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Showing posts with label Scorpio Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scorpio Moon. Show all posts

Jun 28, 2024

DNC and RNC 2024: Significant Lunations

Great American Eclipse 2024 Sponsors Both DNC and RNC 2024: Dreams/Visions

by Jude Cowell

According to details on the DNC 2024 Convention, the event is scheduled to be held from August 19 to August 22, 2024 at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois. On the first day of the convention, a Full Moon perfects upon America's Aquarian Moon (in the July 4, 1776 late afternoon Horoscope) with "28AQ" = "A Tree Felled and Sawed." This Aquarian Moon (1776 and 2024) is opposed by Tr*mp's natal Mars rising which describes agent orange's aggressive targeting of We the People. So here's DNC 2024's Full Moon Horoscope with a few of my study notes penned on:

RNC July 2024 then DNC August 2024

Recently we Moon-tracked RNC 2024 (July 15--18, 2024: Moon from Scorpio to Sag). The DNC 2024 Moon (from 12:00 am CDT on August 19th to the midnight hour of August 22, 2024), begins in Aquarius and floats through Pisces into Aries. Not that political events tend to occur in the middle of the night, of course, but because the mundane Moon's signs and aspects provide information concerning the moods, trends, and feeling nature of the public as a convention proceeds from opening to closing day, and perhaps a few minutes before and after.

At DNC 2024, by entering Aries, the Moon crosses the Aries Point (of global events) and the North Node of public contact (7Aries+) along her way - and while in mystical Pisces, status quo Saturn and urge-to-merge Neptune will be met. To me this suggests that topics such as our social safety net programs are on the party's agenda via the Saturn-Neptune combination.

Add this to the Full Moon conjunct 1776 Moon in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, and cosmic conditions point toward democracy's capacity to once again vanquish the brutality of the fascism offered by the anti-American GOP and their figurehead, agent orange, dictator-wannabe and convicted felon.

At least, that's the fight I hope the Democratic Party has and is prepared for. And We the People must join the fight by Voting Blue in November!

Meanwhile, within both conventions presidential nominations will be proposed, the primary objective of national conventions, expectably occurring during the final evening with DNC Moon in Aries (RNC 2024 Moon in late Sagittarius), along with multiple speeches, an acceptance speech by the nominee, and other events. But our focus with this post is primarily on the mood of the public which includes that of convention attendees and viewers at home (voters), with publicity of and during the conventions part of the cosmic lunar picture.

Death Cult's Moon 2017 Returns in 2024

For context, when we Moon-Tracked RNC 2024, Luna ranged from 7 Scorpio to 28 Sagittarius (crossing Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction of fluctuating popularity). And perhaps you remember the position of the Inauguration 2017 Moon @9Sco21 so there will be a Lunar Return during RNC 2024 for Trumpers who fantasize about that 2017 feeling, deluded folks as they are. As you know, a Scorpio Moon suggests 'fighting for survival' issues along with the fabled moodiness of Scorpio and the potential for betrayal concerns. Additionally, Trump will experience a Lunar Return during RNC 2024 which for him always denotes a Moon-to-South-Node transit--not the best indicator for good timing or for popularity. Plus, for his nibs, every single Lunar Return is always a Moon-opposite-natal-Sun transit as well, so naturally relationships are involved.

Now for the sake of comparison, here's a dual image of both Lunations that occur during DNC 2024 (upper right) and RNC 2024 (lower left), again with astro-notes penned on:

Political Conventions in 2020 Restricted by Covid-19

Nostalgically, another cosmic comparison is when we Moon-Tracked DNC and RNC in 2020 which you'll recall were held virtually due to Covid-19. Even so, the DNC Moon of July 13, 2020 began her journey in pioneering Aries, while the RNC 2020 Moon of August 24th began her travels in--you guessed it--Scorpio, yet another echo of Inauguration 2017's Scorpio Moon.

DNC August 2024 - in Chicago!

