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Showing posts with label 8 South. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 8 South. Show all posts

Jul 24, 2024

VP Harris Courts Gen Z Voters

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Hey there! Would you say that Kamala Harris (is the) Gen Z meme queen? Her campaign's appeals to Gen Z members, aka, "Zoomers", are using more modern tactics in an attempt to reach them in their favorite social network lairs, and large numbers of young folks are responding and registering to vote in Election 2024 on November 5th! That merits a huge Hooray! around here.

Because if Democrats can add the Youth Vote to the Righteous Women vote, we'll create a Blue Tsunami on November 5th to drown the fascist Project 2025 agenda with its cruelty and barbarism.

Now as you know, The Gen Z age range is usually said to be those born between 1997 and 2010. This includes those old enough to vote for the very first time in the 2024 Election. This circumstance inspired a look at the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2006, the primary year in which 18-year-olds were born.

Significant is the fact that the two Solar Eclipses of 2006 are repeating in 2024, 18.6 years later! It's merely the eclipse cycle, and apart from the themes of the repeating eclipses, it's basically a timing issue because when a Solar Eclipse in a Saros Series that a person was born into repeats (first time for everyone, age 18), it tends to mark a very prominent and active year for that person, and may even signal a personal year to shine!

So below you see a quick (very messy) graphic that lists the Eclipses of 2006 and 2024 with their themes added which "run in the background of society" yet may not have any personal influence at all. One difference is that the 8 South of September 22, 2006 was basically an Autumn Equinox 2006 Eclipse, even though the Sun had not quite reached 00Lib00:00 - but lingered at the very end of Virgo at an impulsive, critical, under-strain 29th degree. (See the events, below, for a Virgoan-digestive health-related incident.)

However, in 2024, 8 South will fall @10Libra and influence both Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 within Libran and Arian (Aryan?) concerns such as relationships, conflicts, war, diplomacy - and, via the balance of the Libran Scales of Justice - our critical need for fairplay:

Now to put the Gen Z generation into historical context, we can check out US Events of 2006 which lists a variety of positive and negative occurrences. Stand-outs for me include the George W. Bush SOTU Address (his Axis of Evil speech) and the now-unpopular Samuel Alito being sworn in to pontificate on the Supreme Court bench and to subsequently repeal Roe v Wade (talk about loss!) both of which occurred on January 31, 2006.

Then on February 11, VP Dick Cheney accidentally shot his lawyer in the face while quail hunting in southern Texas; and on September 15, 2006, spinach contaminated with E. coli bacteria killed 2 and poisoned over 200 people -- a tragedy close enough to the 8 South Eclipse of 2006 to be affected by 8S themes of loss and separation.

To close, here's a related post since we know that for power-demanding Trumpians, The Cruelty Is the Point.

Jul 18, 2024

When Hitler Became President

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

1934 Eclipses in 2024: 8 North and 8 South

Due to these harrowing times, and because historical events tend to rhyme as eclipses and their themes reoccur through the years, the following is another of my "forewarned is forearmed" posts for daring readers who prefer to face facts in order to vanquish the monsters who may reappear on the global stage from one era to another:

When Adolf Hitler Became President of Germany on August 2, 1934, it was under the influence of not one but two Solar Eclipses: the 8 North of February 14, 1934 @25Aquarius - conjunct controlling authority Saturn as you see, below - and the 8 South of August 10, 1934 @17Leo. Why two? Because 8 North was still operative but the August 2nd event occurred only 8 days prior to the 8 South Eclipse - well within the two-week window when themes of the next eclipse can add its influence upon earthly events, disruptive and complex as they may be.

So the dreams and visions of 8 North combined with 8 South's more difficult themes of loss, separation, and physical injury as Hitler made his move toward more power and control. For as you know, Herr Adolf's ultimate vision, his dream, was for world domination but the brutality of his methods wreaked havoc upon the world with loss, separation, physical injuries and death, and in a word, tragedy as his Nazi regime forcefully attempted to remake society in his beastly image - for an excruciating total of 10 years 271 days, until April 30, 1945.

And this is the "rhyming" that America risks if the Trump regime v2 is allowed to take over the US presidency in November 2024 for we are now within the exact same eclipse corridor of 8 North and 8 South Solar Eclipses repeating from 1934. Adolf's personal flaws outdid him, however, as his paranoia expanded, strategic mistakes were made, and there were multiple attempts on his life. For like all dictators, Herr Adolf wasn't nearly as popular as he thought he was!

So here's a version of his August 2, 1934 assuming power event with astro-notes penned on; note Saturn Rx in Aquarius leading a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets and denoting one who takes control in order to fulfill eclipse themes but, in Aquarius, karmic Saturn has ambitious plans without a sound foundation - as I believe is the case once again in 2024:

And here's an unmarked bi-wheel with Hitler's natal chart inner surrounded by the same "Becomes President of Germany" Horoscope shown, above:

With 8 South occurring October 2, 2024 @10Libra, it will exert direct influence upon Election 2024. And this may be the most important point of all: that we must Vote Blue en masse in order to keep the barbarians outside the gate as if our very lives depend upon it.

Jul 3, 2024

8 South 2024 a Cosmic Time Link to July 4, 1826

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Please Note: The following consideration of certain 8 South Eclipses operating as what I call cosmic time links, plus, the history rhymes factor evident within Solar Eclipse Cycles, is inspired by recent political events in the US including the possible stepping down of President Joseph Biden due to medical concerns. On a personal level, my heart is with the Biden family and absolutely no disrespect toward the President is intended by this post.

Now as you know, thanks to the "conservatives" (theocrats) on the Supreme Court, We the People seem to have lost the American Revolution to a fascist form of "monarchy" and this resonates with the loss-separation-injury themes of all 8 South Eclipses. That we may also lose Joe after all his accomplishments for the people is a potential with the 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 influencing both Election 2024 in November (a Mars Return for Vatican II), Inauguration 2025 in January - and the 119th Congress.

Then there's another prominent political event to consider which will fall under the auspices of the 8 South Eclipse of October 2024: the J6 Solar Return 2025.

8 South Cosmic Time Links: 2024 to 1826

Concerning the natal horoscope of Thomas Jefferson there are time unknown charts and there is a Horoscope rectified by Isaac Starkman based on Jefferson's life events set for 8:51:08 AM LMT. This is the natal horoscope you see, below, followed by Mr. Jeffersons's Death Eclipse Horoscope in the 8 South Saros Series of loss, separation, partings, physical overstrain and/or injury (B. Brady); as you know, both Jefferson and John Adams passed away on July 4, 1826. The 8 South Eclipse Horoscope of 1826 is followed by the upcoming 8 South Eclipse chart of October 2, 2024 @10Libra set for Washington DC:

As you see above, the 8 South Eclipse of 1826 @14Gemini fell upon the natal Ascendant in Jefferson's rectified Natal Chart with restrictive, karmic Saturn, planet of stoppage, recently conjunct Ascendant. Jefferson's death on July 4, 1826 came within the time frame of his Jupiter Return, and fever-prone Mars had recently opposed natal Venus. With Neptune inconjunct the 8 South Eclipse of 1826, some measure of inability to adjust to reality is suggested. Yes, 83-yo Mr. Jefferson almost reached his Uranus Return which would have occurred three times all through 1827. Considering the health and financial messes that Mr. Jefferson was in late in his life, I suspect that falling short of his Uranus Return was a blessing.

Now previously, we discussed both 8 North and 8 South Eclipses manifesting in 2024 and in 1934. Obviously, this synchronicity resonates with the current fascist and neo-Nazi barbarians now causing all the trouble around the globe and in Washington DC as evil (death) pretends to vanquish good (life) - despite the fact that good won the battle centuries ago. Therefore, their brutal game is based merely on appearances and illusions, folks, so Vote Blue in November 2024 as if our lives and our country depend on it.

And as Thom Hartmann always says, despair is not an option. So still I'm wishing Happy Independence Day 2024, Everyone!

