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Showing posts with label Mercury-Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercury-Pluto. Show all posts

Sep 20, 2024

How to Fix America Before We Really Blow It w/ Leigh McGowan - clip

Yesterday during his Live broadcast, Thom Hartmann interviewed PoliticsGirl, aka, Leigh McGowan. Here's a clip:

A Little Astrology

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good (and common sense!)

PoliticsGirl (Leigh McGowan) was born August 16, 1976 and raised in Toronto, Canada. Baby Leigh entered the Earthly flux under the influence of the 14 South Eclipse which had manifested on April 29, 1976 @9Tau13 with Mercury-Pluto content. 14 South themes involve an obsessive idea finally accepted followed by Jupiterian success; a long-awaited breakthrough (B. Brady).

The last 14 South Solar Eclipse occurred on May 20, 2012 @00Gemini (a degree that transit Uranus will spark in late April 2026, a "ready to chart new territory" influence). The next 14 South arrives on June 1, 2030 @11Gemini.

Book Note: The full title of the new book by Leigh McGowan is, "A Return to Common Sense: How to Fix America Before We Really Blow It" #ad. Yeah. Let's do that. jc


Feb 3, 2023

Feb 2023: SOTU 2023 and a Spy Balloon

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you remember President Biden's pseudo-SOTU Address to a pared-down Congress on April 28, 2021 with a transiting North Node-Mida$ conjunction in force. At the time, I had labeled Biden's 2021 address as pseudo because it was delivered prior to the end of his first year in office. However, the address was delivered at the invitation of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as per tradition.

An annual event, there was a need to hear from our Commander-in-Chief at that time due to all the trauma and drama in society, economic and medical concerns, plus, turmoil that we're still attempting to navigate in 2023 - with the albatross of anti-democracy Republicans tied to our collective neck - and the specter of violence being perpetrated across the land and creating the unsafe environment in Congress as Democrats attempt to serve next to neo-fascist far-right Republicans toting guns and wearing AR-15 pins on their lapels in place of the usual US flag pins. Symbolic much?

So below is an unmarked Horoscope of 2023 SOTU February 7, 2023 9:00 pm est Washington DC. Note that the 2023 SOTU address' Air-Earth Sun AQ-Moon Virgo blend of conscious and unconscious energies is shared natally by Gertrude Stein, SCOTUS, and our 9th President William H. Harrison (my 14th cousin 5x removed, says geni dot com) who served for only 32 days.

Topics which may be mentioned during SOTU 2023 include healthcare and mental health, democracy, Supreme Court decisions, economics and budgets, ethics and principles, immigration policy, plus, other societal issues - spotlighted in a speech by a humanitarian president with a utilitarian world view based on common sense and truth seeking.

Of note, President Biden's first natal planet to rise at 9:00 pm is his compassionate Neptune @1Lib30 along with America's July 4, 1776 Midheaven 00Lib47:

Then below is a bi-wheel of America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope with Moon @27Aquarius (inner) showing SOTU's 2023 Saturn conjunct Luna for a measure of depression, oppression, moodiness, and serious topics brought to the public discourse. Other planetary contacts may be seen as well (ex: Mercury-Pluto = surveillance and secrets). Astro-notes are penned upon the bi-wheel which may be enlarged and/or printed for easier viewing (see center of the bi-wheel for a prominent midpoint picture with karmic Saturn as apex planet):

As for current threats from aspiring deadbeat Republicans to crash the US and world economies by refusing to raise the debt ceiling in order to pay America's already-incurred bills, a rereading of the Two Santa Claus Theory of politics may be helpful at this point, just for context.

Major Planetary Cycles Operative Since 2020

So all the while, knocking at America's door are societal shifts and perils within - timed in part by the January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @23Capricorn and the December 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction @00AQ29 conjunct US Inaugural Sun.

Such societal shifts are also described astrologically by two heavyweight transits: the primal cause US Pluto Return and transit Neptune in shady Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo. The first transit: transformation via Pluto's destructuring function down to bare bones then rebuilding, while the second is a generational clash of ideologies (Virgo-Pisces) with persecutions and prejudices coming to the Neptunian surface to be dealt with, hopefully more honestly than ever before - with racism and misygyny topping the national menu of strong-armed paternalism vs a caring democracy. Here we find the vicious 'slave patrol' mindset embedded within various police departments (though thankfully not all).

So it must be obvious that America's foreign and domestic enemies have long studied which wedge issues will divide We the People most disruptively for their undermining purposes intended to topple the US government from global leadership, taking democracy down with it.

And so We the People remain within the throes of sustained assaults from enemies within and without, not the least of which is an insurrectionist-infested Republican House of Representatives now in control of the government they're desperate to overthrow in favor of fascist-style authoritarianism. And as Julia Ioffe stated in her informative Frontline interview 2 or 3 days ago, to Putin, Trump looks like a "wrecking ball." Yep, the orange marauder is the Kremlin's wrecking ball, a fact that many Americans have realized all along.

Speaking of threats, a Chinese spy balloon has been flying over Montana for the last few days - or is it only a weather balloon? Either way, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is scheduled to visit China soon. Hmm. Well, we do have IBMs stored in Montana but so far no word on a direct threat, just surveillance it seems, and the Biden administration has told the Chinese government to cut it out if they're spying. Of interest astrologically is that, among other activities and concepts, both Neptune and Pluto are associated with spying and surveillance, infiltration, theft, and criminal activities such as organized crime.

Okay, I'll quit fussing now. Because it is Friday after all.

A Related Post: Horoscope of the 118th Congress.

Oct 17, 2022

Mars to Trump's Prez Bid New Moon

by Jude Cowell

Dear Reader: In view of current events, and with planet Mars in Gemini at perigee (close to Earth) until March 2023, I thought you and I should check out warrior planet Mars in relation to its position in the Trump Prez Bid Horoscope of June 16, 2015 since Mars conjoined the 2015 New Moon on the morning of Trump's downward escalator ride in Trump Tower and his disturbing announcement replete with bigoted insults which set the tone for what became his regime. As you know, Trump was born with Mars rising along with royal Regulus, a star that cautions against taking revenge, plus, his 10th house trio of Uranus-NN-Sun are nearby the Prez Bid New Moon of 2015. Since that morning, these cosmic conditions have worried me on behalf of my country. The following post is a result:

Search for significant events occurring in June 2022 and you'll find a variety from monkeypox outbreaks to vaccines, to the G-7 Summit held in Schloss Elmau, Germany (as in 2015) from June 26 to June 28, 2022 when support was pledged for Ukraine. Astrologically, on June 28, 2022, transit Neptune, slow-mover that it is, stationed retrograde @25Pis26:36, pausing upon the Mercury-Pluto midpoint in Trump's 'Prez Bid' New Moon Horoscope of June 16, 2015 (shown, below).

Therefore, because the orange blighter won't hush up about his loss of the 2020 Election and acts as if he'll run in 2024 (for fund-raising purposes), I'm asking you, dear reader, to consider the rounded-up Sabian Symbol (26Pisces) of lumbering Neptune's station back on June 28th: "A New Moon That Divides Its Influences." Is that similar to the at-best divided loyalty of a US president who thinks more of foreign autocrats than he does the leaders and officials of his own country? He makes it easy to think so.

26Pisces: negative expression: "a completely disruptive vacillation" (M.E. Jones). Well, chaos-creator Trump is nothing if not disruptive. In fact, his vanity basks in it!

So here are the potentials of the midpoint picture formed by transit Neptune June 28, 2022 in relation to Trump's initial step into presidential politics (his golden escalator ride and announcement) with its Mercury-Pluto flavors of cruel words and possibilities of: 'intelligence activities; political talk that offers abrupt changes to some functions; orbital weapons or toxic gases; secrets concerning business or transportation; communications between intelligence gathering agencies; self-destructive impulses in business; road breakdowns (M. Munkasey); R. Ebertin adds: 'a demagogue or plagiarist; the art of persuasion; fraudulent misrepresentation in speaking or writing; a convincing speaker; slyness, cunning, craftiness; hastiness; impatience; irritability; overtaxing one's strength'. Then Noel Tyl chimes in with a rousing, "Overdoing issues drains energy and wears out one's welcome." Sounds like a Trump rally a la 2022 to me. And it's become next to impossible to even read a post about him, hasn't it? Same goes for typing about him!

Prez Bid New Moon June 16, 2015 @25Gem07 = Mars

Meanwhile, in his book The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac (#ad), Adriano Carelli doesn't round-up degrees so it's 25Gemini ("A Man Holding An Open Book") to which he adds a very interesting example, "Here is the degree of the point of equidistance" (Sun-Moon) "of the coup-d'etat that overthrew the Fascist regime on July 25, 1943." How fabulous! I want a bunch of that overthrow energy for America circa 2022+! And for all other nations that demand freedom and independence from murderous dictators!

