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Showing posts with label American Democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Democracy. Show all posts

Oct 8, 2024

The Solar Eclipse of Opus Dei

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American Democracy

During all the brou-ha-ha the last few years as the US Supreme Court bench was successfully populated with the bums of theocratic "conservative" judges through confirmations set up and manipulated by a Federalist Society's right-wing operative named Leonard Leo among others, a secret society known as Opus Dei ("God's work") came to attention within our public discourse.

The group was founded in 1928 under the auspices of the initial (very first) manifestation of a 2 New North Solar Eclipse @26Gem21:51. And perhaps you remember that former AG Bill Barr has been revealed as an Opus Dei member. Perhaps you also remember that the theme of all 2 New North Eclipses are: "The Tower - collapse and rebuild once the dust settles" (B. Brady). Apparently, the group's goal is the collapse of America so that our democratic Republic can be "rebuilt" as a fascist theocracy akin to the Catholic Church - from whence arose Opus Dei. Why, even women were allowed to join in 1930! They must have been seen to be useful after all.

Now I won't dispute the decades of degradation in society - in the US and elsewhere - with the enthusiastic participation of the Entertainment industry (sex sells), but attempting to force one's moral and ethical values on others is a senseless endeavor, unless a resort to cruelty is the point.

For as you know, values must be internal and can never be externally forced or they'll merely be superficial, and not genuine at all. Because historically we have the era of The Inquisition/s as a stark reminder of this.

Mercurial! Opus Dei's Eclipse in Gemini

Now in Mercury-ruled Gemini, solar eclipses bring issues of logic, fluency, and coherence in communications; negatively, they tend toward superficiality, caprice, and/or "talkathons" full of little if any forethought. Polling activities may also turn up under a Gemini eclipse (R. Lineman), plus, the fact vs fiction polarity of mutable Gemini-Sagittarius tends to be ruffled by a "wild card of the Universe" eclipse in Gemini.

And so the Horoscope of the Opus Dei "revelation" (October 2, 1928: thus, its founding), is shown in a dual image, below (upper right) set for "noon". Actually, Madrid, Spain may be the more accurate location but cussedly I've set both charts for Rome, where Vatican City nestles.

As noted, the Opus Dei Society was spawned under, and influenced by, the 2 New North Eclipse of June 17, 1928, as its solar and lunar energies "ran in the background of society." Below, the 1928 Eclipse Horoscope is shown lower left, and both charts display a YOD pattern of karmic opportunity, turning point, a special task, and/or crisis for those who care to use the "Finger of God" pattern which tend to work as timing agents; a generous helping of my study notes are squooshed upon the dual image of charts:

Saturn (old order) and Uranus (new order)

Then as you see, rigid Saturn in religious Sagittarius is prominent (see Saturn-SN notes on chart) as is Uranus in Aries (Utopianism = lawlessness); one spot that "vessel" Trump can be found in the eclipse chart is spiritual planet Neptune conjunct Apollo (the sun god: Sol Invictus?) conjunct Herr T's rising natal Mars in Leo (rising with Apollo and royal star Regulus, it seems). As noted, the theme of 2 New North are those of "The Tower" (#16 Tarot card). How curious that poet W.B. Yeats published one of his most famous collections in 1928 titled: The Tower.

Understandably, my suspicion is that the secretive group's Quest (Jupiter-Chiron) is to force their religious beliefs upon society utilizing a self-righteous assumption of alleged intellectual superiority (Saturn is Sag as Bucket handle). Plus, mention should be included here of the Eclipse Horoscope's Mercury-Pluto Conjunction with its spying tendencies and obsession with other people's secrets.

And the Sabian Symbol of the 2 New North Eclipse degree rounded up?

"27 Gemini": "A Young Gyspy Emerges from the Woods and Gazes at Far Cities." Dr. M. E. Jones gives this Symbol's keyword as, "EXPENDITURE"; and its positive expression as: "self-release in the joy of the accomplishments of the moment; negative (unconscious/shadow side- jc) expression: "complete disinclination to enter into the ordinary relationships of society."

Well, to me this sounds on the holier than thou side. How about you?

Aug 1, 2024

Has Justice Roberts lost his authority over the Court?

Saturn: Authority, Control, Loss, Isolation

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

The following post is inspired by this: Experts Say Extreme Ruling Shows John Roberts Has Lost His Authority Over SCOTUS -

The current scandals and corruption of the US Supreme Court do no good for America or for the American people so as a partisan for the common good, I chuckle not over the Court's current circumstances which engender and promote We the People's lack of trust in our judicial institutions. For me this is a reminder that our loss of trust is one of the primary objectives of bad actors, aka, saboteurs, working behind the scenes in order to harm our country, and apparently certain justices are in cahoots and glad for the lucrative perks.

America's Saturn: Direct then Retrograde

Now as you know, America's legal eagle planet, Saturn, was in Libra in 1776, the sign of balance, the Scales of Justice, and of Saturn's exaltation - and the US has been crowing about it ever since. But hold on a minute, because US Saturn turned retrograde (Rx) by progression in January 1997 (exact date depending on which 1776 or other foundational chart you progress). This coordinates with interference with the US Judicial System through the ginned-up scandals of President Bill Clinton and the GOP's subsequent effort to impeach him which included the prurient involvement of Republicans who now long to monitor everyone's bedroom activities - and track ladies' menstrual cycles like a gang of perv*rts! (GOP: Grand Old Perv*rts?). So our traditional privacy rights be dam*ed, what few we have left to us.