Now perhaps you'll agree that the Democratic Party seems brave (or stupid!) to hold their 2024 Convention in the same city as in 1968 considering the upheaval and violence that erupted in Chicago (staged by opponents for the most part--I watched it on my TV: hired thugs). So here's a previous post concerning the solar and lunar background influences of that time via 1968 solar eclipses which have already repeated in 2022 and that is likely a moderating factor for 2024.

Plus, in 2024, came the visionary 8 North Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 holding sway over both conventions, as noted, and it's the third of three Total Great American Eclipses. Then for astro-notes concerning the televised melee in Chicago in 1968, see 6 North and 6 South Eclipses of 1968 which, as noted, repeated in 2022.

Well, there you have it, a sort of jumbled up assessment of DNC and RNC 2024. With Google's threat of deletion of my 18 years' worth of images and other content (July 1, 2024), I may decide to copy/paste this post into my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold (named after my 12th house Saturn). But for the weekend, this post is available right here on Stars Over Washington for your consideration. jc

Sep 1, 2023

October 2024 Eclipse Activates Another!

New Moons Can Affect Events Similar to Solar Eclipses!

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

A while back we discussed the New Moon Prior to Election 2024 and its DC Horoscope. New Moons prior to elections are said to be predictive of conditions and outcomes although naturally other factors are involved as well, factors both 'on the ground' and astrologically, which will support or mitigate conclusions found in the New Moon chart. In other words, stuff can interfere.

What should be added to the previously published details concerning the 'New Moon Prior' which occurs on November 1, 2024 is that it's basically a Lunar Return to the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope. View the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope in a bi-wheel configuration with its Moon @9Sco21 - and it's disturbingly close to 9Sco35, which is the position of the New Moon Prior to Election 2024.

Meanwhile, I'm not overly fond of the rounded-up Sabian Symbol for Luna, rounded-up to "10 Scorpio": "A Fellowship Supper Reawakens Unforgettable Inner Ties" (Jones). Note that "Reawakens" is italized because people like Gov. DeSantis want the American people to remain asleep and unaware. All the better to gaslight and sneak up up on us with whatever the GOP has planned!

Now perhaps you agree that this lunar synchronicity possibly symbolizes a wake-up call to maga-ites who vote and/or to those who would cheat for Trump (or his fascist ilk) to shoe horn his bulk back into the White House. Obviously, this makes a Blue Tsunami necessary on November 5, 2024!

October Eclipses in Libra: 2005 and 2024

And yet the actual point of this post today is to display a bi-wheel of charts showing that the 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024 activates by degree the 7 South Eclipse of October 3, 2005. Well, naturally this would be the case since the Sun returns to position annually, day by day. And when it comes to eclipses and to historical and societal events and conditions, it's all about cycles, isn't it?

In addition, we know that the repetition of eclipses offers society further opportunities for dealing with similar issues more correctly, fully, successfully! And of course, learning from past mistakes in order to keep from repeating them is an important thread beneath it all. Yet tragically, there are enemies of America and of democracy who prefer that we continue committing the same old mistakes. Example: Fascism and Nazism have been tried before and found wanting in the humane department; reverting to animalism is not the answer to what ails civilization, in the US or in any other country. Notable is that the 7 South Eclipse of August 21, 1933 is known around SO'W as the "Facism Rising Eclipse" (linked, below).

Themes of 7 South and 8 South are listed on the image:

In the center of the bi-wheel, above, you see the Sabian Symbol for "11 Libra" penned on: "A Professor Peering Over His Glasses," plus, the negative expression of the degree: 'compelling subservience' (Jones).

So with the activation of the themes of one eclipse by another eclipse, we can combine their themes for more insight, using one solar lens to consider the other. This is done when the eclipses mannifest in different signs but in this case, both eclipses are in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice and of relationships. Therefore, fair play and cooperation are paramount on a positive level; the negative level suggests those who use the eclipse energies in an insincere, deceitful way; cowardice and overindulgence may also be included via those with an anti-societal determination.

Another method for insight is a review of historical conditions such as US Events of 2005, the year of Dubya Bush's failed nomination of lawyer Harriet Miers, then, on Halloween, Bush nominated Samuel Alito who turned out to be quite a sinister Halloween jester against the women of America.

