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Showing posts with label Trump's natal Mars-Saturn = Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump's natal Mars-Saturn = Pluto. Show all posts

Sep 15, 2023

Jim Jones and Trump's Tisiphone

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

Tisiphone, one of the demons in Greek Mythology

Now feeling cornered (my interpretation of scofflaw Trump's current behavior), the you-knew-I-was-a-snake con man Donald Trump, who's facing an astonishing amount of legal charges and indictments intended to hold him accountable under the law for his crimes, the potential exists for megalomaniac Trump to experience narcissist collapse. Yet for now, Herr T continues fighting opponents, for his combative Mars rising in proud Leo doesn't know how to give up - and he's always been a cutthroat competitor.

These conditions, plus, planetary contacts between two narcissistic death-cult leaders, Trump and Jim Jones, resonate within the abusive conditions, personalities, events, and twisted motives behind the Jonestown Massacre of November 18, 1978. Add to this the possibility that Trump may experience a similarly tragic collapse wrapped up with the retribution he threatens vengefully to mete out if he manages to grab the helm of the Oval Office in 2024/2025. Or even if he doesn't regain control of the White House again, one assumes.

Because retribution is the orange grudge-holder's dearest dream with asteroid Tisiphone as its archetypal symbol in a chart. So when Herr T says he's his followers' "retribution," he really means it: Trump's natal Tisiphone @22Sag54 Rx falls upon his natal Sun-NN/Moon SN axis, conjunct his Moon - and natal Moon reveals the reigning need!

Notable in the Lindaland forum, I found further descriptions of Tisphone as "the killer's conscience personified," and, being one of the Furies, Tisiphone represents "vigilante homocide," as Trump's 'maga' coup attempt of thuggery showed on January 6, 2021. In a word, murder, which resonates with Trump's 12th house midpoint picture: Pluto = Mars-Saturn: 'fury, destruction, the deaths of many people' (R. Ebertin).

As for the tragic Jonestown Massacre, Congressman Leo Ryan (D-CA; May 5, 1925--Nov 18, 1978) paid a visit to Jonestown with some journalists, then as they were boarding a plane home from Port Kaituma, Jim Jones ordered their assassinations. Evangelical preacher-turned-megalomaniac Jim Jones was a malignant narcissist who led what turned out to be, not just a cult, but a death cult, and its failure - his failure and subsequent death - is an example of a narcissistic collapse. Unable to accept failure and retain the fantasy, Jones' psychological collapse resulted in 918 deaths including Rep. Leo Ryan, may he R.I.P.

Then if you're like me, the tragic example of Jim Jones reminds you of egomaniac Trump's 12th house Pluto @10Leo conjunct his Mars-Saturn midpoint which is the "death axis," in a horoscope, as noted above. This provides a midpoint picture of negative potentials for brutality, the rage of destruction; intervening of a higher power, bodily injury or harm; murder, death of many people (The Combination of Stellar Influences #ad). My hope is that the intervention by a higher power is the US Justice System holding the lifelong criminal and seditionist accountable.

Are there Mars-Saturn signatures of fatality in the natal horoscope of Jim Jones?

Jonestown Massacre November 18, 1978 Georgetown, Guyana

Now a while back, expert astrologer Eric Francis published an excellent analysis of Jones and Jonestown. In fact, a view of the Jonestown Massacre Horoscope is available but I'm not certain where his timing comes from: 5:20:00 pm BZT3. With 24Tau06 rising, this places the nasty, enraged star Algol on the horizon in that location, on that date, so this is the chart I've added to my files.

So by now, you've perhaps read Thom Hartmann's 2022 article, Is something called 'narcissist collapse' coming to America?" If so, this would be compliments of America's current malignant narcissist, Donald Trump. For as presidents go, so goes America. And Donald is not even president anymore if indeed he ever was! Now you may disagree, but I've always maintained that the Mango Mussolini only played the role of POTUS on TV (badly), and he's a serial fantasist, as we know, with his Mercury-Neptune square of misperception, deception, and a tendency to create his own version of reality, aka, a fantasy world. Notably, this aspect of faulty thinking is described by Alan Oken as The Sneaky Mind.