May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024 NYC: Hope Hicks Testifies

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Today at around 11:30 am edt in the Manhattan courtroom of Judge Marchan, a former close associate of Donald Trump was called to the stand in Trump's Election Interference/Hush Money Trial. On the stand, Hope Hicks pointed toward Trump's assistant Rhona Graff as a source of information, and testified that Trump was a great multi-tasker.

My understanding has been that not one penny ever left the Trump Organization without Donald okaying it, but maybe that's just me. Is it you?

Solar Eclipses Cycle 'Round Again

Notably, the upcoming 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024 @10Libra - the Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE') that will influence Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 with themes of loss and separation - happens to be the PE Series into which Hope Hicks was born on October 21, 1988 under 8 South influences, plus, issues of dedication, perception, logic, and/or health issues when in Mercury-ruled Virgo (R. Lineman).

Significantly, the lady's natal Mercury @11Libra will be directly hit by the 8 South Eclipse this October (or influential as early as mid-September) and this will activate her natal Neptune @7Cap42 as well - because Ms. Hicks was born with a Mercury-Neptune square as was Big Liar Trump. Therefore, the square suggests a tendencies to adjust data, and to deceive and fantasize as she served in the White House and has testified today about her boss. And like agent orange, she may tend to hear only what she wants to hear with this square. Later I'll want to catch up with the evening news concerning how her testimony turned out today.

Hope Hicks: Saturn-Uranus Conjunction 1988 = Powder Keg!

Now there are differences between her and Herr T's natal planets, of course, but we're talking about Mercury the messenger and her testimony today so her Mercury-Neptune square is, shall we say, under scrutiny, as is the square of fact-challenged Trump, fantasist extraordinaire.

So meanwhile, here's the 8 South Horoscope of Hope Hicks which perfected on September 11, 1988 @18Vir40. A few of my study notes are penned on the chart but I know there are more cosmic factors worth discovering for the curious:

Now I don't know what the rest of 2024 holds for Miss Hicks, but when an individual's PE repeats (about every 19 years), the themes and aspects of its subsequent manifestations may or may not repeat through life events. Because, as with all eclipses, cyclical repetitions of eclipses are replete with unpredictable Uranian 'wild card' possibilities which may include a change of direction.

Mar 17, 2024

A Foreign Crime Network Afflicts America

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

When I recently heard investigative journalist and Trump expert David Cay Johnston say that there are two groups of oligarchs in Russia and the one behind Vladimir Putin possesses extreme wealth enough to interfere with any government in the world, I immediately thought of previous SO'W posts featuring the organized crime duo, Neptune-Pluto, and how their current energies began operating via three times in Mercury-ruled Gemini (7-9 degrees) by Conjunction in the years 1891 and 1892.

Obviously, their conjunctions occurred during The Gilded Age (appr 1869-1896) which includes a decade often called The Gay Nineties. Not so gay, however, because a disruptive financial event occurred a la the robber barons, their bankers, and railroad moguls known as the Panic of 1893 which created an economic depression in the US that only improved in or about 1897.

These dates I mention because the Great Conjunction/s of the manic, obsessive, crime-prone Neptune-Pluto pairing landed upon America's 1776 Uranus (9Gem55), planet of radical politics, forming a midpoint picture with potentials such as:

"The propensity for adventurous, mystical, supernatural experiences; unusual catastrophes, and/or peculiar discoveries" (R. Ebertin). Noel Tyl adds, "possibly aberrant behavior, adventurous ego thrusts, disruption to gain recognition, courage, and/or making waves to get to shore.

Then from Michael Munkasey we have:

"Unusual means to escape from or change reality; rebellion against artificial supports or pursuits; impersonal attitudes about any destructive or anti-social activities; and/or tendencies to go to extremes with drugs." (ex: Adderall?)

So, dear reader, if any of these potentials sound like a certain political party interfering with the US government and committing crimes in our day, then we're on the same page. The Republican Party's recent Neptune Return has not been kind to their reputation for trustworthiness, or for their continued existence as a political party. For as you know, a take-over of the GOP has occurred under the eroding, subversive energies of fraudulent, gaslighting Neptune in mid-Pisces, as in 1854, the party's founding year. The party has become a death cult of personality, modeled upon the gnatzie death cult of the 1930s and 40s, and during a Neptune opposing US Neptune transit across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis, while the US Pluto Return has chimed in with its transformative energies, for good or ill.

Recommended: America and the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy.

We could even use mundane Pluto's position in late Capricorn (the dictator) alone as a symbol of the foreign meddlers affecting our government, timed in part by the US Pluto Return/s, then the planet's transition into Aquarius as a signal for the manipulative, wealthy actor's shift of power potential where it does its work in total secrecy in the sign of Universalism (R. Ebertin).

Taking Heed: 1934 Solar Eclipses Repeat in 2024

Then significantly, and as part of my ongoing effort to forewarn my fellow American voters, 2024 identifies a period when the two solar eclipses from 1934 will repeat: first from the 8 North Series (as The Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24: vivid dreams, visions, insights), and the second eclipse from the 8 South Series repeating October 2, 2024 @10Libra (loss, separation; possible physical injury-B. Brady). Adding complexity to the history-rhymes situation is the fact that 8 South is the Series which will affect Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025. And in 1934, 8 North manifested on February 14th @25Aquarius ("A Butterfly with the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed," - make that reich-wing: the fulfilment of Herr Adolf's "vision," as Maga-ites hope), and 8 South occurred on August 10th @17Leo01. For historical 1934, we're talking Herr Adolf, the Austrian psycopath, coming to power. Be forewarned is the point.

Meanwhile, our 1776 Uranus in Gemini is known as America's "totem planet" of revolution, rebellion, and anarchy, and my belief is that we can update US Uranus in order to identify the current crop of zealots, anarchists, and anti-democratic Utopian idealists on one level by the fact that we watched them on TV acting out during the J6 coup attempt of 2021 - and some of them currently "serve" in the US House of Representatives as "Maga" politicians, in Congress only to disrupt, gum up the works, and thereby please their Uranian taskmaster, Herr Trump.

Probably the dumbest thing is, in our founding days America rebelled against a tyrannical monarch, but these days, robot-brained Utopian zealots demand the restoration of a tyrannical monarch in the wide-girthed form of you-know-who. Ludicrously, the regressive malcontents have it backwards, whether for money, belief in a twisted ideology, and/or from heavy-handed intimidation manipulating them. Plus, thr*atening family members often does the trick as can blackmail against those hiding compromising secrets. Pluto knows a lot about secrets and how to use them.

And so in closing this fussy post, and along the lines of an international organized crime syndicate intensely working to change reality and radically reform the US government into a dictatorship, here's a recent segment from the Thom Hartmann Show:

For more info on the Neptune-Pluto relationship in our Solar System, here's a less than 5-minute video Pluto Neptune Orbit intersection. Will they collide?

Plus, a final astrological note: we can use Cupido to represent Corporatism, The Syndicate and/or The Family, and which reveals a potent blend of business, crime, and religion.

And for more astro-details see: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; also see Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady. #ad

Mar 8, 2024

January 3, 2025: 119th Congress opens

If All Goes Well on Capitol Hill

by Jude Cowell

Will the clownish, do-nothing, stunt-prone atmosphere of the current 118th Congress' Maga-led House fade away into the dustbin of history, yet with its sorry effects lingering on? Of late, there is an odor in the air, as perhaps you agree.

Well, when the 119th Congress swears in on January 3, 2025, below is the horoscope we get at 12 noon est, if all goes well. How many, if any, Maga and Freedom Caucus malcontents (aka, seditionists) will be sworn in depends on the results of Election 2024 - and whether the Justice Department catches up with congress members complicit in the J6 coup attempt. These topics we've discussed multiple times here on SO'W so let's not repeat it in this brief post as we look ahead to January 3, 2025 events.

