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Showing posts with label Mars-Neptune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars-Neptune. Show all posts

Feb 7, 2024

A Villain in History: Jefferson Davis

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Known historically as a villain to many, yet a hero to others, the natal horoscope of Jefferson Davis, former president of The Confederacy (noon horoscope shown), played multiple roles during his lifetime including military leader, congressman, prisoner of war, secessionist from the Union.

Born in Fairview, Kentucky on June 3, 1808 with Sun in mid-Gemini, and Moon in either Virgo or Libra, no definite birth hour is known for Davis, although Penfield has speculated 6:30 am LMT with the tribal sign of Cancer rising and his Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction in Pisces at Midheaven, with Pisces a military sign. 6:30 am is the timing I've chosen to calculate the natal horoscope of Jefferson Davis, shown below.

A Personality Blend Spot-Check for Mr. Davis

Having no known hour of birth for Jefferson Davis, there are two positions of the Moon to consider. On his day of birth, the Sun ranged from 12Gem24 to 13Gem21, while Luna ranged from 28Vir27 to 12Lib47.

An Air-Earth Sun Gemini-Moon Virgo blend of practical idealism suggests 'divine discontent, nervousness, and intellectual aspirations'. The blend's prominent "Image for Integration: Gaugin's Arearea." Meanwhile, a double Air Sun Gemini-Moon Libra blend suggests a fellow of spontaneity, tact, diplomacy, restlessness, and legal and/or political work. Independence as a birthright is a feature of double Air personalities. This blend's prominent "Image for Integration: A shuttle diplomat brings together warring factions." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

Jefferson Davis: 1808--1889

Helpfully, history has recorded the date and hour of Davis' passing so his "death chart" surrounds his natal horoscope in the bi-wheel configuration, as you can see, below, in both marked and unmarked form.

For such a controversial historical figure, naturally there are many books written and video presentations available concerning the life and times of Jefferson Davis, and if you have an hour or so to spare, I recommend one by The People Profiles channel Jefferson Davis - The Civil War and The Confederate States of America.

Bi-Wheel Jefferson F. Davis natal horoscope set for 6:30 am LMT (inner) and his Death Horoscope of December 6, 1889 12:45 am New Orleans, Louisiana (outer); as you see, an emphasis on Air sign Gemini is apparent with his death caused by "bronchitis complicated by malaria" which adds a Mars-Neptune signature of epidemics, infections, and undermined vitality; other biological correspondences (R. Ebertin) are penned on the chart, and Jupiter in Capricorn is Angular within his 6:30 am chart, a common feature at times of death. Also significant to the speculative 6:30 am natal chart is that Davis' "Death PE" (18 North Solar Eclipse @6Can47) manifested upon the 7 Cancer Ascendant with potentials for "illness; overtaxing of strength, and/or obsessive thinking" (B. Brady).

And here is the very same bi-wheel with no study notes penned on at all:

In closing, and in sensibility of our current crop of secessionsts spurred on and funded by foreign and domestic entities determined to topple our country, here's a link to a re-enactment of Abraham Lincoln's famous A House Divided Speech of June 16, 1858, Capitol Building, Springfield, Illinois. For as you know, such division, purposefully engineered, is precisely what America's enemies are counting on.

Nov 25, 2022

Dec 7, 2022 Full Moon Spotlights Infamy

In a Gullible World Morality in War is M.I.A.

by Jude Cowell

Embedded within our country's collective memory is the "date that will live in infamy," as cited by FDR, and known as the Attack on Pearl Harbor carried out just before 8:00 am local time on December 7, 1941 (Honolulu, Hawaii).

Synchronistically, a cosmic time link is in process because December 7, 2022 brings a Full Moon @16Gem02 conjunct 1941 Jupiter Rx @16Gem30; this suggests a link to moral and ethical values yet with 1941 Sun opposing Jupiter, we might suspect that egotistical goals must have muddied the morality of the situation, as war always does. For when a population is 'lied into war', the entire endeavor is marred by deception, fraud, and illusion. Understandably, disillusionment with leaders inevitably follows and We the People lose trust in our government. This we know, for lies have been used against the American people in subsequent years to galvanize the US military into action, among other misguided activities (US 1776 Mars-Neptune square).

In view of this, let's note that a certain conspiracy theory has been proposed through the decades: that the FDR administration knew ahead of time of the 1941 attack but declined to intervene so that the US could "righteously" declare war upon Japan (with Congress necessarily aiding and abetting through an official declaration). If so, FDR's war declaration of December 8, 1941 was not righteous at all, but a mere ruse perpetrated with 1941 Node Node @17Virgo conjunct FDR's natal Uranus Rx rising: reformist politics; radical new ideas; meeting with unusual people.

Also notable in the 1941 Attack Horoscope shown below, is that the Mars-Chiron midpoint (the 'sacred warrior' duo) @15Gem00 conjuncts the goal-oriented Gemini Sun, while the 7:52 am LT Midheaven ('MC'; The Objective) holds the pair of fated questing upon it: Sun-Chiron @14Lib52 - and with US 1775 Saturn @14Lib48 conjunct MC as well. The goal? Roping in Congress for the consolidation and legalization of presidential authority (to wage war).

And of course, Chiron is associated with bombs, wounds, and the atomic power that Harry Truman later used to decimate Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, and which, as the American people are always told, helped end WWII. Now there's a morality issue extraordinaire.

So I wonder: was retaliation for the Attack moral justification to use nuclear power as the ultimate goal of a far-sighted America aided by Nazi scientists brought over to work in the US after WWII (aka, Operation Paperclip), so that the power struggle and grabbing of Germany's weapons secrets had to begin with a delaration of war against Japan? This is a simplistic question, I agree, but on this 'Black Friday' 2022, I'm just typing out loud as Luna waxes toward fulfillment and complete awareness, culminating in mid-Gemini on December 7, 2022, and spotlighting the 81st anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor, a horrific event which occurred under the auspices of a 16 North Solar Eclipse with its themes of Uranus-Neptune-inspired 'illumination' and 'bright ideas' (B. Brady).

Then perhaps a quick look at a bi-wheel of 1941 vs 2022 planets could be instructive regarding the aggressive, expansive United States of America, currently under siege by hostile forces both foreign and domestic. Please enlarge or print the image for better viewing for my notes are penned on the chart including several transits that pop out at me (upper right) although you'll certainly spy more planetary contacts worthy of your consideration:

And if you wish, take a step back in history by listening to the radio broadcast of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivering his "date that will live in infamy" speech to a joint session of Congress and declaring war on Japan (as commemorated by Radios of the Era).

In closing, I shall add a heartfelt R.I.P. to all those who died in the Attack on Pearl Harbor and to those who've lost their lives during America's lied-into wars, including my generation's duplicitous, fog-of-war (US Mars-Neptune square) Vietnam War (horoscope shown in which the "break-up of a value system" unsurprisingly appears).

Jul 14, 2022

A Horoscope for The Pilgrim Fathers

Plymouth Rock; Raime, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

July 14, 2022

Perhaps you've noticed that Wikipedia maintains a page concerning the Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony with quite a bit of basic information, including names of the Separatists, Merchant Adventurers, and other participants of the endeavor. And it's possible to discover one's descendancy from signers of The Mayflower Compact or other passengers by researching their surnames. For that purpose, a handy list is provided by Mayflower Society, for millions of Americans are descendants. Plus, you may also wish to check out's 7 Famous Mayflower Descendants. The list includes a mild sprinkling of US presidents: John Adams, Zachary Taylor, and James Garfield, plus, actor Humphrey Bogart and artist Norman Rockwell.

Why, any American reading this post could be a Pilgrim descendant, too! So if you've yet to discover it, why not investigate whether or not you descend from one or more of the Mayflower Compact Signatories with the famous signing occurring aboard ship on November 11, 1620 while it anchored in Provincetown Harbor.

So below you'll find a Horoscope of the Pilgrim Fathers as published in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes #ad (set for December 21, 1620 6:00 pm LMT Plymouth, Massachusetts, and unaltered by yours truly). None of my study notes are penned on in case you'd like to print a blank copy of the horoscope.

However, I'll add an astro-note or two: With Sagittarius rising (sign of strangers, foreigners, adventurers, explorers, religious folk, and immigrants!), Jupiter in the practical money sign of Taurus rules the chart and the enterprise, and as you see, Jupiter and an undiscovered Pluto (undiscovered then, but you and I know it was there) are closely conjunct @11Taurus23/40. Both are retrograde ('Rx') in the 5th house of Risk-Taking and Gambling, with Jupiter's Rx condition suggesting potential delays of some kind within one or more Jupiterian realms.