All these issues, concerns, and more are worth considering by comparing the October Solar Eclipse of 2005 (war in the Middle East, SCOTUS and Alito) with the October 2024 Eclipse (war in Ukraine - and on Capitol Hill; SCOTUS, Clarence Thomas and - Sammy Alito) as they shove the Catholic religion into the heart of American society.

Now in closing, here's a related post for the curious reader: the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933. Let us not repeat that brutal mistake again.

Aug 31, 2022

Sept 1, 2022: Joe Biden Talks Democracy

Astro-Notes on The Health of American Democracy

by Jude Cowell

On Thursday September 1, 2022, a prime time address is scheduled to be delivered by President Biden concerning the state of American Democracy. The hour cited is 8:00 pm edt from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as you see in the horoscope, below.

Descriptively, President Biden's natal Ceres, asteroid of democracy, rises at 8:00 pm edt along with asteroids Juno Rx (nation-state; protection thereof), Astraea Rx (justice), plus, planet Neptune Rx in Pisces which I assume this placement in relation to the president's Address represents compassion for the masses. This resonates with Joe Biden's 'efforts to bring help to those in need' (Sun-Pluto = Moon); Sun-Pluto (Biden) is opposed by radical, zealous Uranus Rx = potentials for 'rebellion, sudden changes, powerful ideas, and/or arrest' (R. Ebertin; Tyl). Of course, mass media, subterfuge, and deception are also in the realms of Neptune. Will Trump's theft of official documents be mentioned?

Then underneath it all - besides America's ongoing Pluto Return of transformation - transit Neptune continues a titanic opposition to US Neptune in Virgo, a period of generational ideals and beliefs clashing, along with various forms of persecution (racism, misogyny, civil rights, exploitation, scams):

Scorpio: Sign of Health and Regeneration

As you see, in 2nd house the health asteroid Hygeia @17Sco15 conjuncts the Moon (17Sco08) so the Health of Democracy, even if the phrase isn't spoken, may be a basic feature of Biden's address along with medical concerns. Meanwhile, the Uranus-North-Node ('NN') duo in Taurus widens yet its 'radical politics' signature retains influence along with the current 6 North Solar Eclipse @10Tau28, also in 2nd house, and thematically bringing society 'relationship to authority' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady) - at least until the power-grabbing 6 South Eclipse of October 25, 2022 manifests @2Scorpio with manic energy that will influence our 2022 Midterms.

To close, I direct your attention to the bottom right corner and the excitable Moon-Uranus opposition which perfects at 11:06 pm edt (reactions to President Biden's remarks, one supposes) and, above the horoscope, to the dynamic T-Square pattern their opposition forms with karmic Saturn Rx @20AQ34 in the hidden 12th house which can also denote large institutions such as the US Congress, and which contains potentials for 'self-will; sudden damage; and/or striving for independence' (R. Ebertin).

Yet with America's Pluto Return ongoing we mustn't leave out a midpoint picture formed in this chart with apex Pluto (11th house) - and that's Moon-Jupiter: 'major plans for major triumph; the big picture and the power to make it appear'(N. Tyl).

Perhaps we can agree that America under President Joe Biden would be happy for even more good news!

Feb 18, 2022

Horoscope: Election 2024 Solar Eclipse

February 18, 2022

Below is an image of the DC Horoscope of the 8 South Solar Eclipse which perfects on October 2, 2024 @10Lib03:48 and acts as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the 2024 Presidential Election. You'll find 8 South thematic influences listed, below. As you see, the chart is unmarked as per reader request (meaning that no astro-notes are scribbled on by yours truly - so you're almost completely on your own for the most part) and is set for Washington DC USA 2:49:01 pm EDT with 16Cap21 rising and 9Sco35 at Midheaven ('MC'; the Goal Point). This eclipse times, as it happens, what is basically a Lunar Return to the Inauguration 2017 Moon position (9Sco21), and as such, may not be a positive portent in 2024 for lovers of democracy.