Anyway, above is a bi-wheel of demagogue Trump's prez bid New Moon (inner) and the October 30, 2022 Mars Station @25Gem36 (outer) with Mars conjunct not only Trump's prez bid New Moon ("that divides its influences") in chatty, duplicitous Gemini (@26Gemini: "A Man Trimming Palms" - he did! $50 per audience member!), but the October 30th Halloween-esque Mars station also hits the New Moon's Mars (24Gem35). Warrior planet Mars is perigee right now (close to Earth, heating things up) so it's siognificant that transit Mars returns to his 2015 degree three times (listed center of the bi-wheel: Oct 18, 2022, NOVEMBER 11, 2022, and Mar 13, 2023). Obviously, November 11th is a few days beyond Midterms 2022 but we know election results will extend for who-knows-how-long, and Trump's big mouth is certain to be involved.

Then if we take this significant Gemini New Moon (also conjunct the Discovery Degree of erratic Uranus 1781 - Trump's guiding planet of chaos) as if it's a solar eclipse (power which some lunations can muster) with aggressive Mars conjunct it, we have conditions of headstrong people with violent tendencies who can be prodded into misguided situations intended to settle issues despite any negative karmic indications - and rarely do they undertand the full significance or the ultimate consequences of their actions against society. The ones who do understand, know what they're doing - and they don't care.

In addition, we shouldn't forget a major influence that colored the entire year: the Spring Equinox Solar Eclipse that brought Trump's Prez Bid New Moon which fell into the 17 South Saros Series because 17 South, working through a POTUS-pretending Trump, sure eclipsed America, plus, 17S themes account for at least some of why one third of American voters could be so easily bamboozled by 'agent orange for president' and line up behind his misbegotten regime. For it was good news and success, even for bad actors.

And yes, we've discussed such topics before. Example: Year 2015: Our Trump Troubles Begin.

So as Midterms 2022 arrive in a few days with a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus in tow, my hope is that these astro-notes on the 2015 Prez Bid New Moon might inspire a voter or two with Blue Tsunami leanings because it will take a landslide for democracy to vanquish the orange blighter and his cheating, fascist-leaning comrades.

So in closing, I'll say this: for years I've heard that what frightens politicians the most is the large population in the United States - so if that's true, we have the perfect tool that can cast out the anti-government types, the grifters, charletans, wackos, and bigots who work to undermine the US Constitution, often on behalf of foreign governments, while believing they can reverse time!

So let's Vote Blue to Save America in massive numbers! She is, after all, worth the effort.

Jun 19, 2022

America's initial Mars-Pluto Cycle

by Jude Cowell

Recently, we discussed America's initial Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune Cycles. Another significant planetary cycle for our country is the forceful, dynamic Mars-Pluto Cycle, a pair that tends to carry karmic undertones within:

America's Mars-Pluto Cycle, shown above, began with their conjunction on December 24, 1775 @25Cap:35:17 during what were combustible times full of war, brutality, violent assaults, forcible suppression, oppression, subversion, injuries, and death. Yet also in those Revolutionary days, daring and courage were shown by many, along with feats of superhuman strength. Astrologically speaking, when Mars, planet of desire, is the stronger planet within the Mars-Pluto duo, energies tend toward the selfish, greedy, egotistical side but when transpersonal planet Pluto directs the action via highly developed individuals, such base desires are kept under control so that tremendous powers of regeneration are possible and which can actually benefit humanity.

Of course in more modern times, for most Americans it's unsurprising that our nation's Mars-Pluto Cycle in governmental Capricorn, ruled by karmic planet Saturn, directly connects to such things as FDR's Arsenal of Democracy speech and the campaign it announced because weapons of war, the distributing and sales of them, and the implication of protecting the national security of America were and are part of the Pentagon's mission, its reason for existence. 'Spreading Democracy' around the globe is America's typical justification for waging war and carrying out various operations, yet deception and progaganda tend to be necessary in order to hoodwink the American people into supporting and fighting the wars of old men. Motivation is everything, and plundering the resources (and the women) of other lands is a tactic as old as the hills - and unfortunately, the US military has been turned into a gargantuan jobs program which assures warmongers such as private contractors and mercenaries that their gravy trains will continue chugging along the same old crooked tracks.

Now part of it all in relation to the forceful, brutal Mars-Pluto duo, is the fact that US Mars turned retrograde ('Rx') by progression in 2006 - once in multi-tasking Gemini in 1776 and ready for action, then through the years Mars symbolically progressed through Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and into Libra, thereby activating concerns over the moral weaknesses of others. This condition has led to inwardly turned energies and aggression (exs: mass shootings; police violence against non-violent citizens; police officers assaulted on Jan 6th; US soldiers disabled in war, misogyny, pedophilia, hypocrisy, underhanded behavior, anti-social activities such as Klan marches, online relationships instead of real world ones, and more). Obviously, such a Rx condition is frustrating for activist Mars (aka, 'the shooter', 'the assassin', 'the arsonist'), for Mars is the planet that embodies the concept of energetic forward movement. Why, activism is his jam!

Powerful If Invisible Pluto the Plutocrat

Meanwhile, US Pluto was already Rx in 1776 (pulling strings from abroad?) but with the ongoing US Pluto Return all through 2022, powerful plutonian energies are activated in a titanic way, and, thanks to our Mercury-Pluto opposition of 1776, surveillance and the power of secret knowledge are even more prominent in society, with America's 1776 Mercury being opposed once again (in 'real time') by transit Pluto. This transit provides us with an intense, troubled, transitional period of chaos, disruption, and turmoil when investigation, research, secret information, disinformation, and power-seeking are top of the national menu. And this, just as America's structures, systems, traditions, and social fabric are under extreme duress thanks to entities both foreign and domestic. As you've noticed, America as a 'failed state' is the primary goal of saboteurs and it long has been.

Then to make matters more complex, confusing, eroding, and subversive, transit Neptune in Pisces has chimed in by opposing US 1776 Neptune in Virgo with its persecution vibes and a global clash of ideals and beliefs - and that, across the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis, with the exploitation of the masses via the utilization of corruption and fraud an ongoing issue for our country, and across the world.

Karma: A Natural Law of Consequences That Even America Can't Evade Forever

Admittedly yes, as a descendant of CSA soldiers, my belief is that promoters of a new version of the old Confederacy now play an integral role in the current campaign to sabotage our federal government, and to divide and conqueror the American people just as such hidden forces did in the mid-1800s (hint: international banking houses and war profiteers, the corporatists of their day). Meanwhile, malevolent, opportunistic operatives have had their own selfish motives for enabling the splitting of America into factions, grudge-filled hatred being one of them, then and now. How very 'Mars-Pluto' of them.

Old Man Capricorn = Government, Law, and Business

Now my suspicion is that everyone following political events through the venerable lens of Astrology knows that the 21-to-30-degree range of Capricorn is highly sensitized these days, not the least of which is due to the harsh, compressive Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020. Recommended is a 'noon' Horoscope of The Confederacy 1861 where you'll find a cooperative Venus-North-Node conjunction @23Capricorn of 'like-minded individuals'. Plus, here's a link to the Confederate Constitution Horoscope of March 11, 1861 with its North Node @21Cap02 - 'hit' by the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (with NN: 'misery of the masses' - R. Ebertin). Note that the post contains a link to the text of the 1861 document as provided by the Avalon Project. It's a fanciful relic that today's saboteurs are determined to re-animate.

So as you know, eclipse cycles and historical cycles can be compared for they relate to one another in ways that I often refer to as 'cosmic time links'. Therefore, when comparing earthly events with the cosmic occurrences which reflect them during certain periods of history (and considering that "1776" was one of the code words during the January 6, 2021 coup attempt still ongoing), a Timeline of the Revolutionary War might just come in handy.

And as Thom Hartmann always reminds us, "Democracy is not a spectator sport - get out there and get active!"

May 10, 2022

Bi-Wheel: Coup Attempt 2021 w/ J6 Public Hearing June 2022

June 9th Accountability Knocks: Will the Guilty Answer?

by Jude Cowell

On April 29, 2022, J6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson told the American people to expect "at least 8 hearings" investigating Trump's Attempted Coup of January 6, 2021. Finding no exact hour the opening hearing of June 9, 2022 may begin, the following bi-wheel shows the Public Hearing (outer) set for the speculative hour of 9:30 am edt, Capitol Building (or other DC location) with US natal North Node (meetings) conjunct the IC (endings) of the Trump Coup Attempt chart (inner).

