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Showing posts with label Mars-Jupiter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars-Jupiter. Show all posts

Dec 2, 2021

In May 2022 Mars and Jupiter reach Aries Point!

by Jude Cowell

Thursday December 2, 2021

This is one of my occasional "for future reference" posts and it displays a dual image of the first moments in May 2022 when transit Jupiter conjuncts the Aries Point (May 10th; lower left), then two weeks later, transit Mars conjuncts the Aries Point (May 24th; 'AP' = Aries Point, the numero uno Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, Recognition, Fame, Prominence, and Global Events; Good Fortune may also be involved).

As you see, several basic chart factors, plus, my study notes are squooshed upon the image for those who care to enlarge and read them. Note that, as always, your on-topic, name-tagged comments are invited. Plus, regretfully, mention must be made that the 'Marseillais Trio' of violence from the days of the French Revolution (Mars-Neptune-Jupiter) is loosely formed in both charts as notated upon the image but whether or not such tumultuous energies will express in a similarly violent fashion remains to be seen.

That transit Jupiter moves forward into Aries after a bubbly conjunction with gaseous Neptune in shady Pisces (exact April 12, 2022 with Mars still in late Aquarius) will hopefully provide a lessening of the Trio's more difficult energies (Related: Solar Eclipse April 2022 and the Marseillaise Trio).

The Cosmic Shift from Pisces to Aries Must Cross Difficult Star Scheat

Now when transit Jupiter reaches the AP on May 10, 2022 a major shift occurs from creative, watery Pisces where societal planet Jupiter tends potentially toward altruism, kindness, contentment in modest circumstances, a preference for solitude, impressionability, and/or the urge to enjoy negative escapism. Given Jupiter's 12-year cycle, the last time Jupiter reached Aries Point was in early June 2010 where the planet of expansion and growth remained until retrograding back into Pisces in September 2010. After turning Direct, the Great Benefic reached the Aries Point a second time during the third week of January 2011 and remained in Aries until early June 2011. You'll note that this time frame included the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision which opened the floodgate to corporate ownership of American politicians.

Jupiter in Mars-ruled Aries denotes a period of expanded organization, vigorous actions, an increase of frankness (hope so!), widened corporate enterprises or interests, shows of generosity, and adventurous leadership. However, a lack of balance may also be shown along with tendencies toward moodiness, promoting plans that are premature, redecorating environments, and/or rearranging the deck chairs. Jupiter conjunct Scheat may expand the star's potentials, positively or negatively, and may rhyme with Jupiterian events and decisions from 12 years before. Ex: Citizens United decision January 21, 2010.

Then on May 24th feverish activist Mars leaves the sign of Pisces with its unreliable qualities, contagiousness, possible compassion, and the placement's 'struggle for recognition' tendencies and enters its own sign of Aries, one of Mars' stronger positions. Given the warrior planet's two-year cycle, transit Mars last entered Aries at the very end of June 2020 and remained in the sign until early January 2021. No, Mars conjunct Scheat is not comforting since both are considered malevolent yet we know that this meet-up happens approximately every two years and may pass us by without any notice at all.

Mars in Aries tends toward impatience, ambition, and perhaps the destructive urge (which may include arson so beware). This is a pioneering placement full of courage yet it can also involve a rash fools rush in quality.

So besides the Mars-Jupiter duo's relationship biologically to potentials for major surgery (hip or liver surgery in particular), hypoadrenalism, the heart muscle, a baby's first cry, aggravation of acute ailments, and/or the strengthening of limbs and improved muscle tone, perhaps we should close this post with a paraphrasing of the Hegelian Dialect information with potentials as provided by Michael Munkasey in the realms of Politics and Business. Add these potentials to Reinhold Ebertin's Mars-Jupiter = 'fortunate decisions' and 'conflict settlements':

Thesis: Too much legal activity or opinions; action taken in response to legal judgments; advice that angers or inflames others; legislative actions that concern competitive sports; religious activities or festivals.