Besides, when it comes to taking a congressional Oath of Office, we have cause to wonder what exactly any seditionist could possibly swear to that's in any way aboveboard.

119th Congress Horoscope January 3, 2025

Now as you see in the 119th Congress chart below, the 8 North "Great American Eclipse" of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 rises with its visions and dreams vibes along with priestly Chiron, the wounded healer - and/or the blindspot. This may refer to "Republican" theocrats so desperate for governmental control, but hopefully it's more of a compassionate indicator than a brutal one - a New Testament Christ rather than an Old Testament authoritarian with a twisted eye-for-an-eye perspective against all humanity - women in particular.

However, the reality is that the 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 @10Lib03 is of the Series in which all three events - Election 2024, the 119th Congress' swearing in, and Inauguration 2025 - occur with 8 South themes of loss and separation (B. Brady) for one side or the other. But isn't that always the case with any competition? One side wins and the other side loses. Personally, I prefer the good guys side rather than the evil bas**rds, and I hope you agree:

And here's an unmarked version of the same 119th Congress Horoscope which may be useful for future reference:

A Related Post: the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope.

Mar 6, 2024

Putin's Eclipse repeats in October 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Today as I watched Mary Ann's Revealing Light Tarot reading Vladimir Putin in 2024 - War Plans and Failure I was inspired to post here the Horoscope of Putin's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE") in the 8 South Saros Series primarily because an 8 South Eclipse repeats on October 2, 2024 @10Libra.

Besides being the PE of America's 2024 Election, it is also Putin's "personal eclipse series" with themes of "loss, separation, sad partings," and possible "physical injury" (B. Brady). So considering the number of injuries and deaths this Russian politician and former KGB agent has caused in the world, it seems appropriate that 8 South will repeat while his barbaric war against Ukraine, and his plan to reconstitute the "Soviet Union," are occurring simultaneously, and with other countries in his raptor's gaze as well.

So with my study notes penned on the charts, here's a dual image of Putin's generally accepted natal horoscope (lower left) along with the 1952 manifestation of his 8 North Eclipse @27Leo31 (upper right); aspects to the eclipse are listed (left side) and there are two of them: a square from Mars in Scorpio, and a conjunction with Pluto in Leo, both descriptive of the vengeful man whose Mars-Pluto energies activate in October 2024 along with his 8 South Eclipse themes:

Speaking of elderly politicians in the US (as so many do), October 2024 brings Putin his 72nd birthday - so he's no spring chicken either!

A Closely Related Post: Horoscopes: Putin Inauguration 2000 w/ Biden-Putin Meeting June 2021.

Feb 20, 2024

Pushy Mars-Pluto and US Election 2024

Feb 2024 Saboteurs in the US: Win At Any Cost

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As multiple astrologers have mentioned, at Election 2024 - or rather two days prior to the November 5th Election on November 3 2024 - an opposition forms in the heavens between warrior planet Mars and wealthy, deadly Pluto across the Security Axis of Cancer-Capricorn. Depending on how these powerful energies are utilized, this transit times a dangerous period surrounding America's Election 2024.

Now this is not news, even to non-astrologers, but my post today is meant as a study of the 2024 Mars-Pluto Cycle with a cosmic nod to the US Mars-Pluto Cycle which began for America with the planetary pair's Conjunction on December 24, 1775 @25Cap35 in a sensitized and governmental area of the Zodiac. We might also add the energies of the forceful duo to America's Inauguration Midheaven in late Capricorn for a picture of ambition, advancement, and/or extreme measures for increasing power and status. Obviously, this resonates as a description of Election Year 2024 and Inauguration 2025.

Then you may remember that corporate fascists (exs: bankers) attempted a "businessman's coup" of America in 1933 but it failed. Incomplete preparation, one imagines, plus, they approached the wrong military general to lead it. Meanwhile, FDR proceeded to establish his New Deal programs despite strong opposition from the "economic royalists" of his day. Now in 2024, monarchists continue to threaten the destruction of our social safety net programs which would help induce the collapse of America, their longterm dream, and would gift taxpayer funds to Wall Street gentry.

Facing reality, we know that these sinister energies have simmered under the surface of global societies ever since, and in the US (the bellweather nation for democracy) saboteurs retain their clawhold via the unfortunate streak of racist Aryanism, a moral failing which our opponents have long known is America's deepest flaw from our country's earliest days. Add to this sore loser Republicans' promotion of Never Surrender, for this is the concept which must be the case for democratic forces as well - if we hope for victory over the global criminal network.

Our Challenge 2024: Democracy vs Fascism - Again

This time around, since 1933 (and including nazi efforts in the 1940s), fascists and neo-gnatzies have been loading up key positions in the US with anti-democracy thugs and enablers with skewed perspectives, while finagling the charismatic agent orange as their flawed figurehead. So if forewarned is forearmed, please read on if you wish an overview of 2024 Mars-Pluto potentials as We the People march down an uncertain trail toward Election 2024. The two horoscopes are suitable for study by the curious!

Now sigificantly, the Mars-Pluto pairing is associated with potentials for brutal force, primal violence, barbarism, military action and/or weapons, war, crime, attacks, cruelty, sadism, forceful intervention, deviant behavior, violent people, people disabled in war, and/or a military police state (Munkasey), just to name a few. Additionally, success through excessive effort may be positive or negative depending on the motives of those involved.

February 14, 2024 -- November 3, 2024

Above is a dual image of the current Mars-Pluto Cycle (upper right) which began on February 14, 2024 @00AQ46 (conjunct US Inaugural Sun so obviously the office of the presidency is involved along with Election 2024), and the Mars-Pluto Opposition (lower left) @29:45 Cancer-Capricorn of November 3, 2024. So the point of this post is that these two 2024 horoscopes encase and envision an entire Mars-Pluto Cycle affecting America during this pivotal election year as we look forward toward the future of our country - and work to defend a better kind of world for our descendants to inherit.

In closing, here are the Sabian Symbols for the November 3, 2024 positions of Mars and Pluto with their exact oppositional degrees being reciprocal Illumination Points, one of the other:

Mars "30 Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" - Keyword: INHERITANCE; positive expression: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unit; negative expression: the ultimate betrayal of selfhood by a false assumption of superiority.

Pluto "30 Capricorn" = A Secret Business Conference" - Keyword: OPPORTUNITY; positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; negative expression: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others.(M.E. Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology #ad)

Please Note: the term "gnatzies" - pronounced like "gnats" - issues from a recent David Feldman podcast episode.

Feb 12, 2024

Is AG Merrick Garland "spineless"?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Previously, we discussed the personality blend of AG Merrick Garland (Sun Scorpio-Moon Libra) but now that he's under attack more than ever for his handling of "the Trump trials," his appointment of over-stepper Robert Hur, and other legal matters, so a look at two particular Solar Eclipses would be informative regarding the cosmic energies affecting AG Garland's natal planets now and in 2024, and, by extension, affecting legal matters, Election 2024, and the Department of Justice in the US.

Above is a dual image of the two "Garland-adjacent" eclipses: one is the 7 South Eclipse of October 14, 2023 (lower left) with themes of 'crisis', or, 'a huge obstacle suddenly clears'--B. Brady) in effect as I type and operative until the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024--along with an Eclipse repeating in Garland's personal 8 South Solar Eclipse Series on October 2, 2024 @10Libra (upper right); 8S themes: 'loss, separation, sad partings; overstrain, possible physical injury' (B. Brady), and acting as the PE influencing Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025.

Yet without an accurate birth time for Merrick Garland, we can't be certain where 10Libra falls in his natal chart, but the point is, 8 South is his personal eclipse series so its themes are coming up for review in his life and gives him the opportunity to deal more successfully with events brought along by the eclipse. Of interest is that his Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') prior to his birth occurred @27Leo31 - conjunct royal Regulus back on August 20, 1952. Previously, an 8 South Eclipse manifested on August 21, 1933 @28Leo--conjunct Regulus. And this creates a cosmic time link from Garland's 1952 Eclipse through October 2, 2024, then back to the Nazi era - all three are 8 South Eclipses.