And so this power-laden planetary pair hints that the leaders assuming control were plutocrats, financiers, speculators, and organizers accustomed to handling large projects, but with a definite emphasis on powerful religious figures able to express leadership qualities. And with Jupiter-Pluto involvement, there's even a potential for the squandering of resources (which did occur, I've read).

Yet perhaps the enterprise's primary emphasis as shown by this planetary pair is investment in the form of funding from the London stock company which made the venture possible for the Separatists. Meanwhile, sailors, men hired to protect company interests, and the indentured servants who made the perilous journey across the Atlantic are represented by the Mars-Neptune conjunction. And of course, planet Uranus must relate to the very ideas of separatism and a breaking away from the rest - first, from the Church of England, then from the Old World to the New.

Now in closing, a final note: it's beyond the scope of this post, but here may be an idea worth taking up: That the self-righteous Puritan streak of our Pilgrim Fathers rearing up and causing social and political turmoil in America (and expressing within society on one level as the Republicans' implementation of 'handmaidism' of the chained woman) may be lurking within the 1620 Horoscope of the Pilgrim Fathers, perhaps signified in part by Venus in sexy Scorpio opposing the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. We basically saw evidence of current-day (and inherited?) misogyny appearing before our eyes with the recent Alito draft leak of his Supreme Court decision striking down Roe v Wade which included a bizarre citing of a judge from ye olden days of the Salem Witch Trials when women were persecuted, even executed - sometimes in order to rob them of their property.

To which I say, Judge not, lest ye be also judged.

So now you, dear reader, know why I finally got around to publishing A Horoscope for the Pilgrim Fathers.

Jun 19, 2022

America's initial Mars-Pluto Cycle

by Jude Cowell

Recently, we discussed America's initial Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune Cycles. Another significant planetary cycle for our country is the forceful, dynamic Mars-Pluto Cycle, a pair that tends to carry karmic undertones within:

America's Mars-Pluto Cycle, shown above, began with their conjunction on December 24, 1775 @25Cap:35:17 during what were combustible times full of war, brutality, violent assaults, forcible suppression, oppression, subversion, injuries, and death. Yet also in those Revolutionary days, daring and courage were shown by many, along with feats of superhuman strength. Astrologically speaking, when Mars, planet of desire, is the stronger planet within the Mars-Pluto duo, energies tend toward the selfish, greedy, egotistical side but when transpersonal planet Pluto directs the action via highly developed individuals, such base desires are kept under control so that tremendous powers of regeneration are possible and which can actually benefit humanity.

Of course in more modern times, for most Americans it's unsurprising that our nation's Mars-Pluto Cycle in governmental Capricorn, ruled by karmic planet Saturn, directly connects to such things as FDR's Arsenal of Democracy speech and the campaign it announced because weapons of war, the distributing and sales of them, and the implication of protecting the national security of America were and are part of the Pentagon's mission, its reason for existence. 'Spreading Democracy' around the globe is America's typical justification for waging war and carrying out various operations, yet deception and progaganda tend to be necessary in order to hoodwink the American people into supporting and fighting the wars of old men. Motivation is everything, and plundering the resources (and the women) of other lands is a tactic as old as the hills - and unfortunately, the US military has been turned into a gargantuan jobs program which assures warmongers such as private contractors and mercenaries that their gravy trains will continue chugging along the same old crooked tracks.

Now part of it all in relation to the forceful, brutal Mars-Pluto duo, is the fact that US Mars turned retrograde ('Rx') by progression in 2006 - once in multi-tasking Gemini in 1776 and ready for action, then through the years Mars symbolically progressed through Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and into Libra, thereby activating concerns over the moral weaknesses of others. This condition has led to inwardly turned energies and aggression (exs: mass shootings; police violence against non-violent citizens; police officers assaulted on Jan 6th; US soldiers disabled in war, misogyny, pedophilia, hypocrisy, underhanded behavior, anti-social activities such as Klan marches, online relationships instead of real world ones, and more). Obviously, such a Rx condition is frustrating for activist Mars (aka, 'the shooter', 'the assassin', 'the arsonist'), for Mars is the planet that embodies the concept of energetic forward movement. Why, activism is his jam!

Powerful If Invisible Pluto the Plutocrat

Meanwhile, US Pluto was already Rx in 1776 (pulling strings from abroad?) but with the ongoing US Pluto Return all through 2022, powerful plutonian energies are activated in a titanic way, and, thanks to our Mercury-Pluto opposition of 1776, surveillance and the power of secret knowledge are even more prominent in society, with America's 1776 Mercury being opposed once again (in 'real time') by transit Pluto. This transit provides us with an intense, troubled, transitional period of chaos, disruption, and turmoil when investigation, research, secret information, disinformation, and power-seeking are top of the national menu. And this, just as America's structures, systems, traditions, and social fabric are under extreme duress thanks to entities both foreign and domestic. As you've noticed, America as a 'failed state' is the primary goal of saboteurs and it long has been.

Then to make matters more complex, confusing, eroding, and subversive, transit Neptune in Pisces has chimed in by opposing US 1776 Neptune in Virgo with its persecution vibes and a global clash of ideals and beliefs - and that, across the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis, with the exploitation of the masses via the utilization of corruption and fraud an ongoing issue for our country, and across the world.

Karma: A Natural Law of Consequences That Even America Can't Evade Forever

Admittedly yes, as a descendant of CSA soldiers, my belief is that promoters of a new version of the old Confederacy now play an integral role in the current campaign to sabotage our federal government, and to divide and conqueror the American people just as such hidden forces did in the mid-1800s (hint: international banking houses and war profiteers, the corporatists of their day). Meanwhile, malevolent, opportunistic operatives have had their own selfish motives for enabling the splitting of America into factions, grudge-filled hatred being one of them, then and now. How very 'Mars-Pluto' of them.

Old Man Capricorn = Government, Law, and Business

Now my suspicion is that everyone following political events through the venerable lens of Astrology knows that the 21-to-30-degree range of Capricorn is highly sensitized these days, not the least of which is due to the harsh, compressive Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020. Recommended is a 'noon' Horoscope of The Confederacy 1861 where you'll find a cooperative Venus-North-Node conjunction @23Capricorn of 'like-minded individuals'. Plus, here's a link to the Confederate Constitution Horoscope of March 11, 1861 with its North Node @21Cap02 - 'hit' by the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (with NN: 'misery of the masses' - R. Ebertin). Note that the post contains a link to the text of the 1861 document as provided by the Avalon Project. It's a fanciful relic that today's saboteurs are determined to re-animate.

So as you know, eclipse cycles and historical cycles can be compared for they relate to one another in ways that I often refer to as 'cosmic time links'. Therefore, when comparing earthly events with the cosmic occurrences which reflect them during certain periods of history (and considering that "1776" was one of the code words during the January 6, 2021 coup attempt still ongoing), a Timeline of the Revolutionary War might just come in handy.

And as Thom Hartmann always reminds us, "Democracy is not a spectator sport - get out there and get active!"

Mar 26, 2022

Clarence Thomas: Natal Chart w March 18, 2022 Transits

by Jude Cowell

March 26, 2022

As you've undoubtedly heard, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been released from Sibley Memorial Hospital as of Friday March 25, 2022 after a week's stay. Justice Thomas was reportedly admitted on Friday March 18th with "flu-like symptoms" and treated for "an infection". With his natal horoscope accurately timed (RR: AA), we can point out that his natal Mars-Neptune midpoint (infections; illness; weakness; toxins) was spotlighted, and perhaps revealed or uncovered - by the March 18th Full Moon @27Vir40 and its opposing Sun (@27Pis40 with contagious Neptune @23Pis03) And of course, that's Virgo, sign of Health; meanwhile, midpoint pictures were formed by transit to natal as you can see in the bi-wheel, below:

Inner chart: Clarence Thomas natal June 23, 1948 9:00 pm est Pin Point, Georgia; Hour of Venus; chart-ruler Saturn makes no applying aspects but Jupiter Rx in his own sign aids Thomas's legal career and financial endeavors by trining natal Saturn (3A27) from 11th house of Groups and Associations (those who helped seat him on the SCOTUS bench: friends in high places, as they say) to his 7th house of Partnerships. Now as you know, 1948 still contained the harsh Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of August 11, 1947 (13Leo07) but their stark energies had begun to wane by the time baby Clarence appeared on the scene, but were still of influence upon the little tyke.

