigration issues now herald a signpost on the anti-sovereignty road to a North American Union between the US, Mexico, and Canada (which may implicate Canadian pipelines cutting through America as more of same.) Plus, you know how stronger "border control" has been a major squawk between Democrats and Republicans for years--and most of the time their debates have completely ignored the people component where family members are deported and thus separated from each other. Which is tonight's presidential theme with the Moon-Pluto sextile picture containing deep sorrow and grief that may finally be expressed on behalf of the people most affected by excessive numbers of deportation.

Tonight's remarks may also result in calming the public and harmonizing the Latino population with the president's solo immigration efforts (Moon trine 9th house Chiron in suffering Pisces--2A37.)

Ultimately, the Moon conjoins orator Mercury @18Sco28 (8A20), also in 5th house, a Moon-Mercury meeting that will support the previous indications of harmony and rapport with the public noted in the chart. The public joins the orator's ideas, it seems--plus, the Moon's applying aspects make up a Water Grand Trine--see below for details. Yet in Washington Politics, there are always political undertones to everything that's done or not done, said or not said, aren't there?

Besides giving the GOP-drenched 2015 Congress yet another issue to get their collective panties in a bunch over, tonight's announcement of solo actions by President Obama may be meant to box in Republican presidential candidates for the 2016 election--if so, bravo! For it will give a tiny needle to thread for such bombastic candidates to spend the next two years blasting away at the president's taking immigration matters into his own hands (due to their own years of inaction and obstructionism--not that all Democrats are in the clear on this), then turn around and expect Latino votes in November 2016.

Why on earth would a single Latino ever again vote Republican?

So enjoy tonight's show expressing the chart's protective, security-minded Water Grand Trine between maternal Moon, young people's Mercury, wounded Chiron in the 9th house of Foreigners, and the Cancer Ascendant. But beware the 2015 Congress' Full Moon conjunct mystical Sirius on January 4, 2015 when the North Node rises in DC with US natal Saturn (lawmakers; judges), the Full Moon squares (blocks) NN-Saturn, and the Moon turns void-of-course immediately afterward denoting that others will not be able to interfere with actions and events--and/or that results will not turn out as expected.

Since the January 4, 2015 lunation precedes the swearing in of new members it is the Syzygy Moon of the New Congress. More will be posted on this important cosmic event and on the 2015 Congress in a future article.

*Investing Jupiter remains the lead planet in a Locomotive pattern--"high-powered executive" with a potential for ruthless actions. Here, Jupiter rules the 6th house of the Military, Police, Civil Service, other Workers, and Health--all with potential to be reasons behind taking action on immigration issues--will more soldiers for overseas and domestic control ultimately result?

Jul 11, 2014

July 12, 2014 Capricorn Full Moon a "Supermoon"

Blog Note: first of all I want to thank my readers for their kind well wishes for my surgery this week. Gratefully, I'm in recuperation mode now but with more action to come.

With that said, I've not had a chance to blurb here about Saturday's Full Moon (7.12.14), a "Supermoon" as coined by Richard Nolle, at a critical degree of Capricorn, and since a Full Moon opposes (a phase of culmination, fulfillment, relationship issues, awareness) the Sun's zodiacal degree, the entire axis of Home/Security is affected and spotlighted at the critical degrees of 20 Capricorn and 20 Cancer.

Now unless you've been under a massive rock the last few weeks you don't need Astrology to tell you of the several crisis/critical circumstances going on in America and across the globe. Problems abound and in my personal estimation, Republican obstructionism makes everything worse as they attempt to score political points against President Obama. Perhaps you're aware that no one is selected to play the role of US president unless vetted on Wall Street and they agree to follow the Global Government agenda, but as usual, Republicans think their harsh methods are best. I disagree and will be voting in November for a rag mop as long as it's Democrat or Independent.

Yet as I've asked before: do you ever get the feeling that GOP extremism is meant to sway the masses toward the Democrats? Well, it isn't as if the Globalist Agenda of international bankers, other corporatists, and shadowy elites who rock satanic bloodlines will stop bedeviling America no matter which political party has the upper hand after November and into 2016/17. As we know, one president can only do so much and he/she needs the cooperation of others in DC to be successful--assuming that 'change' for the better is really the goal.

Even the saddening border crisis of children and mothers (Cancer) crossing our southern border (Saturn) seeking protection in America contributes to the result of melting US sovereignty. Governor of Texas Rick Perry has called this week for POTUS to send National Guard troops to take control of the situation which I assume means pointing large guns at children and forcing them back into Mexico--with the added bonus for the GOP of photo ops of such an ugly, draconian way of dealing with the situation--with President Obama as the bad guy, of course!

Okay, that's enough venting over political tricks and deceptive propaganda! So much is going on in the world under girded by the current Solar Eclipse theme: 'misdirected motivations especially when dealing with groups; take no real action'--Brady.) Apparently non-governing House Republicans fit right in with that advice.