So last but not least, let's assess solar eclipse potentials when they manifest in the Venus-ruled Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice:

Positive expression includes issues of 'fair play, cooperation, impartiality, karmic relationships, and the promotion of world justice'. Negative expression includes: 'spinelessness; injustice, insincerity, and self-indulgence'. (paraphrasing R. Lineman, Eclipses).

So it's sad to say for democracy, but when it comes to having the courage to stop Fascism from taking over America, perhaps AG Garland's critics are spot-on.

Jan 27, 2024

8 South themes will affect Election 2024

'Wild Card' Eclipses, Historical and Political Events

by Jude Cowell

News has gotten around that yet another Great American Eclipse will manifest in the 8 North Saros Series on April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct wounded healer Chiron at the same position. This is the third of three such solar eclipses, total and visible across the United States beginning in Texas. Most folks remember the previous Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52 conjunct Regulus, the 'kingmaker' star that rises in the natal horoscope of D. John Trump (if his 10:54 am est birth time is accurate). He demonstrated his Apollo rising with royal Regulus and aggressive Mars when he removed safety glasses and looked directly at the total eclipse as if he's a "sun god" (in his own mind). Yet as you know, Leo is one of the signs of royalty (pride and vanity).

Even so, no one alive remembers the very first Great American Eclipse of 1878. So here's a previous SO'W post from 2022 concerning all three eclipses, all total, all visible within the U.S.

And yet this post isn't about these eclipses, it's about the 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 for it's the one that will influence Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 with 8S themes of "loss; separation; partings; to finish something and feel sad at its completion; possible physical injury through overstrain"; take it easy (paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Here are DC Horoscopes of 8 South Eclipses with their aspect grids:

May 16, 1501 Eclipse @4Gem51

October 2, 2024 Eclipse @10Lib03

Shown above are both horoscopes of 8 South Eclipses set for DC: first, its initial Eclipse of May 16, 1501 @4Gem51 which provides the lens through which to consider all subsequent 8 South Eclipses via its Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini and applied to the upcoming 8 South Eclipse in Venus-ruled Libra, also an Air sign. Gemini: news, communication, oration, trade, teaching; and Libra: diplomacy, beauty, relationships, and the Scales of Justice.

Notably, 10Libra03 lands squarely inside Trump's natal 2nd hou$e and within his trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter with its grand scheme, fraud, and speculation influences. And as the entire world knows, Big Donald is now within a period of being held accountable for the first time in his life.

Meanwhile, in Political Astrology, the initial and upcoming 8 South eclipses suggest that their combined Mercury-Venus influences are worth pondering within the Hegelian Dialectic model aptly used by Michael Munkasey:

Thesis: A mixture of business and society; beautification programs for highways; news about the status of wealth; social psychology, the study of people.

Antithesis: a business sector at odds with society; speeches which emhasize economic facts; propaganda about the ease and quality of life; debates on added costs; a transportation system that places beauty over function. (Paraphrasing, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M.M. #ad).

You recognize that some of these Mercury-Venus potentials are operative now, don't you? And last but not least, when solar eclipses occur in Air signs, logic must be placed about personal biases and emotional attitudes - and judgments must be based on facts and truth (R. Lineman). If karmic progress is the goal.

One more Eclipse Note: 8 South Eclipses have also manifested in the years 1916, 1934, 1952, 1970, 1988, 2006, (2024), and next in 2042 @21Libra, which by degree will stimulate or activate themes of the 7 South Eclipse of October 14, 2023 which is in effect as as I type this post. Follow the link for a view of 7 South's initial manifestation in 1248 and its repetition on October 14, 2024 @21Libra. Repetitions of eclipses are so that humanity has opportunities to handle events and conditions better the next time around.

Oct 8, 2023

Transit Pluto in Election Year 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

When we discussed the transit of heavyweight if subversive planet Pluto to 00AQ00 in 2023 and into 2024, midpoint picture potentials were included due to the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction of 2020 @00AQ29 and its transformative meeting with transit Pluto. These energies will intensify all through 2024 leading up to Inauguration 2025 as transit Pluto reaches 00AQ29 and a midpoint picture perfects between the karmic trio of Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto.

The Plutonian midpoint picture becomes exact on:

1. February 4, 2024; 2. August 8, 2024; and 3. December 11, 2024, with the November 5, 2024 Election sandwiched between numbers 2 and 3. Of course, we can expect that it will be at least December 2024 before elections results are known and there are no certainties about the outcome of the 2024 Electoral College Vote, a tradition that Trump and comrades diluted along with the entire election process itself, as ordered from abroad.

Then as we know, every Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction marks a new social order beginning of approximately 20-years' duration. Actually, the entire election year in the US will be cosmically imprinted by these energies, along with the April 2024 Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, and the third of three Great American Eclipses, also in April (see links, below). (Please note that not all lunations and other cosmic events of 2024 can be listed in one post.)

Meanwhile, here you see a bi-wheel of the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction (inner) and, because it occurs prior to Election 2024 in November, the chart of the second direct transit of Pluto (August 8, 2024) surrounds the 2020 Conjunction. Plus, here are previously published details if you're curious.

Of note is that the deadline for resolving election disputes is set for December 10, 2024 (one day prior to December 11th!), and the meeting of the electors is scheduled for December 16, 2024; as in 2021, congressional certification of Electors' votes is intended to be held on January 6, 2025:

Potentials of Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: intense business activity; a total reversal to previously made plans; extreme changes (M. Munkasey); violent changes; immense effort; separation; restriction (R. Ebertin, who adds, "in certain cases Pluto = Jupiter-Saturn leads to an enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered"); major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation (N. Tyl).

Additionally, the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction landed upon US Inaugural Sun (Trump in Dec 2020) with potentials for: 'boasting a lot; increased self-pride; inconstancy; moodiness (disturbed liver function); change of residence; taking destiny in one's own (tiny) hands; major changes according to plan, or if nothing is prepared, having to make the best of things' (Munkasey; Ebertin; Tyl).

Jupiter Expansion-Saturn Restriction in Politics

Now as you know, Jupiter and Saturn are often used to signify America's two political parties although the symbolism tends to alternate, depending on which party is actng the Santa Claus role of generosity (Jupiter), and which tries to limit, restrict, and hold them back (Saturn) - or simply ends or seeks to end, benefits for regular folk. Generally, it seems to me that these are permanent assignations since the Democratic Party is more motherly and protective (as is democracy!) with a big tent for all, while the economic royalists of the Republican Party are more "fatherly" and conservative - with conditions (as in, conditional love).

The party's 'conditions' these days include a huge taboo for GOP politicians who dare "reach across the aisle." Why, that coud lead to improvements in society - the opposite of what Republicans want for the American people, so cooperation is a no-no. Right now, even the NYSE has its panties in a bunch because employment in the US is way up, thanks to President Biden, and finagling a financial crash is what the GOP needs in time to skew Election 2024 toward the fasc*st GOP.

Because it isn't as if Republicans can win elections by promoting aloud their Saturnian policies of austerity and loss. Yet some folks are catching on and my hope is that all voters will realize that voting for more of the extremist GOP's "trickle down" economics is self-destructive and harmful for our families and our nation.

Of course, by tradition the checks'n'balances of the Jupiter-Saturn duo kept the US government simmering along on a more or less even keel but the GOP is working harder than ever to keep the imbalance going, and worsening. They can't even run the House of Representatives without shutting down the government, leaving the House leaderless, and causing the US a credit downgrade (they hope). Maga-types are not politicians, they're chaos agents parroting their Uranian idol Trump.

Astrologically, this points toward rebellious anarchist Uranus lurching this way and that, ruling on a whim and a notion, with major disruption, even revolution, the goal. To Uranus add the Neptune-Pluto duo of underworld crime and we have precisely the crooks and circumstances we see before our very eyes and in our court rooms.

