by Jude Cowell
January 1, 2022
Below is a DC Horoscope of America's first-ever Pluto Return (number one of three) all occurring in 2022 with their subsequent dates listed on the chart, top center. Also marked as you see, and highlighted in orange, is the 4th house Pluto Return Moon @21Lib56 which happens to time a Moon (Lunar) Return to the Mob Attack Moon position of January 6, 2021 (2:05:54 pm) The 1/6 Moon Return perfects a mere 37 seconds after the Pluto Return (2:05:17 pm est). To me this indicates that the same or nearly the same mob of malcontented insurrectionists and violence-minded Tr*mp acolytes are somehow involved with the indications of the US Pluto Return and these plutonian influences will activate them (the unjailed of them!) throughout 2022 into 2023. In fact, transit Pluto has been within a 5-degree orb of 27Cap33 since February 2019.
Now naturally, a consideration of US Pluto's cosmic condition on July 4, 1776 can be instructive since whatever contacts the planet of stealth, wealth, and power made back then are being repeated or reinforced by transit Pluto returning to his former position of 27Cap33:06 in the US Scorpio Rising Horoscope (ASC 8Sco47 at 2:22 pm LMT with Scorpio's Mars-Pluto influences - but of course use whatever version of the US Horoscope you prefer).
Natal Planetary Aspects of 1776 Pluto Are Echoing Loudly Into Our Era
In America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope there are two aspects to or from Pluto: Pluto opposite Mercury Rx @24Can15 (3S18 - separating, therefore unconscious especially since in 1776, Pluto was as yet undiscovered but I use outer planets in historical horoscopes anyway, not that you must - I just like the hidden quality of them along with their generational cycles).
Now you know that US Mercury's rounded-up Sabian Symbol for '25Cancer' is intriguing: "A Man Wrapped In An Invisible Mantle of Power" - and there's invisible Pluto (the powerful puppet master) interacting with the speedy planet of communications and commerce. Their opposition has always suggested to me control and manipulation from abroad but that topic would require a post all its own for another time. Meanwhile, their opposition denotes potentials for surveillance, mind control, secret activities such as spying and committing crimes, propaganda, suggestive oration, and/or complete control and manipulation of information (knowledge is power). Complete control and surveillance such as we have now. And perhaps you agree that withholding information has morphed into an art in US Politics.
Here we should add the Sabian Symbol for US Pluto: "28Capricorn": "A Large Aviary." Even more disturbing is that Pluto in Capricorn is known as 'the dictator' according to Reinhold Ebertin. Thing is, this concept must also be seen through 1776 eyes - which relates somewhat to the manipulation-from-abroad theme at America's founding. Or does it? Perhaps it's the mysterious voice from the balcony loudly asserting that, "God has given America to be free!" (But not if neo-fas*ists have their way.)
Now the second aspect to US Pluto of 1776 is a trine from Neptune in Virgo (5A08; from 7th to 9th house) indicating social institutions providing comfort and sustenance which easily conform to societal ideals - then, if not so much now. However, the trine is recurring via the Pluto Return chart of February 20, 2022 so within current society, positive responses to the spiritual, psychic, and/or mystical realms may be felt along with the awakening of the masses to those higher realms which may become more and more prevalent in society. My advice: studiously ignore the misuse of "awake" and "awakening" being propagandized by the far right for this is something they want to avoid - for it will reveal to more and more people in stark relief the GOP's hideous scars, warts, and devil horns. The Republican Party is much more of a hazy, cloudy Moon-Neptune endeavor which requires a lack of discernment, vagueness, and misguided perceptions in order to exist within our populace at all. Naturally, the GOP's continual use of 'gaslighting' the public comes to mind, and don't get me started on their financial scams, schemes, and hucksterism.
DC Horoscope: February 20, 2022 2:05:17 pm est Washington DC:
So! Above you see the first-ever Pluto Return Horoscope of America contains quite a few chart factors penned upon it such as chart-ruler Moon (at her February 2022 Lunar Return to her 'Mob Attack' position, you'll remember - and prominently leading a ruthless Locomotive shape of February planets, determined on success at any cost). In addition, Luna makes two applying aspects in the 2022 chart (how things will proceed):
1. An inconjunct with 9th house Neptune in mystical, secretive, contagious Pisces which suggests people who have trouble separating fantasy and illusion from reality and facts, those who tend to express the emotions of others (ex: grudge-holding Herr Tr*mp's hatred and venom toward those who stand in his way - so he schemes and plots his revenge), and folks for whom the acceptance of any obligation feels like an emotional trap because they're pressured into things by people with ulterior motives. And those manipulators drop them when they're no longer of any use. Major emotional adjustments are needed but how are the thoroughly confused and possibly drug-infused to manage?
2. Moon square Pluto (5A36). This aspect of internal blockage describes people (Moon) who express the baser emotions of humanity - envy, jealousy, hatred, vengeance, a zeal for violence, a propensity toward offended vanity - and who feel a desperate need to gain complete control of their environment. Of course, this obviously describes the Orange Herr from Mar-A-Lago as well as his followers and "shock troops" expressing - acting out - his negative emotions, as already noted. We saw them 'following his orders' on January 6th and can expect to see them at it again, for as many pundits admit, the Tr*mp 'coup' is ongoing. This we know and must prepare for.
Side Note: Unfortunately, priestly Chiron, the wounded healer, is unaspected in this chart so apparently can make no improvements or contacts with the other planets (actors), no grace, forgiveness, positive input, or repentance at all coming from his direction. However, on another level Chiron is at "11Aries" with the Sabian Symbol, "The President of the Country." And since Tr*mp is 'the POTUS' (in his own mind!) feeling deeply wounded, his ego and vanity scalded by rejection, Chiron here may represent him, simmering in his isolation and trying hard not to seem irrelevant. Yet his is a well-deserved exile in my book. Otherwise, if not the orange menace, Chiron could represent President Biden whose agenda intended to better the lot of the American people is being viciously blocked by underhanded Republicans determined to re-grasp power.
Then it's tragic with a Moon-Pluto square involved, how human beings tend to hold on to such base emotions and grudges until they are in the greatest need of purification, and particularly so in this case if any karmic progress is to be made at all in or by the US as a united country. Accepting input from our 1776 Neptune-Pluto trine would supply a path toward purification for all those who realize their need for it but unfortunately, the otherworldly planetary pair is more than ever being used for criminal acts by unscrupulous crooks and global mobsters who through decades have infiltrated our nation and our government (federal, state, and local). Even so, Tr*mp and his vicious thugs and malcontents of a neo-n*zi persuasion must be held accountable for their crimes yet this Child of the Revolution could be reasonably happy if they decided to permanently leave the continent and find themselves a new home where they can be just as fasc*st as they wanna be - while leaving decent folk alone.
Dear Readers: If things go well around here, a second Pluto Return post with astro-notes will be published concerning the July 11, 2022 Pluto Return (#2 of 3) which falls quite near the US Solar Return 2022 event when America will turn 246 years old. Sign up in the sidebar for email alerts if you wish and remember that your kind Shares and on-topic, name-tagged Comments and Insights are always much appreciated! jc
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