Antithesis: legal opinions or judicial cases which affect military or metal industries; judgment of enemies who seek to do battle; misuse of forces when engaging others; an expansion in military hardware (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey #ad).

Additionally, we may simply consult Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs book (#ad) for the Mars-Jupiter combination of energies: a fortunate course of action, clearing the air, and/or making waves effectively!

Apr 6, 2021

US Mars Return: early April 2021

April 6, 2021: No matter which of multiple US Horoscopes I check, our US Mars Return (19 - 23 Gemini) occurs this very week. And with each Mars Return to natal degree perfecting within a day or two of one another, the same applying aspects in each horoscope are formed by Mars: square Neptune in Pisces, then trine Jupiter in Aquarius.

Of course, the first aspect echoes America's 1776 Mars-Neptune square which emphasizes its potentials and suggests our current pandemic conditions, among other things. According to Alan Oken, the energies within a Mars-Neptune square are "quite difficult to handle" and are often "self-destructive" as well as "cruel." Apparently "strange" impulses may be entertained and need controlling, and of course, if you've read SO'W before you may remember that I often give this square "misdirected or confused motivations" and "fog of war" labels.

Additionally, missed targets are suggested as well as a welcomed potential for inspired actions. Yet naturally when Neptune is involved so is the Collective Unconscious (the primary reason the square's energies are 'difficult to handle'); meanwhile, Oken gives the Mars-Neptune square the title, The Obessive Impulse." Plus, we know that US Mars in Mercury-ruled Gemini can be restless, quarrelsome, ready for action, versatile, duplicitous, witty, sharply critical, and have a tendency to scatter its energies - and Mars is the planet of energy as our Mars Return begins a new two-year cycle of activity. So for the next two years (approximately), US natal Mars will carry the energies of the square to Neptune in Pisces (as opposed to our 1776 square to Neptune in Virgo, a Neptune-opposing-Neptune transit - a time of racial and religious persecution, and a generational clash of ideals vs ideals. Then to these difficulties we must add the Mars-Neptune tendency toward contagion and infection for we deal with them every day. Double Neptune influences with our national Mars suggests a deep need for prayer and/or meditation concerning our actions and motivations on a personal level as well as in government.

Then on a brighter note, we have the Mars-Jupiter trine suggesting a parallel period of improvement when risk-taking is likely to pay off and many areas of life receive favorable outcomes including the political, legal, and social realms. Even civil government can prosper under a Mars-Jupiter trine and most Americans are more than ready for major improvements as fortunate decisions are made by capable organizers. Yet propaganda remains a problem under Mars-Jupiter vibes even as successful solutions are found. Current sore-loser activities of a violent nature along with the tendency to blame the wrong culprits may be ascribed to Mars-Neptune blockages and frustrations of the square.

Therefore, this brand new US Mars Return period will contain a typical blend of positive and negative conditions and events and although it's necessary to add other planetary factors for a fuller view of the period, I hope this partial picture of Life in America over the next two years may be of some use to you, dear reader, as you plan ahead.

Above Image: a View of Mars from Hubble; NASA

Mar 22, 2021

"If You're Not at the Table--" - Randi Rhodes

March 22, 2021:

This Monday morning post is a complete shout-out to the excellent progressive broadcasting of Randi Rhodes and if you've managed to miss the following segment of March 18, 2021 here is:

Jim Crow in a New Suit 3-18-21

As the lady says, "If you're not at the table you're on the menu." - Randi Rhodes

So Who Was Jim Crow?

And who is Randi Rhodes?

Born Randi Joyce Beuten on January 28, 1959 in Brooklyn, NY with natal Sun in early (progressive!) Aquarius, her natal Moon sign is either Virgo or Libra (ranging from 20Vir43 to 4Lib43). During the 24-hour period of her day of birth, orating Mercury the Messenger ranged from 26Cap05 to 27Cap40. With her commentary stingingly critical of politicians, I'll guess that hard working Randi's natal Moon could very well be in Mercury-ruled Virgo, sign of The Critic. Both Sun-Moon personality blends are cited, below.

