April-May 2022: As Above, So Below
by Jude Cowell
Thursday January 20, 2022
With springlike April coming soon and flowery May just behind, here's a round-up of SO'W posts, plus, info concerning prominent cosmic events coming in April and May 2022 that promise societal shifts on multiple levels. The emphasis here is on the US but naturally other regions of the world will also be under these cosmic influences:
April 1, 2022: New Moon @12Pis07 culminating with the Full Moon @26Lib46 on April 16, 2022 (no DC Horoscopes of these lunations have been published, not yet anyway).
April 12, 2022: a new cycle begins of the speculator pair of bubbles, inflation, and political conflicts: Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction @23Pis59 opposing US 1776 Neptune in Virgo (Jupiter-Neptune with more Neptune: promotion of strange theories; misplaced altruism).
April 30, 2022: A disruptive, course-changing 6 North Solar Eclipse in Venus-ruled Taurus (@10Tau28--where transit Uranus is as I type). Check out the themes of this 'cosmic blink' eclipse because an authority figure may become unreliable and have to be replaced. Good news is that this is a partial solar eclipse so its energies are not as influential as a Total eclipse would be.
May 16, 2022: Total Lunar Eclipse @25Scor18 near the natal Sun and Venus of President Biden (no DC Horoscope published yet). Which inconvenient secrets of a Scorpionic nature will be revealed or leaked? Will this eclipse relate to an authority figure becoming unreliable? (If so, may it be a secessionist.)
May 24, 2022: Transit Jupiter and Mars Reach Aries Point by leaving shady Pisces behind. Mars in his own sign of Aries desires change, while Jupiter in Aries suggests vigorous leadership and honesty but negatively can bring premature action, over-expansion, and/or moodiness.
May 30, 2022: the merry month of May ends with a New Moon @9Gem03 conjunct US 1776 Uranus (@8:55), America's totem planet of revolt and revolution, and a cosmic marker for changes, shifts, reforms, progress, disruption, and/or radical politics.
So this is the list of cosmic events I have for you today, however, there are almost certainly more April and May 2022 posts coming so do stay tuned!
Above image: 'Cosmic Blinks' paper collage by Jude Cowell
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