G8 Summit 2013 Has a "Broad Agenda"
by Jude Cowell
The US Embassy website provides much information concerning President Obama's journey to Belfast, Northern Ireland for the G8 Summit of 2013.
The usual propaganda is detailed about what the purposes of the 2013 G8 agenda and includes discussions of: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (another trade pact that will decimate jobs in the US, lower wages, and fatten the bank accounts of the ruling class), illegal and legal tax evasion by corporations who secretly hide profits from the IRS (does the NSA's surveillance programs such as PRISM track them?), and a "wide range of security issues" like the peace process in Northern Ireland (!), Iran's nuclear weapons development program, the 'security mission' in Afghanistan, and the civil conflict in Syria.
(My translation: How's that forceful implementation of Global Government goin'? And, What 'peace process'??)
As President Obama leaves Washington DC late tonight to fly to Belfast, the Moon will have entered Libra, sign of war and diplomacy, at 9:19 pm edt which means that Luna conjoins US natal Midheaven @00Lib+ in our 'Sibly' chart of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT. This gives us a starting point for a brief consideration of the cosmic weather during G8 2013. Sun is in Gemini, sign of flight and meetings, for the duration until the Summer Solstice on June 21, 2013 at 1:04 am edt--click to view its horoscope with details, set for Washington DC.)
Sun Gem-Moon Lib is a double Air combo, good for travel, meetings, discussions, surveillance issues, and the speeches President Obama will deliver while abroad.
This blend denotes wandering spirits (the president does love to get out of Washington town), tact and cleverness, and breezy charm. Relationships are very important and idealism may be noted.
A desire for new vistas and a smoothing over of differences are prime motivators since it's typical of this blend to neglect facing harsh realities (such as the NSA's blown cover thanks to Edward Snowden, journalists Barton Gellman, and Glenn Greenwald--with more revelations to come of a stunning nature.)
Perhaps quotes from three people who were born with the Sun Gem-Moon Lib combo may be of interest to our topic, the first relating to emperors who--oops!--are wearing no clothes though they assume they are...
"I wasn't really naked, I simply didn't have any clothes on." Josephine Baker
"Read my lips, no new taxes." Former President George H. W. Bush
"Henceforth the adequacy of any military establishment will be judged by its ability to keep the peace." Henry Kissinger.
Really? Puh!
Now here are the Images for Integration (of Sun/consciousness, Moon/unconsciousness) for Sun Gem-Moon Lib as given by Charles & Suzi Harvey in their book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign--the first of which is obviously inspired by Henry Kissinger's days of diplomatic service (war criminal though he may be):
A shuttle diplomat brings together warring factions...An elegant hostess puts on a party and exhibition to help a worthy cause...Elgar's Enigma Variations--'to my friends depicted within.'
(Note: at the G8 in Belfast, the hostess/host is the UK's 'elegant' PM David Cameron. But somehow I doubt their 'worthy cause' will bolster the prospects of ordinary folk overmuch. Plus, the American side of the global surveillance system has had its frilly underpants pulled down a tad so Mr. Obama may be called on the carpet, imho, with secret underpinnings of the 'new world order' now displayed to the spied-upon rabble!)
Now during G8 Summit 2013, the Moon enters Scorpio on Wednesday June 19 thus shifting the cosmic weather to Sun Gem-Moon Sco, an ethereal Air-Water combo of energies. This shift occurs while the president is in Germany with Angela Merkel.
Plus, the Sun (leader) conjoins banker/politician/guru Jupiter on June 19 @28Gem31 (at 12:11 pm edt, and 4:50 pm BST) and as you know, '28Gemini' is the degree of BANKRUPTCY in Sabian Symbols. During major summits and other meetings, planetary conjunctions are always a great spot to look for clues about what's up. Is Jupiter the president's favorite guru or mentor? His 1st house natal Chiron in Pisces says he has them. Is Merkel the Jupiterian banker? I suspect so.)
Tellingly, messenger Mercury, planet of air travel, speeches, plans, and negotiations, is conjoined now by asteroid Apollo, which I regularly linked to President Obama during Campaign 2008--a 'hero's journey' kind of solar archetype which I thought was appropriate since many voters seemed to worship him as a 'god', or at least, a 'rock star' (modern society's 'gods' as in, 'rock god'.)
Thing is, Mercury is now in Cancer and within range of Pollux, a star with astrological themes that include potentials for: danger of disgrace, cruelty, rape, murder, danger from women (German Chancellor Angel Merkel again? Mercury and Lady Venus are conjunct), poisons, or large animals, the occult, Astrology (Horary Plain & Simple, A. Louis.)
So the Sun Gem-Moon Sco blend denotes communication skills yet with a tendency toward secrecy, provocation and paradox, magnetic intensity and a gift for selling. Dedicated to convictions, this combo describes investigators, stoics, and tempers with scathing tongues. Mmm-hmm.
The blend's Images for Integration may be curiously appropriate:
Father Brown solves a murder...A kaleidoscope reveals ever-changing images of people and passions...A string quartet plays with lightness and dark intensity...A long-distance runner.
Well, there is a brief astro-portrait of G8 Summit 2013. Leave a comment and let me know what you think of such topics, for if you have a mind to, I would muchly appreciate it.