U.S. House Office of Photography, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons: Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia
Undermining Democracy: Tour Leader Barry Loudermilk
by Jude Cowell
With the information being revealed this June during the current public J6 Select Committee Hearings, you've probably heard that on January 5, 2021, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA; pictured above; link to the video released by the J6 Committee) led a tour of the Capitol Building the day before the Trump coup attempt of January 6, 2021. Of course, Republicans want the public to believe that there is no link between the two events. Puh!
Seemingly related to the threats of violence is that Loudermilk's tour involved Capitol Building tunnels where insurrectionists the next day were determined to gas to death the lawmakers who were in hiding there for protection from Trump's yelping mob.
So for the astrologer within you, here's a previous post displaying a bi-wheel of two horoscopes: Coup Attempt 2021 and the J6 Public Hearing of June 9, 2022. Notably on the topic of gassing people hiding in tunnels, we find that the death duo of Mars-Saturn at the first public hearing of June 9, 2022 was @18Pisces conjunct the 2021 coup attempt's position of gaseous Neptune, karmic planet of gaslighting, fumes, toxins, poisons, death, loss, and the urge to merge.
Helpfully, Reinhold Ebertin provides revealing potentials concerning the midpoint picture that the three planets create (all, any, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions):
"Waning powers and weakening efforts; insufficient power to tackle obstacles; undermining of vitality through poison, gas, or an epidemic; mysterious death; grievous and grave loss (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R.E. #ad). Michael Munkasey adds, "weakening of plans" and "cover-ups." Noel Tyl suggests, "feeling threatened."
So as you know, the primary threat came from the Executive Branch of government residing free of charge in the White House assaulting the Legislative Branch on Capitol Hill by using militia-style thugs, gangsters, and ruffians, along with a stirred up mob of gullible, discontented, lied-to Americans told to "fight like he*l" and "stop the steal." And it seems to me that any, all, or none of the January 6th participants could have acted or intended to act as assassins - and as you know, people did die that day, and some died soon after.
So perhaps, dear reader, we can agree that instigator Trump's natal midpoint picture of death, murder, and rage is involved with his revenge and underlies it all - from his unconscious 12th house: Mars-Saturn = Pluto. And we know that, desperate to stay in power, what could've stopped the orange menace from using such drastic measures to have his way? Logical advice and the fact of his election loss made no difference to him. Herr T preferred what a drunken Rudy was telling him - what he wanted to hear.
Meanwhile, when it comes to Rep. Barry Loudermilk, his bio states that he was born in Riverdale, Georgia on December 22, 1963 but with no known birth time, a general look at the planets on that day (basically Winter Solstice 1963) can provide us with some amount of information concerning the smiling tour-leader pictured above.
December 22, 1963 Planets:
The earliest positions of Sun: 29Sag37 and Moon: 9Pis31; latest positions of Sun: 00Cap38 and Moon: 22Pis49 (12:00 am to 11:59 pm). Therefore, we know that his Sun-Moon personality blend is either a Sun Sagittarius-Moon Pisces combo or a Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces with Luna remaining in Pisces. The first pair is a steamy Fire-Water blend while the second is a more practical Earth-Water combination. Obviously, chances are better through the 24-hour period of his birth date that Rep. Loudermilk is a Sun Sag-Moon Pisces personality blend so those are the notes I'll type for you based on Charles and Suzi Harvey's Sun Sign-Moon Sign details (#ad).
Mr. Loudermilk's general potentials include:
Fervent; restless; emotional; humanitarian (!); visionary; a moralistic mystic with deep convictions; philosophical; generous; an irrational logician (my italics); humorous; an advice-giver who sees the folly of everyone's ways; an impractical wastrel; suspicious; divine discontent; may fall hopelesly in love; can be emotionally gushy; is able to sort out the real from the unreal (so he knows better but tends toward Piscean gullibility which is easy for grifters to exploit).
Note that in the realm of relationships, there are multiple indications in Loudermilk's natal horoscope of secret romantic involvements or liaisons but without knowing his natal Ascendant and Midheaven positions, the cosmic picture of him is somewhat out-of-focus so I'll say no more about secretive behavior which he may not express at all.
Plus, it's beyond the scope of this post, but of further interest is that Rep. Loudermilk's Mercury, Mars, and Venus are in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investments. Besides lawmaking, this hints that Barry may be familiar with insider trading since so many politicians are. Feathering their nests, you know. Is Barry a game bird, too? Well, at the least, a career in Politics does make sense for him. Meanwhile, this Republican tour-leader doesn't want to talk to the Committee again, or so I've heard. He denies, but his January 5th actions are clearly visible on the video tape linked above!
Loudermilk's Solar Eclipse Cycle a Prominent One
Meanwhile, let's add the fact that even without having an accurate birth time for tour-leader Barry Loudermilk, we know that he was born into the 1 North Saros Series which manifested for him on July 20, 1963 @27Cancer (precisely opposite US 1776 Pluto that is now in process of performing America's first-ever Pluto Return, and the opposition to the eclipse implies either higher spiritual vibrations or a turn toward animalism). Does this remind you of the Trump mob's primal violence exhibited on January 6, 2021? Me, too.
Then as you may remember, the last manifestation of a 1 North Solar Eclipse is known as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus with themes that include 'distorted, possibly false information' added to the caution of Regulus: 'success if revenge is avoided, otherwise all that's been gained will be taken away'. And this, conjunct Herr T's natal Ascendant which personalized the eclipse for him (and for America since he was our representative, ill-suited as he was).
Additionally, the 1 North series is also known as The Mother of All Eclipses and is the one that Nostradamus warned about for its 'King of Alarm' or 'King of Terror' implications as the New Millennium was beginning.
Well, with current conditions of violence and the threat of more violence issuing from nazi-style saboteurs and henchmen, we're really in the thick of it now. So please stay safe, everyone, and I'll try to do the same.
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