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Showing posts with label Julian Assange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Julian Assange. Show all posts

Apr 12, 2019

Did Julian Assange Step Past Journalism? - Thom Hartmann clip

Progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann has worked in the independent media industry for years and here shares his clear view of what's going on with the arrest and indictment of Wikileaks' founder Julian Assange:


You may also wish to check out the Planets Aspecting Assange's Natal Chart on April 11, 2019 morning London, UK (his arrest and evacuation from the Ecuadorian embassy).

Plus, I am inspired to mention that of course Donald Trump now denies that Wikileaks is his "thing" and that he doesn't 'know' Julian Assange in a transparent attempt to distance himself from the situation. This is a predictable reaction from Trump since Assange was captured and, as we learned from the draft dodger himself, Donald Trump doesn't like people who get caught.

Assange Arrested w Pluto opposing natal Mercury

April 12, 2019: As you've heard, Jupiter-Neptune figure, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks fame, was arrested yesterday morning in London UK and was unwillingly extracted from the Ecuadorian embassy and pushed into a police van--one day after transit Jupiter turned retrograde opposite his natal Venus in Gemini! This transit indicates a period when cooperation from others is hard to attain, promises can be broken, and discouragement sets in. Other cosmic factors stand out for him now including transit Pluto @22Capricorn opposing his natal Mercury in Cancer denoting such potentials as receipt of disturbing news from the outside world (that the embassy had revoked his residency there that morning, April 10), the arrival of a major crisis causing irritability and distress, and the opinions of others being forced upon him (indictment). Note that his natal Mercury @24Cancer conjoins the natal Mercury (Rx) of the United States of America (1776).

Yet curiously, transit Mercury, planet of communications, hacking, and passwords, trines his natal Mercury indicating a time of many calls, talks, negotiations, agreements, and the need to make connections and to exchange something. Stress, anxiety, and nervousness are shown by multiple factors such as transit Mercury sesquisquare natal Moon (Luna @7Sco42 in natal 12th house of Secrets and Karma), tr Mars inconjunct natal Moon, and tr Jupiter inconjunct natal Mercury--all Mercurial and related to communications, thought processes, ideas, and plans which now for Mr. Assange have gone awry.

Transit Saturn and Uranus are stressful as well with potentials for a social status adjustment (tr Saturn inconjunct natal Midheaven @19Leo57) and sudden changes enforced along with saying good-byes (tr Uranus inconjunct natal Ascendant @1Sag59).

Looking ahead, Julian Assange's natal Sun @10Can38 will be directly 'eclipsed' on July 2, 2019 by a Solar Eclipse @10Can37 in the difficult 3 North Saros Series with themes of: 'news involving young people or news that transforms a situation and can cause worry or obsession; very large plans are wanted but avoid getting carried away'. (Brady's Predictive Astrology). Perhaps you recognize 3 North as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the 9/11/01 WTC attacks, the 1929 Crash, the CIA, and President Andrew Jackson. Or not. Even so, this cosmic solar condition suggests a total change of direction for Mr. Assange who must already be feeling its 'wild card' 'cosmic blink' eclipse energies--so was this challenge fated? One might guess so for he was born July 3, 1971 (3:00 pm AEST Townsville, AU) during a karma-laden Saturn-Neptune opposition.

A natal Saturn-Neptune opposition suggests one who "swims with leaden boots" in his life while trying to float along without paying his dues which are always (at some point) demanded. This opposition can also indicate one with criminal tendencies (which is not meant to cast aspersions upon his dire or trumped-up legal situation). His test now may be intended to inspire him to become more responsible concerning his interactions with society; otherwise he'll be forced to do so by legal actions against him and their limiting consequences.

A previous post showing Julian Assange's natal chart is here (plus Steve Bannon's planets - sorry!)

Above image: my drawing, Chiron Leaves His Cave. Descriptive of Assange's arrest?

Mar 12, 2018

Senate Risks Financial Ruin Ignores What Most Americans Want - clip

Here Thom Hartmann speaks with Rep. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin concerning a variety of current topics and issues including what's going on (or not) in the US Congress:

You know, I've mentioned before that it would be good for our Republic for us all to see exactly what's in the stock portfolios of US Congress members so that the information could be compared with their votes for or against legislation written by lobbyists and special interest operatives. So much congressional behavior would be explained!

A Possibly Related Post: London, Trump, and the Temple of Gold.

Also in the news: double Scorpio Julian Assange, pal of Russia and Trump's friend political Svengali Roger Stone.

Oct 26, 2017

Natal Horoscopes: Assange with Bannon!

Image: bi-wheel of the Natal Horoscopes of Julian Assange (July 3, 1971 3:00 pm AEST Townsville, Australia; RR: A and Steve Bannon November 27, 1953 '12:00 pm' (hour unknown) Norfolk, Virginia USA:

Since I wasn't planning to write anything today I'll simply post natal charts as a bi-wheel of Wikileaks' Julian Assange (birth time known, "From him") and alt-righter Steve Bannon of Trump and Breitbart fame to note the connections and links between their natal planets because, as you've heard...

Julian Assange confirms Wikileaks was approached by data firm working with Trump campaign last November but says their "approach" was rejected and Hillary Clinton's 33,000 emails were not released by Mr. Assange as previously threatened/promised. Notice that Mr. Bannon's name is left out of the headline of this report published by the Chicago Tribune yet he's been reported as being the VP of 'data firm' Cambridge Analytica at the time.

Of course, Mr. Bannon's Moon position ('noon') and Angles are not for certain with no birth time known so use with caution if at all. However, we do know that: born November 27, 1953 in Norfolk, Virginia, Bannon's natal Moon ranged from 22Leo03 (the worst foot forward degree, or, 'own worst enemy') to 4Vir10, the degree and minute of America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon in December 2008. As you see, this SP Full Moon timed the outer limit that the US could reach into the world (Crash 2008) and we all should have learned that lesson of cautious Saturnian limitation then. Because going beyond natural limits leads to reap-what's-been-sown karma, as universal natural law dictates.

Actually, I believe a majority of We The People did learn the lesson--that we as a nation were overextended on many levels but like kittens in string, we were shocked by the level of corruption in government, banking, and other areas of civilization that were starkly revealed by the end of 2008 and cast a degrading and harsh light upon American society as a Collective. But the Jupiter-Neptune duo isn't concerned with observing natural limits, in fact, just the opposite--and including political conflicts, according to Reinhold Ebertin.

