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Showing posts with label 11 North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 11 North. Show all posts

Jul 23, 2024

Gov Josh Shapiro June 20, 1973 (D-PA)

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As a new generation of US politicians bubbles happily along, we discussed earlier today two Democrats whose names have cycled up into public consciousness as potential VP picks for now-VP Kamala Harris. We looked at the Eclipses of Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky and Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona.

Another Name Simmering on The VP Hob

Now let's peek at Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro's Solar Eclipse Series with its themes running in the background of his life. As it happens, Baby Shapiro was born on June 20, 1973 - between two eclipses: 11 North on January 4, 1973, and 11 South on June 30, 1973.

As you see, Josh Shapiro was born just within the two-week window of influence prior to the 11 South Eclipse of 1973 so I'll list the themes of both eclipses for your consideration. When this cosmic happenstance occurs, a blending of eclipse themes may be in evidence in the person's life, or, as eclipses in the two Series repeats (every 19.6 years), its themes may take precedence - or alternate.

1973 Eclipses of Josh Shapiro

January 4, 1973 11 North @14Capricorn themes: Suddenly changing groups through ideas or travel; the implied separation can have positive outcomes as greater commitments are made. Last 11N: 2009; next 11N: 2027.

June 30, 1973 11 South @9Cancer themes: A sudden need for reforms as old methods or ideas fail and new systems are needed to deal with events and handle issues; any blocks could be tragically or violently removed. Last 11S: 2009; next 11S: 2027.

Well, there we have it. The eclipses affecting the life of Josh Shapiro are not as lightweight as those of Andy Beshear and Mike Kelly. And of course, it could be that VP Harris will choose someone entirely different from Beshear, Kelly, or Shapiro so when we find out who that brave person is, another post concerning the chosen running mate of Kamala Harris will be necessary to complete the 2024 VP picture.

Now here's the 11 South Solar Eclipse of 2027:

For more eclipse info see Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

Feb 29, 2024

Run Tell MAGA: The Civil War ended!

[[File:18650410 Surrender of General Lee and His Whole Army - The New York Times.png|18650410 Surrender of General Lee and His Whole Army - The New York Times]]

Historic Times, Events, and Eclipses of Influence

by Jude Cowell, CSA descendant and partisan for democracy

As you see, above, newspapers spread the Good News far and wide to a desperate population exhausted by the ritual sacrifice of war. But it was April 16, 1865 before the city of Savannah, Georgia read the news.

At the Conclusion of the American Civil War, which was actually a process starting April 9, 1865 to November 6, 1865, and finally, the official proclamation by President Andrew Johnson on August 20, 1866, multiple lunar and solar eclipses manifested. Here, for your consideration, is a list of Eclipses 1865--1866 - because eclipses document historical events, and the system of Astrology adds the element of Time and Timing:

Eclipses: Uranian Wild Cards of the Universe

Here I'm emphasizing the Total 11 South Eclipse of April 25, 1865 due to its difficult themes which testify to the obvious breakdown in society that the war of massive casualties, suffering, grief, bereavement, and loss engendered. Now as you know, eclipse influences can begin as much as two weeks prior to the date of an eclipse, however, here we find that the 11 North of 1864 is actually the series in which the April 9, 1865 Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse took place with themes of suddenly changing groups, separation that brings positive results, and making greater commitments in relationships (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Additional factoids are penned on the above image for curious readers and include a Note that, as mentioned, the process of concluding the Civil War actually began under the influence of a Solar Eclipse not shown on the printed list: the 11 North of October 30, 1864 @7Sco29:22. And when a solar eclipse falls within the sign of Scorpio, karmic gains and deep insights into problems are possible yet negative qualities of Scorpio may also be activated such as vengeance, retribution, hatred, jealousy, and cruelty within receptive people. Such deeply felt tendencies can be passed down through generations of participants and can be utilized by opportunists who may or may not have Civil War ancestry. All they really need are violent tendencies against humanity, a craving for power, and greed for more and more wealth.

So perhaps we can agree that through the negative tendencies of grudge-holder D. Trump, the baser qualities of the Scorpio Eclipse which influenced the Confederate Army's Surrender at Appomattox have festered through the years and have now bubbled to the surface of society in order to Make America Grieve Again. And this, as a way of creating a period of chaos, when major shifts in government, such as fascism, are easier to force into place, as history shows. In fact, the pre-war slavery-based economic system of the South was a fascist system of brutality and feudalism. And this is what Republicans are determined to re-establish in the US - an echo of Putin's Russia.

