Reality and a Fantasy-Prone Seditionist
by Jude Cowell
As we see on his Wikipedia page, election denier, "Deep State" conspiracy theorist, former paramour of Russian agent Maria Butina, and former CEO of Overstock dot com Patrick Byrne, was born on November 29, 1962 with Sun and Mercury in early Sagittarius, and Moon in late Sagittarius, or more likely in business-and-government-oriented Capricorn.
From August 2019, see Overstock investors cheer after "too controversial" CEO Patrick Byrne resigns as CEO and board member. Apparently, Byrne's romance with Russian agent Maria Butina may have been the last straw for company investors--see a previous post Maria Butina's hearing on Capitol Hill showing the hearing's horoscope of December 12, 2018 with transit Saturn @9Capricorn conjunct her natal Neptune, the "grim face of reality" transit.
For as with 'everything Trump', reality vs fantasy plays the key role in cheating for success, aka, fraud. Astrologically, there's even a cosmic time link between Trump's Big Lie and The Eclipse of Fan-Boy Patrick Byrne, anti-democracy election denier and known promoter of conspiracy theories galore - a perfect co-conspirator for Trump.
For details on Mr. Byrne in the Oval Office that December night of sedition plotting, see Axios: Inside the craziest meeting of the Trump presidency.
And as reported in May 2023 by Sam Levine in The Guardian, Dominion is not done fighting 2020 elections lies via pending defamation cases against Rudy Guiliani, Sidney Powell, pillow guy Mike Lindell - and Patrick Byrne.
So above is a noon natal horoscope for the "mad king" who was present at the 6-hour Oval Office meeting with Trump, Mike Flynn, Sidney "Kraken" Powell, and others on the night of December 18, 2020 until after midnight of December 19th, after which came Trump's "will be wild" tweet (timestamped tweet's horoscope shown, his 2nd hou$e taboo-breaking Jupiter rising) which served as a call to arms and led to his January 6, 2021 coup attempt against the US Congress to stop or disrupt our tradition of the peaceful transfer of power. (Sore loser cries wahhhh!)
Here's the 2:15 pm Trump Coup Attempt Horoscope along with the 2021 seditionist insurrection's Solar Return of 2022. And check out the current J6 coup attempt's Solar Return 2023 Horoscope, as you wish.
Now as you see, Byrne's 19 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse ("PE") is penned on the above chart (conjunct the 'noon' Descendant) with themes of: "realism; coming down to earth; seeing an old situation for what it really is; tackling the truth" (paraphrasing B. Brady).
Where the cosmic time link comes in is the fact that an eclipse from Byrne's 19 North Eclipse Series occurred on September 1, 2016 (@9Virgo, opposed by deceptive Neptune @10Pisces) and operated as the PE of both Election 2016, and Inauguration 2017. That's fact-based Virgo opposed by deceptive Neptune, planet of mass media, in shady, confusing Pisces - and there's Herr Trump "tackling the truth" - with his 'Big Lie'.
Now it's 2023, another presidential election has been held (and lost!), and America's orange albatross is still trying to tackle the truth - out of existence! Perhaps we can agree that Trump's entire political "career" has been one long reality vs fantasy fiasco for the American people and for democracy. But that's what We the People get when a violent mobster, racketeer, money-launderer, and conman is shoehorned into the Oval Office with a little help from his comrades, and gullible voters. Plus, the words, blackmail and bribery easily spring to mind along with favors and pay-offs.
Byrne's Solar Eclipse in Royal Leo (chart not shown)
So let's return to our consideration of Patrick Byrne's PE which links him right in with Trump's underhanded activities. For Byrne, his 19 North manifested on July 31, 1962 @7Leo48 (rounded-up to "8Leo" = "A Bolshevik Propagandist'). Note that with a solar eclipse in Leo (his Mars sign), one must avoid pride and arrogance for karmic progress to be made. And on July 31, 1962, restrictive Saturn Rx @9Aquarius opposed his natal PE which suggests a man who refuses to face up to his karmic obligations, and places blame for his problems upon others; to correct problems reality must be faced and corrections honestly made. Oops. Funny how this sounds a lot like Patrick's idol, Trump.
In addition, often-deceptive Neptune @10Scorpio squared Byrne's PE which indicates potentials for "inborn fraudulent tendencies" and "chicanery"; "realism and honesty" are necessary in order to erase karmic debts (paraphrasing R. Linemen). This implies inheritance from his father, who must be his role model in business matters, I imagine - which also sounds like Trump and Papa Fred. Byrne's Eclipse and Saturn formed a T-square that points toward Neptune in Scorpio, not the best indicator of morality and, unless temptations are avoided, the placement involves more than a tinge of sex and/or drug abuse.
Byrne's Closest Applying Aspect to Natal Sun
Then there's the domineering "might makes right" attitude shown by his Sun-Pluto square (lower left) which resonates closely with similar Plutonian character traits of Donald Trump. This particular square tends to be a negative for relationships, especially when expressed in the realms of "romance." Still, it suggests that his ego (Sun) was determined to achieve his goals and objectives, with the 'success at any cost' potential for powering through any and all obstacles. Obviously, a strong will is indicated. Oh, but there's more determination --
The Highly Motivated Natal Mars of a Busy Boy
Now before closing, we should mention Patrick Byrne's Mars (@21Leo) which is unaspected in his natal chart by another planet yet is influenced by his powerful Pluto-NN midpoint (penned on the chart, upper right), plus, Mars leads a Locomotive shape of the ruthless executive with the rest of his planets following along. And if you read his Wikipedia bio page, you may be impressed by the large number of his business and political activities through the years. Unaspected, his me-first Mars in dramatic Leo is able to act in an unrestrained, boundless way and with sudden outbursts of anger or aggression; irrational actions can result (B. Tierney).
As for Mr. Byrne's 19 North PE repeating in time to influence Election 2016, he may have exulted over the thought that his barge of Plutonian domination, forcefully driven by fellow fantasist Herr Trump, had finally reached safe harbor in the White House, then in December 2020 Byrne plotted with the others hoping to repeat the 'successful' results of Election 2016 despite the will of a majority of voters in November 2020.
Because for some people, "might makes right," doncha know.