Please enlarge the image for a few basic notes are penned on the charts; Assange is a Jupiter-Neptune-conjunction escapist and wizard while Bannon is more of a Jupiter-Neptune-trine occultist conman and magician. Either way they tend toward speculation, illusion, and promotion of bubbles and schemes just as Mr. Trump likes to do via his own Jupiter-Neptune conjunction which, quest-like, has wounding-wounded Chiron smack dab in the center, and the trio posited in his natal 2nd house of Money and Values.

And perhaps it will be enlightening if not curiously revealing when the 'We The People' Solar Eclipse manifests on February 15, 2018 and conjoins US natal Moon which was target planet of the Great Conjunctions of Jupiter and Neptune. The planetary pair perfected three times all through 2009--conjunct US natal Moon, thereby forcing a seductive, dreamy, bubbly unreality into the weaker crevices of our society and providing cover for much of the Obama administration's activities, 'rock star' as they may have seemed.

A related post: Steve Bannon: In the Realms of Jupiter.

Also note that we are under the influence of the 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, The Great American Eclipse, with its theme of: "information is distorted and possibly false" (Brady) which also implicates today's well publicized released of the JFK Files. In Astrology, eclipses are known as 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' and do tend to uncover hidden things.

Please note that I have no idea why the lines of this post are not following the usual tidy alignment. Blogger? Hello?

Nov 30, 2012

Assange: Entire nations intercepted online (video interview)

In this interview conducted inside the Equadorian embassy, whistleblower Julian Assange reveals some disturbing facts about government spying on citizens on the Web. If you're a Facebook fan, you may wish to note his remarks about FB, a social networking site I left about two years ago because it gives me the creeps:

Yes, America was 'born' in 1776 with a problematic Mercry-Pluto opposition and the US government has developed ways of making full use of its surveillance obsessions!

A Note to FB users who read my blogs: Anyone who is tempted to tag me in a photo or mention me on FB--please refrain. For some reason, Stars Over Washington still gets referral links by way of FB though I've posted nothing there in about two years, therefore my previous content (which the site holds onto as if it belongs to Mr. Zuckerberg) should not be accessible to public view. Thanks, JC

Aug 25, 2012

8.24.12: Assange Asylum Update (video)

Equador vs UK with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange between:

Guess Julian Assange in exile from his usual surroundings shows an influence from the current Solar Eclipse Series which manifested on May 20, 2012 @00Gem20 and conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone @00Gem00 with one of the star's themes being 'exile'. A similar expression covered by Alcyone's energy is 'refugee' with an overabundance of judgmentalism going on...

Dec 19, 2011

12.19.11 Adrian Lamo discusses Bradley Manning (video)

Stars Over Washington December 19, 2011

Below is a video gleaned from today's Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman interviewing the fellow who blew the whistle on whistle blower Bradley Manning who apparently leaked US helicopter draconianism and mayhem to Julian Assange's organization, WikiLeaks.

Adrian Lamo discusses topics that concern Pvt. Manning and Manning's tortuous treatment by a US government of bureaucrats and technocrats who don't appreciate having the ugly underbelly of war suddenly revealed in such stark relief to an agog public already uncertain that America has any legal right to invade and occupy foreign lands while indiscriminately raining death and destruction down upon the heads of innocent people...and then lying about it.

Why, anyone with a brain that isn't reptilian knows that karma (by which I refer to reaping what was sown) will be just as, or more, grievous when it comes round for payment due to the massive amounts of misery America has dealt the world by way of our government's political, military, and social actions. Actions have re-actions which result in unintended consequences of the "blow-back" kind, as the C.I.A. once nicknamed this karmic phenomenon.

And being treated to performances by a theatrically rehearsed White House administration and staff doesn't change the fact that a natural law waits for no man, and when the time comes, even the best-heeled heels in the board rooms of the global power elite will pay their karmic debts.

(And won't they be surprised? You think you get away with something, then Boom! the red dye explodes all over your greedy mitts and you're nabbed.)

As you know, it's been over 18 months' detention under grave conditions for Pvt. Manning so far. Personally, this American feels that 18mos+ is gracious plenty punishment for a young, idealistic Private though I doubt his case is covered by the Whistle Blower Protection Act of 1988 which purports to "protect"--it's in the title!!!--whistle blowers who uncover fraud or misconduct in or by the US military.

Yet if Pvt. Manning leaked classified information, he did so, not through prescribed military channels which would be protected under the 1988 Act, but to the techie services of Julian Assange who would publish the sensitive info unto the Universe.

And you know? I believe the Universe appreciates truth and has no time for well-crafted lies, imperial or otherwise. But that's just me talkin', not the Washington establishment.


(All comments in this post are my own and are made based on an assumption that any of the above-mentioned actors in the discussed tableaux are the least bit what they seem and are not agents for certain shadowy agencies. jc)

Nov 28, 2011

Julian Assange accepts major Journalism award (video) w the Jupiter-Saturn cycle

Monday November 28, 2011: Awards, Lies, Pies, and Turkeys

by Jude Cowell

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, as I enjoyed a slice of pumpkin pie with family, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accepted a major Australian award, the Walkley Award, for "Outstanding Contribution to Journalism.

The Walkley Award is equivalent to the Pulitzer Prize in America, and to this common gooder who'd like America to act more uprightly than the imperial dictatorship our government has become, Mr. Assange deserved a prize for revealing us to ourselves in spite of 24/7 government propaganda. It must be obvious to a majority of Americans circa 2011 that "exporting" our brand of "democracy" is a sham with tragic consequences, not the least of which is the bankrupting of the United States and the dissolution of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, an ongoing project for self-serving oligarchs, plutocrats, and despots who have Global Governance on their reptilian minds.

As you know, in 2011 many uprisings of The People have gone viral across the globe at the opposition phase of the Jupiter/Saturn cycle which began with their conjunction on May 28, 2000. Its Sabian Symbol pertains to the bankster/Wall Street/mortgage frauds that crashed the US and world economies in 2007/08:

Jupiter/Saturn @23 Taurus = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems."

Well, you've noticed that most of those 'gems' are now in someone else's coffers and not ours as trillions of dollars and mounds of gold were spirited out of the US through corporate bailouts and sent to foreign entities in similar fashion as was done in WWII to fund Hitler's war efforts and to boost the wealth of the House of Rothschild and its agents, many of whom were--and are--Washington DC officials (officials in theory if not in practice--not playing on our team.)

The '23Tau' symbol's association with wealth and thievery--and in America's case, with extreme income inequality--implies that its forward trajectory at opposition 2011 relates directly to the We Are The 99% Movement, or Occupy Wall Street, if you prefer, and to global uprisings of the fed-up.