And as you see, transit Pluto in late Capricorn is now upon her natal Mercury, a major transit that she and I are sharing (more intense self-expression, increased ability to recognize hidden meanings and motivations, etc). In her broadcasts Randi Rhodes often says outloud what I'm thinking!

Now let's mention two important oppositions in her natal chart (no birth time needed for these). The closest applying aspect to natal Sun is an opposition from progressive, futuristic Uranus Rx in Leo. This opposition is a marker for restlessness and independence, and identifies Randi Rhodes as a revolutionary. Unusual experiences are also part of her Sun-Uranus picture, and for obvious reasons, contact from Uranus increases the progressive, even quirky implications and brilliance of her Sun in Aquarius goals and personality traits.

Also notable is a second opposition between Mars in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio suggesting conflicts in the realms of religion, philosophy, and/or social and political matters. Financial conflicts may also be indicated (Taurus-Scorpio). That the planets are opposing one another helps bring these conflicts into public view and provides her with the objectivity needed to resolve conflicts due to having a wider perspective on the issues.

Randi Rhodes broadcasts weekdays from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET through various outlets including YouTube so perhaps if you haven't, you'll tune in for the wider perspectives that Randi very clearly expresses. You won't be disappointed!

Two Possible Personality Blends for Randi Rhodes:

Air-Earth Sun AQ-Moon Virgo is a devoted researcher with an excellent mind and instinctive reactions to the environment. Kind-hearted and sincere, this blend is a gregarious loner who tends toward eccentricity yet is practical and altrusitic. Devoted to her ideals, critical analysis is a talent.

Double Air Sun AQ-Moon Libra is a highly idealistic, charming lover of truth, and an ideas person with a lively, far-reaching intellect. Humanitarian, reasonable, and broad-minded, this blend suggests dignity, tolerance, and sociability, however it is not very practical and may appear unapproachable, cerebral, and fickle while exhibiting social awareness and concern which promotes a brighter outlook for humanity.

For more details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey. #ad

Jul 5, 2020

DC Horoscope: America's Current Jupiter Return

America's Exalted Jupiter in Cancer: "Game Bird$ Feathering Their Nest$"

by Jude Cowell

July 5, 2020: Below you see the Horoscope of America's current Jupiter Return which timed the beginning of a 12-year cycle of Jupiterian activities and conditions. Perfecting on July 22, 2013, the 2013 Return is in effect until the next US Jupiter Return on July 5, 2025. Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes and yes, I totally agree with you that too many notes are squished upon the chart:

Hopefully you can see that around the outside of the chart (highlighted in lavender-pink) are the planets of July 4, 2020 (US Solar Return 2020) with 2020 Moon (9Cap14) conjunct 2013 Pluto in the 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking. US Jupiter is in Return 11th house (green) and rules 5th and 8th houses (Corporatism, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Shared Resources, Transformation, the Occult, Death). Wounded/Wounding Chiron therein is at '14Pisces' = "A Lady in Fox Fur" which for me, at the very least, refers to Fox TV, its Trumpian propaganda, and their 'chirons' across the bottom of our screens.

Meanwhile, with Leo rising, chart-ruler Sun applies only once: square restrictive legal planet Saturn (conjunct IC) suggesting those who concentrate on business, delays and annoyances, hard work and planning are required, and/or a potential for a lack of control (see lower left). This square in 2013 - still in effect in 2020 - is a natal echo for America since the same square appears in our founding horoscope (July 4, 1776) which makes the 2013 square more difficult to navigate as time progresses - at least more difficult without a keen awareness of the energies involved and how they can be better directed through maturity, a sense of duty, and careful planning.