Jan 4, 1997 9:09 am est Washington DC

In Libra, Saturn behaves reliably and with a strong sense of duty - and he still can since Progressions are merely symbolic. In Scorpio, Saturn suggests seriousness, obstinacy, and delving deeply into difficult problems - like spinning up a fishing expedition to investigate a president of the opposite party in a glorified attempt to end his popularity, his policies, and even his presidency if possible. But with the very popular Bill Clinton, the scaliwags failed. Still, much damage was done to the system, and committing perjury had to become their main issue in order to save face.

So below is a bi-wheel showing the first moment that US Saturn paused to turn Rx by progression (inner) surrounded by a transit chart set for the same date, hour, and location. As you see, by 1997 US Saturn had progressed forward into Scorpio as far as 3Sco24 before stationing - conjunct US Progressed Hades (3:33), also Rx. This to me suggests breaking down (Hades) authority (Saturn) of the presidency, and shows connections to the Criminal Underworld. Also significant are Saturn-SN-IC, Pluto-SN, and transit Pluto conjunct MC, a prominent indicator of power plays, plus, a crisis over power and its abuse; my astro-notes are penned on for the curious reader:

2024/25: The GOP Still Craves Total and Permanent Control

Now you know of the GOP's recent and threatened actions via their tyrannical Project 2025 agenda with Election 2024 coming soon, yes? Extremist Republicans have our "rule of law" society and our traditional checks'n'balances holding on for dear life - with the November 5, 2024 Election looming large and American Democracy on the ballot in their years-long manufactured existential crisis that we've heard for years was coming to America. Now barbarian seditionists are having their shining moment and must be beaten back at the ballot box in November.

SCOTUS Faced a Saturnian Test in 2020

Meanwhile, as a practice run of sorts, in 2020, karmic Saturn arrived to announce critical conditions at the Supreme Court which we discussed here (horoscope shown), and obviously, the transit occurred during the Tr*mp regime, as we know. Plus, 2020 was The Year of Covid: illness, death, losses, separations, inflation, shortages, and more. It was kind of a re-set of society, don't you think?

Then if you're curious about the Supreme Court, why not consult the (X-rated; noon) natal horoscope of Chief Justice John Roberts where you'll find his Sun Aquarius-Moon Pisces combination of conscious-unconscious energies, an ethreal, misty Air-Water personality blend denoting an observant scientific sort of fellow who's something of an enigma. He can be a bit eccentric, even rebellious, and can devote himself to social causes. According to his personality blend, Justice Roberts has a natural ability to work with all kinds of people so I'll risk a guess that his reported loss of control over his colleagues on the Court should be laid upon their uncooperative doorsteps more than on his.

Dear Reader: if you made it to the end of this fussy post, bravo you! Because I'm doubtful that many readers can. jc

For more details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad

Apr 26, 2024

Remembering the Kent State Massacre

The 54th Anniversary of Nixon's Kent State Massacre

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

In 2010, the Horoscope of the Kent State Massacre May 4, 1970 was published here on SO'W with quite a few astro-notes included. For details of the event and the astrology, I recommend to you a review of this vintage post concerning America's loss of all moral authority under Richard Nixon as he played the role of President of the United States to the extent that Washington had any left after the multiple assassinations of the 1960s, lying the American people into war, and other unsavory actions.

You see, the Kent State student protests were against Nixon's invasion of Cambodia during the Vietnam War, a ritual bloodbath, just like the rest. Subsequently, anti-war protests across the country became more vigorous and were very much a generational clash. And it was the Kent State Massacre that cast a stark spotlight on DC politics gone horribly wrong.

Strong-Armed Paternalism Is Dangerous

Adding complexity to this May 4's 54th anniversary of the tragic event, a deep wound in America's Collective psyche, is the current campaign to force criminal immunity into the tiny hands of one D. Trump, who longs to be in power again and will use whatever force against the American people that his tyrannical dreams of retribution via the ultimate power position require. In other words, mobbed-up Donald wants to be king of America, with no accountability for his crimes. This suggests that Big Orange must be planning some horrific fates for people on his enemies list (the kind of list that vengeful Nixon also maintained).

Yet despite it all, perhaps scofflaw Trump's efforts to change the form of government in our country from a democratic Republic to authoritarian fascism doesn't lead you, dear reader, to link his brutal tendencies with the Kent State Massacre and its perpetrator, Nixon - even though Trump is singing from the If the president does it, it isn't illegal hymnal. Or perhaps you're simply not interested as if such a change wouldn't affect you and your loved ones; or maybe you're a member of the let-someone-else-do-it club.

Well, current campus protests on behalf of the victimized people of Gaza are under scrutiny in many quarters yet with Joe Biden in the White House, assaults against student protesters would have to come from a different source than the Oval Office. And if young voters in November turn from President Biden, they'll be making a tragic mistake for themselves and for our country.

There are videos. One such is the History Channel's The Kent State Shootings, Explained.

8 North Eclipse 1970 Now Repeats in 2024

As for influential Solar Eclipses, the current 8 North, aka, the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct Chiron (19:24), is the very same Saros Series in which the Kent State Massacre occurred, but then 8N fell @17Pisces on March 7, 1970 with themes of, "dreams, visions, and new-found inspiration" (B. Brady) - to stay in power? For as you know, eclipse cycles and historical cycles tend to be in sync as seen by similar conditions and events. "History rhymes," as they say.

And so below you see an unmarked version of the May 4, 1970 Massacre Horoscope of the moment that students on the Kent State campus were shot by National Guardsmen who were mysteriously ordered to point and shoot in unison via Tricky Dick Nixon. Some say no order was given to fire, but this defies logic. The killings and woundings were perpetrated at 12:24 pm, and two of the fatalities were merely heading to class, and were not protesters at all. You'll note that in 1970, wounded Chiron was traveling through Mars-ruled Aries just as now. In 9th house, Chiron values democratic ideals (not tyranny); in Aries, Chiron values education and actively seeking truth.