Taurus is a practical, often materialistic earth sign with greed, possessiveness, and intolerance the shadow aide of this money sign; environmental issues apply as well to Taurus, sign of the Gardener, the Architect, and the Bull--and bullishness--of Wall Street.

We might even take the economic view that today's financial problems and the deleveraging being perpetrated against the populace is described by Saturnian demand being lower than Jupiter's supply. However, Jupiter now retrograde will eventually turn direct and move forward through the 30 degrees of Taurus and into lighter, Airy Gemini (communications) while Saturn's predictable entry into the sign of Big Business--the weighty Mars-Pluto-ruled Scorpio--is an entire post for another day. (Updated 11.28.11 @ 10 pm est.)

For Assange's updated views on the US government's behavior toward him for exposing Washington's lies and illegalities, view his video acceptance speech at Democracy Now! which includes remarks from Glenn Greenwald, or you may wish to read Mr. Greenwald's column at

Plus, there's a Jupiter/Saturn flavor to the natal chart of Julian Assange, if you're interested in his quirky, willful Sun/Uranus personality which supports Technology interests and talents bwo Uranus' co-rulership of futuristic, computer-loving Aquarius. Even the glyph for Aquarius favors a 'www' as in, Worldwide Web.

In Mundane Astrology, Jupiter and Saturn are used to represent the Republican and Democratic parties but that's outside the scope of today's post.

Jupiter Opposite Saturn, the Halfway Mark in Their 20-Year Cycle

Now what of the opposition phase between our two societal planets, Jupiter (expansion; growth; generosity) and Saturn (contraction; restriction; austerity)?

Oppositions between any planets are awareness-relationship aspects of culmination or fulfillment, and the May 2000 conjunction heralded the New Millennium, the Bush-Cheney coup of the presidency, and the attacks of 9/11 which have made thievery, coups/topplings, and bankruptcy much easier for globalists to accomplish along with changing America almost beyond recognition. The US Congress has purposefully added to its own toothlessness by traitorous actions of may kinds, and by negating its constitutionally granted oversight function.

Now in the Jupiter-Saturn cycle, the first ten years (ex: 2000-2010) are intense and describe a sort of winding up that peaks at opposition. The last ten years
(2010-2020) indicate a winding down of this intensity, and to a slowing of the pace and overall direction so visible in the earlier stages.

The current opposition is also a transit of Jupiter opposing US natal Saturn 14Lib48, a time when progress and growth are blocked or restricted; promising situations may tempt us to circumvent rules and regulations but this is ill-advised. Hold on to what you've got is the usual advice for this transit and that's just what we're seeing from the wealthiest members of the 1% as they try to hold on to what they've got without contributing to society--even if it's ill-gotten gains that rightly belong to others.

With the fed-up flavor of the Occupy Movement (and movements elsewhere but this blog is mainly about American vermin and DC politics), we're seeing a Jupiter-Saturn opposition tendency toward exhaustion since the rapidity of expansion has been so quick-paced that it's impossible to sustain--we now have a need to assimilate and reflect upon these financial and societal issues, a need that 2011's uprisings are facilitating on behalf of the collective good.

Given the post-traumatic stress syndrome caused by 9/11 and its handmaiden, Financial Collapse 2008, we now deal at the opposition with the Taurean realms of luxury, comfort, and security as the 99% demand fairness from the greedy 1%.

The Jupiter-Saturn combo of energies may also refer to diplomacy, perseverance, discontent, tenacious pursuit of plans, philosophical thinking, unsettled lives full of many changes, emotional tension, attainment of far-reaching objectives, a 'making it happen' strategy; industry, law professors, clergymen, civil servants, politicians, and government officials of the administration. (Ebertin.)

And Michael Munkasey gives Jupiter-Saturn potentials in Business and Politics as: checks and balances; changes in government, religious, and social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; too many restrictions on the operation of justice (ex: Wall Street CEOs not held accountable for crimes--jc); a judicial system at its breaking point (yep---jc); leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems.
Yes, fatigue from war and want are certain to ramp up as calls for improvement in the global economy continue during the next ten years until the Jupiter-Saturn cycle begins again @ 00AQ29 on December 21, 2020, a key year in American and World history. The 2020 Great Conjunction perfects only once--in Air and conjoining the US Inaugural Sun of January 20th, assuming that America still elects presidents by then (it's not for certain.)

So let's stop discussing political turkeys for now and close with the midpoint picture created in 2020 by the planetary synchronicity of the transiting Jupiter-Saturn midpoint which directly affects the US presidency (Sun @ 00AQ+ since FDR's 1937 inauguration when the switch was made); any, all, or none may apply...

Jupiter-Saturn = Sun (the leader): inconstancy; gaining experience; changes of residence; feeling that you can positively influence social change; boasting a lot; increased self-pride and greater ability to demonstrate positive leadership before others; dreaming of the potential for actuality (of a NWO? jc); taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan, or, if nothing is prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things.

(All mdpt pics: Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)


For further reading on Jupiter-Saturn and other topics, you may wish to try New Insights in Modern Astrology by Stephen Arroyo and Dr. Liz Greene.

For more Mundane Astrology, suggestions include Neptune Cafe, Global Astrology, GOP Astrology, and Starlight News.

Plus, if America's past, present, and future concern you, don't miss What The Heck Happened to America? by Jeffrey Tucker.

As Thom Hartmann says about 'Trickle Down Economics': "Thirty years of Reaganomics--where are the jobs?" That's a great question for 2012 Republican candidates to answer if they can. Thom will cover Barney Frank's just-announced retirement on tomorrow's broadcast.

Love him or leave him, here speaks the 16-term congressman now:

Nov 8, 2011

Taurus Full Moon w Pluto opposing US Jupiter 11.10.11

Looking at the horoscope of the November 10, 2011 Full Moon @ 18Tau05, the current transit of powerful, subversive Pluto in Capricorn opposing US natal Jupiter 5Can56 is spotlighted with tr Pluto at Midheaven in Washington DC.

Perfecting at 3:16:02 pm est, this Full Moon--with Sun 18Sco05--conjoins the transiting 2/8 axis when the horoscope is set for DC--the Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Big Business, Transformation, Death polarity. Something comes to fruition/culmination during a Full Moon so we may hear financial news described by this astrological indicator with Tau/Sco being the natural signs of the 2/8 axis.

Rising at 3:16:02 pm est in DC is 11Ari04 ('11Ari' = "The President of the Country" yet rounding up, it's '12Ari' = "A Triangularly Shaped Flight of Wild Geese" which may bring up the potential for a wild goose chase or it may be simply a reference to the Autumn season. However, its "Keynote: An idealistic reliance upon a mental image of universal order" plops us right back into the tiresome realm of 'new world order' topics. Arghh!)