Meanwhile, Saturn Rx rules the eclipse chart Ascendant and makes no applying aspects although there is a Venus-Saturn trine as part of a protective Water Grand Trine with Mars, suggesting a closed circuit of energies with karmic implications. However, a chart-ruler retrograde suggests delays and obstacles, things that old man Saturn is often 'in the bag for'. How the cosmic relationships of the trio might interfere with the results of the 2024 Election remains to be seen, but this reminds me of voter suppression and its unfair (erroneous) effects upon outcomes. So it seems that a Saturnian authority figure is beneficial to Venus and Mars yet there are delays involved. And 1st house Pluto at a critical 29th degree rises so we may not have to wait long once the eclipse energies kick in. But will transformative events relating to Pluto's power, control, manipulation, and wealth be too big to handle? An additional factor is that this position of eclipse Pluto conjoins America's Progressed Pluto position of 29Cap28, and '30Cap' = "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference" - and I'm sure they do and they will:

8 South Themes: 'separation and loss; partings; feeling sad about a completion; overstraining one's strength, injury possible' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

With a solar eclipse in Venus-ruled Libra, relationships, partnerships, and alliances are in the 'cosmic blink' spotlight; for karmic progress, fairplay, cooperation, and impartiality are required, while negative Venusian traits are best avoided such as insincerity, indecisiveness, spinelessness, and/or overindulgence; karmic ties with others are also part of the Libran lunation picture and at MC may harken back to that 2017 Inaugural Moon and its Sabian Symbol, "10Scorpio: "A Fellowship Supper Awakens Unforgettable Inner Ties". Ruh roh.

Of course, Venus here is in intense, passionate, betrayal-prone Scorpio, plus, both the planet and the sign relate to finances, currency, evaluation, and valuable items such as art or jewelry (and romance). Envy, jealousy, and possessiveness may be triggered by Venus at Goal Point while she opposes and rules the Taurean IC; eclipse Venus also rules radical anarchist Uranus Rx @26Tau51 - conjunct the vengeful star of rage and destruction, Algol. Herr Trump's disturbing involvement is suggested since Algol conjoins his natal MC, and because his 10th house Uranus, planet of chaos, revolt, and quirky cantankerousness is his guiding planet (aka, 'oriental' = last to rise before his natal Sun). Therefore, Uranus in intolerant, often greedy Taurus looks like the Uranian Tr*mp to me. Disagree as you wish but there it is.

As for major aspects to the Solar Eclipse, Mars @15Can46 squares the 8 South lunation suggesting those who overreact and rebel belligerently, and who misuse physical energies. And as you know, Mars in Moon-ruled Cancer tends toward emotional touchiness, anger, and rash actions. Positively, the Martian energy can be channeled into higher levels of motivation and action and this must be consciously done if the square is to block the negative themes of the 8 South Eclipse of 2024 while providing the dynamic energy to do so. Yet I'd be remiss not to mention that Mars @15Can46 in the eclipses's 6th house of Military, Police, Civil Service, Employment, and Health conjoins the natal Ascendant of the Pentagon (15Can34).

In addition, there's a significant minor aspect to the eclipse as well: a sesqui-square (135 degrees) from erratic Uranus which adds tangled complexity to conditions and events and contains a health connotation. Mercury conjunct the eclipse is also is a health indicator but its conjunction requires that logic, reasoning, and attention to detail be used in order for best results to occur.

So that's it, folks, I'm off the Political Astrology clock (unless a major event compels) because the weekend is arriving, it's time for some genealogical research, and I'm hoping you might Share or Tweet this eclipse post if you care about the comic implications of Election 2024 and the future of America which could, as they say, go either way. jc

Jan 2, 2022

Summer 2022: Stars Over Washington's Progressed New Moon!