Then as you see in the following horoscope, 10Leo27 rises at that fateful minute and only now can we realize that 10Leo02 is the degree of Trump's 12th house Pluto = Mars-Saturn midpoint picture with its deadly implications of destruction, physical harm, the deaths of many people, and the intervention of a higher power (R. Ebertin). Plus, Mars-Saturn (the death axis in any horoscope) conjunct Ascendant indicates potentials for health threats and/or bereavement. Tragically for students in Ohio and their loved ones on May 4, 1970, both potentials became reality.

Now here's the unmarked horoscope for you:

Naturally, other contacts exist between May 4, 1970 planets and Trump's natal planets - Donald was a mere 23 years old on that day - but listing them is beyond the scope of this post which is meant as a remembrance of the 1970 Massacre of students, May they R.I.P. - murdered by an out-of-control psychotic US president, hypersensitive to criticism. In closing, please note that this post is in no way intended to carry even one drop of water for hypersensitive agent orange with his sociopathic authoritarian tendencies.

Dec 31, 2023

American Democracy targeted in 1971!

The Powell Memo, Corporatism, and Trump circa 1999

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And with the third of three total Great American Eclipses approaching on April 8, 2024, this one falling within the 8 North Saros Series, Year 2024 marks a critical turning point for the United States of America, and thus for the rest of the world. For with democracy on the ballot, brutal fascism demands a do-over of the mayhem, death, and suffering its perpetrators brought upon the world in the days of Mussol*ni and Hitl*r, malignant narcissistic psychopaths as they both were.

Now in our time, another malignant narcissistic psychopath raises his Medusa head and will cheat to steal our votes. But will American voters help him in November 2024 by being that self-destructive and stupid--that eager to toss away any decent future for their children? Has empathy been deleted from the heart of America? Despite all obstacles, will a Blue Tsunami wave of voters on November 5, 2024 save our country from the barbarian onslaught that threatens us? Because that's the sizeable response it will take to push back the bullies and send them packing.

So one reason for this particular fuss is to mention that the Powell Memo of August 23, 1971 was an initiating factor in a Republican-led declaration of war on democracy by the corporate class. So asserts Thom Hartmann today in his How the Monopolists Stole the US Government: How Big Business Destroyed the American Dream, an excerpt from Thom's series of "Hidden History" books. And part of his focus in today's excerpt is Lewis Powell Jr's memo. Plus, "American Dream" reminds us of the 8 North Eclipse's theme of 'dreams and visions', yes?

Well, below is a previously published noon horoscope of the Powell Memo, and naturally the Saros Series which influenced the memorandum is signifiant (actually a letter that Lewis Powell wrote to his friend, the then-director of the Chamber of Commerce). That would be the 9 New South @27Leo15 which I believe triggered by degree the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017--the one that Trump removed safety glasses and stared straight up at, playing his "sun god Apollo" role. (If actually born on June 14, 1946 at 10:54 am, asteroid Apollo was rising at his birth.)

Astro-Notes are penned on the 1971 'Powell Memo' Horoscope with additional details messily included; an unmarked 9 New South Eclipse August 20, 1971 Horoscope follows:

Aspects to the 1971 Eclipse: Venus conjunct = fair play vs materialism; Jupiter square = a past lack of integrity brings karmic obligations, a need for ethical behavior; Neptune square = chicanery, deception, fraudulent tendencies, a need for realism and honesty; MC/IC square = a "success at any price" attitude compounds problems, acting like a "big shot" to prove one's capabilities, lack of respect for home and family, skewed values (R. Lineman AFA).

Notably, a 9 New South Eclipse repeats on September 21, 2025 @29Virgo, at Autumn Equinox 2025, conjunct the 1776 Midheaven ('MC" @00Libra+) of America's so-called 'Sibly Horoscope'. Then if you've read SO'W posts before, you know that forewarned is forearmed around here, and America's goals and global status (MC) may very well be affected with the "American Dream" possibly dissipating within a Fascist fog of authoritarianism and cruelty to one's fellow man. That is, if Pro-Democracy Voters fail to turn up at voting booths across the land on November 5, 2024.

Because regressive reactionary Republicans are expressing their vile reptilian brains, don't you think?

For more eclipse details see: 8 North Eclipse 2024 vs 6 North of 1986 (horoscopes shown), a recent post about the visions and dreams of the April 2024 Eclipse blending with the "need for authority and control" themes of 6 North's manifestation during the Reagan Era. Plus, here are astro-notes concerning all three Three Great American Eclipses: 1878, 2017, and 2024.

Donald Trump Considered a Prez Run in 1999

Past 'Trump Events' of 1999: Where's the Integrity?

From Buzzfeed News posted January 6, 2017 came an article by Anne Helen Petersen Donald Trump Showed His Hand in 1999, But No One Was Looking concerning a couple of favorable polls in 1999 - one poll by the National Enquirer if that tells us anything. The article contains a list a few major events for Trump in 1999.

Such as: he finalized his divorce from 2nd wife Marla Maples and began dating Slovenian model Melania Knauss, he gloried in a rejuvenation of the Miss USA pageant, he floated the idea of starting a modeling agency, Big Donnie fought a coalition of Upper West Side residents including Walter Cronkite, Paul Newman, and Kofi Annan over the contruction of a huge tower near the UN building, and he "spent months flirting with a run for president."

