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Oct 6, 2020

January 2021 Lunations and the Testing of America

October 6, 2020: As you know, too much is happening in 2020 to focus fully on year 2021's political and cosmic happenings and conditions but so far there's this: 117th Congress Scheduled to Open January 3, 2021 - depending, of course, on the medical status of DC politicians and their staff members by January. Of course, a virtual Congress may be an option but time will have to tell. So as it now stands, thanks to the superspreader-in-chief, mainly Republicans have been put in danger of the contagion, if Trump contracted the virus at all.

(Perhaps you agree that it's difficult to believe anything a pathological liar says and this one has major political, financial, and personal motivations for everything he says and does, so there we stew. As usual with Trump, nefarious schemes are afoot! And as Trump has said, What you see and hear isn't what's really happening. Yes, we know. That's one reason Astrology is a valuable lens for looking at Politics.)

But on to some basic info concerning the Lunations of January 2021:

January 13, 2021: New Moon @23Cap13 activates all the recent transits to this degree (and 2 or 3 degrees before and after) by Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto including the harsh, calcifying Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 (conjunct Trump's natal Vertex! Hardening of his arteries?). In fact, this New Moon may act in similar fashion to a solar eclipse as some new moons do and may activate the energies within the Saturn-Pluto combination, plus, the lunation may make signifcant contacts with the rest of the January 12, 2020 horoscope and planets. Note that this Capricorn New Moon also opposes US natal Mercury Rx which then ruffles America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition (surveillance, propaganda, mind control, etc, etc). And of course, conditions within our national Mercury-Pluto opposition continue to be activated or revisited as America's Pluto Return perfects three times in 2022.

Sabian Symbol of the January 2021 New Moon rounded up to "24Capricorn": "A Woman Entering a Convent--CONSECRATION: positive expression: the irresistible power of a true inner vision; negative expression: abject surrender to weakness.

The culmination or fulfillment of something begun at the 2021 Capricorn New Moon arrives with the Full Moon of January 28, 2021 @9Leo06 so the Collective goes from the Cancer-Capricorn security axis to the Self-Will axis of Leo-Aquarius. Other realms are involved, of course, but those are the ones I tend to use here on SO'W for mundane charts and political indications. And naturally, since a Full Moon can act similarly to a Lunar Eclipse we can expect the leaking or unveiling of additional secrets, scandals, and/or inconvenient facts around or during the last week of January 2021 into February. Not that we wish for more but criminals always have a lot to hide, doncha think? Their lives depend on keeping secrets. Additionally, this Full Moon conjuncts the natal 12th house (hidden!) Pluto of Trump (10Leo02) and along with his natal Pluto of the Underworld always comes his natal midpoint of death, murder, bodily harm, fury, and destruction: Mars-Saturn = Pluto (Ebertin).

Despite this, the symbol for the January 28th Full Moon is bracing for the Collective for it's "Early Morning Dew"...REJUVENATION!

Even so, considering the lunations which open year 2021, plus, Trump's mishandling of the pandemic and other grievous Republican 'antics' against the American people, I'd say that there will be bright spots in 2021 (ex: 2021 solar eclipses bring less difficult themes) yet we'll continue to be mired within the difficult atmosphere of the cold-hearted, brutal Saturn-Pluto duo (with its 33-to-35-year cycle) into February 2021 and on to the first eclipse of 2021, a Lunar Eclipse @5Sagittarius on May 26, 2021.

May all who are able Stand Tall for the Testing of America continues!


The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Mard Edmund Jones.

Above Image: Phases of the Moon, a pencil drawing by Jude Cowell

1 comment:

Jude Cowell said...


Dear Reader, if you notice the squishiness in the above post (letters too close to image) it appears that the "new" Blogger isn't as spiffy as it thinks it is.

I have been with Blogger for 15 years and am not pleased. Jude