A Progressed New Moon Phase for SO'W Draws Nigh

by Jude Cowell

The photo, below, taken with my phone may be readable for you but even if not, the point is that Stars Over Washington, now in its 17th year and gray around the muzzle, will symbolically reach a Secondary Progressed ('SP') New Moon @9Sco43 on July 15, 2022. Rounded-up to "10Scorpio," the SP New Moon's Sabian Symbol must be somehow significant though perhaps only in a timing sort of way. Here's an analysis of the symbol by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones:

"10Scorpio": "A Fellowship Supper"; "--human service on the practical side of everyday reality."

How perfect for yours truly, a Saturnian astrologer! By which is meant that I read genetic inheritance, ancestry, and DNA in horoscopes, not 'past lives.' As in, Science, facts, and realism, not unproveable Uranian theories that spin tall tales of the rebirths of historical figures such as Marie Antoinette. But that's just me. You do you! Because the way I look at it, anyone may be descended from a queen or a king - many Americans are - but each of us are born unique personages in our own right and in our own time.

Now writing and publishing SO'W during its 'dark of the moon' Balsamic Moon Phase which began on August 17, 2018 (with SP Moon @20Vir50 semi-square SP Sun 5Sco50), it always takes a while before an SP New Moon effectively, symbolically begins to cast more light. And of course the SP New Moon eventually leads to symbolic culmination and full awareness to be attained near the time of SO'W's SP Full Moon @23Tau46 (conjunct 2005 Midheaven!) which perfects on July 8, 2036.

Now naturally, I don't expect to be writing SO'W by then due to advanced age-iness, and whether a family member will continue to pay domain fees to Google to keep it Live and running will be up to them but I wouldn't expect such an effort if I were you. For one thing, unless things shift, they remain innocent about Astrology. Even so, perhaps in, or prior to, 2036, SO'W will be fondly remembered by a few readers - and probably reviled by others as a 'good riddance' if it's thought of at all!

So without further ado, here's the horoscope of SO'W's symbolic SP New Moon of July 15, 2022; make of it what you may! And follow the link, below, for a view of the October 2005 Horoscope:

Dr. Jones continues, "Keyword: FRATERNITY; positive expression: an effective channeling of personal aspirations into the common place grooves of shared experience; negative expression: a surrender of individual distinction and exaltation of naive animality." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M.E. Jones #ad).

My suspicion is that how well or poorly SO'W (and its author) manage to do such things will be in the eyes of the beholder (that's you!). However, I am reminded of the similarity between the reference to "common place" and my typical mention through the years in various posts and sidebar Welcome message, of using a "common good lens" to look at Politics, politicians, and societal matters. And of course, "shared experience" can relate to political practices, laws and their effects (aka, interference) upon our lives. Plus, as a "Child of the Revolution" ("30Cancer"), my efforts here are, and have always been, for the sake of America.

Yet when it comes to "naive animality," I'm uncertain what was intended so I searched for the term and discovered instead an interesting page describing the meanings of Native American Totem Animals (which may nor may not apply). So having some Native American heritage myself, I thought you might want to check out the animals. As for SO'W, its totem animal seems to be the ram since it began in 2005 with an Aries Moon (plus, the Scales of Justice: a Libra Sun). Of course, the SP New Moon in Scorpio is super obvious: the eagle! Unless a phoenix is available.

To close, here's a view of the founding horoscope of Stars Over Washington set for October 16, 2005 at the moment of my first-ever published post (with royal Regulus rising and enraged Algol at MC!

Aug 30, 2021

President Biden's Mars Return November 2021

August 30 2021: First a Thank You to President Joe Biden for his Herculean efforts evaculating thousands of people from Afghanistan, accomplished and announced today, a day earlier than the August 31st goal.

Yet as we know, his challenges as president continue. Below is a view of President Biden's Mars Return for 2021 which perfects @12Sco35:25, on November 17, 2021 in Return 3rd house of Communications. As one of the mental houses, testy Mars there suggests stress, worry, and quarrels, none of which are at all unusual in US Politics especially when there are jealous, malicious opponents intent upon the failure of a presidency (the same old 'sore loser' Republican tactics). Obviously, this results in the American people being merely 'collateral damage' as we see and experience repeatedly via the ongoing pandemic, plus, several other difficult social conditions which include weather catastrophes and drought.

