, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Jan 13, 2025

Pam Bondi November 17, 1965

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

From her Wikipedia page we see that Pam Bondi, Mr. T's choice for US Attorney General, entered the earthly flux on November 17, 1965 in Tampa, Florida under the influences of Sun Scorpio-Moon Virgo, a blend of narrowed outlook and a strong sense of duty (The Harveys). Actually, Bondi and Republican Darrell Issa are likely to share political interests and attitudes since Mr. Issa was born with the very same personality blend.

So, here's a noon natal horoscope for Pam Bondi in case it becomes useful to you at some point:

Born during the mid-1960s, Pam Bondi can't help it - she's one of those anarchy-adjacent individuals and not adverse to violent destruction, thanks to her Uranus-Pluto Conjunction. Plus, a Sun-Neptune Conjunction (5-degree orb) identifies her as possibly scandal-prone and self-deluding. What more could the Project 2025 admistration want to figurehead America's tattered legal system? Impressionability is another feature of the Sun-Neptune pairing which spotlights a fantasy component as well.

Then we see Bondi's retrograde Jupiter at a critical 29th degree of Mercury-ruled Gemini, a sign often known for its propensity toward duplicity (ex: the $25,000 campaign donation via a check written by Mr. T - but she defended herself on this matter concerning her office's failure to investigate complaints about Tr*mp "University" and the fraud therein).

Of course, Gemini is also the sign of communications, rhetoric, commerce, trade, meetings, multiplicity, and/or tricksterism. Bondi shares a natal Gemini North Node with Mr. T, potentially denoting many contacts but also inviting superficial contacts of short duration (R. Ebertin). Then with her Capricorn Mars opposing Jupiter, we might expect religious and/or ideological conflicts to surface in public.

Such conflicts could surface this very week because confirmation hearings for Cabinet nominees begin tomorrow. Here's the schedule of hearings so far.

In closing, there's another interesting factoid about Pam Bondi's natal Jupiter - that her next Jupiter Return (aka, 12-year reward cycle) arrives on or about June 9, 2025 which may likely aid her with her bid to join Mr. T's administration as US Attorney General.

But one more thing: a Jupiter Return may provide a similar cosmic boost for health nut RFK Jr whose current Jupiter Return period arrived in August 2024, the first of a three-fer (which didn't help him with his "prez bid") yet there's Jupiterian energy ongoing for him since his third of three returns perfects on April 9, 2025.

A Note to SO'W readers: please share if you care - and my Thanks to those who do! jc

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