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Showing posts with label Election 2024 Mars-Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election 2024 Mars-Pluto. Show all posts

Oct 18, 2024

Election 2024, Mars-Pluto, and the NRA

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Few folks who want to know can fail to realize that Election 2024 on November 5th times a forceful Mars-Pluto opposition cosmically imprinted upon the event and which, in part, symbolizes our concerns about the use of violence and criminality by those who are determined to "win at any cost," no matter the collateral damage to our country and our people.

Ill tempers will likely be shown, and military deployment and militia groups of various stripes could spring into action or become involved - on the day, or before and/or afterward as the powerful opposition nears exactitude (November 3rd at 6:37 am EST), then begins separating, its energies fading.

Now given the level of emotional intensity these days, and with Mars-Pluto activated, we expect that firearms, even explosives, must be part of the political picture at and around this general election so let's take a quick peek at the noon Horoscope of the National Rifle Association (NRA formed November 17, 1871 with stationary Jupiter conjunct Uranus Rx acting as tail of a high-flying Kite configuration of success) along with a few astro-notes concerning Election Day 2024's positions of Mars, Pluto, Mercury (planet of votes, voters, ballots, decisions, and young people), and disruptive zealot Uranus, the rebel of maga-like "shock troop" proportions; 1871 Jupiter stationary is very much involved as you can see (upper right), and Uranus opposes 1871 Sun (see lower right corner):

Note: You may wish to keep a close eye on transits to the 1871 NRA Horoscope on into 2025 especially since the 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 @10Libra (loss and separation - B. Brady) has fallen upon the group's 1871 Venus suggesting that issues of materialism, group finances, and legal litigation remain at the top of their concerns.

Since I'm in process of relocating to a different apartment (just down the hall!) and need to get busy with some stuff, this is all I have for you today, dear reader, but Thanks a big bunch for reading! Jude