DC Horoscope: Joe Biden's Mars Return November 17, 2021 11:51:19 pm est

ASC 00Vir28 conjunct royal Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided' - the same caution as for Tr*mp, and similar to Tr*mp, enraged Algol of Medusa fame conjuncts MC, the Goal Point, opposite the Sun @26Sco03); chart-ruler Mercury applies twice (see lower left, highlighted in green); in center upper, are notes on transit Uranus Rx @12Tau14 opposing his Mars with potentials for chaos, stress, dangerous conditions, and unpredictable actions or events:

So as you know, when a planet returns to natal degree, the planet's natal aspects repeat as transits to the natal chart. For Joe Biden, this is a bit of a quirky circumstance because Mars was unaspected at his birth (November 20, 1942) and rather than re-typing the sparse info I have, here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning unaspected Mars:

"Natal Mars with no contacts or influence from other natal planets can act in an unrestrained, direct manner, and a build-up of negative Mars traits (anger, aggression, willfulness, lack of control, etc) may suddenly erupt in a temper tantrum or a show of force. However, maturity helps control such Martian tendencies with (President) Biden's Scorpio Mars suggesting the potential for taking secret or hidden actions."

Now as some readers may know, I continue to work in heated conditions - no AC since August 12th during a summer heatwave (how very Mars-like!). Therefore, I'll suggest that those who are curious, please enlarge the chart image and read my study notes, if you don't mind overly much. And ideally, this Mars Return chart should be compared to his Solar Return 2021 horoscope.

And note that on November 4, 2021, a New Moon @12Sco40 (see 3rd house) will conjoin the natal Mars of President Joe Biden which suggests the seeding of new plans and activities with Mars the planet of activity, energy, desire, and motivation. Sun-Moon with Mars implies that some realization of joint plans may result. Then the culmination phase of the New Moon will be the 'wild card' November 19, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @27Tau14 (plans revealed? a fulfillment of some sort? perhaps a scandal? all of the above?) which denotes that November 2021, his birthday month, will be highly significant for the President, and, as representative of the American people, November 2021 will also be a prominent month for the United States of America.


The December 2021 Solar Eclipse and President Biden's natal Jupiter.

Jul 6, 2021

Corporatism, Mobsterism, and the Inaugural 2017 Moon in Scorpio

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday July 6, 2021: On May 22, 2018, a horoscope was published here that concerned The Powell Memo: A Genesis of Corporatism in Control. Follow the link for a view of the horoscope set for 'noon' edt in absence of an accurate time, and shows 5Sco30 rising with asteroid of doom and/or abuse of power, Atlantis @9Sco37 - and right there is a small 'cosmic link' from 1971 Atlantis to the 2017 Inaugural Moon (@9Sco21) with Luna describing Scorpionic Tr*mp supporters on January 20, 2017 and going forward. As you know, many Scorpio types try to control everyone around them when it's actually themselves that need to be brought under control. (Consider 1/6 and subsequent arrests).

Additionally, it seems descriptive to me that transit Uranus (the zealous anarchist of chaos!) in Taurus has been opposing 2017 Inaugural Moon off and on of late, creating disruption, erratic behavior, domestic upheaval, and emotional turmoil (for and from Tr*mp supporters). Emotionally, 'drama queen' Tr*mp has been affected, too, particularly in relation to his inaugural 'status' (which expired - no, plummeted - on January 20, 2021!). Plus, we know that Tr*mp's 'guiding planet' of chaos and disruption is his 10th house Uranus in Mercurial Gemini.

Now there's another small factor about the 'noon' chart of the Powell Memo that seems appropriate to societal conditions, then and now: that Cupido, a cosmic representative of Corporatism, The Family, The Global Syndicate (which includes Organized Crime/mobsterism, foreign and domestic), and various Networks in royal Leo sits atop the 1971 'Memo' horoscope at The Goal or Aspiration Point. For as you know, Lewis Powell sent a letter ('memo' as it's called) detailing how Republicans could take complete control of America via corporations. And as things have turned out, most US politicians are bought and paid for by various corporations and CEOs with large amounts of industry lobbyists cheering on the demise of our Republic as they make their profits. Meanwhile, the US Congress keeps laws in place that make it all possible - to make it all possible.