Then, for his 'ruthless determination toward success' (aka, 'success at any cost') we find radical Uranus @26Gem41 (conjunct Ceres, archetype of the democracy he and wife Ginni would destroy!) leading a LOCOMOTIVE shape of his natal planets. His first-house out-of-bounds Moon @1AQ23 links to erratic Uranus via Aquarius so there's something in his childhood that has spurred him on. Emotional emptiness bwo of a distant mother, and privation are my guesses, how about yours? This implies that his serious demeanor could be from more than the Saturn-Pluto duo's influence, plus, his having sober Saturn as chart-ruler of his Ascendant. In 1948, social conditions in 'Pin Point' (!) could not have been easy.

Current Transits to Natal Horoscope

Lower right you see a list of current transits and here are a few potentials they may inspire:

Jupiter opposing Mars: a period when physical actions are delayed or interrupted, including legal activities; enterprises on a grand scale can collapse under their own weight.

Saturn opposing Saturn: regret for past actions; correcting mistakes is called for; authority is challenged (recuse! resign! some shout); authenticity may be questioned.

Venus opposing Pluto: underhanded manipulation, cutthroat competition; shameless exploitation; vicious gossip; power struggles; jealousy, revenge; obsession; connections to organized crime may be uncovered, along with financial deceptions. (Note that Full Moons can behave much as Uranian Lunar Eclipses by disruptively revealing inconvenient facts and/or unsavory relationships; also note that transits to Thomas's natal chart are also highly significant for his wife.)

Mars will oppose natal Pluto, then natal Saturn on or about March 24 and April 1, 2022 which suggests a period when manipulative actions are a waste of time, and arousing the antagonism of others only makes conditions worse; things should be kept at status quo and hostile confrontations avoided, if possible; attempting to impose authority creates anger and resentment, and adherence to rules and regulations is a must because taking shortcuts will bring unfavorable results; delays or cancellations should be expected; guard the health of bones, teeth, and/or chronic conditions, plus, be cautious because accidents and injuries are possible.

Now disruptive Uranus @12Tau13 not only knocks on Thomas's 4th house door of domestic scene, but its erratic influences can also boomerang into the opposing house, the 10th house of Career and Public Status. Whether the current scandal/s will lead to a resignation or other change of direction, we must wait and see, but electric Uranus, aka, The Witness, has the capacity to catalyze major changes and reforms. Here we see Uranus 'meeting' Thomas's natal North Node of encounters and future direction and the pair suggests 'meeting with unusual people' (doctors or surgeons? others?) plus, his and his wife's connections to Tr*mp's 1/6 coup attempt may be what's indicated here. After all, Uranus-NN is known for its links to radical political associations and reformers, anarchy, zealotry, and revolution. Meanwhile, his South-Node-Conjunct-Midheaven contains the potential for a thwarted career especially if Saturnian demands have been mishandled or neglected (10th house is Capricorn's natural house), but the conjunction can also provide a strong capacity for hard work.

March 2022: Two Significant Midpoint Pictures

Now as you know, the Moon in Astrology indicates the physical body on one level (Mama, family, women on other levels; We The People and the public in a Mundane Chart), and the physicality applies to male personages as well, so therefore, health is part of the lunar picture. In the bi-wheel we find that in his natal first house are transit Mars and Pluto, a powerful duo, and their midpoint forms a picture with Thomas's Moon with potentials for publicity, injury or even an attack. Then in his natal 8th house, the Full Moon (and Sun opposite) are by degrees wedged between his natal Mars and Neptune which suggests the infection that's been reported, plus, weakness and/or illness (R. Ebertin).

Two Solar Eclipses of Note - One Conjunct Midas in Taurus!

Finally, you see his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @18Tau22 penned in the center of the chart with its difficult 4 North themes of 'restraint, restriction, illusions, misjudgments'. Then on October 2, 2024, the (unaspected = self-absorbed in his private inner world) Neptune of Clarence Thomas will be spotlighted, perhaps revealed, by a Solar Eclipse @10Lib03 manifesting in the 8 South Saros Series with themes of: 'separation; loss; sad partings; overstraining one's strength; best to avoid strenuous physical activity until the influences pass' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Thanks to gaslighting Neptune, facts will continue to be difficult to discover but rather easy to veil. Yet the search must go on and indictments must be filed! However, impeaching a SCOTUS justice may be one of those squishy endeavors that Neptune prefers to erode and undermine into oblivion - 'as if it never happened'.

And we know that on political and legal levels, this particular manifestation of an 8 South Eclipse happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Election 2024 and of Inauguration 2025, meaning that the two political events take place under the 'wild card' influences of an 8 South Eclipse in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of relationships and of the Scales of Justice. This cosmic circumstance calls for fairplay and cooperation in order for karmic progress to be made.

Okay there's more, dear reader, lots more, and I hope you'll seek it out. I don't usually type on weekends anymore unless compelled by circumstances or events, but the current conditions surrounding the Supreme Court and its now-questionable integrity (thanks in part to Clarence and Ginni) had gotten on my nerves and as an American with a decided preference for democracy, a sleuthing into current transits to his natals simply had to be done.

And as always, your on-topic insights are invited! jc

Apr 25, 2021

The Real Court-Packing Debate Disclosed (Thom vs John Vecchione); plus, Mars-Neptune

April 25, 2021: Here's a recent debate from the Thom Hartmann broadcast which may be of interest to Americans who believe in balancing the Scales of Justice in America so that fair decisions result:

A Smattering of SCOTUS Astrology

And on the topic of changes or reforms to the US Supreme Court, positive and negative, here's a previous post from October 2020 displaying the 1790 SCOTUS Horoscope (February 1, 1790 '1st Session' NYC; "9:00 am" LMT) surrounded by the DC Horoscope of the weakening Mars-Neptune Conjunction of June 13, 2020 @20Pis56 conjunct SCOTUS 1790's Saturn (20Pis55), the karmic planet representing law and the structure of the US court system.

As you know, US Saturn of 1776 is exalted in Libra (14:48), sign of The Scales of Justice, yet considering the court's current, overly abundant number of 'conservative' Justices and their bald-faced neglect of constitutional precedence (which is not always binding but when appropriate creates Saturnian stability in our legal system), Saturn as established or settled law can be seen under attack by weakening forces in 2020 (and before) but in 2021 going forward, another more inspirational application of Mars-Neptune's combined energies is 'on the table' thanks to efforts by the Biden administration:

help at the right time.


(For more Mars-Neptune details see The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.) #ad

Apr 6, 2021

US Mars Return: early April 2021

April 6, 2021: No matter which of multiple US Horoscopes I check, our US Mars Return (19 - 23 Gemini) occurs this very week. And with each Mars Return to natal degree perfecting within a day or two of one another, the same applying aspects in each horoscope are formed by Mars: square Neptune in Pisces, then trine Jupiter in Aquarius.

Of course, the first aspect echoes America's 1776 Mars-Neptune square which emphasizes its potentials and suggests our current pandemic conditions, among other things. According to Alan Oken, the energies within a Mars-Neptune square are "quite difficult to handle" and are often "self-destructive" as well as "cruel." Apparently "strange" impulses may be entertained and need controlling, and of course, if you've read SO'W before you may remember that I often give this square "misdirected or confused motivations" and "fog of war" labels.

Additionally, missed targets are suggested as well as a welcomed potential for inspired actions. Yet naturally when Neptune is involved so is the Collective Unconscious (the primary reason the square's energies are 'difficult to handle'); meanwhile, Oken gives the Mars-Neptune square the title, The Obessive Impulse." Plus, we know that US Mars in Mercury-ruled Gemini can be restless, quarrelsome, ready for action, versatile, duplicitous, witty, sharply critical, and have a tendency to scatter its energies - and Mars is the planet of energy as our Mars Return begins a new two-year cycle of activity. So for the next two years (approximately), US natal Mars will carry the energies of the square to Neptune in Pisces (as opposed to our 1776 square to Neptune in Virgo, a Neptune-opposing-Neptune transit - a time of racial and religious persecution, and a generational clash of ideals vs ideals. Then to these difficulties we must add the Mars-Neptune tendency toward contagion and infection for we deal with them every day. Double Neptune influences with our national Mars suggests a deep need for prayer and/or meditation concerning our actions and motivations on a personal level as well as in government.