To quote Trump in 1999, "If the Reform Party nominated me, I'd probably win. And if I did, I would ask for an immediate recount." Such a jokester! However, ongoing opinions on the street at the time included, "Trump makes things happen," and "he's at home with the guy on the street." (They're so fleeceable: he loves the uneducated, he says.) Now these are the same delusional sentiments that were expressed during the 2016 campaign! But this time is different: he's running again, but trying to avoid prison by regrasping power, and itching to make Fascism happen in America so that he can take revenge on all his enemies, please his bosses, and stay in office until he keels over.

And that, ladies and gents, is America's orange albatross.

Dec 8, 2023

Friday Dec 8, 2023: 2 Quirky Horoscopes!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American Democracy

When we discussed how Trump's Take-Over Plan Began Years ago in yesterday's post, I had not yet considered the bi-wheel shown, below, or any implications it might have to our current day worries over what may be called a second Trump "presidency," being planned as a dictatorship.

Now please understand: today's post is ultra quirky, and thus Uranian, and may not make much sense to most readers. Perhaps my 10th house Uranus in Gemini is showing! Well, let's plow ahead since the bi-wheel of horoscopes concern Trump's first "Prez Bid," as I term it when titling the Gemini New Moon Horoscope of June 16, 2015. You'll remember that the New Moon perfected @25Gem07 on the morning that agent orange descended the Trump Tower escalator to address a paid-off audience gathered from a NY talent agency: $50 per head. And there, conjunct the New Moon, was belligerent planet Mars @24Gem35 ("25Gem"= "A Man Trimming Palms" - as he did; or someone did).

Of note is that the 2015 New Moon perfected in the midst of Trump's natal 10th house trio of quirky chaos-creator Uranus, North Node, and Sun, and a new cycle of activity began with seeds of his future plans implanted.

And since New Moons can disrupt earthly events in similar Uranian fashion as solar eclipses can, the presence of warrior planet Mars is significant and denotes potentials for the violence and brutality hidden within his racist sentiments that morning as he announced his presidential intentions.

Now in 2023, he's at it again, threatening all manner of retaliation against his critics of the anti-Trump persuasion. A Plutonian urge to purge lurked then against minorities, and is in the making now if Trump has his way in 2024 - which he must not have. If he succeeds, his "American Carnage" intonation on January 20, 2017 will be fulfilled against the American people and his anti-America handlers will be well pleased with their agent provacoteur.

So I'll close this post for now since gifts await wrapping as the holiday nears. Above, is the bi-wheel where you see Trump's Prez Bid New Moon of 2015 surrounding the Secondary Progressed Horoscope which results when Herr Adolf's natal chart is progressed ('SP') to the exact date, hour, and location of what is said to be his Death Chart. The result is that, as a transit chart, Herr Trump's 2015 Prez Bid New Moon conjuncts the SP Sun and SP Mars in Gemini of April 30, 1945 which may primarily show a timing issue for Trump's announcement, if nothing else. (And perhaps a secret tribute of sympatico to his Austrian idol was intended.)

You'll notice other contacts as well such as 2015 Mercury conjunct SP Pluto, notated on the chart, plus, 2015 Venus @10Leo05 conjunct Trump's natal Pluto (apex of his 'death axis' Mars-Saturn midpoint in 12th house = fury, destruction, death of many people--R. Ebertin). This functions as Trump's "urge to purge" writ large. Then, the Venus to Pluto transit suggests his need for complete control of people and situations.

But this comparison is all quite quirky though, isn't it?

Jul 7, 2023

Expanding SCOTUS Could Save Democracy - Why Won’t Biden Risk It? - clip

Let's Save Democracy in America!

Expanding the Supreme Court could dilute the bizarro reich-wing 'handmaiden' leanings of a largely Catholic SCOTUS whose decisions of late have lost the Court credibility among a majority of We the People. Adjusting the size of The Bench has been done before and is warranted now. Here's recent commentary concerning the issue from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann:

Then for a little cosmic input, a previous post displays the SCOTUS 1790 horoscope (first session), and here from July 2nd just past is SCOTUS decisions: Law and Domination, a post concerning the successful power grab by the US Supreme Court via their February 24, 1803 decision famously known as Marbury v Madison (1803 horoscope shown), a decision which shoved the unelected branch of the US government above the US Congress and far above The Will of The People in what should be our democratic Republic.

So with the weekend upon us, here's a famous quote that's been in the sidebar of SO'W for years. It's from Justice Louis D. Brandeis was born in Louisville, Kentucky on November 13, 1856 with Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Gemini, and served on The Bench from 1916 to 1939:

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."

And we don't have both.

We have a rapidly expanding American Oligarchy ruled by economic royalists--unless a majority of US voters wise up and Vote Blue every chance they (we!) get. So to close, here's a brief video of FDR assessing "economic royalists" during his June 27, 1936 DNC speech with the June 27th Sun conjunct his natal Moon in the protective sign of Cancer.


Dec 20, 2022

Once the Weimar Republic succumbed to a Psychopath

In Germany's Weimar Republic Horoscope of November 9, 1918, the government that Hitl*r took over as chancellor on January 30, 1933, a dynamic T-Square appears thanks to a Saturn-Uranus opposition squaring Mercury (making great demands on nervous energy - R. Ebertin). Of course, we know that in general, the Saturn-Uranus duo stands for restriction vs freedom, past vs future, old vs new, and/or politically, historically, and socially (and more the point of this post): old order vs new order.

Much tension is involved, and the potential is for bending to turn into breaking with this planetary combination which, in the 1918 horoscope falls across the self-willed Leo-Aquarius polarity of Fixed, rigid energies.

