April 25, 2021: Here's a recent debate from the Thom Hartmann broadcast which may be of interest to Americans who believe in balancing the Scales of Justice in America so that fair decisions result:
A Smattering of SCOTUS Astrology
And on the topic of changes or reforms to the US Supreme Court, positive and negative, here's a previous post from October 2020 displaying the 1790 SCOTUS Horoscope (February 1, 1790 '1st Session' NYC; "9:00 am" LMT) surrounded by the DC Horoscope of the weakening Mars-Neptune Conjunction of June 13, 2020 @20Pis56 conjunct SCOTUS 1790's Saturn (20Pis55), the karmic planet representing law and the structure of the US court system.
As you know, US Saturn of 1776 is exalted in Libra (14:48), sign of The Scales of Justice, yet considering the court's current, overly abundant number of 'conservative' Justices and their bald-faced neglect of constitutional precedence (which is not always binding but when appropriate creates Saturnian stability in our legal system), Saturn as established or settled law can be seen under attack by weakening forces in 2020 (and before) but in 2021 going forward, another more inspirational application of Mars-Neptune's combined energies is 'on the table' thanks to efforts by the Biden administration:
help at the right time.
(For more Mars-Neptune details see The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.) #ad
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