Then on a brighter note, we have the Mars-Jupiter trine suggesting a parallel period of improvement when risk-taking is likely to pay off and many areas of life receive favorable outcomes including the political, legal, and social realms. Even civil government can prosper under a Mars-Jupiter trine and most Americans are more than ready for major improvements as fortunate decisions are made by capable organizers. Yet propaganda remains a problem under Mars-Jupiter vibes even as successful solutions are found. Current sore-loser activities of a violent nature along with the tendency to blame the wrong culprits may be ascribed to Mars-Neptune blockages and frustrations of the square.

Therefore, this brand new US Mars Return period will contain a typical blend of positive and negative conditions and events and although it's necessary to add other planetary factors for a fuller view of the period, I hope this partial picture of Life in America over the next two years may be of some use to you, dear reader, as you plan ahead.

Above Image: a View of Mars from Hubble; NASA

Dec 12, 2020

SCOTUS Rejects Texas Lawsuit To Overturn Election - Thom Hartmann

From December 11, 2020 here's a segment from the Thom Hartmann broadcast concerning some really interesting SCOTUS news that's enough to make Herr Spanky Trump pout:


Say, remember in June 2020 when a Mars-Neptune conjunction affected the natal (1790) Saturn of the US Supreme Court? (SCOTUS 1790 horoscope shown.)

Jun 12, 2020

June 25, 2020 Venus Direct: Trying to Save What's Left

DC Horoscope: June 25, 2020 Venus Rx Station Turns Direct @5Gem20:11 first moment at 2:48:01 am edt Washington DC; Hour of Venus, Rising in 1st House and Chart-Ruler with No Applying Aspects:

With this chart's Angles conjunct those of modern US Inauguration Horoscopes the significance of the June 2020 Venus Direct Horoscope is multiplied particularly in relation to the US, to Washington DC, the White House, and to The National Treasury for there are multiple financial indicators such as 9th house Pluto leading a Locomotive (a high-powered executive ruthlessly determined on success). Of course, wealthy manipulator Pluto conjoins Jupiter, the banker/politician/pastor/guru/The General/CEO planet, and, having crossed US Inauguration 2017's Midheaven ('MC': The Goal), transit Saturn Rx, planet of law and order, conjoins US Inaugural Sun @00AQ26/49. The first such conjunction occurred on April 3rd, the second of three exact conjunctions perfected on June 18, 2020, and the final Saturn-to-Sun (POTUS) conjunction arrives December 24, 2020 suggesting that 2020 is a period when responsibilities and consequences of past actions and decisions must be faced; it is a time of isolation for Donald Trump, political and professional, as well as physical. Yes, restriction, restraint, constraint, accountability, and maturity are demanded by lesson-bringer Saturn but with Trump's massive ego (Sun) and self-serving mindset, what are the chances he'll step up?

Besides, we know that Trump will not take Adam Schiff's recent advice and stay snugged within the White House bunker until the 2020 Election, thus causing no more harm! But perhaps ongoing lawsuits involving Trump's finances will cycle up and the miracle of holding criminals accountable for their crimes will be addressed and adjudicated by the legal system and/or lawmakers, both realms of legal-eagle Saturn.

Jupiter-Pluto and Jupiter-Saturn 2020

So as you see, the three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 are in progress: exact on April 5, June 30, and November 12 in the degree range of 22-25 Capricorn, a highly sensitized and activated Zodiacal zone of late which emphasizes governmental, power/authority, legal, and investment issues in particular. Note the strongly influential midpoint picture penned on--Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter with potentials for "trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; and/or trying to save what's left" (Tyl). At 2017 Inaugural MC and this chart's MC (where US natal Pluto is enthroned since January 20, 1937), scandals, loss, and mourning are visible for the whole world to see during this time frame of America's fated, karmic struggle as We The People endure the loss of our nation's global status and reputation. And as you know, America and the world are in an old order vs new order phase which officially begins at Winter Solstice 2020 with the Great Conjunction of societal planets *Jupiter and Saturn. Washington DC Politics are front and center for us because the conjunction perfects upon US Presidential Sun, as noted. (For a few potential expressions, see their midpoint picture, below.) Perhaps you've thought or heard some politician or pundit remark about a 'new day' or a 'new world' - actually, there's 'a new vision fighting to be understood' (old Saturn + new Uranus = visionary Neptune) as the digital world is taking over society more than ever before.

Qs: Does the heavyweight trio at MC depict a destructive blend of the ruling class adopting additional austerity measures to oppress We The People while gifting themselves and their corporate pals and enablers with even more funds and tax breaks they don't need? As I've fussed on SO'W for years, bankrupting the United States is a primary goal of foreign and domestic zealots working toward anarchy and America's collapse (as did the Soviet Union in 1991: revenge). So does Pluto in Capricorn ('the dictator' placement--Ebertin) represent more than figurehead mobster Trump but also sorehead Putin in league with China? That's for you to decide, dear reader. I know what I think. But what do you think? As always, your on-topic comments are much appreciated (and are moderated for spam!)

Sun @4Cancer-Moon @24Leo

Now with Sun and Moon in mutual reception, some amount of friendliness is shown here between leadership (Sun) and the public (Moon), but not necessarily toward or from Trump. Note that Luna in dramatic Leo is about to conjoin Trump's natal Mars, then his Ascendant, and may trigger the Moon-Mars opposition that exists between cantankerous Trump (Mars rising) and the American people (Moon) so the friendliness could refer to his nibs but also to leaders other than his nibs. Another potentials is that friendliness is not felt by or toward everyone. Actually, when it comes to Trump, anger at being assaulted from or by the Oval Office (ruled by Venus!) is more like it for a majority of us. For his assaults are ongoing and are part of a larger plan. Plus, penned in the center of the chart is a midpoint picture of US natal Venus-Jupiter = transit Sun @4Cancer: "foreign raids on the treasury" (M. Munkasey).

As for June 25th's cosmic weather, a peek at its steamy, volatile Fire-Water Sun Cancer-Moon Leo blend of conscious-unconscious energies reveals tendencies toward clannishness, pride, and deep feelings. Zealotry and even jealousy may also be part of the cosmic picture (with Venus turning vicious and venal if scorned). The Sun is posited in a money house (2nd) with the fluctuating Moon in the 5th house of Speculation and Gambling - dramatic Leo's natural house - so we may be looking at another financial indicator with this blend's business shrewdness, plus, a devotion to family or clan. Showy Leo wants to risk and play while business-oriented Cancer tends to be more cautious, hiding in its emotional shell like a crab (like a bunker boy?). Moodiness, rejection of all criticism, and a need to 'rule the roost' are possible results of this combination. Yet another chart factor is that the Moon is unaspected (Ptolemaically speaking) which suggests an alienated, isolated, and/or estranged populace. Personally, I resemble that remark. Don't we all these days?

Matters of Health and Funding

Now as you see, other indications can be located within the horoscope which relate to health issues (inconjuncts, sesquisquares, and a semisquare) and infections (Mars-Neptune in watery Pisces, the duo fresh from their June 13th conjunction @20Pis59). Plus, we find disruption of family life, separations, isolation, and turmoil in society (see Uranus in Taurus opposing Inaugural 2017 Moon in Scorpio penned on). Yet with Venus rising and acting as chart-ruler (in greedy Taurus but in duplicitous Gemini - and also ruling 6th house) added to the prominent Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn trio at MC, the US is, as we know, experiencing a period of financial turmoil with Venus connected to currency, expenditures, luxury (or its lack), extravagance, smaller amounts of money, (diplomacy, relationships). As you see, her sign of Libra (balance!) is intercepted (karmic dealings which echoes the karmic trio at MC) in the 6th house of Health, Daily Rounds, Civil, Military, and Police Service. And as you know, the current Venus retrograde ('Rx') period (since May 13th @21Gem50) has spotlighted all these matters along with actions and non-actions of the US Congress which allegedly continues to control America's "purse strings".

However, we know that transit Venus won't reach and surpass her own shadow (where she turned Rx) until the last week of July so we'll see how financial and other societal conditions begin to alter once Lady Venus is again 'in the light' astrologically and heads toward her prominent role in the November 2020 Election/s. Meanwhile, funding and/or defunding of police departments turns up here as well, although for me, the word "re-allocation" of funds seems a more rational choice rather than allowing a lawless society to result as zealous Utopians and saboteurs would prefer. In addition, America's extravagant military funding is again being mentioned recently thanks to the ongoing protests against the death-by-police of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN on May 25, 2020. Military and police funding and budgets are issues that bring Congress into this Venusian picture as America continues to borrow from China to keep our illusion of solvency going. Or should we include on our list of creditors one or more of the Middle Eastern regimes? America indebted to foreign actors: just what the Founding Fathers feared!

