Image: Fork'd Way (which path to take on November 8th, which forked tongue to believe?)
August 27, 2016: Brief Astro-Notes on a President and Presidential Wanna-Bes
by Jude Cowell
On the evening of July 27, 2004, Senate candidate Barack Obama delivered a rousing speech that electrified his audience and many of the public watching at home. Who is that skinny politician of the silvery oratory skills? Can he be president some day? Is such a hope mere audacity? Well, if higher ups are watching, guiding, training, and grooming a previously unknown politician, he or she certainly can rise through the ranks to become president. And as you know, Mr. Obama was selected to play the POTUS role of White House mouthpiece in 2008, a mere four years after his 2004 DNC speech debut upon the world stage.
A few highlights of his rhetoric in 2004 include how his father got a scholarship "to study in a magical place, America,"; "John Kerry believes in America"; "I am my brother's keeper" (it's true, he is, and so am I); "E pluribus unum" (out of the many, one); "There is not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America: there's the United States of America" (which brought thunderous, elated applause, if memory serves); we have a "righteous wind at our backs" (debatable--more like the racketeering winds of war); and he provided a few descriptions of the kind of 'hope' he was talking about--one was: "It's the hope of slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs," a sentiment that remains all too true thanks to our corporate Global Government masters (for whom Senator Obama touted on that hot July night whether he knew it or not--such is the price of a presidency).
Yes, slaves to a rigged system are we...which is not to diminish the horrific enslavement of an entire race of people for the sake of financial gain and to prop up an ill-built economic system operated by pathological predators upon humanity.
Back in 2004, Mr. Obama intoned something which closely applies to Election 2016:
"This year, in this election, we are called to reaffirm our values and our commitments, to hold them against a hard reality and see how we are measuring up, to the legacy of our forbearers and the promise of future generations."
Full 2004 transcript of his speech.
A "hard reality" yes, especially since the September 1, 2016 19 North Solar Eclipse contains themes of realism and tackling the truth (Brady). Trouble is, the eclipse @9Vir21 is opposed by confusing, deceptive, fraudulent, speculating Neptune strong in its own sign of Pisces which can signify such potentials as pessimism, chaos, cravings, clouding of issues, and pathological tendencies. As you've noticed, pathological tendencies such as lying and fakery are regular topics on the Campaign 2016 trail and I have previously stated that on November 8th I must settle for Hillary Clinton's sober, more realistic Mercury-Saturn square rather than Donald Trump's fact-and-perspective distorting Mercury-Neptune square. Yet it's quite a non-choice they've given us, isn't it? Feels to me like in Campaign 2016, We the People are being pulled between fact and fiction like a bone between two old hounds! And both are kinda mangey...
Because both 2016 candidates are weighed down by heavy baggage from their pasts and are hindered by real and fake scandals their opponents harp on. And both engender anxious concerns over health and aging issues (Grandma vs Grandpa!)Still, we have a current president sitting in the (Venusian) Oval Office while transit Venus in Sagittarius on November 8th will point toward a rival moving into the White House on January 20, 2017--which would be a candidate of the Republican Party--a 'stranger' or 'the other' or 'an outsider' such as the sign of Sagittarius prefers if the US presidential Venus Cycle holds true in November. Of course, election rigging and tampering can always result in a different victory than the people expect for we've seen such machinations before.
So yes, a few transits did activate future president Obama's natal planets as he gave the July 2004 DNC speech that catapulted him into our national consciousness (and more evidence may be found in his progressed and return charts, not covered here). Since we have a time stamp on the transcript, we know he began his speech at 11:09 pm edt with 21Aries47 rising in Boston and 11Cap19 at Midheaven. Therefore, The Goal (Capricorn) was apparently to gain control over the minds of the masses via the persuasive rhetoric for which he soon became known (YOD: Sun-NN = Pluto: inner preparation during underground years provides adaptability for a new level of power as all vulnerabilities are purged--Tierney). I'd say that his 'overnight sensation' image was all illusion and pretense with the support of 2004's Neptune @14AQ approaching natal Ascendant (18AQ03), plus 2004's Mercury, planet of speeches, orators, and voters, @2Virgo27 neared his natal Pluto (6Vir58) which denotes a time when plans and activities involve gaining more power.
Actually, orating Mercury that night was centered between Mr. Obama's natal 7th house Pluto-North Node conjunction (public contact with the masses; promoting propaganda) so let's close with the midpoint picture this cosmic circumstance created on that karmic night of rhetoric when Obama's political prowess was on major display:
Pluto-NN = Mercury: thinking big; hearing the grass grow; intellectual dominance (Tyl); ability to exercise a compelling and magnetically powerful influence upon the community at large (Ebertin); getting the right education; feeling shifts of power and taking advantage of them; conversing fluently with influential people (Munkasey).
One thing stands out to me when comparing and contrasting the 2004 Election with the one we suffer through now: there is no silvery tongue to beguile us this time. But there be plenty of forks.