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Oct 13, 2022

3 North and 3 South Eclipses Link 1929, 2001, and 2019: PTSD

Every 18.6 Years Eclipse Themes Repeat within Historical Cycles: Events May Rhyme

by Jude Cowell

Significant events of 1929 include the 'Black Tuesday' Financial Crash on Wall Street which occurred under the influence of a 3 North Solar Eclipse (see eclipse themes listed on the chart, below). Yet the 3 South Solar Eclipse of November 1, 1929 was also of influence. Both 3N and 3S eclipse series contain "traumatic" and/or "transformative news" implications and both have heralded difficult events that continue to reverberate through society in our day.

Significant examples of their reverberations include the WTC Attacks of 9/11/01 (via 3 North) and the Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 triggering or activating the 3 South Eclipse of December 14, 2001 by degree (23Sag). This combines their themes which include 4 South's "very strong emotional feelings over money and/or relationships; frustration; suddenly ending relationships; a sense of fatedness." You'll recognize these themes via a sore loser politician and his followers acting out in a vain attempt to keep the orange blighter in power.

Then there's 2019 with a 3 North Eclipse @10Cancer landing among our July 4, 1776 planets of identity: Venus, Jupiter, and Sun - Total and arriving near Independence Day 2019 - and with faithless Tr*mp whining the White House, chewing, swallowing, and flushing documents.

And last but not least, is what I call The Covid Eclipse which led society into January 2020 and the coronavirus pandemic, under the influence of the December 2019 3 South Eclipse, and you know what trauma has been wrought within society - here and globally. So perhaps we can agree that 3 South's traumatic influence is ongoing, now with winter approaching and bad actors determined to make keeping warm more difficult for certain people. Abroad, some folks are buying pot bellied stoves with just such warm objectives in mind.

Note: 3 North and 3 South Solar Eclipses also occurred in the years 1911, (1929), 1947, 1965, 1983, (2001), (2019), and 2037/2038, and

Themes are paraphrased from Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady. #ad.

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