Note: Although I'm calling this the 'first' public hearing, Capitol Hill officers testified in July 2021 about the coup attempt. These horoscopes are posted today because most of us are hoping that politicians and others who aided and abetted Trump's power grab scheme will be held accountable bwo of the J6 Summer 2022 hearings, and by the DOJ. If the culprits aren't, a coup attempt will occur again, as everyone knows. Yet a plus is that transit Pluto conjunct Mercury supplies deeper powers for delving into hidden meanings and motivations, so let's take appropriate actions to protect democracy and our Republic!

For the January 6, 2021 insurrection horoscope shown here, I'm using 1:32:32 pm est so that 26Tau27 rises with malevolent Algol conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven 'MC' (the goal), along with the opening hearing's Mercury, planet of testimony, communication, negotiation - but also of lies, deception, theft, and trickersterism. Transit North Node @22Tau15 conjuncts ASC as well which suggests that Trump has been and will be the central figure in the J6 proceedings (for clear reasons). And yes, the leader of the sabotage felt very joyful on that day as shown by Sun = Venus-Jupiter!

Both Charts/Events: Moon-Mars Oppositions with Don't Tred On Me Vibes

Besides the anger, quarrels, fights, and self-willedness that a Moon-Mars opposition suggests, a prominent transit for Trump is legal eagle planet of karma, accountability, and timing, Saturn Rx @25AQ14, opposing Trump's natal Mars in Leo (and his natal Ascendant, for that matter). This denotes potentials for gridlock, anger and resentment, negative dealings with males and the public, illness (heart problems, stress, strain, inflammation, injuries), and yes, a potential for violence. According to R. Ebertin, there are also indications of 'mysterious death, grievous loss, insufficient power to tackle obstacles or resistance, weakening efforts, self-torment', and/or the 'undermining of vitality' via 'poison, gas, or epidemic', as shown by the J6 public hearing's Mars-Saturn @18Pis23 conjunct Coup Attempt Neptune @18Pis35) with Mars-Saturn as 'the death axis'. We should brace for the possibility that sinister, mysterious, or subversive events could occur before or during the Summer 2022 J6 hearings. This is supported by the ongoing themes of the current 6 North Solar Eclipse (@10Tau28 on April 30, 2022) suggesting 'commitments accepted due to another person's unreliability or illness' and with 'relationships to authority figures' being prominent (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Now there are multiple planetary contacts between the two horoscopes and events as you see and some are mentioned, above. But let's continue our focus with the multi-faceted contacts affecting the Coup Attempt's Mercury-Pluto conjunction, remembering that 2022 is the year of America's first-ever Pluto Return (3x for good measure). And let's note that the Coup Attempt's Saturn-Pluto midpoint is joined by the Public Hearing's Pluto which adds recognition and confrontation with evil to the mix (Munkasey). There, I typed it: pure evil such as the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 cosmically consolidated for humanity as their nearly 33-year cycle began once again - while perfecting their conjunction directly upon the natal Vertex of Mr. Trump (22Cap51): fated encounters or wish fulfillment? Perhaps both

Thing is, it's time for Americans to decide once and for all what sort of country we have and what brand of government we want, and the J6 hearings are part of the challenge along with the US Pluto Return/s. It's as if the old R vs D stand-offs are distilled into the current Authoritarianism vs Democracy tug of war, but we must be certain to recognize that it's brutal, malevolent neo-nazis mounting the challenge to American democracy. Why, even the double Moon-Mars oppositional influences echo Trump's natal Mars opposing (targeting) US natal Moon in Aquarius. How much plainer can the Cosmos make the threat?

Then What About the Libra Moon/s?

So besides Luna's opposition with warrior planet Mars, the Moon on June 9, 2022 @12Lib11, a critical degree, acts as the handle of a Bucket pattern and thus is a primary driver or motivator of the proceedings. As you know, the mundane Moon = the public, publicity, public relations, family, security concerns, and as a timing agent, we should note that the Coup Attempt's Moon @21Lib31 returns to her position (a Lunar Return) on June 10, 2022 at 2:00:59 am edt with early Aries rising. An earlier position of testy Mars is signifiant - @12Ari02, a critical-crisis degree - exactly opposite the June 9th Public Hearing's Moon (12Lib11) which is a Moon-Mars (angry or upset people!) emphasized again.

And a cosmic echo of the Tr*mp natal Mars @26Leo opposing US natal Moon.

Jan 30, 2022

On the Mysterious Death of Nicola Tesla

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you've watch the History Channel's YouTube documentary The Tesla Files: Shadow Government Revealed (S1 E5). Born July 9, 1856 during a midnight thunderstorm in Gospic, Croatia with early Taurus and Pluto rising, Uranian genius Nicola (Nikola!) Tesla's inventions made posible many things such as the wireless technology we employ today. Dying under what seem to be mysterious circumstances on the night of January 7, 1943 in his Manhattan hotel room at The New Yorker, Tesla's files were reportedly gathered up and taken away by the FBI a couple of days after a hotel maid found his lifeless body. By this time, Tesla was very thin and living on warm milk and crackers, plus, the scientist was penniless after a lifetime of inventions (stolen!) and a habit of sleeping only two hours per night.

Apparently, Tesla suffered from a heart condition and died during a Saturn-Uranus-Conjunction period ('Saturn-Uranus' = heart blockage - R. Ebertin). Official cause of death: heart thrombosis. This may be true but it doesn't rule out criminal interference speeding his death along. However, as the above documentary mentions, it could be that Tesla was not being secretly surveilled by government agencies, but was actually working with them. This was, after all, the era of the secret Manhattan Project and other covert projects relating to the war effort and weaponry. Even 'UFOs' became involved in Tesla's story as detailed in the above documentary, and there's a link from there to the commandering of Tesla's files after his death. Perhaps you've heard of the The Majestic Twelve and the conspiracy theories that have swirled out of this secretive group of scientists.

UPDATE Jan 31, 2022: Here's a link to some historical context concerning President Truman and The Bomb. Original post continues here:

Then There's Poor Old Tesla Playing with Pigeons

These days, there are people asking, was Tesla's famous devotion to pigeons more professional than personal? Were secret messages sent to and from a (secretly?) surveilled Nicola Tesla via pigeons he kept on the roof of The New Yorker Hotel? If Tesla was being spied upon by various entities, it's no mere theory that homing pigeons had been used as winged messengers before, by the US military, in fact. And curiously, on an astrological note, for the Vertex ('VX' of fated encounters) at this death (unmarked on the chart but @19AQ55), its rounded-up degree of @20AQ reveals an appropriate Sabian Symbol of "A Big White Dove, A Message Bearer"! In the above documentary, you can see a photo of Tesla's favorite pigeon - and yes, it's white.

Perhaps another cosmic curiosity is that his 1943 Death Neptune Rx @2Lib03 conjuncts - hides - Tesla's natal Nemesis, the unbeatable foe (2Lib22), and of course, sneaky Neptune is the karmic planet of veils, disguises, surveillance, lies, fraud, corruption, speculation, loss, and more. Then rising at 10:30 pm EWT in the Death Horoscope is 14Vir21 which brings up Tesla's natal Icarus, asteroid of 'assassination' and/or 'falling from position' - and possibly being unprepared for the task ahead.

Meanwhile, there's a solar timing device between the charts because Tesla's demise, natural or assisted, came during his un-birthday when the Sun in Capricorn opposed his natal Sun in Cancer, an annual time of reassessment of one's goals for the year. Did a mystery visitor that January 7th insist on a change of direction that Nicola Tesla refused to make? Could it have related to the development of the atom bomb? Well, transit Mercury and Pluto Rx were opposed (across the US Nodal Axis of meetings, encounters, separations) which suggests that someone was determined to undermine existing circumstances along with the spying that comes with this pair. Their opposition by transit echoes America's Mercury-Pluto opposition of July 1776, a cosmic picture of "knowledge is power'.

Yet this opposition can also suggest that Tesla's complex thought patterns may have been unraveling or disintegrating due to longstanding health factors at his age such as the development of brain-related conditions (ex: dementia). After all, he'd reached 87 years old, was subsisting on a poor diet, and had already lived 3 years beyond his Uranus Return/s when things and memories important in the past tend to be let go or forgotten, thus creating a form of mental freedom - in other words, a natural process. Three times genius Tesla's Uranus returned to natal degree (23Tau56 in 1st house): twice in 1940 in June and November, and once in April 1941.

Then on a biological level, Reinhold Ebertin gives the Mercury-Pluto duo a link to 'nerve troubles' and to 'the overtaxing of strength' through 'excessive zeal'. For the brilliant Nicola Tesla, born with primal Pluto rising and thus able to see deeply into reality itself and understand the Universe's cosmic underpinnings, his was a life time of zeal.

And so my suspicion is that a certain midpoint picture of transformation and scientific breakthroughs, which prominently conjuncts his natal Ascendant at birth, could have played a primary part in his zealous life mission and inventions on behalf of the betterment of mankind:

Pluto = Jupiter-Uranus: devices that can transform the world!

