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Showing posts with label independent media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label independent media. Show all posts

Apr 12, 2019

Did Julian Assange Step Past Journalism? - Thom Hartmann clip

Progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann has worked in the independent media industry for years and here shares his clear view of what's going on with the arrest and indictment of Wikileaks' founder Julian Assange:


You may also wish to check out the Planets Aspecting Assange's Natal Chart on April 11, 2019 morning London, UK (his arrest and evacuation from the Ecuadorian embassy).

Plus, I am inspired to mention that of course Donald Trump now denies that Wikileaks is his "thing" and that he doesn't 'know' Julian Assange in a transparent attempt to distance himself from the situation. This is a predictable reaction from Trump since Assange was captured and, as we learned from the draft dodger himself, Donald Trump doesn't like people who get caught.

Nov 6, 2018

What History Can Tell Us About the Outcome of the Midterm Election - clip

November 6, 2018: Here in a brief segment, Thom Hartmann provides two historical examples (1946/Truman and 1994/Clinton) of how things in Washington have proceeded in the past when a political party wins a majority of seats in the Midterm Elections and takes control of the House but not the Senate:

Support independent media such as Thom's broadcasts at Patreon.

Apr 16, 2018

Homeland Security to Start Tracking Journalists and Bloggers and Monitor Their "Intent"

April 14, 2018: Farron Cousins reports for The Ring of Fire:

Support independent media by visiting the Ring of Fire patreon account!

Also see: Homeland Security to Compile Database of Journalists, Bloggers and Monitor Their "Intent." That's blogs and reporters with a national following. Hmm. Not Stars Over Washington. But I would have thought the Pentagon's 'Total Awareness' mission (TIA) already had gathered such a database. Guess Trump'n'company are demanding more information on resisters and dissenters--and America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition across the Cancer-Capricorn axis of security is always up for such 'Big Brother' shadiness.

So in case you haven't seen one (and while you still can), here's a rather light-on-details post from 2005 which does, however, contain an image of the Horoscope of Homeland Security (November 25, 2002 1:44 pm Washington DC--debuted under the spell of a dramatic, volatile double Fire blend).

Apr 12, 2018

Tucker Carlson Tells Truth About Syria - Crosses Trump

April 12, 2018: here's an excellent needs-to-be-heard segment with Jimmy Dore. If you've never checked out The Jimmy Dore Show--his comedy, news segments, and political commentary before then this segment is a great place to start. And if you're against America blundering into another war (collateral damage, plunder, crime, primal violence, soul sickness, death cults and other evils)--note that this time we're being force fed by John Bolton and others (including media heads like Andrea Mitchell, wife of Ayn-Rander Alan Greenspan, her boyfriend) are guiding a toolish Trump into setting off the powder keg--this time in Syria--as per their long-range plan--watch this!

Good news! The Jimmy Dore Show is now Steeming It!


Now on an astrological note (for timing purposes), a difficult Solar Eclipse will perfect on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 in the 2 New North Saros Series with potential themes of towers and/or lifestyles collapsing, the necessary rebuilding once the dust has settled, and changes of direction (Brady). This causes me to think of 9/11 and false flag ops typically used by governments to emotionally scam a people into fighting and/or supporting a war even while the US Congress won't declare the 'conflict' as one. And actually, the West vs East conflagration is older than the hills and it's proven itself repeatedly to be at basis an endless round of revenge with machiavellian figures hiding behind dark curtains, clutching the reins--wealthy old men who somehow convince young men to fight proxy-style as crusaders and to fight to the death.

But really we felt forebodings, didn't we, when Donald Trump turned out to have royal Regulus rising with his warrior planet Mars in the last degrees of egotistical Leo, sign of the ruler. Yet only if the unforgivable can be forgiven can we prosper. How tragic to feel I must patiently wait for starry Regulus to fulfill its nature and grant its caution toward a man who takes revenge upon others (regularly and often--it's Mr. Trump's nature...Mars-Saturn = Pluto: the death of many people). For Regulus warns that if revenge is taken, all that has been previously achieved will be lost or suddenly taken away, a karmic situation where a man--or a government--must reap what's been sown.

Better the guilty varmint born with Regulus rising with a raging Mars than the innocent.

Midpoint picture of brutality: The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin.

Nov 14, 2017

Abby Martin Exposes Untold History of U.S. Empire

Video: here Jimmy Dore speaks with Abby Martin concerning the American Empire, news media, propaganda, Russia, the RT network, global conspiracy, war criminals walking free, and the false R vs D narrative that you and I have discussed here on SO'W for years:

Video link.

May 23, 2017

Who Is More Corrupt: Trump, Clinton or Obama? Surprising Answer!

Here's a May 23, 2017 segment from Jimmy Dore featuring current political analysis of our corrupt system by Dylan Ratigan who is prone to truth telling so he had to be let go from MSNBC (same for Ed Schultz). But then in March 2017, Mr. Ratigan was hired as a news commentator for The Young Turks Network:

And check out two minutes of Dylan Ratigan explaining why Trump's 100 Days Have A Silver Lining.

Support Independent Media!

And as further scandals break into each day's news cycle, I know you'll keep in mind the Sabian Symbol for Donald Trump's natal Moon (reigning need) @22Sagittarius: "A Chinese Laundry"! And perhaps a Russian laundry, too. Wonder if there are laundromats in Saudi Arabia?