And of course, Trump's tangled finances and 'hidden' alliances have only made our nation's circumstances less transparent and unsustainable - and, sad to say, replete with paranoia and dread. He seems to be an extremely blackmail-able guy who'll do anything for money and power, no matter what it costs the American people.

Donald Trump is, in fact, too expensive to keep.

*December 21, 2020: transit Jupiter-Saturn = (Presidential/POTUS) Sun: "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things (Tyl).

For more cosmic blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Jun 6, 2020

June 13, 2020: SCOTUS Saturn under scrutiny

by Jude Cowell

June 6, 2020: Since June 2020 is a significant month for Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decisions within the coronavirus contagion time frame let's took a look at the founding Horoscope for SCOTUS (February 1, 1790 9:00 am LMT NYC is the chart I use) and an unpleasant discovery: that the June 13, 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction lands directly upon the natal Saturn of the highest Court in the nation. Checking other significant US charts against Mars-Neptune @20Pis56, I found no other horoscope that resonated as closely with the conjunction except for the SCOTUS horoscope (1 minute orb). This doesn't meanthat there aren't any, it means that of the ones in my files I found none and this includes the Federal City Horoscope of April 21, 1791!

Naturally, everyone knows that realistic Saturn in Mundane Astrology is associated with law, attorneys, judges, courts, legal systems, lawmakers, government, business, and such along with the status quo and The Establishment. Time, tradition, standards, regulations, structures, limits, restriction, authority, authenticity, accountability, consolidation, seniors, managers, isolation, concentration, hard work, failure, and loss also come under karmic Saturn's rather wide umbrella. Yet in watery Pisces, solid Saturn can have a difficult time since his placement there reveals a karmic planet in a karmic sign so obviously the correct channeling of Saturnine energies can make or break an institution or an individual. For as you know, Saturn demands much but will (eventually!) reward those who follow his precepts in a responsible way. And with America's natal Saturn (1776) in Libra where Saturn is exalted (expresses best), we've come to expect that SCOTUS will carry out its traditional duties in the most admirable way possible - not always a realistic expectation, but it is always to be hoped, even in these trying times.

So with the June 13, 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction coming its way, the 1790 Horoscope of SCOTUS is pictured below with the Mars-Neptune Conjunction Horoscope snugged around it in bi-wheel form. The Mars-Neptune-to-Saturn transit is highlighted in green and red while the Moon (red) simultaneously conjoins SCOTUS' natal Venus, as you can see:

Yes, too many scribbles are squished upon the chart/s (mea culpa!) but hopefully you can enlarge the image to read them if you wish. Upper right contains a few of the potentials of the midpoint picture Mars-Neptune = Saturn but I'll also type them here for you: unfortunate consequences due to a weak will; being taken advantage of; perseverance; instability - and there's a bit more that couldn't be squished in such as: misdirected energy; feelings of inferiority; lasting weakness or illness; blocking of anger toward people who avoid reality (by intimidation, threats, blackmail?); frustrations encountered when punishing those who deceive others; pessimism over arguments received from clerics; reticence; a sense of futility. And to 'perseverance' add, in spite of fear.

(Tyl; Ebertin: Munkasey).

Confusion, deceit, and/or some type of paralyzed activity may also be notable around the time of the blending of these energies particularly since America's problematic Mars-Neptune square may be involved with the Court's cases, people, and/or decisions. That's US natal Neptune @22Vir23 conjunct Descendant and US natal Mars in 3rd house near the Sun-Chiron conjunction which suggests a focus on dealing with moral and ethical principles and receiving acclaim for it.

Meanwhile, transit Mars to natal Saturn suggests careful planning, organization, and perhaps some type of delay, while transit Neptune to natal Saturn suggests potentials for either idealistic or misguided authority figures, eroding traditions or systems, and/or a new approach to handling authority.

In addition, the astrological archetype for Justice, asteroid Astraea, is found on June 18th conjunct the SCOTUS Mars-Jupiter Conjunction in late Leo - and therefore conjunct the natal Mars of Donald Trump (Mars = action, energy, motivation). For SCOTUS' natal Astraea look to mid-Capricorn and the 1790 chart's 11th cusp.

Neglected notes not penned on the June 18, 2020 chart include: Hour: Sun; Sun-Moon: 3rd quarter +273:35 = crisis in consciousness: and hidden manipulator Pluto Rx in Capricorn leads a BOWL shape of the planets, and he's bossily tilted toward success no matter the cost.

Now the Mars-Neptune Conjunction perfects on a Saturday (Saturn's day!) but note that on the SCOTUS calendar Opinion Issuance Days in June (Mondays) include June 15th, a mere two days after the Conjunction so we'll see what transpires and which cases and topics the Justices address. And if they appear to be acting independently of outside influences.

Jun 5, 2020

June 18, 2020: Inauguration 2017's Mars Return

Mars Return 2020 Signals a New Cycle of Activity for the US Presidency

by Jude Cowell

June 5, 2020: In the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope (January 20, 2017 12:00 pm est Capitol Building Washington DC) activist planet Mars @24Pis21 in 11th house of Groups, Alliances, Hopes and Wishes, appears in a line-up in Pisces with Chiron (21:48), Venus (17:44), and Neptune (10:16). All four are in direct motion and in the 11th house.

So in consideration of recent turbulent events which involve Mars (peaceful - Pisces - activism - Mars - and the strong-armed quelling of it - Mars - one way by using Neptunian tear gas) the following Mars Return Horoscope may be of interest to the curious reader. Please enlarge the image if you wish to to read my study notes penned on the chart for there's ony a little text typed into this post (yours truly is in need of a weekend break!) but there are quite a few tidbits you may wish to consider. Not penned on the chart: rubber bullets, another apt description of a Pisces Mars along with some police officers (Mars) taking a knee while others oppress American citizens who exercise their right to free speech (US Mars Rx by progression):

Image: June 18, 2020 7:22:38 pm edt Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Mercury at Station and conjunct Sirius (the scorcher) and US natal Sun (1776). Note that Saturn Rx @00AQ48 continues its conjunction to US Inaugural Sun (@00AS49, lower left). Also see Sabian Symbols for Mars and Neptune, lower right.

Actually June 18, 2020 is a significant day for more cosmic reasons than one so you may wish to see or review June 2020 Transits to the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope, plus, there's June and July 2020: A Cosmic Sandwich of Eclipses - starting today at 3:13 pm edt! - and Crisis and the June 2020 Solar Eclipse at Summer Solstice.

Above image: Mars (NASA/Hubble)

Apr 14, 2020

Horoscope 1776: Washington Crossing the Delaware

Washington Crossing the Delaware; Emanuel Leutze 1851 [Public domain]

As a mere "armchair genealogist" nothing I discover online through the research of others is for 100% certain yet some information I find does seem to be genuine. One such is my ancestor Francis Power of Maryland (born February 21, 1756) who is known to have signed up to serve in the Revolutionary War with the Marblehead Mariners under Colonel John Glover. And as you probably know, the Marblehead Mariners were the regiment that ferried the Continental Army, its artillery, horses, and General George Washington across the Delaware River that stormy night of rain, sleet, snow, and ice, a legendary event which is famously depicted in the painting, above.

On a genealogical note, my ancestor Francis Power would have been 20 years old on that difficult night and headed for age 21 on February 21, 1777. So where is young Francis Power in the Crossing Horoscope shown below? Three links pop out: his natal North Node @11Virgo conjuncts the Crossing's IC (12Vir20), the Basis or Foundation of the Matter, his natal Mars in early Cancer rises at sunset (Mars the warrior), and his natal Uranus in mid-Pisces conjuncts the Midheaven/'MC' (12Pis20). Naturally, both Cancer and Pisces are Water signs. And as you know, the Mars-Uranus duo suggests potentials for: 'a sudden application of force, unusual achievements through an extraordinary power of effort, passing a test of nerves, a struggle for survival, violent people, revolutionaries, fighters for freedom, and/or 'danger or peril which has fortunately passed' (Ebertin). Whew!

