August 30 2021: First a Thank You to President Joe Biden for his Herculean efforts evaculating thousands of people from Afghanistan, accomplished and announced today, a day earlier than the August 31st goal.
Yet as we know, his challenges as president continue. Below is a view of President Biden's Mars Return for 2021 which perfects @12Sco35:25, on November 17, 2021 in Return 3rd house of Communications. As one of the mental houses, testy Mars there suggests stress, worry, and quarrels, none of which are at all unusual in US Politics especially when there are jealous, malicious opponents intent upon the failure of a presidency (the same old 'sore loser' Republican tactics). Obviously, this results in the American people being merely 'collateral damage' as we see and experience repeatedly via the ongoing pandemic, plus, several other difficult social conditions which include weather catastrophes and drought.
DC Horoscope: Joe Biden's Mars Return November 17, 2021 11:51:19 pm est
ASC 00Vir28 conjunct royal Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided' - the same caution as for Tr*mp, and similar to Tr*mp, enraged Algol of Medusa fame conjuncts MC, the Goal Point, opposite the Sun @26Sco03); chart-ruler Mercury applies twice (see lower left, highlighted in green); in center upper, are notes on transit Uranus Rx @12Tau14 opposing his Mars with potentials for chaos, stress, dangerous conditions, and unpredictable actions or events:
So as you know, when a planet returns to natal degree, the planet's natal aspects repeat as transits to the natal chart. For Joe Biden, this is a bit of a quirky circumstance because Mars was unaspected at his birth (November 20, 1942) and rather than re-typing the sparse info I have, here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning unaspected Mars:
"Natal Mars with no contacts or influence from other natal planets can act in an unrestrained, direct manner, and a build-up of negative Mars traits (anger, aggression, willfulness, lack of control, etc) may suddenly erupt in a temper tantrum or a show of force. However, maturity helps control such Martian tendencies with (President) Biden's Scorpio Mars suggesting the potential for taking secret or hidden actions."
Now as some readers may know, I continue to work in heated conditions - no AC since August 12th during a summer heatwave (how very Mars-like!). Therefore, I'll suggest that those who are curious, please enlarge the chart image and read my study notes, if you don't mind overly much. And ideally, this Mars Return chart should be compared to his Solar Return 2021 horoscope.
And note that on November 4, 2021, a New Moon @12Sco40 (see 3rd house) will conjoin the natal Mars of President Joe Biden which suggests the seeding of new plans and activities with Mars the planet of activity, energy, desire, and motivation. Sun-Moon with Mars implies that some realization of joint plans may result. Then the culmination phase of the New Moon will be the 'wild card' November 19, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @27Tau14 (plans revealed? a fulfillment of some sort? perhaps a scandal? all of the above?) which denotes that November 2021, his birthday month, will be highly significant for the President, and, as representative of the American people, November 2021 will also be a prominent month for the United States of America.
The December 2021 Solar Eclipse and President Biden's natal Jupiter.
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