Now as you know, Saturn is one of the karmic planets and the presence of the North Node nearby adds more karmic indications (in big-business-oriented Scorpio) about our country's future direction. According to R. Ebertin, the Saturn-NN duo relates to partnership difficulties and disadvantages, connections with older authorities, lawmakers, and lawyers, and/or teamwork which becomes steadily more difficult - Sun Square Saturn (ex: trying to get along or work with cantankerous old man Trump?). Again: maturity, a sense of duty, and careful planning are demanded for best results but tragically most Americans in 2020 realize that certain US government officials have turned their backs on such measured qualities and responsibilities. Therefore, America's natal Sun-Saturn square is being disrespected and neglected by Trump and associates, both foreign and domestic, as the rules, laws, and traditions favored by Saturn are disregarded and broken by scofflaw politicians, their operatives, and foreign handlers.

Trump's 'guiding planet' is his 10th house Uranus in Gemini (chaos and duplicity) so --

Now as you see, 2020 Uranus, planet of disruption, shock, chaos, separation, and perhaps innovation has crossed the Midheaven ('MC': the Why? Point) of the 2013 Jupiter Return chart (MC @4Tau50) with its tragically come-to-pass Sabian Symbol for '5Taurus' = "A Widow At An Open Grave" - well, in 2020 we now know why. (As you know, Jupiter likes to break through boundaries and as such, can relate to invaders such as viruses.) Also note that 2013 Uranus is at a critical-crisis degree in the 9th house; symbol for '13Aries' = "A Bomb Which Failed to Explode Is Safely Concealed." Naturally, this word picture may refer to multiple situations and conditions of loss and grief, including financial ones that have a potential for raids on the US Treasury, some from abroad (9th house) and facilitated by US politicians and their enablers. Plus, some plunderings and squanderings are perpetrated by thieving US politicians such as Trump, Mnuchin, and McConnell (and others before them). Of course, you may disagree if you must but there it is.

Activist Mars @6Can00 conjoined US natal Jupiter earlier in the day (4:44:44 am edt) which suggests such possibilities as overextended credit (some to the unworthy or unqualified, some to the US government by foreign entities), an activated spirit of enterprise, increased energy and confidence, an expanded appetite for luxury, and/or ethical issues and considerations. Well, yes, ethics and morals are definite concerns of astrological Jupiter but current day "game birds" aren't interested in such concerns at all or they couldn't behave as wastrels and scoundrels as they do.

But in 2020 there's another consideration: can the current Covid-19 health crisis and its fallout be found in this 2013 horoscope? Yes, I think so. Note the 1st house Venus @29Leo55, a critical-crisis 29th degree (conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant) with royal Regulus (success if revenge is avoided). Trump has favored red states over blue with medical supplies, 'nuff said about his love of revenge. Look next to Regulus for two 2013 midpoints: Mars-Saturn (harmful energy; brutality) and Jupiter-Saturn (the societal planets; politicians, government officials; the pair soon to meet in Great Conjunction at Winter Solstice 2020). These two midpoints are opposed by 2013 Neptune Rx, planet of contagion, so we have pictures of 'epidemic, grave loss, damage through major force (ex: war); pessimism', and/or 'begrudging the good fortune of others' (Ebertin). Relocate this Return chart to Washington DC and Neptune Rx @4Pis51 is in the 8th house of Death, and pollinating Mercury (conjunct US natal Sun 13Can19) that contracts whatever it touches backs into the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions like Hospitals and Congress, Back Door Deals, Secret Activities, Karma, Self-Undoing, and the Unconscious.

Now this chart may be compared to future transits and progressions but the final chart factor I'll mention today is US Jupiter Return 2013's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the 15 South Saros Series @19Tau31 (here in 10th house, highlighted in orange) with 15 South's themes of 'release of tension; a lingering situation suddenly clears with a sense of collective grief or loss' (Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Now if you're tempted to think that 15 South themes of 2013 have petered out by 2020, I ask you to consider that if the horoscope of our current Jupiter Return, timing a 12-year cycle that began in 2013 'lasts' until July 2025, then its 15 South PE remains influential and in part describes our current societal conditions of 2020 all too well.