For the curious, here's a 3-minute Rick Steves video The Story of Fascism: Hitl*r's Rise to Power (my aster*sk).

Horoscope: 118th Congress January 3, 2023: two possible opening hours, Washington DC:

Similar to the Midterms 2022 Elections, the take-over of the German government in January 1933 was legally accomplished - with strong-arm implications behind the curtain if things didn't go Herr Adolf's way (a Tr*mp tactic as well). But as we know in retrospect, they did go the Austrian's way, and Adolf was able to cause the entire world to suffer. Now the world will suffer again if Adolf-loving forces and actors are allowed to coup the US government more fully than they've done already when they managed to finagle control of the US House of Representatives beginning January 3, 2023 (see above image).

Predictably, congressional Republicans wlll perform their Political Theater as a three-ring circus, a clown show full of off-kilter antics meant to disguise their own crimes and complicity, promoting malicious lies, and committing acts of revenge with their eventual objective to collapse the US Congress and government, to "own the libs," and, aided by corrupt, theocracy-loving Supreme Court justices under Vatican rule, to establish totalitarian rule. As for American law and tradition, this mostly 'conservative' Supreme Court is now tragically in need of even the most basic of ethics rules.

Meanwhile, perhaps we can agree that the destructive maga coup/storming of the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 was Tr*mp's echo of the Reichstag Fire for it all but mimicked the burning of Germany's parliamentary Reischstag building. Notably, Hitl*r's false flag event in February 1933 came just days after the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse.

Significant to the future of America is that a Solar Eclipse in the 7 North Series will manifest in our era as well - on April 20, 2023 @30Aries, which qualifies as a belated birthday eclipse for a long-gone Herr Hitl*r, but also must serve as a forewarned-is-forearmed signal from the Universe for all pro-democracy folks.

Talk about a cosmic time link of sinister proportions: this will be it.

Oct 19, 2022

American Democracy's Arsenal and the Hercules Powder Plant Explosion

When Difficult Eclipses Like 14 South Repeat

by Jude Cowell

On December 29, 2016, a Capricorn New Moon echoed FDR's famous 'Arsenal of Democracy' Speech which he delivered on December 29, 1940 - same sign, same degree. Obviously, the 2016 New Moon in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investment, perfected after the 2016 Election but prior to Inauguration 2017, the start of America's self-styled neo-nazi-in-chief's political regime. That's one of my descriptions of the orange blighter, based on his and his followers' actions but supported by research into the historical decades involving such power-grabbing behavior and brutality (1920 to 1940s).

Not the least of such behavior are Trump's rally and its subsequent 'MAGA' Mob Attack on the US Congress, the so-called "stop the steal" coup attempted and instigated by Hitl*r wanna-be, Herr Tr*mp.

However, it's the significant year 1940 featured in the Rachel Maddow Presents Ultra podcasts which we've discussed recently here. As of this typing, three episodes of Ultra are available with more insights to come (new eps on Mondays). Episode One opens with the tragic and deadly Hercules Powder Plant Explosion of September 12, 1940 which followed one in 1933 and preceded one in 1989. The outer horoscope shown, below, is the Solar Eclipse of influence for the tragic event of sabotage against America's ability to make armaments to fight Nazis in Europe, aka, World War II (Horoscope shows the dynamic T-Square of brutality, Mars-Pluto = Saturn = Herr Adolf's natal Sun).

Now various theories of culpability for the sabotage of 1940 near Roxbury, New Jersey have been advanced (even the IRA!) but to me, Rachel's and her team's investigation seems most logical: Nazis in America, especially in light of how active in the US such sniveling bullies were then, and are now, as they marched and yelled through US streets, lighted tiki-torches held "proudly", plus, violence and threats of violence are on the rise compliments of thuggish far-right (ultra-right) operatives devoted to Tr*mp.

Of course, racism is a primary identifying trait of such regressive barbarians, with threats hurled against members of the Hebrew race, and nowadays, against transgender folk or anyone they consider to be beneath them; examples include liberals and Democrats; see the "Ideology Clash" charts, below; visibly lurking therein are demagogues, zealots, and violent fanatics which are notated on the chart, upper left.

And yet as I type, it's apparent that unless you've been living under a Saturnian rock of denial, you already know these things, don't you?

Be Aware of 14 South Themes (paraphrasing B. Brady):

'Long periods of hard work which bring the promised success of Jupiter once an obsessive idea is finally accepted' (obsessive Mercury-Pluto content from 14 South's initial manifestation as, Mercury-Pluto = Sun-Moon = Mars-Saturn, the 'death axis' duo according to R. Ebertin); significantly, the 0984 14 South Eclipse @10Vir59 rises in the 14 South horoscope of April 7, 1940, a cosmic time link extraordinaire:

So due to the expansive breadth of such disturbing topics and democracy-threatening potentials, this post is merely another in my series of 'forewarned is forearmed' efforts, with more to come, if and as I can. For now, shown above is a bi-wheel of the initial 14 South Solar Eclipse (inner @10Vir59) with its repetition on April 7, 1940, the Saros Series during which the Hercules Powder Explosion (sabotage) occurred.

14 South themes are listed, above, and you may be interested to know that the next 14 South Eclipse will occur on June 1, 2030 @11Gemini (chart not shown); if you suspect that the "obsessive idea" of 14 South is a nazified America, then we're on the same page, dear reader, and the Arsenal of Democracy had better have its Herculean act together pronto.

Aug 31, 2022

Sept 1, 2022: Joe Biden Talks Democracy

Astro-Notes on The Health of American Democracy

by Jude Cowell

On Thursday September 1, 2022, a prime time address is scheduled to be delivered by President Biden concerning the state of American Democracy. The hour cited is 8:00 pm edt from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as you see in the horoscope, below.

