On January 5, 2024, the NRA tweeted that Wayne LaPierre will resign from his top position in the organization as of January 31, 2024. His resignation comes amidst his current civil corruption trial in Manhattan, NY which opens this Monday (1/8/24), last I heard.
For reference, here's a previously published dual image with NRA November 17, 1871 and the group's current Jupiter Return Horoscope from 2014, still in effect until Summer 2026:
Significant planetary transits are now affecting the NRA Horoscope of November 17, 1871 and the most obviously connected to LaPierre's corruption trial and to the group's dwindling membership fees in recent years is transit Pluto opposing the organization's Jupiter (exalted in Cancer, and at Station Rx @29Can55: '30Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" -- interesting, since the NRA is a Civil-War-era concoction). Note that 1871 Jupiter conjuncts the group's intense Venus-Pluto midpoint which suggests a picture of "Propagation of destructive impulses" and/or "intense feelings of pleasure from power or destruction" (M. Munkasey).
Of course, bankruptcy is a lurking potential when this planetary duo is involved, so hopefully a full-on search for hidden rubles has been done, perhaps offshore and in foreign bank accounts and super-secret vaults. What Mr. LaPierre hasn't frittered away, that is.
Perhaps you've seen this 3M26S video clip The NRA lies about its bankruptcy filing.
Because we know that the Venus-Pluto duo hints at "extremes of private wealth hidden in secret places" and to finances (as does Jupiter), and to "attracting elements of organized crime" (M.M.). Well, guns do that, don't they?
Anyway, the Pluto-Jupiter opposition, coming on for some time, reveals a period of legal battles with financial consequences. One example you may remember: NY AG Letitia James squashed the group's plan to transfer their assets from New York to Texas.
Simultaneously, other current transits include Uranus Rx @19Taurus conjunct 1871 Pluto (past control may be lost; abrupt changes), legal eagle planet Saturn square 1871 Mercury (opinions challenged, delays, blocked communications), and North Node conjunct 1871 Neptune (meetings about corruption and fraud).
Well, it's all karmic, isn't it? An established organization taken low by its own underhandedness and now legal eagle Saturn makes decisions for its future. Of course, Chapter 11 filing would mean the NRA could reorganize--so maybe they'll behave in a more upright fashion in the future. What do you think?
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