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Showing posts with label Andrea Merkel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrea Merkel. Show all posts

Sep 22, 2008

Merkel says No to Paulson Bailout Plan

Over in Europe they're being treated to an America campaign to follow suit on Paulson's bailout plan for saddling US taxpayers with Wall Street's debts but "bareknuckled criticism" has so far been Europe's response.

German Chancellor Andrea Merkel has accused the US government of failure to regulate and I know of no one here or abroad who could possibly disagree on these deregulating bandits and crooks.

Short end of the stick hardly describes what our Goldman Sachs "Secretary of the Treasury" has in mind for the American people with his 'hurry up and screw yourselves' legislation which Congress had better not pass so quickly, if at all.

If this sounds like the Bush-Cheney build-up to war with its 'hurry up' quality, it's not our ears gone bad. It's Terror Promotion at its finest as spearheaded by Hank Paulson.