Well, I suspect that astrologically, Mars-Uranus describes Washington Crossing the Delaware - and the American Revolution - as well as anything else could do. But for 'Francis the Mariner' I'll add the 4th house Mars-Neptune combo as well for its 'people associated with water or navigation' description, plus, the fog of war. Plus, the fact that the two planets are in different signs (Neptune in Virgo, Mars in Libra--conjunct Hopi, asteroid of ambush and intolerance) is revealing and probably relates to the fact that some of the Marblehead Mariners were African-American, some Native American, and thus they were disapproved of or criticized (Virgo) by certain parties. My feeling is that they successfully did the job at hand so kudos all around!

Yet ferrying General Washington was not Mr. Power's only military service for he also fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill (aka, Breed's Hill because it actually was) according to my genealogy research, and apparently fought in the naval War of 1812. One clue concerning the reliability of his military service record is that he received land after the War in Georgia, my home state. And there is where his line descends through a few generations to yours truly, born in Athens, Georgia.

So! Below you see a messily marked up Horoscope of George Washington Crossing the Delaware. Word is, they began the crossing at "about sunset" so the horoscope is set symbolically for sunset 4:35:06 pm LMT with the previous night's Full Moon (@3Can55 8:06 pm LMT) rising. However, the light of the waning Full Moon may not have been much help for their activities considering the tremendous blizzard (veiling their efforts from the enemy!) that they had to slog through in order to avoid the river's chunks of ice, to land and unload heavy equipment, ambush their opponents, the Hessian soldiers encamped at Trenton, and, exhausted, to fight and win the Battle of Trenton, a victory that invigorated the Patriot cause, Hallelujah!:

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish. You'll see a protective Air Grand Trine (Venus-Mars-Uranus) which suggests a closed circuit of people with intellect, idealism, and planning ability while T-Squares add dynamic energies to the event (see them listed, lower right).

Eclipse-wise, the Crossing falls into the 13 North Saros Series (see its theme, lower left) which is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series ('PE') of the American Revolution of which this crucial Crossing event is a part. Occurring August 14, 1776 @21Leo52, I consider 13 North to be the true PE of America because the final signing of the Declaration of Independence on August 2 fell within 13 North's influence (signing was within two weeks of the eclipse). Its theme tells the American tale!

And yet, dear reader, you're welcomed to disagree but there it is!

Astro-Note: almost 23 years after the night depicted above, George Washington succumbed to a painful throat infection which was probably made more deadly by a recurrence of an earlier disease - all together a Mars-Neptune affair. We should note, however, that as far as the Astrology of battles go, Jupiter the General @22Cancer is retrograde (Rx) which is not a favorable condition for the attacking forces. My thought is that perhaps General Washington's natal Jupiter being retrograde had some say in the matter because he was accustomed to Jupiter Rx energies of carefully taking his own moral code into consideration while, in this case, performing as a hero with a social conscience, a strong sense of justice, and a deep desire to avoid negative reprisals. So as it turned out, with the excellent teamwork and cooperation of Washington's troops and officers, it was the Hessian General Rall for whom the Crossing and the Battle of Trenton resulted in an unfavorable outcome.

Mar 26, 2020

Covid-19 and an Eclipse: "a peculiar turn of events"

March 26, 2020: With the ongoing pandemic in full effect and the isolation and sequestration of people undermining national economies across the globe while stressing out people's health, plus, their personal and work lives, I'm adding here a link to my August 13, 2011 SO'W post of the sinister 14 North Sequestration Eclipse Horoscope (14N: "a peculiar turn of events"; unexpected financial events'--Brady) which perfected on November 25, 2011 @2Sag36--the era of the scam-prone "Super Congress" formed to enforce austerity measures, as I think you remember. Now the post is fairly long and involved so you may wish to skip the text but check out the eclipse horoscope shown twice--in a reasonably unmarked version and another image with my usual scribbled notes.

Also see Zach Carter's Senate Democrats Are Handing Trump the Keys to the Country via the outrageous Stimulus Bill about to be voted on by the House on Friday March 27, 2020 with the vote set for 2:00 pm est, last I heard. You'll recognize shades of the GOP 'tax cut for the rich' corporate welfare bill passed in December 2017, happily signed by plutocrat Trump, "the king of debt." Yes, the 2020 stimulus money may boost our economy to some degree (with $1,200!!?) with more relief packages to follow via Congress but it also has the ability to bankrupt the country as Republicans and their enablers have planned for decades. This is working perfectly for Trump will be the one to provide "oversight" of the money! "Oversight" by a deadbeat con man--what could possibly go wrong? Probably something like withholding stimulus funds from states that don't back him for re-election in 2020, imho.

As for the current Covid-19 pandemic, it's interesting in hindsight that US natal Neptune (23Virgo) rises in the DC 2011 eclipse chart and US natal Mars (22Gemini) conjoins the chart's Midheaven, the Goal Point of any horoscope. This spotlights America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misguided motivations and actions as well as reflecting the Mars-Neptune duo as a marker for infection and illness. Of course, no one in the public knew in 2011 to expect the current widespread contagion and its ability to ruin lives and finances but here we are 9 years later with "a peculiar turn of events" that includes illness, death, and potential bankruptcy.

Current circumstances are made worse, as noted in a previous post or two, by Trump's natal midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = (12th house) Pluto: 'death of many people; murder; bodily harm; intervention of a Higher Power'(Ebertin).

For as you know, Mars-Saturn is, among other things, the 'death axis' - and here I shall add something that I've shied away from posting before, something that fixed star users are most likely familiar with already: Trump's natal Midheaven (25Taurus) sports enraged Algol upon it--and in Chinese Astrology the keyphrase for vicious Algol (Tseih She) is "piled up corpses." Just sayin'. And only those not keeping up with coronavirus news can miss the aptness of Algol's message when translated from the Chinese. For in NYC, a makeshift morgue has been set up after 88 people died in one day.

But back to the 14N Sequestration Eclipse Horoscope of 2011 for it shows a Mars-Neptune opposition squaring the Eclipse, the Sun and Moon (a dynamic T-Square). Mars-Neptune = Sun: 'danger of infection; undermining of the health; dissolution of a body'; Moon: danger of infection; sick or moody women; nervous weakness' (Ebertin).

In closing, I'm adding a note on how I came today to focus on the Sequestration Eclipse of 2011--because 14 North is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of New York Governer
Andrew Cuomo
('noon' chart shown) who has taken the lead from can't-handle-the-truth Trump with the governor's clear-eyed public news updates concerning Covid-19 conditions and issues. After all, Trump the sugar-coater has proven that he has no place in this emergency and says he takes no responsibility for his failures.

Looking ahead, we can note that the next manifestation of a 14 North solar eclipse occurs on December 5, 2029 @13Sag45 conjunct what many astrologers view as America's natal Ascendant. Just sayin'.

Please note that although this post contains very difficult topics and Saturnian realism, your shares and on-topic comments are always appreciated for, as you know, we're all in this together! jc

Mar 18, 2020

Crisis and the June 2020 Solar Eclipse Horoscope

Tiger by the Tail, a 4 North Eclipse, and A World in Crisis

by Jude Cowell

March 18, 2020: In a January 1, 2020 SO'W post we considered the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse Horoscope, re-published here:

But that was before the CoronaVirus ("COVID-19") crisis stepped into the spotlight as a global contagion and now we find that a vicious, deadly assault upon civilization has begun. Plus, a cruel new phase of cyber war has been launched and threatens various institutions, industries, and organizations, both medical and otherwise. Nothing new, just more problematic for ill patients and the doctors and hospitals who treat them.

Are hackers susceptible to COVID-19? Of course! Everyone is.

Summer 2020 into December 2020: Crabs and Tigers

That the horoscope of the June 21, 2020 Solar Eclipse @00Can21 in the difficult 4 North Saros Series casts a different hue upon 2020 events when the chart is viewed in hindsight is understandable so perhaps a few chart factors should be brought forward here. As noted in my previous post, 00Cancer00 is a critical degree and a Cardinal World Point of manifestation and recognition where global events can occur and come to light. If we wish to include in the eclipse picture Betelgeuse at the end of Gemini, we can add the star's keywords: fevers and/or acute illnesses.

Now obviously, all eclipses are known as 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' that tend to disrupt the even flow of earthly events and have long been seen as omens of catastrophe. However, in modern Astrology, most astrologers prefer to say that they presage a variety of events both negative and positive, and yes, they disrupt lives and place us on new paths much as erratic Uranus can do--usually while uncovering inconvenient facts, secrets, and scandals in the process. (And their background influences are active during historical events.) So as you know, a particular eclipse's configurations with other planets and points in a horoscope are all important for how its energies and themes express, plus, the presence of fixed stars, if any, must be considered for stars and eclipses work through or with one another (ex: Betelgeuse).