And yet the mystery of Nicola Tesla's death remains, with Astrology offering valuable insights while providing no definite conclusion for most of us regarding the 'natural or assisted' question.

Now without further ado, below is a view of the Natal and Death Horoscopes of Nicola Tesla bwo a bi-wheel (his natal chart in center). As always, feel free to leave a name-tagged, on-topic comment with this post if there are any planetary factors you wish to mention for many other cosmic contacts and features between the two charts are worth noting:

Nicola Tesla intended that his inventions would be utilized for the sake of humanity, a mission unendorsed by the corporatists, colleagues, and government officials of his day. Even so, in tribute to a great and ill-treated genius, May Nicola Tesla R.I.P.

Jan 1, 2022

US Pluto Return Feb 2022 with a Moon Return to 1/6/21

by Jude Cowell

January 1, 2022

Below is a DC Horoscope of America's first-ever Pluto Return (number one of three) all occurring in 2022 with their subsequent dates listed on the chart, top center. Also marked as you see, and highlighted in orange, is the 4th house Pluto Return Moon @21Lib56 which happens to time a Moon (Lunar) Return to the Mob Attack Moon position of January 6, 2021 (2:05:54 pm) The 1/6 Moon Return perfects a mere 37 seconds after the Pluto Return (2:05:17 pm est). To me this indicates that the same or nearly the same mob of malcontented insurrectionists and violence-minded Tr*mp acolytes are somehow involved with the indications of the US Pluto Return and these plutonian influences will activate them (the unjailed of them!) throughout 2022 into 2023. In fact, transit Pluto has been within a 5-degree orb of 27Cap33 since February 2019.

Now naturally, a consideration of US Pluto's cosmic condition on July 4, 1776 can be instructive since whatever contacts the planet of stealth, wealth, and power made back then are being repeated or reinforced by transit Pluto returning to his former position of 27Cap33:06 in the US Scorpio Rising Horoscope (ASC 8Sco47 at 2:22 pm LMT with Scorpio's Mars-Pluto influences - but of course use whatever version of the US Horoscope you prefer).

Natal Planetary Aspects of 1776 Pluto Are Echoing Loudly Into Our Era

In America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope there are two aspects to or from Pluto: Pluto opposite Mercury Rx @24Can15 (3S18 - separating, therefore unconscious especially since in 1776, Pluto was as yet undiscovered but I use outer planets in historical horoscopes anyway, not that you must - I just like the hidden quality of them along with their generational cycles).

Now you know that US Mercury's rounded-up Sabian Symbol for '25Cancer' is intriguing: "A Man Wrapped In An Invisible Mantle of Power" - and there's invisible Pluto (the powerful puppet master) interacting with the speedy planet of communications and commerce. Their opposition has always suggested to me control and manipulation from abroad but that topic would require a post all its own for another time. Meanwhile, their opposition denotes potentials for surveillance, mind control, secret activities such as spying and committing crimes, propaganda, suggestive oration, and/or complete control and manipulation of information (knowledge is power). Complete control and surveillance such as we have now. And perhaps you agree that withholding information has morphed into an art in US Politics.

Here we should add the Sabian Symbol for US Pluto: "28Capricorn": "A Large Aviary." Even more disturbing is that Pluto in Capricorn is known as 'the dictator' according to Reinhold Ebertin. Thing is, this concept must also be seen through 1776 eyes - which relates somewhat to the manipulation-from-abroad theme at America's founding. Or does it? Perhaps it's the mysterious voice from the balcony loudly asserting that, "God has given America to be free!" (But not if neo-fas*ists have their way.)

Now the second aspect to US Pluto of 1776 is a trine from Neptune in Virgo (5A08; from 7th to 9th house) indicating social institutions providing comfort and sustenance which easily conform to societal ideals - then, if not so much now. However, the trine is recurring via the Pluto Return chart of February 20, 2022 so within current society, positive responses to the spiritual, psychic, and/or mystical realms may be felt along with the awakening of the masses to those higher realms which may become more and more prevalent in society. My advice: studiously ignore the misuse of "awake" and "awakening" being propagandized by the far right for this is something they want to avoid - for it will reveal to more and more people in stark relief the GOP's hideous scars, warts, and devil horns. The Republican Party is much more of a hazy, cloudy Moon-Neptune endeavor which requires a lack of discernment, vagueness, and misguided perceptions in order to exist within our populace at all. Naturally, the GOP's continual use of 'gaslighting' the public comes to mind, and don't get me started on their financial scams, schemes, and hucksterism.

DC Horoscope: February 20, 2022 2:05:17 pm est Washington DC:

So! Above you see the first-ever Pluto Return Horoscope of America contains quite a few chart factors penned upon it such as chart-ruler Moon (at her February 2022 Lunar Return to her 'Mob Attack' position, you'll remember - and prominently leading a ruthless Locomotive shape of February planets, determined on success at any cost). In addition, Luna makes two applying aspects in the 2022 chart (how things will proceed):

1. An inconjunct with 9th house Neptune in mystical, secretive, contagious Pisces which suggests people who have trouble separating fantasy and illusion from reality and facts, those who tend to express the emotions of others (ex: grudge-holding Herr Tr*mp's hatred and venom toward those who stand in his way - so he schemes and plots his revenge), and folks for whom the acceptance of any obligation feels like an emotional trap because they're pressured into things by people with ulterior motives. And those manipulators drop them when they're no longer of any use. Major emotional adjustments are needed but how are the thoroughly confused and possibly drug-infused to manage?

2. Moon square Pluto (5A36). This aspect of internal blockage describes people (Moon) who express the baser emotions of humanity - envy, jealousy, hatred, vengeance, a zeal for violence, a propensity toward offended vanity - and who feel a desperate need to gain complete control of their environment. Of course, this obviously describes the Orange Herr from Mar-A-Lago as well as his followers and "shock troops" expressing - acting out - his negative emotions, as already noted. We saw them 'following his orders' on January 6th and can expect to see them at it again, for as many pundits admit, the Tr*mp 'coup' is ongoing. This we know and must prepare for.

Side Note: Unfortunately, priestly Chiron, the wounded healer, is unaspected in this chart so apparently can make no improvements or contacts with the other planets (actors), no grace, forgiveness, positive input, or repentance at all coming from his direction. However, on another level Chiron is at "11Aries" with the Sabian Symbol, "The President of the Country." And since Tr*mp is 'the POTUS' (in his own mind!) feeling deeply wounded, his ego and vanity scalded by rejection, Chiron here may represent him, simmering in his isolation and trying hard not to seem irrelevant. Yet his is a well-deserved exile in my book. Otherwise, if not the orange menace, Chiron could represent President Biden whose agenda intended to better the lot of the American people is being viciously blocked by underhanded Republicans determined to re-grasp power.

Then it's tragic with a Moon-Pluto square involved, how human beings tend to hold on to such base emotions and grudges until they are in the greatest need of purification, and particularly so in this case if any karmic progress is to be made at all in or by the US as a united country. Accepting input from our 1776 Neptune-Pluto trine would supply a path toward purification for all those who realize their need for it but unfortunately, the otherworldly planetary pair is more than ever being used for criminal acts by unscrupulous crooks and global mobsters who through decades have infiltrated our nation and our government (federal, state, and local). Even so, Tr*mp and his vicious thugs and malcontents of a neo-n*zi persuasion must be held accountable for their crimes yet this Child of the Revolution could be reasonably happy if they decided to permanently leave the continent and find themselves a new home where they can be just as fasc*st as they wanna be - while leaving decent folk alone.

Dear Readers: If things go well around here, a second Pluto Return post with astro-notes will be published concerning the July 11, 2022 Pluto Return (#2 of 3) which falls quite near the US Solar Return 2022 event when America will turn 246 years old. Sign up in the sidebar for email alerts if you wish and remember that your kind Shares and on-topic, name-tagged Comments and Insights are always much appreciated! jc

PS: please note that all comments are moderated so ads for services or websites are never ever published so don't bother wasting your time - and attempts to disguise them as comments doesn't work.

Dec 11, 2021

Trump determined to 'Occupy the Capitol" on 1/6

Of Saboteurs in the Halls and Chambers of Congress

by Jude Cowell

December 11, 2021

Perhaps by now you've heard or read that the Team Tr*mp Plot on January 6th was actually to occupy the Capitol Building long enough for Tr*mp allies in six states to decertify and overturn the 2020 Election on behalf of the orange wanna-be dictator. Follow the link to read Seth Abramson's informative piece on this treasonous topic.

Obviously, things turned out differently than in the Mercury-Neptune-square fantasy world of Herr Tr*mp but as many folks have asserted, the insurrection of January 6, 2021 was only a trial run or practice session for the coup-to-come.