The good news for us now?

We can realize that NOW comes our opportunity to deal more fully and fairly with these unsavory influences than we did 'back in the day'. Another potential is for seeing that the current manifestations of racism, persecution, and exploitation are facets of the Aryanism of the 1930s and 1940s that has arisen to fight another day (like the South "rising again"). Therefore, another path to a brighter future for the American people is to trudge in massive numbers to the ballot box this November 5th or mail it in -- especially since SCOTUS has now delayed their Trump immunity hearing so that a resolution of the issue probably won't be announced until at least June or after the presidential election. So it looks as if the "conservative" justices will rule for Trump against democracy and the rule of law (!) which, if successful, will set our country up for a brutal dystopian monarchy with theocratic overtones that the Pilgrim Fathers could only dream of.

And maybe you've noticed the Scarlet Letter 'A' that Trumpian lawyers and Judge Scott McAfee are trying to stamp upon Fani Willis for daring to hold Trump accountable for his election interference in Georgia. She doesn't merit such a thing but they're trying anyway by way of the expansive, intrusive look at the lady's relationships allowed by Judge McAfee.

So! Perhaps a cosmic time link should be noted since Nazism rears its ugly head regularly these days: an 11 North Eclipse occurred on December 13, 1936 @22Sagittarius (conjunct Herr Trump's natal Moon/opposite his Gemini Sun on his Nodal Axis--and conjunct the 4 South Electoral College Eclipse of December 14, 2020 which inspired Trump's election-denying Big Lie). Then an 11 South Eclipse perfected on June 8, 1937 @18Gemini--conjunct Herr T's 10th house Uranus, his guiding planet of chaos, disruption, and with the eclipse: anarchy. Since Trump wasn't born until 1946, his planets are transits to the 11 North and 11 South Eclipses of 1936 and 1937. Follow the links for events.

The last 11 North manifested on January 26, 2009 @6Aquarius (conjunct US 1776 South Node during the controversial Obama presidency which riled up the racists and opened the door to Trump). The next 11 North arrives on February 6, 2027 @11Aquarius opposing the natal 12th house Pluto = Mars-Saturn midpoint picture of D. Trump; this opposition from the god of the Underworld, signifies issues of animalism vs higher aspirations, a karmic stalemate that the orange gangster has failed to improve upon all his besotted, debauched life.

Meanwhile, you'll find two previously published posts concerning President Andrew Johnson here (with a link to his natal chart) and here (concerning his 1868 impeachment, our country's first presidential impeachment).

And in case you missed it you may wish to see The Anti-Christ Has Been Identified (a video and a mild sprinkling of Astrology added).

Jun 17, 2022

America's Mercury-Pluto and Mars-Neptune

Astro-Notes for Lovers of American Democracy

by Jude Cowell

A timeline of the American Revolutionary War lists events which closely relate to two of America's planetary cycles of significance: Mercury-Pluto (exact @24Cap54:40 on January 24, 1775; spying; lower left chart) and Mars-Neptune (exact @20Vir04:44 on June 22, 1775; fog of war; upper right chart) with their dual horoscopes displayed, below.

As you know, the planetary pairs of Mercury-Pluto (which were opposing one another in July 1776) and Mars-Neptune (square one another in July 1776) both contain information easily discernible and their potentials remain prominent in and for our nation. Two sources for updated information on planetary pairs may be found in Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleasing the Power of the Planets (#ad) and Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences (#ad). Both books are invaluable when looking at Politics and Social Concerns through the excellent lens of Astrology.

So today, for my Friday pre-weekend post, you see above a dual image of the moments when these particular planetary pairs began new cycles along with my astro-notes squooshed in (mea culpa!) such as the Eclipse families (aka, Series) into which the new cycles fell across the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis; they are:

The January 1775 Mercury-Pluto Conjunction's 11 North (@13Vir28 which was then conjoined by warrior planet Mars Rx in Virgo, increasing implications for violence and willfulness: 11 North's theme = 'changing groups via ideas or travel'; annular), and the June 1775 Mars-Neptune Conjunction's more difficult 11 South @11Pis11, a Total Eclipse with extreme themes of 'methods/ideas fail, new systems are needed; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Eclipses: 'Wild Cards' of the Universe, Agents of Chaos

There are two major points to be aware of (if you're not already!) regarding 11 South:

1. The 11 South Eclipse prior to June 24, 1775 is also the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the American Revolution (Eclipse exact on March 1, 1775 - so the Revolution began on April 19th between the cosmic snaphot of planetary conjunctions shown, above). And 2. A Solar Eclipse in the 11 South Saros Series will repeat on August 2, 2027 @10Leo so considering current 'power-grabbing' events, a cosmic heads-up is in order.

