You knew it too, didn't you? That Pres. Obama's appointment of Larry Summers to his Econo-Team would eventually bite the president in the tushie.
Apparently it's been chomping from the start and before.
And here's a little fraud and corruption of the BlackRock variety. Hope the Obamas are enjoying their Broadway play and dinner tonight in NYC...while the nation's coffers are burning into cinders.
Perhaps a fiddle tune with your pasta, Michelle?
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Showing posts with label Lawrence Summers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lawrence Summers. Show all posts
May 30, 2009
Larry Summers be gone!
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
fraud and corruption,
Larry Summers,
Lawrence Summers,
Obama econo-team
Jan 14, 2009
And the Robber Barons ride again
Here is the natal horoscope for the Robber Barons, the *Generation of Materialism chart for the New Moon of April 28, 1881 from E. Alan Meece's Horoscope for the New Millennium. As you see, I posted this unmarked chart before chicken-scratch notations became my habit.
The planetary line-up in greedy Taurus shows the possessive, money-grubbing crowd in their resource-pilfering splendor. This New Moon followed a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, the societal planets that relate on one level to money...Jupiter = expansion, Saturn = restriction, and their conjunctions time a new phase economically and politically (Jupiter = Rs, Saturn = Ds.)
These days we're under the sway of their May 28, 2000 hook-up at '23Taurus'..."A jewelry shop filled with the most magnificent jewels." Most US taxpayers would agree that Wall Street gentry and their Capitol Hill enablers have been helping themselves shamelessly to the jewelry shop's largess.
*Carlton Hayes coined the term Generation of Materialism.
Venus Rx conjunct nebulous Neptune represents materialism's corrosion and dissolution with the trend toward 'combination' economically, and we see now the re-turn toward monopolies and cartels ruling every roost and rigging each game. Yes, the robber barons are riding again.
Oily, collectivizing Neptune in Earthy, economy-minded Taurus is a signature for 'economic nationalism' which replaced the 'political nationalism' of Neptune in Aries.
Uranus in Virgo increased planning and bureaucracy and the trine between Uranus and Neptune (1880) marked their combination and cooperation with one another as business cartels reduced competition and regulation.
The Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune, the beginning of a new cycle for these transpersonal forces (1993) in the 18 to 20 Capricorn range, is associated with the New World Order and its agenda for world governance...'18Cap'...POLITICAL POWER. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.) ~Click NWO link for more info.~
If you follow the links to the NWO natal chart you'll see the Ic - the Foundation of the chart (6Tau08) - is conjunct the above Robber Baron chart's New Moon degree.
So now, joy of joys, Robert Scheer says the Wall Street robber barons are riding again and I heartily agree.
In fact, they've never stopped.
From Timothy Geithner's questionable tax issues to Lawrence Summers' culpability in the current deregulation-fueled economic meltdown, I have to wonder why Obama dissed Wall Street out of Harvard yet embraces its denizens now. Lovey dovey!
Perhaps the answer lies in my previous complaint - that Barack Obama had to be cleared - and agree to play the game Wall Street's way - in order to get where he got campaign-wise and ultimately to be certified as president of the United States.
Note to Donna D: you asked what I'd like to see in the news for the Inauguration...that the millions of attendees come through safe, sound, and un-arrested, and that everyone serving in Obama's cabinet and on-staff reveal what organizations (secret and otherwise) they swear allegiance to or associate with, whether Jesuit, Freemason, Rotary Club, Knights Templar, Illuminati, Bilderberger, Trilateralist, Mossad, Zionist, fascist, or Other:________...take off your masks and let the American people know who you really serve and what your true goals for this nation are.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Barack Obama,
Lawrence Summers,
robber barons,
Robert Scheer,
Timothy Geithner,
Wall Street gentry
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