Note: America's Jupiter Return Horoscope 2013, above, is based on our July 4, 1776 chart set for 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA with ASC 12Sag08 - Jupiter = chart-ruler in 7th house and is ruler of Pisces intercepted in 3rd house - MC 00Lib47, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, Fortune, Fame, and Recognition.

Feb 13, 2020

Spring Equinox 2020's 2nd House Planetary Pairs

More on Spring Equinox 2020

by Jude Cowell

February 13, 2020: If you've watched Revealing Light Tarot's reading covering the Next 6 Months you've noticed Mary Ann's focus on the month of March which naturally contains Spring Equinox 2020 (March 19 11:49 pm ET), a horoscope that serves for the entire year and marks the moment when the Sun conjuncts the Aries Point of World Events. And if you use the late afternoon US natal chart of July 4, 1776 that I tend most to use, this times the Sun's entrance into America's natal 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland (with its 4/10 Security implications). The following post is my attempt at an additional consideration of Spring Equinox 2020 (the horoscope set for Washington DC) and the emphasis created by the chart's 2nd hou$e planetary pairs opposing the corporate 8th hou$e. Obviously, we must keep in mind other matters of the 8th house which include death, transition, the occult, shared resources, taxes, debt and credit, and/or insurance.

Mars as 2nd-house Trigger conjuncts Jupiter, then Pluto, then Saturn

In the Spring Equinox 2020 Horoscope (chart shown) we find a full 2nd house (National Treasury; Values; Earning Ability) suggesting a heavy focus on financial matters, if not economic, budgetary, and/or currency concerns. So let's consider the planetary pairs therein for more information in the Realms of Politics and Business as provided by Michael Munkasey and the Hegelian model (creating problems then 'solving' them the way that was already intended).

First, a few basics:

2nd cusp 25Sag19 makes money bags Jupiter the 2nd-house ruler; Jupiter also rules 4th house with its cusp @6Pis46 along with the 'help' of deceptive loss-leader Neptune, planet of fraud and mergers. Transit Jupiter first conjoins Pluto (1A54) suggesting The Fed, then Saturn (7A040) pointing toward a new social, political, and economic order (see the Jupiter-Saturn link, below). Placements in 2nd house include the drain of the Moon's South Node, the tail of the dragon, suggesting a neurotic reliance on past tactics that are no longer effective, and most folks agree that Trump has certainly plopped our National Treasury resources into the red, in large part due to his Tax Cuts for the wealthy (Corporate Socialism for the 1%!). That the Cancer-Capricorn polarity is intercepted across the 2/8 axis in the Spring Equinox 2020 chart denotes karmic conditions which must be addressed via its Moon-Saturn influences of ambition, strategy, and direction. Saturn-ruled Capricorn's involvement implies investments and Wall Street trading with depressive Moon-Saturn vibes. However, taking direct action to solve problems can always mitigate this.

Meanwhile, with 24Scorpio46 rising, 2nd-house Mars is chart-ruler (and activating trigger), plus, the warrior planet also rules the 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking (5th cusp 8Ari17). And with Mars @22Cap35, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 is thereby activated suggesting potentials for: ruthlessness, violence, and/or 'the necessity to fight for existence' (Ebertin). Munkasey adds 'the need to use whatever means or power available to continue working' and as we know, royalist Trump keeps claiming for himself expansive powers that break the parameters placed in the US Constitution = unconstitutional behavior of the Executive Branch morphing the US government into an imperial monarchy.

Plus, a nod should be made toward the 6th house of Work and Service (Civil, Military, Police, etc), and Health which contains disruptive Uranus @4Tau32 (in Taurus = seeking unusual sources of funding; environmental concerns) and money planet Venus @15Tau56 (conservative in Taurus yet luxury-loving). Together the Venus-Uranus pair relates to money matters such as extravagant spending, waste, eventual bankruptcy, plus, estrangement and relationship break-ups.