Later on, nominated by Richard 'The Crook' Nixon, Lewis Powell was gifted a seat on the SCOTUS bench for his efforts (all of which are not mentioned here) and served from January 7, 1972 to June 26, 1987. Justice Powell was born in Suffolk, Virginia on September 19, 1907 and died August 25, 1998, his work on Earth undermining his country done.

Related: Horoscopes: Clinton and Tr*mp Inaugurations revealing Sun-Moon Blends for both.

May 3, 2021

The Eclipse that Affects All US Presidential Elections

Solar Eclipses and US Presidential Elections

by Jude Cowell

Dear Reader: please note that the following post is yet another in my series of 'forewarned is forearmed' efforts which, understandably, the overly sensitive reader may wish to skip:

The first official US Presidential Election over a month's period from late 1788 into 1789 was a breeze with our hugely popular Revolutionary War hero, George Washington, scoring a unanimous 69 electoral votes from ten states. Only ten states because New York had not yet put forward its electors, and North Carolina and Rhode Island had yet to ratify the US Constitution.

So considering the current contentiousness of the former guy's 'Big Lie' that he continues to boast from Election 2020, it may be of interest to consider the Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') in which America's first archetypal Presidential Election fell, for as a cosmic time link, its influence continues as a background factor in US Presidential Elections and the resulting presidencies throughout the years.

Annular in 1789 (actually manifesting on November 27, 1788 @6Sag15), the first official presidential election's PE occurred within the 7 North family which will repeat via a hybrid Solar Eclipse @29Ari50 on April 20, 2023, a critical 29th degree - and April 20th is Herr Adolf's birthday. Obviously, this eclipse falls firmly within the Campaign 2023 time frame prior to Election 2024 since campaigns begin early these days. And if you're daring enough at this point in time, you may wish to look ahead to the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope (hopefully we'll have one the majority can believe in yet dark forces work against democracy and peril does exist).

Meanwhile, besides the former guy's sore loser schemes and machinations, and the desperate actions of the election-rigging GOP, another skunk at the presidential celebration is that 7 North is the Saros Series which manifested on February 24, 1933 @5Pis28 as the 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse. Follow the link for more info on 7 North themes which sound somewhat mild, I agree, but it isn't always eclipse themes that matter most to historical events and conditions, it's the fact that a disruptive, revealing eclipse occurs at all (aka, a 'cosmic blink' or a 'Universal wild card'). And it's an eclipse's sign, degree, and the house in which it manifests in a given horoscope that affects events and participants in a disruptive Uranian manner with inconvenient secrets uncovered and scandals created.

Then as you know, an eclipse's Sabian Symbol (the word picture for each degree of the Zodiac) is informative as is its Illumination Point, the opposite degree which reveals hidden or unconscious information. So rounding up the 7 North Eclipse degree to "30Aries" we have: "A Duck Pond and Its Brood" (the degree of warrior planet Mars during the MAGA Mob Attack of January 6, 2021), and opposite = "30Libra": "Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head" (which I always relate to Bacon, Locke, and Newton whose portraits were hung in tribute by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello - and suggestive of America's founding principles of The Enlightment).

And so, the 7 North Eclipse symbolism represents yet another cosmic indicator of America's current existential struggle for survival: fascism vs democracy.

Our only hope? Vote Blue in 2022 and 2024. In a massive turn out!

A Closely Related Post: Election 2024's Predictive New Moon Prior.


Note: above image of an eclipse has no attributing details that I can find but if it did, I would gladly add them to the multiple times I have displayed thos evocative image with eclipse posts. jc

Feb 7, 2021

March 4, 2021: Trump's "Shadow Inauguration"?