Descriptively, President Biden's natal Ceres, asteroid of democracy, rises at 8:00 pm edt along with asteroids Juno Rx (nation-state; protection thereof), Astraea Rx (justice), plus, planet Neptune Rx in Pisces which I assume this placement in relation to the president's Address represents compassion for the masses. This resonates with Joe Biden's 'efforts to bring help to those in need' (Sun-Pluto = Moon); Sun-Pluto (Biden) is opposed by radical, zealous Uranus Rx = potentials for 'rebellion, sudden changes, powerful ideas, and/or arrest' (R. Ebertin; Tyl). Of course, mass media, subterfuge, and deception are also in the realms of Neptune. Will Trump's theft of official documents be mentioned?

Then underneath it all - besides America's ongoing Pluto Return of transformation - transit Neptune continues a titanic opposition to US Neptune in Virgo, a period of generational ideals and beliefs clashing, along with various forms of persecution (racism, misogyny, civil rights, exploitation, scams):

Scorpio: Sign of Health and Regeneration

As you see, in 2nd house the health asteroid Hygeia @17Sco15 conjuncts the Moon (17Sco08) so the Health of Democracy, even if the phrase isn't spoken, may be a basic feature of Biden's address along with medical concerns. Meanwhile, the Uranus-North-Node ('NN') duo in Taurus widens yet its 'radical politics' signature retains influence along with the current 6 North Solar Eclipse @10Tau28, also in 2nd house, and thematically bringing society 'relationship to authority' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady) - at least until the power-grabbing 6 South Eclipse of October 25, 2022 manifests @2Scorpio with manic energy that will influence our 2022 Midterms.

To close, I direct your attention to the bottom right corner and the excitable Moon-Uranus opposition which perfects at 11:06 pm edt (reactions to President Biden's remarks, one supposes) and, above the horoscope, to the dynamic T-Square pattern their opposition forms with karmic Saturn Rx @20AQ34 in the hidden 12th house which can also denote large institutions such as the US Congress, and which contains potentials for 'self-will; sudden damage; and/or striving for independence' (R. Ebertin).

Yet with America's Pluto Return ongoing we mustn't leave out a midpoint picture formed in this chart with apex Pluto (11th house) - and that's Moon-Jupiter: 'major plans for major triumph; the big picture and the power to make it appear'(N. Tyl).

Perhaps we can agree that America under President Joe Biden would be happy for even more good news!

Jul 13, 2022

The Only Thing That Can Save America - Thom Hartmann clip

July 13, 2022

Well, it's uncertain how many times I've written here on SO'W the very same thing about our country's desperate need for a Blue Wave to turn out in both 2022 and 2024, but when progressive author Thom Hartmann bespeaks the need on his broadcast, it carries a lot more weight and reaches many more voters!

And here's another video segment from Thom Hartmann: Do You Have What It Takes to Fight Fascism? because that's what's really goin' on.

So for American Democracy's sake, please pass it on!

Cosmically Related: The 2024 Presidential Election's Eclipse.

Jun 27, 2022

DC Horoscope: Roe v Wade Overturned

Rampant Paternalism Off-The-Chain Chains Women

by Jude Cowell

Strange as it may seem, the SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v Wade was announced June 24, 2022 (approximate time 10:05 am edt) under the variable influences of an unaspected Mercury in its own sign of Gemini (10th house) with a rounded-up degree for Mercury's Sabian Symbol hinting at hidden meanings (such as wealthy Plutocrats' fear of reparation for past offenses - note that Mercury, planet of children and babies, conjuncts asteroid Hebe, the servant). Its unaspected condition means that none of the other energies and actors (ex: liberal Justices) in the chart received input from the planet of thought processes and decisions, nor gave it, and a maverick quality is evident. Obviously, the ideological split between the nine Justices is indicated. And symbolically, there's this:

Mercury at "12 Gemini" = "A Black Slave-Girl Demands Her Rights of Her Mistress" with 'tofu planet' Mercury conjunct asteroid MIDAS. This symbol refers, of course, to America's oldest flaw from the Jamestown Colony era and the importation of Africans into slavery and the fact that the 'white supremacy' argument still works as a wedge issue to keep us divided and conquered so that the power elite can continue to exploit at will. Turmoil in US economic systems, both then and now, are implied along with the old 'states rights' vs federal government quarrels and divisions.

Now there are other suggestions of financial issues in the chart as well: Sun-Jupiter = MC, The Goal; chart-ruler Sun applies once to square moneybags Jupiter in the 8th house of Corporatism, Big Business, Death, Taxes, and the Occult; the square suggests overblown or exaggerated intellect, the overvaluing of professionsal status and social position, trying to impress others - wonder who? - and financial implications such as increased wealth. Which share holders will benefit from the overturn decision I care not to consider at this early date, plus, polls indicate that a majority of Americans see the Dobbs decision as political and to this I would add, as part of the global authoritarian movement to sabotage American democracy via our Justice System (Neptune-Pluto = ASC):

As you see, with its typical timing potential, there's a YOD pattern of sorts (crisis; turning point) - or if we don't count this as a YOD, it's simply the energies of the Neptune-Pluto sextile expressing at the Leo Ascendant, the decision itself, which looks to be of an egotistical nature (Leo). Someone is being, or will be, used as a tool for other people's selfish interests--as is Donald Trump since his natal Mars @26Leo is also apex of the Neptune-Pluto sextile. I refer you to the Mercury-Hebe conjunction above. Rapists, pedophiles, and incestual family members must be rejoicing about now. And it only took a lawless 6-3 Supreme Court majority of "conservatives" to fulfill their degraded dream! Now they act off-the-chain, too.

