With the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act now signed by President Obama (while still vacationing in Hawaii), the 112th Congress scheduled to open January 5, 2011 at noon est, and myself just returned from a holiday family spree (if you can call the Atlanta area a 'spree' zone),
Stars Over Washington's Julian Assange/treason poll is now closed.
Out of a total of 131 responders, 77% (101) voted, "No! He's doing the world a favor" to the question of whether Mr. Assange (who, though not an American citizen, has greatly
embarrassed the US government) should be tried for
1% (14) answered a moderate "Possibly, depending" while another 1% replied, "Absolutely!"
What might this unofficial poll attest to, if anything? Possibilities include:
That folks who read this sort of populist blog prefer that the US government follow its own laws (and not rewrite them for special occasions or in an attempt to save face), get over thinking it can lord it over anyone anywhere, and busy itself learning how to successfully keep official secrets closer to Big Brother's chest than heretofore.
Now if you, dear reader, are one of the 77% who voted No! to a treason prosecution yet don't agree with my personal assessment of the situation, please leave a comment here, if you wish to weigh in.
Oh, and I can think of at least one more very good reason - as taught by history - for the US government
not to prosecute the message bearer who dares reveal the truth:
"First they came..." for him - then they came for you and me...
Now for the title of this post: the Mercury Return 25Sag25 to the
Winter Solstice 2010 chart of December 21 which occurs on January 9, 2011 at 1:33:17 am est in Washington DC. This reflects a part of Mercury the Messenger's retrograde period which began on Dec 10, 2010 @ 5Cap+ with the speedy one's Direct Station on Dec 30, 2010 @ 19Sag35.
As far as conjunctions or oppositions to Julian Assange's natal chart (July 3, 1971 Townsville, AU 4:57 pm AEST), the Winter Solstice 2010's Mercury Return falls in his natal 2nd house opposite n Venus 25Gem25 (dualistic and sometimes duplicitous Gemini, sign of communications, and The Good News.) Yet the house position may be only speculative, based on whether his birth hour is accurate; it apparently has been snagged from his official birth records. (Kudos to whoever snagged it!)
Another possible link is to Assange's natal
Moon/NN midpoint which will be conjoined by
Mercury 25Sag25 on Jan 9, 2011, and in Politics and Business, the publicity-infused Moon/NN combo relates to: trade, ports of entry, roadways, canals, transit systems, etc. Also to: common people involved in the conduct of foreign trade, public opinion about foreign trade, agricultural failures, or blockages at ports of entry. (Munkasey.)
Here is the midpoint picture formed by tr Mercury to Assange's natal Moon/NN on or around Jan 9, 2011;
any, all, or
none may apply:
n Moon/NN = tr Mercury: adapting to events and communicating effectively; education opens opportunities; emotional group discussions; an association of convenience; contacts with females; immune system (as in 'cyber-security? jc); a critical attitude toward associations; building cooperation. (Munkasey; Ebertin; Tyl.)
2010's Winter Solstice chart itself must be considered for understanding any effect its Mercury Return may have collectively, such as what houses are ruled by Mercury (3rd h, and 12th h of Politics); aspects to Mercury are important as well.
Winter Solstice December 21, 2010's MercuryMercury applies in its Rx condition to a square with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Pisces. Merc SQs Jupiter (0A05, a very tight orb) while separating from its SQ with Uranus (1S22); the Messenger also moves away from conjunction with the Sun 00Cap00, both in 6th house of Work, Health, Service (Armed Forces) - the President has signed the 9/11 Health and Compensation bill, as noted above, and leaks have concerned the US military services and the US State Department of spies...er, diplomats. Mercury = the signing and the bill itself.
Merc SQ Jupiter shows discrepancies between beliefs and the truth with impulsivity in judgments which are based on insufficient information; accepting responsibility for one's actions is difficult; the phrase 'pathological liar' is a potential.
Merc SQ Uranus indicates an eccentric thinker whose opinions tend to be at odds with society's prevailing beliefs. Most people find this 'rebel with a cause' obnoxious or overly belligerent. Impatience may cause 'facts' or 'truths' to be manufactured.
(This may apply, of course, to WikiLeaks or to the US government - or both.)
Now you've probably noticed that Mercury 25Sag15 inconjuncts US natal Mercury, an aspect of great strain, for watery Cancer and fiery Sagittarius have little natural sympathy for one another. The inconjunct (or, quincunx; 150 degr) suggests the dynamics of Mars which brings in the god of war's typical aggression, aggravations, and threats and yet
compromise is the only solution. (This aspects relates to Congress as well, but here I'm looking at Jan 9, 2011's Mercury Return mainly in relation to the Assange/WikiLeaks imbroglio.)
One aspect of note is the interesting
inconjunct between Mercury in the Winter Solstice 2010 chart and the chart's Ascendant 24Can21 (the position of US natal Mercury Rx 24:12) with
Mercury inconj ASC indicating evaluations and conclusions about others which are correct but make them feel
uncomfortable and
Well, yes. We know.
Merc inconj ASC may also describe someone who is a "Jack of All Trades" with Mercury associated with trade and commerce, as noted above. A bit of a roustabout, perhaps? This Mercury is very much aware of the power of money, and may long nostalgically for simpler times.
Mercury Return to the Winter Solstice 2010 chart: Jan 9, 2011 In Jan 9's Mercury Return chart set for DC, there is a politically prominent trio: Mercury 25Sag25 in 2nd house of Values and Valuations, North Node 2Cap38, (3rd cusp = 2Cap41), and Pluto 5Cap38 in 3rd house of Communications. Pluto conjoins the degree of Mercury's Rx Station of Dec 10, 2010, a time when hidden meanings are revealed.
As you know, the Mercury/Pluto duo relates to propaganda, persuasion, deep thoughts, business secrets (ex: B of A), spies, surveillance and Intel agencies, communications satellites, and the drug trade; the two planets oppose one another across the Can/Cap axis in America's natal chart with Mercury Rx @ the "A Leader of Men Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" degree (the meaning of which then relates, of course, to powerfully wealthy, often invisible Pluto, the Spy, Saboteur, Assassin, and/or Underworld Criminal Network - and to the Bosses thereof.)
Mercury/Pluto = NN: contacts with those who help you obtain information or news(!); a desire for intellectual domination, or, to be a spokesman; contacts with powerful criminal elements; being recognized for one's persuasion or communication skills.
Now this particular phase of 'Mercury action' @ 25SAg25 actually began prior to the Winter Solstice of Dec 21, 2010: Nov 26, 2010, Dec 21, 2010 (Rx), and next on January 9, 2011. Given Mr. Assange's clear connection to mercurial functions, it may be interesting to note any further developments in the legal standing of the WikiLeaks' now-secluded founder who must try his best not to be extradited to face charges in the USA.