As for the (purposefully) leaderless House of Representatives, if Trump steps in "temporarily" as Speaker, his 10th house Uranus in chatty Gemini, duplicitous and transactional as it may be, will only cause more chaos which, after all, is Trump's way of doing business. But it's probably all talk though since Trump has endorsed loose cannon Jim Jordan for the Speaker position. Or perhaps Steve Scalise will grab the gavel! We'll have to see how things go next week as the maga/freedom caucus performers continue their clown show. And we'll see if secret-seller Trump, agent orange as I've called him for years, is brave enough to set a toe back in Washington DC without fear of being detained as the traitor he is. So if he shows up, will the District be big enough for agent orange and Jack Smith?

Other Prominent Cosmic Events of 2024 Include:

The Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 (DC Horoscope shown).

The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction Horoscope of April 20, 2024.

The New Millennium Horoscope and Its Progressed New Moon May 4, 2024 (both DC Horoscopes shown).

The 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2024 influences Election 2024.

Then on November 1, 2024 comes the predictive New Moon Prior to the 2024 Election @9Sco35 with a belligerent Mars-Pluto opposition at critical 29th degrees across the security-minded Cancer-Capricorn axis.

Related is America's Mars-Pluto Cycle which began in December 1775.

Election Year 2024: Will Pluto Step From The Shadows?

Underworld planet Pluto prefers to manipulate from the shadows, aka, from behind the curtain, from abroad, and/or from his hidden lair where his hoard of gold is secreted. Even a dark alley can suffice! Meanwhile, between 2022's US Pluto Return and transit Pluto leaving Capricorn and creeping into Aquarius, a variety of conditions are shifting across the globe and everyone is feeling it, Earth changes included.

So if the venerable lens of Astrology can add a measure of understanding to the proceedings, then the purpose of writing pro-democracy posts on Stars Over Washington is satisfied. To me it seems to be the very least I can do to honor the sacrifices of my Revolutionary War ancestors - and yours, too, if you have them!

Then if you, dear reader, should find SO'W content useful or informative, please spread the word if not a post or two. Thanks a Bunch! jc

Previously on SO'W: Remember when Jupiter and Uranus were in opposition at Winter Solstice 2016 and formed a major T-Square with Pluto? That's Pluto @16Capricorn, the position of the Sun during Trump's Maga Coup Attempt, with Sun-Pluto relating to a craving for power and the need to take control.

Jul 18, 2023

The Eclipse of the GOP's PROJECT 2025

by Jude Cowell

Yesterday, the issue of democracy vs authoritarianism was discussed in a post concerning the GOP, Foreign Power, and Pluto in America, but I'd yet to hear about Trump-GOP Project 2025, their plan to completely change America's form of government into a fascist dictatorship once Trump, or another fascist Republican, is sworn into office on January 20, 2025.

Perhaps you caught this disturbing news in the NYT about the treasonous plot to concentrate all power in the White House, or heard Rachel Maddow's report re: PROJECT 2025 last evening. 'Chilling' is the operative word here, folks. Theirs is a malicious, sinister scheme to end all schemes--and to end democratic governance upon the Earth, as they grandly hope. And we have the Heritage Foundation of busybodies to "thank." May the unwieldy scheme collapse under its own bloated weight.

Despair Is NOT An Option!

Of course, you realize that criminal saboteurs reveal such ideas and plans ahead of time so that the public will feel demoralized and the plotters' dystopian ideas will seem to be inevitable. They're not inevitable, but that's how enemies of America want the US public to feel--as if democracy has run its course, and big (sinister) changes are in the air. Yet being world class liars, why should anyone believe anti-democracy plotters concerning their big vision for this country? Why, any dumblehead knows that the majority of the American people does not want to live under a fascist dictatorship. Besides: this evil has been tried before and it was a huge failure full of danger, destruction, and misery.

Wild Cards of the Universe: 1934 Eclipses Repeat in 2024 w/ Disruptive 'Change of Course' Vibes

Now it's true that the third of three Great American Eclipses to split the country (Southwest to Northeast this time) perfects on April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct Wounded Healer Chiron (also @19:24); Chiron-Eclipse = grand schemes; "patriotism") in the 8 North series, but 8 North is not the Prenatal Solar Eclipse series in which Election 2024 falls (an "AI Election," some say--beware 'deep fakes' and even more deception than usual), nor is 8 North the PE of Inauguration 2025.

For both events, that would be 8 South occurring October 2, 2024 @10Lib06:48. Then after 6 months of the "dreams, visions, flashes of genius" vibes of 8 North fade comes the more difficult 8 South series with themes of 'loss, separation, partings', and a potential for 'physical injuries and/or overstrain' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Mind how you go.

So below is the 8 South Eclipse Horoscope set for Washington DC October 2, 2024; if you enlarge to read my study notes you'll find positivity but also some difficult indications, even a few cosmic time links such as Trump's Secondary Progressed Moon ('SP') on Election Day 2024 (Nov 5th) clocking in @9Sco29--conjunct the Midheaven ('MC' = The Goal) of the 8 South Eclipse chart, but also conjunct the Moon's position in the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope. I kid you not!

9 Scorpio+ rounded-up to "10 Scorpio": "A Fellowship Supper Reawakens Unforgettable Ties": 'FRATERNITY"; negative expression: "surrender of individual distinction and exaltation of naive animality" (Jones). However, the "fraternity" may not be the pro-society kind, more like the hooded kind. Yet as we know, forewarned is forearmed:

For an unmarked 8 South DC Horoscope suitable for printing, try this.

Now since a coup-worthy authoritarian take-over of government is once again the plan these days, I tend to look back to eclipse series which manifested in the 1930s or 1940s, and 8 North and 8 South do not disappoint. 8 North: February 14th, 1934 @25Aquarius; 8 South: August 10th @17Leo (pride comes before a fall, Leo).

A glance at a list of 1934 Events reflects the authoritarian energies of the two visions-then-loss eclipses and provides clues as to the influences that 8 North and 8 South may bring to society in 2024. As we might surmise, most of the upheavals and reforms of 1934 were triggered by fascist and Nazi barbarians--as they are now and will be for some time to come. One prominent cosmic factor back then is that 1934 was another grim year of suffering under a harsh Uranus-Pluto square of fanaticism, zealotry, anarchy, and forcefully pushing through extremist reforms.

p>Nowadays, we're dealing with the stuff of nightmares: barbaric saboteurs, Herr Trump acting as their figurehead, and issues of revenge and violence--his "American carnage". In other words, barbarism and animalism of the destructive spirit unleashed upon the Earth.

So for comparison, 1934 examples of events include: January 30th: Nazis abolish the political power of Germany's federal states via the Law on the Reconstruction of the Reich (Trump-GOP's PROJECT 2025 echoes similar actions against US states after Inauguration 2025--I typed it before and I'll do so again: 'MAGA" = Make America Germany Again); May 17th: The "May Constitution of 1934" announces the beginning of the Austrofascist Federal State of Austria"; June 30th--July 2nd: "Night of the Long Knives" in Germany, a violent Nazi purge (what Trump wants to do: purge all those are are against him--and he promises he will via PROJECT 2025); August 2nd: AH becomes 'Fuhrer' of Germany after the death of President Hindenburg; August 19th: in the 1934 German referendum, 90% of the population is said to have approved AH's assumption of powers; in September both the Soviet Union and Afghanistan join the League of Nations, the forerunner of the United Nations.

Then at the IC (Foundation) of the 8 South Horoscope lurk two midpoints: Jupiter-Neptune (fortune-hunters; spendthrifts; speculators; religious charlatans; losses; political conflicts--R. Ebertin), and Chiron-Uranus. In fact, many moons ago I wrote a SO'W post describing Chiron-Uranus Types in Government which you may find useful.