So here are some of the potentials of the planetary pairs posited in the 2nd-house with a few comments and a steel industry link included by yours truly:

Mars-Jupiter Thesis: action taken in response to legal judgments (Barr shortening Roger Stone's sentence?); advice which angers or inflames others (ditto); too much legal activity or opinions; religious activities. Anti-thesis: judgment of enemies or those who seek to do battles; misuse of forces; an expansion of military hardware (and funding); legal opinions or judicial cases which affect the military or metal industries.

Mars-Pluto Thesis: security forces allied with the military; conducting clandestine operations; using police or military against criminal elements (oh could we?); attacks using powerful forces and weaponry. Anti-thesis: A police state with rigid military controls; use of suppression and torture as a means of enforcing policy (Trump's dream?); exporting upheaval and political theory to others as an objective; wars, rape, mayhem, chaos.

Mars-Saturn (with Saturn strong in Capricorn at a critical-crisis 29th degree) Thesis: curtailing force or military power by authorities; enforcement of honor through the use of strife or struggle; wars which persist (yep); frustration imposed upon or by criminal elements (Alert: mob boss in the White House!); demands to halt armaments. Anti-thesis: military actions which continue under political or other restrictions; an obligation to use force (NATO?) when restraint is required; the ambitious taking of what belongs to another; an older enterprise becomes angered.

And if we add health to the planetary pictures in consideration of our concerns over Trump's obese medical condition, bad diet, and what looks to be his continual drug use (sniff sniff!), we find that Mars-Jupiter = hip or liver surgery or a major operation, Mars-Pluto = tumors and/or toxic diseases of the sexual organs (late-stage syphilis?), and Mars-Saturn = high blood pressure, blockages (how could a fatty grub not have these?), weak or withered muscles, and/or hyper followed by hypo (Munkasey).

Biologically, to Mars-Jupiter Ebertin adds 'heart muscle' and 'activity of the organs'; to Mars-Pluto: replacement by 'artificial organs and functions' (including dentures); to Mars-Saturn: 'joints, muscles, bones, tendons, sinews, bone or bone marrow inflammation; atrophy of an organ, and/or muscle paralysis, particularly of the breathing mechanism (includes suffocation)'.

(An additional astro-note: today, February 13, 2020, marks the first of three exact oppositions from transit Pluto to Trump's natal Saturn in clannish Cancer and these challenging energies imprint upon the whole of 2020 for him, and thus for our nation (exact again on July 12th and December 20th). Aptly, Trump's abuse of power issues are front and center in the news this very day via his Roger Stone sentencing interference, as you know, along with rigid demands concerning his authority, accountability, and unreliability, demands which are always required by cosmic taskmaster Saturn - his, spotlighted all through 2020 by oppositions from powerful Pluto, planet of manipulation, control, secrets, criminality, and hidden wealth.)

Well, this post is my second pass at the Spring Equinox 2020 Horoscope (aka, Aries Ingress) using a different lens than before. And as always your on-topic comments are welcome (moderated to cull out the ads and trolls!) and my Thanks for any and all Shares which encourage more such SO'W posts! jc

Related 2020 posts include: DC Horoscopes: Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 (tri-wheel charts shown), and the order-shifting Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction which ends 2020 on December 21st @00AQ29 - here are the conjunction's Midpoint Pictures and its DC Horoscope.

Sources: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey, and The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.

Above image: 'Abandoned Garden with Peonies', a pencil drawing by yours truly.

May 21, 2019

Warrior Planet Mars in Aries 2020

Today on Stars Over Washington I am featuring this morning's post just published to my general astrology blog Jude Cowell Astrology titled Mars in Aries 2020: That Fighting Spirit which mainly concerns the frustrating squares that transit Mars will form to karmic planets Saturn and Pluto in 2020, dates included.

If you're up for it, that is.