With Aries rising, chart-ruler Mars (war; military; soldiers; police; energy-action-motivation) is at a critical-crisis 29th degree (*29Leo50, conjunct Fixed Star Regulus 00Vir00: success if revenge is avoided) on the 6th cusp; 6th house matters include military, police, and fire services, along with Work, Service, and Health. Perhaps more facts will be revealed (Full Moon) in the Air Force body parts scandal--see Air Force Morgue Admits Losing Troops' Body Parts which ought to shame them, you would think. This reminds you of US soldiers' mis-burials that were revealed last year at Arlington National Cemetery, doesn't it?

Well, the Sabian Symbol I find most intriguing in the Nov 10, 2011 Full Moon chart, is the Full Moon's degree--'19Tau' = "A New Continent Rising Out of the Ocean" which is traditionally used to represent America herself for obvious reasons (E pluribus unum--out of many, one.)

Yes, our nation was once the new kid on the continental block, wasn't it?

Let's see what Dane Rudhyar has to say about '19 Taurus'...his italics:

"Keynote: The surge of new potentiality after a crisis.

When the mind has been emptied and light has been called upon to purify the consciousness freed from its attachment and contamination, a new release of life can emerge out of the infinite Ocean of potentiality, the Virgin SPACE. What will it be used for?

(...) The "technique" is simply to allow the infinite Potential to operate in unconstrained SPONTANEITY. This means to have reached a state in which the conscious, rational ego is no longer a controlling factor."

Hmmm...if the rational ego is no longer a "controlling factor" does this mean that austere neocons are due to lose at least some of their high-handed control over state governments?

That'd be good. For one wants to be very cautious when tempted to place man's ability to reason above the awesomeness of a Creator Who provided us with our reasoning ability in the first place!

So one more time on this blog, it's Pluto opposite US natal Jupiter: power plays and unfavorable conditions mark financial and professional status; someone stands in the way of success and progress (Mr. Hades--the plutonian central bankers of the world as they're doing in Europe with Greece and Italy) though what has truly been achieved will not be destroyed ('credit' built on air doesn't count); measures taken to improve finances will be defeated; political aspirations should be kept on-hold for now as major power struggles continue.

Pluto at MC may be of interest to our political topic as well for there is a desire to remake one's public status or society itself by way of Pluto's regenerating and coping capabilities, and either fame or notoriety will result. Scientific or occult interests--including Astrology, magic, physics or atomic physics--may be on the Full Moon menu and in the news.


*Mars @ '30Leo' = "An Unsealed Letter"..."Keynote: The realization by the individual that all thoughts and all messages are inevitably to be shared with all men."

So...more news about WikiLeaks or Julian Assange's legal troubles? NSA spying on Americans' emails/phone calls or more about the legalities of GPS tracking devices? Hacking by Anonymous and/or others? White House memos blowin' in the wind? Disputes aired over intellectual property rights? We'll soon see!

Then, in three shakes of a lamb's tail, it will be time for the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag37 (which directly affects the 'Super Committee recommendations due Nov 23), then the next Full Moon occurs, a Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11 which eclipses by conjunction our US natal Mars, and is squared by a Virgoan Mars from the 8th hou$e in the horoscope set for my former residence of Washington DC.


Cited: An Astrological Mandala by one of my favorite astrologers, Dane Rudhyar.

Oct 24, 2011

US Progressions Oct 2011: Pluto inconjunct ASC

Spotlighting Our US Progressed Pluto/ASC Inconjunct

by Jude Cowell

Just some notes on the formed-by-secondary-progression inconjunct (150 degrees, aka, 'quincunx', an aspect of adjustment having potential health consequences) now formed in America's Secondary Progressions (SP.)

US Pluto 29Cap10 quincunxed US Sec ASC 28Leo10 for the first time (within a one-degree orb according to my Solar Fire software and using the 'Sibly' natal chart for the US: 5:10 pm LMT July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA; some variety in dates/times may be noted if using a different natal horoscope) on August 23, 2009 at 1:53 am edt, Philadelphia (natal location.)

Mars 28Gem25 was rising in DC at that moment (8.23.09) along with US natal Venus 3Can+. 'Twas an Hour of Venus @ 25Can56 conjoining US n Mercury Rx. A Sun/Mars sextile points to an 8th house NN in a YOD configuration which reveals our Pluto/ASC topic as a crisis-timer and supports the Node's critical 29th degree importance. 8th H involvement points to Big Business, Corporate Resources, Debt, Credit, and Transformations.

Also transiting at that time and place, we see that tr NN at 29Cap54 (in 8th H) is in process of conjoining US Sec Pluto and has recently met our natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx. Pluto/NN links are associated with 'meeting the powerful', 'karmic or fated encounters', and/or 'the common destiny of a large mass of people' (Ebertin.)

Now on one level, our nation's Sec Pluto/ASC inconjunct is notable for its critical-crisis 29th degree which is also the position of US Sec 6th cusp 29Cap+. This (Sec 6th H) implicates police, firefighting, and military services, plus, other martian occupations (transport, etc) and the health matters connected to them. US soldiers returning home come first to mind along with their medical conditions which may overwhelm the US health care system.

Oct 24, 2011: Today US Sec ASC is @ 29Leo55 (the orb will be out of range of the inconj with Pluto soon) which allows a Royal Fixed Star of Persia--Regulus--to rise by progression. Regulus' Keywords: success if revenge is avoided (Brady.) If revenge is not avoided, all the success gained may be taken away or negated in some manner. It's safe to say that, no matter who or what you believe is a root cause of the attacks of 9/11/01, America did not 'avoid revenge' and now has lost more than the American people are being honestly told, with more to lose.

And of course, Pluto often wears his Cape of Invisibility when lurking about the Halls of Power (I speak primarily of Washington DC halls) and favors pulling strings of control from his lair full of the world's riches that he's been laying aside for a brimstoned day. The criminal global syndicate is Pluto's favorite Underground playing field, unlevel and dangerous as the 99% of us find it to be.

Washington DC, Capitol Hill, and a Supernal Super-ness

Sec Pluto's Sabian Symbol if we round up to '30Cap' = "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference" and I suppose you've heard by now that on October 19, 2011, the Gang of Six met in secret conference with the Gang of Twelve, aka, the 'Super' Congress, or 'Super Committee' whose report on draconian deficit reductions is due by November 23, 2011 just in time for the Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37--a 'wild card' of the Universe as are all eclipses--and obviously affected by the Sag lunation which will bring an influx of energy (it's an eclipse near the North Node, the Jupiterian, joining end of The Cosmic Dragon.)