So in summation, if the American people prefer democracy as their form of government rather than a dystopian authoritarian dictatorship run by psychotic zealots and violent extremists with barbaric Fascist-Nazi leanings, We the People must stand up, be counted, Vote Blue in 2024 in massive numbers (too big to fudge the results!), ignore third party candidates who split the democratic vote on Trump's behalf--and do anything else that firmly rebuffs the GOP and their PROJECT 2025 plot to destroy America.

Because our and our children's futures depend upon a democratic victory in November 2024, no matter the GOP's tricks and tactics.

Apr 30, 2023

April-May 2023: Jeffrey Epstein returns to the news cycle

On April 21, 2023, transit Mercury turned retrograde in Taurus and as the Cosmos would have it, a variety of previous news makers, topics, and issues are returning to the news cycle. One such is the client list of Jeffrey Epstein whose natal horoscope is not accurately timed yet a 'noon' version can still yield information for our purposes. Follow the link for a view, natal aspects and all.

Yet one chart factor that doesn't depend on accurate timing - only a date is needed - are Eclipses and the Saros Series in which they manifest. On the biwheel image, below, there are two Solar Eclipses highlighted in orange: Epstein's natal 8 South Eclipse @27Leo31 (loss; separation), and notably an 8 South Eclipse repeats on October 2, 2024 @10Libra when perhaps more details will emerge or be leaked concerning these sorry circumstances and degraded people. For more eclipse details see Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

The second notated Solar Eclipse is the 3 North @10Can37 (obsessions) during which Jeffrey Epstein's hanging ocurred, whether by suicide or with help. A Solar Eclipse in Moon-ruled Cancer suggests involvement with family ties and other karmic links including those with children. In Leo, a Solar Eclipse used poorly denotes pride, egocentricity, pomposity, and any other negative Leonine traits that a selfish individual decides to express, no matter the effects of his behavior upon others. And of course, Leo is a romantic, dramatic sign, and is associated with children.

So with Epstein's client list making the news once again, I've finally gotten around to publishing the following bi-wheel:

Jeffrey Epstein natal horoscope 'noon' January 20, 1953 NY, NY (inner); outer 'Epstein found dead' August 10, 2019 reported as 6:30 am edt NY, NY; Angular are his natal Jupiter @14Taurus ('neck') at Midheaven ('MC') at 6:30 am edt, and natal Pluto @22Leo33 Rx rising at 6:30 am edt - in his assassin role, or at least as the planet of death and the Underworld; meanwhile, transit Pluto @21Capricorn (with karmic Saturn stalking close behind, aligning for their Great Conjunction January 12, 2020) crushes Mercury, the planet of voice and communications:

Now as you know, with Forensic Astrology, Angular planets are a prominent consideration and with "found dead" charts I've always noted the position of Mercury, planet of sight and other senses. As you see, Mercury on August 10, 2019 at 6:30 am edt was @28Can32 conjunct Epstein's 'noon' IC, the Angle of Endings. This is not conclusive by any means since we have no accurate birth time for the criminal whose links to the wealthy and well-connected of the world must have made keeping Jeffrey's mouth shut a dire necessity. A vast array of characters had mulitple reasons to keep him from talking, and hanging tends to be a favored way of accomplishing such a deed. Of course, it's possible that one can be threatened into committing suicide but I refer you to Epstein's confession about cowardice, linked, below.

Notably, the 6:30 am edt Mars-Saturn midpoint, the 'death axis' according to Reinhold Ebertin, @5Scorpio, sign of spies, spy agencies, and Big Business, opposes transit Uranus, planet of sudden attacks and disruption, so we find a picture of potentials for 'application of brute force; a case of death' (R.E.).

And yes, there are many other planetary factors squooshed upon the charts (sorry!) for those who care to read them. And admittedly there are a few contacts to the natal planets of Herr Trump sprinkled around the bi-wheel for the curious including his natal Moon-SN conjunction (opposite his Sun-NN, of course, but August 10, 2019 was a Lunar Return day for him - and it's basically a Mars Return for Trump, too); then there's the 6:30 am edt Sun-Moon midpoint @18Lib57 which landed upon Agent Orange's natal Jupiter stationed @18Lib27 in his 2nd house of Earning Ability, Possessions, and Valuables. "Joint success" (R. Ebertin) is suggested by the midpoint picture this cosmic synchronicity formed.

Now here's Jeffrey Epstein in his own words from a couple of years ago when The Guardian reported that he had told a psychologist that he was "too much of a coward" to kill himself. Two weeks later he was found dead in his prison cell after being unexplicably left unguarded for 8 hours prior to being found at 6:30 am edt on August 10, 2019. And as we know, cowards are always bullies - and young people tend to be weak enough to bully easily. Check out the two midpoint pictures operative at 10:30 pm edt August 9, 2019 that are listed in the lower right corner.

Previously, on SO'W: Horoscopes: Donald Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested; and The Death Eclipse of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine's father.

Mar 23, 2023

May 5, 2023: The Fed's Moon Is Eclipsed!

Lunar Eclipse of May 5, 2023 Hits The Fed's 1913 Moon

by Jude Cowell

On May 5, 2023 a Lunar Eclipse perfects @14Sco58 which conjuncts the Moon in the 1913 Federal Reserve Act Horoscope shown here, upper right; lower left is the May 5th Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Horoscope; both charts are set for Washington DC. As you know, the Taurus-Scorpio 2/8 polarity is the Big Business axis of greed, corporations, finance, and investment, and you'll notice that the powerful Sun-Pluto opposition (upper right corner) of December 23, 1913 tops the 6:02 pm est horoscope at the Goal Point - and the Sun @1Capricorn 'acts as an agent for or against structural collapse':

Now as you see, a variety of astro-notes are penned upon both charts so please enlarge and/or print the image if you wish to read them. And of course, setting up the horoscopes for yourself may be a viable option, if possible, and do check out the various Sabian Symbols (they're online).

Additionally, we should mention that the May 5th Lunar Eclipse falls upon America's Inaugural Ascendant-Descendant axis of January 20th at noon, the Oath of Office, so the White House and/or presidency are likely to be somehow reflected, or disrupted, in May by the upcoming Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. Plus, President Biden was born with Mars, Mercury, Sun, and Venus in Scorpio, if it matters.

DC Horoscopes: December 23, 1913 and May 5, 2023

Moon @15Scorpio, the Eagle Point of Regeneration, conjuncts fixed star Zuben Elgenubi with its keyphrase, positive social reform. However, in Astrology when this star conjuncts Luna, the cosmic picture can darken to levels of disappointment, anxiety, and wrongful accusations which seem these days to be the required fuel for Washington DC politics to run on, at least as a tactic for far-right saboteurs.

But then again, yours truly is one of those skeptics who thinks that Fedhead Jerome Powell is raising interest rates (as if) to control inflation when it's primarily corporate greed driving the financial jalopy so that the Biden adminstration can take the blame for the US economy possibly running into a ditch - at least as planned within the fevered brains of far-right Republicans who have peculiar domestic and foreign masters to please. After all, politicians' wildly inflated incomes depend upon their compliance by which they hope to avoid being primaried in 2024 and thus losing their posh seats.

So will the rays of the May 5th Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse lift a veil or two on previous or present financial secrets? Will leaked information cause a financial and/or political scandal or yet another controversy spawned by wild conspiracy theories? Or, is the Lunar Eclipse a cosmic signal that the American people (Moon 1913) are being bamboozled once again by a tone deaf Federal Reserve of 2023 prescribing an erroneous solution that only makes things worse and causes massive job lay-offs? We'll both have to stay tuned to find out. My vote goes to Zuben Elgenubi's positivity!

Additional notes re Jerome Powell: born February 4, 1953 in Washington DC, no known birth time but a noon chart shows Sun @15Aquarius, Moon @17Libra, Jupiter @12Taurus, and Saturn strong at Direct Station @27Libra and exalted. Of particular interest is Mr. Powell's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE") @28Leo conjunct royal Regulus which manifested on August 20, 1952 in the difficult 8 South Saros Series ('loss; separation': B. Brady) because an 8 South eclipse repeats on October 2, 2024 @10Libra.