Now as readers of Stars Over Washington know, the 1/6 attack on the US Congress, its planning stages, and events leading up to it occurred under the difficult influence of the karmic 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020, a Total lunation that 'eclipsed' political proceedings on the very day the Electoral College met and cast their votes. Thus, strong emotions were triggered with the results issuing from the 'for Biden-against Tr*mp' outcome continuing to cause destabilizing, threatening, even violent events to ripple through US society to this day.

And for the first time ever, our country's traditional 'peaceful transfer of power' was not allowed to occur with destructive egotist Tr*mp involved - for him, malicious scheming took precedence assuring that it wouldn't be a "transfer" of power, he'd said, but a continuation. Well, no. Because of course, the traditional certification of Electoral College votes in and by the US Congress was set for January 6, 2021 and this process was what Don*ld wanted stopped or at least delayed until the six states could manipulate their 2020 election results in the loser's favor. The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) has published a blog about the 2020 election numbers if you'd care to check it out.

Meanwhile, a post with details concerning the Astrology of the coup attempt on January 6th is linked underneath the following bi-wheel which shows the January 6, 2021 Horoscope of the 'Mob Attack' set for 2:15 pm est Capitol Building surrounding America's 'Powell' Horoscope of July 1, 1776 - and as you see, there are zealous, demagoguing, double Mercury-Pluto influences activating the US Mercury-Pluto opposition with its inherent desire to corrupt existing circumstances even while thought patterns tend to disintegrate:

Chart Details: January 6th Planets link to US 1776 Chart and reveal that transiting asteroid Nemesis @25Scorpio conjuncts the natal Midheaven ('MC', the Goal Point) of Herr Tr*mp where venemously enraged star Algol happens to incessantly lurk. And to me, this cosmic synchronicity describes the orange blighter as a foe of all humanity.

Aug 25, 2021

January 6, 2021 Planets link to US 1776 Horoscope

Some Call This a Revolution

by Jude Cowell with Chart Data by Gary Lorentzen

If google would cooperate by uploading the image, below you could view a quick posting of America's 'Powell Horoscope' of July 1, 1776 (inner) with the 2:15 pm est 'Trump Mob Attack' horoscope of January 6, 2021 in bi-wheel form and showing the amazing number of planetary contacts between them which are listed below the image. However, as a work-around the bi-wheel image has been posted to my general astrology blog Jude Cowell Astrology so I hope you'll check out the bi-wheel there.

Meanwhile, here's a list of the several planetary contacts between the January 6, 2021 planets and America's Powell Horoscope and naturally you may discover even more! Of course, we might also wish to call these cosmic synchronicities (via the 1/6 transits) 'Tr*mp vs America':

Beginning with the 1776 Ascendant (6Cap07) and first house and moving counter-clockwise:

Sun conjuncts Moon; Pluto opposes Mercury; Mercury conjuncts Pluto (emphasizing an intense double Mercury-Pluto situation); Neptune opposes Neptune; warrior Mars conjunct IC (plus Uranus the zealous anarchist now in 4th house of Homeland and Domestic Scene: a violent pairing); Ascendant conjunct Uranus; North Node conjunct Mars (and points toward the visionary 5 North Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 - now of influence; Moon opposes Chiron; Venus opposes Venus.

The amazing abundance of cosmic time links between the January 2021 and July 1776 planets makes me wonder if the 1/6 violent insurrectionists and saboteurs sent by Donald Tr*mp to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden were acting under the influence of astrological guidance. Your thoughts?

A related post: Horoscope: US Syzygy Moon @10Cap11 which perfected on the morning of July 1, 1776.

Jul 27, 2021

Uranus-Pluto: Can Biden's American Rescue Plan end the Reagan Revolution?

Uranus-Pluto: A Pair of Revolutionary Planets and Their Midpoint then and now

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday July 27, 2021: Since the first hearing of the House Select Committee on 1/6 has ended at 1:00 pm edt with intense Mercury-Pluto conjunct Ascendant @26Lib59, and chart-ruler Venus in fact-based Virgo making no applying aspects but squares the Nodal Axis: inappropriate social reactions (by some such as secessionist Republican Taylor Greene - and detailed today by four testifying police officers), I'm adding a link to some of Thom Hartmann's commentary concerning the Biden administration's economic efforts on behalf of our country and people about which, Thom asks, Does the American Rescue Plan Signal the End of the Reagan Revolution?

As he has before, Thom cites Peter Turchin's piece in Nature (published 10 years ago) in which he notes that we would see "massive political upheaval in 2020 because politics tends to go in cycles of around between 40 and 60 years, most often 50 years." And since cycles are the stock in trade for all astrologers, it's only natural that our curiosity should perk up concerning Turchin's prediction, yes? As Above, So Below. Or as some of us think of the concept, "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."

Mr. Turchin had then predicted that "we'd see people in the streets" (last year, 2020) "like we hadn't seen since the late 1960s -" and most astrologers easily recognize the riotous influences of the Great Conjunctions of zealous anarchist Uranus, the Utopian rebel, and powerful planet of transformation and death, Pluto, the hidden hand, in the mid-1960s, in mid-Virgo, across the victim-savior axis.

And as I've noted here and elsewhere months ago, the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces had for some time been precisely opposing the degrees of the Uranus-Pluto Conjunction of the 1960s, a cosmic circumstance I tend to ascribe to a triggering of such rebellious energies of upheaval and social protest against the lack or loss of rights, and, via the Black Lives Matter movement - in 2020 demanding that 'slave patrol' style police officers stop killing people of color which, of course, was triggered primarily by the cruel execution of George Floyd. Add the current transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo and we have racial, social, and religious persecution, in addition to the violent reactions and rebellion against authority made timely by the Saturn-Uranus square in rigid, stubborn Fixed signs as old and new ideas and methods clash.

Then notably today at 1:00 pm edt, we find that the transiting midpoint of Uranus-Pluto has moved on to 19Pis59 - conjunct the 1:00 pm Moon suggesting potentials for 'daring; ambition; determination; intuition; restlessness; bringing about changes by force' (R. Ebertin). Perhaps Luna is Rep. Liz Cheney! Of course, you know that transiting Neptune Rx @22Pis58 is nearby as well and with transit Uranus-Pluto within orb, society's current conditions of 'insecurity, uncertainty', and, for some mentally or emotionaly unbalanced folk, 'neuroses' are unfortunately activated (R. Ebertin).

Bad Policies and Financial Scams Always Make Social Conditions Worse

Then for economic considerations such as financial transformation in the US sometimes called the Reagan Revolution, Thom adds the fact that, "-- 50 years ago, in 1971, the modern conservative era was kicked off with the Powell Memo "(see link, below), "which started building a massive conservative infrastructure and led to the election of Reagan. Like old Confederate statues," Thom continues, "the shine on St. Ronny seems to have turned rather green." Thus the speculation that the 'Reagan Revolution' may finally be ending with Biden initiatives - and taking 40 years of social and economic harm, including the discredited "trickle down" scam against the American people, with it.

If so, it's a case of good riddance and huzzah.

For more details on such riotous topics, eclipses, and more, see a previous SO'W post from 2020: Summer 2020: Uranus-Pluto and Crisis Across America. Perhaps the title of the post and my commentary within seemed overblown or hyperbolic to some SO'W readers in 2020 but after the Trump Mob Coup Attempt of January 6th, this may no longer be the case especially for those who recognize the benefits of facing reality no matter how harsh so that our side's Uranus-Pluto energies and other resources can be harnessed to fight back against radical reactionaries of the fascist/neo-nazi persuasion.

The Capitol police officers fought such forces on 1/6, as they testified today to defending Democracy against the violent mob sent there, as one officer, Mr. Dunn, stated, sent by "a hitman."

So if you, dear reader, have any qualms about the true identity of said "hitman," I must wonder why in the world you would be wasting your precious time reading Stars Over Washington!

Also related: 1971: Nixon, Gold, Jupiter-Neptune, and a Solar Eclipse Series ends; The Powell Memo: a Genesis of Corporatism in Control ('noon' horoscope shown); Astrology of Reagan's First Inauguration 1981 (chart shown, links to his Inaugural address); and Reaganomics Eclipse 1981 a Turning Point for America (horoscope shown).

Above image: a vintage depiction of the US Capitol Building.