For more details concerning the mental condition try Psychology Today's When the Narcissist Fails.

And for astrologers and the astro-curious, there's also an Apple podcast by Dark Alignment (Brittney and Eruca Rose) available, The Astrology of Jim Jones and the Jonestown Massacre (S4E2) with Natal and Transit charts.

Aug 2, 2023

Trump J6 Arraignment Aug 3, 2023

Like Father Like Son, Two Natal Horoscopes: Fred and Donald Trump

As you've heard, late on Tuesday afternoon (August 1, 2023) an indictment of Donald Trump on 4 counts relating to his J6 coup attempt was announced by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

A planetary factor that really stands out this week is transit Sun in Leo conjunct Trump's 12th house Pluto (10Leo02) which happens to be the apex planet of his Mars-Saturn midpoint, which Reinhold Ebertin calls the death axis.

Since America's orange albatross began his presidential saga in June 2015 (under the auspices of the star of misfortune, Scheat), Trump has demonstrated how willingly he can manipulate his dangerous midpoint picture, Mars-Saturn = Pluto with the fury, destruction, intervention of a higher power, and the "deaths of many people" it entails. Add the nasty, enraged star Algol twinkling upon his Midheaven (The Goal Point), and the corpses can pile up (Algol in Chinese Astrology).

Then by the day of his J6 arraignment, announced for Thursday August 3, 2023 at 4:00 pm edt Washington DC, the Sun will clock in @11Leo14, still within range of shining upon Trump's deadly midpoint picture so that potentially we have: natal Mars-Saturn = tr Sun: 'inability to meet all demands or master all situations' (R.E.); 'a sense of loss; breaking down under stress and strain; eking it out; possible threat to body or health' (Tyl).

Then of course, the Sun-to-Pluto transit casts a spotlight on power, abuse of power issues, and ego concerns all on its own. But with this particular career criminal Trump, we get even more, Trump-style: we get danger and threats from a bruised ego fearing that someone might dump a bowl of mashed potatoes on his head. Or worse yet, lock 'im up.

Well, it's after 1:00 am here so typing any more about this subject must wait for a less sleepy time. Thanks a bunch for reading my late-night musings concerning the litigious scofflaw they call Trump. In closing, I'll leave you with a link to a previous post that displays two horoscopes: the 'J6 Maga Mob Attack' and the Maga Mob Attack's Solar Return 2023 Horoscope where you'll find the Trump J6 Arraignment Sun of August 3rd @11Leo14 shining brightly upon its Midheaven (11Leo26) along with the natal Pluto = Mars-Saturn trio of the orange albatross!

Jun 17, 2022

America's Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune

Astro-Notes for Lovers of American Democracy

by Jude Cowell

A timeline of the American Revolutionary War lists events which closely relate to two of America's planetary cycles of significance: Mercury-Pluto (exact @24Cap54:40 on January 24, 1775; spying; lower left chart) and Mars-Neptune (exact @20Vir04:44 on June 22, 1775; fog of war; upper right chart) with their dual horoscopes displayed, below.

As you know, the planetary pairs of Mercury-Pluto (which were opposing one another in July 1776) and Mars-Neptune (square one another in July 1776) both contain information easily discernible and their potentials remain prominent in and for our nation. Two sources for updated information on planetary pairs may be found in Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleasing the Power of the Planets (#ad) and Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences (#ad). Both books are invaluable when looking at Politics and Social Concerns through the excellent lens of Astrology.

