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Showing posts with label America's Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America's Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune. Show all posts

Jun 17, 2022

America's Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune

Astro-Notes for Lovers of American Democracy

by Jude Cowell

A timeline of the American Revolutionary War lists events which closely relate to two of America's planetary cycles of significance: Mercury-Pluto (exact @24Cap54:40 on January 24, 1775; spying; lower left chart) and Mars-Neptune (exact @20Vir04:44 on June 22, 1775; fog of war; upper right chart) with their dual horoscopes displayed, below.

As you know, the planetary pairs of Mercury-Pluto (which were opposing one another in July 1776) and Mars-Neptune (square one another in July 1776) both contain information easily discernible and their potentials remain prominent in and for our nation. Two sources for updated information on planetary pairs may be found in Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleasing the Power of the Planets (#ad) and Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences (#ad). Both books are invaluable when looking at Politics and Social Concerns through the excellent lens of Astrology.

So today, for my Friday pre-weekend post, you see above a dual image of the moments when these particular planetary pairs began new cycles along with my astro-notes squooshed in (mea culpa!) such as the Eclipse families (aka, Series) into which the new cycles fell across the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis; they are:

The January 1775 Mercury-Pluto Conjunction's 11 North (@13Vir28 which was then conjoined by warrior planet Mars Rx in Virgo, increasing implications for violence and willfulness: 11 North's theme = 'changing groups via ideas or travel'; annular), and the June 1775 Mars-Neptune Conjunction's more difficult 11 South @11Pis11, a Total Eclipse with extreme themes of 'methods/ideas fail, new systems are needed; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Eclipses: 'Wild Cards' of the Universe, Agents of Chaos

There are two major points to be aware of (if you're not already!) regarding 11 South:

1. The 11 South Eclipse prior to June 24, 1775 is also the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the American Revolution (Eclipse exact on March 1, 1775 - so the Revolution began on April 19th between the cosmic snaphot of planetary conjunctions shown, above). And 2. A Solar Eclipse in the 11 South Saros Series will repeat on August 2, 2027 @10Leo so considering current 'power-grabbing' events, a cosmic heads-up is in order.

Because here's the thing: 10 Leo is the natal 12th house position of Herr Trump's Pluto and of his destructive, brutal Mars-Saturn midpoint - and a Pluto-Eclipse conjunction suggests potentials for criminal offenses, gang wars, and rape (R. Lineman) - the sort of cruel things that Republicans are already promoting, approving, or even instigating along with their wealthy enablers of a corporate (fascist) persuasion.

Now obviously, codger Trump may be out of the political picture by 2027 since he'll be 81 years old and possibly wheel-chair bound if he's around at all - especially since his natal Pluto will be 'eclipsed'. Besides, the Mars-Saturn midpoint is known as 'the death axis' (R. Ebertin) as we've seen him express against anyone who thwarts his selfish desires. (Holding grudges and taking revenge are his specialties, as you know.)

However, the global movement of authoritarianism and autocratic dictatorship of which Herr T has played the figurehead role of late will continue to be atop the to-do list of every saboteur and enemy of D/democracy - unless the world network of criminals is put back in its cage now. Of course, in the US there are some chances for criminal prosecutions in the offing, issuing from the current J6 public hearings in the House so we'll see if justice prevails. Yet we know that the old 'bringing a knife to a gunfight' method simply will not do - not when it comes to the globally-connected mobsters who bedevil, infiltrate, and undermine our country. Actually, such an inefficient method of fighting reminds me of America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misdirected goals and misguided actions with what are sometimes self-destructive tendencies. This is crazy since usually, America acts with a 'might make right' attitude - so why not now when We the People need it most?

And so in closing, my feeling is that any dear reader who feels powerless against the current fascist onslaught should set their minds, if they haven't yet, toward Voting Blue in 2022 and again in November 2024, because Blue Tsunamis are the best hope that lovers of American Democracy have left - now that, for too long, such sobering issues have been neglected through our own apathy, and through gaslighting and misinformation.

And this neglect has brought the American people to a stark imperative that, the time to act on behalf of Democracy is now. There is no alternative.