Because here's the thing: 10 Leo is the natal 12th house position of Herr Trump's Pluto and of his destructive, brutal Mars-Saturn midpoint - and a Pluto-Eclipse conjunction suggests potentials for criminal offenses, gang wars, and rape (R. Lineman) - the sort of cruel things that Republicans are already promoting, approving, or even instigating along with their wealthy enablers of a corporate (fascist) persuasion.

Now obviously, codger Trump may be out of the political picture by 2027 since he'll be 81 years old and possibly wheel-chair bound if he's around at all - especially since his natal Pluto will be 'eclipsed'. Besides, the Mars-Saturn midpoint is known as 'the death axis' (R. Ebertin) as we've seen him express against anyone who thwarts his selfish desires. (Holding grudges and taking revenge are his specialties, as you know.)

However, the global movement of authoritarianism and autocratic dictatorship of which Herr T has played the figurehead role of late will continue to be atop the to-do list of every saboteur and enemy of D/democracy - unless the world network of criminals is put back in its cage now. Of course, in the US there are some chances for criminal prosecutions in the offing, issuing from the current J6 public hearings in the House so we'll see if justice prevails. Yet we know that the old 'bringing a knife to a gunfight' method simply will not do - not when it comes to the globally-connected mobsters who bedevil, infiltrate, and undermine our country. Actually, such an inefficient method of fighting reminds me of America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of misdirected goals and misguided actions with what are sometimes self-destructive tendencies. This is crazy since usually, America acts with a 'might make right' attitude - so why not now when We the People need it most?

And so in closing, my feeling is that any dear reader who feels powerless against the current fascist onslaught should set their minds, if they haven't yet, toward Voting Blue in 2022 and again in November 2024, because Blue Tsunamis are the best hope that lovers of American Democracy have left - now that, for too long, such sobering issues have been neglected through our own apathy, and through gaslighting and misinformation.

And this neglect has brought the American people to a stark imperative that, the time to act on behalf of Democracy is now. There is no alternative.

Feb 2, 2021

The Solar Eclipse of Sidney "Kraken" Powell

As we see from her Wikipedia bio, Sidney Powell was born on May 2, 1955 in Durham, North Carolina (hour unknown) so a 'noon' natal chart has been placed in my files. Check the following horoscope, upper right, for a few of her natal details and note that one of her natal midpoint pictures (not dependent upon her time of birth) also appears, below, in the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Horoscope into which she was born, the 11 North @2Cap58 - Pluto-NN = Neptune, and in the Eclipse chart the "tiger by the tail" duo of Pluto and North Node rise at Ascendant with Neptune; suggested are: "success via lies and fraud" (Ebertin) and "sense of suspicion in associations" (Tyl):

As you see, Uranus Rx @26Can35 (opposite US natal Pluto Rx) leads a Locomotive shape of planets, ruthlessly determined on success via Uranus, planet of chaos, rebellion, and disruption. Cancer is the sign of Home but also of tribalism, nationalism, patriotism, self-protection, and subjectivity. Suggested is a period when political and social power shifts occur, plus, generational conflicts.

Also opposing US natal Pluto Rx is Jupiter Rx @27Can38 indicating a time when power and success are seductive traps and tend to be grossly overrated and mismanaged. Glowing offers are made that promise influence or oppportunities to manipulate conditions to personal advantage, plus, a contest of wills is suggested. Taxes, debts, and inheritance issues are not favored.

11 North themes: 'suddenly changing groups either through travel or ideas; making greater commitments in relationships; good outcomes are possible' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

11 North Eclipses also occurred in the years 1900, 1918, 1936, (1954), 1973, 1991, 2009 (@6AQ conjunct US natal SN), and next on February 6, 2027 @18Aquarius; its initial eclipse in the Series: August 1, 1125 @14Leo33 with Pluto Rx @6Tau55 where the Mars-Uranus Conjunction perfected on Inauguration Day 2021. Formed is Pluto = Mars-Uranus: "force; a 'Higher Power'; intervention of the big shock' (Tyl); Ebertin adds, "violent interventions."

A Related Post: Tr*mp Regime Identified with Mars-Uranus Since 2017.