Jul 2, 2013

July 22, 2013: a new Mars-Jupiter cycle begins @5Can54

Mars joins US natal Jupiter at '6Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"

by Jude Cowell

The current Mars-Jupiter cycle began with their conjunction @22Ari20 on May 1, 2013, the day President Obama announced the assassination of Osama bin Laden, former CIA asset, and said to be the mastermind behind the tragic attacks of 9/11/01.

This month, that cycle nears its end as a new cycle of activity of a Mars-Jupiter nature will soon begin and it falls upon the day of America's Jupiter Return, July 22, 2013. Therefore, this indicates a Mars-to-natal-Jupiter transit for our nation, a time when plans may be exaggerated or expanded (including military actions) and/or there may be improvement in finances, more cultural or spiritual awareness, and/or someone's social status may be lifted. An increased appreciation for comfort and luxury may also be in evidence as the motivation (Mars) toward gaining such comfort is encouraged (Jupiter.) Yes, grand actions may be taken (as on May 1, 2011) and they may be broadcast (Jupiter), too--an 'announcement of military action' may be indicated or heralded on or around July 22, 2013 thanks to the combined energies of Mars (troops; police force) and Jupiter (the General--or, Commander-in-Chief.)

Now since this is a Political Astrology blog, it may be worth noting that in Politics and Business, the combined energies of the Mars-Jupiter duo denotes potentials for:

'Action taken in response to legal judgments; advice that inflames or angers others; too much legal activity or opinions; legislative actions regarding sports; religious activities or festivals (Thesis); Antithesis: misuse of forces when engaging others; an expansion in military hardware; legal opinions which affect the military or metal industries; judgment of enemies seeking to do battle.' (paraphrasing Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey).

To paraphrase Ebertin, the Mars-Jupiter combination may include: 'fortunate decisions, love of enterprise, fortunate business dealings, capable organizers, propagandists, jurists or writers on law, legal academicians, concentration upon an objective, rebellion against rules and regulations, settlement of conflicts, managing directors of firms or companies, civil servants and government officials'. Ambition and coping ability may also be added to the Mars-Jupiter list.

A horoscope of May 1, 2011 shows some interesting midpoint pictures to consider:

Mars-Pluto = Neptune, a picture of cunning, deceit, and harm caused to others secretly; Jupiter-Pluto = Neptune: cheating, deceiving, and seducing others (into believing that bin Laden was killed by US forces?), suffering damage or loss without being aware of it; a general disappointment (Ebertin.)

Plus, the Mars-Jupiter conjunction itself was at apex of midpoint:

Sun-Uranus = Mars: hasty physical actions (the bin Laden raid?), injury, accidents; and, Sun-Uranus = Jupiter: successful reformers, inventors, or technicians.

A titanic 'generational midpoint' was also in effect on May 1, 2011 and seems to relate to the bin Laden raid, protests across the globe, and to whatever you can name including bad actions taken on Capitol Hill in 2011, a year of fiscal stalemates that continue apace:

Saturn-Uranus = Pluto: acts of violence or brutality, overcoming a difficult situation through extraordinary effort, harm through force majeure, and/or rebellion against one's lot in life.

As for the upcoming Mars-Jupiter conjunction of July 22, 2013, a few midpoint pictures apply though we may not guess how their energies will express on the physical plane--if they manifest at all:

July 22, 2013: Venus-Pluto = Saturn describes immorality or tragic relationships, plus, Venus-Pluto denotes such things as intensely passionate obsessions, wealth hidden in secret places, and/or issues concerning bankruptcy.

'Old v new' Saturn-Uranus again, but this time with an apex Moon (the public; We the People) which signifies separations (esp from females--are there any ladies left in the misogynistic Republican Party?), inconstancy, strong emotional strains and tension, and a sudden desire for liberation from said emotional strains.

Last but not least is the tiresomely ongoing picture of Neptune-NN = Pluto which describes circumstances in which various perspectives don't blend well with that of others, isolation from societal influences, and the use of destructive forces to protect privacy. (Munkasey.)