Guess they had to coordinate plans. Or something.

Speaking of the Cosmic Dragon (the Moon's Nodal Axis), our nation's Sec Pluto is near Sec South Node (Saturnian, separative) end of the Axis, with the NN @ 26Can47 Rx--conjunct US natal Mercury Rx. This emphasizes our nation's natal Mercury/Pluto opposition of surveillance, propaganda, persuasive oration, and nuclear dealings.

US natal Mercury '25Cancer' = "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power"--why, yes, I believe 'he' was in 1776. And still is.

But what of Pluto inconj ASC? Thought you'd never ask!

With ASC the WHAT? Point of any chart, let's consider US Sec ASC to be what as a nation the US has evolved into. The inconjunct from Pluto in Capricorn is the only planet aspecting our Sec ASC right now, just so ya know.

Pluto inconj ASC indicates conditions where others (plutonians, bankers, popes, priests, monarchists, shareholders, and mad men?) have some sort of hold over the US (ASC) and with the ASC in Leo ruled by the Sun, our leadership potential and 'shiny' traditional role in the world is being seriously circumvented, as you've noticed by recent events.

Employment conditions are an integral part of this picture and I have typed aloud previously that Republican-leaning corporate and other CEOs are purposefully not hiring in the US in order to help the GOP undermine the presidency of Barack Obama. This tallies with recent mentions in the news of such behavior along with the implications being floated (in the 2012 campaign already) that putting Republicans back in the White House will open the floodgates to jobs galore for US workers.

Bosh! So what explains US employment conditions during the power-elite-powered Bush-Cheney regime--why not then?

Anyway, whether you believe that fairytale or not, Pluto inconj ASC speaks of continuing threats to pensions and retirement funds, and of ideas which may be sound but lose legitimacy and attractiveness due to being forced upon others. And when our weaknesses are exposed, we smolder in bitterness (Pluto)--and perhaps allow more plutonian-style revenge to be perpetrated in our name (ASC.)

The US government's lock-out of WikiLeaks from donation processing (PayPal, Visa, MC, etc) springs to mind. Julian Assange said in London today that the organization must now focus on raising money or shut down by the end of 2011--they're looking for donations, if you're interested in supporting this independent if controversial news source.

Now here's a facet of our national Pluto/ASC inconj that I must personally admit to as a dissenting American--Pluto inconj ASC gives a tendency to hold strong opinions, and to unkind or stark expressions against those in authority who are unqualified--possibly through a lack of moral character--and who must have acquired their power in a dishonest way.

Hmm. This condition reminds me of the cagey GOP's 2011-2012 drive to disenfranchise US voters who may tend to vote Democratic--to the point of criminalizing voter registration in the United States of America--the bullies!


See caging (voter suppression), and Rolling Stone's The GOP War on Voting. Republicans, who'd rather crash Obama than improve the US economy--can only 'win' elections when most of the American people stay home from their voting booths.

Please don't stay home. Vote with your feet by showing up--even if all we're presented with is seems the lesser of two evils.

Events of August 23, 2009 and 2011

See Wikipedia's August 23 page and scroll down to 2011 where you'll see that it was a day of the Mineral, VA earthquake (from fracking?), and the day that Libyan dictator, Muomar Qaddafi, was overthrown, the ending drama of which we've recently seen with his death.

As for August 23, 2009, you may wish to try CNN's popular stories for that date when wildfires surrounded Athens, Greece--a city still in the news for its seemingly inevitable debt default. Two years later the question seems to be: will Greece's default be orderly or chaotic? And will its consequences spread like wildfire around the globe?


Astro-Note: for this reluctant astrologer, both 'SP' and 'Sec' = Secondary Progressions using the year-for-a-day method. Since I use Minor and Tertiary Progressions, too, I often use 'Sec' to distinguish between the three methods: Minors = mental-causal plane, Terts = intuitional-spiritual-emotional plane, and Secs = physical-evolutionary plane. Their interplay relates to the mind-body connection and the 1:13:27 ratio of consciousness. Strength and importance are lent to progressed configurations when a corresponding transit or transits are also involved in timely fashion such as with tr NN conj US Sec Pluto, as mentioned above. jc

Sep 5, 2011

WikiLeaks "Destroyed"? and A Busy Week in Washington 9.5.11

9.5.11 A Busy Week Ahead in Washington DC, WikiLeaks in the News

by Jude Cowell

Yes, the US Congress returns to 'serve the public' this week (or, 'shaft the public' as many believe) and President Obama delivers an Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Thursday night (at 7:00 pm edt with his natal Chiron in Pisces rising opposite natal Pluto in Virgo setting.) His Address will include the White House's 'jobs creation plan' though it's hard to see what Mr. Obama can do about unemployment while signing more 'free' trade agreements, our US jobs killers.

Planning to be MIA from the president's Address Thursday will be Tea Party Rep. Joe Walsh, known for his status as a deadbeat dad who instead devoted thousands of dollars to finance his congressional campaign. Mr. Walsh says he's made up his mind about Barack Obama and apparently no daylight will be allowed to change it.

Of course, some would say that Walsh isn't the only deadbeat on Capitol Hill and I guess I've made up my mind about Joe Walsh.

Plus, as you know, Wednesday evening (9.7.11) looms with Republican candidates squaring off in what passes these days for political 'debate'. I expect that Rick Perry will stand out, don't you? It's a crowded field with eight candidates scheduled to participate in the televised spectacle. Watch for Corporate GOPism to be on display.

WikiLeaks in the News

Meanwhile, Der Spiegel has published an article that details some of the recent events concerning WikiLeaks and the publishing of US State Department cables.

If you read the article you'll find it ends with a supposition that whistle blowers may no longer trust WikiLeaks--because Julian Assange has a bossy personality, because of his fights with a former employee, or because of the manner and condition in which Assange has chosen to publish leaks.

Now this leaves me with the impression that instilling a lack of trust in WikiLeaks for future whistle blowers was the primary objective of the article though you're certainly welcome to feel differently.

For another perspective--Assange in his own words--perhaps you'll wish to view last evening's 60 Minutes interview with a fascinating person set on a complicated, controversial mission.

Yet it's difficult for me, a believer in the Greater Good and the Rights of the Common Man, not to cheer when the power elite's frilly underpants are revealed in the unvarnished light of day. Yes, unredacted names are worrisome and Assange continues to assert that there's no evidence of anyone being harmed from having their names revealed in certain leaked documents and thereby ID'd as collaborating with the imperial powers (us, The Occupiers.)