Therefore, 8 South is the PE of both Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025. My suspicion, unfortunate as it is, is that all this cosmic solar-lunar synchronicity in May and October 2023 could be a page or two from the far-right script meant to undermine democracy, disrupt our social fabric, and demolish the Democratic Party on behalf of a dystopian government take-over such as was seen via the failed January 6, 2021 'maga' coup - a rehearsal, if you will.

Yet perhaps we can agree that one of the comforts of using an astrological lens to study such events, conditions, individuals, and disruptions is that forewarned is forearmed!

Feb 22, 2023

Solar and Lunar Eclipses 2023-2025, plus, President Carter

Note that eclipse themes are listed for each Solar Eclipse, and the prominent one for America, and thus for the world, within this time frame is the prophetic, visionary Total 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024, a presidential election year, perfecting @19Ari24:01 conjunct wounded healer Chiron which is approximately 1:24 degrees shy of America's 1776 Chiron (20:08).

Now one of Chiron's archetypal roles is priestly, so it seems that our nation's spiritual lacks, moral degradations, and missteps are coming home to roost with the chickens, dear reader, and have always been made more difficult to navigate and correct due to political interference of the corrupt kind. Now it's crisis time, and We the People are made targets of America's enemies in a variety of ways. When you turn on 'the news', I know you see this being played out - on TV to cause as much despair within the populace as possible.

The "blow back" is understandable since Washington has always made a big deal out of US politicians as "representatives of the people" as if all of the ruling class act and behave as a majority of us would have them do. Yes, the elected class should represent their constituents and their needs, and should work to solve our country's problems, yet no matter how anyone looks at the issue, the karma of bad leadership now lands upon all our doorsteps.

All Eclipses Are Karmic, aka, Cosmic Blinks From Above

President Jimmy Carter Oct 1, 1924 7:00 am CST Plains, Georgia: Pluto conjunct Sirius

Meanwhile, you've heard the sad news that President Jimmy Carter has now entered hospice care, so there goes one of America's most decent leaders. How different America might have been without Reagan cheating Mr. Carter out of a second term. It boggles the mind!

So here's a question: do you consider it synchronistic that Jimmy Carter was inaugurated in 1977, the very year that Chiron was discovered? Was Christ Consciousness on display at the Inauguration of Jimmy Carter and all through his life?

As his natal horoscope reveals, the natal Chiron of Jimmy Carter falls @23Ari31 and if you're wondering about his Chiron Return, his was a three-fer: May 29, 1974, September 27, 1974, and March 29, 1975, at 50 to 51 years old. Obviously, the presidential election of 1976 soon followed.

Now to me it seems significant that Mr. Carter's next Lunar Return (13Sco47), chart set for Plains, Georgia, perfects on March 11, 2023 (8:47:35 pm est) with transit Uranus opposing his natal Moon (as the sky god has for a while now). His March 2023 Return Moon is in 1st house of Physical Body and leads a Locomotive shape during a Saturn Hour. The Uranus-oppo-natal-Moon transit is a health indicator, and suggests domestic scene changes or disruptions as his entering hospice care at home attests. And as you know, karmic Uranus is a planet of separation.

So in closing, have a peek at President Carter's 1977 Inauguration Horoscope if you wish, with its Fixed T-Square and a 12th house Chiron @27Ari23, sign of the pioneer. And please note that the unedited post was written way back in 2010 on a day when I must've been awfully fussy.

Dec 6, 2022

Top 10 Democrats Who Should Run in 2024 Presidential Election - clip

Here's a recent segment from Thom Hartmann:

As for Astrology, related posts concerning Election 2024 include:The 2024 Presidential Election Eclipse in the 8 South Saros Series which occurs after the 8 North April 8, 2024 Great American Eclipse (#3 of 3). And as you know, all eclipses can be disruptive and toss unexpected monkey wrenches into proceedings like the cosmic wild cards they are.

Oct 3, 2022

Oct 2022: Stars Over Washington is 17!

Shall Stars Over Washington Continue Its Mission?

by Jude Cowell

In two weeks, on October 16, 2022, Stars Over Washington completes its 17th year, and is already gray around the muzzle! Below are dual images displaying SO'W's original founding chart of October 16, 2005 (lower left), plus, its Solar Return 2022 Horoscope with Mercury in Libra rising; astro-notes are penned on for those who care to read them:

In the Return 2022 chart, the Goal Point ('MC' @11Can30) when rounded-up gives an intriguing symbol, "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message"; conjunct MC from the 9th house of Publishing is the out-of-bounds ('OOBs') Moon @9Can03 - conjunct fixed star, Alhena, keywords: "To have a mission." Add to this the fact that the Moon's rounded-up symbol is "A Large Diamond Not Completely Cut," and so I reluctantly surmise that SO'W isn't done yet and should be carried forth into 2023 (although I have been puzzling all year over such possibilities: SR 2022's Seesaw shape of planets = pros vs cons).

My uncertainty as to its continuance is due in part to the fact that as a novice astrologer, I see ahead that 2023 contains personal difficulties via a double Saturn transit, so I'll keep writing and publishing for as long as I can - always for the sake of America and the common good. However, you may as well know that karmic Saturn rules four of my natal planets, so we'll have to see - and naturally I'm taking precautions already since I know of these transits ahead of time.

Note: If you wish, check out the "Chinese Woman" link, above, for a view of my illustration of the symbol, plus, some expansion concerning the degree's meaning.

And so, as turmoil covers the Earth, the following is what I really want to type about today. But please note that readers who are overly sensitive to esoteric, existential, eclipses as portents, and/or eternal considerations may want to skip the rest of this post - and absolutely no blame if you do!

Turning Point: The Woman, The Dragon, The Child - and an Eclipse (Sun-Moon)

In the Book of Revelation, chapter 12 we find a certain description,

"Now a great sign appeared in the heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars."

The KJV gives this as "a great wonder" while the Revised Standard Version of the Bible says, "a great portent." - which is part of what I wrote in my ephemeris on the October 2005 page under the listing of the October 3, 2005 7 South Solar Eclipse @10Lib19. A great sign, wonder, portent! Well, here's all that I wrote and no, I didn't list where the information came from, but here it is for your consideration in light of Earth upheavals and other current events of a turbulent nature which some ascribe to an existential crisis,

"October 3, 2005 Solar Eclipse 7 South is said to be the eclipse of Revelation 12 - the Great Portent." And the woman's identity with her garland of twelve stars and sun and moon connections? This may well be a reference to the Constellation of Virgo (the maiden), the second largest constellation in our skies. But are there 12 stars in the Virgo constellation? No, not now but there may have been previously because above the maiden's head there's a circle of stars, and due to precession it's possible that Coma Berenice is indicated as well. Then in the SO'W Solar Return 2022 Horoscope, we find feminine asteroids (archetypal figures) within the Virgo-Pisces polarity: Ceres and Demeter in Virgo, and Juno, Diana, and Astraea, the star maiden of justice, purity, and innocence.

And yes, the October 2005 manifestation of a 7 South Solar Eclipse is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse that inspired Stars Over Washington, meaning that under its themes, yours truly felt compelled to create the 'personal weblog' you're reading right now - because of my anger against "what politicians were doing to the place," aka, America (exs: preemptive war; "Homeland" Security; The "Patriot" Act). And so I can tell you, dear reader, that 7 South themes contain a deeper meaning for me now than in 2005. How could they not?

