by Jude Cowell
Thursday December 2, 2021
This is one of my occasional "for future reference" posts and it displays a dual image of the first moments in May 2022 when transit Jupiter conjuncts the Aries Point (May 10th; lower left), then two weeks later, transit Mars conjuncts the Aries Point (May 24th; 'AP' = Aries Point, the numero uno Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, Recognition, Fame, Prominence, and Global Events; Good Fortune may also be involved).
As you see, several basic chart factors, plus, my study notes are squooshed upon the image for those who care to enlarge and read them. Note that, as always, your on-topic, name-tagged comments are invited. Plus, regretfully, mention must be made that the 'Marseillais Trio' of violence from the days of the French Revolution (Mars-Neptune-Jupiter) is loosely formed in both charts as notated upon the image but whether or not such tumultuous energies will express in a similarly violent fashion remains to be seen.
That transit Jupiter moves forward into Aries after a bubbly conjunction with gaseous Neptune in shady Pisces (exact April 12, 2022 with Mars still in late Aquarius) will hopefully provide a lessening of the Trio's more difficult energies (Related: Solar Eclipse April 2022 and the Marseillaise Trio).
The Cosmic Shift from Pisces to Aries Must Cross Difficult Star Scheat
Now when transit Jupiter reaches the AP on May 10, 2022 a major shift occurs from creative, watery Pisces where societal planet Jupiter tends potentially toward altruism, kindness, contentment in modest circumstances, a preference for solitude, impressionability, and/or the urge to enjoy negative escapism. Given Jupiter's 12-year cycle, the last time Jupiter reached Aries Point was in early June 2010 where the planet of expansion and growth remained until retrograding back into Pisces in September 2010. After turning Direct, the Great Benefic reached the Aries Point a second time during the third week of January 2011 and remained in Aries until early June 2011. You'll note that this time frame included the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision which opened the floodgate to corporate ownership of American politicians.
Jupiter in Mars-ruled Aries denotes a period of expanded organization, vigorous actions, an increase of frankness (hope so!), widened corporate enterprises or interests, shows of generosity, and adventurous leadership. However, a lack of balance may also be shown along with tendencies toward moodiness, promoting plans that are premature, redecorating environments, and/or rearranging the deck chairs. Jupiter conjunct Scheat may expand the star's potentials, positively or negatively, and may rhyme with Jupiterian events and decisions from 12 years before. Ex: Citizens United decision January 21, 2010.
Then on May 24th feverish activist Mars leaves the sign of Pisces with its unreliable qualities, contagiousness, possible compassion, and the placement's 'struggle for recognition' tendencies and enters its own sign of Aries, one of Mars' stronger positions. Given the warrior planet's two-year cycle, transit Mars last entered Aries at the very end of June 2020 and remained in the sign until early January 2021. No, Mars conjunct Scheat is not comforting since both are considered malevolent yet we know that this meet-up happens approximately every two years and may pass us by without any notice at all.
Mars in Aries tends toward impatience, ambition, and perhaps the destructive urge (which may include arson so beware). This is a pioneering placement full of courage yet it can also involve a rash fools rush in quality.
So besides the Mars-Jupiter duo's relationship biologically to potentials for major surgery (hip or liver surgery in particular), hypoadrenalism, the heart muscle, a baby's first cry, aggravation of acute ailments, and/or the strengthening of limbs and improved muscle tone, perhaps we should close this post with a paraphrasing of the Hegelian Dialect information with potentials as provided by Michael Munkasey in the realms of Politics and Business. Add these potentials to Reinhold Ebertin's Mars-Jupiter = 'fortunate decisions' and 'conflict settlements':
Thesis: Too much legal activity or opinions; action taken in response to legal judgments; advice that angers or inflames others; legislative actions that concern competitive sports; religious activities or festivals.
Antithesis: legal opinions or judicial cases which affect military or metal industries; judgment of enemies who seek to do battle; misuse of forces when engaging others; an expansion in military hardware (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey #ad).
Additionally, we may simply consult Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs book (#ad) for the Mars-Jupiter combination of energies: a fortunate course of action, clearing the air, and/or making waves effectively!