So today, for my Friday pre-weekend post, you see above a dual image of the moments when these particular planetary pairs began new cycles along with my astro-notes squooshed in (mea culpa!) such as the Eclipse families (aka, Series) into which the new cycles fell across the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis; they are:

The January 1775 Mercury-Pluto Conjunction's 11 North (@13Vir28 which was then conjoined by warrior planet Mars Rx in Virgo, increasing implications for violence and willfulness: 11 North's theme = 'changing groups via ideas or travel'; annular), and the June 1775 Mars-Neptune Conjunction's more difficult 11 South @11Pis11, a Total Eclipse with extreme themes of 'methods/ideas fail, new systems are needed; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Eclipses: 'Wild Cards' of the Universe, Agents of Chaos

There are two major points to be aware of (if you're not already!) regarding 11 South:

1. The 11 South Eclipse prior to June 24, 1775 is also the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the American Revolution (Eclipse exact on March 1, 1775 - so the Revolution began on April 19th between the cosmic snaphot of planetary conjunctions shown, above). And 2. A Solar Eclipse in the 11 South Saros Series will repeat on August 2, 2027 @10Leo so considering current 'power-grabbing' events, a cosmic heads-up is in order.

Because here's the thing: 10 Leo is the natal 12th house position of Herr Trump's Pluto and of his destructive, brutal Mars-Saturn midpoint - and a Pluto-Eclipse conjunction suggests potentials for criminal offenses, gang wars, and rape (R. Lineman) - the sort of cruel things that Republicans are already promoting, approving, or even instigating along with their wealthy enablers of a corporate (fascist) persuasion.

Now obviously, codger Trump may be out of the political picture by 2027 since he'll be 81 years old and possibly wheel-chair bound if he's around at all - especially since his natal Pluto will be 'eclipsed'. Besides, the Mars-Saturn midpoint is known as 'the death axis' (R. Ebertin) as we've seen him express against anyone who thwarts his selfish desires. (Holding grudges and taking revenge are his specialties, as you know.)

However, the global movement of authoritarianism and autocratic dictatorship of which Herr T has played the figurehead role of late will continue to be atop the to-do list of every saboteur and enemy of D/democracy - unless the world network of criminals is put back in its cage now. Of course, in the US there are some chances for criminal prosecutions in the offing, issuing from the current J6 public hearings in the House so we'll see if justice prevails. Yet we know that the old 'bringing a knife to a gunfight' method simply will not do - not when it comes to the globally-connected mobsters who bedevil, infiltrate, and undermine our country. Actually, such an inefficient method of fighting reminds me of America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misdirected goals and misguided actions with what are sometimes self-destructive tendencies. This is crazy since usually, America acts with a 'might make right' attitude - so why not now when We the People need it most?

And so in closing, my feeling is that any dear reader who feels powerless against the current fascist onslaught should set their minds, if they haven't yet, toward Voting Blue in 2022 and again in November 2024, because Blue Tsunamis are the best hope that lovers of American Democracy have left - now that, for too long, such sobering issues have been neglected through our own apathy, and through gaslighting and misinformation.

And this neglect has brought the American people to a stark imperative that, the time to act on behalf of Democracy is now. There is no alternative.

Aug 20, 2020

Dear Astrology: Is Donald Trump "the chosen one"?

Astro-Notes: Trump's Unconscious Desires

by Jude Cowell

August 20, 2020: On August 21, 2019, Donald Trump, while speaking to reporters, declared, "I am the chosen one" who "was put here by people." He was referring to his dealings with China but had a few hours earlier tweeted about being the 'king of Israel' and the "Second Coming" of God. While the man's Christ vs anti-Christ status remains a topic of debate, Trump is well known for having a massive ego, and for being a serial liar and con man. But can Natal Astrology account for an expanded self-image of such celestial magnitude?

Now often his misperceptions, deceptions, deceit, loose lips, indiscretion, and odd notions I have put down to his Mercury-Neptune square for many of his personal flaws can be put down to it, along with his Geminian tendency toward duplicity. But it seems to me that daring to cast himself as a messiah figure (out loud in public!) cries out for additional astrological input. What could reflect such ideas about his self-image?