Jul 16, 2021

Horoscopes: July 27 First 1/6 Hearing with Mob Attack

by Jude Cowell

Below is a bi-wheel with the January 6, 2021 'Trump Mob Attack' Horoscope (set for 1:00 pm est) in center (ASC 15Tau54) surrounded by the 9:30 am edt Horoscope of what apparently is scheduled as the First Hearing of the Select Committee to investigate the 1/6 Mob Attack upon the US Congress and Capitol Building in a coup attempt to "stop the steal," as Tr*mp has called what became his fondest dream. As you know, the orange instigator really enjoyed watching the mayhem on TV in real time, as Leonigg and Rucker are reporting in their new book, I Alone Can Fix It. #ad

Meanwhile, at the top of the horoscopes below are listed two of the primary ongoing planetary influences that undergird current events: transit Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo with its 'persecution' implications (racial and religious), and the touchy, even violent Saturn-Uranus square timing a period when established laws are challenged and authority is resisted by the more rebellious types among the population.

Now as you see, a decided Mercury-Pluto (surveillance; intense communications) influence was in effect near the 1/6 Goal Point ('MC') along with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius in January. But since then, Jupiter has moved into Pisces, turned Rx, and with his great financial, political, and religious bulk, is opposing off and on the natal Mars of Herr Tr*mp, a total of three times all through 2021 with exact oppositions on April 20th, August 23rd, and December 10th. And with planet Mars (his @26Leo46 conjunct natal Ascendant and royal star Regulus) being the planet of energy, action, and motivation, having expansive Jupiter, planet of good fortune, opposing 'Mr. Testosterone' denotes a frustrating period of potentials for others to block his objectives, for legal actions to prevent or interfere with his plans, for his perspective to be way overblown (as usual!), for his success to be threatened and for him to threaten others, and for his current dreams and plans to collapse under their own weight.

As for the July 27th First Hearing Horoscope, testifying Mercury is chart-ruler (ASC 14Vir37: highlighted in green, 5th house of Risk-Taking) and also rules the Midheaven ('MC': The Goal) @12Gem24 conjunct transit Midas (in 1st house - is this Tr*mp?). However, Mercury makes no applying apsects in the Hearing chart so I'm not expecting much of an outcome but of course, this is only the first hearing to give police officers a chance to testify on what they experienced that shame-filled day.

Also affecting direction is the Nodal Axis which conjuncts Aldebaran ('success through integrity') with warring Antares at the separative South Node. As you see, the North Node in January pointed toward the June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse (@19Gem47) in the 5 North Saros Series with its themes of 'visions, prophetic dreams, hunches, and insights from the Unconscious' (B. Brady). As I mentioned, Tr*mp's fondest dream - is to grasp the reins of power and control once again.

Well, we know that the former guy is certainly prone to visions and lives in a fantasy world (with the support of his Mercury-Neptune square) so my guess is that 5 North themes have only added fuel to his tendency for not dealing with the reality of losing the 2020 Election.

Now as usual, a bunch of my notes are squished onto the chart/s so hopefully, those who wish to can enlarge the image and read them. And as always, your on-topic observations will be much appreciated (with your name attached) so I'll leave the bi-wheel with you for now, dear reader, and perhaps more notes on this topic will be added over the weekend or next week before the House's 1/6 Select Committee meets on Tuesday July 27th. Or even afterwards. jc

Mar 1, 2021

Trump Progressed Sun 2021 = Saturn-Neptune

Timing Is Everything

by Jude Cowell

March 1, 2021: When progressing the natal chart of Donald Trump to the moment and location that he completed his CPAC 2021 speech last evening (6:20 pm est, Orlando, Florida), this is the Secondary Progressed ('SP') Horoscope that turned up with his SP Sun @4Vir24 conjunct two SP midpoints: Saturn-Neptune and Mars-MC; please see the center of the chart for a few potentials of the two midpoint pictures that are created this year due to the day-for-a-year progression of Individual One's natal Sun in Gemini, now in fussy Virgo:

Also penned in the center is Sun-Uranus = MC (The Goal) denoting his 'far-reaching plans' (a 2024 presidential run, he asserts), and his self-willed desire to reform the Republican Party even more into his own gilded image, flip flops and all.

This Secondary Progressed Chart issues from Donald Trump's natal chart of June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY; ASC 29Leo55. Note that both SP Sun and SP Moon in Mercury-ruled Virgo (sign of The Critic) are in his natal 1st house but SP Moon @22Vir42 is now symbolically entering his natal 2nd house of Values, Earning Ability, and Possessions (natal 2nd cusp 22Vir57). The only SP aspect in the chart is a Mars-Pluto sextile which improves his physical stamina, spotlights strong emotions over money and relationships (same as the current themes of the 4 South Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 on December 14, 2020 conjunct his natal Moon-SN), but also shows that it's time he balances personal power with shared power (!). Plus, Trump's will power is emphasized by this progressed sextile as is his ability to both initiate and complete projects (Pottenger and Dobyns).

And yes, SP Jupiter rising is protective yet as you see, SP Nemesis @16Leo51 is sandwiched between his SP Mercury and SP Pluto, the planetary pair known for cruelty of speech. Plus, the SP South Node that he neurotically depends upon has both SP Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate: religion; crime) and SP Tisiphone (retaliation) upon it.

Now admittedly there's much more info within Trump's 2021 SP chart especially when compared to his natal horoscope so feel free, dear reader, to leave your on-topic observations in a comment if you wish to add to this post - with your name bravely attached. And please do me a favor and Share if you dare! jc

Sep 8, 2020

117th Congress scheduled to open January 3, 2021

Speculative Astro-Notes Concerning the 117th Congress of 2021

by Jude Cowell

September 8, 2020: If all goes according to plan, the 117th Congress will open on January 3, 2021, and unless Election 2020 in November results in leadership changes, Mike Pence will continue as President of the Congress.

Now I won't write much about the speculative January 3, 2021 chart set for Capitol Hill Washington DC and "noon EST" (in lieu of an announced hour - even the date could change), but below are a few general observations concerning the day's planets, plus, here's a view of the horoscope of the 117th Congress' Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') for which we do not need a correct opening hour in order to ascertain the opening's 'PE' for as long as the 117th Congress opens in January 2021, its 4 South PE remains the case with a 'fated' theme intact - plus, it's also the PE of Inauguration 2021:

117th Congress: January 3, 2021 noon est Capitol Hill shows 19Aries04 rising, the exaltation of the Sun degree. Naturally, the Sun (leadership) @13Cap32 conjuncts the noon Midheaven ('MC') while opposing US natal Sun (July 4, 1776) suggesting a period when government goals and objectives should be reassessed and, if necessary, a change of direction may be taken. This is due to the fact that annually, January 3rd (or 4th) is the Executive Branch's "un-birthday." So with Mars-ruled Aries rising, Mars is chart-ruler (@28Ari32 and rising in 1st house) and makes three applying Ptolemaic aspects in the chart: 1. square Saturn (@1AQ56 in career 10th house conjunct bold Altair the eagle) causing difficulties, delays, stalling, lack of preparation or planning, frustration, challenges to authority, and with a potential for anger; 2. square Jupiter (@3AQ24 in 10th house) suggesting overreach, exaggeration, risk-taking, empty gestures, and/or sloppiness with details; 3. conjunct Uranus Rx (@6Tau46 in 1st house) which indicates unusual or nontraditional actions and circumstances along with an explosive and/or shocking quality. First house denotes early expression of these restless energies with society's current anarchistic, protesting, even rioting activities also indicated--for discussion or possibly legislation in Congress, if not actual physical expression. Unexpected events may occur!

The Mars-Uranus Conjunction becomes exact on January 20, 2021 @6Tau44 and rises in the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope, as you know. And obviously whenever Mars and Uranus combine their highly charged energies, violent measures may be taken, risky or dangerous behavior can complicate issues and bring unfortunate consequences, and/or accidents may occur. For more dangerous indications, add to this the fact that the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint not only opposes their Great Conjunction degrees of 1965/66 (mid-Pisces) and stimulating street clashes, Civil Rights demands, and upheaval as before, but Uranus-Pluto also conjuncts the destructive January 3, 2021 Mars-Saturn midpoint (aka, the 'death axis'--Ebertin). "Not a pretty picture" hardly describes the mundane possibilities of this pile-up especially considering the vicious form of politics and vengeance being practiced.

So however the Inauguration 2021 ceremony goes, We The People can expect the unexpected with a desperate Uranian chaos-creator Trump involved and what for him will be a major test of nerves and strength.

Closely Related is the First Lunation of 2021 - a New Moon @23Cap13 of January 13th which falls in the middle of the 117th Congress' Mercury-Pluto Conjunction (22-25Cap), and as we know, is within the overly stimulated "Capricorn corridor", super-sensitized ever since January 12, 2020 when karmic Saturn and Pluto conjoined @22Cap46 - conjunct Trump's natal Vertex (22:51) of fated encounters. (Actually, January 3 2021 is almost a Mercury Return to the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction Horoscope's Mercury - exact January 4th at 4:07 am est with an exact Moon-Neptune opposition hinting at scandals, illusions, and a deceptive environment); meanwhile, Venu$ @23Cap48 activates the Capricorn New Moon linked, above! So apparently, new activities are being seeded and planned in the realms of Mercury-Pluto and finances, and at some point we'll be able to blame or credit the 117th Congress for the consequences.