The Neptune-North Node pair relates to spies and/or terrorists, deceit toward the public, leaders who ignore the demands of the people (exs: America, Egypt), inadequate medical care or ill-adapted hospital facilities, and/or scandals caused by foreign concerns.

And of course, Pluto is a master spy and propagandist in his Cape of Invisibility so we may take the Neptune-NN-Pluto trio as denoting the current embroilment with Washington and Russia over NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and the US government's naughty spying on all our communications--even after the Bush-Cheney T.I.A (Total Information Awareness) program with its creepy Illuminati logo was alleged to be discontinued yet was only hidden away with its massive funding now listed under "classified."

But I never believed that the TIA program ended when they said it did, did you? Turns out, it didn't--check out Before PRISM There was Total Information Awareness by MSNBC's Chris Hayes.

Apr 21, 2012

Has America gone bad because of milquetoast preaching?

The American Revolution, Uranus, and the May 2012 Solar Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

The Shot Heard Round the World on April 19, 1775 marked the beginning of the American Revolution. Preachers played important parts in that time as Chuck Baldwin ably points out in his synopsis of events. But do they still?

Overhead on April 19, 1775, Uranus, planet of revolution, revolt, and sudden upsetting events was at 00Gemini33, the current position of Fixed Star Alcyone, mention of which has turned up in multiple posts here on SO'W of late. To add to the guns and violence of 1775, Mars (militia) and Uranus (rebels) were squaring one another, an explosive condition which visibly and loudly played out in Lexington on that day.

Also, Uranus rose on April 19, 1775 with Menkar from the constellation Cetus the Whale adding a 'victim of the unconscious' flavor of confusion to the proceedings--who fired first, the Americans or the British soldiers who'd come to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock?

A Mars/Jupiter square added impatience and carelessness to events of the day, and Pallas (not discovered in 1775, of course, so unconscious then, conscious now) conjoined Moon in freedom-loving Sagittarius which echoes US Moon in Aquarius (co-ruled by none other than Uranus) conjunct Pallas in our nation's July 4, 1776 horoscope. Mythologically, one of the faces of Pallas was as protector of the nation-state, as you know, and in Mundane Astrology, Moon = We the People. Our sovereign nation needs our protection once again in 2012, as it turns out, just as on April 19, 1775!

And curiously, 237 years later, 00Gem21 is the position of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse which creates a time link from 1775 to 2012 as described by their midpoint picture with these potentials:

Sun/Moon = Uranus: intensification of independence within relationships; the urge for freedom; sudden developments; possible break-up; application of ingenuity to complete goals or create new ways of revealing old ideas; unusual twists of fate; lack of adaptability; inner rebellion; shared upsets; sudden conflicts. (Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.)

Can you hear The Shot Heard Round the World echoing through the centuries?

Dec 2, 2007

Bush irony strikes Putin--no scratch reported

With transit *Jupiter conjunct Putin's natal Mars and tr Neptune conj his natal NN (the public), Vladimir Putin's party has "won" the elections in Russia.

And George Bush has mildly called for investigation into election "irregularities" in Russia which is not as surprising as it is ironic. After all, where does Bush think he'd be without election irregularities (and a complicit Supreme Court)?

As I've mentioned here before--cheating isn't "winning"'s stealing.

When election irregularities really needed investigating in the US, Bush stayed mum for all the obvious he dares to comment on Putin's situation which is sure to bring him understandable--if mock--scorn from Putin concerning our own election "process" which has turned against the populace like a piqued dictator on a rampage.

The Holier-Than-Thou Theater is tres dramatic, is it not?

And the win-at-any-cost Machiavellians among us would be comedically entertaining if they weren't totally vile and psychotic.

*Jupiter to Mars: a fortunate period if overestimation of abilities is avoided; luxury consciousness prominent; on the winning team. Or in this case, on the cheating team which passes for winning in today's political world.

Neptune to North Node: inspired use of illusion or deception in dealing with the public (who sees what they want to see!)