So is Julian Assange "abusing his power"? Is it abusing power to expose abuse of power? Well, naturally the power elites, long accustomed to having all the secrecy they require, are in a snit of miffdom over such unsought, uncontrollable exposure of their deeds. A One World Government is their mission.

Astrologically, the asteroid known for an 'abuse of power' flavor is none other than Atlantis, one of America's pseudonyms, and a clear reference to the legendary Platonic myth of Isle of Atlantis which helped inspire Sir Francis Bacon's politically idealistic work "The New Atlantis", which describes the Utopia that America was allegedly meant to become.

You can read the Wiretap edition of The New Atlantis if you like but it's quite wordy. However, a Search feature is provided.

And check out a previous post on the natal horoscope of tech genius Julian Assange, a Jupiter-Neptune-Saturn fellow whose chart may contain hints of power abuse, or at least of a complex personality with lots going on beneath the surface of his Watery Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio personality blend. Both signs are quite acquainted with the concepts of secrecy and revelations.

Yet perhaps more to the 'abuse of power' issue concerning Julian Assange is his willful, eccentric Sun/Uranus square, and if you know someone with this configuration you may agree that it gives an ego-intensifying effect.

Plus, here's a video from The Daily Show December 2010 with Jon Stewart's perspective on "catching a somewhat pasty predator".

Finally, FAIR blog has published a round-up of article links on the NYT and WikiLeaks Iraq cable debate if you care to wade in.


Recommended: If you wish a more personal astro-view for today, September 5, 2011, check out Julie Demboski's Answer Carefully.

Aug 12, 2011

Perseid Meteors with a Cosmic Coincidence! Aug 12-13, 2011

Space Weather News for Aug 12, 2011

METEOR SHOWER: The Perseid meteor shower is underway. International observers are now reporting more than 20 meteors per hour as Earth passes through a stream of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle. Forecasters expect the shower to peak on the night of Aug 12-13. The best time to look is during the hours before dawn on Saturday morning, August 13th, when the glaring Moon is relatively low and meteor rates are highest.

Visit Space Weather News for full coverage.

WATCH OUT FOR THE SPACE STATION, TOO: Consider it a cosmic coincidence. During the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, the International Space Station will fly over many US towns and cities.

The behemoth spacecraft is easy to see if you know when to look. Check's Simple Satellite Tracker for flyby times. #

Plus, you may wish to check out a little Astrology on Perseus the Prince, the archetype of the constellation associated with the annual Perseid meteor shower.

And there's another post that concerns Perseus and the stars linked to the natal chart of WikiLeaks' Julian Assange.

Or how about a smidgeon of Cosmic Art titled Comet Skies?

Image imported from my Secret Moon Art collection of drawings. jc

Feb 8, 2011

Venus to Pluto 2.9.11: hidden wealth in secret places

In a recent astro-post on President Obama's February 7th speech to the US Chamber of Commerce, I mentioned that the chart-ruler of the speech horoscope, Venus, made only one applying aspect in the chart, a conjunction with powerful, secretive Pluto in Capricorn, sign of government, politics, law, and business. A chart-ruler's applying aspects in Horary Astrology describes how things will proceed - here, from the "neighborly" event.

This Venusian-Plutonian encounter occurs on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 @6Cap38 and it may be instructive to consider the political and business ramifications of a Venus-Pluto pairing. The two can be passionately exciting in love relationships, yes, but also have financial connotations which relate to the president's presentation of ideas for sparking the US economy as he spoke to a room full of wealthy bankers and business leaders.

We might also keep in mind last week's report on the many places that Hosni and Gamal Mubarak have their wealth squirreled away with perhaps additional revelations to come as the Venus-Pluto hook-up uncovers more secrets (including hot love affairs, but that's not the purview of this blog unless politicians are involved. And even then, not so much.)

Even plutonian revealer-in-chief Julian Assange's Swedish situation (rape charges) may be affected in some way by this conjunction along with WikiLeaks revelations concerning diplomatic relations and/or banking misdeeds. And in the US, some of our threadbare state budgets are beginning to show signs of embezzlement or mis-usage of funds through the years...peep-eye!

Plus, the Chamber of Commerce members Mr. Obama addressed and cajoled on February 7th are said to be multi-millionaires and billionaires sitting on corporate mega-profits which they have so far refused to 'share' with American workers in the form of new jobs.

So using Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets because it lists potentials in Politics and Business along with other indications, the Venus-Pluto combination of energies include:

Thesis: extremes of private wealth hidden in secret places; genetic alterations; those who wish to transform the natural beauty of a country; model waste processing or disposal systems.

Antithesis: volcanic activity deep within the earth which cause great destruction of agricultural or financial centers; attracting elements of organized crime (finances, drugs, sex trade; hidden partnerships; jealousy; rape charges); a breakdown within the social fabric of a society.

With authoritative Capricorn being an Earth sign, we may expect the above possibilities to apply very closely to the things that relate to material goods, mining activities, structures, systems, and, as stated, Politics and Business in finances, valuations, and relationship issues. And as stated in my previous post, Venus-Pluto can be linked to bankruptcy, too. The excruciating housing foreclosure mess may be implicated (real estate; banking.)

The Sabian Symbol for the Venus-Pluto conjunction @ '7Cap' may be revealing as well:

"A Veiled Prophet of Power"...SUPREMACY:

positive expression: unerring insight into the motives of men and a consequent gift for organizing their efforts along any given line of accomplishment;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: inability to distinguish true values from false.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Additionally, the symbol for '7Cap' in Adriano Carelli's book The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac points us back to Egypt's Mubarak family who may have had a part in the ongoing looting of his country's ancient treasures: The Sphinx.

Well, this conjunction occurs ever year at varying degrees of the Zodiac (depending on where slower moving Pluto lies in wait for Venus) but this year I'm relating it primarily to the president's appeals and concessions to the Chamber of Commerce - though financial secrets and sexual misconduct cannot be ruled out.

Jan 2, 2011

WikiLeaks and Winter Solstice 2010's Mercury Return Jan 9, 2011

With the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act now signed by President Obama (while still vacationing in Hawaii), the 112th Congress scheduled to open January 5, 2011 at noon est, and myself just returned from a holiday family spree (if you can call the Atlanta area a 'spree' zone), Stars Over Washington's Julian Assange/treason poll is now closed.

Out of a total of 131 responders, 77% (101) voted, "No! He's doing the world a favor" to the question of whether Mr. Assange (who, though not an American citizen, has greatly embarrassed the US government) should be tried for treason.