Capricorn: Responsibility, Authority, Conservatism, the Status Quo

But fortunately for you, dear reader, the wonderful Dipali Desai has written an overview of the July 17, 2014 Full Moon in Capricorn so I hope you'll visit her at Celestial Space for more uplifting Luna information than politics-as-usual can provide!

And of course you never go wrong checking out the insightful information provided each day at Julie Demboski Astrology so you may wish to check out Julie's Full Moon info there as well.

Jul 2, 2014

Independence Day 2014: Happy 238th Birthday, America!

July 2014: America Turns Gray Around the Muzzle

by Jude Cowell

The horoscope of America's Solar Return 2014 actually favors that of Summer Solstice 2014 with Jupiter in Cancer rising but the Moon (We the People; the public mood) is no longer in Scorpio conjunct depressive, austere Saturn. Instead our national birthday Luna is in 4th house (chart set for Washington DC) and is positioned @12Lib23--nearing US natal Saturn (14:48), then conjoins Solar Return 2014 Mars @20Lib10, also in 4th house of Domestic Scene, Security, and Real Estate.

Moon-Mars has an angry signature or at least one of activism and protests and we certainly are experiencing these things already. In Mundane Astrology the sign of the Moon describes the mood of the public and in this case, it's Airy, detached Libra. We do not want more war yet the position of warrior SR 2014 Mars (god of war) spotlights the current Mars Return to America's Secondary Progressed (SP) Mars Rx and this indicates the current redeployment--Rx--of US troops (special forces, advisers, whatever you wish to call them) to Iraq, the theater of war that we so recently backed out of (Mars Rx.)

However, Libra is a war sign as well and is opposite Aries, the Mars-ruled sign of aggression, contention, and attacks.

Way beyond the scope of this post there is much to say about the situation in Iraq (and many pundits and perpetrators are now saying all over US airwaves) but let's now focus on America's 238th birthday which actually perfects (Sun to 13Can19 in our natal 'Sibly chart') on July 5, 2014 at 6:01:17 am edt.

Sun Cancer, Moon Libra is a square relationship between leader/s (Sun) and The People (Moon) which underscores the fact that the American people don't wish to be lied into any more foreign intrigues or invasions. Also on our not-not list are drone strikes which are against most people's ideas of how to treat our fellow beings but as you know, this hasn't stopped Global Government promoters from using America as its military arm of aggression and draconian actions. Even another financial meltdown is said to be in the works which wouldn't surprise this blogger at all--beware the auto loan bubble now inflating, dear reader!

So with this Water-Air blend of energies we find ourselves for the next 12 months dealing with issues rather ethereal and misty so it will require tremendous determination to address real world issues for we'll prefer the pleasant over the tough. Feelings and thoughts may blend together so that we can't separate one from the other and this adds to our indecisive behavior. Meanwhile, detached viewpoints may in reality be infused with bias, even prejudice. Procrastination often prevails under Water-Air influences and mistrust of others tends to abound.

Strange as it seems, there is a lack of strategy within leadership with this combo which will possibly be improved by the feminine talent of being aware of diffuse elements simultaneously--this will come in handy if anyone listens to the females in The Group (a novel by Mary McCarthy who shares the Sun Can-Moon Lib combo in her natal chart.)

Underlying influences of Sun Can-Moon Lib are, of course, the 'Moon-Venus' duo which points to issues of immigration, migrants, refugees, native populations, agricultural production (or its lack), manufacturing concerns, and preservation of cultures and their heritage (such as a caliphate set up in Iraq and Syria which erases the quirky boundaries of Iraq that Great Britain erected years ago against all common sense?)

Plus, as you remember, Sun Can-Moon Lib is the natal blend of George W. Bush who has so far stayed out of the limelight on current Iraq issues--afraid he'll be confronted and challenged in public concerning his quixotic, stupid mistakes, I imagine.

Well, graying America is careening along and turns 238 years old in a few days. Turn the years into degrees of the Zodiac and you get 28 Scorpio which conjoins President Obama's natal Midheaven, the point of Goals and Aspirations. To close, here is Dane Rudhyar on this degree:

"The King of the Fairies Approaches His Domain"...'Keynote: The capacity in man to recognize and to pay homage to an integrating Principle at the core of all existence'..."An inner ALLEGIANCE begins to polarize the consciousness." (An Astrological Mandala.)

Of polarization America has gracious plenty!


Blog Note to my wonderful regular readers: now in preparation mode for some surgery next week so after this weekend all my blogs will go dark for a week or so. Back soon, much to my critics' displeasure! jc

Jun 28, 2007

green cards from fake job ads

How Fake Job Ads Defraud Americans To Secure Green Cards For Immigrants:

5 Minute Video

See what Bush and Congress really mean by a "shortage of skilled U.S. workers." Microsoft, Oracle, Hewlett-Packard, and thousands of other companies are running fake ads in Sunday newspapers across the country each week,