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Apr 12, 2019

Did Julian Assange Step Past Journalism? - Thom Hartmann clip

Progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann has worked in the independent media industry for years and here shares his clear view of what's going on with the arrest and indictment of Wikileaks' founder Julian Assange:


You may also wish to check out the Planets Aspecting Assange's Natal Chart on April 11, 2019 morning London, UK (his arrest and evacuation from the Ecuadorian embassy).

Plus, I am inspired to mention that of course Donald Trump now denies that Wikileaks is his "thing" and that he doesn't 'know' Julian Assange in a transparent attempt to distance himself from the situation. This is a predictable reaction from Trump since Assange was captured and, as we learned from the draft dodger himself, Donald Trump doesn't like people who get caught.

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