1% (14) answered a moderate "Possibly, depending" while another 1% replied, "Absolutely!"

What might this unofficial poll attest to, if anything? Possibilities include:

That folks who read this sort of populist blog prefer that the US government follow its own laws (and not rewrite them for special occasions or in an attempt to save face), get over thinking it can lord it over anyone anywhere, and busy itself learning how to successfully keep official secrets closer to Big Brother's chest than heretofore.

Now if you, dear reader, are one of the 77% who voted No! to a treason prosecution yet don't agree with my personal assessment of the situation, please leave a comment here, if you wish to weigh in.

Oh, and I can think of at least one more very good reason - as taught by history - for the US government not to prosecute the message bearer who dares reveal the truth:

"First they came..." for him - then they came for you and me...


Now for the title of this post: the Mercury Return 25Sag25 to the Winter Solstice 2010 chart of December 21 which occurs on January 9, 2011 at 1:33:17 am est in Washington DC. This reflects a part of Mercury the Messenger's retrograde period which began on Dec 10, 2010 @ 5Cap+ with the speedy one's Direct Station on Dec 30, 2010 @ 19Sag35.

As far as conjunctions or oppositions to Julian Assange's natal chart (July 3, 1971 Townsville, AU 4:57 pm AEST), the Winter Solstice 2010's Mercury Return falls in his natal 2nd house opposite n Venus 25Gem25 (dualistic and sometimes duplicitous Gemini, sign of communications, and The Good News.) Yet the house position may be only speculative, based on whether his birth hour is accurate; it apparently has been snagged from his official birth records. (Kudos to whoever snagged it!)

Another possible link is to Assange's natal Moon/NN midpoint which will be conjoined by Mercury 25Sag25 on Jan 9, 2011, and in Politics and Business, the publicity-infused Moon/NN combo relates to: trade, ports of entry, roadways, canals, transit systems, etc. Also to: common people involved in the conduct of foreign trade, public opinion about foreign trade, agricultural failures, or blockages at ports of entry. (Munkasey.)

Here is the midpoint picture formed by tr Mercury to Assange's natal Moon/NN on or around Jan 9, 2011; any, all, or none may apply:

n Moon/NN = tr Mercury: adapting to events and communicating effectively; education opens opportunities; emotional group discussions; an association of convenience; contacts with females; immune system (as in 'cyber-security? jc); a critical attitude toward associations; building cooperation. (Munkasey; Ebertin; Tyl.)

2010's Winter Solstice chart itself must be considered for understanding any effect its Mercury Return may have collectively, such as what houses are ruled by Mercury (3rd h, and 12th h of Politics); aspects to Mercury are important as well.

Winter Solstice December 21, 2010's Mercury

Mercury applies in its Rx condition to a square with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Pisces. Merc SQs Jupiter (0A05, a very tight orb) while separating from its SQ with Uranus (1S22); the Messenger also moves away from conjunction with the Sun 00Cap00, both in 6th house of Work, Health, Service (Armed Forces) - the President has signed the 9/11 Health and Compensation bill, as noted above, and leaks have concerned the US military services and the US State Department of, diplomats. Mercury = the signing and the bill itself.

Merc SQ Jupiter shows discrepancies between beliefs and the truth with impulsivity in judgments which are based on insufficient information; accepting responsibility for one's actions is difficult; the phrase 'pathological liar' is a potential.

Merc SQ Uranus indicates an eccentric thinker whose opinions tend to be at odds with society's prevailing beliefs. Most people find this 'rebel with a cause' obnoxious or overly belligerent. Impatience may cause 'facts' or 'truths' to be manufactured.

(This may apply, of course, to WikiLeaks or to the US government - or both.)

Now you've probably noticed that Mercury 25Sag15 inconjuncts US natal Mercury, an aspect of great strain, for watery Cancer and fiery Sagittarius have little natural sympathy for one another. The inconjunct (or, quincunx; 150 degr) suggests the dynamics of Mars which brings in the god of war's typical aggression, aggravations, and threats and yet compromise is the only solution. (This aspects relates to Congress as well, but here I'm looking at Jan 9, 2011's Mercury Return mainly in relation to the Assange/WikiLeaks imbroglio.)

One aspect of note is the interesting inconjunct between Mercury in the Winter Solstice 2010 chart and the chart's Ascendant 24Can21 (the position of US natal Mercury Rx 24:12) with Mercury inconj ASC indicating evaluations and conclusions about others which are correct but make them feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Well, yes. We know.

Merc inconj ASC may also describe someone who is a "Jack of All Trades" with Mercury associated with trade and commerce, as noted above. A bit of a roustabout, perhaps? This Mercury is very much aware of the power of money, and may long nostalgically for simpler times.

Mercury Return to the Winter Solstice 2010 chart: Jan 9, 2011

In Jan 9's Mercury Return chart set for DC, there is a politically prominent trio: Mercury 25Sag25 in 2nd house of Values and Valuations, North Node 2Cap38, (3rd cusp = 2Cap41), and Pluto 5Cap38 in 3rd house of Communications. Pluto conjoins the degree of Mercury's Rx Station of Dec 10, 2010, a time when hidden meanings are revealed.

As you know, the Mercury/Pluto duo relates to propaganda, persuasion, deep thoughts, business secrets (ex: B of A), spies, surveillance and Intel agencies, communications satellites, and the drug trade; the two planets oppose one another across the Can/Cap axis in America's natal chart with Mercury Rx @ the "A Leader of Men Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" degree (the meaning of which then relates, of course, to powerfully wealthy, often invisible Pluto, the Spy, Saboteur, Assassin, and/or Underworld Criminal Network - and to the Bosses thereof.)

Mercury/Pluto = NN: contacts with those who help you obtain information or news(!); a desire for intellectual domination, or, to be a spokesman; contacts with powerful criminal elements; being recognized for one's persuasion or communication skills.

Now this particular phase of 'Mercury action' @ 25SAg25 actually began prior to the Winter Solstice of Dec 21, 2010: Nov 26, 2010, Dec 21, 2010 (Rx), and next on January 9, 2011. Given Mr. Assange's clear connection to mercurial functions, it may be interesting to note any further developments in the legal standing of the WikiLeaks' now-secluded founder who must try his best not to be extradited to face charges in the USA.

Dec 26, 2010

Cenk Uygur's interview w Julian Assange (video)

On Dec 22, 2010 Huffington Post's Cenk Uygur interviewed WikiLeaks' Julian Assange:


Here's a morning view of Raleigh NC's Winter Wonderland 2010!