Now several potentials are indicated for the combination of Mercury and Pluto such as 'political talk that offers abrupt changes to some functions; high security and intelligence activities; communications satellites; news of space exploration, orbital weapons, or toxic gases'.

Other possibilities include: 'secrets involving business or transportation systems; hidden activities; self-destructive impulses in business; and/or breakdowns in road networks (and one wonders: in cyber networks? hacks and leaks? grid or voting machine attacks?). 'Paranoia about secrets', plus, 'ruthless investigations' are also suggested (Munkasey) along with 'propaganda, persuasion, the power of suggestion, overzealousness, sly cunning, sharp criticism, a famous orator, plagiarism, demagoguery, fraudsters, and/or diplomacy (Ebertin). I'll add, malicious scheming, plus, the fact that Mercury is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') so there's no telling what he or she is up to - or what outrageous things may be said, reported, or what may be stolen. Then as always, running in the background is America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of total awareness, surveillance/spying, confidential information, mind control, censorship and publishing which affects all such matters in a challenging way. But all results must depend upon which political party comes out victorious in House, Senate, and White House, and that's a secret even the Universe is keeping close to her vest.

Update October 6, 2020: please note that the above post was published prior to Trump's recent hospital stay allegedly due to contracting coronavirus and his superspreader status making those around him ill. jc

Jul 31, 2019

Kamala Harris: a peace-making crusader with spunk!

Below you see a marked-up version of the natal horoscope (RR: AA) of Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris who is inherently qualified to fulfill the role of President of the United States. Whether she can successfully circumvent the multiple cheating tactics and propaganda campaigns of Trump and the GOP on and prior to Election Day 2020 remains to be seen but Senator Harris definitely has the talent, drive, and ambition to take over the job of POTUS on January 20, 2021!

Outspoken and competitive, Senator Harris is a "peace-making crusader" and a "cool-headed idealist" with "spunk and courage" according to her steamy Air-Fire Sun Libra-Moon Aries personality blend. Her Scorpio Mercury adds objectivity to her Libran Sun while indicating practicality, intellect, and an ability for deep study and perseverance in pursuit of arduous tasks and solutions. With no applying Ptolemaic aspects, chart-ruler Mercury's sign and house position (5th h of risk-taking, gambling, romance, creativity) are prominent. However, lively disputes and sharp criticism are potentials with Mercury in Scorpio and these were observed in the June 2019 Democratic Debates as she leveled her sights on fellow candidate Joe Biden and handily aided herself in the polls! Plus, having Mercury (Scorpio) and Pluto (Virgo) in Mutual Reception resonates with her political activities, some of which are of a secretive nature. This planetary duo finds sympathy with America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of spies, secrets, surveillance, and investigation. If you wish, check out her law-related career in her Wikipedia profile.

So tonight (July 31, 2019) is a return engagement for Kamala's debating Mercury in intense Scorpio so let's see how she does this time--and with transit Mercury's Direct Station tonight at 11:58 pm edt in her natal 2nd house of Values. And as you know, there's a New Moon @8Leo37 tonight, the phase when seeds are planted, and the New Moon conjoins Kamala's natal 3rd cusp of Communications. Some measure of harvest comes with the Full Moon of August 15, 2019 @22AQ24 in Harris' 9th house and opposes her 3rd house Mars. Therefore, there may be a spot of disappointment, and defiant or hostile reactions involved for her at the Full Moon for natal Mars is apex of her natal speculative Jupiter-Neptune midpoint. Will a bubble burst?

But for now, tonight's the night and we can't miss her powerhouse trio of Uranus-Pluto-Venus in 4th house, one of the Psychological Houses at that. Yes, accusations and attacks can fly from this particular trio and may very well do so in tonight's debate. After all, that very visible 10th house Chiron in Pisces mentor didn't mentor her for nothin'! Will the mayor's name come up as Campaign 2020 progresses? Well, I think it already has.

Another interesting factor about Harris' Mars @21Leo17 is that it's near Trump's natal Mars @26Leo rising--and conjoins her natal Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) which adds intensity to her competitive nature. And there in 2nd house is her Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @17Can15 in the 2 New North Saros Series--the degree of transit North Node as I type! Curiously, Harris' PE spotlights Trump's natal Nemesis (16Can40). Were they born to rumble? Maybe so considering the karmic nature of the Nodal axis.

And of course you'll remember the last manifestation of a 2 New North eclipse as 'The Tower Eclipse' for it was only on August 11, 2018 that it perfected @18Leo41 with its 'collapse of plans or lifestyles' and 'rebuilding' themes that continue to threaten tower-builder Donald Trump and his empire with the distinct potential of falling into rubble. And as you know, Trump recently 'fibbed' about being at Ground Zero on 9/11 which everyone in his audience of First Responders knew was a lie! Actually, Trump touted on that day how Trump Tower was then the tallest building in New York. That was his greatest concern, his Tower's rat infestation notwithstanding.

Now whether Trump will be mentioned in tonight's debates I know not but it won't be surprising if he is especially since Senator Harris' natal 12th house Jupiter Rx @24Tau00 sits directly upon Trump's natal Midheaven (24Tau18) where vicious star Algol holds sway. And after all, his nibs constantly provides Democrats and others with so much ammunition how can anyone on camera neglect to mention his unsuitability for the office he precariously holds--the office each one of them on stage tonight is determined to grasp as their own?

Well, at least the candidates with enough spunk are that determined!

Related: DC Horoscope: Election Day 2020 displaying both 12:00 am and 11:59 pm horoscopes for November 3, 2020. The Election Moon in Gemini (We the Voters--of two minds?) will approach the natal Ascendant and North Node of Kamala Harris but will actually conjoin the 10th house Sun-NN conjunction of Donald Trump but oppose his problematic natal Moon-SN. So will the outcome of the 2020 race be disputed and take a little time to settle once transit Mercury, planet of ballots, votes, and decisions, begins moving forward and passes its shadow degree on or about November 19th or 20th?

Care to venture your thoughts, dear reader?

Natal Data: Kamala Harris October 20, 1964 9:28 pm pdt Oakland, CA; RR: AA.

Sep 25, 2018

Who Is Noel Francisco? August 21, 1969

September 25, 2018: If or when Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is ousted or steps down, Solicitor General Noel Francisco is likely candidate to step in and begin overseeing the Mueller investigation into Trump and Russia. Word is, Francisco has an 'expansive view of presidential power', which may be one of his best qualities as far as un-indicted conspirator Mr. Trump is concerned.

With his birth hour unknown, here's a 'noon' horoscope for Noel Francisco born August 21, 1969 in Syracuse, New York:

As you see, his law-abiding Saturn in Taurus is 'conservative' and at Station Retrograde which strengthens and emphasizes his Saturn. Transit Venus in Scorpio is currently opposing his Saturn which marks a sobering time of 'business only'. Once transit Saturn eventually opposes his natal Venus (21Can14), partnerships and alliances will be under tremendous strain. Natal Saturn leads a Locomotive pattern (a ruthless drive toward success; a high-powered executive--Tierney) and is parallel royal star Regulus. See upper right for the stars in paran at rising with his planets, among them Sirius, The Scorcher.

But today his natal Uranus 2Lib10 is spotlighted by the Sun (2Lib34 as I type) which points to a decision of whether to be part of a certain group or not; either way, Mr. Francisco receives special attention under this transit. Meanwhile, natal Jupiter (6Lib10) is called on by speedy messenger Mercury (6Lib10--00:00 as I type) which denotes expanding ideas and plans, and engaging in political activities.

Natal Venus in Cancer is oriental (last to rise before his Sun) denoting that he tends to work with things of value. Noel Francisco's Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series is the 7 North and his PE is marked in orange on the chart with 7N eclipse themes listed, lower right.

And of course, there's the massive pile-up of Mercury, Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter across two signs (Virgo and Libra) for such are the births of late August 1969. A Mercury-Pluto conjunction suggests his dealings with secret and/or dangerous information, possibly with spying implications. It also hints of deep powers of thought, like a detective seeing through people and events into their deeper meanings and motives. Unfortunately, a desire for revenge often comes along with a Mercury-Pluto conjunction so Mr. Francisco may remind us at some point of the vengeful, retaliating Donald Trump--or he may simply take part in Trump's vendettas against his 'enemies', real and imagined.