7 South Themes: "Immense power, anger, and force" of the intial 7 South's "Mars square Pluto is channeled into this family of eclipses" (via the Mars-Pluto square of June 22, 1248). {}"Huge obstacles will suddenly and easily clear or, on the negative side, a pending potential crisis will suddenly manifest and move through very rapidly; either way, things will seem to move at great speed" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Now as you may or may not know, Mars-Pluto square energies are formidable and on a mundane (political) level suggest power struggles, jealousy, destructive anger, and the urge to take revenge. Well, we both know who in the political realm this sounds like so his name shall not be mentioned in this post, not this time.

As for SO'W, I can only hope that such powerful energies and themes have been used on a positive level through the years for then something useful can be accomplished. And Capricorns do like to be of use, you know!

So in closing, mention should be made of the next manifestation of a 7 South Solar Eclipse for it is soon-coming and occurs @21Lib07:33 on October 14, 2023. It isn't a Total eclipse, only Annular so its potency will be somewhat muted, thankfully, since all 7 South eclipses carry the forcefulness of a Mars-Pluto square within them. However, the eclipse in October 2023 will fall between the planetary pair of strong political opinions, Mercury and Mars - and Jupiter @13Taurus during the eclipse conjuncts the North Node of destiny in the SR 2022 Horoscope, above, which suggests religious groups interfering in legal processes, and closed legal societies (M. Munkasey).

So perhaps we can agree that these potentials are already underway with America's tradition of separation of church and state underfire by bossy theocrats, ideologues, and mafia-esque criminal types determined to take total control of our country. Therefore, we must out-determine them and use the Mars-Pluto energies ourselves toward positive outcomes!

Now if only fussy words in a political astrology post, significant eclipse portents, and Biblical passages could inspire lovers of democracy to bestir themselves in November and Vote Blue in droves for the sake of America!

An Additional Note: A cosmic time link exists which directly affects America and the 2024 Presidential Election thanks to the 8 South Solar Eclipse @10Libra of October 2, 2024, the Prenatal Eclipse of Election 2024. Falling at 10 Libra, this activates by degree, fully or partially, the themes of the 7 South Eclipse of October 3, 2005 which you see marked within the lower left horoscope's 2nd house so that the themes of both eclipses could combine in a variety of ways when 7 South returns in October 2023. jc

Aug 2, 2022

Great American Eclipses: 1878, 2017, 2024

August 2, 2022

Karmic Signposts via 'Wild Cards of the Universe'

by Jude Cowell

Many moons ago in August 2018, we discussed the three Total Great American Eclipses of 1878, 2017, and 2024 and now I'm finally getting around to writing a brief overview of the three eclipses in relation to America, primarily via the signs of the Zodiac in which the three 'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses (aka, 'Wild Cards of the Universe') have and will manifest, plus, any contacts or cosmic time links with planets, points, or stars that may be 'eclipsed'.

Since the three paths of totality cutting cross our country have been previously mentioned in various posts, I won't repeat my notes here, but you're invited to scroll down the sidebar of SO'W and type 'Eclipses' or another label into the Search field such as the Saros Series of the three which are: 6 South, 1 North, and 8 North. Of course, employing a search engine of your choice can also turn up path of totality information using dates of the eclipses listed, below.

Now as you know, the significance of the three eclipses that directly affect America is in relation to historical events occurring under the influence that a disruptive Uranian eclipse can engender for 6 months or more after manifestation, and often for up to two weeks prior while the earlier eclipse themes remain in force, but are weakening.

Sensitive and critical degrees can factor in, and obviously, other cosmic conditions and earthly events during their particular years of occurrence are worth considering for a more comprehensive view which, in this case, means years 1878, 2017, and 2024. Meanwhile, Total eclipses have the strongest effects of all particularly in locations directly in one's path of totality. However, my use of eclipses tends to be mainly degree-based, and notably, New Moons and Full Moons sometimes behave in Uranian fashion similar to Solar and Lunar Eclipses. One way to tell if this happens is when a mere lunation such as a Full Moon reveals inconvenient facts and/or activates a change of course in earthly events!

Leo, Leo, then Aries: Major Sun-Mars Vibrations

6 South Solar Eclipse July 29, 1878 @6Leo33 and 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52: both are Leo Solar Eclipses spotlighting Leonine issues of leadership and authority. Difficulties must be approached with resolve for half-hearted solutions gain little or nothing. Ruled by the Sun, positive traits of the sign of Leo suggests self-confidence, vigor, and natural leadership ability, however, negative traits such as self-centeredness, egocentricity, pomposity, vanity, ostentation, and overblown pride create stumbling blocks to karmic progress (R. Lineman).

In addition, Leo Eclipses denote karmic relationships with father figures and/or offspring, so I'll let you decide, dear reader, who these negative Leonine traits describe and who has blocked America's progress, particularly since 2017. Hint: an entire overweening political party is involved, plus, their figurehead.

Eclipse Contacts and Cosmic Links

Of note is that the 6 South Eclipse of 1878 conjoined US 1776 North Node of future direction, while the 1 North Eclipse of 2017 conjoined royal Regulus with its 'success if revenge is avoided' caution - conjunct the natal Ascendant and rising Mars of the orange seditionist (who foolishly gazed directly at the eclipse without safety glasses). Significantly, 1 North is the "Mother of All Eclipses" Saros Series which heralded the New Millennium, and can be called the 'Nostradamus Eclipse' which manifested on August 11, 1999 @19Leo with its Fixed Grand Cross of prophetic difficulties (affecting the entire world, not just the US with terror and alarm). Also with Leo, child abuse issues and anti-child-abuse campaigns are also be indicated (as they have been), along with laws concerning these issues with dramatic Leo also being a sign associated with lawyers and legal affairs. Then we might also add misogyny against women and abortion rights to the issues since Leo is the sign of 'romance' and the pregnancies that can result, and affected by several other cosmic factors that are beyond the scope of this post.

So! Next up will be the 8 North Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 precisely conjunct centaur Chiron (@19Ari24). The presence of wounded healer (or, blindspot) Chiron at that degree suggests several possibilities for America, not the least of which is due to the nearness of our nation's Chiron Return (@20Ari08, a three-fer), a period when moral values and higher ethics may resurface due to Chiron's association with roots, or even 'priesthood' - and in Mars-ruled Aries, Chiron suggests damage to our nation's sense of self-identity. So for me, if Enlightenment principles of 1776 are part of the resurfacing picture, so be it! Because it seems promising that 8 North themes include 'new-found inspiration, inventiveness, insights, visions, and vivid dreams' (B. Brady). Of course, how practical such solutions may be must remain to be seen.

Now another factor in today's overview is this: that, because there are three Total eclipses, it's possible to think of them as facets within an ongoing process similar to the direct-retrograde-direct phases of planets in their orbits - you know, the denial-acceptance-solution model. But this concept I'll leave for you, dear reader, to engage with on that level or not, as you wish.

The good news is that if this solution-based model applies, year 2024 may turn out better for our nation than many folks now fear due to recent stresses in society such as the activities of saboteurs and seditionists, both foreign and domestic. For if We The People make it through the period affected by the 2024 Great American Eclipse and its effects, a measure of relief can ease the stresses and strains our nation has been victimized and exploited by for decades, even centuries (since America has had enemies from the start), and our democratic Republic, tattered as it may or may not be, will live on.

Yet realistically, we know that first we must deal with the fact that 2024 is a Presidential Election year in the US, and cheaters, election-riggers, and lying propagandists are hard at work determined to sway outcomes their way, no matter how and at any cost. Why, it's almost as if the Republicans' favorite idols, psychopath Ayn Rand with her child murdering 'ideal man' complex, and the perverted racist Herr Adolf are on the ballot because they hope that sadistic, paternalistic authoritarianism will "win" the day, thereby tossing America's Enlightenment principles of 1776 into the trash bin of history.

But there's an intriguing factoid to remember about America: there are a lot more of us than there are of them!

Now in closing, here's a view of the 8 North Eclipse of 2024 horoscope set for Washington DC including details. And we should mention that the 8 North Eclipse of 2024, listed above, is not the Solar Eclipse that will directly influence the 2024 Election, 8 South is.