Photo taken December 26, 2010

Dec 21, 2010

Video: the Anti-War Protest @ the White House (12.16.10)

Since the mainstream media didn't cover the protests of December 16, it took a while to locate a video of last Thursday's snowy anti-war protests at the White House with war veterans, journalist Chris Hedges, and Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg speaking, participating, and being arrested.

When the people are not listened to by their government, this is, as Chris Hedges points out, what's left (as my Baby Boomer generation well knows.) Here's yesterday's Truthdig column about the nature of war and the protests of Dec 16, 2010 written by Chris Hedges. It does me good to see our younger generations get involved though many more protests and marches will be necessary if people can put down their iPhones long enough to take action and save our country!

So what do I want Santa to bring me this Christmas?

An America who folds her many tents, apologizes from the heart of the American people, and removes her sons and daughters from foreign lands.

You see, my and your America is being used by the power elite as a tool - a military hammer - to forge their Vulcan vision of global domination, aka, the NWO. That's why there's no money for our domestic needs, in spite of what Washington says about their secretive military budget.

Just vs Unjust

The lies leading up to the Bush-Cheney neocon wars and the false flag op (9/11/01) that allegedly justified their illegal invasions are part of the false reality narrative promoted by our remote-controlled government and the media which has created conditions under which no soldier of any nation should be expected to serve and die. We've been here before and it's past time to stop US imperialistic wars - again.

So Happy Holidays, White House. You're a real disappointment.


Note: SO'W's Julian Assange poll has only 10 days left in which to vote and as of today, 101 people have responded! Please vote if you haven't (sidebar, upper right.) Thanks! jc

Dec 19, 2010

The secret background of Julian Assange?

Someone seems to have ferreted out and leaked details on the secret background of WikiLeaks' leaker-in-chief, former hacker, Julian Assange.

I have no idea if the account is true or if any of it has merit so take it as you find it.

Dec 17, 2010

The latest newsletter from Visual Astrology is a stunner.

It contains Bernadette Brady's analysis of Julian Assange's natal chart in relation to fixed star parans (her specialty) which explains Mr. Assange's and WikiLeaks' tendencies to speak in 'a confronting manner, struggle with new or unusual ideas, take a contra argument, be verbally aggressive and a lover of mental challenges,' and to have 'a military mind' while being 'playful with truth and facts' with 'a different way of seeing the world' (different from the false reality the public is constantly force-fed by a complicit media.

Mr. Assange was born with several fixed stars in paran to his chart but difficult Capulus stands out with the tightest orb to natal Saturn 1Gem41: Capulus is a nebula in the Sword of Perseus, the Prince!

Brady's Book of Fixed Stars gives Capulus' keywords as 'male intense passion; rage' which can bring strong feelings and turbulence into the life (Rigor); Robson adds "blindness" to its influence which may be a tradition in archery since nebulae were allegedly used by the Roman army as tests for good eyesight.

Capulus is the male counterpart to difficult Algol (intense female passion; rage) and indicates focused and clear action; hastiness and rash anger should be guarded against for such actions will have far-reaching and possibly negative effects. A picture of ruthlessness appears when the action-oriented energy of Capulus is involved and destruction may be the result.

Linked to Assange's Saturn in Gemini, we see Capulus busily at work that involves mercurial communications with a decidedly Saturnian sense of restriction, delay, and something karmic afoot...Saturn's insistence on realism and truth has come to US governmental communications in a way that vexes the raptors of Washington, a town of secrets best not revealed if one wants to stay in office and keep a grasp on the globalist reins of power.

You know, America's fear-as-national-policy has gotten mighty old around here! In fact, it now sports graying whiskers just like old man Saturn, the senex, who is also our favorite stand-in at this particular season: as Santa Claus who brings rewards - but only for upright behavior!

During this time of our US Saturn Return (Dec 2010 into 2011), we might wistfully pine for our government to own up to its past actions which have not been upright. But even with the golden and karmic opportunity posed by WikiLeaks revelations, we instead get only messenger-shooting from a plutocracy insisting on endless war and US imperialism!

The rest of the newsletter concerns a timely consideration of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 (in the Reagan era), the Mayan Calendar and the collective fear vs hope issues surrounding the year 2012, and the Star of Bethlehem, so I hope that if you haven't, you'll check out the Visual Astrology newsletter for December 2010!

For further reading and video-viewing on such societal topics as WikiLeaks, illegal wars, and the Orwellian-labeled 'War on Terror' you may wish to visit Democracy Now!.

Dec 16, 2010

Assange, Manning, California austerity, and bad Republicans

Breaking News Dec 16, 2010 11:10 am est: Looks like Julian Assange is about to be 'freed' on bail (with conditions) in London, according to Amy Goodman's broadcast on Democracy Now! The possibility is ongoing as I type. 11:19 am: looks like he's a fairly free bird with an ankle bracelet!

Meanwhile, in California, Alex D'Atria has taken a look at new Governor Jerry Brown's austerity budget including an article round-up on California's condition, and American Patriot ponders the enduring legacy of George W. Bush and the threat to our nation posed by the Republican Party.

Two articles follow, one by Salon's Glenn Greenwald, concerning leaker Bradley Manning and the draconian conditions under which he has been kept for seven months, plus, John Pilger writes on a deeper meaning to the WikiLeaks phenomenon:

The Inhumane Conditions of Bradley Manning's Detention

By Glenn Greenwald

Bradley Manning, the 22-year-old U.S. Army Private accused of leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks, has been detained at the U.S. Marine brig in Quantico, Virginia for five months -- and for two months before that in a military jail in Kuwait -- under conditions that constitute cruel and inhumane treatment and, by the standards of many nations, even torture.

John Pilger: Global Support for WikiLeaks is "Rebellion" Against U.S. Militarism, Secrecy

Democracy Now!

Pilger's latest film, The War You Don't See, includes interviews with Assange. Pilger says that WikiLeaks is revolutionizing journalism and galvanizing public opinion to stand up to global elites.


Well, I'm all for standing up to global elites and I think we now know (if there was ever any doubt) whose side they're on (hint: it isn't yours or mine.)

As to the Obama-GOP tax cut extension, it makes the rich richer and the poor poorer and I hope at least a few Washington politicians have the grace to be ashamed.

Dec 15, 2010

Why Michael Moore posted bail for Julian Assange

Allow film maker Michael Moore to explain why he has put up $20,000 as part of the bail for WikiLeaks' Julian Assange.

And journalist John Pilger says that global support for WikiLeaks is a "rebellion" against US militarism and secrecy.