The rest of the dissociate stellium is formed by a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction denoting a man with an insatiable curiosity for rooting out the truth and a respect for knowledge especially that of intellectual giants of the past--and yet he himself is a 'futurist'. He's also an opportunist who never lets a chance go by without taking advantage of it and he gets quite a few chances with this conjunction of 'lucky breaks' and 'breakthroughs'. An interest, if not a talent, in Politics is also indicated although he'd do best to use his talents elsewhere such as in Education. Plus, natal Mercury 22Vir41 is a writing-teaching-dedicated-work sort of placement, a book author perhaps, although his Mercury conjoins US natal Neptune 22Vir25. With this transit-to-natal consideration (1969 vs 1776/USA) a faint whiff of occultism may be noticed.

So Who Is Noel Francisco?

He's all that and more and his double Fire personality blend of Sun Leo-Moon Sag reveals him to be a passionate, adventurous hero-worshiper, an independent, restless, romantic visionary who is proud, loyal, and generous, yet can be imperious and impatient. A tendency to jump to conclusions has had to be re-directed or re-purposed and hopefully he has done this for his best results. He does lean toward dismissing the ideas of others out of hand and too brusquely which wounds far more than he intended. But why intend harm to others at all?

A bit of a 'gambling gypsy', Mr. Francisco is a restless explorer (physically or mentally) who detests dishonesty (and he can put up with fantasist Trump who considers them all employees?) and may have a turbulent domestic life. Now admittedly I don't have his accurate birth time so house cusps and Angles of his natal chart must be left out of this babble, but even so, his Sun-Moon blend paints a picture of a man who can exhaust those around him with his volatile double Fire approach that comes from a deep self-centeredness. And with his Moon in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (Luna can be as early as 2Sag+ or as late as 16Sag+ from 12 am--11:59 pm), then he shares the Sun Leo-Moon Sag personality blend with the likes of Sir Alexander Fleming, Ray Bradbury, 'Lawrence of Arabia', and Herman Melville who informs us of,

"Two antagonistic to mount direct to heaven, the other to drive yawingly to some horizontal goal."


For more personality blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey ~ now on Kindle!

Jul 29, 2017

Psychiatrists Lift Gag Rule To Allow Doctors to Publicly Discuss Trump’s Mental Decline

For astrologers who've looked at the secondary progressions (SP) of Donald Trump there is little surprise that a deteriorating mental state and obsessions he can't let go of have been in the news ever since Trump announced his bid for the presidency and, more worryingly, since taking office on January 20, 2017. Astrologically this is due in large part to the progressed conjunction of his Mercury (mentality, thought processes, communications) and destroyer Pluto (obsession, fear, danger, morbidity, control, manipulation--especially via words, coping ability, Psychiatry) in Leo, the sign of ego, pride, and leadership. The tyranny of the weak is suggested here and perhaps you've noticed in Trump's tweets a disintegration (Pluto) of his thinking function and communication patterns (see video linked, below).

When Paired, Mercury-Pluto Doesn't Always Know What It's Talking About

The combined energies of Mercury and Pluto relate to secret information, covert intelligence, surveillance (USA = natal Mercury Rx opposite Pluto Rx), gaining more power and control, finances, organizational ability, work methods, and/or cruel speech. And curiously, his SP Mercury-Pluto duo conjoins his SP Psyche, known astrologically to have trust issues. (Note that Mr. Trump also has an SP Mars-Neptune conjunction in Libra which adds elements of psychosis, fantasy, escapist behavior, and an urge to promote the 'Utopian dream' (Pottenger-Dobbyns).

That last urge belies Trump's Nationalism-Americanism themes yet a totalitarian Global Government is the 'Utopian dream'. An erratic Uranian, Mr. Trump is a Global Government agent of chaos no matter what he says or what he promised his gullible supporters!

Now here is The Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discussing the lifting of the gag rule (the 'Goldwater Rule') so that psychiatrists can openly discuss--and warn us--about the dangerous Donald Trump and his declining mental state:

For balance you may wish to see Slate's recent piece The Goldwater Rule Is Irrelevant by Susan Matthews.

A related video: Trump's Tweets Were Analyzed By Scientists, They Conclude That He Is Not....

Apr 20, 2017

Seeding at NATO Summit May 2017: Trump to Attend

Earlier during his White House tenure it was announced that Donald Trump would attend this year's NATO summit on May 25th in Brussels, Belgium. The summit is scheduled for May 24th to 25th so let's check the cosmic atmosphere of the 2017 summit via Moon and Sun, shall we?

The method I prefer when there are multiple dates to consider is to begin at 12:00 am Local Time for the date and location, then use an end time of 11:59 pm on the final date and location. This covers any possible after-event schmoozing by various attendees or perhaps late-night behind the scenes deals. In the case of NATO summit 2017, the Sun is in Mercury-ruled Gemini, good for communications, agreements, negotiations, compacts, news, and other messages, and the Moon is in Taurus on May 24th, then shifts into Gemini, forming a New Moon @4Gem46 as she floats. This denotes a time when seeds are planted for future harvest. In Brussels, the New Moon perfects at 9:44:24 pm CEDT and the political duo of Mercury and Mars will also be in Gemini.

New Moon May 2017: "5 Gemini" = "A Radical Magazine Displays a Sensational Front Page."

So we know that this year's summit will be held during a Dark of the Moon period (3 days prior to a New Moon) when shady dealings are done and are (they hope) kept hidden in shadows from public view, at least until plans can be implemented. Of course, in Mundane Astrology, the Moon signifies publicity, public relations, and the public itself. However, a Gemini Moon tends to be chatty and suggests ups and downs (moodiness that may include despondency) so we'll see how close to the vest the meetings' details are kept or leaked. After all, radical magazines must have sensational front pages! No word on whether attendees should bring along their consciences over the results of actions taken. As with all 'global elite' meetings, my feeling is that they are advised to leave consciences at home, if they possess any.

And since Mr. Trump is a Sun Gemini with North Node and Uranus in Gemini he should feel quite within his Mercurial element with the Gemini New Moon and the darkened secretiveness of the proceedings particularly now that he has repudiated his own previous critique of NATO as being "obsolete" and not paying their fair share (his Stationary Direct Jupiter in Libra in natal 2nd house of Money and Values talking: "that's not fair!"). And perhaps you remember that Mr. Trump announced his presidential campaign in June 2015 under the influence of a Mercurial Gemini New Moon!

For general details on the May 25, 2017 New Moon (chart set for Washington DC) here's a previous post on the topic of May 2017 Lunations which includes mention of our US Mars Return (22Gemini) on May 22, 2017--made more significant since the Trump administration is triggering a new War on (of) Terror, a new Cold War, a new phase of the War of Drugs, more bombing in the Middle East, and other Martian activities of the warrior planet in duplicitous Gemini. ('Can America fight two wars at once?' US Mars in Gemini, says, Yes! Even though a debilitated US Mars turned retrograde by progression in 2006.)

Cosmic Atmosphere for May 24 and 25, 2017

May 24, 2017 Sun Gemini-Moon Taurus, an Air-Earth blend of the rational, objective, and practical idealist. This combination of energies suggests an entrepreneurial spirit (such as that possessed by you-know-who) and a desire to pursue bright ideas. Turning ideas into reality is its specialty and factual evaluations are a must. However, a certain midpoint picture in effect during the summit gives pause on that score: Mercury-Pluto = Neptune (which now veils US Progressed Sun in Pisces = POTUS) which hints at such potentials as inefficient research, falsified data or documents, the use of deception, and/or the concealment of information in that 'knowledge is power' kind of way.

Sun Gemini-Moon Taurus is the natal blend of spy and author Ian Fleming and of railway tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt whose revealing quote informs us that, "What do I care about the law? Hain't I got the power?" Such an attitude some might apply to Mr. Trump as well and, born with an indiscreet, fact-distorting Mercury-Neptune square of misguided perceptions, he may turn out to be one source of leaks from the 2017 summit!

May 25, 2017 Sun Gemini-Moon Gemini, a double Air combination of a childlike yet natural communicator full of ideas and political schemes. Archetypes of this blend include the juggler, actor, thinker, planner, circus trapeze artist, and mimic. Mercurial to its toes and often charming, emotions are not its strong suit nor is looking under surfaces where darker motives reside. Still, this blend loves to meet new people who can be thrilled at its performances. We can expect that the Gemini Mr. Trump (if he actually does attend on May 25th) will be cheery and charming at the summit as long as he's the most famous person in the room. If he isn't most famous, he and his traveling Sagittarian Moon will not attend.

Sun Gemini-Moon Gemini is the natal blend of Britain's Queen Victoria and of actor John Barrymore who brings insight concerning this blend with, "One of my chief regrets during my years in the theater is that I couldn't sit in the audience and watch me."

Can we assume that the narcissistic Mr. Trump, as he plays the role of US president, could well profess the same self-awareness?

Related: NATO and the Stationary Jupiter of Mr. Trump (includes link to NATO's foundation chart of 1949).