Eclipse Note: the previous 4 North Solar Eclipse perfected on June 10, 2002 @20Gemini--near US natal Mars--and an ill-advised war in Iraq soon followed; 4 North's initial eclipse occurred May 25, 1389 (OS) @12Gem08 with Pluto conjunct North Node @24Taurus (conjunct Trump's natal MC and enraged Algol). Plus the 1389 eclipse's doubly karmic Pluto-NN pair suggests "common destiny of a large mass of people" (Ebertin) and can be described as having a "tiger by the tail." That we have! So far from my chart studies I have to agree with Donald Trump that current viral effects may alter our lives for the rest of 2020 and beyond. My fret is that this medical catastrophe will be used to make permanent restrictive laws and regulations, even the implementation of martial law on the streets of America. You feel this too, don't you? The old 'crisis as opportunity' as they say in China. China! Or "shock doctrine" as Naomi Klein has ably informed us.

So as seen in the above horoscope, the planet of unexpected events, Uranus, rises yet positively this can also signify coping ability. And with Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces, a cosmic picture of infection and contagion of epidemic proportions can be seen--in the 12th house of Hospitals which in the US are now in danger of being overwhelmed by large volumes of contagious patients. That our nation's healthcare systems are unprepared for the onslaught caused by such a crisis is a circumstance that must be laid upon the door step of DC politicians, their donors, and others who have supported Republican austerity measures through the decades while snatching taxpayer monies from our National Treasury to support the foreign wars they profit from. Are these direct results of America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misdirected actions and misguided ideals? I think so although you, dear reader, are welcome to disagree.

The massive funding now under discussion in Washington DC could further weaken America's financial resources although some measure of strengthening of the economy should also occur if money is properly distributed. Meanwhile, my cynical mind wonders if this is part of the plan all along--the plan to bankrupt and collapse the USA. However, such a conspiracy theory of sabotage is beyond the scope of this post so perhaps it will be for a another day. Besides, SO'W is replete with similar theories already!

Now as you know, America was founded in 1776 with Sun, Venus, and Jupiter in Cancer and for a solar eclipse manifesting in the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, karma is at work for we all must reap what we sow (including Donald "blameless" Trump). Additionally with a Cancer eclipse, family ties are suggested along with genetic inheritance and it's an emotional and highly receptive period when people tend to hide in their shells like crabs! Well, sheltering in place is the order of the day in March but with continued 'restrictions, restraints, separations, and illusions' to come if the themes of the 4 North Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse influence earthly events from June to late November into December 2020. And they will.


In Addition:

Occurring just prior to Summer Solstice 2020, you might find a previous post June 2020 Transits to the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope of interest with its focus on June 18, 2020. Plus, you'll notice in the 2017 Inauguration chart (center of the bi-wheel) that infectious Mars and Neptune were 'fore-tellingly' conjunct in Pisces! Who knew?

Then previous to June 18th, Donald Trump's 2020 Solar Return occurs with--you guessed it--a Mars-Neptune conjunction which has the transiting Saturn-Uranus midpoint sitting atop and suggesting a weakening strength or a weak condition of some kind.

But no cheers here for as I constantly remind myself: however Trump goes, so goes America. And as I've asserted many times on SO'W since 2005, America is my only nag in the race.

As always, your on-topic comments concerning this post are welcome and please share if you care or dare! jc

Mar 3, 2020

DC Horoscope: Donald Trump Solar Return 2020

March 3, 2020 Dual Images upper right: Trump Solar Return June 13, 2020 8:00:29 am edt Washington DC; Solar Return ('SR') Sun 22Gem55 in SR 12th house, SR Moon 25Pis30 in SR 9th house conjunct SR Midheaven ('MC'); Hour of Jupiter Rx in SR 7th house conjunct 7th house Pluto Rx; SR Saturn Rx 1AQ05 conjunct US POTUS Sun (Oath of Office January 20, 2017 noon EST @00AQ49).

Lower left: Donald J. Trump natal horoscope June 14, 1946 "10:54 am" edt Queens, NY.

The SR Mars-Neptune conjunction in SR 9th house of Foreign Lands and Legal Affairs conjoins the SR Saturn-Uranus midpoint (see midpoint picture, below) - all in shady, secretive, infection-prone Pisces, with Pisces on the 9th cusp. Sneaky things may be hidden here! And note that the Sabian Symbol for Mars-Neptune: "21Pisces" = "A Little White Lamb, a Child, and a Chinese Servant." Of course, a "servant" could describe Trump controlled or compromised by China (via money laundering), or it could have something to do with the beginning of the Wuhan virus with its most at-risk targets (or victims, such as seniors and children) represented by an innocent "child."

Then as you know, the 12th house is the Neptunian realm of the Unconscious, Politics, Large Institutions (ex: Congress), Self-Undoing, Karma, Secret Enemies, and, in relation to our topic, Hospitals and/or Illness (opposite the 6th house of Health and Service).

Along similar 6th/12th-house lines, the Mars-Neptune pair suggests, among other things, 'susceptibility to epidemic infections' according to Reinhold Ebertin (see right, center), and possibly 'fevers, weakened stamina', 'rioting over national healthcare', and/or 'hypo-adrenal conditions'.

Turbulent Circumstances

Therefore, since the world is under threat of the corona virus as I type, and because Trump's SR 2020 horoscope shows links to health concerns and weakness issues, this post will primarily relate to medical potentials particularly when it comes to Donald Trump (whose health could not possibly be as strong as 'they say'!) Of course, what's shown in his SR chart could be only due to the contagion itself and the circumstance that America is stuck with--a fact-and-science denier who's 'dealing' with the contagion along with the 'help' of VP Pence (put in charge to soak up any blame that accrues, I suspect; we'll see). On the brighter side, perhaps the viral threat will be over or mostly over by mid-June! After all, Trump's natal Jupiter-Uranus trine does make him quite the fortunate fellow and we could all use a lucky break on this one.

So let's get the troubling midpoint picture out of the way (political, social, biological), then we'll discuss Trump's 2020 SR Sun and SR Moon, the primary considerations in a Solar Return chart that's 'good for' an entire year. The following will contain a jumble of my usual sources: Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey; any, all, or none of the potentials may result or may be triggered by transits or progressions later on.

Saturn-Uranus Energies Combined with Mars-Neptune

As a midpoint, 'Saturn-Uranus' suggests potentials for 'counter-revolutionary rule, violent people, quarrels, avant-garde vs the conventional, the need to fight for gains, exciting the status quo, and/or heart block'.

Add Mars in contagious Pisces to Saturn-Uranus and several possibilities are suggested such as 'the wrong use of energy, violent acts, forced release from tension or strain, great efforts and toil, challenging others for a decisive contest or fight, deprivation of freedom, injury, tremendous upheaval possible in rebellion, calamity, or over-exertion, anxiety about how things will proceed'.

To Saturn-Uranus add Neptune, strong in its own sign of Pisces, and we have potentials for 'falsehood or malice caused through weakness, resigned to the inevitable, abandonment of resistance, weakening strength, separation, bereavement, masked changes designed to break traditional roles, the delusion that change will improve traditional methods, breakdown under emotional pressure', and/or 'a new vision fighting to be understood'.

As for Trump's SR 2020 Sun and Moon, here's a list of chart factors (not including the SR 10th house Uranus 9Tau09 which is unaspected and thus unencumbered by outside influences and acting independently in spurt-like bursts of activity--this echoes his chaos-loving natal Uranus, his guiding planet):

We should also note that powerful Pluto 24Cap28 leads the tilt of a BOWL shape denoting a leader with a mission or an advocate for a cause. Unfortunately, the mission and cause seem to be implementing an anti-constitutional dictatorship in America (Pluto in Capricorn = "the dictator"--Ebertin). Then in the 6th house of Health lurks the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse 4Cap06 in the 3 South Saros Series of 'traumatic transformation', this SR 2020's PE. But soon the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse will manifest with 4 North themes of 'restraint, restriction, separation' (as in quarantine?), 'illusions', and 'events that block' (Brady).