It's Strong-Armed Paternalism in America

Previously, we've discussed on SO'W the Neptune-Pluto pair and its associations with paternalism, criminal elements, drug abuse, drug and sex trafficking, the supernatural, and/or unseen realms which suggests a bizarre spirituality such as Dominionism and religious cults, one of which has long been active in Washington DC: The Family ('The Family' is also described by 1st house Cupido conjunct royal Regulus; it's an organization that is all about seizing political power, Jesus Christ need not apply.

So I'd have to say that this particular American crisis may be described as paternalism and criminality at a turning point which was quickly grasped by dystopian-style authoritarians as their opportunity to enforce radical reforms (Uranus-NN = MC: sudden realization of a joint goal) through which they are determined to stop forward advancement of society - under cover of a "pro-life" stance (a principle honesty held by some folks, but not by these black-robed social meddlers).

As noted, the financial damage to society in America's early days of slavery and plantation life was a thorny financial issue, and so will be the damage to society now by the overturning of Roe v Wade, aka, the Dobbs decision. And that's not counting the civil rights mess and legal disruptions that SCOTUS has only made worse by turning back society's clock to vigilantism and citizens pitted against citizens - really? Can we expect horses and chuck wagons to appear next?

Then one might be tempted to think that potential reparation policies along with other social safety net spending (for abortion, contraception, medical care, to feed hungry children, among other things) have more than a little to do with the overturn of a settled law of almost 50 years' standing. Add to this the extreme turmoil and suffering about to result, societal harm that can be laid on the doorstep of the US Supreme Court, and which should scald the heads of the Republican presidents (from both Bushes to Trump) who shoved Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barrett onto The Bench from where they brazenly ignore the will of The People - not to except Chief Justice John Roberts who could do much better himself.

Previous Yet Related: Alito Draft Leak and a 1991 Eclipse (11 South = old methods fail, new systems are needed to deal with issues; blocks are violently or tragically removed - Brady). And note that the Roe v Wade overturn decision occurred under the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 2022 @10Tau28 with themes of relationship to authority figures, and taking over another's commitments. Or the taking over autonomy and life choices of women, half the population?

Jun 17, 2022

America's Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune

Astro-Notes for Lovers of American Democracy

by Jude Cowell

A timeline of the American Revolutionary War lists events which closely relate to two of America's planetary cycles of significance: Mercury-Pluto (exact @24Cap54:40 on January 24, 1775; spying; lower left chart) and Mars-Neptune (exact @20Vir04:44 on June 22, 1775; fog of war; upper right chart) with their dual horoscopes displayed, below.

As you know, the planetary pairs of Mercury-Pluto (which were opposing one another in July 1776) and Mars-Neptune (square one another in July 1776) both contain information easily discernible and their potentials remain prominent in and for our nation. Two sources for updated information on planetary pairs may be found in Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleasing the Power of the Planets (#ad) and Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences (#ad). Both books are invaluable when looking at Politics and Social Concerns through the excellent lens of Astrology.

So today, for my Friday pre-weekend post, you see above a dual image of the moments when these particular planetary pairs began new cycles along with my astro-notes squooshed in (mea culpa!) such as the Eclipse families (aka, Series) into which the new cycles fell across the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis; they are:

The January 1775 Mercury-Pluto Conjunction's 11 North (@13Vir28 which was then conjoined by warrior planet Mars Rx in Virgo, increasing implications for violence and willfulness: 11 North's theme = 'changing groups via ideas or travel'; annular), and the June 1775 Mars-Neptune Conjunction's more difficult 11 South @11Pis11, a Total Eclipse with extreme themes of 'methods/ideas fail, new systems are needed; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Eclipses: 'Wild Cards' of the Universe, Agents of Chaos

There are two major points to be aware of (if you're not already!) regarding 11 South:

1. The 11 South Eclipse prior to June 24, 1775 is also the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the American Revolution (Eclipse exact on March 1, 1775 - so the Revolution began on April 19th between the cosmic snaphot of planetary conjunctions shown, above). And 2. A Solar Eclipse in the 11 South Saros Series will repeat on August 2, 2027 @10Leo so considering current 'power-grabbing' events, a cosmic heads-up is in order.

Because here's the thing: 10 Leo is the natal 12th house position of Herr Trump's Pluto and of his destructive, brutal Mars-Saturn midpoint - and a Pluto-Eclipse conjunction suggests potentials for criminal offenses, gang wars, and rape (R. Lineman) - the sort of cruel things that Republicans are already promoting, approving, or even instigating along with their wealthy enablers of a corporate (fascist) persuasion.

Now obviously, codger Trump may be out of the political picture by 2027 since he'll be 81 years old and possibly wheel-chair bound if he's around at all - especially since his natal Pluto will be 'eclipsed'. Besides, the Mars-Saturn midpoint is known as 'the death axis' (R. Ebertin) as we've seen him express against anyone who thwarts his selfish desires. (Holding grudges and taking revenge are his specialties, as you know.)

However, the global movement of authoritarianism and autocratic dictatorship of which Herr T has played the figurehead role of late will continue to be atop the to-do list of every saboteur and enemy of D/democracy - unless the world network of criminals is put back in its cage now. Of course, in the US there are some chances for criminal prosecutions in the offing, issuing from the current J6 public hearings in the House so we'll see if justice prevails. Yet we know that the old 'bringing a knife to a gunfight' method simply will not do - not when it comes to the globally-connected mobsters who bedevil, infiltrate, and undermine our country. Actually, such an inefficient method of fighting reminds me of America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misdirected goals and misguided actions with what are sometimes self-destructive tendencies. This is crazy since usually, America acts with a 'might make right' attitude - so why not now when We the People need it most?