February 7, 2021: How Pathetic Can One Man's Ego Be?

by Jude Cowell

Answer: Off the charts, it seems. One of the oddest 'QAnon' theories of late is noted in a January 2021 article published on vice dot com that: Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 19th president of the United States on March 4, 2021. Might a peek at a speculative (fantasy-based from agent orange's Mercury-Neptune square of deception and misperception) "Shadow Inauguration Horoscope" interest you? Me, too. Besides, everyone is quite familiar by now with agent orange's fantasy-based Mercury-Neptune square of deception and misperception that inspires and generates his tiresome spinning of tall tales and his lamentable inability to deal with, or hear, the truth.

As for setting up a horoscope, the problem is, I've found no hour or location for the proposed ego-laced event so I've set the following March 4, 2021 Horoscopes for 12:00 pm in Mar-A-Lago, Florida (upper right) and Washington DC (lower left) for your viewing pleasure. These locations at noon give us some indication of the March 4th cosmic weather if (or not!) such an event takes place at all. My notes are penned on the image but I'll add a few Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio details below the image because they seem in my opinion to fit the man and the day's conditions quite well.

Mar-A-Lago vs Washington DC

You'll note that in DC the chart-ruler is the Scorpio Moon (changes; publicity) while in Florida it's oath-taking Mercury (also changes, and transactions). As you see, Mercury conjuncts wide-girthed Jupiter at the "A Man Unmasked" degree denoting far-reaching plans of a legal nature (9th house). Plus, Venus and Saturn - together a dissatisfied pair - are the only planets that change houses between the two locations.

With Mars rising in his natal chart, Trump is often associated with planet Mars, and here in 12th house, we have a cosmic picture of a man who deeply feels the erosion of his personal power. Plus, contentious warrior Mars conjuncts fixed star Alcyone which gives him something to cry about. However, for Trump, we should probably add whine to the star's to-do list.

Meanwhile, the Scorpio Moon tilts the rim of a BOWL shape of planets suggesting a self-contained personality focused on ambition and career (10th house is inside the BOWL). People advocating for a cause or a mission may also be indicated although they're working with limited experience of the world.

But note the Syzygy Moon @8Vir57 (the Full Moon of February 27th - disrupts and reveals like a Lunar Eclipse) at the IC (Basis of the Matter) in Washington which, by degree, re-activates the 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 @9Vir21 - the Prenatal Eclipse of Election 2016 and of Inauguration 2017. Cosmically imprinted upon his White House tenure, 19 North themes have remained applicable during the 'Trump era' (which he seeks to expand) and perhaps you remember them: "realism; coming down to earth; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is; a good time for tackling the truth" (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology) #ad. Perhaps you also remember that transit Neptune, planet of deception, fraud, and grand schemes, opposed the 19 North Eclipse and has managed to muddy every issue possible with lies and fantasies while sojourning in the mid-degrees of Pisces where masking Neptune resides in the Republican Party founding horoscope/s of 1854.

And so in 2021, members of the Republican Party continue ill-advised attempts to "vouch" for arch deceiver and saboteur extraordinaire Donald Trump, no matter what it costs the people of the United States of America.

Now here are dual horoscopes for March 4, 2021's proposed "Shadow Inauguration" of the reviled con man with mobster ties, Donald Trump, an albatross around America's neck if there ever was one:

Now the Double Water blend of Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio (vibes of Jupiter-Neptune and Mars-Pluto) describes an emotionally biased, intensely subjective combination of conscious and unconscious energies. Scathingly critical, this blend suggests those who are ruled by their emotions, opinions, and convictions (if only!), and tend to feel right at home in the underworld. Stubborn and cantankerous, this brooding combo denotes those with vivid imaginations and a dominating personality which relies on sensationalism. Using any manipulation necessary in order to gain and grasp the reins of power, Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio types can be strong in adversity, intensely intuitive, prejudiced, and irrationally suspicious.

This blend is shared natally by author John Steinbeck, and in their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys suggest a couple of 'Images for Integration', one of which (you may agree) closely applies to the grudge-holding fellow with the pathetically huge ego:

For it is, "The Grapes of Wrath."