Cosmic Conditions of Trump's 2020 Solar Return Sun and Moon include but are not limited to:

SR 2020 Sun in the Cadent 12th house (transitions, fluctuations, preparations, steps taken behind the scenes), along with the North Node of future direction (at a critical 29th degree) suggests solar events taking place near the end of the period--just before his 75th birthday June 2021. But in 2020, even the 9th house SR 2020 Moon complies for the 9th is also a Cadent house of preparation--and Trump's SR 2020 Sun and Moon square one another which suggests challenges, conflicts, frustration, and blockages between goals and needs; a Sun-Moon square in a Solar Return chart may suggest dynamic energy but is unfavorable in general, and may count as as a 'health aspect.'

Other SR Sun aspects: Mars-Neptune conjunction square SR Sun, Mars square SR Sun, and the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction quincunxes (150 degr) his Sun--all suggesting health-related conditions and adjustments needed, with the SR Sun naturally being same as his natal Sun (vitality).

Transit Mars square Trump's Sun often denotes aggression, conflicts with males, and/or head injuries or blocked vitality. And transit Neptune square his Sun indicates that his leadership position is difficult to maintain, confusion and deception reign, and formerly reliable resources may become elusive or eroded. Transit Neptune square his natal Moon (21Sag12) suggests even more confusion and disorganization along with undermining conditions (which can include health concerns). As you know, that's one trouble with a natal opposition-what squares one end squares the other, plus, his Gem-Sag Full Moon is on his (karmic) Nodal Axis. Additionally, Uranus in Taurus, sign of the throat and shoulders, forms a semi-square (45 degr) to both SR Sun and SR Moon--another health indicator which may be merely an irritant or a mild or minor issue. Hope his bone spurs won't act up! See the midpoint picture this forms listed, below.

A closer look at his SR Moon in mutable Pisces suggests potentials for drug involvement (also with Mars-Neptune), and/or physical fragility (yep and yep, I'd say). and with Luna in Pisces, there could be travel (of course), family concerns or loss, new conditions in the domestic sphere, or even a change of jobs (fingers crossed!)

Yet the SR 2020 chart does show beneficial opportunities and a 'ray of hope' for Trump such as the two sextiles (60 degr) from Jupiter and Pluto toward his SR Moon. Apparently, his influence upon the public remains in force although his tendency toward self-righteousness, being stuck in the past, and experiencing a measure of loss through habitual thinking will also continue.

Now before I forget, we should also note that wealthy/stealthy Pluto is the SR planet closest to a chart Angle and thus takes precedence in the chart as 'he' leads the BOWL toward the SR 6th house of Health, Daily Rounds, and Service (Civil, Police, and Military).

Obviously, the Trump coup continues, perhaps with some of its 'reforms for improvement' hidden beneath the corona virus scare and the future restrictions he and his authoritarian comrades have in store. For as we see, the planetary trio of heavyweights appearing in the SR 7th house of Partnerships suggests potentials for 'religious and social fanaticism' and/or 'difficulties caused through illness'.

Now let's close with a few potentials of the SR 2020 chart's four midpoint pictures:

Sun-Moon = Uranus: 'isolating oneself; unusual twists of fate; using Astrology'.

Mars-North-Node = Uranus: 'accidental breaks in the thrusts or tensions of important meetings; disinterested presentations'.

Neptune-North-Node = Uranus: 'disruption and agitation via the actions of others; sudden displacement then isolation' (this picture turns up in the DNC 2020 horoscope).

Venus-ASC = North Node: 'easily meeting others'.

Well, there it is, my glancing assessment of Trump's Solar Return 2020 Horoscope. And if I added one more cosmic factor of curiosity it would be that the SR Ascendant 22Cancer12 brings up Inauguration 2017's Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior to January 20, 2017) which is, was, and always will be, the Full Moon of January 12, 2017 conjunct the natal Saturn of the 'unaccountable' yet Saturnine Mr. Trump.


As always, your encouraging shares and tweets are always much appreciated! Got on-topic comments? Then leave them with this post! jc

Apr 10, 2017

The Prenatal Eclipse and Unaspected Saturn of Justice Neil Gorsuch

An Unaspected Saturn in a Natal Chart Can Signify Lack of Conscience

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you noticed the attitude of then-Judge Gorsuch during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings when questioned about the arrogant pro-corporate decision against the "frozen trucker" whose life was in danger if he followed company rules (instead of his own common sense and natural sense of self-preservation).

For an overview of the natal horoscope of SCOTUS Justice Neil Gorsuch (born August 29, 1967 Denver, Colorado, no birth hour known), visit Solaris Astrology where the unaspected Saturn of Justice Gorsuch is well noted along with other chart factors. Now my plan to write about his natal Saturn is unnecessary so let's move on to other chart factors such as his Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series, noted below. Actually, his natal chart is quite complex with its Mars-Neptune conjunction in Scorpio and an out-of-bounds Moon, which denotes a faulty relationship with Mother especially when the Moon is the only OOBs planet (as it is).

And I must add that his unaspected Saturn is further spotlighted as lead planet of a Locomotive shape which indicates success and executive ability and though his Saturn is retrograde (suggesting a weak, ineffectual, or absent Father) in Mars-ruled Aries, it denotes one with serious ambitions, endurance, self-restraint, diligence, self-will, and a desire to rule over others (Ebertin).

Adding to the implications of his unaspected Saturn with its 'lack of conscience' flavor is the Mars-Neptune duo (in the sign of Big Business!) indicating one who acts (Mars) but is unwilling to take responsibility for the consequences of his actions. Seeing the burden of guilt is often difficult for Mars-Neptune conjunction folk who tend to ignore reality and the feelings of others when they assert themselves and offer their opinions (ruh-roh!). And although subterfuge may be resorted to when attempting to game the system (as congressional Republicans helped him do), pretense must soon be replaced by genuine skills in order to retain one's position. However, since SCOTUS Justice is a lifetime appointment, his tenure is 'safe' but may continue to be controversial at best.

Additionally, natal Venus is retrograde in Virgo which shows a desire for moral purity so he may want to include his own conscience when rendering legal decisions and the consequences of those decisions upon his fellow man and woman if he's all about that!

A Mercurial Sun Virgo-Moon Gemini Personality Blend

Now since the Moon remained in chatty Gemini for the 24 hours of August 29, 1967, we can say that Justice Gorsuch is an Earth-Air Sun Virgo-Moon Gemini personality. A studious child, this blend later on can become dry as dust and one thinks of dusty old law books on a shelf!

On his own, Sun in Virgo is a tidy placement which can cause dissension or enmity due to a tendency to criticize and find fault. Yet a methodical mind is indicated along with analytical ability and close attention to detail. Of course, Virgo is the sign of Work and with his Leo Jupiter oriental (last to rise before the Sun), Justice Gorsuch prefers a measure of spontaneity within his work environment. And with the ruler of his Sun, Mercury, in its own sign of Virgo, attention to detail and other practical Virgo qualities are emphasized. However, the critical function also comes along with this fretsome placement and he may have, or may develop, a nervous tummy.

On her own, Moon in Gemini identifies him as having vivid powers of expression (which I have yet to notice--have you?), multiple interests, and quick mood changes with a potential for superficiality or even emotional duplicity.

Together, the Sun Virgo-Moon Gemini blend describes the Justice as a man of refined tastes, a worker and worrier, and one who may consider himself an authority on a topic just by imagining himself to be one. Steam-lined efficiency is a primary goal for most areas of his life yet he can be playful as well, thanks to the Gemini influence. Also relished are opportunities for 'shrewd advancement'.

A pragmatic man, Justice Gorsuch has a flair for communication and presentation which we will surely discover as he writes his (pro-corporate) SCOTUS decisions. Whether conscience will be involved is another matter but at this early date in his SCOTUS career (which begins tomorrow!), it doesn't seem to be the case--and his corporate backers and litigants should feel quite 'safe' from the needs and issues of We The People.

Neil Gorsuch's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 8 North Saros Series

Prior to his late August birth, a Solar Eclipse manifested on May 9, 1967 @18Tau17. The 8 North series contains themes of prophetic dreams, visions, hunches, and insights from the unconscious and last manifested in 2003 @9Gemini (conjunct US natal Uranus, our war planet). Its next occurrence will be in 2021 @20Gemini which conjoins (eclipses) US natal Mars and this adds to my own hunch of troubles to come.

Well, that's my take on the natal planets of freshly-minted Justice Neil Gorsuch who is intended to be a clone of the departed Justice Antonin Scalia. As I type there are undoubtedly multiple analyses of his natal chart sprouting up around the interwebs as his Supreme Court tenure begins and proceeds to astonish us all. And hopefully his correct birth time will eventually surface which would make astrologers' work on his natal chart more accurate!


Personality blend info thanks to Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.