And so in closing, my feeling is that any dear reader who feels powerless against the current fascist onslaught should set their minds, if they haven't yet, toward Voting Blue in 2022 and again in November 2024, because Blue Tsunamis are the best hope that lovers of American Democracy have left - now that, for too long, such sobering issues have been neglected through our own apathy, and through gaslighting and misinformation.

And this neglect has brought the American people to a stark imperative that, the time to act on behalf of Democracy is now. There is no alternative.

Jun 9, 2022

Can 19-Year-Old Democrat Stop Corrupt GOP Incumbent? - video Featuring Sam Lawrence

If you missed Thom's recent interview with up-and-coming Democratic candidate Sam Lawrence check it out - and be inspired for American Democracy!

Hope you're planning to tune in tonight at 8:00 pm edt for the first public Jan 6th hearing! (Horoscope shown).

May 25, 2022

The Civil War's Solar Eclipse soon repeats

The 7 North Saros Series of Solar Eclipses have brought the world difficult, even violent, events such as the Civil War of 1861 (Charleston SC Horoscope shown, below, upper right) and the 7 North Eclipse which manifested on February 23, 1933 as what I tend to call the 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse due to the violent, power-grabbing, take control actions of one Herr Hitl*r, pervert and failed dictator inspired by dreams too big to handle.

So nowadays the world has a new crop of fasc*st miscreants and criminals determined to rise again to power, and this time it's a global movement - better organized with more saboteurs placed in key government positions in the US and elsewhere, and more abundantly funded by a faithless corporate class of what must be Ayn Randers. They follow the 'Statism + Corporatism = Fascism' model in which Enlightenment principles of our Founders and We The People are outmoded concepts they intend to delete from society by any means necessary.

7 North: 1861-1933-2023

Now also shown in the dual image, lower left, is the coming 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, the degree of belligerent Mars during Herr Tr*mp's January 6, 2021 coup attempt (basically a dress rehearsal). As you see, the April 2023 7 North Horoscope is relocated to Charleston, SC for the sake of comparison although if set for Washington DC, very little difference occurs with house cusps (perhaps about one degree), however, Pluto @00AQ19 (conjunct US Inaugural Sun: it's all about power over others with starry Altair the Eagle there as well hinting at Roman Empire days) does cross into the 1st house in DC from its 2nd house position in Charleston, as you see here:

Actually, we've previously discussed the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 (Berlin Horoscope shown) back in 2020. Significant is the fact that transit Saturn will exactly conjunct the 1933 Eclipse @5Pis28 three times in 2023 and 2024: 1. May 1, 2023; 2. August 4, 2023; and 3. January 23, 2024 with 2024 being a presidential election year, as you know. Saturn conjunct the eclipse suggests those with the responsibility to carry out the themes of the eclipse with 7 North themes of 'deep passion, long hidden takes people by surprise' and 'lust' (to which I must add 'blood lust' due to our current circumstances and the saboteurs so excited about fomenting a second Civil War in the US, grabbing power, and casting our nation back into the 1850s days of slavery. As for karmic Saturn in Pisces, this placement denotes potentials for: 'struggles with opponents, secluded work, and/or depression (R. Ebertin).

So for now I'll hush about this disturbing topic, but as usual, my feeling is that forewarned is forearmed - because the enemies of America are aligned and organized.

Therefore, lovers of American Democracy, freedom, and a civilized society must be aligned and organized, too.

Dec 18, 2020

Can the US Constitution Handle Today's Problems?

Someone Has a Ready-Made Answer to This Disturbing Question

by Jude Cowell

In an article first published in The Nation, the US Constitution is deemed "incapable" of meeting the crises we now face. In American Democracy Was Never Supposed To Work we can read about Founding Fathers purposefully kneecapping democracy in order to protect wealthy plutocrats such as themselves, an idea heard often enough in recent years. It's a plan that continues to work against the common good to this day. Even so, amending the Constitution is a scary thought for who can be trusted to tinker once again under its venerable hood?

Meanwhile, we know that weaknesses in our political system make it necessary to institute more corrective measures than just removing a kicking-and-screaming Trump from the White House. However, certain operatives and saboteurs in and against the US have for years worked to undermine We The People's trust in government to such an extent that the Biden administration must find ways to regain such trust. No one thinks it will be easy. Everyone knows it's an imperative.

So now that years of undermining America have brought us to this chaotic pass, with a Constitution few have faith in and some are disloyal to, the Hegelian Dialectic scam - create a problem so you can offer the solution you were determined to implement all along - seems ready to be further foisted upon us as Americans are marched into a 'New Order' - well-timed by the Great Conjunction-Mutation of Jupiter and Saturn at Winter Solstice 2020, a 'new order' of major reforms and restrictions that the world is supposed to clamor for because nation-states can't handle such massive problems. However, it's the path to global authoritarianism so don't look too closely!

And so for your consideration, or re-consideration, here is the Horoscope of the US Constitution from a previous post (which is why the chart doesn't have the most current transits around it) and as you see, the current Capricorn heavyweights, plus, Saturn now moved into Aquarius as of December 17, 2020 (and Jupiter about to do so) are all in the behind-the-scenes 12th house of karma, self-undoing, and secret enemies. And Large Institutions such as the US Congress:

Related Posts: Horoscope: US Congress March 4, 1789 first session and An Updated Horoscope of a New World Order (1993) based on the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the Enlightenment planets that inspired America's founding and principles, now perverted.