Now you should know that I sometimes awaken from dreams in which Astrology appears, as I did today, and this time the subject was squares. Knowing a little about a certain square in particular which relates to one's self-image and identity I snagged a quick glance at the natal aspects of Donald Trump (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt - allegedly - Queens or Jamaica, NY). No, Trump wasn't born with a Sun-Neptune square, thought I, but lo and behold what he does have is what I've previously called a "hidden square", an aspect of 256 degrees (or, a 1-2 degree orb), unconscious to be sure. Now for astrologers who use such an aspect (could this be you?), for Trump this falls within the Sun-Neptune square category so here I shall quote from The Astrologers' Handbook (Sakoian and Acker) lest any reader think I'm making this up. Their description will cover romantic and financial tendencies, too, and here I shall add that his father (Sun) didn't provide Donnie with a healthy self-image--it was, in fact, full of error (Neptune):

Sun Square Neptune: "This is the aspect of self-deception par excellence. If the natives are mystically inclined, they often consider themselves the chosen vessels of some Master or Divine Being. This belief is often the result of an unconscious desire for importance.

These persons can be vessels in a pure sense, but only if the rest of the horoscope shows a good mentality, humility, and realistic practicality. A well-developed Mercury and Saturn will do much to offset the negative effects of this square.

Very often peculiar emotional desires and romantic tendencies are indicated which can range from platonic love to the most morbid and debased physical type of sensuality. Secret love affairs and scandal leave confusion in their wake.

The imagination is often overworked and feeds the natives desires to the point where they indulge in self-destructive acts. Severe weaknesses of character can develop, distorting perception of reality. But these difficulties will be manifested only if the rest of the horoscope provides indications of a similar nature.

Usually there is a tendency toward escapism as a means of avoiding individual responsibility and discipline. A well developed Saturn will offset this.

Utmost caution should be exercised to avoid involvement in cults and occult mystical activities of a spurious sort. The motives and character of people who interact with the native emotionally should be carefully and objectively scrutinized.

Unstable and unwise financial speculation should be avoided, since get-rich quick schemes will end in disaster."

Well, there it is. Or there he is. Whether you, dear reader, agree with this description, scoff at the importance of hidden squares, or stubbornly refuse to see Trumpian flaws due to your own idolatry of the man, you may agree or disagree with the above assessment as you wish. However, Trump's Saturn in watery Cancer is weakened by its detriment (opposite Capricorn) and his Mercury in emotional, overly sensitive, self-protective Cancer causes him to look only at facts he wants to see and deny the rest, as well as to consider whatever is done or said within his environment to be directed at himself. And as leader of the 'cult of Trump', backed by hidden people who 'put him here' in the White House, his leanings and tendencies seem clear to me, if not to you, as described, above.

Yes, more aid from his natal Mercury and Saturn would help his Sun-Neptune condition, of course, but I don't consider that to be the case for the poor old fella.

And when we look to the midpoint of his Mercury-Saturn @16Can20, what do we find? Why, his natal Nemesis @16Can40, of course! Trump, at loose ends in the White House, apparently spends hours a day pondering (Mercury-Saturn) divine retribution and retaliation (Nemesis) against his enemies (both real and self-created), doesn't he? Add this to his other personal deficiencies such as natal Mars rising in egotistical Leo - aggressively opposing US natal Moon (We The People) - plus, his death-dealing 12th house Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture, and disaster appears atop our mutual menu with alarming frequency.


Above depiction of Trump created by an unknown personage.

Jul 15, 2020

Do Republicans Want You To Die? - Thom Hartmann

July 15, 2020: Well, considering Covid-19 and unreliable Trump's and the anti-societal Republicans' combined mishandling of the deathly disaster, here's a timely question from Thom Hartmann in a clip from his July 14, 2020 broadcast:

A closely related post: Trump's 12th house natal Pluto = Mars-Saturn of potentials for 'murder; bodily harm; death of many people' (R. Ebertin). I believe the natal potentials of his midpoint picture are being realized bigly.